The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, September 18, 1893, THIRD EDITION, Image 2

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The Herald.
ar. .1. JwrRH.....
. o, HOV MR......
IT.. WAlKIifB,.
t, m. nor mi
.KlHor and J'tibltther
. Komi Mllttr
.....iliMfntt Slanngtfr
0liiir,pr yHr,...... is CO
ttkly, pr yswr, .,.,,..... i so
AitrrrtUlny llnlm.
Trnlont, 10 oenta pr ltne, Brat Insertion i &
seat par line each subsequent Insertion, ltatm
er regular advertising onn De bad on applica
tion it the ofBoe or by mall.
Tho Evbnino Herald ban a larger elrcula
iMn Id Hhonantloiih tboo unr other paper pub'
Mehed, Books open to all,
Voorhoos' Plan to Forco a Voto on
tho Eepeal Bill,
In Thl Way It In Hoped to Urine the
Inn to n Vote Til II II 1 appealing
tlie I'sdernt Klitotlans Lnw Will Out
llifire tho lliAite TliU Weak,
Hntered at the PostofHoe. at Bhenandoah, l'a
far transmission through the malls
as second-class mall matter.
It almost surpHwes belief that
Cleveland, liluud, Vest and Voorliees
were nil elected on the same platform.
Yet tliey represent all the vagurieu In
national II linnet).
Tub Demoorata of the House of Itep
reseutati vea are now getting Jsorne of
the sittne medicine they so gleefully
wdailnUtered the KepiiulloaiiB whm
'they wanted to pass some measure that
they thought was right. The hill to
.repeal the law regulating Federal elee
'tlons has run against a snag, the Ke
publloatiH llllbufstering so aa to prevent
Its early consideration. Elections In
'the South are n little more than n farce
uow, and If this law is repealed there
"Will be hardly anyuse for Republicans
tlowu there g"lng to the polls.
Too little advertising Is like sewing
fttrblttUK sped. A farmer in planting
.eornpute a nu uberof grains into each
Milll,aud ls paflfed me good healthy
T"?.'c comes from each planting. It's
the constant advertiser that Is bound
to attract attention. It's the success
4of bright, calohy advertisements that
refuse to bB Ignored. That the proper
time mint be allowed for the fruit to
grow, ripen, and be gathered Is as true
nj that wheat can not be reaped the
day after It is sown. Au advertisement
In Tub Hehald ripens quickly into
rich fruit for the wlde-awukejaud en
terprising business mail.
With nearly fr.'ll) per capita of gold,
silver, aid gold paper money hi this
country or a total of nearly $2,000,000,-
000 a currency famine Is
exhibition of temporary lunacy, some
times called wautof confidence, on tho
Washington, Sept. 18. The seventh
week of the present session of congress
gives promise of xreat Interest. The sit
uation is extraordinary In legislative his
tory, in that both houses are Just now In a
condition where it is impossible to make
headway In the dispatch of public busi
ness, But If tho present program is carried
out, mis weei. will witness determined ef
forts on the part of the leaders In the sen
ate and In tho house to break the spoil
which has bound congress for so many
As congress In a body will spend this
afternoon In attendance upon the exer
cises attending tho celebration of the cen
tennial iinnlverMiry of the laying of the
corner stone of tho Capitol tho week will
begin tomorrow, when Senator Mills, of
Tejcns, is expected to deliver his oft post
poned speech for tho ropottl of tho Bllver
purchasing clause of the Sherman law.
The other speeches for tho Week, of which
notice has been given, will be delivered by
Senators George, White and llansbrough.
The silver leaders, Teller, Jones and Mor
gan, also stand ready to address the sen
ate whenever there is opportunity for It
No one can tell how many of these
speeches or how many more will be heard
In the senate chamber, for Senator Voor
liees will renew his request tomorrow,
that a time be fixed for a vote on the hill.
It is not to be supposod that ho expects
that unanimous consent will be given to
any such arrangement. Hut the senator
believes that the time for action has uow
come. He has made that request twice
before and It lias been rejocted. Ho will
make it niiiti and It will bu rejected. The
senator believes that with this record be
hind him ho will bo able to convince the
country and the senato that the repeal
bill is being subjected to unreasonable de
lay, and hp will thon ask the majority of
the senate to remain In session almost con
tinuously until tho point of action is
The result cannot now be foretold, but
If Mr. Voorliees can command tho con
stout attendance' and support of forty
threo senators, committed to the repeal
bill, tho history of the week In tho senate
Will probably bo a repetition of the history
of a week of tho celebrated campaign
against the force bill. The silver men are
fully prepared to meet this phase of the
case, and may bo relied upon to swell Tho
Congressional Record to proportions al
most unheard of.
The program lu the house for tho week
Is pretty nearly outlined, a condition of
things growing out of the fight inaug
urated by the Republicans last week
amiiust tho proposed repeal of the federal
elections law. Tomorrow tho Democrats,
having then a quorum of their own faith
In attendance, and voting upon the main
quohtlon, the repeal bill will bo reported
from the committee on election of presi
dent and vice president and representatives
in congress and lie placed on the calendar.
As soon as the bill and accompanying re
ports can be printed Mr. Tucker, who is
in charge qf tho measure In the absence of
Mr. Fitch, clinlrman of tho committee, ex
pects to call the bill up for consideration.
-When tho debate thus begun will end the
future aloniftjuiletormiye.
simply an " " Ilot probable that tho JlcUrenry Dill
I law will come to the front this week in
' such a way ns to command the attention
I and consideration of tho house. It will not
be reported to the full commltteo on for-
I.ijteit lUpnrta from llrnrll Favornbleto
tbn Ttnioliitlmilnti.
UlTRNOS AvtlKB, Sept. 18,-News which
has been received from the Brazilian revo
lution Is unfavorable to President I'elx
oto. It is reported that the naval squad
ron sent to quell the revolutionary upris
ing In Itlo Grande do Sul have rebelled.
The officers refuse to tako orders from
any one except Admiral Mello, who is in
command of the rebel fleet.
The bombardment of Nlctliemv him 1 ACTIVE EXEHCISE
lieen concluded. The ships of the revolt- anu 8ol fol J'lentv, tends to make
lug squadrons attaoked and siloneed tho hSlihr, rtdMren sufhr, how-
M&ni rv aho,a, r ton;, ,Atd,nlral -
Mello now has a squadron of thirty war- boito nppear they should be given the right
ships and merchant steamers, whloh are medicine. Dr. I'ierre's Golden Medical Dls
all well supplied. oovory brings about the best bodily oondltton.
The report of the secession of the stntcs ' It purifies (ho blood and renders f ho liver
ofUahlaand I'ernnrabuco has been con- actlvo as well as building up health and
firmed i strength. Tuny, palo, weak chlldnm get a
lrM iui u i. ...i 1 lasting benefit and "a good start" from tho
i a l e,xoti It Is reported, has so of the " IJIscovcry!' It puts orr whole
retlred to Santa Ana with the troops still tbme flh, and does not nauseate and' offend
loyal to him. It is expected he will Join tho stomach Ilko tho various preparations of
the Castllhlstas in Port Alegre, where he Cod Liver Oil. It's guarttntetd to benefit
will make a final stand for the retention or cure you, or your money is returned.
of power, but it is believed that his over
throw is only a question of a few days.
Tho damage resulting from tho bom
bardment was much more serious than has
been heretofore reported. Mnny persons
were killed, including nn Italian sailor, for
whom the government paid BO,000 indem
nity. One Herman is also reported to be
killed. The forts answered tho lire from
the vos"els vigorously. Mnny of tho rebel
officers and men were killed.
In repulsing the attempted landing nt
Nlcthcroy twenty policemen were killed.
Admiral Mello proposes to blockade Rio
and starve the capital into submission by
cutting oft all of her supplies.
-t loitiiu ttnniHii Jumps irnm u '.train.
Pateiwo.v, N. J., Sept. 18. Ms E'annia
Powell, 2-i years old, of Andover, jumped
from a window of a passenger car on tho
Delaware, Lafkawaniwi and Westurn .rail
road, near Uoonton, at nu early hour In
the morning. Her guardian, who wiiri es
corting her from the World's fair, mliised
her from the sent and caused the train' to
be stopped. The girl was found alongit'do
the truck in n uucoiisciaus condition stud
badly Injured.
A llcllef That Sho Was Atjlstod by a'
v MiDDi.rrown, K. Yv, Sept. 18. Infidel
ity to hor husband and dtaaovery in some of
her Improper alllllntlons are now believed
to have caused Mrs. Lizzie Hal lid ay and a
masculine accomplice to have butchered
her husband, Paul, and Mrs. McQuillan
and her daughter, at Hurlinghnm, in the
terrible manner with which the publio
Is now familiar.
When old man Ilnlllday was drank he
was a terror. It Is now believed that when
Ilnlllday returned in a drunken condition
from ono ol his periods of absence lie
found a man in his house. His suspicions
justified ho attacked the woman's lover.
In the light ho received the blow which
knocked his left eye out and almost
crushed in the left hide of his head. It
must have been a blow sufficient to tender
him unconscious, and whilo lying en the
floor either Mrs. Ilnlllday or the lovor
finished the murder by shooting him
through the heart. Then they disponed of
tho body by burying it underneath the
kitchen floor.
The belief that the woman had an ac
complice is borne out by the maimer in
which the body was put away. Tho old
man was ot heavy build. Strong a Lizzio
Ilnlllday is, it is hardly possible that she
could have lifted and buried him without
Fatalities In OlcluliomaN New City.
Gutiikik, O. T., Sept. 1&. Sunday in o
new town, espiclally n town made on Sat
urday afternoon, is never a very enjoyable
day, nnd it was less so than usual in tho
little city of Perry yosterd.ay. A few min
isters tried to preach, but could not niiiko
muchhendway ngainst the wind and Hying
snnd and anxiety of people to get up somo
modo of shelter. So terrlblo was the day
and so great the discomfort of tho people
that hundreds are leaving upon every
train, nnd still there are enoiu;h left In.
Perry to make it the biggest city in the
territory. Thieves and gamblers are thick.
and peoplo havo been robbed right and
left. Two men were uatlly hurt and ono
killed by tho thieves. Seven havo beta
killed and four injured by nccideuts.
Victims r Ilia Vllln-Ciliius Flood.
Madrid, (Sept. 18. The bodies twent V
eight persons drowned in the resent flor U
at Villa-Canas were recovered yesterday (.
Fourteen bodies known te be Id a ca V
near tho foot of a hill comtot be renche.
on account o th high wale. Many mor I
hodlos are supposed to be In. the ruins o. I
the 300 dwellings which were- wrecked by
the flood.
IUopil on Hor Wvddiuir Day.
Hazlktok, Pa., Sept. 18 With the
guests waiting to participate In the wed-
wng lensi, the minister awaiting the ar
rival of thu bridal party, John, Formosku,
of Silver Urook, stole a march on Charles
"Winters, and croated consternation among
bis assembled friends by minting away
with the bride, Mies Maud Ilnlskey.
Ilurlml Her Hiibe A1It.
Brooklyn, N. X., Sept. 18. A domestic
named Maggie Zimmerman, aged 13&, was
found in u vacant lot on Krergreeu ave
nue in the net of oompleting the burial of
her 4Vhours-old child. When tho child was
dug up it was alivo. Tho mother was
locked sp on a diargo of attempted mur
der. Opontng thm Grunger' Picnic.
BWLLEKONTE, l?a, Sept. 18. About 3,000
people were present hero yesterday to- par
ticipate in the religious services attending
the opening of the grangers' annual picnic
and exhibition. The picuio ris formally
opened this afternoon.
ltmlH-7lri- Italn Out on. Hull.
New Yoitit, Sept. 18. Howard U. Bain,
ei-cashier ot the Heme State bank, who
was arresred eharged with, embezzling
Wnbush bonds to the value et I1S.1S5, has
been admitted U bail In tho sum of tlO.OOO.
ratt of the public. This particular
.3VI1 will cure itselflu due tlme-lt con- "ir,,llra Ullt1 tllB r,e"lar meeting day
tains its own cure within itself. The
-curreucy.fanilue Is not unlikely to be
followed by a plethora. The enormous
decrease In the volume of business
being done will In time cause money
to go a begging for safe' and profitable
Iu-estment. The reaction may begin
any day, and when once started the
change Is likely to be complete and
sudden. But this does notjglmply a
marked revlvil of Industry. That
will not come until the nature and
extent of the Democratlo free trade
raid upon manufacturing is made
The decline In price3 under this
Damocratlo admluistratlon Involves a
loss to the farmers of $100,000,000 on
:the wheat crop, $200,000,000 on the com
erop, $25,000,000 ou the oats crop, and
l.OOO.OOO on the cotton crop, saylug
nothing about other products. Pioba-
bly $500,000,000 would not more than
eover the dlfl&reuce bet ween the prices
for all farm products obtalued under
the Republican rule a year ago aud
-those prevailing uow.
The loss of wages to unemployed and
mluod labor will exoeed $500,000,000,
and may reach $1,000,000,000 for the
year. The shrinkage In the market
value of securities listed In New York
alone Is placed at over $1,000,000,000,
and Is enormously greater for the
-whole country. Add to this losses by
ouslneim lullures and through there-
llUCrtl voluuio if liusluest, aud tbe
iifAl f r the tirat year of this tariff
UlMbiug Deuiuoiutieuatfonul govern
sjtttout will approximate tbe ppalliug
um of 6,oOO,KKJ,txiO, or about IJteonat
to Ui North of ine four yumr Wr of
tbe H. eiltoul
I5kj ri uc with DujooiUo goreru-
uiti iuie bftrb, 4m lot? Ills
th,B Wad of iUMjulQr Jttj,! of which
a low my, -
tho house at once it Will probably find the
elections law repeal bill in possession of tho
rigiit of way. Governor McCreary says ho
will not undertake to antagonize the ro
peal bill with his measure. Doubtless a
favorablo report will be ordered by the
CUIllllllliee, aim luu uiu luity uei uii ma
calendar this week. Mr. Geary is the only
member of the committee who is known to
be opposed to It.
Found Iload in Ilia Cell.
Plattsbuiiq, X. Y., Sept. 18. Matthew
P. Trumpbour was found dead in his .cell
at Cljnlon prison yesterday. The cause of
his death was heart disease. Trumpbour
was cashier of tho Ulster Savings bonk, at
Kingston, N. Y., and with the president,
Jnmes E. Ostrander, was convicted of
wrecking the institution. They were sen
tenced iu February last to six and a half
years in Clinton prison, Trumpbour was
00 years old.
Wnnts ($35,000 for llrencli of fromlm,
Chicago, Sept. IS. On Thursday last
W. P. Cummings, ot Baltimore, was mar
ried to Miss Bertha Graham, of that city,
and the couple came on to visit the fair.
He has just learned of a suit for $85,000 for
breach of promise brought by Miss M. K.
Waltham. Both Mr. and Mrs. Cummings
seem unconcerned about the suit, which
he declares is a game of bluff.
Three Irnlimitn Killed.
Minneapolis, Minn., Sept. 18. The
engine and fourteen oars of the first section
of the east bound freight tram on tno uui
cago, Milwaukee and St. Paul railway was
derailed at an open switch at uuvla.illun.
Engineer George W. Remsen, Fireman
Charles Heddings and Brakeman Anthony
Bromer, all ot Minneapolis, were Instantly
killed. ;
Fropotecl TJnlnn of AU Labor Unions.
PlTTspuna, Sept. 18. Pittsburg labor
leaders will this week oommenoe oor-
Pralrle Fire Near thu Fair Grounds.
Chicago, Sept. 18. Ono hundred acres
of prairie land adjoining tho World's fair
grounds on the south were burned over
yesterday afternoon. Included in this
nrea were twenty acres ot garbage, wuicu
burned in a slow and offensive way. Four
teen men of .the Columbian Guards en
gaged in an effort to subdue the blazo
were overcome by the horrible fumes and
were taken to -tho hospital inside the
grounds. Two of them nro said to be In a
critical condition.
Boston t&
Pittsburg... C!
l'hiloda 0
Cleveland. 01
New York. 31
lirouklyn.. til
X-utimml League
'. u p. c.
M .605
-1(1 .010
49 .581
W .5VJ
Go .5113
Cincinnati. 55
Baltimore. &
Chioaco C3
St. Louis- 51
Louisville. 4.1
Wash'ift'n. S
u p. a
63 .471
Prosperous Frnnsylvantu Fnrniers.
Doylestown, Pa., Sept, 18. Tho records
iu the recorder's office, so far this quarter,
show that the farmers are In a more
healty condition financially than they
have been for a long time. During this
quarter 458 deeds have been recorded nnd
63 mortgages, mostly on town lots. Last
year they were largely ou farms. During
1S72 the deeds presented ror record in tne
same period numbered 221, in 1801 2-H, In
lb'JO 211, und in 1880 ITS,
AtCinoinnatl: New York, 11; Cincinnati,
t. At Louisville: Brooklyn, 11; Louis
vine, 3. Second game: Louisville, 12;
Brooklyn, 0. At Pittsburg: Boston, 7;
Pittsburg, a At Chicago: Chicago, 8;
X'hllaaelphla, 4. At Cleveland: Cleveland,
9; Baltimore, 0. At St. Louis: St. Louis,
7; Washington, 6.
At Cincinnati: Baltimore, 7; Cincin
nati, 5.
At Chicago; Chicago, 11; Brooklyn. 1.
At St. Louis (first game): Washington,
; St. Louis, 0. Second game: St. Louis,
3; Washington, l.
Vntnl Fight nt Xlncnra Fulls.
Niagara Falls, N" Y., Sept. 18. Dur
ing au altercation between a colored man
named James Wicks nnd some Italians
Wicks pulled out a revolver and dealt one
of the Italians a blow on the head, caus
ing concussion of thebrain. Hethenshot
another Italian twice iu the back. Both
men nro fatally wounded. Wicks was
chased by a mob of fifty excited Italians,
all armed. The murderer was arrested.
Killed by an An cry Hull.
Easton, Pa., Sept. 18. An angry bull
attacked aged Itobert U. Morris, a farmer
of Upper Mt. Bethel. Morris defended
himself with a stick, but the beast is
large, and the blows from the club bad
little effect. The aged farmer was knocked
down, trampled upon and gored. His in
juries caused hie death.
Another Yelluw Fever Scare.
WASiitNOTOK.Sent. 18. The yollow fever
situation at Brunswick, Ga., is alarming.
Trains leavo Shenandoah as follows:
For New York via Philadelphia, week dy,
2.10, 6.96, 7 2). a.m., 12.28 8.60 8.15 p.m. Sunum
2.10. 7.48 a. m. For New York via MauehCnunk.
week days, 7.30 a. m., lt.28, It 60 p. m.
For Heading and Fbllndelpina, week davr,
110, S.3S, 7.20, a. m., 1K.S, 2.M, 6.K p. m. But
day, S.10, 7.48 a. m.,4.30 p. m
For Harrlsburg, week days, 2.10, 7.20 . m.,
2. W, p.m.
For Allcntown, week days, 7.80 a, 1Z.1S,
3.60 p. m.
furl'ottavlllo, week days, 2.10, 7 20, a.m.,
12.29 2.W, 5.M p. m. Sunday, SS.10, 7.48 a. m., 4.30
p. m , .
For Tamaqua and Mahanoy City, week days,
2.10. 6.25. 7.10, a. m., 12,28, 2.G0, 6.(6 p. m. Sun
day, 2.10, 7.48 a. m., 4.2H p. m. Additional for
Mnbanoy City, week days, 7 00 p. m.
For LancMter and Columbia, week days, 7.20
a. m., 2.60 p. m. . .
For Wllliamsport, Sunbury and Lowlsburg,
week days. 3.26, 7.20, 11.20 a. m., )M, 7.0l)pm.
Sunday, 3.26 a. m., 3.05 p. m. .....
For Mabanoy Plane, week days, 2.10, 3.26, 6.25,
7.20, 11.30 a.m., 12.24, 1.3n, i50. 5.65, 7 00, .!5
p. m. Sunday, 2.10, 3.26, 7.(8 a. m., 3.05, 4.10 p. m.
For Girardville, ( Ilappahannock Station),
week days, 2.10, 3S5, 6.15. 7.20, 11 JO a. m.
12.26,1.85, 2.50, 6.65, 7.00, O.So p. m. Sunday, 2.10,
3. t5,.7.18 a. m., 3.C5i 4.80 p.m.
For Ashland and Sbamokln. week days,,
6.S5, 7.20, ll.fO a. m., 1.85, 7.00, 9.85 p. m. t unj
day, 3.S5. 7.48 a. m., 3.05 p. m.
Leave New York via FhUadelpnia, week ( ays,
B.C0 a. m., 1.00, 4.00, 7.30 p. m., 12.15 night, bun
day, 6.00 p. m.. 12.15 night.
Leave New York via Much Chunk, week dayf,
4.00, 8.45 a. m.. 1.00, 4.30 p. m. Sunday, 7.15 a. m.
Leave Phlladelphla.Markot Street Station,
week days, 4.12, 8.35. 10,00 n. m.. and 4.00,
6.00, 11.30 p. m. bunday 4.00, 9.05 a. ra., 11.30
p. m.
Leave Heading, week days, 1.85,7.10. 10.06, 11.60
a. m., 6.65. 7.67 p. m Sundsy, 1.35, 10.48 a. m.
Leave Pottsvllle, week days, 8.40, 7.40 a. m.
12.30, 6,11 p. m Sunday, 2.40, 7.00 a. m 2.06 p. n.
Leave Tamaqua, week days, 3.20, 8.48, 11.23 f .
m., 1.21,7.16, 9.28 p. m. Sunday, 3.20, 7.43 a. m.,
2.60 p. m.
Leave Mahanoy City, week days, 8.45, S.IK,
11.47 a. m., 1.51, 7.42, 9.51 p. m. Sunday, 3.46, P.12
a. in., 3.20 p. m.
Leave Mahanoy Plane, wcok ds ra, 2.40, 4.00,
6.80,9.3B,10.40,11.6a.m., 12.65,2.08,6.20,6. 20,7.67,10.10
p, m. Sunday, 2.!0, 4.00. 8.27 a. m., 3.87, 6.01 p. m.
Leave Qlrardvllle, (Ilappahannock Station),
weeks days, 2.47, 4.07, 6.36. 9.41 10.46a. m., 12.06,
J.12, ..01, 5.26, 6.82, 8.03. 10.16 p. m. Sunday, 2.47,
1.07, 8.33. a. in., 3.41, 5.07 p. m.
Leave Wllliamsport, week days, 8.00, 9.36, 12.00
. m., 3.35, 11.15 p. m. Sunday, 11.15 p. m.
For llaltlmore, Washington and the.West vis
I). 3c o. R. It., through trains leave Qlrard
Avenue Kiatlon. Philadelphia, (P. & It. R. K.) at
J 60, 8.01, Il.7 a. m., 3.56, 6.42. 7.16 p. m. Sunday
J It), 8.02, 11 .27 a. m.. 3.56, 5.42, 7.16 p. m
Lea vt Philadelphia, Chestnut street wharf
and fouth street wharf, for Atlantlo City.
Weekdays Express, 8 00, 9 00, 10 45 a m,
(Saturdays, 130) 2 00, 3 00, luu. 4 30, 515 pm.
Excursion 7 to am. Accommodation, 8 00 a m,
-1 30, 6 45 p in.
Sundays Express, 7 30, 8 00, 830, BOO, 1000 a
n and 4 30 pin. Accommodation, 8 00 am and
i 45 p m.
itcturnlng leave Atlantic City depot, Atlantlo
led Arkansas avenues. Weekdays Express
(Mondays only. 0 45) 7 00, 7 35, 9 30 a m and 3 IS,
1 10 a m and 4 30 p m. Excursion, from foot ol
fliSBlsslppi Aveaue only, 6 0C p in.
Uindayb Express, 3 30, 4 0O, 500, 6 00, 6 30,
' 110.7 30. 8 00. 930 n m. Accommodation. 7 ISO a
n 1 and 5 05 pm.
u. u. uanuuuk, oen. I'ass. Agt.
Philadelphia, Pa,
First National Ban
aitciiniidoah, Pcnuw,
A.. W. LB1SHNKINO, President.
J. R. LEISENRING, Cashier.
8. W. YOST, Assistant Csshl.
Open Daily From 9 to ;
Interest Paid on Savings Depos
lAassengcr trains leave Shenandoah for
Pm in Haven Junction. Maucb Chunk. Lo-
hl&l ton, Sluttngton, White Hall, Catasauqua,
aui mown, Bethlehem, Easton, Philadelphia
hvi ,cton, Weatherlv. Quakake Junction. Del
ano land Mahanoy City at 6.01, 7.26, 9.08 a m.
12,-il 2.57, 4.22 p. m.
J'J f NOW York, 6.04, 7.28 ft. m., 12.43, 2.67
1.99 . m.
Fo r Hazleton. WUkfls.HilrrG. TTuvnn
Pitta ton, Laceyvllle, Towandn, Sayre, Wavorly,
anA i llmira, 6 04, 9.C8 u. in., 2.67, 8.08 p. m.
tot uocnester, uunaio, Niagara Falls and
the V 'est, 0.04. 9.t8 n. m. 12 43 and 8.08- p. m.
For IlclVldere. Delaware Water Ua.n and
Stroudsburg, 0.01 a. m i.23 p. in.
for L,amuciviue ana Trenton, 9.08 a. m.
For Tunkhauaock, 6.01, 9.08 a. m., 2.57, 8 08 p. m.
For Ithaca and Geneva 0.04 , 9.08 a. m. 8.0
. m
Tor Auburn 9.08 a. m. 8.08 p. m.
um .uuuDtuio, uuviabuu uuu ut.a veraie&uow,
7':k, a. -n., 5.27, 8.08 p. m.
For A udcnrled, Hazleton, Stockton and Lum
ber Yurd, 6.C4, 7.26, 9.08, a. m., 12.43, a57
4JU, 5.2. , 8.08 p. m.
For .Scranton, 6.04, 9.08, a. m., 2 u .t7
8Ji8 p.m.
ForPttzlebrsok,Jeddo,Drl(tonan.' . reeland
6.04, 7.28. 9.08, a. m., 12.43, 2.57, 5.27 p. rr.
For At hland, Glrardvlllo and Lost Crook, 4.52,
7.51, 8.52, 10.29 a. m 1.00, 1.40. 4.10, 6.35. 8.22. 9.15
for jiaven nun, uentraua, Mount carael and
6 27. 8.08. 9.33. 10.28 D. m.
i rains ui leave snamokln at 7.55t 11.45 a. m.,
I.b5. 3.20 n. in. and nrrlvn at. Il,nnflnilni.
v.vo a. m.. 10.U, z.07, p. m.
ieuve jiaenanuoan tor .roitsvuie, 5.60, 7J!6,
9.08, 11.05 ll. tn., 12.43, 2.67, 6.27, 8.08 p. m.
Leave Pottsvllle for Shenaadoah, 6.00, 7.15.
9.05,10.15, 11.18 a. m., 12.33, 3.00, 5.20, 7.W.7.16
Leave Shenandoah lor Hazleton, 8.01,7.28, 9.08,
a. m 12.4 2.57, 4.22, 5.27,8 0p. m.
icave xiazieton lor neaanaoan, 7.20, 9.23
11.06 a. nt, 12.15, 2.t5, 5.30, 7.25, 7.68 p. m.
Tralns.leave tor AshlancmirardTlUn mut r.nai
Creek. 7.20. 9.40 a. m.. 12.30. 2 4R n m
for xateevuie, faric "iace, Mahanoy City,
Delano, Hazleton, Dlack Creek Junction, Penn
Uavea Junction, Mauch Chunk, Allentown,
Uethlebem, Easton and New York, 8.40 a m..
Fos Phlladelnhla 12.S0. 2 55. n m
For YatosvUfej Park Place, Mahanoy City and
wcwuu, o.iv, ii.oo a. iu,, iduJU, .00, p. m,
Leave Hazleton for Shenandoah, 8.30,
a. m.. 1.05. 5.80 o. m. ' '
Leave Shenandoah for Pottsvllle, 6.50, 8.40.
9.30 a. m., 2.45 p. m.
Leave t'ottsvllle for Shenandoah, 8.30, 10.10
a.m.. i. so. p. m.
South Uethlehem Pa.
R II . WIliBUR, Genl. Supt, Eastern Dlv
respondenoe with the national offloials of , Iate last ni)?ht Surgeon General A yman
every labor organlaation of the United received a telegram reporting eleven new
Btases on the subject of a labor union ' onsen.
Which will embrace within Us ranks every
association and union of worklngmeu In
tbe country.
Youthful PoiliilKra Tlilovn Cangnt.
SCKANTOK, Pa.. Sept. 18. N C. Couch,
aned 30, and W. E. Williams, aged 18, ol
MorrUtown, N. J., were arrested here yes
terday for robbing the Hackettesown, .V.
J postofflce of tUtO worth of coupon
bond belonging to the llftcketutown Na
tional bank uud $4,000 lu uuuegotiable
The Weather.
Fair; warmer; southwesterly winds.
Cashier Henry 15. Mslway, of too Ivi
JSimfco & Saytor
After Scarlet Fevor
I was in very weak and low condition. I
commenced to take Hood's HsrsaparlUa, and
after using three bottles I felt like a new pr
son. It made me stout end gave me n good ap
petite." liiiNiCE B. Baylok, taglevllle, l'a.
?. cn;v..
Hood's Pills cure constipation. 26c.
Lumbago, Sciatica,
Kidney Complaints,
Lame Bacx, ac.
rl5 t
r nii nt
e.uli. "
are nil or 1 1
Joslab Quiucy bus . .
q.v.iou as thairnuui t .,r
DetUlKMtttie COUlllilltee
Tb PottusituMt gi.-ri"
another warship to Ki h
its Fortugtise residents
DwrMMd hy ill bealtl
deoutr marshal uf police Mt
aum feUHWU by cuttmy nu uiroau
Tha UO mils race for the Caps May onp
iMtHMU tb nrilauiita and the Karahoe
it Droste,
Want Through u llrldg.
Nw OBLBAM8, Sept. 18. The iron
bridge aero Hsn - canl, above th
dtf, gT) way witde a train of tbe South
ern PaaKlo was UAWtitig over, and tbe looo
tnAtlva uHil tn,lsr iv-nt chraubrh. One of
the coach was piled on top of the wieck. mealtert in a vletory for the Britannia hf ,
Four people were Injured. ' Stt mlu. S3 seo. .
- r. j foot rv Magnetic SUSPENSORY '
Jttt 1'utentM llct Imprafftciitej I
aif irov itiio-tinB4illne ninU-V-M rMultlnfffroni
j?er-utxalion f Itraiil unto foiL'tt tuu-tt-Ovi or indl
eiatton, as at rvua debility, Uilr" nwt tnnor,
tbtruiiwtinu, kidufy, liver ant! hiniiiK-r cornplint,
iiwMCk, lamb aro, BoUtloa, t. mal Jiuplainta.
tjiiMnu 111 hiulth, etc, TliXf cle-tna Belt conUln
K-4rfl IrpwRU ovr All u.-'cu, Ciirreut U
inwiMly Celt by wrer or w for
win our all of the above dlaowef
imnuj wwrwr or w lorre.i 4,wwiaiic
bwU lokvm bmn cared hv thin
ftnrwouwremvri tm luiua, n
p tm tv. Till
.in vmii nm invention
1 o a-lvo Lundivi
of tMBt-Qpfcia la t)i d BTerv 'ur tut.
Our l-etrf-l lwut4 KLFIH.tC ffWttAWKT, tbft
prv.ut boon wv oifcrwd wk tnn, 1-ltFK with -U
Ilf lu. llftklih t4 IfHtui lb, GVAUiNTLhU In CO t
tu-7e Bnd ror llluvVl l'tuupiiUt, it-Ailtxl. v&Ioa, Cit
SEin'EMUhft 12th, 1898.
Trill n ft mill Ifuivp Hhannnrlnali nfm. v w
date for Wiman's, Gilbecton, Fracairtlle. New
Laatie, t. uuir, 1'otWivUle, Hamburg, Readlnn.
Potistown, Phuonlxvlllo, Norristown and Phil.
luleinhla. (Urnurt atri. ntntlnn n - -
a. tn. and 4:15 p. ra. on weekdays. For Pot
villc and ictermedhite statlonii 9:10 a. m.
For Wlggan's, uilberton, Praokvllle, New
Cwule, S.. Clur, Pottavlllo at (1:1)0. 9:40 am
and 3:10 p.m. Ppr llumburg, Heading, Potts-
alii 1ofeU,m,6',n!i0',l!l,OTC' Phlladelphls
rraing leave fracKvuie lor Bhenandoah
10:40 a. m. and 1S:U, 5:01, 7:48 and 10: n
-undays, 11:13a. m. and 6:40 p. m.
T .H.N PAttftlHlla fn. UkA 1. . .n
11:48 a. m. and 4'40,7:15and 10:00 p. m. Sundays
11.1II.1IIA ,n KnAt.Kn n, " 1 B uuu"l
umve JT-auaoeipnia luroad street station) ;
P.,ttdVlllA nn Hh.Hunn.1. . t t - i. ... '
110 and 7 11 pm week days. On Sundays leave
at o 60 a m. Tor Pottsvllle, 9 2S a m.
ii JoV 'en I ' 0 y W Ai 00
2 80, 3 80, 4 00, 5 00, BOO. B&, jiL 8
7.7 5' I- iit 1 40, z o0
IVir flirt Tariff llra.t aA , . . i .
' w nu, auu aau, 4 UO.
pm weekdays and 6 00 pm. Sundays 8 ! a m
B 31, 9 10, 10 0, 11 18 a m, (18 Umlted 1 ainlne
car,) 1 80, 8 IB, 4 41, (5 IB Coneross onal iZi.SS
Pullman Parlor Cars acJ can. Blf
0 65, 7 40 p.m., 12C3 niirt-. wt.-k days L Sun
days, 3 60, 7 2", 3 10, 11 lb a m. iX 10. 1 41. ' B 66
7 40pm. nnd 18 03 nlgbt ' 1
For liu-hniond 7 30 a it. U 1J p m. 12 08 nieht
dally, and 1 30 p. m. wecit days. s 1
Trains will leave Harrlsburg for Plttsbure
and the Wi-st every day at IS 36, 1 30 and 8 10
am and 2 25, 8 35, (5 00 Umltfcd) and 7 30n m
Way tor Altoona at 8 18 am and 6 U8 p m every
day. For Pittsburg and Altoona at 11 30 a m
every day.
Trains will leave Sunbury for Wllllamsnort.
Elmlra, Oanandalgua, Rochester, Buffalo and
Niagara Falls at 201. 5 13 a m.and i b5 u m week
days. For Klmlra at 6 34 pa week days, for
Brie and Intermediate points at 5 It a m dillv.
For Lock Ilaven at 5 13 and 9 54 a m dally,' 1 35
and 5 31 p m week days For Itenovo at 6 18 a
m, 1 86 and 5 31 p m week days, and 6 13 a m on
Sundays only. For Ksne at 5 13 am, 1 35 d m
8. M. Pbetosi, J. H, Woon.
Gen'IMsnsger Qen'l Pass'g'r Agt
. m.
Easily, Quickly,
Permanently Restore
n"lB""e train of e
tromparlycrrorsorla McraBen. the rwilti
ovcrotit, slekne
worrv.eto. rullrtreni
development and t.
given to ei fry organ i
jmitlpn of the bo
hlmple, nalurslmel hi
Immediate Improvem
seen. Fnllure 1iiitiuk.ii
2,J0 references. Bo
explanation and pro
mailed (sealed) free.
Manufacturers ot
pocie6iJ (food
Of Every Description
Fags, Baages, Caps, Reganas, I
Write for catalogues. Correspondence sollell
fFv IP
iLTTMil.ll H-IIHWIIli ' 111
Medlea! Offlccf, 206 K.SF.C0ND St.,PkiIaa'4,i
Are tbe oMest In Amentia for the tr at ment ri
Hpeclnl IllNrnHcB t: Toulliful trroi?
Varicocele, Hyilror.Me, Huinure, I .-t Manltfi
Trcalmoiil hy Wnll n Nprrlnlt.r. (a
muiilctlons sacreily c nfldcnMal s i i "ampl
Itook. Offlc c hours: 0 A M. to : V M , t toll
.IU All day ti-turiiay Sn.idays, 10 i C A M
Everything modeled after
Orecn'a Cafe, Philadelphia,
ja S. Mnln St., Slienantloa
The leading place In town,
Has latoly been entirely reno
vated Everything new, clean
and fresh. The finest line ol
Wines and Liquors I
Cigars, Ac, foreign and do
mestic Free lunch served
each evening. Big schooners
ot trc8h,lleer,Porter,Ale, Ac.
T. .T. -nOURHKRTY. Pron.
Main ami Oak Streets,
Bhenandoah, Fenna.,
Truck and Vegetables.
Poultry, Game, Fisli and Oysli
In season. Ordera left at the store
will receive prompt attention
104 North Malnstreet,8bcnandoai,Pa
Ice Cream wholesale and retalL
Picnics and parties supplied on short aoj
Chris. Bossier's
(Mann's old stand)
104 BoutU nialu Street
KlnentnlnAR. whklfPmi anrt oltrarsalwW
i n . , . . J - T. n nnm
Celebrated Poller, Hie and I
Marwuror Shenandoah Bra!
(Christ. Bossier's old stand.)
Main and Cowl Bts sueiian'I
Best beer, ale and porter on tan. TMi
brands of whlakeys and clears. PM' 1
Piatt's Popular Salo
(rormerly Joe Vfystt's)
19 and 21 West Oak Stn
Br stocked with the best bser. P
I hbjklcs, brtndles, wines, etc.
nr naratuebed. OordUl lnvi"-
17 S. Main Stteot'
Finest Brands of Wines, Whiskeys and
Tresh Beer, Porter nd Ala
alvmyi on tap