0 The rUIlUSHKD DAILY, WKZRLT, EVIJiT H. rvfy.....(iUor ami i'n Hither Jlditor j 31,'firirjpn., """" ""f SUBSCRIPTION rates: vTratlr, per ytwrl.llUtf.W...... I 60 P;rrMIo4w Mataipsr BV;rsVJdloi I of Terbiar frverflsmg can be had on applies BiliMi'diV)VmtvlW -' JIUriljJfch,0 liitftKlMat JjtaMfihdoB..IHH .a (? 4Mi fc'i.("S !. -Ijrj n1 T,ili1f tit.' SaijActHT a.T1.' The note of alarm Houndeif'fioSi S?nlif ha's discovered by pqreonajLob.. erv'tlon'tbat Mr. CleyelapiJ jirppfe to liayjBH, Dfj)g9jal!,Q a(iilujstraUq,u with all which that4 .liiirilJoB.. ..TIiIh was tliu opiuioii-ol iiif,ny-of us months neolHvheii'the Prtofetdimt aCco'iiinanfed by'Jtil6 blanlicoiisuiiliiiK edtfor of (lie . Tribune and tha uiacliug editor of the I'hllit'delptilS Tidies jirbpocd' ' Umt IlepubltcanjiliQjdd hj) ljiinto jjniku asaurauce of Domoerntlo victory doubly afire' Uy 'oVdrtfirowlHS tKe YliJaBblal legislation of tliq ast thirty yearHyVpqn which rests the credit -of -tho nullou.' J9ojoiig tinweees with clearer eyesihdn 3Slr. Emory Smith (hat" the' whole Sherman agtaUou fvua- i prttlut.ii llauk movement upon the ; KetltilftcAu line. M?.MCl'dv'elafirf riw!hlB Vlctfity In tliCjpuse, .to 4epubHciii. .vote., rf WiUio.ut JJepublicaii'Vdtts he would Butler lyiiomiiildus defeat in thoSenato: Tt etvtlieso. vote.B . were ;m)vyerej, toyman luimedlaUu ad.vnnqo.upau- the vital pdiutsof the1 IteVliblican line1. ' MVe'liave'iib (Quarrel with Mr. Clevo- land because .ot mo proposed liieotlous bill. 1 Whyshould w complain? The Democratic "Victory 'was based lijiqii the .cry, against "The Forco ,,Bill." Mr. Harrison proposed that', the elections of Representatives and the Executive sliould lie uidfcrei'efal control. This meant uo war upon thesuUrogeof-any; Jiouest voterybnt the prote'etlou of lti liocent honest' voters against antag onisms, wilch they jjould .not resist The. nature of these" antagonism's will be read In the news from Roanoke, Va ; auI.tli,o dmuifu . iu'luenU'In Louis I una. The cry was-rabed in North' e'rn journals ihat-tbls meritorious' bill -Was' a measure for "tlie coercion of the. Bputli.;"Mt'bat.it wusa "Force Bill; anu its tueci'wouia ue mat "every SoutherU white wohiau would be com pelled to marry a negro." This up manly, despicable and un-American cry iiiore thair auy'bther concentrated theSoutheru icritipient whicli, gaye Mr. Cleveland his extraoidluury vote, Is" there' arV feaeon- SvYiy" odf'Bohlh- e6rii frfeuffs f hould iip'conp fo thlr own? They areiu the sadd.lu.--North' ern --Damocrats l)fclpt(P- them -there, Why Bli'buW;:iiur'"feffiilhAu ffleui not rlde?wjwu. r: ji. .i i . Jl .vrirat-is: ail (3 r iliil fr"- JUnin blloan b N'orth alftf Smitfi lrtive oef-'doiisidferl despotistatutdarlt uud.prv found ssjthat.- M'hlclf VeSUbvtt'RirsSa." ThKutftwe theirj.vhlru.-turnrW4nt trageilyi Tliere is-llflt alBtHat''-tMtlitamao'ri and Dixon's , Jiui whitltuTiii not dls- fAtielKf. -'AM WtWllirfiHsfrilffch'rls- iJBWlif'ttalatlv Id rimtytafnirinatwl JWit.; It iymU k iU U b i iri d7 be rernediwmrFWBtt- H grautthatrqflqgytjon Riit jf tJquUi erriimemhiBistiui'ion jUilsarjd tlvelf prlftitic'anilstratlbirt e bos fll'ilaml other sections should allow thesudisr us In tnjgyjijflil$i&- (iHbe na. tlOHIf-4Pft4TOe'nieFKuireli?oTTlie WrttrltherntHlfeftrlfrHntSI( tflfe rflre&Vtli'ei4 OoOgO thirty icuia ago fchouJd give law to the Peytous and the Leet.lt still stands that the electoral power of the Botitliern states In the Union uauriAtlon. r " mr M" m MegrM suffrage Knuy bv iniMlilviole)lu4Lhnt hi ib i m - wl r'B-. vorfflneii?cailuotorarth - hi r wi ave a riglit to protest aguinst negro sullrnge-thus destroyed belrc used as a living, potentv'J)i1j'U'r against the wliltesnllraiteof tlie ortll. This la the esaeiillarpoTn of t' ie pro jr avH sd(lTldTtli)nsrJiljl. ft .lirT'JT.0,l31l kih. suppressed the negro vote in thefcouth by violence, he proposes to have that tHi npsesfinjkl! "P eMtcr4 by an act of .ynri. Ills claim should be fought Iran sun rice to sun rise by every aeTTcy-wlthln the con- fftito tyrfaj r)m i orcjirgfWft U rr - -z c Tlfrf ,lfOrtehiidny' "cry Is Vlmply a personal whim of '.he President. 'ejPwiOCrWSyirhBMr.. OtlKHnpunilOiCB moroidett n i Ul tin d 1 Met W. 'j,Hiey mean , a,lri,aifl8-,i1rilf"oseir,,'i'U,cK,6f'Kf!Mf)B bill, to legalize' the" shotgun. They mean to repeal ttiotffX"on state banks auiUnylye.the shltipla!errTdfthe cry'of HtateB Rights ft Mj)Tey. They mean b,etYiUo ' atjtho' WvjrW of (ho lifp'tlj, withy au .i.lnc'oniiljtfl.Ahil they menu, if purposes uotyLvaguc and dim cbnlo" "into sliape. to Afoirt the K w.'. -.r .-A renjuon I' linu, or us niucn'Kjinurojj released' fromtbftope(fU:rir-riSed laWWyHo 'tlre'pay'fiit-iitsor- KoiithlTn1 elfllli .to" irt Us. , This Is a Cleory -lofclcftl -iVillojv and oiir Derii06r'a16 frlehdtldeeTVe'i)Vihc', fqr,tllelrrajy5hm"ayowln; It, '.Tjix pqllqyTAvlll idftvelopr ,-Tiiie.- uttwU .on- silver Ian haltedrTlra- -lltlftatf WW will ep'alieid: ' ASt.'!TlilefS -ffld otili1 -.,4'. r) -wa Ayr ?t. f ; a - jineuoraldo.occasjouij '.'Wo. mu tlia iirliclioco!:arie leaf iitivtinae.? 'So: bb It'lja'nrirDeniofcrars'vlll'aorl'h ilf' t'hpy.cft'u. ;. j7lafopf 'ft and this can alone bOvdouOibyJioldiug'. wi(U -; iildrniiesS'' and 'fidelity' ofrery point df tlio'Ttepiibilcau raidV gl vefi lis" by Jjlncolu ftiidtlie fatpqXH, and.whlqh theywerejproud todefend with 'Uhelr Uvea, 'their' fd'rtdrieB 'and 'their saqred honor," jPuia. Star. , , .. .. " Rnco I'liiit In llroofuiyii. ' ' 1 "BnodKLKV,-&p(. 25, Tliera -AaSi flgrit lietween'HalliiiVnhdlrish'lnljorci'k engaged in laying tracks on XaBsau stract ycsior dayj Sl)0TCl. picltSf spades, and- ofiy ycapon, tho, ujon could ,lnyithoir hand( oti ivcro uped. Not one of-tho h,Uiidrcil, combnthnts escaped b'ruios, and it ' !s thought tbnfln'SomiJ of fhb tnsc's'tfio 1ft-jUrloATlltpi-Ovo frttftR Uitrlils the Oijht four .Italians-jventz to tha roof tt a liouso and. l)cgna ji f usJltadp.qt JjfickH and stepus on tho. heads, of tho contending pirJJos. During thobutlo' the" street In the. Refgy borhbM were crowded". : Sjltny of tho mis siles went wide oftlt'eii-iilark -'and stru'c'U' oulookBri. "ilosephStigerottov theItallttii foreman, autlcUxhtoao ofJilsxanKvere iu rostgd,, jUnpufirtriuthit the ImUaii-) wru the us'ressqrjl ' . : i. ' "' Stolon tlo'raii'Kec'oVeWrf.'-" " ' WE'sT'(yiiE8TEn,-,r'!i., Sept. 23 -"-Officers jarrived here with' flVfe 'hbrsfes iind tln'eo buggies whlclrthuy'SUL "Bt Nine Points and viqOJttyOfCnGcMteeiMuBty, from 'farmers and otliers: The proporty was nllflfole'n-in'elHware ailA Maryland by' "Jim" CIomson'And 'yoe'flarris. two of the noted. Welsh nioiintni il gang, who Were orrcsted:a few days since lor hort'e stealing in Chaster cguuty. This county haa. recently been, infeotetl w.hrJiOseH LuievuH, uuii ii uujiiure ul luu tuiuvta and thefcebvery df so inrich stbiffi prop1-' crty has 'cnuted oonsiderahla 'excitement. .ScuANTONvPii.. Sent. 25.r-Gerald aM 4W'tipivI)oyI.c were at the. .cqtms of JIiHlc bafilrday night and saw llugTiei' OongWerff'Kihf Ms 3l1niMlo' comYny'fn trluo?, theU'rwest;n,-bu'iter -Act. -1'Kt hoj hi botli4 aged; 17-aItJi four .corartidei Toaterdar tpok a-SJo)ert aun and. hattltij ot the ciTy. ,Doj;le jicciileritairy flied, the iun.-ftiid Vimff-walj' Snof tniWeii tffi heart aild Intlf-klUW.'- ' - 2i"-;- PERU. Ind., Sept.:aSrr4liliitltiil)H'l, .con In t 1 1 et.F. l.rtca V l UaA i r. l.u kins, one of Xonaon ornhiin oelrringers, iWookcy, died jorfiiJH'-i lllle Kvans iliyvttiif -4 iWI singer otiHa,isiJiti)Lj Herioiis i' etaetediy ctmairion tint of frsiVt tft Aiie'ty5 fiifrilTiiwTHI! theubwas KMutwodtiaeveial. duiungiV ami conclusive proof that ti$v(!e Jll)lurttd in anarchist plots la nld to have been ot taiueib- jJjJJtUKllUlit)ojliHiAlaO(t)lc keiised a prfeiiipif Pia,Itt!i'kiS1iiIalaM 01 fceuuious nti ! :i z ,'ftyn.TflrllW,WJ--ir.-F 1Kb LtidrPWriiin8i terdav" Itbluti6uiIvortfraTi fnime dintttVil:itw(a -nihwl.;almo6UwithMtt basebA'lcj 'Records: :ir:i j i-t . . Nutliinul l,tiitatuuv ' 1 .' rJZ.. " 2 w. I" i.U ' W. tT. d .HOU orurinnaH.'WT m ivh.i nai t ninnan n 11 . At Louisville: Philadolphte, 4; LohIn vllle, 3. At St. IiDuis (Grht game) M Lulllt, 7; New York, 5. At. St. Louis imc oud gituiej: -Now Vurk, 5, Si i-iullij, i. destxpyeil FtifiraU BiTTwoTT u(litioti. lUtemjAii Astikr la coi. it.AlTllEHKliriil I Moinbor8 of tho Lowe ilisousB tho toroo It litis Alros Jy'TfSp'h lroTTtlod, However, '" Tiinf Viitln oii tfii3iYMfil Hill "VVllt 'riBlh'tlc.' l'frMtlMyHklln'rinvIlt it: 1 uJ jVAWPKHToViiPeHt. 1iwiJ'li(tte 5 WW- onnuR'Ounaii "'"'k i! $$mrl. 'lt otwi the entire w fielju'lrCIViKV bfforia SaturfSv WWftJwartBreWltiK fi"Hi lmPAt.'luHfi'iafTt,iW 41iw rit branches a the fWeniiiijtiWrnBioiit.- J5K SleivtirtAWill iMkalutho' UxLifor.an jiti kround that ,it lifts traanais upon tlie ctmBmutToBttr pOwBts'iBf tire' leTjlKlnrrfB UiendirtKTejMhl'biUnl .' : 'I JftoWcei)fo.lnftMspfcoaheft) Juite'.berai lh'o6ssf6nil,Hi-,tmt gtVo iWentull iidUYfe lor'vleliAf ii each day? But thaiitbof fcpeaKer.' will uouqn3Kliii lBoied1d;tlr)vari-.ltalf;a:(J((ii,'twifl. t.qrs,wh9fltapd wid?! tq talk aamqujo incut tlioV miw bejittllojt upon t'p do sg. ' Tile douSo iflll tomorrow etffer upon tlie two weeWd'ehhfo 6f tlib Wit to repeal "all statutes telatlrtc wVipervltori of 'tilio tlonsi and - jgpl'clhj. deputy mnrshallK.v According -to liqt terms qfj tl)9 priler; r,epn,Vtcd by coniinj'cjpi6n rpl.osyip ljojihp will proceed 6 Its eouslileratlon lojnorro'wj fmhiddratcTy 'hftcr-'thV'iiftcOdd' liliirh'jnk' IwlilVi or'-ff said second noiiliiglnJu'r shair uobhnro jsoonor enilwl.thcif at tlle-hoilf of 2 o'clock p. m. And it further provide. 'tthut, the, .coDbidrfaUputfJt will -l)U ebnll niOnnrig aour of each leaislativo day th'efeaTtcVup io' rind'i'ndl'udliiB' 'tbo U'tlr dhyof 03tol)er"rict?"JTlmt'iii t'lfo fioV'ot1 adjourniaeitt oil sai(l-loi!t mimed' dfty thff nrcvisii.i jiiieutionTHliidliei He -oiinaidorBd' odonulpi ajl.peuy.qatfnvnd1"91! on ttjo. mil ip iis mg(osginRJU. ami uiini,rcaiurK, add lb1 ItT final ssairf.r fln tie 10th fl'. fnelfeV, ivKbseluaWio alrbfchedJtt tho auenslii en!tla?jalejldns-will 'pen tjo tflenfecju in ispppottjiifj .tbiJlll, tuidi n tnoIaw8Souclit to1 lo feipealfcd, pecllilly1 (hlr Wowrtnco motlsto Jolinli. ua6tlp(i tH6 Chief sUl' poryUor of-elections inflSBrt York .Messrs ySfWUl apd-IikW)nrnpmV(;s of .the. committee, will follow MrTuckcr for tho uui, out inruier lunn ims no ueuuiM oi uio, icbatj n 'tfliit1 'slik TiSvo' hectl flrhiftiicd. ,T)oubtless some of IWNeW York'm'em'bbrs will-speak more fully. Than Mr.-Titclter of Jlr. iJaroupoct'si-oimeetioh.WltU theiclCQ tlon umchijicry in tjjat cjtyt - f', ; : l)jn opposition,) 0(oj)Ui, Iolilvcr, .of IoWa.wlU liavo thOj' opening, 'followed by' Slr.'Johbson of Yndratit.9-lJofch: of theso". atoconiparrttivwy-'youhglneif arid' m'em- hers liubthey nrdnmong.tl'n'moit aggrtts-' slyo;po!ltic.al d.oj)ator6 wwyja-UupubUciin.' icU vigor arq IcVl- from sonth-' efn neifspaberi of 'rccenli dat'ri, whiclr'tho- willusoto demonstrate the necessity Tor the cbutluuuucuof ,lne.:eJection: raws on tho. Klntuj 0,10018, f(ijd.i)fo!,e:.t,ft!voyng staco is reached a red liot noliticul battla will uouTjtless lie rngEig. ' Al.'LBN'roWfr, PIJ SepUM.i-ltoljere Wng- ner.'ftged.7, jtml' Jiarirw A'lenilerJnKfl! 23,-Were-fqnml deijd in (lie potato pit of II." ivoa s uarn, on .tie.out,siyrt!5.Q. thH city yesuiruu;. xm: ineu, were, on if. lernpo dslmnch- n'n J SatlMtriv? nlld Hfit unM 'tn hSv'e dranlinea'rly'WS kcgs'df beer. -MSses V. Allonder, tbofathr of Harveyi 'helped thom to disposo.ef oua kefp Thay wound up their drunk hywandering to tho barn to sleep. PoiMnous f times from a"1 fodder curing room above the potato pit sutfoi-l caieu iue,inen. ajjuer was ueareati -toe- foddar room, and his body when found was a bright blue in color. Vonslon (llUcu btatUtlc. ' -"WASHiSOTiW, Sept. 25. The weakly atntphiPTit. nf tlia pcn'ilnn nfflrn shoivs-'tliat the total number of claims nowiTiHiiilInD' is 700:270,' dividod-into classes an fqllbvVsif Act dt June 27, 1800, 141,431; Indrap-.wars, 4,017oldara, 4,022; henice since March 1, 16U1, 206,000; additional 10 pribrSappIicit-' tlonsr 123,801; incl'6ased and ' acorueil wiuows, .v,uo(; lncreasuii claims, ju.w, army nurses,- 70S. The total numbcr'of oSses.rejeotedTilurTng tne week was. 4,317, and those allowed ltJjh. --Uomncrnt GRthnriiiR ut Allentorrn. 'ALMJ.I'alfp.-Air'rlibara, turns iot toe cimveflifon o? emosrauqt ckuas bern 6niTuidttjr acs eom plated, aud: th-eliWre ,oliJ", eBffierat aid: ttepuiiji-' NttJiHiRl Cliiilrjimu.. -Jli rribjr', . AHornajr GtiiHj, IleiKM). 0.-Rr -Iltadc-nnd a, ciin jfressftmal "flelegation 5 from Wifeuiutttjba kimved todays , 3y. ,A.-1P(krieg,;r8&irn- Ing from annntina anq flsfilhg expedition epirt.Uiip!i.nB to Clwctaw a limb ar)fr'Mty1mHesTronrtlVi-'4 oftBoKity ceu( glettiou (a WiViaj 0 wis lynsh- " ' " ' " " i-us : J. . janga.i i?u a if i . p , iti ClUfltr JtfJ'la'. InlUOk. j-.- Airiou)B,.jH. 5,r-4icbl)iAop,- Qorr rhjau, of ew .Yorit ,isiejyjacl4iil, .will preach the serindfi on the oocaslmi of the Jtlmlei) service 1n 'tie'Va'chedrar hate &arV ng'thte-eoiilpletlddVy Oivrdttifll Gibbons of tiVBUtyitivofyeurBTiti! itli episcopate. The datt for thttrvicilYlllIlesday.Qct. 18. --: tlx), A4b Wi tL lern I.vnchlncrl. VYAYcnotg, iTfif? Se'pt.' as.-iKepr'eR'enta- fivo cblift-Bor'eftlftai here afe 'called'1 a btate convenUi tOmef dh Oct. 17"t6 form an association for tha purpose joI prevents iuglyuchiLiu and other outrages on. the uet'ro- - ? .. .. - . , Iva licfuteil the KiiiclUliuinn. OHitj.i, Sepfcritt-iTtiw .lTeeUolerts iitUrlwtiooal bUlUiril voatW..caulUMl in 'Mi r.r-iHi Wfti blike.'" -M li-V"'1 WWT4 riW redrittd uum t miirwir' iww wuittnu held a aeorat meetiug heu- yuxUrday. It U tiudarstood that a strike w.is decided upou. Tha Waathar. Showerii aasurly winds. and Uuools. These HpeadigH rwilijPt,HJl In all of the time., as. tnb lenittlcnina .of nilWrWn 41 liMlionfWill 17 sl mv Mrs. Mary Shuta Triln' Wn" (if tny-.fcjifiah'ini slde.d r bWanie reduced in neah, and crowing worse, removal to the Byraouio hospital was under advhement, !Whcn :1 JgaTM Hood'ai t SnmlplrllLi IrtaUl 1 TSllWrto'ln.llq?ft:(!fa,qnt l(cartiVy nUit?ut dlstroa. and am now welt'' .Mils. lUnr Hood's Pills euro liver 111a 25a. Try a box. SeTnn lliuulrfMl Hunk Ii'alltirns, WXMIlKStd.'PepW 2.1.V&Mtics cdnr piltll (iHimu(flHtinblata s7ioW ' piaR frotn Jauuarj; tOjijuptauiNr, tlifc4'i)nr, ngUstnto aiul.priyatei hiinkA ,1 tlia,;Tfiitoif -Stages failed and ul.iit 72 have rf?umjd liusilles's. Ilf thu s'linio'tlrne lu'iiiitfolia) bijhks failed, iu oi'wniun mivtj Tostnnel. i ; rctttmeu.j, i ' crick .Ilaller, il ocloKelinrjdivWIi' wos luicawiicii wiin uio poornrraso uecautie oi her 'flndiennty llHblTS, jumped from the lml0ohjof lieFliofftef fi'dWrlii'ite df tWnlr ilTefueu -StHsMuaainHd iliWrulll'lnJurlW Which will prove c.itul. -.1 . w-ti.rrr 'x ' i''4' ' '-r Auviili') . VilUvrlo. , f TsWoW'W-nt. l.'--'t-'.is?umqrH"that UoyiiMTierp's'lSiTfili: olviicf' oFtlie NHv tihbethas l(WeijiWl A efiHirenP frfirfyio Kn J,of,UiHii3iTnKOuitior ot theVAlkfHo, t0aail,A r,iq or thJrejitoil!t.!H:e cup in. 6t tho- 'W(fj3d,"-tlbturiig swonis ns olcanl.n' Hp, l1icrco's Qaldan . llfMlti.il TJiscoverj. H'puriQps, th'a ' UOo'd'os Vell'isiirrlcWit.1 iTiw-trutlr isii an .arfultiun- of toatiuft it. .' - : .:' , '.: Fortunately,, therp ,a. tisr sUo-bulMor, th&rs oveii better1 for- Milakhig- healthy " fleih.l i-ieaun iu jastceltectlvDJn result qrgaiqf tJaboxJy! a 'i j ;, When the crertns of dlsoaso nro round amnt us wo do not all got thom; Why tJ 'Sohlo or lisiro'in too-good a-conll(Ion:""TllSiBenns of fijnsumptiQn, (Iripjiw JJalarip, and all ihe imcciious uiseases, pas you oy ii aro strong to resist their attack. 'Rcnaer your self igsrmwoaf. liyptitting your blood rtrid liver, in .aliealtljy fMjta.. ; . 1 . . In all blood-taints and diseases. It, tho J' Dis;. ooi-etf" fails to benefit; or euro; your1 inoney' Is returned. " . - . . Nq qthpr mpdlplneif jb kind caq.be toldsa Rheumatism,- :...-' Lumbago, Sciatica ' K!dney Corhiitairtts. ' an. mmw mmw belt Wlthlilectro-MaBhetrc CUSPEtlSORY ' latent rntcnts1 lli-t-t TmprovemCTlU t Wlilranwlth.iiMndti'ln. .iinv. ilocrtirrtlUDcfroia crvtfit4ir4lpa-ut hroia rnfv'ovi icudtprlinit' ofpwoti, im ntTfi-bs Ut-hflftj', -rtci prrfwatss; languor. FDl,liAV i'ttv W'feii 'f lilW niqrToTpoa (htwiUoo artfriltotliorri rao(ea full(il. ancl io Kivo Lundrcdl EANDEM lLECTR!C CO., . 1 is- -la ,J-ji .ii." .liDiT Of Ti 2J j taiw a-idi Tii', ,M u !. V .el i TaJi..iV i itW jii'?hini i- V0TE FOR"-- CONTROLLER. 1 til' itltA, art 1 ; m- -1 139 Houtli Main Htrecl, ' ' " )Sll.ox3.iiclc3ixli, i - . t ',-,.) i -. j. All work cuasantetd tQ,be,flrf t-class ln.evary res' ect. We rflsoettfuur iollblt a gli&re df your futronK&. toodsaafladtoranddsiUeredj u provided by tha Aot of Assembly approved April 4 lb, 1st. Brewers' AeeooIattoD, Bbitutadcah, Juni e, ins, li v 1 V, 11-.' "i"' 1 ' ' ' , J ! T - . . . ' - i .. : ri . - ' - 1 - ' DINfi RAILROAD SYSTrj mb9i1dls in zrrior au6. A s lciTO Shenandoah as follows- .'ow Virk via 1'hlladelnhl.i. IreoEldava: B. 6.-6. 7 ifjfti.m , 12.20. Z.X. b.t& cm. Kimciai o;roa.a. mAJ'-or New York vln.MauchCliunW'j wccKnays. 7sj a. m.,u.!ie, z&op. m. For Heaillce and 1'hJladelnhla. week dsvs. sio.TaL a.m.. ur.scu. ziteKBtiraiL. sun: dav. 2.10. 7.48 a. m . 4.30 o. m JgpfJjJjtTlsburg, week days, 2.10, 7.20 a. m., ForAJlen Fnr I'nltRvlIlP. waaV dnvn. 2 tfl. 7 20. . a m.2'50' 5,56 P' B"f . For 'amanuaADd. Maiiimcy City, week days, v. m. Sun- 2.10, 6.2.", zi, 7.0, n. m-;ujal,',2.f:.t5p. m. sun- uav. 2.10. 10, 7 48 B.tO.,"4:28p. ttl. Adl Additional for Mahanoy Cltv. week davs. t i' or L,anoasier ana uoiumo ays, 7.20 a. m.,zsM ror UMiaia?rri weeK aim mi. 17 Sunday.Ss For Mahannv Plunp iy p'lunp, wi t ir rtayn, 2 10, 3.85, S.25, ' ' ' " '. 00, 9.C5 7.2", rn p.m. Sunday, 2 10, 3 20, 7 Ma. m . 8.O0, 4.;op. m. r 1 Foe Asblandvanid'ebidnaldniaweak davL 3!5. Leave New York via i'hllndelpma, week cay , 00 a. to., 1.30, 4 00, rw p. nj., 12.16 night, ban ay, 6.00 p. m., 12.15 tifcbt, Leavo New York via Mauoli Chunk, week davn. 4.00, 8.46 iTun., l.W, 4.30 p. m. Sutftlif, t.TS'S m. limj)hla31fWI.O,rrl(lt rHUlWh, 8.SV Ku 'ni.f UnJ 4 B.0O, Hunday 4 00. 0 05 a. m. pTrfr? ,eavo Potisvllle, week days, 2.40, 7.40 a. m. I2S0, 6,11,0. nj J ataayja07?.oa. la..l2.'0.r()m,. uoavo 'ramaaua. wecK 'Sin4ayl4i2o!; '43 ii hJl nu; 1.21. 7.16. 0.28 d. m. 2.9) p. m, ocavo Mahaiioji, Oltj lia7a.ro.,J.61tV.4Ti9fe vweek days, 3.45, 8.18, week lit 3p.40,!i s2.0e,'2fto.a)V7.67,l1J. Ha. in.. 3.37. 6.01 d. 1 9.3SJ 0, 1 1 .ras m.tr55,2.M,'20Tjl.OT,7.67,l1J. 10 . Sunday, 2.40, 4.00, 8.27 a. m., 3.37, 6.01 p. m, Lion. 4.0, 8, ea a., a.ao, n.iDp. m. aunaay, njsrp. m. ,, kir Baltimore. AVafltalniTtnn4i4tV lhfWrti rAii u. ti. u., mrouga irains loavo uirara Anuc station, PhtlaaclWla,f. ft It. R. im at me.m, 11. by a. m.. a.-r. 3 3 U. 8.02. 11.27 a. m..Jt. T ATtfANTJ t U1TY DIVISION, Qcave Phltadclnhiaj-ChCHtnul. -ntrnnt whi atUH0Dtn,trct arifWiAHWMo city, weekdava KinioHs. 81m. Bin. 1114S Excurbiun TCOum. Accommodation, 8 00 u m. Hundays ISi Dress. 7 30.8 00. 830. 8 00. 10 00 a rn and 4 30 pm. Accommodation, 8 00 am and 445 1 Pff. a - .. . 'f ( ltetutuiiig lcavo Alhmtic City depot, Allauilb and Arkansas avenues. Weekdays Express (Idondays only, 0 45) 7 00, 7 35, O 30 a m and 3 15, 4 00, 5 to, 7 30, B30nro. Aioommodatlon. 610T imandl30p. ISicufllon, ftom-topt Ibt issiiiniAVoauuoniixienaiui . - Munaays Exprow, ;if4lto,fcl), Hi0,Ti3 7 00. 7 30. 8 00. 8 30 nTn. cl;i!!iniiodlrtlon?-? sa ti m and 5 05 p m. u. u. MAMuuuit, oen, rasa. Act. LEHIGH VALLEY UMMt PassenEec-frauiS XodvbViSlton&HdoilS 'foH t'enn iiavcn . Haven Juncilopp. MAUcn. CJiunfe Ee-J hlshton, Slatlai gioiM wniie'uau,.uiHasaai (Jfttai ana. Allcntown, Dctblclicm, Easton, Philadelphia iiazleton. weatherl; l. wcatherlv. 'Quakaico Junstlc on.' De. anoand Mahanoy Citir'afe.Ol.WvAJl 38!;a'm'' 12.43,2.67, 4.22 p.m. .y, J,.., For New York. 6M!!'z. (A.. 'Hilh. 4.22 D. m. for iiazioion,,wnkes-iJarr,e1 vvnite ite Hnven fittstoa,-iiacoyviiie,Tawsn(ia, sayre,, and fflmtt&JLW.-jttijimiifrai8 Tor llochostcr, HuBalo, Niagara Falls and Tor- licTvidcro, llclai awarn Watnr llmi and sirouusourg, a. m., p. m. i'or lvamocrivine anOimian.o!!JH.jn.. For Tunkhannock, 6.TlSljoaa7Silw,'fOi) f if For Ithaca and Geneva 6.01, tUJS a. m. 8.0 o. m i'or AUDurn u.oa a m. B.ua p. m. jiii 1 For jean esviiio.tievistonandueaverMeadow. y.o, a. m., 0.2, s.os p. m, or Auaenrled, Uuzlttoh, Stockton and fitim (For .iirautcnV.JS.ftfl V08," a. m.,uij .6T- ,&7-f j8.ua p.m. 16.04, 7.26, 0.08,'a. m 12. 13, 2.57, 6.27 p. ir. Fnr Ashlanfl. fllrarilvnift nnrt r,natr!ri.plf. 4 7.61, 8.52, 10.20 tf.WnW,i.4&?lilOy.3, a22,16 rui navcu nuu, wvuiiituu, iuuuui uuiuiviauu and ,22. 27, 8.08, 8.38, lO pim, Trains will lSaVeS Mrfnotlh' StTSB.' 1T.4S a. m.. i.15, 3.20 p. m. and arrive at Shenandoah at .06 a, va.. 12,13. 2.U7, p,-tn. , . , Lecivtf Soon HKWah to "Pottdvllle. 6. flfi UHSft-m 12 & VJVJU n tn 9.06, 10.15, 11.48 a. m., 12.32, 3.00, 5.20, 7.00, 7.15, mm?" Leave Shenandoah for Hazleton, 6.04, 7.26, 8.08, B. m., 12.43. 2.67, 4.22, 5.27,8.08 p. m. Leave Iiazleton lor Shenandoah, 7.20, 8.23 11.06 a. m., 12.15, 2.65, 5.30,7.25, 7.66 p. m. SUNDAY TRAINS. Trains leave for Ashland, Girardvllle and Lost Creek, 7.38, 8.40 a.m., 12.30, 2.45 p. m. For Yatesvllle, Park Piaco, Jiahattoy-CUs; Delano, Hazleton, Hlaclr (geelMitEtrfycai Haven Jtinctftn. MauchW CMirJisj,uieulcwU. Jiothlcheiii;.Kttaton and HenUforS, B.40 1 m., i For Philadelphia 12.30. 3S5 rfVjBj'l BB For Yatosvlllo, Park Place, Mahanoy City and .uciano, B.4U, ii.so a, m., i", ju, , ,11,1.1 iiiiMi Leave Hazloton for Shenandoah. 8.S0."lh3tr . m l.uo, o.au p, m. ! Leavo Shenandoah for Pottsvllle, b.60, 8.40, B.S0 a. m., 2.45 p. m. Leave Pottsvllle for Shenandoah, 8.30, 10.40 a.m. .1.20, d.idp, m. . W. NONNEM ACHER, Asst. G. P. Ao, I 3 aoum ueinienem r-a: It. II WILBUR, Gonl. Bupt. Eastern, Diy, DENNSYLVANIA RAILKOAD. JIT SOHUTLKILI. DIVISION. SE1TEM11EU 12th, 1883. Trains will loave Shenandoah after the. above paieior wiggans, uiiDerton, rTayuriiir; 'otlstown. Phcenlxvllle. NorrlstoVm and Phil adelphia (II road street station) at 0:00 and 11:45 a. m. ana 4: 10 p. in. on weeuoavs. f orrotW' Mile ana TOWiJSaK3 lu luasne, ai. uiair, i-oiLsviue ai o:w, umus. m. and 3:10 cm. For Ilamburir. Readine. Potts. town, Phoenlxville. Norrtstown, Philadelphia at 6:00, 8:40 a. 8-10 p. m. Trains leave TTaouvuie lor Dnenanaoan ai 10:40a, m. and 12.14, 5 04, 7.42 and 10:27 p.m. punjuvvs. 1 1 : ia a. m. ano enandoah at 10:15. 11:48 a. m. and 4:40, 7:16 and 10:00 p. m. Sundays at 10:40 a, m. and 5:15 p. m, Lrave Philadelphia (Broad street station) for Potisvllle and Shenandoah at 5 67 and 8 36 a m, 1 iu auLZ-11 ri m vpcK.a F evk-IVOrW nxbieti. wee 3 20. I 06. '4 IV. bit. eJO.rfBZTVO. 8 Ff6. a-fe, loolS4l4.-in-. -.IlBlted Ex. press 1 06 and 4 60 p m. dining ears.) 1 40, B30, S20, 4 00, 5 00, 6 00, 6 60, 7 13, 8 12, 5 15. 8 12. 8 50. 11 03 11 35, a m. 12 44. 1 40. 2 30.4 00 (limited 4 60 5 2U. 20. 6 6a 7 13 and 812 P m and. For Sea Qlrt, Lone llrancb ana intermediate Stations. 000, a, ilia am, ana 330,400. urn weekdays and 6 00 pm. Sundays 8 25 a nv For llaltunore and Washington 3 60, 7 20, C ai, e iv, v at o a ui, , MJ uuii.uu U1U car.) 1 80, 8 46, 4 41, (5 10 Congressional Llmi 8 31, v 10, 10 zu, ii in am, (is is umitca ainini Limited Pullman Parlor Cars and Dining Cart, (6T77! U65, 7 40 p.m.. 12 C3 night week dayi en aaya, jsiuhj davs. 3 60. 7 20. J 10. II 18 a m., U10, 4 41, 0 65, 7 4UDm. and 12 08 niKbU ' For Ilichmond, 7 20 a m, 12 10 p ,12 03 night aauy. anu 1 otiUyj.ivLiL Trains will feW Hitrlstari fir)ljl6tpurd trafar 11 a m and 2 25, 8 25, (5 00 limited) and 7 80 p m. way tor a uoona a. 0 io a ra anao us p m ev day. For Pittsburg and Alteon at 11 20 a 6 08 m every 20 a m avarv aav. Trains will leave Sunbury for Wllliamsport Aimira, uanauaaiim iWCEKitr, Nlkcaia Falls at 2t3S3te5 SiiWaa Uais. ForElmtraKprn Jtrle andlntermAliWtolMs'Wff'riiftSll and 6 84 p in week days For Kclovo at 5 18 a m, 1 ana dmdiu weea aays, ana d is a m on Sundays only for Kane at 6 18 a in, 1 85 p m weeitaayH. H. M. PUEVOST, Qen'l Manager J. R. WOOD. Qen'l i'lss'g'T Act town, week Java. 7.80 a. m.. 12.2(3. 1 m. ik,eWl n' ana iMwinburg, J ifeyJiiP. 7.00 pm. pfVrh 1-i'ii'MliVj'S. M 11.30 p. m ai- ununxittrs leave ' F To asvlllcl 9 23A m.' BW days, f. 1100 siKatikalBtank 'Wsl a. TUEitTRB 1JU1LDINB cunnuonn. Icnua. SIT t .DTp.5K'y-.7R r A.,W, I.EIS J-KWSIBENKINU: 1: MRVousness,"" anil nil tho train of cvftfc 1 rom enrly errors or latr t'xeesses. the rc ulfs ol overwork, sir lanoc. worry.etc. Fullirrcngtlf, deveirvnTTjit- -rvfrl tonp given to owry re-an aau Pnfilon rf Jiia tiody. RPfn. Failure Impc: ibWt. 2t000 rcferonc s. Bofifc fc-lllb IIILUIUnL LUr nt inii' RMNER GO; FOHTTJaHBON, pa., p 'lags, Baogcs, Caps, Regaiict3, & , 3-FIMtffiTboSS-tbMEST PRICES.t Write for catalogues. Correspondence solicited Incbhcs & Timthfnl Error, ip. lur.iiir inmmeni of Varicocele, lIy,lrocl(, lturihire, I.n t Mauhood. mc OiiV&-' VieiiVSii& Ii' baliuaay &uu,J.s, in w 13 A Al. S5ii. EJalji St., Slieuandoala The leadlnc nlace in town. Has lately heeitmrtlrely reno- vatea iuvetiafBnew,ciean airtfiiS, Tttianestltneoi -CiEUTSl foielffn and do mestic. Free lunch served "I' dHrei orieri'Atetac. t .,T 4.. : TEE iMFATRE. 8 4.i MananHKXjJuPrcD. Main aud Oak Streets, blieuumioaii, Veu'iittV, GREEN GROCERIES, Truck and Vegetables. aricfiiffl mm ViiMHrla seastLOaKtaJfill unS-tfinlitoraBal wiu receive prompt attention 101 North Main street, Hhenandoab, Pa., jyPWE BAKER AND CONFECTIONER. li , . , I co Cream wholesale and retail. Picnics and parties supplied on short notice Chris. Bossier's (Mann's old stand) ax-J isutli Slain Street, leet-wlnes, whiskeys and cli-.r! cl;;aya Ii siocic, r resn iseer, Aie ana x'eri.cL wi Choice Tempenuioe JUrinku, L0RENZ SCHMIDT'S feleBeWeirf & M tor JAMES SHIELDS, WsIienaiirJp WYA1 SALOON AND RESTAURANT, - -(Christ.- Hosaler'g)ia-8tand.) Main ana Coal Hts,, Hlieiinncloaa. Heat beer, ale and porter on tap. The finest brands of whiskeys and cigars. Pool room at "ffe-j'opffialoon, VA (rormorly Joe Wyatt's) 19 ahd 21 West Oak Street, SHENANDOAH, PA. Bar slocked with the best beer, porter, ales wblckies, brandies, wines, etc F , t cicara atlngbaratuobed. CcrdlU'r. 1 .twin 17 8, Main Su tct, Finest Br&uds of Wires, WiUlfs :d Cigars. Fresh Deer, I'orter and A'.o alwaji on tup, J U-M Uu.la U.uu.ilU TflfT TT PTJir ' UNO , Prcsdiffl-. CJ, FEnfTjSOT.rtetLWeSsilsai ,taShll;r ?t f6- ' s. W. YQiirvivait.1,; K-Sl3l oipr r 1 sancfLiquors I fte JaoVdh -r.Tjr-r .k IOW