The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, September 16, 1893, THIRD EDITION, Image 2

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a. A. .
St. o
tr. j w.iwiTfH
, n nor Kit
. jimi i'rojii (efor
It liter anil l'ltbl.thtT
., JSowil Ktlltor
Jlmlnrn Manatier
M 00
. 1 GO
t)ll.T,pr year .
Tmult, per rear.. .. ,
Advertising lltttea.
Transient, 10 cents per Use, first Insertion 6
sent per line e&oti subsequent Insertion, Kates
sr rsevlnr advertising oan be had on applloa
Hon at H oMoe or by mall.
The Evdnihg HmiALi) bill u larger Diminu
tion In Hheoundoah ttinn any ottier papor pub
lished. Books open to all,
Holered at the I'mtoinoe. nt Hbennndoah, Pa
tor transmission through the malls
as seoond-olnsa mall matter.
-Hand times In tlie city.
"What bus become of the mtllenliiui
protnlieil by tlie Democratic party?
Kkstork the Hepublioftu tmrly to
power Ifyoii want to restore conlli'encc.
Tun Heading lUllroad Company
1b Imlugrun either In thelutereat of the
Dully Affidavit or via, verm.
Housi KHKi'Kiw Hie getting disgust
ed with ulne-touths of the milk Hint
Is palmed U' on them for pure milk or
cream, Honest milk dealers tire
A JIontiieai. paoer says that G,0(0
Canadians ;reeldeut lu New England
have returned to Canada iu tlie past
few weeks. Thinxs are worse than
Was thought possible. They must ho
Iu a horrible condition down East to
Incite an exodus to Canada and es
pecially to that p irt of C.tuada.
lint nn Armldloe Ilm Ilfea
Iircliircil at Itlo,
Nrw Vila. Sept. 10. Private advices
li' '-e Hid H .ii'' that an armistice has been
ill i tared nt Hi, robably owing to noma
lui. rvfniMii by tlie naval ofllcers of the
A teli'Kiiu'i from lhteno Ayrennnjn that
a message from T'cixoto to tlie Hrazillan
minister tliere slates that it is expected
tlie rebel ships will surrender in a few
days. Brazilian resident there, however,
doubt tills. Surprise is expressed that the
foreign fleet in the harbor should permit
the bombardment of the city, linu.illnti
AVAshinotow. Sent. 1(1. Antlnu niretr consuls at IJueiios Ayreg and in Monte-
. i.i ' - . ' . ..1.1 .1 1 . 1 . l r ... r
oi .unit i'reston yesterday admitted the
io Larger
Than at Firat Ecportod.
Agent Miirgnn, of the Trnavtry Depnrt ,
ment, Will Nut Admit n Dsllelunor,
Wlillo Chief Clerk Gnlili Doubt, the
Correct new of the Statement.
jy At a Dinner1
wuen you
have eaten
heartily, you
should take
Dr. Pierre'
Pleasant Pel
truth of the reKrt of the loss tit 1131,000
worth of Hold bullion from tlie Philadel
phia mint, but refused to make any of
ficial statement. It is said Sir. Iloby
shell, the present superintendent of the
mint, will be compelled to mike good the
video dispatch vessels freely for Brazilian
ports. 'J'helr operations after arriving nt
It o are carrted on under the protection of
warship of tlie nationality of the ling
they lly. Tlie Interdiction ou clearing ves
sels for Brazil applies only to those under
tlie Brazilian Hag. Tlie Gorman gunboato,
the Alexandrian and Aroona, have sailed
I'llII.ATlltMMIti. Ronf. in Tlin lmllln.i Or Ilk).
missing from tho mint is pnrt of tlG.OOO,- ( , N amhhoton. Sept. 10. A series of em
000 worth of gold bullion which was barrasslng and provoking incidents Is pre
brought from New York and deposited in 1 venting the United States from furnishing
the vault lu 1887. when Daniel M, Fox 1 Peedy protection to the extensive Ameri-
s-'ome of our IlepubllRanScontempor
urlwi do not Heetu to understand the at
titude of tlie New Vork Sun toward
the tariff question. Perhaps it may
illuminate a dark subject somewhat to
remark tint If the Sim does not succeed
lu making the Democratic party heart
ily sick of Its abominable tariil posi
tion it will not be for lack of tlie very
best duality of edltoriul brnins moat
Bkilifully and persistently employed
It U in the power of thejDemocratlo
Congress to ftait all the mills nud fac
tories within thirty days, by adopting
a resolution not to tinker with tho
tariff. For a failure to do thiB, the
was superintendent of tho mint. The
vault win locked and seated at that timo,
and to all appearance the seals had never
been removed.
Tho seal lu question is placed by an
official of the troasury department, and is
known as tin-department seal.
The orders Issued by the secretnry of the
treasury a short timo ago to coin gold
made it necessary to draw upon tho bull
ion in tills vault. In order that the con
dition of tlie bullion might be ofllcially
ascertained Superintendent Uoibyshell re
tpiested Acting Director of the Mint Pres
ton that lie or some other bfllclal of tho
treasury department should bo prosent
when the vault was opened.
When Superintendent Itonliyshell as
sumed charge of tint mint iie gave bis re
ceipt for this bullion without having it
weighed, because the seals of the vault
were intact.imd Direetor Preston informed
li I in that as lie had no question as to the
contents of the vaults at that time lie was
solely responsible, and the presence of a
treasury official would, therefore, make no
dill'erenoe. '
But finally tlie director agreed that the
treasury should be represented when the
vault was opened and the bullion ro
wolghed, and a few days ago William E.
Morgan came here from the mint bureau
iu Washington.
On Tuesday tho seals of the vaults were
removed, the vault opened and tho bullion
rewelghed, Air. Morgan being present.
Then it was that the discovery was made
that there was over 5,000 ounces, or about
(131,000 wortli of bullion less hi the vault
than what there should have been.
Mr. Morgan said this morning that he
wasn't prepared to admit that there was
any shortage at all. "All men aro liable
to err," said lie, as ho referred to a possiolo
mistake on his own part.
Chief Clerk Cobb doubted tho correct
ness of the story. He believed a mistake
hud been made, aud everything would end
"Tlie beal was not tampered with," said
he, "and there is no evidenco of felonious
entry. Tliere is a gallery around the vault,
and it is under surveillauco all tlie time."
An nir of mystery still surrounds tho al
leged shortage. A report was current last
night that a mint official had heon arrested
ou a charge of stealing the gold and hold
under heavy bail, butnll efforts to confirm
this rumor were fruitless. Acting Mint
Director Preston nrrlvcd hero last evening
from Washington and was in conferenco
at the Lafayctto hotel for several hours
with Chief of tho Secret Service Drum
mond, Superintendent Bosbyshell, of the
mint; Treasury Agent Morgan, David K.
can interests in Brazil, endangered by tho
revolutionary outbreak. Tlie cruiser
Charleston is delayed In Hailing from
Montevideo f'ir Itlo by an accident to her
steering gear; tho cruiser Detroit lias been
stopped In her voyage to Brazilian waters
on account of tlie dlsoovery that it was
necessary for her to comply with certain
conditions preliminary to her final accept
ance by tlie government, and the cruiser
Newark cannot leave Norfolk tor Itlo un
til Sunday or .Monday. These delays un
der existing circumstances are decidedly
Democratic pirty will be held account
able by hundreds of thousands of voteis , TUttle, smelter and refiner at tho mint,
out of employment. As theDemocratio
A TrluKt lmprisiiiKMl fttr I,llil.
VIENNA, Sept. 10. Recently Father
Meyer, a Catholic priest; Dr. Deckort and
IlerrDooll, editor ot Das Vaterlanu, ac
cused several Jewish ministers of sacri
ficing children in observance of religious
ceremonies. Tho accused ministers brought
suits for libel. Father Meyer Was sen
tenced to four months' imprisenmentand
Deckert and Doell were lined heavily.
Tlin Allan Furtuno Molthijr Away
Monti; ral, Sept. 10. The Allan family
is again the subject of much talk on ac
count of the failure of the Manitoba and
fiorthwestern railway, in wliioh it is rid
a great part of the immonse fortune of tho
late Sir Hugh Allan, as well as that of sev
eral friends of tlie family, have been swal
lowed up. a Hero is only t3,000f000 to show
for an Indebtedness of over $11,000,000, The
Allans lose tho most of this enormous
sum, and practically all that will remain
of the late Sir Hugh Allan's magnificent
legacy will be tlie interest In tho Allan
lino steamships.
A Farmer's Nurrow Kscnpe.
IiANCASTKH, Pa., Sopt. 10. Jacob Sta-
man, a farmer, of Manor township, while
driving a market wagon was struck by a
locomotive ot the (Jolumliia and Port De
posit railroad, near Washington borough.
Lho liorso was instantly killed, the waaon
knocked into splinters, aud Staman was
hurled into the Susquehanna river, some
thirty feet away. He lauded in a shallow
place, aud without serious Injury.
Thru,, Children Crmuted.
Rheatown, Tenn., Sept. 10. Near Mill
ersville Postoflice the residence of Milton
Myers, a wealthy farmer, was totaliy de
stroyed by fire aud three children, aged 10,
8 and 3 years, were burned to death. Mrs.
Myers, with an Infant 2 weeks old, jumped
from a second story window and is now in
a precarious condition.
Your liver needs th T mirsfln.v SMltffTh hOI' 91
as invfeoratiiiff. effect of
these tiny, sugar-coated
- If you feel drowsy, dull, lan-
guld, inexpressibly tired or deblli-
tAtetl; 11 vouve no appetite nnd
liwtiuinl ltan,1aifu0 nr. .llulnuM
a furred or coated tongue It proves thai!
you'ro bilioun. In that case you should carry
in your vest-pocket a small sealed vial of these
Pellets. They are anti - bilious granules,
which act in a prompt and natural way,
without griping. So beneficial and lasting
is their elfecf that tho makers can afford
to guarantee that hey will give you satis
faction, or they'll return your money.
flliciiaiittouli, FemiA.
...The Gilbert...
lomicOpera Comp'y
Including Chas. A. Gilbert, Addle
Cir Iteed, and Fluretta. the Fa
mous Danieuee. in a perfect pro
duction of the .........
There's no case of Catarrh so hopeless
that Dr. Sago's Catarrh Hemcdv cannot
cure. Tlio makers will pay $500 reward
for any Incurable icnso-
tlotvfrns from i'vry Tnrs of Urn Country"
Hlioiv Dfciilmt Improvement.
Nbw York, Sept 10. 11. G. Dun Si
Co.'s- weekly review of trade says: Re
turns from every part of the eouutry show
decidsd improvement. A hopeful feeling
prevail, money grows abundant at specu
lative centers, and somewhat easier for
commercial purposes. The number of es
tablishments reported as resuming work,
thirty-ono wholly and twentjslx in pnrt.
Mill exceeds the number closing, so that
the hands employed have somewhat in
creaseiL The ttumber unemployed is still
xery large, the great industries are still
far below their normal productiveness,
nud part of the resumption of work has
been semvd by lowering prices and ro
fucing wages. But business is pulling
fiselt together, ej-' even the crop report
has caused Utile iressiou in stocks.
Industrial improvement is largely in
cotton, and otherwise appears scarcely
more satisfactory than last week. About
two-thirds of the Fall Itiver mills aro
operating, but at a reduction of 10 to 13
percent, iu wanes, and there has been a
sharp cut in prices of some leading cotton
goods. Soveral shoe factories have started'
In part, but orders are said to bo not
enough to keephalf the force busy, though
distinct improvement is noticed. Several
glasB, pottery, hardware and silk estab
lishments have resumed, though not many
with fidl force. In all eighteen reported
metal works have started in part and six
wholly, whilo thirteen have stopped and
fourteen have reduced hands or wages.
Expectation of largo forelgji invest
ments is not yet realized, and exchanges
have declined towatd tho gold exporting
point, as future exports of products are
liable to bo restricted by the shortness of
crops and tho advance lu price here. Ex
ports last weok w era largo and for two
weeks have been 80 per cent, moro than
last year.
The failures during this week, have been
in the United States only 314, against 321
for the previous week and 151 for the cor
i responding period ot last year, and in Can-
euivS7, against HS last year.
Prices, as, 50 nud 75 Cents.
Seats on sale at Klrlln's drug stoi 0.
A. VT. LKISENKINO, President.
P. J. FKHOUHON, Vice Preside
It. LEIHENltINO, Oashler.
S. W. YOST, Asslsunt Oaehtsr
Open Daily From 9 to 8
Interest Paid on Savings Deposit
TlOn HALE. The Sheets DroDOrtv. K. Iilord
I' street, and property at Brownsville,
a-gg-lm M, Si. BniiKE, Attornoy
OH HAI,E A Natmnil typewriter In per
1 feet coodltlnn. Will te sold otaenn for
OAnh. Apply at this office. -H-tf
rjWK haIjK. A litter of small breed pug
V ounnlns. Annlv at 210 Ssst Centre street.
Mtttmuoy City, Pa. tvit-lt
articles, for sale cheap,
Oak street.
LOST. A black cow with white spot on its
forehead. Finder Trill please return same
to Andrew Chtiicback, Wm. I'enn, and receive
rewind. !-113t
NCrifE. The parties who left guns at my
Horo to bo renal-ed are hereby notl tied to
oall aud pay chatges on sjmc on or before Oct.
lit. w ILcv mil be sold. (Juo. MANNING.
911-lw ISA E. Coal street, Bhenandoah.
X Men; for Young Wen. Turkera Is the
greatest devoloper and resiorer kn' wn to man-
Kinu. lvoat vigor, weannessata pains in the
b ck permanently cured. Success guaranteed.
Price only i.00. Send for sealed circulars.
lib. rjiAibu.,W7wainutat., fniiaaeipuia, fa.
7--V B & W 13E.
party has never yet lived up to any
of Its platform utteraueea, there ia no
leaeon why it should rulu the country
for the sake of consistency. Besides,
a bad promise is better broken than
The spirit In which the Democratic
politicians are going to work to disturb
the business of the country is well
shown In the absence of the Demo
cratic members of the Ways nnd Means
Committee from sessions when hear
ings are given to the people. Beven of
the eleven Democrats make It a busi
ness to be away. The Republican
members, though it is not on them
that the responsibility lies, are always
at the post of duty. Butthemeuwho
propose to smash the tnrlll require no
information a to the eilect of their
bull-lu-thechlna-shop proceedings.
aud Treasury Airent Underwood. It was
said that the accused was closeted with
the above, and that an effort was being
made to mako him confess, lint when the
conferenco ended none of tho participants
would talk. All attompts to learn what
the outcome was wore met with rebuffs.
The anxiety of tho mint oflicials, and
tho fact that everybody concerned abso
lutely refuses to discuss tho matter, in a
measure substantiates tho original report
of the actual shortage.
rrnbably Tall frum u Train.
Tiiknton, Sopt. 10. Alfred Boyle, aged
23 years, was picked up in an unconscious
condition nesldu the tracks of the Phila
delphia and Reading railroad, a fow miles
west oLTrenton junction, Ho died at the
To Prolong the Fair.
CllICAOO, Sept. 16. Tho World's fair di
rectors have called a special meeting for ,
next Monday nig'ht to dismiss the feasl-!
bility of extending the exhibition until I
Jan. 1, 1694.
The publlo is not lutereuted lu prl
vafe family allalra, aud the Heuald
dew not propose to put forth anything
of the kind. O wlug tdthe stuud taken
by the PotUvllle editor, however, it
beeomw: necessary to state that tho
fight made against the Hkhai.d now
18 only u repetition of one that was
made against this paper and its edl
lor sixteen years ago, when he "clr
oulatlon liar" lived In Mlnersvllle and
undertook to defend a "poor widow"
who was removed fiom ofllce. Tlie
venom which was Injected Into the
scoundrel's spirit then Is still there.
The "poor widow" editor of the
Dally Affidavit Is still harping ou the
old Bong that his paper has "a larger
circulation In Shenandoah than the
Hurald has." If the aforesaid editor
will put up money to baok the delusive
and worn out statement and aflldavlt
he will find a ready taker, and the
Ukuald will agree that a relative of
the aforesaid editor shall hold the
money and decide the question. fcTlie
only condition the Hkhald "asHs, is
that the money the losing party shall
forfeit jnuet go to some; worthy chari
table institution.
No Cholera Here
"Washington, Sept. 10. In reply to a
dispatch from Mr. Wilbur, United States
consul at Lisbon, stating that Portugal
had declared the ports of New York and
New Jersey infected by cholera. Secretary
(Iresham sent the following cable: "Pro
test most earnestly against tho report
Ttlirid nuarantine exists aud general health
excellent. No cholera in tho United
A Test Laden Vessel Itctuaed Entry., Sept. 10. Tho steamer
Berao, from Hlo de Janeiro, has arrived
here with several of her passengers suffer
ing with cholera. The health ofllcershave
forbidden anybody to laud, and have or
dered the stoamer to leave tho port. It is
reported that she will go back to Bio de.
Urplnc; Hugh Ilempiey'a Pardon.
HAlllilSDUlto, Sept. 10. Lengthy peti
tions have been filed with the board of
pardons, urging the pardon ot Hugh
Dempsey. The board will meet on the
26th Inst., and the Homestead troubles
may thou be brought up iu an entirely new
Hold Highway Ilnbbers Ilnggod.
TKOT, N. Y., Sept. 10. John Shanahan,
Frank Wilsoii.ThoinasIloach and Thomas
Gray were arrested for holding up seven
different men on one of the principal
street in this city and rilling their pock
ets. Three ot the men have piisou rucords.
Zlra, Thcreoa Uartson
" For fourteen years I have suffered with kidV
bey troubles my back so lame that sometimes.
I Could Not Raiso Mvsolf
up out ot ray chair, nor turn myself In bed. I
could not sleep, and suffered great dUtres
with ay food, I hvo taken four bottles ol
At Chicago: Philadelphia. 4; Chicago, 0.
At Pittsburg: Pittsburg, U; Boston, 2.
At Cleveland (first game): Baltimore, 7;
Cleveland, 0.
At Cleveland (second game): Baltimore,
V; Cleveland, a. , , ana my terrible euflerlnBS havo all gone. Life
At Louisville: Louisville, 8; Brooklyn, 8. j u comfort compared to tho misery It used to
"", wu.UK- DB jms. TnEKESA UAHTSoir, Aioion, ra.
ton, o.
At Cincinnati: Cincinnati, 6; Now l;ork,7.
Hood's314 Cures
Hood's SarsaparlUa. I feel llko a new person,
UnnH'o DIIIq cure Constloatlon bv restor
lag the peril taltlo acUon ot the ollmeatary causa.
with ucciro ninp.ieiiumiMM-iij
gory will euro irlifiMtit MictUclud
all of tbo abovotroublo. TUodo wliJ
suiter from Nervous lieMlItTi
JiUMflefl, jirniim, Jjohi iiinunooui
NorvniiBUtitiH, Mccpleesnt'Ns;
I'oor .uciimry, till I'oiiiniouoiHj
plnftntHf amiuencriil HI henltli?
thui'troctBof abuses, excewes. worrr
or ox insure, will ttnd relief and prompt
cure In our marvelous invention,
which requires but a trial to couvlnco
tliumost ttkeptl&il. Ininoraoeeof el
Xocta you may bavo uuauly drained
your py etem ui norve force aud vitality
which 1m (jlectrlcliy and thus
caused you r weukuesaor lack of force.
If you replace Into your system the
elomenU thus di allied, wliioh are re
quired zor vigorous Birenaiu, juu wui
7I0H BALK Nino shares Pchuylklll Trnc
2' tlonitock. Apply at this office. 0U-tf
lOIt "ALK Household Hoods consisting of
l range, i nign oan oupuouru aim otuer
Apply at No 18
U 11-tf
Don't Tobacco Spit or Smoke your Life Away
Is the truthful, startling title of a Httlo book
tbattclls all about No-to-bio, the wonderful,
harmless fluarantcetl tobacco habit cure. The
cost Is trilling and the man who wants to cult
' ml can!t runs no physical or risk In
uslnc "No to bac " wold oy all druggists.
lloolt at drugstores or bv mall free. Address
Too storltng Kemeily Co., Indiana Mineral
springe, lnd. w&s-ly
pociG Efood
Of Every Description.
Fags, Baoges, Caps, Regalias, ;,
Write for catalogues. Correspondence solicited
No. 207 West Coal Street,
1 1.
Porter, Ale and
Fine Old Stock Ale.
CEACOIT 1003-3-Si.
Dancing School!
Satuiday Evening, Sept. 16,1893
mm uim, is fib;
At Robbins' Opera House.
A. dm lea alon, 2D Oouts
tnnmvA I hn fjmAnnri haalth. strenih
and vliior will follow at mice. This
la our plan and treatment, and vco
unrunlee a euro ir reiunu munex
rinr ton snes linolc "TIinuE CT, ASHES tllf BIEN," sn'iuiu norosu vj evoi i"n
ratal Collision on a Race Track.
TltAOY, Minn., Sept. 10. Oscar Chris-
Ilon on tlie fair ground, track be-1 f KK
tween Kitty, a local running Uorse, and a 0t whom ne have strong letters buarlng totimony to their reuovery alter muig our licit.
trotter irom i-ipeeioiie, una uj . , ,.. onn-m TilFSE-WE CAM CHOP vnilf
Link. Both horses were killed.
More Toadstool Victims.
PATEIUS0N, N. J Sept. 16. Mrs. Mar
garet Girodet and her 20 year-old son, liv
from eatinc toadstools. Tlireeotheruiem-
hers of the family will probably die.
Will Accept the IteUuctlon.
Lamoastbh, Ta.t Sept. 10.-The Pena
Iron company has posted notice of a 10 per
cent, reduotion In wages. There will be
no strike, as the employes will acoept the
A Church Struck by Lightning.
IlAHBiiBUBO, Sept. 10. During a fu
neral service yeaterday aftetnoon light
ning struck a Una !etown ohuroh and se'
verely shookwl nmuy of the ooogregatlon.
Tli Waathfr.
O encrally fair; wind becoming southwest.
Ktw Yoas Clir. Oototx-r Mth, ltn.
Im. A. T; BAKDKW, Uer Siti About tliroe years ago
T poroham ono or Tour ettiotnouciutlor ineourao
nervous debUil, vhVh I ha-l lu 1M vorst form am
...l.i.l. w. nivUinlnlni. ra hnllh. ViMira I lift.
ing on Hltth mountain, near naieuon,uieu ,an4 j aia BOt know wiiatttwaaiohaveaBood
riicbt's Ip. but in oneraonta'fltinioaiu-rualtic tne
VSt 1 felt a much atronirer man both immtaUy aoupli
V"un trui, H. filtEUa, m Bowery.
UftOOKtW, N. Yj, Oct! Vr 15th, IMS.
Htl A. T. Sihpkm, Ur Blr Four yar wat
tmdweh pain from rliunuUUin that at timet it vrma
ImpoHibie fur
r m& to fftt arouud. und X always oarried a
VttW TnRV ftr, net, . 1B8!L
Dn. A. T. Satobs. Dear Mri-1 oaa roport to sou that
the belt bu entirely cured mo of rheutuatlun from
wklcli I nuifereU fur f ourtef n years almost oontlnuallyi
J am a long dally tramps nect
Bary la mi rounds unto tltetima of cutting tbebelC,
were pln tally kouo thr6uKnwJth,buttbankatoyoui
wonderful Invention I can now wnJlr us vrellas I ever
did, and will rteommend treatment to all afflicted
the current has alo brought book my vltror In other
wtursosyou sttld It would. Yours very truly.
JAME3 ilKiU, Ci ferry 8U
Dar Ooois. bio., Oahtuis, Maine. Feb. 27, 1M3.
Dn. A. T. fcUNbK, imar Sln-I am glad to add my
testimony to the many you hare of th5 ureat ralue of
J our belt . Uy hcalih has Imnrored wonderfully, and 1
lavegainoq twelvo pound of 00Hli,att4 now sloep well
Rndhavianixct)lt9Qtuuiwtite, Your apleadrdeleetiti
bwltwith jri'urrult?sof IIeaUhH has been a wry Yala.
iMMUHir ia rwoanwwinit
Ji1a benefit Wrix'.Mndl take
your belt uui run
rorsup,iott, I used your U-it aal Mtareliuf in
hoar. I iralBjealn weight from tliatduvaudlt was
r ft hnrt 1 nui until tho twins 1, ft inn u .i.l tiwlav I
junawellraan. ltdwaysL-eipmy In lttnar bv fur ff&r
tbure murht be a return, but as it lias w been four
rjears since you cured me, cun safrlv nj it U iwrmu!.
thU JU K. VOW, UiutoU Iirwtvr, bU Uai k's VUum,
Is a complct o caJ van lo battery, made into a belt 10 a4 to be oasfy vorn ihii hg work r atrwt.and it
SI to soothLDir.prlonfied currtmts whn li aro tnatuntly tell throughout vi wo lit parU, or wofarfelt
5.01)0. It baa an Jmprfivctl V.Icrtrio Him pmutory 1 1 li en- .tt't lou. v .or Rfvc i waaknMn,and
Ej warrant it to ouro any t( lhoaifvt) rraVnenRes,pnd toonl-iro sl.rtine 1 1 'i ,g? pnrt, or tiloncy
cfuaded. They ftrasradediue'reiiifih to meet oil utagLi f uiwa-i In i nn . i-uiidlfc-Jtwdorola
ta,aiid wlllcurothowirbtcaaeamtwoorthreemoutha, Ailiirusn lor fun i - ' m,
SANDEN ELECTRIC CO., 820 Broaav :j l.;ow York.
In the Market.
Prices per Ton, Delivered:
BTOVK COAL ....S3 00
PEA COAL ... . 2 00
EUU COAL ' . 3 00
Orders may be left at 31 East Coal street, or
a Houta warn sircci.
We are now prepared to fill orders
In large or small quantities ut our
wholeeole and retail store. All orders
executed with care and promptness.
15.. ITS.. 3NT033Xj33 tSa GO.,
9-1M3W 8 B. Jardla &U, Sbenandoali, Pa.
Easily. Quickly,
Permanently Restored.
and all the train of gtIU
from early errors or later
excesses, the remits of
ov crworfc, sickness,
worry, etc. FulUtrength,
derelopment and tono
glvpn to every organ nnd
portion of the body
hlmple, naturul methods.
Immediate Improvement
nen. Failure linposKlble.
a.ftw refnrences. Boole,
explanntlon nnd proof!
mailed (scaled) free.
Hfdlcal Offlssr, 206 H. SECOND 8t..rMlRd', P
Are tho oldeit In America for the treatment of
Special DlNt-imes & Youthful lZrxor,
Varlcocne, Ilydnirelp, itupture, Io;t Manhood.
TrpntmKMl hr nnll n Hiirrlnltv. (ina.
muulratlonBRarredly cf nfidontUI. Hend btamp fov
i;uiU. tfflri hours 1 0 A. M. tnJl, M.. HtoOP
lM All day aatunlay anudays, in to 12 A M-
Kverythlng modeled after
Qreen's Cafe, Phlladeljbia,
a S. main St., Slicuandoab.
TS9 leading place In town.
Has lately been entirely reno
vated Every thing now, clean
and fresh. The Unest line ot
Wines and Liquors I
Clears, Ac., foreign and do
mestic. Free lunch served
each evening. Ulg schooners
ot fresh,Beer,Porter,Ale,&c.
Main and Oak Streets,
Shenandoah, Fenua.,
Track and Vegetables.
Poulti-y, Game, Fish and Oyslers
In season. Orders left at the store
will receive prompt attention
101 North Main street, Bhenandoah, Pa.,
Ice Cream wholesale and retail.
Picnics and parties supplied on short notice
Chris. Bossier's
(Mann's old stand)
X04 BoutU sinln Street.
Block. Freeh Beer, Ale and Porter on tap.
Celebrated Poiter, Ale and Beef
Mamwior Shenandoah Brancb
Bakery and Confectionery Store,
xai'M. Jnrcllu direct.
The finest ratios and bread nnd plain and
fancy confectionery ot all kinds always kept
on band. WM. aUUOAUS,
(Christ. Uossler's old stand.)
axalu aua Coal MB,, BlieunutloaU.
Best beer, ale and porter on tap. The finest
brands of whiskeys and cigars. Pool room at
Piatt's Popular Saloon,
(Formerly Joe 'VTyatt's)
19 and 21 West Oak Street,
rlr stocked with the beatbeei, porter, alea,
ffaUklea, brandies, wines, eto. Finest olgars
'tint bsrattached. Oordlal Invitation to all
17 S. Main Street.
Finest Brands of Wines, Whiskeys &nd Cigiri,
Fresh lleer, Porter and Alt
always on Up