The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, September 23, 1893, THIRD EDITION, Image 4

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    Do you ever consider the quality ot tho
food you arn eating? It may be KOod. It might
be better, puier, fresher and more wholesome.
J it not worth wlillo to make euro that your
Ten, ColTee, Hugar, Mutter, Kmpii Hplees and
Innumerable other frrncerl are of the best
quality? There Is such a trltllog difference In
the prices ot the best and the worst that It cer
tainly does not ny to buy the worst, even on
the false ground of supposed eeocomy.
The best Is Always tbo cheapest, because the
mal wt'sfaetory and durable, nnd tho vary
beet of evorylhlng In thegrooeryllne Is kept at
Cor. Centre mul "White SIh.,
Wlleio Hiid Win ii Hiirilim Will be Con.
(liK'tnl To-morrow.
Trinity Ilcformed church, Uev. Itobcrt
O'Uoyle, pastor. Services tomorrow at 10
a. m. and 8:30 p. m. Sunday school at 1 :30 p. m.
Everybody welcome.
Welsh Ilsptlst church. Preaching services at
10 a. m. and 6 p. in. by the pastor, Uev. I). I4
Evans. Sunday school at 2 p. m. Hverybody
rioman Catholic church of tho Annunciation,
Cherry street, above West street, Kev. II. P.
O'Hellly, pastor. Musses at 8:00 and 10:00 a.m.
Vespers at 3:00 p. in.
Bbenerer Evangelical church, Itcv. It. M. I.lch
tenwalner, pastor. Services to-morrow at 10 a.
m. In German, and 6:30 p. m. In English. Sunday
school at 1:30 p. m. All aro heartily Invited to
English Ilaptlst church, South Jardln street.
Services at 10:30 u. m. and at 0:30 p. m. Hun
day school at 3 p. m. Monday evening nt7:30
Y. V. II. U. will meet. Wednesday even
ing generol prayer meeting. Everybody wel
come. First Methodist Episcopal church, Uev. Wm.
Powlck, pastor. Morning subject: ' Fishers
Of Men." Evening subject: "Tho Devil In
Solution " Tho Junior Templars of Honor nnd
Temperanco will attend In a body. Hun
day school at 8 p. m, Epworth Loaguo at
5:45 p, m, Prayer meeting at 7:30 on Thurs
day evening. Strangers and others aro al
ways welcome.
All Saints' Protostant Episcopal church, Oak
Htreet, near Main. Morning service nt 10:30
and evening at 7 o'olock. Tho rector offi
ciates nt morning service alternately and nt
overy evening service. Tho lay reader, Charles
Haskins, officiates In tho ubsence of the
rector, O. II. ltrldgman. Sunday school at 2
p. m. All soats freo and ovcrybody mado
heartily welcome. ,
Primitive Methodist church. Kev. J. Proudc,
pastor. Services to-morrow at 10:30 a. m. and 0:30
p. m. .Morning subject: "A Liar." Evening
subject: "Au Advooatu for Every Man."
Sabbath school at 2 p. m. Wesley League
Monday evening at 7:30. Class meetings
Tuesday and Wednesday evenings at 7
o'clock, and Sunday at 9:30 n.' m. Prayer
' meeting 'Thursday at 7 p. m. All seats free.
Any ono not having a church homo Is cor
dlally Invited to come here.
For a mild cathartic and efficient tonic, use
Baxter's Mandrake Bitters. Every bottle
warranted. lm
Buy Keytlone flour. Bo Buro that the
name Lbssio & Baku, Ashland, Pa., is
printod on overy sack. 3-3-3taw,
Philadelphia's Popular Pliiy House Now
That there aro in Philadelphia a sufficient
number of people to give practical aud posi
live support to the management of a high class
Vaudeville threatre is evidenced by tuo ini
menso numbers that havo crowded tho Audl-
torium the past four wcoks. Those crowds
are made up not alono of gentlemen, as has
ben the ease in times past, hut at ovory per
formance there is a goodly contingent of
ladles and children, and that this constitu
.ency of Sir. Gilmoro's has dome to stay is
inado clear by tho fact that it is increasing.
While the house itself is everything that is
attractive, and in methods adapted looking to
the saftey and comfort of its patrons, tho
Auditorium is not excelled by any theatre in
tho country. It is not to this alono that tho
wonderful patronago is due. Tho principal
factor is tho excellence of the performances
given, and thero has been no break in this
since the opening night. From tho evening
upon which tho Auditorium was first thrown
open for a public performance until the pres
ent time none have appeared upon the stage
but first class artists, and many of them. Not
satisfied with what has been dono, from the
announcement for the coming week it would
seem that the management is determined to
outdo itself. The attraction which opens
here on Monday, September 2otb, is none less
than tho world famed Star Specialty Company,
controlled and headed by the great Tony
Pastor. Mr. Pastor is recognized by all as
the head of the vaudenvllle profession in this
country. Unlike others in various lines of
the theatrical business, Mr. Pastor, when
starting to show upon the road, does not sur
round himself with seoond-rato people. Oc
cupying, as he does, the dual position of per
former and manager, he Is certainly quali
fied to select the best in tho business, and
that he does so the list of those who appear
with him at tho Auditorium on Monday even
Jng next bears ample testimony. Walnut
street, abovo Eighth, Philadelphia.
Thousands walk the earth to-day who
would be sleeping in Its bosom but for the
timely use of Downs' Elixir. lm
Joly's Jamaica Sarsaparilla, the only pure,
nt MoElhenny's. 0 12-tf
Use Wells Latjndby Blue, the bos
Bluing for laundry use. Each package makes
two quarts. lSots. Sold by Coakley Bros.
The Driver Held Thoiu.
A team belonging to J. P. Williams started
te run away this morniug at the Lehigh Val.
Ity railroad crossing at Bowers and Lloyd
atreeU, an engine causing the hortee to start.
. QtMSi Wlllman stuck to hi seat and held
tfce horses In aheuk bat did not aaeeeed in
stopping them until they reached the east
end of Lloyd street. It was a narrow escape
Relieved of Their
It Out-Ranks all
Other Remedies.
An Ideal Food for the Tired
and Worn Out,
Grateful to the Most
Delicate Stomach.
Early Fall a Season
to Get Strength.
Flabby Flesh and Weak
Nerves Need Food.
The Sallow, Lean and Weak
Should Secure
Vigorous Bod) and Joyous Spirits
Before Winter.
Sunshine and bright weather aro tho hcrit
ago from August to September; but this 14 a
month of dangerous weakness to hundreds of
Tho first tendencies toward consumption,
Bright's disease nnd rheumatism aro developed
in these early fall days.
Nature is off her guard.
Ilhcunutism and neuralgia aro notoriously
diseases that begin in September and October.
The llttlo signs of nervousness, of kldnoy
trouble, and heart weakness should not bo
overlooked. Small ailments now becomo
deep seatod diseases in winter. Winter is for
every ono nioro or less of a battle for health
and existence
Tho stock of health laid up against winter
emergencies must bo secured now.
Headaches and loss of appetite aro as easy
to read as sign posts. Their invariable direc
tion is that one is approaching nearer and
nearer to breakdown and serious illness.
Following the modern medical knowledge
that disease is duo to poor nutrition of some
organ, Paino's celery compound was first
prescribed by Dartmouth's great professor,
Dr. Phelps.
Results that havo repeatedly astonished
many for whom skilful physicians could do no
more, confirm the wisdom of trusting all to
nutrition tho complete and speedy nourish
ment of tissues, nerves, and nerve centres.
Pal no's celery compound supplies the material
which tho nervous Bystem craves.
Pure blood and healthy nerve action is
Paine's celery compound is food for the
ncrvos and nourishment for tho blood.
Health, strength, and happiness have
never had such an ally before as is offered
by this great compound. It makes people
Litter On."
Harris' theatre was well filled last night
by an audience which, for three hours,
laughed at the jokes and funny doings of a
bright company. The girls of the cast are
pretty and are capable singers and dancers.
The "Georgia" sons of Silas Lacellcs always
gets an encore, and Miss Wilson's dancing
never falls to please. The company's droll
ways and their excellent musical entertain
inent cap the excellence of the form of
amusements offered. There Is a matinee to
day. Washington Pott. Will appoar here
Monday evening, Sept. SCth. 0-18-7t
Beet photographs and crayons at Dabb's.
Letter List.
Toe following letter remain uuoalled tor at
toe Shenandoah, SohuylUll oounty. Pa., post
atlee, September 23, ISM:
Bennlok Mr. M.
Kiark Hilda
Brown Jno. care
ot Mr. Lewie
Parties oatllag for edTertleed letters should
please say "s-lverttoed." One cent will be
lharged on all advertised letters.
II. a Bonn, P. M.
By Pali's Celery
Iliiiltli Olllcer Mile Submit 111 Weekly
A meeting o' the Hoard of Hoslth was held
in tho Council chamber last evening, at which
all tho members aud olllcers were present.
Most of tho session was takun up by tho
reading and discussion of tho proposed rules
and regulations of the board.
Mr. Iiroughal asked for a ruling as to
whether children residing Jn houses where
typhoid fevor i xlsts should bo allowed to
attend sehoo's. President Spalding said that
there was n difference of modioli opinion as
to whether typhoid oamo fully under tho head
of oontagcous diseases In tint oonneetlou. It
was decided to tako no deflnlto action until
after tho adoption of tho rules and regula
tions, which will bo dono nt tho meeting to
bo held noxt Friday evening.
Tho last Friday of overy month has been
fixed for tho regular meetings of tho board
and special meetings will bo called by tho
president upon the request of two members.
Health Officer Miles submitted tho follow
ing rcjiort:
Tiio nicnibors of tho Board of Health:
Gentlemen: Tho following places havo been
visited since my last report.
C. I). Kaler notified to clean proporllos on
South Main streot, West Centro street nnd
back of Applo alley. Uas cleaned outhouse
on Centre street.
I havo been notified by section horn of
Lehigh Valloy railroad of refuso coming from
properties along side of railroad from Pear
alley to West street.
Mr. Bradlgan's proporty on Raspberry alloy
was oomplaiucd of. Gutter cleaned for tho
S. A. lleddall property on Lloyd street:
Outhouses nnd drain need cleaning out.
Charles Miller proporty on Strawberry
alley: Pig styes, outhouso and gutter in bad
condition. Also tho property adjoining the
sanio in bad condition.
William Klmmcl property on West street:
Guttor is repaired.
Thomas Iligglns White street property:
Outhouso repaired.
Tho Brohony property on North Main
street: Outhouse cleaned.
Grant property on Cherry street: Outhouses
Mayberry alloy In protty good condition.
Ferguson Houso j?ard and alloy cleaned up.
William S. Miller property on Catharine
street J gutter cleaned.
Con. Swenk: Manure bin running out in
alloy cloaned up.
P. J. Gaughan projicrty on West street
eleaued up.
Smith's rink cleaned, but cow stables not
removed from undor tho building.
Mr. McElhenny, corner Centro and White)
streets, removed nuisance.
Dennis Toonioy cleaned outhouso.
Wasser property on South Main streot ash
bins cleaned out.
Jerry Counaughton, East Centro street,
cleaned out-houso and put in drain.
Mrs. Cathcr property on Oak streot: Wator
running from yard on pavement.
Notified laud agent of P. & B. company of
water btauding on pavement of Brldgo street
Edward Brennan property on Gilbert street
could bo put In better condition.
Two broches below South Gilbert street,
near tho railroad, are full of water and is
used as a dump for dead animals. Tho High
Constable- cleaned it out and upon going
thero again found it in pretty near tho samo
condition. Tho borough ought to fill it up.
Notified Ludwig Zimmerman, owner of
Merchants' Hotel, to clean outhouso, tho pro
prietor having cleaned up tho yard.
Mr. Stocker's property on East Coal street:
outhouso wants cleaning.
John R. Jones, East Coal street, outhouso
wants cleaning.
I would suggest that at tho corner of Oak
and Apple alley tho borough put in a crossing
so that tho property owners may put in
I visited Turkey Run and found it in
pretty good condition with u few exceptions.
I havo notified all green grocery dealers
not to throw decayed matter on tho dumping
grounds, and would suggest that tho borough
put up notices to prevent it.
I visited all tho places reported to tho sec
retary by physicians and looked after their
sanitary condition.
J. J. Franoy has dono nothing to his East
Centro street property.
I havo notified tho O'Uara Bros, to clean
up tho property at the rear of their Hvery
Mrs. Michael Welsh's proporty on Cherry
street is being cleaned up.
The Chief Burgess and myself have noti
fied all parties having manure bins In alleys
to remove them. Edwakd Miles, .
Health Officer.
Arnica & Oil Liniment is equally good for
man and beast. 25 and 50 cents por bottle.
C. E. Titman's oldest daughter is seriously
James A. Klecs, of Reading, transacted
business here yesterday,
Mrs. F. Reese, who recently returned to
town from Steelton, is ill.
Will For, of Pottsville, oame up from
Pottsville yosterday to see their team de
feated. Miss Irene 8hano, one of our popular school
teachers, is confined to her bed by reason of
George Herbino has boen mado happy by
the appearance of a young daughter in Ills
James O. Sampsell, who (pent the past
month vliiting relatives In town, left for Prov
idence, B. I., this morning.
Thomas Boddow and Evan Thomas, both, of
Frackvllle, pasted through town last evonlng
on their way to the World's Fair.
Misses Carrie Ilerzog, of Philadelphia, and
Guwle Frickle, of Port Carbon, are the guests
of Mrs. J. R. Boyer, of South White street.
Misses Mary A. Stack, Jane T, Lambert
and the Mieses Slattery went to Mabanoy
City this morning to attend tho funeral of the
late Mies Cleory.
Livery stable keepers should always keep
Arnica & Oil Liniment in the stable, nothing
llko it for horses. lm
Tho Local Ptut Hodden Id Co to Atlcntnwii
Next Month.
Watkln Waters Post, No. HO, O. A. R.,hcld
an interesting meeting last ovening, and tho
attendance was tho largest for tho present
year. Mucli onthuslosm was manifested by
the old voterans. Tho membership was In
creased one by card admission, and two ap
plications were read.
Tt-oquoUlon of going to Allcntown on
Grand Army Day, which occurs on October
6th, caused a lively discnsMon, and when tho
voto was finally taken it was almost unani
mous in favor of tho Post attending in a body.
Tho organization will no doubt turn out Its
full membership on this occasion. All ar
rangements will bo completed by tho noxt
meeting, when tho program will bo submit
Tho Post dostros to makoa fine appearance
In tho parade, and overy member who at
tends tho annual reunion is cxjiccted to bo in
tho ranks when tho order to "march" is
No Ice to Taxpayers.
Notice is hereby given that tho sixty-day
period will oxplre on October 8th, 1603, and
any ono wishing to socuro tho benefit of tho
five er cent, must make payment boforo
that date. M. J. Scanlan,
Receiver of Taxes.
Shenandoah, Pa., Sept. 22, 1603. 0 22-141
Lane's Family Medicine Moves the llowels
Each day. Most pcopio need to use it.
Uli en Away.
For Blxty days Reagoy, tho photographor
Bill givo a 10x12 platinum picturo with ovory
Wen of his $3 cabinet.
Oil BALK Nino shares Schuylkill Trac
tion siock. 'ppiy ai mis omce. v v-u
FOR BALE, Tho Bheetz property, B. Lloyd
street, and property nt llrownsvllle.
ju. J. uukke, Attorney.
FOR BALE A National typewriter In per
feet condition. Will be sold choao for
cash. Apply ut this ofllco. 0-li-tf
TlOIt HALE. A litter of small breed pug
punnles. Apnly at 210 East Centro streot.
Mahnnoy City, l'a. 9-11-tf
FOll HALE Household goods consisting of
1 ranco, 1 high oak cupboard and other
articles, far salo cheap. Apply at No. 18
Ci. uk street. u ihi
LOST. On Krlday afternoon, September
SHi.d, on the road between Hhcnandoalwnd
will be paid for Its return to the Coffee House,
32 North Main streot, Bhenandoah. 9 23 2t
X "ANTED. A young man who thoroughly
rV understands dry Roods Must como well
recommenced. Apply ut IIeuald ofllco. RJEBS
X Men; for Young Men. Turkera Is the
greatest developer and roslorer known to man
kind. Lost Vigor, weakness aca pains in the
hack permanently cured, Success guaranteed.
l-nce only $;.uu. scna ror scnioa circulars.
Dlt. MAlbON.IW Walnut Bt., Philadelphia, l'a.
7-29-8 & W 13t.
Don't Tobacco Spit or Sniokeyour Life Away
Is tho truthful, startling tltlo of a little book
that tells all about No-to-bac, tho wonderful,
harmless Cluamnteed tobacco habit cure. The
cost is trilling and the man who wants to quit
and can't runs no nhvslcal or financial risk In
using "No to bao " Bold by all druggists.
Book at drug stores or bv mall free. Address
The Sterling Remedy Co., Indiana Mineral
Springs, lnd. w & s-ly
MONDAY, SEPT. 25th, 1893.
The Oreat Ur-to-Dato
Farce Cumedy,
Later On!
.... Novel Dances,
Clever Comedians,
Elaborate Costumes,
and as
Funny as a Circus.
Prices, 25, 50 and 75 Cents.
Reserved seats at Klrlln's drug storo.
We will receive daily, direct
from the orchards, one carload
of choice Jersey Peaches. Call
early if you want good fruit at
low prices.
124 N. Mam Si., Shpnandoah, Pa.
Horses ana Carriages to Hire.
Hauling of mil kinds promptly attended to.
Horses taken to board, at rates
that are liberal.
PEAR ALLEY. Beir Beddall'i Hardwire Mori
(Formerly with Wo. Oert)
Ferguson IIoueo Building
No. 12 West Centre Street.
We are now ptenaipd to fill orders
In large or mil! qunniUlea at our
wbolenol-j 8 m'. re aurlrr". All order
executed v in ear- iti d i'rou,ptne.
Xt. 3ET. 3J Cj roXjUt cCJ 00.,
9-U-13W 8K Jruin t . !-h. nand"au, Pa.
....The Large Stores of....
Dives, Pomeroy
and Stewart,
Offers Many Dollars Worth of Bargains
for the Month of September.
t"Tjr7"E'slIAkk keep our storo open nil day on Fridays, beginning Scptombor 8th,
VV and shall mako it doubly Interesting with this special sale. Thero will be
new goods added to this great salo dally. This is n cliaiico for bargains that
seldom occurs and should not be neglected. Shrewd and well'postcd bargain scokers
will bo on hand early. So if you want ioplck upsomoof the choicest values you must
do likewise Every department will bo overhauled, and such prices marked on each
nrtlclo that will movo thorn quickly. Wo mention a fow of tho items, but whoever
wishes to invest a dollar in goods can now get value uncqualcd In Job lots of dry goods.
Every department will contain special articles for this month.
Wo have.iust received ono casn of Dross
Ginghams, fall styles, at 81c per yard. Nono
bettor in tho mnrket for 12jo a yard.
uno case ot wmto Apron uiiecke, regular
lOo quality; salo prico GJc per yard.
Ono case of fancy Turkoy Ked Calicos. worth
80 a yard; falo prico Co a yard.
Ono caso of best made, fall styles, Dress
Calicos, in short lengths, from 10 to 20 yards
in a piece, nt Co per yard.
American Sateens. 15c nualltv: salonrlco 10c
a yard.
trench Sateens, 20c quality, salo mice 121o
a yard.
French Sateens, 2oc quality, sale prico 20c
a yard.
French Sateens, 371c quality, sale prieo 25c
a yard.
Apron uinghoms reduced to 3c a yard.
Oriental Cords, recular nrico 124c. salonrlco
Go a yard.
Fancy Goods
Felt Table Covors, $1.25 quality, 09c.
Felt Table Covers, $1,871 quality, 89c.
Felt Table Cavers, $.2.00 quality, $1.25.
A lot of Stamped Tablo Covers, rounlnr
prico 42c, salo prico 21c.
A lot of Llnon r ringo, 5c a yard; reduced
from 10c.
About 175 12x17 Linen Trav Covem with
drawn work, regular prico 17c, salo prico 5c.
and a lot of 10c and 121c Laces, sale prico 71c.
i-iusn lauio scans, Handsomely embroid
ered, $1.50, reduced from $3.50.
Abigjoblotof 10c and 121c Purees iro nt
Gc each.
A lot of Initial Handkerchiefs,
prico 17c, sale prico 9c.
5 and 7 North Centre Street,
O. GEO. MILLER. Manager. POTTS1F"HhXb23? PiL
Owing to tho rush of Fall and Holiday Goods crowding in upon us,
wo aro compelled to mako room for thorn, and in order to do-so,
wo will givo our profits away on tho following until : : ;
.as&JVIonday, September 25 th.
10c knlfo trays 7c, 10c berry dishes 7c, 10c rolling pins 7c, 40c oval dinner pails 30c, 23c
uicklo cuspadores 18c, 25c dcoderizcrs 19c $10 00 dinner sets, English, $7.50; $1.25 rattan
rockers 90c, 20c 4 quart palls 15c, $1.23 5-gallon oil cans 00c, 10c wash bowls 8c, 20c porcelalne
kettles 13c, 30c tin preserving kettles 20c.
We call your attention to our lino of Flower Fots, Hanging Baskets, Jardineers, Calls
Lilly Pots, Art Pottery, etc., etc. Your interest to call early.
John F.Ploppert,
Bread, Cake and Pie Bakery !
29 E. Centro Street, Shenandoah.
139 Bonlli Mnlti Htreet,
All work guaranteed to be fir? t-closs In every
res ect. v e respectfully solicit a share of
your patronage. Goods called for and delivered.
Russet Shoe L,nces!
Xtusset Shoe Dressing: t
lO CCr. Contro St.,
JOHN D. THiaiHn.
Public Notice!
No'lee 1" hereby given that persona destroy
ing or detaining beer kegs will be proeuted
as provided by the Act of Assembly approved
April th, 18t,
Brewers' Aeooolatlon,
tlsnnnaoB, l' Jans t 1B3I. ly
Dresa Goods
One caso 38 inch Coshmero, nil now shades,
former prico 33c a yard, sale prico 21c.
Another lot of 38 inch Cashmere, now fall
shades at 25c per yard. Thcso aro regular
50c goods and you will say so when you see
them. Wo got them especially for this
Another job lot of 40-inch Serges, all wool,
in nil tho now shades for 39c a yard. The
samo goods sold during the summer scasor.
for 021c.
Dark Fink Striped Serges, 3G inchos wide,
87!ca yard; reduced from $1.25.
Fancy Novelties, 50c a yard, reduced from
$1.00. '
Silk and Wool Austria Cloth, samo effect as
Lansdown, 48 inches wide, 76c a yard.
Fancy Diagonals, 31 Inches- wide, 23o per
yard, reduced from 37!c.
Odds and ends in Black Goods nt about
half prico.
Tho spring and summer season is about
ovor nnd we aro now making arrangements
for our Fall Opening'.
Tho announcement wo shall mako known
through the papers and circulars in good
Wo still have jobs in Ladles' and Child
rcn's Hats suitablo for this timo of the
All sorts of Trimmings, etc., and especially
Mourning Goods that wo aro selline at bar
gain prices.
QUEEN & CO., Of Philadelphia,
Send them ESye Specialist,
To Hlicuumloiili, Thursday, Sept. aS.
H o will bo found at the
Ferguson House, From 8:80 a. m. to5:S0p.m.
Persons who havo headacho or whoso eyes are causing dis
comfort should call upon their specialist, and they will re
ceive Intelligent and skillful attention. NO CIIAKGE to ex
amino your eyes, livery pair of glasses ordered Is guaranteed
to be satisfactory.
RETT 10' S
Beer and Porter.
T AM AGENT for the
-1- Chas. Jlettig's Cele- I
brated Beer and Porter In
tula vicinity, also Bergner
& Engel's celebrated India
Pale Alea and Old Stock. '
Orders will receive prompt
attention. Finest brands I
of Liquors and Cigars.
120 South Mam Street. '
Base Balls,'
Foot Balls,
A full line of Stationery,
Blauk Books, etc.