The Herald. rOPWIIKU DAILY, SUNDAY HXOUPTilD WXEKLT, KVRIir SATUItDAY. m. A. lOFJf ., ..lYoprlor a. 0 nor Kit lUltor and iptblliher IV. J WAIKINS... tMaH IMIIor J, M HOVF.ll .......((.. JTnnofrr UBSOrt' J'TION rates: n,r,pr yew, ...... 13 uo ni,T, per year 1 60 AJvtrlttlna timet. Transient, lu cents per line. Unit Insertion I 5 MM per line Bach subsequent Insertion, Hates or regolar advertising oan bo bud on appllca lion at tee onto or bv nmfl. Tno Evening Heuald ban n larger olreula iteo In Hhenondoab than any othor paper pub lished. Hooks open to all, THIS IMM HOSlliS. Great SufForing Among tho Woalii bo Ohorokeo Strip Settlers. AN APPEAL TO SECRETARY SMITE TO AMEND THE CHINESE LAW. Mr, Clear? I'nvrs nn lixtrnslnn sf the Ilr-glstrntlon Period. Washinotok, Sept. H.Yestcrtlity the hou8 committee on fotolgti nUnl re ferral tlio Kverett bill to amend mid mod ify tho Uenry Chinese reKstrntlon lnw to a suli-comiiilttcfi for revision. Clmlmmn McCrenry heads the sub-commlttcc, the other members belnK Messrs. Geary, Ever ett, Hltt nnd Hnrmer. In the oourno of tho discussion tlierq, seemed to be a unanimous seiitiiriciiti fnvoriiiK tho extension of tho registration I period for six months from the dnto o( Ipassngcof the act, nud this ullt in all ( probBblllty bo tho term fixed lu the bill ti I eported from tho committee. The Ever ett bill, proposes n period of a yearrbul5 nwred at the Postoittoe. al Shenandoah, 1 for transmission through the malls as seeond-olass mall matter. Closed factories tuid thriving pawn Bliojwure the inu.uiires of Democratic capacity to govern. Tub wttnt of uotitldence everywhere remarked in not wuut of coufldeiiuu In tho country, iu our institutions, or in our olreulatiuK medium. It 1h ulmp'y want of eonildouce in the Democratic party, In common decency, the pawnbrok ers and 5 to 10 percent, a mouth money BhurkB ought to inscribe this legend over the entrances to their placei of busiuese: "God bless Grover Ulevo lund and the Democratic party." It may be remarked, without fear of euecoaBful contradiction, that tho ma jority have no moral right to "kick" at the condition they find themselves lu as the roaultof inactivity and lu (jpstriul paralysli They voted for Just what they have got; not intention idly, perhaps, but insplte of earnest winnings, nevertheivrs. NetVMinpcr Mni Unltu In Urging it I.nrger Puree of Olorlls Sevrrnl Dead lloilles Have Ileen Tnkuu from the 1.1 no of Anxli a Walters. AriKANSAS Citt, Ark., Sept. 14. The mercury in Arkansas City yesterday af ternoon imlioRtMl Rrees, the hottest day of the season in this ! t-liis is believed to be longer than Is usees ! part of the country. Many persons over- i w--'y- Jlr. Genry himself, a member of the come by the heat wcro carried from the soiiiiuittee, Is In favor of tho extension. It lines of home seekers. Some of them will ' he oan seoure It with certain amendments recover, but others will die. Six men died ! which will make the measure accenUblei yesterday, j to his peoplo at home. Uiere Is reat discontent nmonir tho ' to bill now before the ub-comraitte. homo seekers because the forces at tho HIioiik" linvlni; Air. Everett as its piiia booths nro not lai-uo etiouuli tn rmrlamr , ttvo author, is said not to be his work. I. more than one half of tho neonle who wish i understood that tho monaure was drawn; certificates of registration. Grent press- by Assistant Secretary Qnlnoy, alter con- Your Paitlter I READING RAILROAD SYSTEM, Firctlffftt.nnfllRfliilr has often wasted time nnd matetialin time tabli is itruar a wo. 7. 1893. St. JUL all AwCtllUliUl 13CLUSX lire is IjcIuk brought to bear upon tho authorities nt WuslilnKton to induce them to tllOVO tho booths tn Arlrn nana nlf.v nt- tn tliscontlnui! all reftlstration and to permit sultutlon with, tho President. Three Demi In n liirnliie Stenmer, LIIAMlNGloi, Out, Sept. H. The liar i every one to outer tho strip and locate a some passenger and freight steamer Uyri1 1 J ncricu was uurneu w mo water's euje r-" i C o'clock lu the morning. Three lives wa- !'! claim, I-leiiteiiant Caldwell yesterday after- noon sent a teleuram tlirnntrli his simprlnr lost, and two nersous were- so bad! oiiicer, CoIoiujI I'arker, to Secretary Hoke burned they may uot recover. The fl Smith advisbiK him of the conditions ex- was caused first by the explosion luting nt the booths and stiKKestlnc that 1 a lump and thou of a barrolotoll. Th bs tuu rKlstrntion lias proven almost a complete failure that It be discontinued. Tiiekh were more strikes under Re py'dicitn rule than iu these Democra tic days, 'tis Said. Very true. Labor was well employed. There was a pos sibility of gettiug more wages or less hours of work by ttrlklugthen. How dlilerent now. Men out ot work have iinililni? to strike for. Men who have work are glad to keep it, and rarely dispute the term?. iTts said the b y orator who second ed the nomitmtion of Judge Fell is from Beaver county nud is the son of a widow whom he supports I y work- i no n anhamute letter carrier. He "b - All of the nownpaer men repiosencinfr metropolitan papers last evening united In the following dlsualcb to Secretrv Smlth: "Iu the name of tho papers wo represent We respectfully request that you take Im mediate steps to alleviate the condition oC the homo seokers who are seeking regis tration at booth 0 near this city. Tho booth Is situated on a dustv road four miles nwuy from water nud shelter, the weather is extremely hot and hot winds lire blowing n ttale. The sulTerimt Is ureat. A large number of homo seekers have been stricken down and sonic have- died. Registration Is progressing bo slowly that hundreds of men are compelled to stand In lino for days, exposed to tho sun, dust and thirst. Cannot you oatif.0 the booth to Vo removed to this city and put on a larger force of clerks or abandon registra tion at oncer For the honor and welfare of tho administration we beg you to take luimedlaeo actiou. Humanity demands it." So bitter Is tho fceliug agnlngt tho regis-' tratiou system that when Friday night arrives, and it is apparent that tho thous ands In waiting will he unable to have. their iinmus placed on the list; a riot- will be precipitated, l'rnctioully thesnme con dition exists at Orlando, Stillwater, Ilun newcll aiirt Caldwell. It will be impossi ble to enforce tho order Issued by Sucrutury Smith on Monday, forbidding any one to- board tho trains entering the strip nt uoou. who aro not armed with registration cer tificates. Trains loaded to their fullest. capacity arrived here today, ami this in flux will bo kept up constantly until Sat urday noon. At Hunnevillo last evening a boomer wns killed iu his wauon and robbed ol all his money. The murderer was captured, and quickly removed from town to pre vent bis being lynclieu. several auouipvs. at murder and robbery were made at tlio booths near this city, but the vigilance of. tho soldiers prevented any fatalities. Vnafcnl llflll Htt Itltntlita nnr fnt al.n!l anu there were no passengers nuenrd. T dead are: GeoigeShaw, llremen, of V. Iiicelmrg; John Crouk, of Dresden, dec t hand; JunuioFinnessce, cook. Captain IK V. Mcltnc and Purser JackBon were bo" badly injured. Twcnty-clKlit Im!l-tmntn Reported, j Atlantic City, Sept. 14. After bclnp. In session two days at May's Lauding tht Atlantic county grand jury adjourned un , til noxt Mouuuy. Twenty-eight luuicl liients out of sixty-eight bills were re ported. Tho matter of the wholesale forg lug of names iu obtaining liquor license.' lu Atlantic City wns considered, but noth ing will he made public until Mouday. fnilr r,.ur. fur ninll Itrilil.Af. Wilmington, Del., Sept. 14. Wllllnm Bandurs, tho colored man who stole a mpiij) bag from the Delawaro avenue station u tno isuitimore anu umo raliroau lu tun city on the night of Aug. 29, carried It U lirandywino park, cut It open,, aud riflsd the letters, was seutencod to-four yi liupilsoumcnt. i Vnu ltrovklln l'louri Guilty. Ul'FPALO, Sept. 14. Erie O. Van Brook llu, ex-secretary of the board of lire com missioners, charged with forgery and em bozzlement o about C0,000, pleaded guilty In the supreme court. lie will. beseuteiice tomorrow. The maxlmuuii penalty It twenty years. He will probably recdi- ..' years. Tim Fll'filllilll Killed. PlIlI.ADixrHIA, Sept. 14. A collision .n curred betweeu a passenger, aud shifting engine on the Heading railroad nt Tenth, ami Diamond streets, resulted lu tho doatb of Fireman Frank Peters, of the passmgt engine. Engineer McCabo received oils injuries. The loss is $30,000. littrglurs Iob a Distillery. IlARisisuurio, Sept. 14. llurclars broe Into tho Highspire distillery and stoio v largo quantity ot whisky in bond. Detec- Tti-hel Vessels In Control. tlvus arrested two.of tho burglurs and. re- Lodon. Sent. 14.-Private telegrams 'covered a portloa of the whisky. from ltio controvort tho official statement .!... that the Brazilian rebel ships ureuuable to rP to Annei Utah to Novaaa. leavo Hio harbor. On the contrary, it is i w asuinoto. Sept. 14.-lepre9ematlve .iir-inrpil that thov coutrol the harbor anu y" "l 'i"'" has often wasted time and material in trying to obtain a shade of color, and (ias even resorted to tnc use or reaav mixed paints, the Inirredlcnts of which he knew nothing about, because of the difficulty in making a shade of color with white lead. This wasto can be avoided by the use of National Lead Company's Pure White Lead Tinting Colors These tints are a combination of per-' fcctlypurc colors, put up in small cans, and prepared so that one pound will tint 25 pounds of Sttictly Pure White Lead to the shade shown on the can. By this: means you will have the best paint in the world, because made of the best materials Strictly Pure White Lead and pure colors. Insist on having a brand of white lead that is standard, manufactured by the "Old Dutch" process, and known to bo strictly pure tno John Lewis & Bros. This brand of Strictly Pure Whlto Lead and National Lead Cos Pure White Lead Tinting Colors are for sale by the most re liable dealers tn- paints everywhere. If you arc going to paint, it will pay you to send to us for a book containing Informa tion that may save you many a dollar; it will anly cost you a postal card, "JOHN T. LEWIS & BROS. CO., Philadelphia I Trains le-avoShenandcmh as follows: l for New York via Philadelphia, vrcek days, 2.10. 6.SB. 7 21. a.m.. 1?. 2.50 b.t& n.m. Suntfai I .N,7.48a. tn. For New York via Msuch Chunk, week davs. 7.X) a. m.. Z.DU t. 31. For Heading and Phlladelpnia, week day?. nn, s.2n, 7 sj, a. m., b.mj p. m. out do t. 2.10. 7.1ft a. is.. 4.36 d. m For Ilnrrlsburj, week days, Z.10, 7.39 a.m., im. n For AfTentown, week dare, 7.80 a. m., 12.26. 2.W p. m. For Pottsvllle, week days, Z.10, V SO, a.m., 12.26 2 6;6.5&p. m. Sunday, 2.10, 7.48 n. m., 4.30 p. m For Tataaqua and Xaharjey City, week days, 3.10, 6.26, 7.10, a. m., UVM, ), 6.11) p. m. Sun day, Z.10, 7.48 a. m., 4.K8 p. m. Additional for TUEATRK 11UILDIN0 fibcunrifloalit retina, CAPITAL, Mahanoy City, week days, 7 CO p. m. W. LE1SENU1NO, President. P. J. FERSOBON. Vice Presldsnl J. K. LE18BNKINO, Cashier. S, W, YOST, Assistant Cashlsr Open Dally From 9 to 8 3 PER CENT. For Lancaster and Columbia, week dors. 7.V a, m., Z.tO p. m, For Wllllamsport, Sunbury and Lowlsburg, week days. 8.JS, 7.20. 11.10 a. m., 1.(6, 7.00 pm. Sunday. 3.25 a. m., 3.06 p. m. For Mahanoy Plane, week days, 2.10, H.16, 5.25, 7.20, 11.30 a.m., 12.26, 1.35, 2.50, 5.r, 7 00, 8.85 p. m. Sunday, 2.10, 3.20, 7.48 a. m., 3.05, 4.10 p. m. For GIrarcmllc, ( Ilappahanncck Station), J.ll'm:,"i,4.pB.m.pB sanai'il0'nterest Paid on Savings Deposit f or Asniana ana cnumoain. ween ud, o..u, 6.15, 7,ai, as m., 1.85. 7.90( 9.S p. m. Sun day, 3.26. 7.48 a. a., 3.06 p. m. TRAINS roil SHENANDOAH! Leavo New Yoik via Phlladelpnia, week t ays, 8.(a. m., 1.30, 4.03, 7.30 p. tn., ll5 night. Bun day, 6.0U p. m., 12.15 night. Lravc New York via Mauch Chunk, week dayf, 1.00. 8.45 a. m., I.OU4.30 p. m. Sunday, 7.15 a. m. Leave Phllodelnla.SInrket Street Htatlon, wee; days, 4.12. 8.35, 10,00 a. m.. and 4.1)0, 0.00, 11.30 p. m. Sunday 4.00, 9.04 n. ru., 11.30 p. m. Leavo Reading, week days, 1.M, 7.10. 10.05,11.50 a. m., 5.55, 7.57 p. m Sunday, 1.35, 10.48 a. m. Leave Pottsvllle, week days, 2.40, 7.40 a. m. IK. so, 0,1 1 p. m sunaay, z.4u, .uu a, m., p. m. LJUVO IttliiUtJUU, HCOA uujlo, o.w, o.W m, m.,, 0.28 p. m. Sunday, 3.20, 7.43 a. m., :.60 is a protege of Beuutor Quay and S' Us entrance. A state of seige has been de- hill to annex the territory of Utah to le u a vonnnr v wiiii uulluu. uuu j hjhiv- - only 19 years old the $250 Carnegie prize in the oratorl cnl contest lu being "James G. Blaine." He will enter Yale College this fall and be come a lawyer. He will be again beard from later, we predict. miral Mellow, commanding the rebol'Dra- ziliau fleet, has informed the reprosenta- BASEBALL YESTERDAY. Pittsburg, his subject Uvcb oi oreign u. w u . m aw u. -- - , AtcinclnmU1(,5iUulngs): PhlUdelPh, . . , l- Cincinnati, I. the bay of ltio Janeiro. unItlmoro. Pltteburir. 6: Baltimore 1. At. nivelanil: Cleveland. B: New York. 2 Russian Cholera Statistic.. M gt L(JuU. gt Lou,Si . UrooWyn 3. j ST. PETEnsnDItO, Sept. 13.-r-Thore were At chicaso (Urst game): Chicago, 8; Bos-i o, I. nt Minium nnrl HI rlpivtllR Int. rt a.. , CI ... I lOU, U, St. Petersburg during Sept. 8, 0 and 10. At Chicago (second gamo): Chicago, 8; Between the 4th and StU there were 75 B0,ton, 7. fresh cases and 33 deaths In Moscow. Iu i At Louisville: Louisville 14; Wasblng- Uie province ui i-uuuim umo ,--. tou, 8. At Buffalo: Buffalo, 6; Wllkesbarre, 3. A MONETARY COMMISSION UepresiitHtlro ItlcCwurj-'s Flan fr Ue lliivlnf: thn Teii.ton. Wasihnoton, Sept. 14. By lnvkntlorii Df the members c the-house cornmltteo on. bankiiiK and currency, ltepresentative McCreary, of Kentucky, will appear bo fore tlie committee f.t its next meeting and gi the reasons why he desires the pttssage of his WU providing for tbo np pointmeQt of a couvmisslon to consider and report upon tho whole monetary sys tem. 'Mr. McCrenry expresses- himself as vary much gratified over the netioti of' the Bound money coaveutin of business men. which met In this city on Tuesday. One of the Tesolutlois attempted by that body urged the appointment of a monetary or financial commission,, in accordance with, the plnu contained in Mr. McCruarys- bill. "1 propose," lie sold, "to have tho oom- mlssiou consist of three senators, three- representatives and three Ivaainess. meu. Such n commission would deeorve and re ccive the cotilldenco of the people, and the result would bu-buneilcial. This desirnblei end might not be reached ware tho com mission to be appointed lu any clIEfuruut. way or to be dSIeretlr constitnted. "A proposition now pendiag to- make the cotnmisslau. coiisist of benators uuu rt'prebentatlves only would make it partisan. Such, a eonamissiou as I have proposed woa tippoiuted In lbTll and did good work. Ai.similar comiuUsluu has re cently been at work in Euroue and. tho re sults of its Invo-stlgatious have been a great aid to the advancement, ot tko prin ciples of bimetallism across, the soa. An other proposition is to have tlio iuvestlga- tion made by ouu of the aommlttees of congress. Tlio u-elessuess. of this plan of proceeding, la-shown by tliB- oxpoiieuco lu tlio 1' congress. Then the com mittees on, oolna&e, weights ami measures was authorized to and did, Investigate tho subject. Xho testimony aud conclusions are contained in n printed, volume of 4S7 pages, which, I will venture to say, not one repmseutatire lu a hundred who was not a member of the, committee itself kuows.OKevr heard of ItJ' llnfusett tu Xteilue th Ilates. NEW York, Sept. 14. At a meeting of the trunk line passenger committee tho Pennsylvania Railroad, company submit ted a proposition to reduce the rates for the coach excursion to Chicago from 20 to $15. After a discussion the question was voted down, nil tho other trunk lines, op posing It. p. m. laky. weuK uawii o.ia,, i 11.47 a. m., 1.61, 7.42, .64 p. m. Sunday, 3.48, 8.12 a. m., 3.20 p. m. fl 30,B.96,10.40,11.69a.m., 12.55,2.00,5.20,8.20,7.67,10.10 p. m. There aro Indications that the mer- pliantB In this county, whose standing fresh cases and 653 deaths between Aug. 20 ci in i nnd Sent. 2. In most of tho stricken prov- as a whole Is of the tilguest, uave inces tUe courso 0f the epldemlo rouiatus IcTnr.i AMD PROntir.F MARKFTS ... i ,u altiintlon too an-, virtually uucuaugeu. i vieweu uuoiw. -- I - i , CilUBIllST V!u(lltliu119 u lilt - UTV 1UK UUU i'hiladolplilu Lxohauffei. Nkw Yonic, Sept. 13. The delay of the na tional senate in actlnz on the repeal bill is Having lis euucb ou mo hluok. uiaraei. ,y uiicj stocKs coutinuo arm in price, mars is sreai dullnocs, Closluc bids: Lohiw'U Valley mi lVnnsylvanla....... Iteadlns Wl St. Paul 01M 1 LohisU Nav Ileaillne e. m. 4s.- 6 lleadlue 1st Pf 5-- 31S Heading 2d pf 5s... lleadlnu' 3-1 lf 5s. 18 N. Y. ic N. K 35 prehenalvely, ho far as trade is cou- vikyrie Not Yet siciuod. rerned and have treated It with ex- New York, Sopt. 14. Matters are quiet 1 ., in yachting circles, aud will likely remain CPsslvocouservatiBm. There are many E0 untii tUo ftrrivivi 0f the Yalkyrlo. This out of employment, it Is true, aud the is her twenty-second day out, and nothing " , . ,,i lias yet been heurd of her. since she sailed, buying of goods la necessarily restrict- TUeJB ls a report that General Payne, of .j. i, ont vat annear that an ! the Jubilee, has challenged tho Isellu- . , , i, Morgan syndicate for a active nmiket for goods may uot bo boat tlta Vijilaut, created in view or lue low pnues i vhlch goods nreoifered TJOrtlon of those out of work have , times within the past week Mrs. Halllday ..... 1 La.,,, .lutp.nul from her cell money laid by in the binks, or lu their ruco with their v . T ,l1ll.nH Cli,iiniln9 A large pro-1 , , 14.Sevoral Hood'sCurcs Leave Glrardvllle. (Rappubannook Station), I weeks days. 2.47, 4.07, 6.30. 10.46a. m., 12.0fi, '.12, i.Ji, 0.1:0, B.32, s.uj, iu.10 p, tn. sunuay, (IT. 8.38. n. m.. 3.41. 5.07 o. m. Lea7e Willlamsport, week days, 8.00, 9.36, 12.00 a. m., 3.J6, 11. lap. m. sunaay, 11.10 p. m. For llaltlmorc, Washington and the West vis 13. li O. R. It., through trains leave Olrard Avenue Btation, Philadelphia, (P. 4 R. R. R.) at 1 Ml, 8.01, 11.27 a. m., 3.56, 6.42. 7.16 p. tn. Sunday s au,B.U2, ii.7 a. m.,, b.iz, v.iu p. m. ATLANTIC CITY DIVISION. Leave Philadelphia, Chestnut street wharl inci uoutn street wnari, ior Atlantic uny. Weekdays Express, 8 00, 0 00, 10 45 am, .MUllrdnj B, 1 30) 2 U0, 3 00, 4 UU. 4 30, 5 15 p m. Excursion 7 to am. Acconimodailon, 8 00 am, 4 ju, 6 45 p m. Sundays Express. 730.8 00. 830. 0 00. 1000 a1 and 4 30 pm. Accommodation, 8 00 am and 1 45 p m. Returning leavo Atlantic City depot, Atlantic and Arkansas avenues. Weekdays Express (Mondays only. 6 43) 7 00, 7 35, 9 30 a m and 3 15, 4 to, 5U, 7 30, 0 30 p rr. Accommodation, 650, 8 ID a m nnd 4 30 pm. Excursion, from foot of Mississippi Avenue only. 00C p in. undavb Kinross. S 30. 4 00. 5 IX). 8 00. 6 30. 7 00, 7 30, 8 00, 9 SO p m. Accommodation, 7 30 u m anaaua pm. O. U, HANCOCK, Oen. Pass. Agt. Philadelphia, Pa, LEHIGH VALLEY RAILROAD. Passenger trains leave Shenandoah tor Penn Haven Junction, Mauch Chunk, Lo nlghton, Slatlngton, White Hall, Catasauqua, Allentuwn, Iicthlehem, Uauton, Phlladelpnia liazloton. Weatherly, Quakako Junction, Del tno and Mabauoy City at 0.01, 7.20, 9.08 a m. 12 43, 3.57. 4.22 D. m. For New York, 6.1)4, 7.20 a. m., 12.43, 2.67 (.22 p. m. For Hazleton. Wllkes-Bnrre. White Haven Plttston, Laceyvllle, Towanda, Sayre, Waverly, ted Elmira, 6 ul, 9.08- u. m., 2.67, 8.(18 p. m. For Rochester, UuSalo, Niagara Falls and ibe west. o.Dl. 9.08 a. m. 12 43 and 8.09 o. m. For llelvldcre, Delawaro Water Uap and 'Stroudsburg, 6.04 a. m., 4.22 p. m. For Lambertvllle and Trenton. 9.03 a. m. For Tunkhannock.8.01, 9.08 a. m 2J7, 8 08 p. m, f or iinaca ana ueneva n.ui, V.U9 a. m. e.u p. m For Auburn 9.08- a. ra. 8.08 d. m, For Jeancsvllle, Levis tonandllcaver Meadow, ixi., D,mto.w p.m. For Audcnrled. Hazleton. Stockton and Lum ber Yard, 0.04, 7.20, 9.08, a. m., 12.43, S.67. 22. 5.27. 8.08 n. m. For Scranton. 0.04. 9.08. a. m.. 2.1; 4.67 8.118 p.m. . r or iiazicDrooit, jraao. uriitoaanc reeiana 6.04. 7J!B. 9.08. a. m.. 12.13. 2.57. 5.27 b. rr For Ashland. Olrardvlllo and Last Creek. 4.52. 7.51, 8.53, 10.20 a. IB., 1.00, 1,40, 4.10, 6.35, 8.22, 9.16 n. no. v or uaven nun, uentraua, Mount uarmet ana Shamokln, 8.43.10.U0 a. m., 1,40, 4.40, 8.22 p. m. For YntcsviUe, Park Placo, liahanoy City and Lreiano,, w.uo, a ul, js.u, s.d, 5 27. 8.08, 9.33, 10.23 p. m. Trains win. leave anamokin at 7.0s, 11.45 a. m 55. 3.'0 n. m. and arrive at Shenandoah at 9.05 a. m 12.43. 2.57. 4.22 D. m. Leave Shenandoah (or Pottsvllle. 5.60. 7.26. 9.08, 11.05 a. tn., 12.43, 2.57, 6.27, 8.08 p. m. Leave Pottsvllle lor Shenandoah. 6.00. 7.15. 9.05, 10.15, 11.48 a. m., 12.32, 3.00, 5.20, 7.00, 7.16, n.m. Leave znenanaoan ror uazieton, o.uf , 7.zt, v.uo, Ik. Ul., D. Ul. Leave Uaxleton tor Shenandoah. 7.2fl. 0.23 u.uo a. m.( 1Z.1D.,,, 7.D0 p. m, SUAUAl i'llAina. Trains leave for Ashland. Glrardvllle and Lost Creek.7.29, 9.40 a. m., 12.30, 2.45 p. m. For YatCBVille, Park Place, Mahatuiy City, ueiano, uaiieton, iiiacic ureek junction, penn Easily. Quickly, Permaneally Restored. WEAKNESS, NERVOUSNESS, DEBILITY, and all the train of evll 1 rom early errors or 1 ater exceHtes, the results of overwork, sickness, worrv.ete. Futlstrength, development and tone given to o ery organ and portion of the body. Rlmple, natural methods. Imnmllatelninrovement peon. Failure ImposRlble. 2.ftO rfferences. Hook, explanation and proofs mailed (sealed) free. ERIE MEDICAL CO. BUFFALO, N. Y. ABRAi HEEBMEP. CO. PORT CARBON, PA,', Manufacturers of pocieiijl Ejoodf! i Of Every Description. Flags, Baoges, Caps, Regattas, &u. 9-FINEST GOODS LOWEST PRICES.? Write for catalogues. Correspondence solicited stooklnga, a lnrtje proportion of which h aeeeswlble. jSIllilous of dollars have been withdrawn from the banks and naviug lnstltutiousln the past three months, aud mauy thousands more from othr depositories. It is probable that thousands of dollars are belug hoarded in this county by individuals, and if the amount were only half the money supposed drawn from the banks, etc., It would seem to be the part of business wisdom to spare no tflbrts to tempt It from Us hiding places. The holders of this money have lost their Jears of things going to eternal mash and are on the lookout for bar gains, in merchandise, securities, and real estate. Now, of all times, is the time to advertlsb. An examination of the Buffalo, Cincinnati, Tittsburg, Detroit, and Western papers, shows that the merohauta and other dealers In theee oitle believe just what is nald above. They are advertising freely; as muoh or more than Is usual at this season; whlleour county papers have never lit twenty years contained bo little advertising as now W.N. Y.&Pa. H. & B. T. com... 65W' 11. & B. T. pref... 49)4; Erie lb), 1).. L. & V ....14S N. Y. Central. 101 West Shore V9 Lake ErleA W... 17M; hew Jersey Con..lli. 1 Del. & lludsoumllO I r , General Markets. 1 Philadelphia, Sept. 13. Flour flrm; winy ter super, $23.16; do. extras, $2.X&3.40; No. winter family, $.4-nX 00; Pennsylvania ' roller, straight, $a63.25: western winter,' clear,$2.753.10;western wlnter,!,traght,$J.15(i4 8.46; winter, patent, $3.8it.0,i; Mluuesotu.. clear, $2.sna3; Minnesota, straight, $3 4k08.8),, MlnneooU, patent, il.Wl.l5; Mluuesota,' favorite brands, higher. Itye flour, $2 91 'per barrel. Wheat staady, with 71Hc bid and71Mc- asked for Bnptenibor; Tilic, bid anil' ta. asked for October; 74c. bid and 71lc.i t iu.kail for November: 7UWo. bid and 7 ul4u. asked I or Dacemner. Corn strong, with anil, Lie. asked ior septeniuer, onto, diu ana aio. asked for October; 60H0. bid and 61c. asked forj rtaveuiuer: ivyu. uiu nuu uuu. nsnuu ior Au- cember. Oats firm, with 3)s,bld and S6H0. aased for Senlember: 35ao. bid and 8 c- aiked for October; WiaMi and S0io.aked or has been detected gazing Irom her cell window iu n perfectly sane way. Last night It was discovered that the prisoner bail stullea uer piuow in iruut ui i"e uu of her window, Insuring hor from sudden detection. Declared a Fraudulent Dividend. "H Tol'KKA, Kan., Sept. 11 George H. Chick.who went to Kansas City two years ago and organized a company to smelt sil ver or by a new process, is wanteu uy me company. A dividend wag declared, while the concern was losing money. Ohlok is in Wyoming, aud extradition is urged. ' s Six Acres ot llullillngs Horned. Worcester, Mass., Sept. 14. The worst fire that ever visited the town of Spencer brnka out luto yesterday afternoon, and resulted in a total loss that win amount , ovoniber; ;to&o. uia ana mo. aKeu ior ut tin to J350 000. Fully six acres of build- cember. Beef quiet.flrmi extra niess,S7.50a8.8i. w ivera totnllv destroyed. . IftttU'l' t'ooiz. Pork rainy active; new m lugs were totally oesiroycu. cl.5o. Lard steady, dull: steam render' ... 77, t, ..,,,,,. io 1JU, Butter quiet, stead; Now York dairy. Edb1I.1i Miner. Itcfuse to Arbitrate. f.,.' wwter dalry, l5Vfr19c; N.w Yor LOKDON, Sept. 14. Tho miners of York- crBKmBry 26aS7o.l wetern creamery; 18aT. .l.lro anil Lancashire have VOtoa unam- lmitutloo oieamsry. 16a?lo.: Elelns. x- mouslv aealnst both accepting areuuctioa uueese quiet, irmt new iors, large wnite, (? j of wages ana suumitting me uispuio m their employers to arbitration. NUGGETS OF NEWS. The Harrisburg Baseball club disbanded last ulghL Bdward Hanlan nnnounoes that he will row no more lu ljiawh raoas. The paid admissions at the World's fair yesterday were lBO.rlM. The trial of Knunu Goldman, the New York onarohlst, luta ben set for Sept. 28. Latest dispatches from Rome say that tholera is abating In all the infected dis tricts ot Italy. CWtftc.t do. colored. 7MOHo.; do small. 100.: uart skims, wano.i lull sKlms. 11HC. Etfgs In fair demand, steady) tltvr York and Pennsylvania iwiuhc.; western, n)i uVi3)u- Medical Offlcer, 206 N.SrfONI) St., Fiil&a'a, Pi Are theoldMt in Amprlra for thlrpAtmpnt nt Bpeclnl IllNenscs & Yonthful Error- Varicocele, llyilrocclp, Itupture, Lost Manhood. Tn-nlim-nl l,v 3Siill n HnprlnltT. Com munlcatluns -mcn-uly cunflib-ntlal ht-nd stamp fo- Koiik. tinicenonrsie A. m. 10 -j r. ji . oiovi- M All day Saturday Sundays. 10 tola A M. Everything modeled after Green's Cafe, Philadelphia, 53 s. ninin StM Sliciiaiidoali. The leading place In town. Has lately been entirely reno vated Everything new. clean and fresh. The finest line of Wines and Liquors Cigars, &c, foreign and do mestic. Free lunch served each evening. Big schooners ot (reBh.Beer.Portor, Ale,4c. OPPOSITE : THE : THEATRE.. T. .T. DOUGHERTY. Prop. JOHN COSLETT Main and Oak Streets, Shenandoah, Fenna., GREEN GROCERIES, Truck and Vegetables. Penn nil n TV 1 1 n 1 &.h.iM& bamejisii ana mots For Philadelphia 12.30. 2.55 d m. For Yatesvllle, Park Place, Mahanoy City and Delano, 8.40, 11.35 a. m., 12.30, 2.65, 4.40 6.0? p. m. Leave Hazleton for Shenandoah, 8.30, 11.80 a. m., l.05,5.30p.m. Leave Shenandoah for Pottsvllle, 5.60, 8.40, 9.30 a. m., 2.45 p. m. Leave Pottsvllle for Shenandoah, 8.S0, 10.40 p. m. A. W. NONNEMACHER, Asst. O. P. A., South Uethlehem Pa. R II. WILBUR, Genl. bupt. Eastern Dlv PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD. SCHUYLKILL DIVISION. JULY' 2d. 1B93. Trains will leavo Shenandoah after thn nhnti date for Wlggan's, Gilberton, Frackvllle, New In season. Orders left at the store will receive prompt attention IF JB LB DC . KBITKCAlSr 104 North Main streeUBhennndoah, Pa,, WHOLESALE BAKER AND CONFECTIONER. Ice Cream wholesale and retail. Picnics and parties supplied on short notlos "Every Doso Helps Me When I take Hood's Samparlua, and I think It the best medlolna for the blood. My six-year-old hoy had tores on his feet, caused by vol m;v IVY. They became so large and pain ful ha could not v ear hlishoe3. A week niter I began glvlne him Hood's Bamparilla the sores began to heal up and disappear, and when he had laKen iwo ooiues no bvj cured." Mus. a n. Tnus, South Glbtou. l'a. HOOD'S PILLS PUt'r ragetaWa. and da sotparga.ji rgrlp. SalibyaUdiujiUts. 2So. Rheumatisms Lumbago, Sciatica, Kidney Complaints, La mo BacKj ctCi Chris. Bossier's Castle, St. Clair, Pottsvllle. Hamburg, Reading, 7uM AND RESTAURANT, (Mann's old stand) X04 Mouth Main street. r 4UCO nuiw, ivuiakoja nuu uaia mi aj a iu Block. Frtah. Ileer, Alo aud Porter on Up. L0RENZ SCHMIDT'S Celebrated Poiter, Ale and Beer JAT&ES SHIELDS, Manittor Shenandoah Branch- f OE WYATT'S DR. SAKDEtl'S ELECTRIC BELT if VfMMrliil Innm laaUiitly fi-ltliy HilfTulo I.I to Stock JIarkat. UurrALO, Sapt-13. Cattle strong; ijood l,12t to 1,360 lb. steers, i4.0i; light butchers', 3.25J.; ro ntbs aud Ugs,2.r3J 16. Hogs aloud BtronawR Yorker. (6.5 xfoS 63: kruay. S6.2606.4Qe K i medium and heavy. $6.8 1. jnat"l 6 60: atsy heavy ends. $3.766.ih; pigs, 1 afwr Ji 6.66. aheap ana lambs eloaed very dull (or: common lam i; steady for good stocks; goo.4 1 ewe. 01 tut wetbers,ll 6 k3 S); extra. H; culls and oouuuou sbwp. jl.S6(fta: good W txtra lambs, 1.7606.1! iair. $3.;&t.SS; cullky 12.75; Canada lambs, S5.1U&5 2Y With Electro Magnetic SUSPENSORY, Will oure v-ltliout modtotno nil M vVnM resultinff from Over4auitluii ut taain font-H: extt joriudU- OfHloa, qm uirvou ue unity, tiovit'hiui.u, itutyuur, rueu ifluinatiiuii. Lidiiev. Uer and LJudiier cotnblalnU. Uniebock. lmnbago, soUtlcn, all frmule cuiuiilatut. wtii 111 nenun, 43ic, jui riet-inu nou ujiiui rfiil iprff-iii over alt otbon. rurreut If iv. ThOU iaitj ten cui'-J by lliU marvelous fuTentlo r?r or we ft.rMt ft.0OU.OO, vii oureiui ra 1110 aova qimmumw or uo i. ), ann Thou BDtlal lothrrenhMllsju foiled, aisd we aiv nuudwdt Mb a. m. and 4:15 p. . on weekdays. For Potts viae ana imerxneauue stations a. m. SUNDAYS. For Wlggan's, Gilberton, Frackvllle, New uaeue, ai. ijinir, jroivavuie ai o:w, w:ua. m, and 3:10 n. m. For Ilamburtr. Iteadlne. Pnttn. town, FhoonLxvlUe, Norrlstown, Fnlladelphta at 6:00, 9:40 a. xnu3:10 p. m. Trams ieivc i racuvnio ior snenanaoan t 10:40 a. na. and 12:11, 5:04, 7:42 and 10:27 p. m. Sundays, 11:13 a. in. and 5:40 p. m. L.eave 'ousvuie ior anenanaoan &t iu:i&. 11:48 a. m. and 4:40.7:15 and 10:00 n. m.Sundav& lit 10:40 a. m. and 5:15 p. ra. Leave rnnaaeipma (uroaa stteet station) for FottsvUle and Bbenandoah at 5 57 and 8 36 a m, 4 10 and 711pm week days. On Sundays leave ni d du a m, r or t-oiieviiie, v a m. For New York Express, week flays, at 3 20, 4 06, i 50, 6 15, fl 60. 7 30, 8 20, 9 50, 11 00 11 35, a tn12 00 noon, 12 44 p, m. (Limited Kx- ress l uo ana 4 du p m. aininp cars.) life, i 40, 30, 3 20. 4 00, 4 02, 5 00, 6 00, 6 20, 6 60. 7 13. 8 12 10 00 p m, 12 01 night Sundays 3 20, 4 05. 4 50. tit ID Q Kf 11 ll-I 11 n IO At t 4ft tt OA i I P2 S rneht. 8 9 w' 7 13 a"Q 8 12 p m and A0Q N AND RESTAURANT, df tMtlmoiili.1. in IhlH nu,l mmr otber Oar l'wcrfal tai,roil EUITUC SVSF11IS0IIT. th riSSTiiwitauJ Tlswoa. simwik ul'iKiirtru'i u uo is 111 ib,. frail for lOusM luapiilet.iiiaiM.walsd.fnsi SANDBH ELBCTRIO OO. V-v. tail UltOAftVVAY. MiW YOUK C!IT For fees Girt, Lone Dranch and Intermediate E (,R H Kf ' (2 fK , , Mt ...... O.o Uni. CVU11UU9, U IAJ, U UO, O J, 11 l . Ul, UUU If, O OO 4 DC p tn weekdays and 6 00 p nt Saturdays ocly ounuuys . oo uuu sanui, For llaltlmore and Washlncton 8 50. 7 20. 8 31,010, 10 20, 1118 am, (18 88 limited dining car,) 1 30, 16, 4 41, (5 10 Congressional Limited Pullman Parlor Cars and Dining Car), 617, 7 00. 7 10 p. m 18 13 night week davs. Sun days, 3 60, 7 20, 3 10, 11 lg a m., 12 10, 4 41, 7 00, 7 40 pm, and 18 08 night. Washington only, o oo 1' ill uauy. iu ovututMi. ; For Hlchmond 7 2t) a m, 12 10 p ra, 18 03 night dally, and 1 30 p. m. week days. Trains will leave Harrisburg for Pittsburg and the tt est every day at 18 86, 1 20 and 8 10 a m and 2 26, 3 26, (5 00 limited) and 7 30 p m. Way for Mtoona at 8 18 am and 5 08 p m every day. For Pittsburg and Altoona at 11 W a m every day. Trains will leave Sunbury for Willlamsport, Elmira, Canandalgua, Rochester, Uuffalo and Niagara Falls at 804, 5 18 a m.and 1 36 p m week days. For Elmira at 6 31 p m week days. For Erie and Intermediate points at 6 18 am dally. For Lock Haven at 5 18 and 0 66 a m dally, 1 85 and 6 81 p m week days For Henovo at 6 IS a m, 1 36 and 5 84 p m week days, and 6 18 a m on Sundays only. For Kane at 6 18 am, 185pm weez aa (Christ. Uossler's old stand.) Mnlu ana Coal Bts,, tilieuaudouta. Best beer, ale and porter on tap. The finest brands of whiskeys and cigars. tacnea. Pool room at davs. B. 11. PBKVOST, en'l Manager 1. R, WOOD, Qen'lPss'g'Agt, Piatt's Popular Saloon, (Formerly Joe Wyatt's) 19 and 21 West Oak Street, SnBNANDOAn, PA. Bar stocked with the beat beer, portor. ales, uhtsklea, brandies, wines, etc Finest cigars Hint bar attached. Cordial invitation to all WEEKS' SALOON, 17 S. Main Street. Fioest Brands of Wines, Whiskeys and Cigan, Fresh lleer, Porter and Ale always on Up