The Herald. rOJJLIBIIED DAILY, SUNDAY EXCEPTED WKKKLY, XVEIIT SATUItDAT. m.A. noYJHt...... B. ft I O I' ;(.. ....... W. J. WA1K1NH... 4, nr. norsrt... froprietor ..JSdilur and 1'uliUeher WM' ...lAcal Jhlltor ,71if(np4 ftltinuyvr SUBSCRIPTION RATES: B!LY,pr jrm, II 00 iTki.t, per yer,.., t SO ;lirr(lnr Utiles. Transient, 10 oente per line, flnt Insertion : b ttnw per line eaoh subsequent insertion, Kates or regular advertising can be bad on applica tion at the oDivk or bv mall. entered at the Poetoflloe, at Mhenandoah, Pa. (or tranemlMrton through the malls &r seeond-elaee mall matter. Khkd has been Crisp. out-Uznred by By tbo tlmo tho Cotigrw-sgetB down to work tlie country will work out Its own salvation. TiNKMUNO with tlio tnrlll will add more distrust among the miuiufactur ere and workingmen. Tjik merchant that advertises In these hard times reaps tho benefits People- must buy. whether times are good or bad. The Elections bill will now bo re pealed. Tho Democracy doesnot want anybody to hinder them from voting early and often. Tjik poor Heading .Railroad! How they Jump on tho management. The old saw, "do not jump on a man when he la down," finds true application In this instance Tjik progressive people of Pottsvllle are doing everything In their power to bring about a change of government from a backwoods town to a city. They ought to succeed. Like other towns, that place has many cranks mid old fogies who cannot see further than their nose. By the time stockholders, who are fighting the Beading management get through, there will bo nothing left to light about. The Company, while trying to economize and save money to pay their debts, aro compelled to go to great expense In lawyers' fees, etc to defend the property agulnst these -very people who think they know how to run the business better than those now In charge. THE NEW COUNTRY. The Cherokee outlet that became a part of Oklahoma Territory on Satur day last by being thrown open to set tlement has a curious history as illustr ting the slight knowledge possessed of UieWestern half of this continent while the East had long been a settled and populous country. When there was found to be no room for the three or four Indian tribes remaining in the In tho Southern states, Congress by a bill passed in 1834 set apart a portion of the Louisiana purchase a little larger than the New England states as a reservation to belong forever to the five "civilized'' tribes of Cherokees Cluctavvs, Chlckasaws, Creeks and Seminolee. The Indians being in due course transferred to this region, since known as Tndlan Territory, the Cher- ottees received a tract in the northern portion of pome five million aoiw, with what is called an "easement title" to .abroad atripex tending wet from their settlement to the confine of tliecoun- try. No one knew (or oared much) wtt lay beyond, but the Ides waa to give' the Cherokeea a tight of way out 'from their reservation to the limitless huntlnK-tfrouud of the Far West "With the Mexican War we became owner of tbete unknown regions, and presently aetUere pressed in from every side and the Cherokee outlet no longer led out from the edge civilization into the Nowhere, Their rights to the strip were not, however, those of own ers, but merely permission to pass to and fro. Having ceased to serve them when there was no buntlnu-grounds left for them to go to, they tried to sell the land to a syndicate. But the Government very properly interfered with an arrangement whloh promised to benefit only a few monopolists, and taking the matter Into Its own bands, after some litigation the Indians have aboaented to surrender this and aonie other rights for a lump saw of iS.oM, 780. With tbU transaction the land flwtUy pjMsed from the aborigines to the race wulcb his long since become dominant on the continent. Ho and His Gallant Yaoht Safo in Now York Harbor, VALKYRIE IIAD A STORMY PASSAGE Her Owner hhiI CHptittti, However, An nounce 'Hint Mio VI1 Im In ltulllio fur the (Irnnt Coutoat nlllt the Vigi lant on Oft. S. Nkw Yohr, Sept. 28 The yaolit Valky rie arrived yesterday ftr h voyane of twenty-nine days and eighteen hours, mid was immiHlintely towed over to her an- UioraKe nt Day Klilcre. She had a much limner voyfure than hail been ex)ectil. Hit delay was due to a series of Kales, callus and heavy sens. Whenever the weathur was clear it sueinpd to be calm, and wlipn itwasnotoalmthere was a succession of Kales or of cross seas in which Hi ii yacht labored so heavily that Rpped was impossible. Lime ana again she was forceu to run before the wind or to make lung reaches out of hor course, and was thus kept o(t so that she was unable to get In as enrly as she expected. Many seas were shipped and considerable damnKo was done, but LORD DtmnAVEN. none of It serious enough to causo any do lay in thu race. Tho Valkyrie's com mander, Captain V. Cranfleld, said he could easily get ready for the race on Oct. 5. Tho Valkyrie, like the Vigilant, is more of a racor than a pleasure boat. Slio is built essentially for speed. Iter quarters aro cramped aucl her crow haven't a sur plus of room. lint in no other manner are tho two boats alike. She has n sail area of about 10,000 feet, which is smaller than tho VlRilnnt's by somo 500 feet. Whllo she is a keel boat, she is by no means the typical English cutter. She has tho best, elements of the cutter, com bined with tlioso of an American center boarder. The Valkyrie has a Rood record. She has taken part in twenty three regattas, out ot which she captured nineteen prizes, clevon firsts, llvo soconds and threo thirds. Once sho wns disqualified, once slio met with an accident; hut it Is conceded by all hands that she is tho best racer in England and the worthy competitor ot tho best racor iu America. The English yacht was taken to Erie Basin this morning, and her masts and Bpars are being romoved. Her racing spars and sails, which came over in tho steamer Berlin somo ten days ago, will be put in place, and the work of getting her in racing trim will be pushed. Peoplo say that the Valkyrie was over- duo. The Thistle, tho last boat to contest for the America's cup, took thirty-two days to cross the Atlantic ocean. Tho Valkyrie crosses in two days loss. There was, therefore, no causo for alarm on her nccount; hut a great denl of anxiety was expressed notwithstanding. Lord Dunravon and party arrivod by the steamer Campania this morning. Lord Dunraven's party is made up as follows: Earl and Countess of Dunraven, their daughters, and Ladies Wyndhnui-Quin, the Marquis of Ormonde, Lord Wolverton, the Hon. Hercules Itohert Langrishe, and tho Hon. Arthur Paget. Lord Dunraven visited tho Valkyrie shortly after noon, and is greatly pleased with her condition. After nn interview with Captain Cantleld he formally announced that his yacht would bo in readiness for the great contest on Oct. 5. llellnioiis Htot 111 Kansas City. Kaxsas City, Mo., Sept. S!3. The third riot between the American Protestant as sociation, an auti-Catholic society, ami men who aro supposed to be friends of the church, occurred here last night, and but for police interference tho result might have been serious. As It was, one John Connor, an Irishman, was shot through tho hand by James Qrotvn, a member of the Amerioan Protestant association, and many men received broken beads ami bruised faces. Many hand to hand flights occurred.but no one was dangerously hurt. "Promlnenta hh Cattlw Tlluvai. SIOUX CITY, la., Sept. 2a The town of Niobara, in the ranae country of mirth eastern Nebraska, is undergoinc a n in of terror. For live years cauie thieve, n t been operating iu the cooutrv alone ilu Missouri and Niobara rivers.amlhinul -il-of head of cattle have been stolen Yi-mk r day nine of the most prominent m.-n .. Butte City and Niobara were .n-rcst. d ! t the thefts and lodged iu jail at Ninbai i Talk of lynching is -.trong. Found with Her Throat Cut. BmncRTON, N, J., Sept. 38. Mrs. Ruth lutiley, a widow, aueu 05, was found ile nl on the floor of a room at her daugliu-r's house at Haleyville with her throat cut from ear to ear. Bbe lived at Halleytoyvn three miles from where she killed herself. HiihsIuii Cholera titutlatloa. St. I'KTEnsBUIlQ, Sept. 28. The number of deaths by cholera in the provinces for the week ending sept. 10 are as follows Mosoow, 187; St. Petersburg, 100; Grodno, 180; Veronesh, 3UT; Orel, 286; Poltawa, 1119; Tula, 31; KharkolT, 120. TVnmnti Haiti ITn uv Illirhwavinen. were held up and robbed by two highway men on iiingaman street, miner me i-uua-delphia and Heading railroad. The men jumped on a passing coal train and us capea. KmibuIiik Convict t'MlallT Shot. ABKANBAS ClTV, Ark., Sept. 28. Three colored convicts attempted to escape fi mi state prison. Two succeeded, but the third was fatally wounded by a guard. To Eaepau KuwIkd School. Moscow, Sept 88. The epidemic li.ts dsereaaed so rapidly bar and In the south of Russia that the schools will be re opened within a few days. Hood's Cures B. E. Vnrphy " Ilood's Barsaparllla has dons wonders for me. Three years ago I suffered with Inflamma tory rheumatism, and was taken Willi typhoid fever. After the lover abated my llmbi were so till I could not straighten them. I got a bottle of Hood's Sarsaparilla and when I had taken it I could bend my limbs, was cured of rheumatism, and am now feeling wolL" 13. 1!. Duuriiv, Carbondale, l'a. Hood's Pills cure liver ills, sick headache, uundlce. Indigestion. Try a box. 2Sc Huberts ('loin Unbind Ive. CllICAdO, Sept. 23. Last night was the fifth of tho international match of En glish billiards between John Kobertn, Jr., and Frank Ives in Central Music hall, mid Ives won, hut Huberts reached 1,275 points. It was a most exciting game. Thecontest will end tonight. The score now stands: Ives, 0,001; Koberts, 4,705. An j:dltnr Kurs n Onrdlnill. Mnylv yjl Tin, n.lltn nf Tim Tllrlrn lino atmtl nnrrltnnl Pnrnnflil fni RO OnO lln, ilntniiirnu lfnuiii-a In hlu i.ntn plaint that the cardinal injured his news paper to this extent by ordering all Ital ian priests to prevent Its sale among their parishioners. Why Santa Aliuiu llBHiuiiiMl. Komi;, Sept. 2.1. Signor Santa Maria's resignation of the ministry of jubilee has been accepted. Probably Senor Arnindo will be nppointed to succeed him. Santa Maria resigned because lie was opposed ro Premier Glolittrs plan of a nuw campaign against the Vatican. I'rlnca lllninnrck Jlncovtirlnp;. KI8SIM1DN, Sept. SR. Prince llismarck is slowly regaining Ids strength. He is ex ceedingly pleased with tho friendly ills patch from the emperor. Dr. Schweliigen, Hlsmarck's body physician, has sent the emperor a written report of Ids patient's condition. Dlvd from Her Htirim. WlI.SHNOTON, Del., Sept. 28. Hester Brown, the colored woman who wns so u-r-rlbly burned by a lump said to have been thrown by Lavinia bipple, also colored, died in the hospital Inst evening. The Sip pie woman is under arrest. ItilUlcit the Anarchists. IJAIICELONA, Sept. 23. The police raided an anarchist club yesterday, and seized two dozen petards and several large pack ages of tracts and placards. All the mem bers found in the building were arrested. Nancy Hu ks Will Try AkhIii. EVANSVII.LI:, Intl., Sept. 23. it has been decided by the Kvansville Speed awsoeia tion to start Aiiucy Hanks agaliiht her record of 2.04 on Tuesday afternoon, Oct. a nut J III ,T . agree , CwwitiT'Miinii I oral It 1 JLi5 UdiniK -KiPl'-S ?comi ALL WISE HEADS agreo that tho uso of a liver pill after dinner, or to ac comnlish special f results, is an im portant stop in civilization. Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets ore hotter tlinn other liver pills in almost ev ery resncct. Thev'ro tho smallest, easiest to take, most natural in tho way they act; cheapest, because guaranteed to glvo satis faction, or money returned. AVo all havo weak spots. Generally it's the liver. An active liver prevents impurities and poisons from entering the blood. " Pleasant Pellets " have a tonic olTect unon the liver nnd the general system. They cure Indication, Dys pepsia, tnzzy tspells, Wick or lillious Jtead acbes, and all derangements of tho liver, stomach and bowels. Tim MATCP.nn of Dr. Bno-n'a Pntnrrh Remedy will pay you $."i00 If they can't givo you a complete and permanent cure. 'it O 11 to find a ennn ron RHEUMATISM, LUMBAGO, SCIATICA, KBDNEY, LIVER and BLADDER COMPLAINTS, DYSPEPSIA, LAME-BACK, &c, Onr 00 pnffo book "THREE CTiASSES OP flIEN," should be read by every youmj, mlddle-nseil and old mnn sent sealed, free. Dr. Baudcii'a Electric licit: Is no experiment, as we havo restored thousands to robust health and vU?or, after all other treatments failed, as can ba shown by hundreds of canes throughout tbtsandother&tateiinho would ftladly testify, and from many of whom we bare strung letters bearing testimony to their recovery alter ulutf our Jlclt. WE HAVE CURED THESE WE CAN CURE YOUf KERTOTJB 3EBIMTY AND WEAKNESS, tJaw York Pitt October filth, 18W. Da, A,T. Batokh. Dcir Slr Aboutllirceyearsscq X purchased one of 3 car electria belts for the cure of nervous debility, vhuri I liatlnlu worst form and which was undsrmiiu my hesHh. i'or years I had suffered from tils territTed6blliatinff drain on my vtUl forces and I inti not know what It was to have a eood filfht'fl slMp, buc in one month's time after usine the pelt 1 f etc a much stronaror man Doth mentally aou phy Vlcallr, and in a short tuae was entirely wull. Yours li Uy, II. SJCELIQ , as? Bowery, ZUIETJUAT1SU AND LOST TIGOIl. UaooKtrw, N. y OotoUr a6Ui, lW. Da, A. T. Sakpkh, Dtur sir t Rmr years ajco suf fersd ( "ifa jiaUi from rh-iuiiiutU-u that at timea it w ji aoefu cAhoi gouuie i or am iu gi t orouna. ana I aiwajseartioa a b for support. I uned your tilt aad felt a relief In r battr. I irivl ne miv a snort time untilihuivitiiM hit mn mil toitivt fvm a watl loan, ir.tway-1 cepmy b Itnfuvby ir fear wmnufffc bear ti'r 1 uc a -it li i. i r Ucufuur raw S lno jou curt-d u,e mn lev my it U j.-.-rmnu. IS. A. & TOSS, llu3icaii)uw,ai)u iUrk,ei'law. THE DR. 8ANDEN sa1vanloTattrv. madalntn abult ua lonned cv -rents which ro Instantly foil thronahoot airweak parU.or we forfeit t it tn cure uny of tho above weaknesses, ld. 'J nay are ifmdea in HrenMh in Meet wui cui g tua norat onsen Iu two or tflrea SAWDEW ELECTRIC CO., co,ud SMITH ON THc .--....oNS. ) TJin Secretary Iliilurix 'Hint, lfn 1 In Favor of Them WAgitiNOTOi, Sept. 33. In nn Interview which Is published In today's Post Secre tary Smith defines nt length his position on tho question of pensions. Mr. Smith says It Is wrong to suppose thnt he Is n common enemy to pensions. He actually and conscientiously believes that there have crept upon the pension rolls, by var ious rules of pension commissioners and the work of examiners and other officers of the) pension bureau, nn enormous num ber of persons who are not entitled to pen sions. "These are the ones I am after," said the secretary, "and they are the ones we Intend to weed out of the jienslon Hst If they reduce the total number of pen sioners one-half." itoferrlng to the order of Commissioner Lochren, directing that all pensioners whose claims were not good upon the pre sentation made should be dropped from the rolls for a period of sixty days, when they must make their claims good or suf fer permanent suspension, Secretary Smith stated that this action was taken when he was absent from Washington, and that it did not meet his approval. He believed that, whether there was authority or not, a pensioner after once being placed upon tho rolls should have notice baforo being dropped. Questioned as to the effect ot the modi fied order, the secretary stated that about one-half of those placed upon tho list of suspected frauds and who wero given no tlco that they must furnish proof of their right to receive pensions, wero dropped, or would be dropped, nt the end of tho time within which proof wns required, and that at least half of those who were dropped would never ho able to furnish satisfac tory evidence that they were entitled to pensions. The secretary declared that it was a great mistake to suppose that he intended to decrease pension expenditures by de priving those who wero ontitled to pen sions under tho law of their just rewards. He declared with cnrnostiloss that ho was not opposed to pensions. IN SENATEAND HOUSE. Colorado Senators Will Oppose Mr. rlatt's Closure Itosolutlon Washington, Sept. 23. Tho closuro res olution, which was introduced in the sen nto on Wednesday by Mr. Piatt, was taken up yesterday and discussed until nearly 2 o'clock, when it went over in order to give Mr. Turpie an opportunity to speak upon it. The only two speeches upon the reso lution yesterday were made by the Colo ado Senators, Messrs. Wolcott and Teller. Mr. Wolcott said that lie would voto against it, but that ho would make no pro longed opposition to it, and that he thought it could bo very soon brought to a vote. As to the repeal bill itself, if Ids associotes should deem it best to contest that meas ure inch by inch, ho would cheerfully nnd cordially join with them. Mr. Teller was not so liberally inclined towards the clo sure rule ns his colleague, but asserted that lie would resist by every method, ob structive and otherwise, the adoption of a rule which would limit debate. The re peal bill was taken up at 2 o'clock, .and speeches against it were made bv Messrs. George, Hansbrough and Stewart. An agreement was proposed by Mr. Voor- hees, nnd nsentcd to unanimously, that from Monday, and until further orders, tho daily sessions shall be from 11 a. m. to 0 p. m. The session of tho house was without incident. The report of tho committeo on accounts assigning clerks to committees wns adopted. A resolution calling for in' formation relative to tho 'enforcement of the Geary exclusion law was agreed to. All Quiet at Uonnoke. Roanoke, Vn., Sept. 23. The Intense excitement over tlio unfortunate occur rences of the past threo days has subsided and the city is now quiet. Acting Mayor Buckner has entire control of the executive department of tho city government. The coroner's jury is making a thorough In vestigation of the riots. They will proba bly remain in session u number of days. There is still a strong feeling against tho authorities and the military, but no dem onstrations are being made. The Yfillow Fever hi llriiunwlclc. Blll'KSWlCK, Gn., Sept. 28 There were three new cases of yellow rover yesterday, of a mild character. There aio now nine teen capes of fever under treat menu Brunswick has had martial law :, upon her by the inability of the council obtain a (luorum, and the di-imirab.-.u mn of the regular police h.rco. T.ii- i , the citizens to in in I hem-elves and i ' their property from ilesiniciinn by line HANDFK'S IS I EC TRIO BETT with Electro Mhsnetle HuMnyri mtvy totll cure without uidsllclnv ui) nt tin' aliovflroublt's. Tluiso irbt Miller from NervouH llelllitr. lifisHPH. llriiiiiA. I.oMt ninnhondl .rnur .Hcmoj'y, nil j'ciiiuiejui IuliitH, ami ui'ucral 111 bealthf liio Liiottiol abiiRBn, excesses, wonT or cxpttBure. will tliul rpiuf nnd pronipf euro iu our uiai-vel us tnvention w Inch renin res but a trial to convince tho most In ignorance of ef foctB juu miiT havo un.iuly drained yourfiysieni of nervu forooand vitality wlilcli U electricity and thua caused your wcukncssorlackof force. If you replace into your system tlio elements thus dtained, which are re quired lor vigorous strenetb, you will remove tbo cause and health, strength and vitfor will follow at once. This Is our plan and treatment, and wo KUKt'itATIdH-LOST YIGOR. . . m Vzvr YoRS Cnx Oct- S3. 89t Db, A. T. Sandm Dearblr i-l can report to you tn&l the beit hs entirely cured me ot rheuraatUm from which I fullered for fourteen yara almost eontlnually, I am a letter carrier, and the long dally tramps nece sary In my roundi,uptathetlme ot eetLimt the belt, wero painfully Rone throutrh with, but thanks to your wonueriui mveniion, i cannowwallcaswellaslerer oM, and will roontmend j oar treatment) to all oJfilcted rne current has also liruught bat'lcmy vigor in other waysaayou oald It woi Vmira watv Erulr. AME3 MiUU, 21 ferry St. CENrr.Ai. di;diutv, Ac ontcB oir SAnntarr ft bo;j, DT Gooua. BM-, Ourmil. Maine, ?&. 37, im. Pk. A.T.Hi, DwTuri-1 m slid to add mr tawlmoiiy n tba tiMay you have of Utm snat Talu, of Jiur belr. lly health naaf rat rovt4 tvonderfiuly. and I uveKaiued (wvln pound' (Oeh,aiulnoiralien well aii-luuveaneiiwllentaunetlte. Your plc-udld clecttig Ik It wiihjour rulea or Hnalth" ba. bein a Tiy vuia. ai.lobeiiefltlorn.n.aaitake lileaauniaOoaunndllu: your belt. luiuvrapwuuijy. WiL obo. Miuainr. ELECTRIC BELT an tn null mnm tnri... M.w M .it ..j o and toenlaruo uhrnnkan iTmhn mi7"iTOaiiv ail atuin of weakaeai in riiunit. midi mootha. Addraai for full In formation. era 836 Broadvay, New York. READING RAILROAD SYSTEM, TIME TABLE IN IIIIOI AUO. 7, 1893. Trains leave Shenandoah as follows: For New York via l'hlladelnhla. week davf. 2.10. B.. 7.2). a.m.. 12.2A. am. fi.M, n.m. siindm 2.10, 7.18 a. m. For Now York via Mauch Chunk, wcck unys, a. m.. iz.a), z.w p. m. For Heading aod I'hlladelptua, week dayt, 2.10,6.26,7.20, a.m., IB-W), 2.S0, b.ti p. m. Sun day, 2.10, 7.48 a. m., 4.30 p, m For llOTrlsburg, week days, 2.10, 7.20 a. m., 2.89, B.tB p. m. For Allentown, week days, 7.20 a. m., 12.20, 2.00 p. m. ror i-oiwvuie, ween aays, z.10, 7 2", a. m., 12.20, 2.C0, 6.56 p. m. Sunday, 2,10, 7.48 a. m., 4.30 ForTamaauaand Mahanov Cltv. week days. 2.10, 6.26, 7.10, a. m., HMO, 160, 6.(5 p. m. Sun day, 2.10, 7.48 a. m., 4.28 p. m. Additional for Mananoy uuy, wbok nays, 7 uu p. rn. For Lancaster and Columbia, week days, 7.20 a. tn., 2.EU p. m. For WlUlamsDort. Sunburv and Lewlsbure. week days, 8.26, 7.20, 11.80 a. m., 1.85, 7.00 pm. Sundny, 3.26 a.m., 8.06 p. m. i vi mnuBHu, x iiiuu, nwk uayn., o.o, u.c, 7.20, 11.3') a.m., 12.M, 1ST,, if.60, 6.65, 7 00, 9.85 p.m. Buncmy, j.iu,, 7.a. m., s.uo, i.tup. m, I'or uiraravuie, ( xappahannock station), week days. 2.10, 8t6, 6.15, 7.20, 11.30 a. m. a.fcu.a.uu, .W, V.HW, , -W, P.BU U, IU. OUUUII IU 3.25,.7.48 a. m., 3.06, 4.80 p. m. For Ashland and Shumokln, week days, 8.S5, 6.26, 7.S), 11. 0 a. m., 1.86, 7.00, 9.86 p. m. bun day, 8.26, 7.48 a. in., 3.06 p. m. lllAina I'UB SlUSNANDUAil: Leave New York via Phlladelnnia. week i av . 8.00 a. m., 1.30, 4.00, 7.30 p. m 1!U6 Light, bun day, 6.00 p. in., 12.16 night. Leave Now York via Mauch Chunk, week days, 4.00, 8.45 a. m., 1.00, 4.30 p. m. Sunday, 7.15 a. m. ii'iivr x-aiiaueipaiu, marKoi aireei niniion, wtcs unjDi o.on, iv,w t. ui.. uuu, 0.00, 11.30 p. m. Bunday 4.00, 9.05 a. m., 11.30 p. in. Leave Heading, nook days, l.b&,7,10, 10.05, 11.50 a. m 6.66, 7.57 p. m Sunday, 1.35, 10.48 a. m. iioave -oitsviiio, wcck uays, u.4u, 7. iu a. m. 12.30, 6,11 p. m Sunday, 2.40, 7.00 a. m 2.05 p. m. Leave Tamaaua. week davs. 3.20. 8.48. 11.23 i. m., 1.21, 7.15, 9.23 p. m. Sunday, 8.S0, 7.43 a. m., 2.50 p. m. Leave Mahanoy City, week days, 3.45, 9.18, 11.47 a. m 1.61, 7.42, 9.54 p. m. Sunday, 8.46, 8.12 a. m., 3.20 p. m, Lcavo Mahanov Plane, week At vs. 2.40. 4.00. 6.S0,9.S5,10.40,11.69a.m.,12. 55,2.00, 6.20,6. 26,7.57,10.10 p. m. Sunday, 2.40, 4.00, 8.27 a. m., 3.37, 5.01 p. m. Lcavo fJirardvllle, (Happahannock Station), nwnauajo, .i,, i.ui, u.uu, v.ti Jt.iuUi 111., 2.12, 1.01, 6.S6, 6.32, 8.03. 10.16 p. m. Sunday, 2.47, C.OO, U. IU., 0.41, D.U1 p. U, Leave Wllllamsport, week days, 8.00, B.35, 12.00 a. m., 3.35, 11.15 p. m. Sunday, 11.15 p. in. For llaltlmoro, Washington and the West via 11. & O. K. It., through trains leave Olrard Avenue station, Philadelphia, (P. A 11. K. Ii.) at 8 50. 8.01, 11.27 a. m- 3.56. 6.42. 7.16 ii. m. Sunday 8 50, 8.02, 11.27 a. m.. 3.56, 5.42, 7.10 p. m. ATLflwriu urn uiviaiun. Leave Philadelphia, Chestnut street wharl and South street wharf, for Atlantlo City. Weekdays Express, 8 00, 9 00, 10 45 a m, (Saturdays, 1 30) 2 00, 3 00, 4 00. 4 30, 5 15 p m. Excursion 7 CO am. Accommodation, 8 00 a m, 4 30, 5 45 p m. Sundays Express, 7 SO, 8 00, 830, 9 00, 1000 a m and 4 30 p m. Accommodation, 8 00 a m and 4 45 p m. Returning leave Atlantic City depot, Atlantlo and Arkansas avenues. Wcekdavs Express (Mondays only, 045) 7 00, 7 35, 9 SO a m and 3 15, 4 00, 5 to, 7 30, 9 30 p ns. Accommodation, 550, 8 10 am and 4 30 pm. Excursion, from foot of juississippi Avenue ouiy, out, p m. Sundays Express. 3 30. 4 00. 600. 0 00. 6 30. 7 00, 7 80, 8 00, 9 30 p m. Accommodation, 7 30 a iu uuu uo p m. V. U. 11AWUUUK, uon. i'aSS. Agt. Philadelphia, Pa, LEHIGH VALLEY RAILROAD. rassencer trains leave Shenandoah for I'enn Uavcn Junction, Mauch Chunk, I.o- hlKhton, blatlngton, white liall, Catasauqua, Allentown, llcthlchem, Easton, Philadelphia Huzleton, Weatherly, Quakako Junction, Del ano and Mahanoy City at 6.01, 7.20, 0.08 a m. 12.43,2.57,4.23 p. m. For New York, e.04, 7.20 ft. m., 12.43, 2.57 4.22 p. m. Ior Ilazleton. Wllkca.Barre. Whlta Haven Plttston, Laceyvllle, Towanda, Sayre, Waverly, anu jj;imira, o.ui, a. zn., z.07, &.u& p. m. Ii'or Kochcster, lluffalo, Niagara lalls and tho West. (i.Ul. 9.08 a. m. 12.43 nnd 8.08 n. m. For llelvldere, Dolawuro Water Uap and ciirouuBourg, a. m., p. m. For Lambcrtville and Trenton. 9.08 a. m. For Tunkhannock, 6.01, 0.08 u. m 2.57, 8 08 p. m. i' or ltnaca ana uenova cut, u.uts a. m. o.u p. m For Auburn 9.08 a. ra. 8.08 n. m. ForJeanesvllle.LovlstonundUeaverMeadow, Y.a), a. m.t D.zi, p. m. For Audcnrled, Ilazleton, Stockton and Lum bor Yard, 6.01, 7.26, 9.08, a. m., 12.43, 2.67. 4.22. 5.27. 8.08 D. m. For Scranton, 6.04, 9.08, a. m., 2 4,s..57 p.m. For Hazlobrook, Jeddo, Drltton ana rceland 6.04, 7.26, 9.08, a. m., 12.43, 2.57, 6.27 p. rr. ' For Ashland. Glrardvllle and Lost Creek, 4.62, 7.61, 8.53, 10.20 a. m 1.00, 1.40, 4.10, 6.35, 8.22, 9.16 p. m. For Raven Run, Centralla, Mount Carmol and B Jn in fiO n m , An A An Q . v. U.1. U.WV U. UI., tilV) 1.1V U,f,A, Ua Uli For Yatesvllte, Park 1'lace, Mahanoy City and Delano, 6.04, 7.26, 9.08, 11.05 a m 12.43, 2.67, 4.22, 6 27, 8.08, 9.33, 10.28 p. m. Trains will leave Shamokln nt 7.65. 11.45 a. m.. 1.65, 3.20 p. m. and arrive at Shenandoah at a. m., 12.4s, i-'.o,, p. m. Leave Shenandoah for Pottsvllle, 5.50, 7.26, 9.08, 11.03 a. in., 12.43, 2.57, 6.27, 8.08 p. m. -uuuiu lutmi iiiu Jul aucuuuuijuui u.w, 9.05, 10.15, 11.48 a. m., 12.32, 3.00, 5.20, 7.00,7.15, p.m. Leave Shenandoah for Bazleton, 6.04, 7.26, 9.08, a. m 12.43, 2.67, 4.22, 6.27,8.08 p. m. Lcavo Ilazleton for Shenandoah, 7.26, 9.23 n.uo a. m.,, z.ii,, 7.23, 7.11a p. m. SUNDAY TRAINS. Trains leave for Ashland, Qlrardvllle and Lost Creek. 7.29. 9.40 a. m.. 12.80. 2.45 t. m. For Yatesvllle, Park Place, Mahanoy City, Delano, Hazleton, lllack Creek Junction, Penn Haven Junction, Mauch Chunk, Allentown, llcthlchem, Easton and New York, 8.40 a m.,, i..uu p. K. For Phlladelnhla 12.30. 2.55 n m. For Yatesvllle. Park Place, Mahanoy City and Delano. 8.40. 11.35 a. m., 12.30. 2.55. 4.40 6.0? c. m. Leave Ilazleton for Shenandoah, 8.3U, 11.30 a. in., 1.05, 6.30 p. m. Leave Shenandoah for Pottsvllle, b.&O, 8.40, 9.30 a. m., 2.45 p. m. Leave Pottsvllle for Shenandoah, 8.30, 10.40 a.m. ,, p. m. A. W. NONNEMACUER, Asst. G. P. A., South liethlehem Pa. R. H WILBUR, GenL Bupt. Eastern Dlv PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD. 60UlITI.Kli.I. U1VIEION. SEPa'EMUER 18th, 1898. Trains will leave Shenandoah after the above date for Wljnran's. Gilberton, Frackvllle, New PoLtstown. Phcenlxvllle. Norrlatown and Phil. adelphla (Broad street station) at 6:00 aad 11.45 a. m. ana 4:1a p. m. on week aays. rot eom vine anu lnrormeaiaie sianuns v;iu a m. SUNDAYS. For Wlgean's, Gilberton, Frackvllle, New Casilt, St. Clair, Pottsvllle at 8:00, 9:40 a.m. and 8:10 n. m. For Hamburs. Readlnc. Potts- town, PbcenlzvlUa, Norrlatown, Phiuulelphia at 6 :00, 9:40 a. zOm 8: 10 p. m. Trains leave Frackvllle for Shenandoah at 10:40a. m. and 12:14, 5:04, 7:42 and 10:27 p.m. rui.days, 11:13 a. 111. and 6:40 p. m. Ltave Pottsvllle for Shenandoah at 10:15. 11:48 a. 111. and 4:40, 7: 15 and 10.00 p. m. Sundays at 10:40 a. tn. and 5:16 p. m. Leave Philadelphia (Broad street station) for Pottsvllle and Shenandoah at 6 67 and 8 36 a m, 4 10 and 7 11 pm week days. On Sundays leave at 0 du a m. r or roitsv me, a m. For New York Express, week days, at 3 80, 4 06, 4 50, 5 15, 6 50, 7 88, 8 30, 9 60, 11 00 11 !5, a m, 12 00 noon, 12 41 p. m. (Limited Ex press 1 06 and 160 p m. dining cars.) 1 40, a on o n A i,n K on a nn a an v , 4 0,0 ft CV, AiHh IVA UUU, UW, U UU, f to, Dlfa 10 (Opto, 12 01 night, Sundays 3 20, 4 06, 4 SO. 615, 812,9 6a 11031135, a m. 12 44, 1 40, 2 80, 4 10 (limited ouj d ai, o uo, o do. 7 is ana o is p m ana 12 01 night. For Sea Girt, Long Branch ana Intermediate stations, dou, 'a uaa am, ana aau.iuv, D m weekdays and o 00 pm. Sucdays 8 25 a m' For lialtltcore and Washlncton 8 60. 7 20, 8 81. 9 10, 10 20, 11 18 am. (12 25 limited dining car,) 1 80, U 46, 4 41, (6 lb Congressional Limited I'uumun rarior cars ana Dining uarj, sit, 6 66. 7 40 cm.. 12(8 nleht week davs. Sun fays, 8 60, 7 20, 310, 11 IS a m. 12 10, 4 41, (165, 7 4Utim. and 12 08 night. For Richmond, 7 20 a m, 12 10 p m, 12 C3 night dr lly. and 1 30 p. m. week days, Tiains v. ill leave Iiarrlsburg for Pittsburg snathe Weal everyday at 1136,130 and 310 a m aid 2 26, 8 26, (6 00 limited) and 7 30 p m. V, ay for A itcoca at 8 18 am and 6 08 p m every nay. -r oi i.-ivuscuig ana aikou ii iih . hverv dav. Trains will leave Sunbury tor Wlllltmsport, kiiikiih, . u.'H.'m.F ua., vv.vaw, 1- met, Nlataia tails at 204.6 18 a m, and I H pm week davs. Fox Elmlra at a 84 o m week davu. tot Erie and Intermediate points at til am dally, for Lock Haven at 6 U and 9 66 a m daily. 1 m ai.d tllpa weak deyi Tot Beaefo t lla m, 186 and 5 M p Ns week m. aad 6 9 OB Bunoaysenly. Ior Kane at 6 is am, 1 it- p m week dan. 8- M. PHBTO&T, Gcn'l Mantger J. K. Wood. Oen'l Pasa'g'r Agt FirstNationalBank THEATRE BUILDING ftliciinucIoaH, X'cmiw. CAPITAL, - A.. T. LKISKNIUNO, President, P. J. FEHGUBON, Vice PreslflMt K. LE181SNRJNO, Cftshler. 8. W, YOST, Assistant CuhUr Open Dally From 9 to 8 3 PER CENT. Interest Paid on Savings Deposit, Easily, Quickly, Permanently Restored, WEAKNESS, NERVOUSNESS, DEBILITY, nnd all the train of ctIId lromearlyerroraor later excesses, tho results or ovcrnork, sleknnss, worrv.ctc. Full strength, deTcIopmcnt ond tone given to every organ and jwrtlon of the body, simple, natural method!. Immediate lmprorement seen. Failure Impostlble. 2.0U0 refprenccs. Book, explanation nnd proof! mailed (scaled) free. ERIE MEDICAL CO. BUFFALO, N. Y. ABRAiVi HEEBNER CO., PORT CARBON, PA Manufacturers ot Of Every Description. Flags, Baoges, Caps, Reganas, &c 3-FINESI 000DS-L0WEST PKICES.TSB Wrlto for catalogues. Corrospondchcosollcltea Htdleal OlHr. 2nr. S. K7rn'n St .Philjurn Piv ) Are tho nlrtcmt In Amprlw tnr (li Imqimort r.4 vancoceio, nynrocpie, iiupture, i.o-t Maunooo. Trenliupnl by n NperiuUy Com munications pacnslly Hcnd btamp fo V hook, uinro nours J a i, r, n,, uiovk Ltd All day Saturday. Sundays, 10 to 13 A M. THE n3IJ"OTJ I Everything modeled after Oreen's Cafe, Philadelphia, 3a S. main St., SHeiitmdoala. The leading place In town. Has lately been entirely reno vated Everything new, clean ana iresn. Tne unest line 01 i Wines and Liquors I UlfidlO, iJbU., lU.CIbU BUM UV mestlc. Free lunch served each evening. Big schooners of f resh.Beer.Porter, Ale, tc. OPPOSITE : THE : THEATRE, J. j. uuuuhnkti rron. i JOHN GOSLETT Main and Oak Streets, Shenandoah, Penua,, GREEN GROCERIES, Truck and Vegetables. Poultry, Game, Fish and Oyster) f In season. Orders left at the store will receive prompt attention FRED. ISZBITKC-A-nST 104 North Main street, Shenandoah, Pa., WHOLESALE BAKER ASP C0NFECTI0NE& Ice Cream wholesale and retail, i'icnlos and parties supplied on short notlc Chris. Bossier's 1 SALOON AND RESTAUftAiT (Mann's old stand) X04 South Main Street. took. Fresh Beer, Ale an a on i l L0RENZ SCHMiDT'a Celebrated Porter, file anil Be JAMES SHIELDS, . MamKer Shenandoah Branc JOE WYATT'S SALOON AND RESTAURAN , (Christ. Dossler's old stand.) ' 1 it' Main ana Coal Sts BUeuandot, i Best beer, ale and porter on tap. The fl' , brands of whiskeys and cigars. Poolroom tacheO. t'j Plait's Pnnular Salon I (Formerly Joe Wyatt's) Vi 19 arid 21 West Oak StrerJ SHENANDOAH. PA KM Mar atniikM3 with the bCbt ir; rrter m ifnisiiM, nraaoies, winen, tn- i- I tln bar attached. Con't,1 - z. .at; WEEKS' SAIGONI 17 8, Main 8i , Rml Brwda of WifiM, WMskfys ud Cjf ( Freeh Beer, Porter and Ale A IS always on lap, i . J. 33. aOBEWaAOg'S