The Evening Herald VOL. TOI.--NO.170. SHENANDOAH. PA.. MONDAY. SEPTEMBER IS. 1893. ONE CENT. r. 4 :30 USUI w GB tlMl ib ook m it OH Leads the Procession Our furniture leads the pro cession ,in style, quality and price. We can mention, what we can offer you, but you must see the articles yourself to un derstand what a golden oppor tunity it is. "We dffcr an en tirely new stock of Parlor suits at $25.00 and upwards. -Children's Hats and Caps, Worth 50c, 75c, 90c, $1.00 and 1.25 will ho sold at the extremely low prico of 25 Cents, hut they must leavo the store. Also Ladies' "Waists for 35c, 65c and 75c reduced from 50c, 95c and $1.25. Sun Bonnets at 19c. 116-118 North Main Street, ow to make Room for: I have concluded to sell off all the Russet -Shoes I have at a Big Reduction. Children's Shoes, formerly SI. 00, now 65 cents. Children's Shoes, formerly $1.25. now 75 cents. All kinds of Women's Russet and . Oxford Shoes at and below cost. 14 South Slain Street, Inducements to Buyers-5- -AT THE- People's Store ! Ladies' Blck Oxford Tiea, patent tip, G5c, elsewhere ?1.00. Ladies' Russet Oxford Ties 75c, lormerly $1.25. Chllds' Black Oxford Ties 50c, cheap at 75o. Ladies' Foxed Galtera DOo, reduced from $1.25. Men's Tenuis Shoes only 40c. 121 North Main Street, Now Fall Styles 111 T f Velvet, Tapestry V!- Body Brussels. W RAG CARPET! New Oilcloths' 1 - Linoleums! , TW0GRFATYICT0R1ES Shenandoah Beats Pottsville at Base Ball Again. OVERWHELMING DEFEAT. Allcntouii, Too, nf the Stnto ;iny:ue, In UnUlilo to Copo AVIIir'thirtlomoTiiuiii on tliH Dtnniomlllmv the Gmnos M'cre 6 HE crowd which wit nessed the game of baso ball at tho Trotting park between tho Shen andoah and AUcntown teams was ono of the largest of tho season and during tho greater part of tho gamo they wero treated to n very pretty exhibition. In tho first and soventh innings Bothermol was hatted freo'y and tho scoro made in tho first inning was almost entirely duo to tho manner in which tho homo team pounced upon his dollvery. Whoti tho first Inning was in progress it looked as if tho visitors wero a counterpart of Emory's burlesque troupe. Fulmer made a hit, stole to second and mado third on n passed ball. Thero ho rested for awhilo Fox went out on Chambers' throw to first, after which Fulmer scored on Huston's hit. Tho latter was advanced to second on Wanl's hit and Ed. Henry brought both men homo with n three-bagger. Toman followed with a two-bagger which brought Henry homo and tho batter got to third on McGcttigan's over throw, but Setley and Martin wero retired beforo ho could score. Setley played a pretty steady game all tho way through, and when tho visitors gave in dications of pounding his delivery tho fielders stepped up and stood by him liko veterans. Hothenuel also did well after the first inning and up to tho ninth, during which timo the home team mado but thrco hits, but tho cutlers wero very disastrous. The player to whom credit is duo for tho most brilliant playing during tho gamo is " Cappy" Martin. Ho re-established himself in the estimation of tho patrons. In tho sixth inning he retired tho side by making a nice double play to first baso, and his assist to first and capture of a hard hit tly cooked tho gooso of tbo visitors. Tho visitors threatened to pllo up runs two or three tlmos, but it was not on account of their batting. In tho second inning after Gilbert had been retired Calvcr was hit by a pitched ball. Kothcrmel went out on a fly to Ward and then Golden was hit by Setl?y, McGcttlgan followed with a genuine hit and filled tho bases, but Fredericks was unable to hit barcUenough and Fox retired the side, AftermCalver and Itothernicl had been retired ir tho fourth inning Golden got to third on a .bit, a wild pitch and a passed ball, but tho nervousness which was created by tho two latter misfortunes wero quickly dis pelled by Ed. Henry bagging McGcttigan's fly. Two mishaps gavo tho visitors their first run. On tho third striko Fulmer missed tho hall and was slow In recovering it, When ho did ho throw it In such a mannor that it struck tho runner on the back. Malono then gavo tho ball a terrible whack and it soared high in tho air towards ccntro field. Frank Henry mado a gallant dash and as tho ball was rapidly descending ho strotched his arms beforo him and stooped, which caused him to fall upon his faco. The ball struck the ground a few feet boforo him, bounded over his body, and went merrily ou its way to the fenco. Fredericks scored, but Martin fielded tho ball back In time to hold Malono at third, and ho died there, becauso Molster woutout on Ward.s throw to first and Setloy struck Chambers out. Itothermel scored tho tecoud run on Ills own hit, a stolen base and a two-bagger. Tho visitors only secured ono stolen base during tho game, while the home team purloined seven. In tho ninth inning tho visitors played very indifferently. Eleven of tho homo team went to the bat beforo tho sido was rctirod and seven of them scored a run each, through two bases ou balls in succession, four hits, one of them a three bagger by Ed. Henry, and five stolen bases. During tho game AUcntown got thirteen men on bases, but only two of them got to the homo plate. Chambers, iho third batter in the first inning, got his first on balls, but was not satisfied with Sotley's generosity and tried to steal second. Fulmer gavo him a pointer by a throw to second that was re membered by the visitors during tho balance of iho game, as the summary shows only ono stolen baso to their account. The homo team was more alort and did timely batting when it got men ou bates, In tho first inning five got on tho liases and four scored, two single, a three-bagger and a double being made at the right time. In the ninth inning nine of the home men got ou bate and seven of them scored, three Jnglea and a three-bagger being wade very ogpor-1 Umely. Rut all the runs were not doe to ) them. The visitois gave three a tint base on qcrer ind a fielding error as premiums, whloh the homo men were ;on tho alert to pick up. SIIRVANDOAJI. u. In. PO Fulmar, c 3 2 6 Vox. lb - 0 (I IS iIumob. If- ...:. t Wnrd, 2 1 K. Henry, 3b 2 2 Toman, s,.. 1 2 Setley, p..... ............. l o Martin, rf 1 0 P. Henry, er .... l 3 Totals........ 11 It 27 IB ALT.TNTOWN. H. Mafone. f A...... 0 .Molster. lb... 0 OlmtDben, lb.............. u Qllbert, Dww 0 Calver. 3b , 0 r:o hormel. p l Golden, cf 0 McGettigan, It 0 Fredericks, rt l lu. PO. 1 18 Tola's.., 2 5 27 18 6 inJMnos. Shenandoah 40V00000 7-11 Alleniown 0(100 0 0 1 102 Earned runs Shenandoah,!). Twobnsohlts Toman, Oolden. Three base hits E. Honry (S). Sacrifice hit Huston molcn bases Kulmer (2), Huston iB), Ward.Betlcy, Mirtln. Hot cr u el. Struck out Uv Fetley, 4 ; by Itothermel. 3. Huso on balls-OA -etiey. 1 ; on" Hothur mol, 2 Hit by pitcher C ilvcr. Golden, Gilbert Passed balle Fulmer, 2; Gilbert. I Wild pitch-So. ley 1. Lett on basos Sh'nsndoih. i AUentonn, 10. Time of gamo 2 hours and lOmlnuto. Umpire Whalen. AND NOW THIS POTTSVH.LE QAM15. Whore, oh I where, is tho much-advertised, conceited, aristocratlo baso ball aggngitlou of Pottsville? Echo answers, "in tho soup," aud tho small boys say it has gouo to tho woods. How tho mighty havo fallen, and what a miserable death they havo met with! Tho Pottsvllles could stand a kuock out from Mahanoy City, but to sullbr a defeat at tho hands of Shenandoah by a scoro of 13 to 3, and on tho 1'ottsvillo grounds, too, was moro than they oould stand, and now overy bato ball rooter in Pottsville is in mourning. Do they feel sore? Go ask Leo Bainborger. Tho correspondents of tho Philadelphia papers consoled thomselvos-by telegraphing that "Shenandoah's team of picked State League players" defeated their club. Hal ha! That's good. Tho only two Stato Legauo players in tho team wero Ward and Ed. Henry and with tho exception of those two aud Tom in tho team was tho same as that which scored 0 to 0 at Lakesido when tho Pottsvllles crawled off the grounds amid tho jet rs of 3,000 pooplo. Hut, again, If Shf n andoah hid gono to rottsvlllo loaded with a pick of the best stato leaguo playors, it would havo been justifiable, for tho Pottsville toam had previously advertised that at a great expenso it had secured many of tho best players In tho stato to give Shonandoah a trouncing on Saturday, and the Shenandoah team went clown prepareu to uo tno same with tho much advertised team as it did with tho marble players who wero found on tho diamond. It is regretted that Pottsville people can't get it into their heads that Shcnaudoah is moro than a match for them on tho diamond as well as lu other things. This season should bo a lesson. The 1'ottsvillo peoplo havo been leading themselves astray and His. repoaTed hero on tho strength of out? laurels that they are not jnont'closa. It was not untirtfio nilddlo of August that Pottsville- condescended to recognizo the Shenandoah club. Previous to that they termed our players "Hungarians" and "Coal Diggers" and told them to beat Mahanoy City, Jeanesvlllo, Hazlcton, and one or two of the Stato League clubs beforo asking Pottsville to play. We did as directed and in addition to taking three games out of four from tho autocratic county sent club wo have tho scalps of tho Scrunton and AUcntown club's dangling from our belts. Saturday's game is given by the following summary : pottsville. it. Hnydr,rf 0 Hill, si 1 Oolden, lb 1 AliGettlgau, 2b 0 Salmon, If 0 Dewald, c 0 Hellly, Sr. 1 Cavantugh, rf 0 Fox. p 0 Totals 8 C1IBNANDJA1I. II. Fulmer, It 4 Ward 2b 2 Toman, sh 1 Henry, 3b 0 Meesftt, o 1 fox. ID Martin, rf Setley, of Bradley, p Totals 18 IMNIKOe. Pottsville 0 0 0 0 It. O. A. H. lull 12 0 4 1 It 0 0 0 13 0 oooo 0 8 0 0 114 0 0 0 0 1 0 111 7 21 12 "7 It. O. A. E. 2 8 10 0 2 0 1 1 U 1 1 1 4 6 S 1 1 1 1 2 15 1 1 0 0 0 0 110 0 0 1 T 1 "5 a? Ii i Some Cases Heard in the First Ward Court. i MIXTURE OP MISHAPS, Will. Knoll Sim rely Uiintllnl Itcforo OIH ccrj Kescue I II in, ami Ito Clots it Cliuncn tt ripHtl Costly Kxperlmco of 11 lliiu KiirlHii 3ti-lsmiii.. , AT Shenandoah 3 4 2 1 0 0 1 0 2 0- S u x-13 Earned runs. Shenandoah, 8. Two-base lilt, -eiley- Home rune. Pox, Fulmer. Double play Fulmer and Ward. Struck out, by Pox 9: bv Hr dley, 2. First bae on balls, off Fox 5; off Bradley 1. Stolen bates, .M t, Mar In, Fulmer, Tomsn. Wild pilches, fox 2 Hit by pitcher. Golden, Ward. Passed balU, .Meesitt2. Suennce hits, Pottsville 5, Hhen andoanB. Time. 2 hours. Umpire, Uojle. BUT HEABKBN I Another death knell for tho Pottsville base ball people has been sonnded. This time it is the W. B. Fegley team, and the Lost Creek S. P. club are the boys that lowered their colors. The Fegleys had thirty-two consecu tlvo victories until they met the Lost Creek team, on the Frackville grounds, where they wero defeated by the score of 7 to 5. Pitchor Grltlln, of the Lost Creeks, had them com pletely at his mercy, being credited with only two hits aud ten striko outs. Wall Hill, of tho Fegleys, was pounded to the extent of a home run, three two-baggers and three singles, and only ono strike out. The I'otts- ville umpire really gave hi home team three of the five runs. Mox Hill went into the box for the last two luulugi, .but eould not save the Fegleys from defeat. They came up determined to win the game, aud seeing that they were doomed to defeat, broke the game up in the sixth inning, and left the grounds. The umpire deelded 0 to 0, in favor of Lost Creek. HE First ward court, over whlcb Jcro. Tootnoy, tho newly ap pointed Justice, pre sides in tho placo of Justico Monaghan, was kept busy Saturday night aud yesterday dlsjioslng of odds and etuis of legal disputes which develop in num bors right after pay day. Ono of tho first casos was that in whlcb David, alias Wal, Knoll was accused of stealing $l.D0from a Hungarian named John Duhl. Tho two had been drinking together and after Knoll left tho Hungarian missed tho monoy from his pocket. A llttlo Hun garlan boy rushed into Justico Toonioy's ofllco and slioutod, "Him gotten robber." Coustablo Qlblin and John Downey followed tho boy to Duhl's house aud fouud tho neighborhood greatly excited. Outsido tho house wero a number of youug men who oxplalucd their conduct by stating that one of their friends was boing assaulted In Duhl's house and thoy wnnted to get him out. Inside tho houso tho officers found Knoll pinioned to a sofa by half a dozen Hun garians, all swearing in their own-language and occasionally giving vent to broken English llko "T'icf, you stoalem moonay." When tho ofliccrs pulled him from beneath tho heap of Hungarian humanity Knoll presented a sorry spectacle. His clothing was almost torn from his body.' When taken beforo Justico Tootnoy Knoll denied tho charge of larceny and as the Hungarians wero unable to prove he was gulty tho case was dismissed aud tho costs were put on tho prosecutor. iTiaiiWAyTtoMiTriv Georgo Novicsky told n story of a crime before tho same justico. Ho said that while walking along IJaspberry alloy ho was accosted by eight or ten young Polish men who said they wished to search hhajua soo if flnl,'' 'Tim.' After tho gang .departed .thiJi victim found that $fcQ ln oasir had been taken from ills pocket." He has given descriptions of the assailants and warrants havo l en issued for their arrest. The affair took placo at ten o'clock last night. HE hTOLE BEEB. Androw Horitzko has caused tho arrest of John Guslck for stealing a keg ot beer. Both are residents of Boston Bun. l'KKSONAL-. O. J. Qiiinn is on tho sick list. A. H. Itomls spent to-dy at Mahaiwy CJty. Frank Folnior, of Orwlgeburg, spent yester day lu town. J. II. Leesig went to Hatlcton tilts morning to visit friends. W. J. Slucoek and wife havo returned from their bridal tour. Fred. Benner and Harry Roxby spent yes terday at Pottsvlllo. jGeorgo EUculmrt, of Malmnoy City, spent Sunday with his parents in town. fJir" Mrs. Sheehy nnd son, Thomas, spent Sun- day In Pottsville, tho guests of friemls. 1 IK'Masters John Logan Fiuney and John Hancock Hunter went to Ashlaud ou Satur day to visit relatives. Mr. and Mrs. II. E. Donglor, who spen't'tho past week visiting friends at Pittston.l re turned on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Boyer weut to Potts ville this morning to attend tho funeral of tho lato J. Georgo Bender. Frank Davenport, Philip Tnmaris and Pierce Hoffman, passenger engineers on tho Lehigh Valley railroad, left for tho World's Fair on Saturday. JV'llliam J. James nnd wife, of South West scct,lefttowno-dayloMllkos-Barre, whoro thoywllfspend iTweek with" friends. Miss Lizzio Williams, of town, has been appoiutod District President of tho P. O. of T. A. Henry Wcidcrhold spent Sunday in town. Ho has been engaged in earring out asphalt street paving contracts in Philadelphia dur ing the post fevr months, but as tho work will bo finished at tho close of this week lie will return here permanently. Arnica & Oil Liniment is tqually good for man and beast. 2G and GO cents per bottle. OHITUAItV, 6HOLLE.NnEr.aErt. Tho nianyjrleuds of Aloiizo Sliollcnbergcr hoto will regret to loam of'tlio death of Ills beloved wife, who died at tho residence of her mojhcr.JIrsFatklns, at IFrackville, ou tSo ho had any flrcarmsjm hlsjporson'.' mado and theoplov DSE DANA'S SAESAPAEILLA, its 'THE KIND THAT CUBES." Huso Hull Not.n. Still wo aro tho champions. Shenandoah now has Ave pitchers and four catchers. "A monumental fizzle" is tho way tbo Journal puts it. Mahanoy City's hoodlum element should remain at homo. Fox and Henry, of tho homo toam, aro gracclul players. They aro hitters, too. Shenandoah, as In everything else, right fully leads tho county in tho national game. Again wo remark, with a touCh of siduoss, Pottsvlllo had better play with the Sham rocks of St. Clair. The baso ball writers of tho county seat are to bo pltlod. They are net allowed a seat at the Pottsville grounds. "After the bawl" is now played by tho Third Brigade Band, since Potteville's second Waterloo by our champions. After defeating the leading oral region and State Leaguo teams, we must now turn our attention to the National League. A few enthusiasts from town found several "suckers" from Schuylkill's cultured town on Saturday, They were compelled, however, to give big odds. The Pott ville management is being roasted by the county seat papers. When the toam was winning nothing was too good for Mauiger Iteber. Suchisfato. Three hoodlums, one from Jackson's Patch 1 and the others from Mahanoy City, behaved I themselves in such a disgraceful manner at tho Allentown game that the management oaused them to be removed from the grand stand. The humiliation seemed to have little effoct upon them, but when the management gave them the alternative of behaving themselves or leaving the grounds they selected tho former aud were not heard from after. USE DANA'S SAESAPAEILLA, its "THE KIND THAT CUBES." Fnueral. The funeral of the four-year-old daughter of Chsrles Olbeou took place this morning. The remains were taken by train to Port Oarb u for interment. Coughing- tettiia to ronsuinptjgu. Kemp'i BalM will rtep the eovgb aU loth iust. Tho decoaicd was if yearsof acTond left a husband nua six young children to mourn her loss. Tho funeral will take placo to morrow morning. Iutermeutat Hamburg. Mr. Shollcnberger was formerly assistant fore man at tho Indian Bidgo collcry and also repre sented tho Second ward in tho Borough, Council othis place. For tho past few years ho has been located atf romont, wlero ho U outsido.forcmau atoneofthoP.i'ER. colllerJeW . JU.NK1.NS. John Jenkins died at his home in No. 4 yesterday morning from miner's asthma. Ho leit a largo family. Tho funeral will tako placo on Wednesday morning and interment will bo made at St, Clair. fCALLE.V. any friends of Dr. and Mrs. Callen sympathize with thcm,in'tho death of their child. During a two weeks' vacation at Ocoan Grovo tho child contracted pneumonia and cercbro-splnal meningitis, from which it suffered for ten days, dying on their way home Saturday last. Guottllng and beer at Kendrick's. It "Later On." Harris' theatre was we'll filled last night by an audience which, for three hours, laughod at tho jokes and funny doings of a bright company. Tho girls of the east aro pretty and are oapablo singers and dancers. Tho "Georgio" bons of Miss Laoelles always gets an encore, and Miss Wilton's dancing . uover fails to ploaso. Tho company's droll ways and their excellent musical entertain ment cap tho oxcollenco of the form of amusements offerod. There is a matinee to day. IIVs7tiiio7oH Pott. Will appear here Monday evening, Sept. 2T,th. 0-18-7t' Thousands walk the earth today who would he sleeping in its bosom hut for tho timely use of Downs' Elixir. lm IOO. K. Notice. A special meeting of John W. Stokes Lodge, No. 515, I. O. O. F, will bo held lu Schmidt's hall, North Main street, on Tues day ovening, September 10th, at 6:30 o'oloek, to make arrangements to attend the funeral of our late brother, John Jenkiae. By order of Daxil Sterner. N. G. Attest : G. L. Hafner, Sec'y pro. tem. ... 8 18-t Among the many attractive features of t&e production of the "Black Husear," Fluretta. a charming young danoer, ooeupies a bmmoI- nent place A great hit at Kendriok'e Quettllng and his dog. ' it i Glrnril ISttnte Truttee. The Girard Estate Trustees will make their annual tour of Inspection through tho region this week. Ther will be eutertaiaed at Girardvllle, and preparations have been, made for their reception. Quettllng tramped It to Kendriek's. It Notice. Tho infant son of Dr. J. 8. and Mattie B. Callen, will bo burlod In Odd Fellows' oem etery, Tuesday afternoon, Sept. 10, 1883, Services at family residence at 2 o'oloek. ' USE DANA'S SAKSAPAKILLA, its "THE KIND THAT CUBHS." 25 CENTS per yard for O1I0I0II1 that miIU on night. Other for 860, 4fio, aud upward. All grades ot pretty Carpet. Oil hr bar- gvliw. C. I. Krlcltu's Ctirpot Store, 10 South J arum Stmt. 1 V