The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, September 13, 1893, THIRD EDITION, Image 2

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    The Herald.
k. a. nrw....
ir. J. n Auuya..
f, Jt ho (.. ..
....-fH(r and J'itM7itr
.. HHttor
IIimInm, Urnnnger
DaILT,pc year . ........II (XI
TTski.t, per yeur - 1 SO
Advertising Jintes,
Trtulem, 10 mim per lloe, first Insertion ; h
teat per line esoh subsequent laser tlaa, ltatss
or refular advertising ohs be bad on applies
1Mb at lb ofBee or bv m&lL
Tho Rvinino Hum a U) tiM a larger otroula
lloa la rJbeuaodonh than any other paper pub
lisked, Books open to all,
Cstsred at (ha Postoitloe. at Shenandoah, Pa.
far transmission through the malls
as seoond-elass mall matter.
Tub Jfew York Sun suye: "Pulver
ize Protection- Vindicate tlio Consti
tution." But the cimiouUyubout tills
It the fast that the Supreme Court li&f
Bald that protection I constitutional.
Skorbtaiiy Hoick Hjtrni is Btlll al
work Mustering the pension roll. lie
Ih very sensitive ai to criticisms and Is
Just the opposite from what might be
termed Hrrognuce mid Inllexlhlllty.
He courts popularity, perhaps because
he wr a aticcefsful newspaper editor
und knows the value of popular esteem,
but in his de-sire to ple.ise liofmuke?
many uuueceuary terglvemtlons.
He hag uow promulgated a new set
of rules for the guidiuce of pensions
appellants and their attorneys, and
probably will be busy tinkering uuti)
Anew administration shall dispense
with his services.
THisChtnese deportation law, known
as the Geary law, has become a mat
ler of doubt ni dim,,te. The author
ities are In a quandary how to proceed
in regarA to carrying It out. Judges
of courts differ as to Its constitutionality
and what is equally in tho way of Its
enforcement is the fact that .there is
no money in the Treasury set apart to
7iieet,theexpens3sof sending aback tc
flhlnn. the Celestials who are unlaw
fully in the United States teritory.
That law should be reptaledor greatly
mcdlfltd forthwith. Its provisions
ate brutal a blot on our boasted civill
Those Seuutors who oppose repeal
Stem to be constantly cudgelling their
brains for pretexts or excuses by which
they can prolong the debute upon the
pending bill. Tho sisthjweek of the
extraordinary session has begun, but
there is a total absence of disposition
or desire on the part of those men to
let the matter come to a head. The
result of a vote if it can be reached
Is orao tically ctrtaln, andgthere is no
doubt as to the wish of the majority
of the people of the country. The
trifling and time consuming policy of
the silver Senators is exasperating. The
people at Iaige are beginning to have
a small opinion of "Senatorial cour-
The Southern majority of the Ways
and Means Committee has taken up the
"fraud" of Republican Protection, and
the time has come for action on the part
of all interested in American industries
Our mauiifusturtrbuiay, und we think
thouid, practice a good, iustructiveand
Wholetonie let son in Protection. All
goods are sold through the medium cf
advertldng. Would it not bo good
policy on the part of Amerioon;produc
ers, manufacturers and traders, who be
lieve in Protection, to first place their
sdveiiixiug patronage with that sec
tion of Hie press th at believes in and
teaches Protection? This would be
Reciprocity as well as Protection. In
making up the advertising budget for
the fall, winter and ChrUtmas trade
every patriotic inerohant, producer or
manutaotuier should select the Pro
tection press, placing with it all the
bufelnees that he can, consistent with
his own Interests. When papers
support what is good for the business
of American manufacturers and dealers
In American goods, let the manufactur
ere and dealers first consider those
papers that believe in Protection. Do
not give your advertising- patronece
oetMllewly to support thoee papers that
.are wing their other columns to damn
your bueiueee, and to wipe you outfit
exlfctenoe, because they want free
foreign goods Instead of the American
goods that you are making.
Senators Urnw Weary of Tulk on the
.11 nf n'. :.V..i'r7i"
riaWat., .....?... ti, Kin
m.iii,..,i...i. at...
Then, as the hour win lnte ami senaton
were weary of the day's debate, a motion
to proceed to executive business wae wol
coined on all allies, and after a short ex
ecutive session the senate adjourned.
AhhIii the house held an utterly iiiilm
imrtalit session. Mr. Morse, of Massa
ehusetts, expressed his regard for news
paper men that regard having been
questioned by a portion of the press, Mr.
Hepburn, of Iowa, vainly endeavored to
secure the passage of a resolution (though
he effected its reference) calling for' in
formation lulHtiVfl to the transportation of
goods between United States ports over
Canadinu toiritory; and Mr. Itlchnrdson,
of Tennessee, reported (for reconimltal
only) a hill having for its purpose n reduc
tion of expenditure in the way of public
printing and building. 1
SlcKInley'i CnmpnlKii I'mmuUy Oponed.
AKHOX. O., Sept. 13. The opening of
the Ohio campaign by Governor McKlnley
here yesterday was an Immense alTulr.
The campaign has practically been going
on and open in Ohio for mouths, hut the
honor of n formal opening and a set pre
pared keynote speech was reserved for
Akron. It is not denied ny McKlnley's
closest friends that he is preparing for tho '
presidency, and that he expects to he the
candidate In lHBfl. In his speech he com
pared the present conditions with those
existing prior to the advent of tho Dem
ocrats into power, ami said that uncer
tainty as to future tariffs was causing the
trouble. Last night the governor left for
Chicago to assist in the celebration of
"Ohio day" atthefnir, which takes place,
.no .,,,. ,,,,,,,,,-s uontoi.nmi. ;
UABHINGTON, fcept. 13. Preparations
nio making on nn elaborato scale for the
celebration of the centennial nnniversary
of the laying of tho corner stone of the
United States Capitol In this city on Sept.
18. President Cleveland is expected to de
liver an address in behalf of tho executive
branch of the government. Vice President
Stevenson and Speaker Crisp will also de
liver speeches In behulf of tho legislative
branch of the government, while the judi
ciary will be represented by Associate Jus
tico Urown, of the supreme court.
WU 111-, llrlggs llccome 011 Knlacopnllan?
Cincinnati, Sept. 13.-Dev. Dr. Brlggs,
of New York, who was recently suspended
by tho General Presbyterian assembly at (
Washington after a mostseusafionnl trial,
pasbeu through tho city on routo to Chi-'
cago. Dr. liriggs was a caller upon Hishop
Vincent, of this diocese, at tho Episcopal
church rooms, and was closeted with him
for some time. Thero Is apparently a well
authenticated rumor to the effect that Dr.
liriggs contemplates connecting himself
with the Episcopal church.
A Town Sold Out.
Steuhenvillk, O., Sept. 13. Ham-
monsville, this county, on tho main lino of
the Cleveland and l'lttsburg railroad, was
until recently u prosperous town, duo to
the energy nml business Interests of W. II.
Wallace, the oldest postmaster in tho
United States, who failed recently. On
Monday almost the entiro town, including
twenty-one lots, mostly Improved, wassold
to the Silver Banking company, of Wells
ville, for &5,'JU0, to sntisfy a mortgage.
Her Life for Hit Hahy.
Buffalo, Sept. 13. Mrs. William Wohl
schlagel and her 3-year-old baby were
s ruck by a Nickel Plato freight train on
tho Hamburg grade. Tho child was killed
and tho mother fatally injured. Tho little
one was playing on the track as the train
came along, and tho mother flew to save
it. She had just reached the baby when
the train struck them. The mother can
not recover
He Worked Off Ilot-im Checks.
WniTE Plains, N. Y., Sept. 13. A man
calling himself Commodore A. E. Bate
man, of New York, has victimized sevoral
local merchants by tho use of bogus
checks on the Citizens' National bank of
Tonawanda, Pa. The signatures on tho
checks are pronounced a perfect facsimile
of Commodore Bateman's.
Now Pennsylvania Postmasters.
Washington, Sept. 13. Fourth class
postmasters were yesterday appointed In
Pennsylvania us follows! Claysvllle, Surah
M. Craig; New Buena Vista, William
Garherj Mayfleld, William J. Bergen;
Pierce, Peter Hoch; Sellersvllle, Harry G.
Jacoby; Sic Itoads, Esther A. Adams.
Young Czechs Fomenting ltlot.
PRAGUE, Sept. 13. The anti-German
agitatiou of the young Czechs continues
uiiabateih All the loaders are busy fo
inentiug riot, and minor disturbances are
suppressed incessantly by the police and
military. Yesterday thirty-eight young
Czechs were arrested.
Soldiers Will Fight Forest Fires.
Washington, Sept. 13. The acting sec
retary of war sent a telegram to Fort
Meads, S. D.. ordering the commanding
officer to send all troops available from
that post to Lead City to assist in lighting
forest fires, which are threatening that
Weighing the White House Hahy.
Washington, Sept. 18. The interesting
ceremony ot weighing the White House
baby has taken place with all the eclat at
tending such au event. The scale showed
just nine pounds and a quarter.
Reducing Cotton Workers' Wages.
Woonsockkt, P.. L, Sept. 13. Notice
has been posted In the Social, Nourse and
Globe mills, all cotton, of a reduction of
wages to take effect Sept. 18. The amount
of the reduction Is not stated.
To Stir Up Negligent OUlclals.
IlARRKBUKO, Sept. 13. Auditor General
Gregg has expressed his intention ot pro
ceeding against all county officials who
fail to make prompt returns monthly, as
they are required to do.
CholerA Iteportml In England.
LISBON, gent. 13. The Official Gaietta
declares London and Liverpool to be bus-
Pec ted of iufeollon with cholera. All vas-
Mis from ooth porta will he inspected
Professor Cauiiiball a Ileretle.
MoNTRRAL, Sept. 18. The Montreal
presbytory lost idght found Profeasor
Campbell k'ullty en the first count of libel
for heresy. The vote was 81 to 13.
ColorM.lo. Mnd Haw-lev, of Connecticut, f"tetT " " , re'ri,1" Pro!
.iimii. i.ii. piunfld. ui icvituH. entered.
.llurvelnus Growth of the luminals In the
1 .......
Hahmsbuiui, Sept. 18,-In lils
corning nnutial report, Professor Albert 8,
Holies, ohlei of tba department of In
"ustrinl statistics, will
Rive a coinpro-
product is sent abroad thnn that of any
other product except cotton, A gallon of
oil In hulk eost in 1801 not less than M
cents and in 1802 not more than 8J cents,
or hardly onr-seveiiteenth of tho old price.
Pipelines iin gating 85,000 miles have
been laid, am' od tank cars have been
built. Heslf ! -se cars and a number of
bulk sailing a,, other vessels, fifty-nine
bulk steamers are now employed In trans
porting the oil to foreign countries.
The value of Pennsylvania's oil lands
and wells is estimated at more than W7,
000,000, and to this vast sum must be
added t15,000,000 to cover tho valuo of tho
plant employed in producing crude petro
leum, This valuation does not Include
pipe lines, tank oars, fleet of bulk vessels,
etc. The estimated total capital is (300,
000,000. The first flowing well was struck
in Kebruarv, 1801, although other wells
had been driven in 1858 0. It is stated that
one well, tho Noble, produced 8,000,000
worth of oil. The report contains much
interesting historical matter and tnbles,
showing the production and export prices,
the various methods of refining, the cap
ital invested, labor employed and wages
To Itenrgnnlee the Cordage Trust.
Nuw Yoiik. Sept. 13, Tho first really
public step was taken yesterday for the
reorganization ot the Cordage company
and the adjustment of the affairs of tho
various allied Interests, when tho certifi
cate of corporation of h. Watorbury &
Co., limited, was filed in thocountycleik's
office In Jersey City. The incorporators
are James M. Waterbury and Chauncey
Marshall, of the firm of Ii. Watorbury &
Co., und Charles N. King, the vice presi
dent of the Corporation Trust company of
Nmv jerfoy Tlu cowpnny.s cupltal
ntnnl. - u a jm mn
King T.olienRtila on tho IVarpnth.
London, Sept. 13. Dispatches from
Capetown state, that tho long threatened
Invasion of Ma-shonaland by the Mntabele
tribe, under King Lohengula, appears to
be imminent. Tho Matabole warriors, the
dispatch adds, are advancing hi large
bodies towards Mashonnland. The Ma
shonas are fleeing to Fort Victoria, the
station of the British South Africa com
pany. The defenses of tho fort have been
greatly strengthened.
Fnrewell lHnner to Mitchell.
LONDON'. Scot. 13. A farewell dinner
was given at St. James' hall last evening
to Charley Mitchell, tho English pugilist,
vtho is about to sail for America to fight
Corbett and Jack McAulifle, the Amor
lean lightweight champion, who will ao
company him. All the speakers cordially
wished Mitchell, the victory in his light.
In reply Mitchell said that he would try
1U best to deserve success.
Two Chllilrrn lliirned to toenth.
ALVINSTOS', Ont.Sept. 13. Tho house ot
Jumes Johnson was destroyed by fire.
Johnson attempted to save his two daugh
ters, aged D and 3 years, but was cut of!
by the flames mid the children perUhed In
tho burning building. Johnson was badly
burned and Injured by a fan.
" Yoilc PostuiRiteri.
Washington, Sept. 13. These postmas
ters have just beonnppolnted In New York
btute: Marcus L. Blanchard, Delmar;
Ilansom Slalone, Lakeport; Jacob M.
Clickner, Newfans Station; A. N. Barker,
Spencerport; John B. Gnssepple, Van
dalia; Morris Leahy, Wilbur.
A Volcano Again Active?
Panama, Sept. 13. Advices from the
north coast state that the volcano ol
Collma was recently in a highly acthe
state of eruption, and tho people of Julnscc
were In consternation again.
At Cleveland: New York, 5; Cleveland, 4.
At St. Louis: Brooklyn, 3; St. Louis, 1.
At Baltimore: Plttshurg,13; Baltimore, 2.
At Harrlsburg: Harrisburg, 11; Johns
town, 4.
At Easton: Enston, 0; Allentown, 4.
At Buffalo: Buffalo, 0; Wilkesbarro, 3.
At Holyokc: Springfield, U; Albany, 0.
Closing Quotations of tho New Torlc and
Philadelphia Kzchanges.
New Yoitic, Sept. 18. There was dullness In
the stock market this forenoon, causing a ile
cllno la prices and attacks on various stock!
in the last Hour. Closing bids:
Lehigh Valley 30 W. N. Y. & Pa M
Pennsylvania....... &1 II. & I). T. corn.. SiH
Iteiullng 10J4 If. & B. T. pre!.. 10k
St. Paul 6CH Erie
Utiisrh Nav - D L. & W 140M
Reading g. m. 4s... 09M N. Y. Central lOlJi
Keailing 1st !r a.. 3Hi West Hliore -
Reading 2d pf SZ!& Lako Krle& V... 17H
Reading 3d pf Ss... 18 Now Jersey Cen..l59
N. Y. & N. 12 35 Del. & Uudson-llO
General Markets.
Philadelphia, Sent. VI. Flour Wintei
super, 81.9iKa2.10: do. Ultras, S'.M'xaS.W; No
H inter family, $.W&1 Uf, I'eunsylvanU
roller, straight, saaajta; western winter.
clear, $).5&i3; western winter, straight, $8.1&3
K.4o; winter, patent, SJ.MX74i.75; Minnesota,
elear, Minnesota, straight, $3. .'&aJ.T3,
Minnesota, patent, tS t&HM in; Minnesota,
favorite brands, higher. Hye flour, fsthJ
per barrel. Wheat firm, hlghvr, with Tilo. bid
and 7(o. asked for September: 7li:. bid and
71o. asked for October: Ti9ia. bid and 73c.
aked2 fori November; 75c. bid and 7."Hc asked
tor December. Corn hlgher.witU 6 o. bid and
mic. akl for September. tWic. bid aud Boo
asked for October; 50c. bid and 6144a. asked foi
Ivovouiber: iw. hid and ivlia. asked for Do
oember. Oats steady, with 3io.bld and 36H0.
Mkeil for September: 8&0. bid and SSMo.
awked for October: 3Mo.bId and Httc.usked 01
November; 36c. bid and Sec. asked for De
cember. Beef dull, firm; extra niess,$7.(0tt3.50.
family, SIUOIZ. Pork fair demand; new moss,
i n.7.ViM7.5i. Lard flrmer. quiet: steam ren
il. e I. 18 95. llutter firm: New York dairy,
17k A-., western dairy, l$819o.; New York
oreaniery. g62M7o.i western creamery: 18Q37o.
Imitation creamery, J&ailo.s Elglns, S7o
Cheetet&New York, large white, 7JWH4o.: do.
colored, 7M9Kc; do. small, 8o. part
skims, noetic.: full skims, 1O1H0. Eggs quiet
Arm; New York and Pennsylvania, 19Ql4c.
western, HwdlStf.
IlutTalo Live Stock Market.
ItPTrALO, fetept. IS. Cattle steady; extra ex
m ivaa aii.7 JITm sa hmui uuns
. . .. , a. m ,a. 1 1 , 1 1. , a., r.
bulls, fci.avai.ea. Hogs firm; good to euoicc
Yorksrs. lUhL oornfed. M.851M45: BTMneri
and Mlohlgaos, i.loa6.2&: ohoioe heavy, HU
6.26; iudium and mixed, (6.15(36 25 roughs.
&4.60IM.X Sheep and lambs very dull) go1
lo extra lambs, $4.7tW.U; oouinwu to fair
tlt4J'h enlls. $S.0)0a.5O; good ewes aud welh
v, $140113.71; extra wethers, U: full te uli
,ep, timS.n; Canada lamb. l,Tt.
UnnilVA MV W nr I ia lUVa nhmitnf nf thn
She Inrrenaes the Itrcord for Crultcrt to
St 3-10 Knots un Hour.
Philadelphia, Sept. 13. The cruiser
Columbia returned to Cramps' yard yes
terdny afternoon flying the record break
ing figure St S lO at her masthead. The
vessel was enthusiastically greeted as she
passed up the river.
After having anuhored all night at the
Breakwater tho cruiser was turned sea
ward yesterday morning, but the water
was too rough, and after proceeding a
short distance off Tape Henlopon the trial
was begun. It only lasted for a few min
utes, hut It was sufficiently long to dem
onstrate that thu Columbia would meet governmental requirements. The
maximum speed was at the rate of 21 310
knots per hour, and the Indicated horse
power nt tills time was 15.000. The vessel
did not roll nor p' h, and the wave she
made, both at bon .id stern, was much
loss that that of the cruiser New York.
The propellor made from 130 to 1S5 revolu
tions per minute while the cruiser was go
ing at full speed. Her steering qualities
were superb.
Edwin S. Cramp, the only member of
the Arm who was aboard tho Columbia.
said today that tho trial could not bo com
pared with that of the New York, for the
tost of tho latter vessel was made under
much more favorable conditions. Tho
Columbia's trial was made in water that
averaged fourteen fathoms lit depth,
whereas the New York mado her nrellm-
inary run In sixty fathoms of water. Mr.
Cramp would not express any opinion re
garding the result of tho triple propeller
experiment, for the reason that the boat
did not go far enough seaward. While
the engiues worked smoothly, they did
not do as well as those of the New York,
although no accident of any kind oc
curred. Mr. Cramp expressed himself as
being sanguine that tho vessel would ex
ceed yesterday's speed.
Startling Tension Frauds In IlaltlinoreT.
Baltimore, Sept. 13. Frauds of a start
ling character have been discovered bv
Pension Examiners Cuttler and Sidmnnln
Baltimore. Tho government has been
robbed for years by forgeries und other
crimes. Tho examiners now have on hand
no less than thirty-live cases of fraud.
Messrs. Cuttler and Sldman refuse to give
the names of moro than three of thothirty
flvo cases thoy have on hand. These are
Ilobert Graham, Edward Egan und Rich
ard Wiley. Graham Is claimed to havo
had two service certificates, drawing a
pension on each, while Egan Is accused of
having deliberately forged tho certificates
of tho veteran who horo a similar namo.
Wiley was drawing a pension, but had
never been in the army.
lloyer May Kseapn tho (Inllows.
Camden, N, J., Sept. 13. Sheriff West
drew the petit Jurors for the October term
of tho criminal court. Among tho im
portant enses to come up at that term are
the Johnson minder trial und the second
trial of Alfred Boyer, who was convicted
ot murder in tho first degree and was
granted a new trial by tho supreme court.
It is probable that the state will accept a
Verdict of murder in tho second degree In
Boycr's case, and ho will thus escapo the
gallows. Ho cut tho throat of Alexander
Gibbs In a quarrel over flf ty-slx cents.
ilr. J. A. Whcclcr
"While Serving My Country
I was taken 111 with spinal disease and rheu
matism. When I returned homo my troublo
was still with me, and I was confined to my bed,
onable to help myself for 22 months. After
taking seven bottles of Hood's Sarsap.irlll.-t I
was well and have not since been troubled with
my old complaints. My wife was In 111 health,
stttTerlng with headache, dizziness and dys
pepsia. She took two bottles of
Hood's Sarsaparilla
and feels like a new womuu." James A.
Wheeler, 1000 Division St, Baltimore, JUL
Hood's Pills arothe best after-dinner Pills,
assist digestion, cure headache Try a box.
includes the great temperance drink
1 Unfit
l gives New Mfe to the Old Folks,
Pleasure to the Parents, i
Health to the Children.
1 for AU-Cood All the Tlmo.
3 5 cent puckage makes
galloos. oegureuuu
Lumbago, Sciatica,
Kidney Complaints.
Lame BncK, ciCs;
With Electro Magnetic SUSPEHSORYt
x.aiest l-sicnisi jmproveraeniB
VUlcureMlthout ni,.llflno u.l N ui.uftireeiiltuitf from
OTeMaxatiou of Inain nur.o tott'. exct'Hottlorliial.
cratitm, as nervous deltlllt)-, slot-ilofAn,'ss, laTiguor.
Ibeunuitieiu, kiclnty, liver and uluddur oompialnta,
ame back, lumbago, sclatlea, all f luAle couiplalnta.
framral III bealU-T etc. This . Intilo Belt eouulns
HhInIiI Iprvt, ! over all ollitfr. Current Is
Inttantly felt by w.-a.-r or we forfpit $5,000.00, anH
wUleui. l . f Uiu oi o dtxeaaes or no oar. Thou
Cauda ' i. i-it curtHl tills tuarvalous luveonoa
sJter .'. . r.-ni" ooh tuic.i. i4id va irlvo hundreds
Of tostiniou, .laiulh I v, ty other state.
fin I'.-crrnl Is.n.,nJ H.. r.lill, SIWtsCbBT, the
Krsaiser booa ov-i oir i: .u iiien, flfl- UhaU
lIM. lltjMil. ad ltoruu, Mr.,i. la CO W
miji;,, SwalorlllusM Paiu,, maiml.Malal, fret
m Hi
A. M 1
Trains leavo Shenandoah as follows:
For New York via Philadelphia, week days,
i.jU,S.S6, 7 21, a.m., ls.v'0, .60 6.66 p.m. Sunns
110, 7.18 a. m. Tor New York vis Maueh Chunk,
weekdays, 7.) a. m., Ix.28, 2 60 p. m.
, I ieHSnt ttna PWleoelpiuft. week days,
2.10, 6.26, 7.S0, a. m., 12.26. 2.60, 6.(6 p. m. But
dy, 2.10,7.48 a. m.. 1.80 n. m
For Ilnrrlsburp. wnnV At
dajs, 2.10, 7.20 s, ra.,
.vj, p. in.
For Allentown
2 50n, m.
week days, 7.S0 a. m., 12.88,
ror I'ousvuie, week days, 2.10, 7.20, .m
12.20 2.00, 8.56 p, m, Sunday, 2.10, 7.48 a. m 4.30
p. m.
For Tamitnun nnil Mahannv ntt... u.v a
2.10, 6.2B, 7.H0, a. m., 12.26,250, 6.16 p.m. Sun!
day, 2.10, 7.48 a. m., 4.38 p. m. Additional for
Mananoy uity, week days, 7 00 p. m.
For IdDoaster and Columbia, week days, 7.20
A. m.. 2.10 d. m.
For Wllliamsport. Sunbury and Lowlsburfr.
week days, 3.26, 7.20, 11.10 a. m., I.S6, 7.00 pm
Sunday, 3.26 a.m.. 8.05 p.m.
For Mahanoy Plane, week days, 2.10, 3.16, 6.25,
7.2(1, 11.30 a.m., 12.26, 1.85, 2.50, 6.65,7 00. O.Jo
p. m. aunaay, 2. 10, 3.26, 7.48 a. m., 3.05, 4.10 p. re.
For airardvtlle, ( Ilnpnahoncook Station),
week davs. 2.10. 8 26. Of.. 7.W. I I'm . m
12.26,1.36, 2 50, 5.66, 7.00, 9.85 p. m. Sunday, 2.10,
3.26,.7.48 a. m., 8.C5, 4.30 p. m.
For Ashland aud Shamokln. week days, 8.16,
6.S6, 7.S0, 11.10 a.m., 1.35, 7.00, 9.35 p.m. Sun
day, 3.25. 7.48 a. m 3.05 p. m.
Leave Now Ynrlt vin Phiitiftinma vrni. . ...
8.00 a. m 1.30, 4.00, 7.30 p. m., 12.15 night, bun
day, 6.00 n. m., 12.16 night.
Leave New York via Mauch Chunk, week days,
4.00, 8.45 a. m., 1.00, 4.30 p. m. Sundar. 7.16 a. m.
Leave Phlladolphla.Jlarkot Street Btation,
WCCk davs. 4.12. 8.36. lO.On n. m . in,1 l (Hi
6.00, 11.80 p. m. Sunday 4.00, 9.03 a, in., 11.30
p. m.
Leave Reading, week davs. I.i5.7.10. 10.08. 11.60
a. m., 6.66, 7.67 p. m Sunday. 1.35. 10.48 a. m.
Leave Pottsvllle, week days, 2.40, 7.40 a. m.
12.30, 6,11 p. m Sunday, 2.40, 7.00 a. m., 2.06 p. m.
Loavo Tantaqua, week days, 3.20, 8.49, 11.38 .
m.. 9.aa n. m. Sundar. S.20. 7.43 a m .
2.60 p.m. ... .
Leuve Mananoy city, week days, 3.46, 9.18,
11.17 a. m., 1.61, 7.42, 9.51 p. m. Sunday, 3.40, 8.12
a. m., 3.20 p. m.
Leave Muhanav Plane, weelr don. Sin j (v
6.80,9.36,10. 40,11.69a.m.,12.6li,2.06,6.20,6.28,7.67,l6.ld
v. iu. ouuuiiy, ie.iu, .w, r.;w a. m., o.ui p. va.
Leavo Glrardville, (Rappahannock Station),
weeks days, 2.47, 4.07, U.36, 0.41 10.46 a. m., 12.06
l.Vt, i.Ol, 6.86, 0.32, 8.03, 10.18 p. m. Sunday. 2.47
1.07, 8.33. a. m., 3.41, 6.07 p. m.
Leave Wllliamsport, week dayB, 8.00, 9.36, 12.00
s. m., 3.36, 11.15 p. m. Sunday, 11.16 p. m.
For Baltimore, Washington and the West via
U. Si O. R. R., through trains leavo Girard
Avenue station, Philadelphia, (P. & R. R. R.) at
3 w, 8.01, 11.27 a, m., 3.60, 6.42. 7.16 p, m. Sunday
8 50,8.02, 11.27 a. m.. 3.50, 5.42, 7.16 p. m
Leave Philadelphia, Chostnut street wharf
and Bouth street wharf, for Atlantic City.
Weekdays Exprees, 800, 9 00, 1045 a m,
(Saturdays, 1 30) 2 00, 3 00, 4 0U. 4 30, 5 15 p m.
Excursion 7 (0am. Accommodation, 8 00 am,
4 30, 6 4b p m.
Sundays Express, 7 30, 8 00, 830, 9 00, 1000 a
ip and 4 30 p in. Accommodation, 8 00 a m and
145 pm.
Returning leave Atlantlo City depot, Atlsnlio
and Arkansas avenues. Weekdays Express
(Slondays only. 6 4.5) 7 00, 7 35, 9 30 a m and 3 15,
4 00, 60, 7 30, 9 30 pm. Accommodation, 650,
8 10am and 1 30 p m. Excursion, from foot ot
Mississippi Avonue only. DOG pm.
Hundays Express, 3 30, 4 00, 500, 6 00, 6 30,
7 CO, 7 30, 8 00, 930pm. Accommodation, 780 a
m and 5 05 p m.
C. G. HANCOCK, Gen. Pass. Agt.
Philadelphia, P,
Passenger trains leavo Shenandoah for
Penn Haven Junction, Mauch Chunk, Lo
nlchton, Slatlngton, White Hall,,
Alleutowu, llothlehem, Easton, Philadelphia
hazlcton. Woathorly, Quakake Junction, Del
ano and Mahanoy City at 6.01, 7.26, 9.08 a m.
12.13, 8.57, 4.22 p. m.
For New York, 6.04, 7.26 a. m., 12.43, 2.67
4.22 p. m.
For Hazleton, Wtlkes-Barrc, White Haven
Plttston, Laceyvllle, Towanda, Sayro, Wavorly,
and Elmira, 6 UI, 9.08 u. m., 27, 8.08 p. m.
For Rochostcr, liuSalo, Niagara Falls and
.ho West, 6.04, 9,t8 a. m. 12 43 and 8.08 p. m.
For llelvldere, Delaware Water Gap and
strouasnurg, o.ui a. m., i.zi p. m.
i' or L,amucrtvuio ana Trenton, 9.08 a. m.
For Tunkhaunock, 6.01, 9.08 a. m., 2.57, 8 08 p. ra.
For Ithaca and Geneva 6.04, 9.03 a. m. 8.0
p. m
j1 or AUDurn u.u a. m. d. m.
For Jeanesvllle. Levis tonandUeaverMesdow.
u. m., D.(, d.vb p. m.
ror Auaenriea, tiazieton, Stockton and Lum
ber Yard, 0.01, 7.20, 9.08, a. m., 12.43, 2.67.
4.22. 6.27. 8.08 D. m.
For Scranton, 6.04, 9.08, a. m., li.67
8.08 p.m.
For Hazlebrook, Jeddo, Drlf ton one i reeland
6.04, 7.16, 9.08, a. m., 12.43, 2.57, 5.27 p. rr.
For Ashland, Glrardville and Lost Creek, 4.62,
7.51, 8.52, 10.20 a. m. 1,00, 1,40, 4.10, 6.35, 8,22, 9,15
v. m.
For Raven Run, Centralia, Mount Carmel and
snamoKin, B.iz, iu.uu a. m 1,40, 4.4U, B.-'J p. m.
For Yatesvllle. Park Place. MahanovCltv and
Delano, 6.04, 7.28, 9.03, 11.05 a m., 12.43, 2.67, 4.22,
3 D.UO, v.&s, p. m.
Trains win leave hnamoum at 7.5b, n.4b a. m.
1.65. 3.20 v. m. and arrive at Shenandoah a
9.05 a. m.. 12.43. 2.67. 4.22 D. m.
Leave Shenandoah for Pottsvllle. 5.50. 7.26.
9.08, 11.05 n. m 12.43, 2.57, 6.27, 8.03 p. m.
Leavo Pottsvllle for Shenandoah. 6.00. 7.15.
9.05, 10.16, 11.48 a. m 12.32, 3.00, 5.20, 7.00, 7.15,
p. m.
Leave Shenandoah for Hazleton. 6.04. 7.26. 9.08.
s. m., 12.43, 2.57, 4.22, 5.27,8.08 p. m.
Leave Hazleton for Shenandoah, 7.26, 9.23
ii.uo a. m., is.10,,, i.ia. p. m.
Trains leave for Ashland. Glrardville and Lost
Creek, 7.29, 9.40 a. m., 12.30, 2.45 p. m.
r or x uieeviiio, i-arK iace, xaananoy uiiy,
Delano, Hazleton, Ulack Creek Junction, Penn
Haven Junction. Mauch Chunk. Allentown.
llothlehem, Easton and New York, 8.40 a m.,
1S.3U, A.OD p. m.
For Phlladelchla 12.30. 2.56 n m.
For Yatesvllle. Park Place, Mahanoy City and
Delano. 8.40. 11.35 a. m.. 12.30. 2.55. 1.40 6.03 r. m.
Leave Hazleton for Shenandoah, 8.30, 11.30
a. m., 1.03, D.3U p. m.
Leave Shenandoah for Pottsvllle, b.60, 8.40,
Leave Pottsville' for Shenandoah, 8.30, 10.40
m.m..i.iu), p. m.
A. W. NONNEMACHER. Asst. G. P. A.,
South Uethlehem Pa.
R. II. WILBUR, Genh Bupt. Eastern Dlv
JULY 2d. 1893.
Trains will leave Shenandoah after the above
date for Wlggan's, Gllberton, Frackvllle, New
castle, ut. uiair.i'ottsvuio, uamnurg, Roadlcg,
Pottstown. FhoDnixvillo. Norristown and-Phfl.
adolphla (llroad street station) at 8:00 and 11:45
a. m. ana s no p. m. on weeKaays. f orPottS'
vine ana lniermeaiate stations :io a. m,
For Wlggan's, Gllberton, Fraokvlllo, New
iusiie, at. muir, x oLiviiie at o:ui, v:sua. m.
and3:i0n. m. For Hambure. Readlnir. Pntta.
town, Phcenlxvllle, Norristown, Philadelphia
at 6.00, 9:40a. m., 3:10 p. m.
Trains leavo Frackvllle for Shenandoah at
1U.--HU. m. ana is:u, o:ih, r.iz ana I0:v7 p. m.
-uauuyn, a. 111. nuu o-.tu p. m.
Leave Pottsville for Shenandoah at 10:15.
11:48 a. m. and 4:40.7:15 and 10:00 n. m.Sundava
at 10:40 a. m. and 5:15 n. m.
Leave i-nuaueipnia (uroaa street station) for
oiiBviuu sau ouuuuauoua ni of ana e 00 a m,
4 10 and 711pm week days. On Sundays leave
BtQouuui. r or t-otbsviiie, v a m.
For New York Exnress. week davs
at 3 20, 4 06. 4 50, 5 15, 6 50, 7 30, 8 20, 0 50, 11 00
11 35, am, 12 00 noon, 12 14 p. m. (Limited Ex.
press 1 06 and 4 60 p m. dining oars.) 136, 1411.
2 80, 3 20. 4 00, 4 02, 5 00, 6 00, 6 80, 6 50, 7 13, 8 12
10 00 pm, 12 01 night, Sundays 3 20, 4 05, 4 50,
6 15, 8 12, 9 50, 11 03 11 35, a m, 12 44, 1 40, 2 SO, 4 0
lumuuu a out o u o ov, I ia unu 0 16 p m ana
12 01nleht.
For Sea Girt, Long Branch and Intermediate
stations, 5 06, 6 60, 8 25, 11 30 a m, and 2 40, 3 30
4 Oo p m weekdays aud 5 00 p m Saturdays ocly
Sundays 4 05 and 8 25 a m.
for uauimore ana wasningtou 3 60, 7 30,
o iii, w iu, luzu, ii in am, (u 20 limited dimm
cur.) 1 30. 3 46. 4 41. (6 16 Congressional Llmlte,
Pullman Parlor Cars and Dining Car), 617.
7 00, 7 40 p.m.. 1213 night week days. Sun'
dajs, Sr0,7 20, 3 10, 1118 am.. 12 10, 4 41, 7 00,
i wjiui wiiu ivo uiub. tyneuiugiou only,
6 55 n rr dallv. No coaches.
For Richmond, 7 SO a m, 12 10 p m, 18 08 night
dally, and 1 30 p. m. week davs.
Trains will leave Harrlsburg for Pittsburg
ana tho West every day at 12 26, 1 20 and 1 10
Buiniiu.WiiiA, ow iimueui ana 7 sup m
vvayiorAitoonaaisis am ana 5 03 p m every
day. Foi Pittsburg and Altcona at 1120 a m
every uay.
Tralnn will lnavn,,.. fn, txriiiiBH,u..
Elmira, Canandalgua, Rochester, Buffalo and
Niagara Falls at 204. 5 18 a in, and 1 p m week
days. For Elmira at 5 34 pmweek days, For
uu luwrmeuiaie points at sis antosuy,
For Lock Haven at 6 13 and 9 56 a m daUy, 1 85
and 6 31 n m week davs For Rennvn at 5 is a
m, 1 36 and 6 31 p m week days, and 6 18 a m on
Sundays only. For Kane at 6 i8 a m, 1 35 p m
Gen'l Manager
Gen'l Paes'r'' Aft
First National Bank
ftiiciinndonli, Pemm,
A. W. LKISENRING, President.
P. J. FKRGUHON, Vice Presldsst
, R. LE18ENRINQ, Cashier.
S. W, YOST, Asststsnt Osshler
Open Dally From 9 to 3
Iniorost Paid on Savings Deposit
Easily, Quickly,
Permanently Restored.
mul all the train nf evils
1 roni early errors or later
cxoriweii. the remits of
overwork, sickness,
worry, etc. FuIUtrength,
development anil tone
given to e ery organ end
portion of tho body,
simple, natural methods.
Imninllate Improvement
seen. Knlluro fmpoaslble.
2.UW references. Book,
explanation anil proof!
mailed (sealed) free,
Mnnuf scturers of
fSocieiiiJ Qodj
Of Every Destrlption.
rays, Baoges, Caps, Regalias, &.
Write for catalogues. CoscspondchceecltclteQ
Heaital Ofiicei, JOG Jf.SKMD St Piilaa'a, Ps.
Are the oldmt In Amcrtei fur tl'e trratment of
npecini iiiseH a: Vontliful Krror
arlcocelo, Hjilrnrele, Rupturi, .oi.t Manhood.
Trralint-nt by SSnll a SicrluU.T. Com-munleatlon-i
sarri'.lty ei'nfld''ntlal. l-'-iul stsmp fiv
lioob. omiehoui!0 . M. to? P. hi., 6to9t
Jl AU ilaySoturiay Suudas. 10 to 12 A 51.
Everything modeled aftor
Green's Cafe, Philadelphia,
5a Ss Main St., Bliciinuiloali.
The leading place in town.
Has lately been entirely reno
vated Everything new, clean
and fresh. The finest lino of
Wines and Liquors I
Cigars, 4c, foreign and do
mestic Free lunch served
each evening. Big schooners
of fresh.Beer.Porter, Ale, 4c.
Main and Oak Streets,
Shenandoah, Peuna.,
Truck and Vegetables.
Poultry, Game, Fisli and Oysters
In season. Orders left at the store
will receive prompt attention
104 North Main street, Shenandoah, Pa.,
Ice Cream wholesale and retail.
Picnics and parties supplied on short notice
Claris. Bossier's
(Mann's old stand)
104 Soutli Main Strcctt
fitocli. Fresh Beer, Ale aud Porter ou tap.
unoice remperanoe unnsN,
Celebrated Poller, Ale and Beer
Manttftor Shenandoah Branob
(Christ, Uossler's old stand.)
SInlu and Coal BtH BUetinudouli.
Best beer, ale and porter on tap. The finest
brands ol whiskeys and cigars. Pool room at
Piatt's Popular Saloon,
(Formerly Joe YTyaU's)
19 wrid 21 West Oak Street,
Mar stocked with the best beer, porter, ales,
f hlsklss, brandies, wines, etc. Finest cigars
atlsg bar attached. Oordlal Invitation to all
?7 S. Main Street.
Fines! Brands of Wines, Whiskeys and Cigari,
Fresh Beer, Porter and Alt
always on Up