The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, September 23, 1893, THIRD EDITION, Image 3

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Tko Improvomont No Longer Mi
oroscopio or Sentimental.
It Causos tbo Loss of Elovon
Lives on tho Wnbash Koad.
" A Word
11 To Hie Wives
li Is Sufficient'
60c ts.,
$1X0 per Bottle
Cures Cough.,
Hoarseness, Sore Throat,
Cron ii promptly! rcllovrs whooping Cough
and Aatlinm. For i onauiiipiion it nnsno
rival; hascurcrt thousandswhcrenll others
failed', will citrb you if taken la time. Bold
by Druggist! on aniinrnntoo. For I.arne Hack
or Cheat, uso bin toll'! 1'I.ASTlsn. ascts.
Ifamtnu i!ntarrh? Thlsrcmcilv la truaran-
teed to euro you. 1'ricoGOcU. Injector Ireo.
No. 207 Woat Coal Street,
1 1
Porter, Ale and
Fine Old Stock Ale.
Clean up at night, and heat the day's cat
.1 i 1
uu v.uiscs Willi
secausc of its Inch percentage of ts
,TAS. S. K1KK&CO., OUlonsf
White Russian Soap 'CTeruTCtS.?
Dancina School!
Saturday Evening, Sept.16,l8S3
mm mm, it n;
At Rontons' Opera House.
-A.clin itiHlon . SB Ooiits
1317 ARCH St.,
M.l.nk.i.l.l. ((.mci48tri.UT Prlaie
. iliuiu1' (uu it to euro thi uufVjr-
1 it ti At 'ufi rlu rr-.miUtMa t'oliMin,
Ki.iclal 1)1- Hf., KtrlclurM. It.-
hmtji tit far i (miioU'ticy, pi- .
iirliiHirr v eoututArF. (no niHiifr wli .
otlitri write, nrlm, My, adtirilit) oi
grv n i, - nd all Ihu Iritis of' etfl., by Ilia comtilti".
A ! HI:, livjui pitLli', all J f'liLt1!) n nt m of 111
- at n . I'r b oh -es enr t in 4 to 10 ayi. 8t J Dv
t-i-t itniitirit rx-iki "Iputli," f-nirtblnf that ilt
a ' ,i It you, a tw frh i.d u uB rLtg I i rnaollv ui
t. I ( nt ii )! i ig' nun i iiu-, Hi'iin dmiy: U t li , ,i ,
if !, ?, 'tf H; (m.imi.HlollM. U.-wtru of qucks, 1 t
bo ti i ti ir- ji, i Jt i niuliut ttdvertiuiu- nt.
Eighteen Physicians Failea.
P. S. vRKTTFNEERG, Wm bine ton,
Mja urnli r oaiti I wufli-rtil for 1
vttun fimu llluotl PoUue jt
jioi'lal dituaif, hJ t triuiur m u
fit ftt lOM ofFllallti , COUld UGt it tl
C'u ao'l lulury, Itlu wu a burdtn. i
ante a (otitl wreck, body eoi.r
iih uli-r wtil bluUbM, could bard
arh an t xo aritllfl Tbrcc i rxu
lug dix-tors ind 6 dtflrVnnt Hoptin
piivMiciaim latioa, weal io uut in,
feufiuit had tried a Wtjilern )ai-tru
i but ia valu ; warned to oonunlt auiid
i bad n hope of twtr twlng t-unri
S Pwnllj BhyMlotwi wurtMMl im au t
' commit UK. U, r THuL Me aai-t
aaftHUlnitptiytlrfaMaMinogood. My frlen. VnA Gulni
aU, en and tf DR. O, I THKBL, 6r mind wbat wher
fay. Hi-cured tnt) ftwro a bad oaafl of ladUcrollon, he will
r -rs jo".
Fn J. DR.O, F lUKfcl PrmannUr cured tu. Ho
Ho ! tlis only Xtw ad verurta t pUUt.
Heli tbo bMt.anl
my prayirlJ go fnfTen'M o. don't llateo totiofalae Mrice, go
No name op mllrca ofonr patient will bo pub.
llahcil unloM (bey o dealre. btrlctcvt tvci-ccy
truaruuteed to every patient
Or Debilitated Woman, should uia
I -y ;n ju-i iissc1.' ?s superb Tun
1 1 . ;i ' es ts ondcrlul iii '.
i i in' up .no : ucngthciinn m
, I d...'in through the dtki
li all itnpurlues. Health uu.'
1 1 m guaranteed to result from its use
' ilv wifb.wlwt wb'drlilrtlrlh
I u munUMk tt8r uIhk trmdUtM't
j: mule JtmatOator tor two month t
gulling wall."
J U. JnanH. Wn, Atk.
boU by DnijigtH at 51.00 iv Iwttle.
Money Una ltrcniuo Abundnut and i"3n-y
nt Uirrtn Per Cenl. on Cull Large Sums
of Money H-oiii the Weat Foreign Trado
droits More rnvnrnhle.
New Yobk, Sept. 38. if. O. l)an& Co.'s
weekly review of trade says: There 1 no
longer only n microscopic or sentimental
Improvement that cannot be measured.
omo Increase Is seen both In production
and in distribution of product. True, It
la small an yet, but after the worst flnnii-
clnl blizzard for twenty year It is not to
l-e expected that all roads can bo cleared
in n day. Hut nil conditions, except nt
Washington, favor gradual recovery, llusl-
ness goes on In unquestioning confidence
that the general desire of tho people will
In some way prevail.
Money has become abundant and easy
nt 8 percent, on call, nnd stagnant spec
illation fortunately favors grantor freedom
In commercial loans. Stocks and products
aro dull, without serious fall In prices, the
Industries nro rnpldly rallying tomnko
good the scarcity of supplies caused by
weeks ot Inaction, tho vitality of tho de
mand for goods shows that the wonderful
consuming power of tho peoplo. If lessened
for a time, has not censed, and tho shrink
age In the record of commercial dlseaso
nnd mortality shows progress toward
Neither the advance of i cents In ex-
change nor the small absorption of gold
by the treasury has been felt, for tho mar
ket is a long way beyond tho point nt
which it waited with breathless anxiety
for steamers. Monetary conditions fnvor
revival of trado and industry. While re
newals nro as largo as ever, commercial
loans are no longer unknown.
Maturity ot largo western obligations
has brought hither unusual sums of
money from that section, but tko banks.
while retiring part of tho circulation re
cently taken out nnd some certificates,
havo not retired a largo proportion, keep
Ing a weather eyo on the body of coin
merclal indebtedness to mature inOctober
and November. Foreign trado grows
more favorable. Exports of principal
products In August were 44,707,52S
Value, or S,4l)4,840 more than last year.
which, with tho known decrease in Im
ports hero, indicates a small excess of ex
The industries aro giving strong proof
that consumption of goods was not as
lunch arrested as many feared when th
collapse of trade nnd manufactures camo.
while manufacturers show extreme call
tlon, and decline to stnrt work without
orders, piling up goods nt their own risk.
improved financial conditions cnablothcm
to accept many orders which would hav
been or wero refused weeks ago. Til
number of works resuming this week has
been nt least 58 wholly nnd 24 In part,
against only 15 concerns mentioned
having closed nnd 8 reducing force.
Failures for the week number only 319
In the United states, ngnlnst lBSlastyea
nnd In Cnnnda 40, against 23 lnt year,
Only five fnilures wero for over ?1CK),C00
each, Tho liabilities In failures for th
second week in September wero lmt $3,042,
129, against J4,81D,098 tho lirst week.
The Liberty Hull's Homo Coming.
Philadelphia, Sept. 23. The World
fair committee of city councils Is arrang
lng for tho return trip of the Liberty boll
to this city. The trip homeward will bo
under tho auspices of the Philadelphia
and Reading railroad, and it is proposed
to take tho relic, which has attracted so
much attention nt tho Columbian expo
sition, through tiie New England states,
but the exact route has not yot beou de
cided upon. It is probable that tho bell
will bo taken northward from Chicago
nnd brought east by way of Buffalo.
After a direct tour of Now York state the
train will go as far north as Portlnnd, Mo.,
and than como southward by easy stagos.
One of tho principal stops will be at Bos
ton. New York will also most probably
bo given a view of the "proclaimor of
liberty." The return journey will occupy
about a week, it being proposed to leavo
Chicago on Oct. 30 and reach Philadelphia
Nov. 4,
Fatal Fight Over Claim.
Hennessy, Sept. 23. James A. Liddle,
one of the most prominent business men
of this place, received a telegram from
Waukomis, stating that his brother,father
and nephew were killed in a fight over a
claim near there. Eight men wero on one
claim, and tho younger Liddle was struck
with a broadax by a man named Williams,
of Texas. Father and son then jumped to
his rescue, and Williams pulled his gun
nnd killed them both. Ho then drew his
knife aud plunged it into the heart of tho
Wrecked a TrHln lor ItaTnnjr.
Birmingham, Ala., Sept. 38. An express
train on the Queen and Crescent route was
wrecked nineteen miles north of Birming
ham by unknown iwrsons, who removed a
rail. The engine, baggage and mall cars
were wrecked. Engineer Frawley, Fire
man Walte, Postal Clerk Stockton, Flag
man Bailey aOtl Porter Howell were hurt,
hut not fatally. It Is believed the wreck
was caused by persons who have a griev
ance against the road.
Mm and Wlfi Cniivlitl.
WlLKESHAiiuu, Pa., Sept. 28. John Mc
G u ire, foreman of the lace works In this
olty, was yesterday afternoon convicted in
the criniiuul court of rape oommitted upon
Katie Itoaeh, aged IB years. His wife, who
aided him in tbo oqmmuwlon of the crime,
was also found guilty. Thoy will be sen
tenced some time next week.
Starving lloomer.
Fisesno, Cal., Sept. 33. Five hundred la
boring men, who nru absolutely starving,
arrived by the Atlantic and Paci0o road at
Mojave, having beaten their way. Three,
hundred and fifty came up the valley on
subsequent trains. Thpmon claim to be
from the Cherokee strip, but nothing den
nlte is known about them.
Settled After Twenty-two Yenrf.
Bellefonte, Pa., Sept. 38. In the case
of Long aud Liggett against the Lehigh
Valley Coal compauy, for 1,300 acres ot
valuable coal land In Snow Shoe territory,
the jury returned a verdict iu favor of the
defendants. The oase has been pending
tot tweuty-ou years.
tuatkerwl tt Death by Bugar.
Philadelphia, Sept. 38. Frederick
Prick, au employe in the malting room at
8pMkl'a reftuery, at Bead straat wharf,
was r mothered u death by being bttrtM
heart)t larf mm ef NW;
For Rendering
Short or Friable
Js Better than Lard
, It has none of its disagreeable
and indigestible features.
. Kndorsed by lending food and
cooking experts.
Made only by
139 ti. Delaware Ave., rnna.
SfnJ ihrcc cent In stamps to N. K.
W airbank t-o., tnicago.iornana
somr Cottolme Cook Hoolc.contain-
mo filxliuntked recipe. prepared by
a nine eminent authorities on cooking.
Ttane but n Millionaire Could Alio
i t
Tteprenenr Ua In Ittily.
WAsIIINQTON, Sept. 23. Tho state le
partinent olllclnls aro reticent, as usiml
concerning tho nppointment or van Alt
as nmbassduor to Italy, but there Is n
reason to believe that none of them know
anything about tho big campaign contrlbii'
tlon. Tho transaction took placo long bo.
fore-Judge Greshnm was thought of for
secretary of state.
Tho prosident objected to Van Aim
holding that he was not a suitable ma:
for the placo. Meantime ho offered tlii
mission to other Democrats, men whom
ho regarded ns well qualified for tho du
ties. It was refused, tho usunl response
being that none but a wealthy man could
hold tho position; Hint all the environ
Inents required a lavish display of wealth
and that oven the Americans in Home
looked witli contempt upon the mini
ter who was forced to live within his sal
Finally tho president concluded that
none but a millionaire who could entert ii
lavishly nnd make n gorgeous display
would suit, Van Alen might ns well hav
it. It is further argued that all businei-s
of any importanco between this gover
mentand that of Italy Is transacted by
cable anyhow, nnd as the citizens and den
lzens of Homo hanker for a snob wh
deems It the chief end of life to display
himself and his wealth, Van Alen will
Just lit.
i A Three Cornered Juillclnl FIcht.
Easton, Pa., Sept. 23. Everything
ripe now for a three cornered judicial flgl
in tho Carbon-Monroe district. Hon. Allen
Craig, of Mauch Chunk, and Hon. J. 15.
Storm, of Stroudsburg, held their confer
roes firmly togother nt the conference held
here, and no organization could ho effected
It is probable that each candidate will go
into the campaign by nomination papers.
The Republicans have nominated Horace
Hoydt, of Mauch Chunk.
Itnllrond l.nbornrn AVmit Tholr Pay.
Headino, Pa., Sept. 23. All work has
been stopped on tho now Soutli Mountain
railroad iu this section, nnd it is not known
when it will bo resumed. The contractors
aro back In their payment of wages, ami
the 300 men, most of whom stopped work
some days ago, now positively refuse to
go ahead unless they get their back pay
The contractors cluim that the road will
yet bo built.
It Cunt Cold., Cough., Sort Throat, Croup, InSa
mn Whooping Cough, Bronehiti, and Aithrr u
A o.rUin cure for Con.umption in 4r,t ttgc
nd uro relief in sdaod itogei. B, at oooe.
You will ate the excellent elfoct after taking Ui.
flrat doae. Sold by daal.r. evcrywher.. Larx.
boHloa M etnta and $1.00.
He Yuur Owu Doctor,
Tor one dollar get a bottle of Mayers
netle uatarrn cure. It vill last for three
u.onths. and is nbsolutelv iruamntpprl iiv vnur
drugiist. '
Doctors say the only way to cure catarrh ana
bay fever Is by Inhalation. We have worked
for years to accomplish a good, simple method
for Inhaling medicine, ana oner Mayers' Mag
netic Catarrh Cure, wbtih ts uted Vy lull new
method, to the public, kud p uaraatce It to cure
any case, no matter cf now long standing.
One bottle Is all yiu need to accomplish a cure.
It will last for three months. Ask your drug
irirt or address The Mavers Drue Cn.. nakinml.
Have you catarrh ? No doubt you have
Mot people ate so afflicted Get a botile of
Mayers' Magnetic Catarrh Cure from your
drugs-let. IPs tie only medicine of Its kind on
tba market and absolutely guaranteed, tor
sale by druggist and price tl
artastaad olden rallabis ptuj oil;,
paniM rnswur b
m 3, Jum ft, Stmwmklk
tho War is Over. A Well-known Sol
dier, Correspondent and Journal
ist Makes a Disclosure.
lnillMtiiL Imr thousands of bra vo
soldiers lo the war, and no stiito boars a lu't-
ti-r rtTotil in tlmt rospert iniui n noes, iu
literal nru It Is rapid! itrquIrltiK h.
enviable plum. In war nmi iiieitmiie
Solomon Ycweli, Mull known ns n writer us
'Sol, nils mm an iionoraiue posiuim. "",
ir flu. Ifiln ivtii Im wim n member of Co. M.
id. N. Y. Cavalry anil of tho I3tli Indium! In
fantry Volunteers. Itowirdlntt an Important
li'cuinsiunce no wrnes ns luuuws;
"Several ot us old veterans hero nro using
i . Mlltw1 lliwinpiitlvn Nervine. Heart Cine
Xnrvn mill l.lvnr Pills, nil of them clvlim
.plenum sat Nrart Ion. in raci, we nave never
isei lemei es that comnnro Willi i nein. ui
lie nils wo must say tnuy aro mo uum. eeiie
i.mtiixi ,,f ti. nmiimet reniilred In a men
ration of tliclr uatliro wo havo over know n.
We havo none but, words of praise for lliem.
rliey me the outgrowtli or a new principle in
rniM e no. and tono up mo sysiein winiuer-
fully. Wo say to all. try llieso reiiieilliM
These lomedles ai 0 sold by all druggists i uin . miiriiiii. I u.. ie, . ioj',
i posltlio Biiaianleo, or sent direct by mo
i' Allies Aiediriu t;u., r.iHimn, in...
r ....I..., CI .tni. lull tin. kI V but ties 9fi. OX-
pre-s prepaid. Tliey positively couiaiu uuuuur
iliiaiosnor uuugenjuauiua.
1015 Arcti S?., Phila., Pa.
Ease at once, no operation or delay from busi
ness, attested by thousands of cures, cudor-e-menu
of physicians, ladies and prominent citi
zens can buseennt ofllce. Consultation free nnd
fctrlctly conlidcntlal. Send fir circulars.
OIIlco Houps : D H.ja. to a P.I.
HAac3 res sarrEiaer.
Tho following nron fowof thomnny that havo
been entirely cured of Itupturo by l)n. J. II.
MAYnu's Tkhtjient:
Jacob C. Schaut, North liroad Bt., rhlla.
K. ). Shocsly, Shcelton, Dnupliin Co., l'a.
1'. II. Koaeitcr, 1 bociilxvllle, l'a.
It. A. Hall. Newton. N. J.
A. . Kieingeraa, i,iniei.iiii u , jiuiks to,, , a.
8. Jonoi I'liilips, Kennet Square, l'a.
A. A. Goldawoiithy, C'entmlln, Col. Co., Pa.
C. Heritage, Mullea Hill, N. J.
L. B.H088, r.ockhilt, l'a.
F. A. Kreltz, Slntlngton, Pa.
E. M. Small, Mount Alto, Pa.
Jas. Davis, l'lttvlllc. 22nd ward, I'hila.
L. II. Kunkel, 1131 Linden St , Allentown, P.
Oeo. W. Watt, l.'orrlftnwn, l'a.
S. T. Benny, 01 8 10th St., rhlla.
Itev. S. II. ahemer, Sunbiiry, l'a.
A. P. I-evimore, Woodbury, N. J.
D. J. Dollctt, 211 S ISth St., Reading, Pa.
Israel Sandt, Mala St., South Easton, Pa.
L. P. Ueturk, Jr., Clcy, Herts Co , Pa.
J. Gonsehclraer, Clayton, H. J.
Z. K. Danenhower, UU9 Columbia Ave., Fa.
O. C. Piper, 735 Pearl tt.. Heading, Ta.
W'm. Grautland. Gloucester. N. J.
M. Shaw, Winona Avenue, W. of Morris afreet,
Wm. Dix, 18M Moutrofc St., I'tUa.
Thomas B. Haitung, New Ringgold, Pa.
O. Lockel, 2231 Keeso St.. rhlla.
J. O. Otilmby, 241 Pearl St . Heading, Ta.
It. G. Stanley, 421 Spruce St . Lebanon, ra.
A. Schneider, Locust Uale, Pa.
D. B. Noll, Limekiln I' O., BerVsCo., Pa.
C. A. Deturk, Blrdsbnro. Berks Co., Pa.
Wm. E. Ilnrtanitlne. l'hoenixvllle. l'a.
W.M.Ltnebaeh,C21 Washington St., Resiling, ra.
jonu u. ijyrnc, I3iu iiowara m., iiarnsDiirg, ra,
Chas Smith, 412 Greenwich St., Plulu.
G. Burkhard, 4JD Locun St., Heading, Tn.
C. 0. Kcehn, Douglasville, Berks Co., l'a.
Henry I Kowe, l'ott'tnwn, l'a.
G. L. Swartz, roynctte, Wis.
Wm. J. Blbighuii-. SS Taylor St , Camden, N-J.
Alfred Haley, PMUipsburg, N. J.
11. Maglll, Olen Ict, Chef ter Co., l'a.
Mr, Becknrd, Bnlrd St., Gcrmantown, rhlla.
John Shiqie, Telford P. O., Mongt. Co., l'a.
Wm. Ettluger, Leesport. Pa.
K. Crabtree, 2901 Tnlethorp St.. rhlla.
IL S. Creoly, 3a7 North 2nd St., 1 bila.
rhlladclnhla ofnee is closed on the 2nd Satur
day of cacti month. Dr. J. B. Mayer being at the
Hotel l'cnn, Keadb.g, l'a , to give treatment to
persons in that vicinity on tnatoay.
Br. J. B. Mayer's terms for treatment Is iu
reach of all. Call and cot cured.
N. B. Persons from out uf town can receio
treatment and return homo the Eacreuay.
delicious to the taste, invigorating
and strengthening to the body,
made la ONE MINUTE from
Onfv 30 eta. far a fall ponnd petk9.
Free a&mple oa application to rnannfanturera.
11. It. Severn, F. K. Magsrgle, W. U. Waters
Can always be had at
Cor. Lloyd and Market Sts.
IJest Beer, Ale snd l oner ano flnest Cigars
always on hann. Poll lo tr.atmeni to all
We guarantee it to rid the houjeof Rts, Hoachis
and Watch Buss, or
money refundep.
bihc beat la tat aurkatfiai
", Aht, Mom.
I m a a a a,M u. a-
For Sals B sJi Biusahrti Bo aura sad nt us aataiiiii
Sold oarjr la kotuoa, our Tsiac Manit sasask.
029 N, 8th St., PihitMt.
Aa a Iteaull tlin Second Hertlon nr a
Croirdfd Passenger Triiln Crnnbeil Into
n I'rnlHlit HtiindlnK on tlin billing tin
I'lissruaer Illglno I'.aidode..
KlNusiitJBY. Iud., Sept. 38. Uleven
bodies resting upon Improvised slabs nnil
allies under tiie roof of the modest Ala
sonlo liall of the vilhiife, and a soore ot in
jnred as Inmates ot the city hospital nl
Peru, seventy miles distant, tell the stnrt
of the lntest railroad horror of which tin'
village was tho scene yesterday. The re
vised list of tho dead is ns follows:
,1. McKenna. butcher, Hyde Park, Mass.,
Harry French, aged 14, of the London
(Hnglahd) Charity school, London; Charlel
lllrbee. San Francisco: Alice Hood, l'.ast
ISoston, Mass.! Miss Llllio H. Tucker, Ilos
ton, Mass.; Warren O. Hyder, Pliirniv,
Ariz.; H. O. Zelle, Germany; .1. U.Houndy,
LaMoill, la.; John Green, engineer of tin
passenger train, Ashley, In.; .1. G. Coulter,
conductor passenger train, Detroit; W. N
Lyon, baggiigeinuster passenger train,
An instant of forgetfulness. or absent-
minilednoss, on tiie pnrt of a brnkeman
who is given tho host of reputation by t he
Wnbash oflicers, tells thu story of tho sec
onds thnt preceded the catastrophe. As to
the f nets themselves there is no room for
dispute. Freight train No. 4, cast bound
from Chicago, win duo at tills point at
4:20. It was under orders to tnko the sid
ing and await the arrival of wost hound
passenger express No. 5, which according
to tho schedule should havo passed the
Kingsbury depot at 4:40. Tho express,
however, was over an hour late, and, ow
ing to the heavy travel growing out of the
World's fair, was divided into two sec
tions, tho second section running twelve
minutes behind tho Ilrst,
Both KoCtloiis wero mado up nt Buffalo,
the passengers including people from that
city as well as from the various Hues cen
tering in it from Canada nnd tho oast.
With the knowledge that under tho sched
ule ho had twenty minutes lo spare, En
gineer Whitman, of tho freight trnin, pro
ceeded up the siding to tho mnin lino to
take wntur, tho switch bolng thrown open
by Herbert Thompson, tho trackman of
of tho freight. After thoengino hndtaken
Water tho freight was backed to the sid
ing nnd Thompson closed tho switch. Ho-
garding this latter fact thero Is no room
for question for nt 5:10 the first section of
the express, thirty minutes late, swept
past on tbo main track, giving tho usual
signal one and two short blasts to inti
mate to tho freight that a second section
was following close behind.
What wero the movements of Brnke
man Thompson In the next few moments
remnlns to be developed. Certain it Is
thnt when twelve minutes later tho sec
ond section ot the west bound express
catno thundering along at a speed of forty
miles an hour tho switch was open. Like
a flash of lightning, therefore, tho train
took the siding and crashed into the wait
ing freight standing thero. A second
later aud tho air was filled with shrlekB,
groans, moans and piteous nppeals for help
and assistance. Tho passenger train con
sisted of a baggage car, threo ordinary
conches nnd two sleepers, and tho force of
tho collision was such that only tho rear
sleeper escaped injury.
Tho locomotive of the freight car was
driven half way into the moat car in its
rear, the baggago car of tho passenger
tr tin was thrown aside, while the passenger
coaches partially telescoped each other,
and the third, a Grand Trunk coach, cut
in two tho sleeping car "Kansas City,"
carrying nway the smoking compartment
aud sections 1 nnd 3 ns eleinas though
thoy had been trimmed uith a razor
edged nx. The two forward couches were
completely wrecked and the occupants
burled in tho debris.
Awakened by the shock of the collision
the sleepers in tho roar palace car poured
out without waiting to don the clothing
they had discarded the night before, nnd
aided by the trainmen nnd those of the
passengers who escnped injury set them
selves to work to rescuing the injured. In
the meantime the residents of the farm
houses immediately adjacent to the track
had been awakonod, and immediately
men, women and girls hurried to tho scene
and lout what assistance they could.
Most of tho dead and injured were in tbo
two forward day coaches, and these wore
so completely wrecked thnt the work of
extricating the dead nnd dying was a com
paratively easy one. One after another
tho lifeless forms were brought out of
heaps of timber aud placed in a row on the
west side of the track, while the injured
were carried to the meadow on the east
side and cared for by the villagers, who
ministered to their sufferings and allevi
ated their pains as far as their facilities
at hand would permit.
Iu the meantime news of the catastrophe
had been wired to La Porte, Westville,
Union Mills, Michigan City aud other
points wltbtn a radius of a score of miles,
and in a short time scores of bugic,
wagons and vebiclas of every descripLiuii
were at the scene. Iu these the injured
were conveyed to the farm houses and res
idences of the neighborhood, the doors of
which were thrown wide open by the occu
pants, the latter devoting themselvas to
the temporary relief of the sufferers, pend
ing the arrival ot medical assistance.
The boy French, with Kdward Russ aud
William Kvans, lioth of whom weie ilan-
, gerously wounded, belonged lo a company
i known as the Barnados Musical troupe,
I from the London Orphan asylum, rou
i dueled by that noted philanthropist. They
bad twen booked for a concert at the head
quarters of ths Kpworth league, just out
aids the World's fair grounds, yesterday.
Two soore men are scouring the sur
rounding country for Herbert Thompson,
the brakeman, to whose neglect the re
sponsibility for the catastrophe is placed.
I After the freight train had backed to itri
siding to await the passing of the express
his movements were uot observed by any
of tho crew. When, however, Knglneer
Whitman had succeeded in extricating
himself from the debris ot the meat car,
into whic . he had been driven by the force
ot the collision, he found Thompson stand
ing on the track as pale as a ghost aud
trembling in every fibre.
I "What have you douef" demanded the
I engineer, whose arm hung helpless by
his side, while the blood poured from a
' eut iu his head. "I must have left the
switch opeu," was Thompson's reply, and
without another word he took to hi heels
and disappeared.
Tkm WeattMtk
XVir, slightly cooler; aoHhweaUarly
wiMa, hecBiBlng variabte.
Bl K. A. V"M Mll.ll,
Si II,, km . , Y
m Tovlminn" Eczemii, g
glUVA SARSU-Anil.l.A Co r H
S (1RNTI.KM KN i Pining tl"' IM Hirer jrnri Ijrj
Miihto .uttorcl miiMilrranly Willi I.eremil, HIM
Mlmi-a no lht I wa, iinahh' t alli'nil to mj urk. 13
Sl MiBrnsl from lnillaralliHl. uiiil uasbadh ajj
HErunil-iwn. I trltsl larieua .umslW without ob-ra
Valuing any rellrf until I wu iniluooil tu try 9
nsltiavo laden imiv iwn iMiuirt. aim irri .n
wiirw mini
Ilmil ami lilolrlie liavr
entirely .ll.iiiipeiire.l) Aiiiiellte flnlg
mitrl Ibltreallmi iiood. Ill In. t I It. ,.,'VC If BTJS
W pi, let I'lite-ll
-I lmil nottakin 1)
gl had nottakin 1)N VS I wnnlil mil lie nllej
BB Herkimer, M. Y.
3 O n- Sarsaparllla Co., Bellas!. Maine
Professional Cards.
Office Ueddall building, Hhenmaoah, IU.
Office Room 3, P. O Building, Shenandoah,
axd Usterly building, 1'otUvllle.
Offlco Northeast Cor. M.Un and Centre SH
Shenandoah, over Stein's drug store.
jyj- 8. KIBTLEIt, M. D.,
Office -ISO North Jsrdln street, Shenandoah,
Office and Residence,
Street, Shenandoah.
o SI Ncrth Jsrdln
Graduate In
T'cfcriiorj Surgsry and Dentiitry.
All calls by mall, telegraph or telephone at
tended to with promptness. Surgical opera
tions performed with tho greatest care. Ofllce l
Commercial Hotel, Hhenandoah
Sptcialiit in Treatment of Catarrh.
Practice limited to diseases ot the eye. es
rose and throat. Spectacles lurnlshed, gus
antced to suit all eyes
Office 13 South Jardln street, bhenaudoah.
9 Btiu -li A
Bt Bn Ba
Do you wear them 7 When next in nead try a piir.jj
Boat in the world. ,
If you want a fine DRESS SHOE, mada In thn latest
styles, don't pay $6 to $8, try my $3, $3.50, $4.00 cr
$5 Shoe, They fit equal to custom mado and look and
sear as welt. If you wish to economize In your footwear,1
do so by purchasing W. L. Douglas Shoes. Name and
price stamped on the boltom, look for It w'lan you buy
W.L.iionar.AP.nroeki.-. ms.. soidbyj
14 South Main Street, Shenandoah Pn
Billousnoss, Dyspepsia,
Indigestion, Diseases of
the Kidneys, Torpid Liver
Rheumatism, Dizziness,
Sick Headache, Loss of
Appetite, Jaundice, Erup
tions and Skin Diseases.
rri 25. Jr iettle, Coll ty U Sttjjitti,
11EJRI,JoHJMIl0Rr., rrofi.. KarflKtM TL
Are fometlmea a bore, but when the Deo-
Ele are told twice that at Uallugher's
heap Cash Store they can buy Flour and
Tut at lower rates than anywhere In this
town, they are glad to test the truth of
the oft repeated story. Pull line of Gro
ceries, Butter and Eggs, Potatoes, Qresn
Iruck, Hay and Straw.
Gallagher's Cheap Casli Sten I
w wt cnt mvr
Cllaartr UTiurllsk tt-uJL
rt, KllVkW TtLlal LA I. ICS
mim - niul with ultt. ribbu.
IM, yajdlatjaasatal akk J
mm. nsz.oi)
Nk JEaUs Ul.75-
i aar wm-m