The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, September 11, 1893, THIRD EDITION, Image 3

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ays in I
a tap. I
he finest
rter, H
st clg
nd Cigiri,
"Will completely .Imngc tho blood In your system
In three month time, and pond new, rich blood
courting through your veins. II you foci exhausted
nna nervous nreceiung mm unu on run uuwu
Olltnnro's Aromatio Wine, which Is a tonto and not
a beverage, vitlrfetoreyoutohealthond strength.
Mothers. UMltfor your daughters. Ills tho best
regulator and corrector lor nil ailments peculiar to
It enriches tho Mood and gives lasting
Jt is guaranteed to rnre uiarrwea, uyt
all Summer Complaints, and keep tho
em err.
Bold by all druggists for tl per bottle.
Sick Iloadncho And relievo all tho tronblos Inct
dont to a bilious state of tho system, such as
Dizziness, Nausea. Drowsiness, Distress aftsr
estlng, 1'ain In the bldo, etc. While their most
remarkable success has been shown In curing
noadacho, yet Carter's Llttlo Llvcr Tills aro
equally valuable In Constipation, curing and pro
ventinK this nanoylng romplalnt.whllo they also
correct all disorders of the stomach, sttrnulnte the
liver and regulate tho bowels. Kvon If they only
Acho they would bo almost priceless to thoso who
suffer from this distressing complaint! but fortu
nately their goodness does not end hero, and thoso
who once try them will llnd those little pills valu
able In so many ways that they will not bo wll
ling to do without them. Hut after all Blclt bead
Is tho bane of so many lives tbat hero ts -hero
wo make our great boast. Our pills euro it while
others do not.
Carter's Little Liver Pills aro very small and
very easy to take. One or two pills make a dose.
They are strictly vegetable and do not grlpo or
purge, but by their gentle action please all who
nsethem. In vials at 25 cents) Uto for 11. Bold
by druggists everywhere, or sent by mall.
There's no such quick remover of coal tusj
oil stains or healer ot cuts ana uruises ax
because of its high percentage of tai
JJVS. (S. KIRIC & CO., CliicnEft
White Russian Soap
A Pure Roapt ContmUa
No AdulteratWa
If trouhledwlth Onnorrhmo
your dmgElst lor a bottle of
Dig . It cures In n fewdayo
withoutthe Rid or publicity of k
;oocior. non-poisonous anffi
M guaranteed not to otrictui.
'Aa Tht Vnwertal Antriean Curt.
V. Tf .-. . ,
offeree, olitld-bearlng v.oman. I
I is the greatest
I blessing evei
ng v. oman. I hao uecn a
mid.nlfe for manv vears. and in each case
where "Mother's Friend" Had Been useuitnas
accomplished wonders and relieved much
suffering. It Is tho beat remedy for rising ol
the bremt Inl wd. and worth the nrlcefor that
lilone. 21ns. M. tl. Hhubter,
Aiontgouiery, aii
Sent by express, charges prepaW, on receipt
t price, per bottle.
kild by all druggists. Atlanta, (1 a
ead What Sir. Fred Wallace lias to Hay,
ayers'Drug Co,, Oaklnn, Md.
(iKVTr.KMKS: I wish to exnress mv aDnre-
latlonot the merits of your Catarrh Cure. I
bve sunerea who catarrn ior nvq yeurs, unu
a truly say H has given me more relief than
iv other medicine I have tried, nnd it will un-
uhtedly effect a permanent oure. All H
ads Is a fair and impartial trial to establish
universality, veryiruiy,
Mllll'oint.W. Va.
Bt has cured Mr. Wallace ot one of the worst
es of ehtarrh on record, wuu a neuvy uis-
irge of the throat. One bottle is guaranteed
cure, ti win oure you oiuerwiw uu uuuteti.
r aalA hv 11 .IriiwUts. Prloe 11.
MO Baa sure euro luruaiarru uuu mj .v.
yers Maanetlo I'atarrn uure. a turee
oths' treatment for 81, und absolutely
imnteed. It is used by vapor Inhalation,
t la the only medicine mar reon iue
isled parts and sure to cure, t or sale by au
m dusky "Tik
1 PlSd' ""
si . ci .y
" I Tr?VT
Long Windod SpeeoheB Expeotod
in the Senate.
Messrs. flrorRr,1 Jones ami Dnulnl TVI11
lhicll Speak for Two Hays on the lie
pcul Jui'tloTi, while Thirty Others
Aro Hooked fur Speeches.
WASIIlNOTtW, Sept. 11. The repeal bill
will continue to be the nbsorbing topic of
Interest before coiiRresi Mils week. Today
In tlio Beiinto Mr. Teller may conclude bis
spcecb begun on Saturdny last. Notice of
speeches to come have already been given
sufllclent to All In the Kreater part of the
week, and others are known to be In
course of preparation, so that In the ab
sence of nn ngrecment of some kind there
is iio reason to bellovo that a vote on the
bill can bo reached this week.
Although ho has not fixed definitely
upon tho date of delivery of lit speech,
Jlr. JII1U, of Texas, may follow Mr. Teller
in the debate. It is the current report
that ho will advocate unconditional repeal,
and as the senator comes from a strong
silver state, and must thereby antagonize
a number of his constituents, his utter
ances will doubtless bo listened to with
great interest.
Senator Mitchell, of Oregon, is down for
a speech tomorrow and may bo expected
to deliver a strong argument f rbm a free
cnlnago standpoint. Senator Shoup, of
Idaho, will address tho senate Wednesday
in tho Mime line, ami Mr. Hnnsbrough, of
North Dakota, and Mr. White, of Cali
fornia, will follow on tho same day, If time
permits, also with free silver speoches. On
Thursday Senator Daniel, of Virglnia.will
havo tho floor for the beginning of his
speech, presumably for conditional repeal,
and this is as far as the program In the
senate has been fixed.
Speculation is rife as to tho length of
the debate now progressing. Thirty-three
senators aro said to hnvo arranged to
speak on the subject, beside which ten or
a dozen more may address the senate be
foro the close of tho debato. Mr. George,
of Mississippi, has stated that he expeots
to spealc about two days. Mr. .lones, of
Nevada, and Mr. Daniel, of Virginia, will
each consume ayout two days, and Messrs.
Morgan, of Alabama, and Stewart, of Ne
vada, will each speak one day. Kven If a
compromise shall ultimately be agreed
upon, tho final voto will 'not be taken
earlier than about tho first week in Octo- .
tier. Some senators are of opinion that
the debato will continue until the middle J
of October.
In the present unsettled condition of af
fairs it is impossible to foretell what will
bo the program of the house of representa
tives for a week ahead. The fact Is no
course of action has been laid out by the
leaders, and they are satisfied to let each
sosslon of tho body tnkocare of itself. This i
state of things is likely to continue until i
either the senate acts upon tho repeal bill
pending before It or the time comes when
the committees on appropriations and
ways nnd menus have soni proposed legis
lation formulated for tho consideration of
the house. The bill introduced on Satur
dny by Mr. Everett, of Massachusetts, o
modify the Geary law by extending the
timo for registration from May 5, 1893, to
Sept. 1, 1891, and In various other ways al
leviating the severity of the provisions of
fliat measure may come up this week.
This bill Is understood to be nn adminis
tration measure, and early notion is said
to bo desired. Tho committee on foreign
affairs, to which It has been referred, does
not meet until Thursday, so that unless a
special meeting is called n report upon It
cannot be looked for until the latter end
of the week,
Anxiety for Pilnce lllsiiiurck.
LONDON, Sept. 11. A dispatch from KIs
slngen says that Prince Bismarck's con
dition has caused the greatest anxiety for
some time. Ills son William and several
family friends have lately been summoned
to his bedside. The prinoe's illness began
with n chill after his reception to the depu
tation from I' rankfort. This was followed
by an attack of gout and tho disease
called "shingles."
Urging Irish Iudependenoe.
New Yohh, Sept. 11. The exeoutlve
committee of the Irish National league in
America Issues an address, In which the
futility of Gladstone's homo rule measure
is set forth, and a great convention of
Irishmen from nil couutrles urged. "At
such a convention," says the address, "the
example of American patriots might be
emulated and a declaration of Ireland's
Independence given to the world."
Cycling on the Jtnllroad Track.
Caldwell, Kan., Sept 11. Two bicy
clists have arrived from Trinidad, Colo.
They mado the trip in six days, a distanco
of 700 miles. They have attached flanges
on the tires of their wheels, and fastened
the two wheels together by a steel rod,
and will make the run to Pond Creek on
the Hock Island railroad track. They can
travel on the track at the rate of thirty
miles an hour.
rivu Children Cremated.
Little Itocu, Ark., Sept. 11. T.
Whitely, residing near Silver Hill, Ark.,
with the elder members of his family, at
tended church some dlstnnoe from home,
leaving live of his children, ranging in age
from 5 to 13, in care of the house. Aftur
the services were over he returned to find
the house had been burned to the ground
and all Ave children oremated.
A Mercliunt's Shocking; Suicide.
Erie, Pa., Sept. 11. Hdward Knobleoh,
partner of the Knobleoh & liro. Fish com
pany, committed suicide in a horrible
manner. lie first cut his throat with a
jackuife, and then with a case knife, after
which he picked up a jagged piece ot lath
and tore tlio wound open in a shocking
manner. He died immediately.
Cholera Prevents a Church Congress.
Buda Pesth, Sept. 11. Tho Catholic
congress fixed to open iu Theresiopolls to
day has been prohibited by the Hungarian
minister of the interior, owing to tlip prev
alence of cholera. The congress would
have attracted 8,000 persons.
Again tho Gasoline Stove.
CltESTOX, la., 'Sept. Ill A gasoline stove
exploded here yesterday, setting lire to the
residence of W. 11. Maxwell, Had resulting
in the fatal burning of his wife and daugh
ter Stella, The house was burned to the
Colonel Hushes Dishonorably Discharged.
TorBKA, Ku. SepkJl-It is under
stood here that the vPfllflit of the court
martial whloh tried Colonel lughes is
"gulllr." and tbat dishonorably dis
charged from tho military service of the
A Great Many CMldrcn
have Iwon cured of scrofula
t" rind other skin diseases as
s. well as thousands of trromi
BVpoonlc, by taking Dr. 1'icrco's
Uoltlou Medical Discovory.
iwery disorder that can bo
reached through the blood, yields
to Its nurifvinir nimlltles. Iln.
sides, it builds tin w7ioisom flrsh
and strength; not merely fat liko
txKi uver ous. a seroiuious condi
tion of the blood lnvitos Catarrh,
-tiwiiuis aim consumption.
We're all exposed to tho germs
oi consumption, grip, or ma
,lnria yet onlv the weak ones
. muter, imigii you're woaK.
ttrod out, nud debilitated, or
when pimples and blotches
niwoar heed tho warning in
J time. Tho " Discovery" soto
3 nil tho organs into healthy ac
tion rnmciHiiy me liver, ior
that's the point of entrance for
these germs, then if the blood
li pure, they'll be throivn off.
There's no risk If it fails to
benefit or euro in nil cases nf
impure blood or inactive liver,
your money is returned.
Government Urtred to Present
llfirioncliinelitn nf France.
I PlTTsnuno, Sept. 11. Alfred Ilencillct
King, World's fair commissioner from
Iiiberla, whono home is at Monrovia in
that country, wns a passenger on tho
Columbia flyer over the I'eniisylvaninrnil
road. He had just left Wusliington, where
ho had gone at the instance of his govern
ment to Interview President Cleveland
and Secretnry Gresham respecting a mat
ter that may cause the United States and
France to lock horns in a dispute which
will command at least the earnest atten
tion of tho diplomats of both countries.
The commissioner in nn Intervjew saldi
! "We havo a grievance and a very serious
one. Franco la not only encroaching upon
our territory, but has actually absorbed
considerable of it, both Inland and coast.
We are an Independent government, but
I we are not stronu enough to copo with as
powerful u nation ns France.
"I was Instructed to visit Washington,
and if possible confer with tho president
and the secretary of state respecting as
sistance. I had a long talk with Secretary
Gresham, and explained tho situation in
detail. He assured me that our Interest
should receive attention as soon as the
Samoau afTiilr is disposed of. The cabinet
held a meeting Thursday concerning the
Llberlan matter, but I am not at liberty to
divulge the result. I think, though, I can
stato consistently that United States will
espouse our cause."
Poisoned by Toadstools.
New Yohk, Sept. 11. Two families
poisoned and one man dead Is the result of
a mushroom business expedition made to
West Farms by Frank and
Joseph Olvero. The men knew but little
about mushrooms and brought back a
basket full of toadstools. They and their
wives and children partook of then) and
were poisoned. Calalano died at 2 o'clock
yesterday afternoon aed Olvero will prob-
ably die. The women and children are In
u serious condition.
A Venernblft Preaalior's Suicide.
Bedford, Pa., Sept. 11. George Ii. Ke
gnrise, a prominent Dunkard preacher
nnd one of the best known men in the
county, committed suicide yesterday by
hanging at his home near Salemvllle, this
county. Mr. KegarUe was CO years of
age. 11
An agreeable Laxativo anflNEBVE Tonic.
Bold by Druggists or sent by mall. 25c.. 600.
and 81.00 per package. Samples free.
Tho Favorite TOOTH 107" IS
1 fortho Teeth and Ureath,B5o.
Captain Sweeney, U.S.A.,San Diego, Cab,
says: "Shiloh'fl Catarrh Remedy Is the first
medicine-1 haveevcrfound that would do mo
any good." Prico SO cts. Sold by Druggists.
. DonotrKflttctaCough.ostherelsdanBerof
Its leading to Consumption. SutLou's Curs
will save you a severe Lung Trouble. It Is tho
best Cough Cure and speedily relieves Coughs,
Croup, Whooping- Cough and Bronchitis, and
Is sold on a guarantee. 25 eta.
for everybody to
fi.L Beer
A temperance drink.
A home-made drink.
A health-giving drink.
A tliirst-quenchinir drink.
A drink that is popular everywhere.
Delicious, Sparkling, Effervescent.
V 3; cent package makes s gallons of lhls
' ' t ions beverage. Don't be deceived If a dealer. 1
, i ,-t'ti -,aj.e of larger profit, tell you some other I
ki.-.l i h ' just as good'' 'tis false. No Imitation 1
Ma. good as the genuine IIirbs .
Xnrth Foil H.i St.. below
(iiwn. 1'hllnili-liihL- CKIV
li:tTT.OHEK A Kit i. Touns,
mlftdle afffd, au old of both m-xen.
If JOU hUffcr fil'lll Bfl )tMJllflll
full or lutllMTfllun, oi a ulw?rte
of tlcllouli' nuturt'. whUh neetU
ctiniiituntlat tii'utiiitiit thMi con
sult DR. Q. F. THECL, eud
P 8 -t ftampH ful lxK.1- ' Truth n
tin eiirIiuin(L no lullurp. luunia
to equal Ittm, Lradlnir nswipaMi-f pronounce him
tlt only true unci uiiiuliio dt-r1iriinur Mxiallift.
Ouui'L and ptliiIUl- arc ciudlenvtHl In
trituient ot woint au.m ot Uluod luiwn, berwtula,
Stricture, ftc, or pureof
tn Si ttv'-f. fi to 8 . 'Wttd aud
siBtw. Hour: utuij,
tt i v'ira. A to 10 1 rtnit-
din oil dy. Krch Chm' o
oured 4 to 10 dy.
Are oroetlmes a bore, but wm the peo
ple are Mild twice tbat at Gallagher's
Cheap Cash Store they esn boy flour and
Tea it lower rate than anywhere in title
town, they are glad to test the truth ot
the oft repeated story. Full Una of Gro
ceries, Butter and Egfs, Potatoes, Uroen
Truck, Hay and Straw.
Gallagher's Cheap Cash Store!
m. Hi wsst mm Ritir.
a, w -
I A!3k D '
Tho Causo and Its Losson.
H7ty did ho commit suicido? Oil 1 for
the same reason that thousands of others are
on the verge of tlio same Bin, or in imme
diate danger of insinity, Jiaralysis, idiocy,
or some other equally unfortunate result nf
nnv nervous aflection. lie knew he was
nlllicteil with a nervous disorder, hut was
careless, apparently indifferent to the out
come j or liu m iy have lessened his chances
for recovery by treating with physicians
who had little i.r no knowledge of such af
fections, or by deluging himself with worth
less so-culled remedies. His oaso was a sad
one, but no worse than that of any oilier
nervous sufferer, who lias nervous or sick
headache, biliousness, dizziness, irritability,
melancholy, failing memory, hot flashes,
fainting, sleeplessness, nervous dyspepsia,
sexual debility, epilepsy, etc. The samo or
similar coiisoiuencos aro iikciv to result to ,
any ono who has any of tlioso advance
symptoms of an awful end. Do not hositate I
in gutting rid of them by intelligent troat-
mcnt. Dr. Franklin Miles, tho celebrated I
specialist, lias studiod nervous diseases over !
20 years, and has discovered tho only re- ,
iiablo remedy for them. Thousands of vol
untary testimonials prove tho virtues of Dr.
Miles Uestorative Nervine.
Alomo llarkcr, of Clinton, N. Y., writes: "1
was so aflllctoil with extreme nervousness Hint
I was on tho vergo of Insanity. My hands trem
bled so that I could scarcely feed myself. I used
twelve bottles of Dr. Miles' Uestoratlvo Nervine,
and wns cured. It la with pleasure. I recommend
this wonderful remedy for nervous troubles."
" I hud been a great sull'erer from chronfo
headache umil 1 began, about four months ago,
to use Dr. Miles' UO'torattvo Nervine nudl'llls,
since which time 1 have not hnd n headache,
Several of my friends are using Dr. Miles' Hem-
lor my mends are using Dr. Miles- item- ,
and find them, as I did, to be mora than j
rvllix. and Hud them, as I did. to boinoi
you claim for them." Mrs. Mary KUter, Los
Angeles, Cat.
W. U Cnpivi-ll, editor Tribune, Plymouth. Pa.,
writes : "My ifo was cured of Blck hoadacho of
many years' standing by the use of I)r Miles'
Uestoratlvo Nervine She lias recommended It to
her friends, and they all praise It highly "
Dr Miles uestoratlvo nervino is soui uy an
drugglstson n positive guarantee, or sent direct .fllffercnee being chiefly that in ono it le
b H''X' "i18 iVlJlL?.' S'rJI'.ViJj'I'nS-' reloped In a man ami in this last case in a
recolpt of price, 81
nxnress nrenald II
It is positively free rrom onlnte"
gs. Dr Miles' Tills, fiO dubos,
nnlaniTprnnl ilrllml.
25 rents. Free book at druggists, or by mall.
1015 Arch St., PIit!a.,Pa.
Ease nt once, no operation or delay from bus!
noas, r.tfstcd Ly thousands cf cures, cndowi
mentsof physicians, ladles and prominent citi
zens can bosLOnntofllce. Consultation free nud
fctrlctly confidential. Eend for circulars.
Otflco llouna : O n.fll. to 3 P.f".
ita3 ?;?. r.rr,C2.
Tho following are a few cf tho many that havo
boon entirely cared of ltupturo by De. J. 1J.
Mayeii's Treatment :
Juc ib C. Schast, 2320 North Ilroad St., rhlla,
K.O. Shoesly, Shcolton, Dauphin Co., 1 a.
V. M. Kossit. r, l'hocnixvllle, l'n.
K. A. Hall. Nowton, N. J.
A. S. Klelngtma, Limekiln I". O , lieiks Co., l'a.
a. Jones I'hl'ips, Kuinct Square, l'a.
A. A. C!old.v nthy, Cent-alia, Col. Co., Ta,
C. Heritage, I.Inlica Hill, N. J.
L. E.llesi, r.ckblll. l'a.
K. A. Krri, flatington, Pa.
It. M. Small, Itiunt Alto. l'a.
l is. Davis, rlttville, ?ind ward, I'hlla.
j. II. Kunkil, 1181 Linden St , Allentown, Pp.
)co. W. Watt, 1,'orrlstnwn, l'a.
S. T. Benny, eCl 8. 10th St.. rhlla.
iov. S. II. Sh-mier, Stmbtiry, l'a.
A. P. Levimora, Woodbury, N. J.
). J. Dellett, 211 S. 12th St.. Heading, Pa.
,iaol Sandt, J.Ialn St., South Kaston. Ta.
L. V. Dcturk. Jr., Olcy, Berks Co., l'a.
J. Uonsehelmer, Clayton, N. J.
I. K. Danenhowcr, 1109 Columbia Ave., Pa.
). C Piper, 735 Pearl St.. Heading, Pa.
iVin. orantland, Gloucester, N. J.
M, njaw, '.Vinona Avcuue, W. of Morris street,
Germantown, I'hlla.
Wm. Dix, 1825 StontroM! St.. Pblla.
Thomas B. Hartung, New Kinggold, Pa.
G. Leckel, 2231 Eceso St.. I'hlla.
J. G. Qui-nby, 211 Pearl St.. Heading, Vs.
R. G. Stanley, 421 Spruce St.. Lebanon, Ta.
A. Schneider, Locust Dale, Pa.
a. B. Noll, Limekiln P. O., Boris Co., Ta.
C.A. Dcturk, Birdsboro, Berks Co., Po.
Wm. 15. Uartentlne, I'hoenlxville, Pa.
W.M.Llnebach,62l WothiiiRton St., Beading, To.
John C. Lyme, 1310 Howard St., Horrlsburg, l'a.
Chas Smith. 412 Greenwich St.. I'hlla.
O. Burkhord, 43 Locust St.. Reading, Pa.
C. C. Keehn, Douglasville, Berks Co., Pa.
Henry L. Rowe, Pottstown, Pa.
Q. L. Swartz, Poynette, Wis.
Wm. J. Blblgfcaus, 6?9 Taylor St., Camden.N' J.
Alfred Haley, Philllpsburg, N. J.
K. Maglll, (11 en Lock, Chester Co., Pa.
Mr. Becknnl, Enlrd St., Germantown, rhlla.
John Shnpe, Telford P. O., Mongt. Co., l'a.
Wm. Ettlnger, Leesport, Pa.
E. Crahtree, 2101 Palethorp St., Phila.
U. S. Creoly, 3517 North 2nd St., Phila.
Phlladelpnli Office Is closed on the 2nd Satur
day of each month, Dr. J. B. Mayer being nt tho
Hotel Penn. Reading, Pa., to give treatment to
persons In that vicinity on that day.
Dr. J. 11. Mayer's terras for treatment is in
reach of all. Call and get cured.
H. B. Persons from out of town can receive
treatment and return homo tho tamo day.
delicious to tho taste, invigorating
and strengthening to the body,
made in ONE MINUTE from
. , ui iu n nr
ir j.hCui-.-h.
TW.r-;ii IT uy 'rA JlLL ''i.- ram w&
Onlv 30 et. far a futl pound paekag.
Free sample on S4)Uo.tlon t- monufactuma.
rou U.US BY
B. It Severn. F.E. Mngargle, W. ll.Witri
ri!.li.t.r' En UmU Muinoud Bru
4( lru-ul.t for ?hifSara FullUk DU ,
M9K "'hJ ItraHii iu !e4 aud o-.'il uielillleX
lrv tiuM llb riht.D. TuUe
U . U. , h t, i r. JI.inj, iMr.iK IvAalttu.
1 nf (ic'MaM'i.MildHwHj stl)ruicKiat,1orMtt44e.
I ( JgY 111 isePa tr penleiiUu. t ilawslels tal
it "Helltf fiie l.ll," i ' h retnra
V ft ftlult 1IMMIO AuMlpfV
v "I CfclelielT CUeuleul tfc,M.U.ii l4lu,
)M If SU Lti LlruUu. itlWMi Pa
Horses and Carriages to Hire.
Hauling ol all kinds promptly attended to.
Horses taken to board, at rites
that are liberal.
PEAR ALLEY, Bear Beddall's Rtrjwua Ski
urgent aa ohUetretinble rly os-b mm
p-ules rapcastuttA ky
120 S. JarainSi., ShananQQk,H
1 fe h
riioMany Orhnos Charged Against
Lizzio Halliday,
tint Killed nnil Mutilated Hor First Hus
band In the Hmtin Manner as Her See
oiid The Mctiltittii Women Murdered
Through Thirst for lllnoil.
Middlktown, N. Y., Sept. 11. Tho soln
Inn of the mystery surrounding Lizzie
Inlllilny's awful crimes will be found In
the history of her previous llfo and her ro
latnus with her husband.
Young l'aut and Hubert Halliday have
lold their storlos, and when all this new
ami old information is put together there
Is produced a story of very unusual, but
not of unprecedented criminality.,
Lizzie Halliday, herself a type of low
humanity, was merely nn Ignorant, mean,
tunning and revengeful woman, with the
belief that sho possessed tho power to do-
telve everybody sho chose.
This appears to have been her character
nnder ordinary circumstancos, but at cer
tain periods she apjieurs to have become
possessed of a mania. On each occasion
when she wns In this wild mental cou
iitlnn she was expecting to become a
Sho never did, however, so far as Is
cuown, give birth to a living child. This
tnanln, which is not without numerous .,,, ,,1 l T t,-,t ITi.lll.lon'a
i"""i " '-" "
tase ii phasealniostunbelU'vablysliocking.
In fnct, there is oxcellent reason to as
tatine that her case and that of tho
Mysterious London nssassln, known as
"Jack the Hipper," nre very similar.
In both the mania appears to havo de
veloped crimes of a similar nature, tho
Li.zie linlliilny 1ms killed two men In
tor life, botli of tliem husbands, nnd sho
DiutilHted both.
It lifts just come out, through tho stories
lold by l'nul linlliilay's two sons, thai tho
Ivoiimn conftvfeotl to old Paul soon after
ber marriiigo to him that she had been
married before, and had killed and then
narked her husband.
Old Paul professed not to bollevo this
ttory, nnd undoubtedly did not. Hut it
now appears that sho treated ills body
kfter she had killed him as sho had that of
her first husband.
Her two subsequent crimes, the killing
Sf the McQuillan women, must havo been
lommitted iu u pure thirst for blood, in
luced by her mnnia and probably whetted
by her fearful crime of a low day s beforo.
Shu did not mutilate the bodies of tho
Ivomen, which shows that it must nave
been merely a thirst for blood which
prompted her to the deed.
In it protracted interview with ltouert
Halliday, tho eldest sou of the murdered
man, lie made tho following statement:
"This woman caino from the samo county
In Ireland us my father. Ho told me this
timself. He first met her in an intelli
gence ofiico iu Newburx, where lie secured
ber bervices as housekeeper, borne timo
ifter ho married her. None of tho family
.iked tho woman. Her nppuaranco was
gainst hor. She did not conduct herself
is a wife should. My tntiier, however,
Ivas Infatuated with her. She held a pe
culiar influence over him which nothing
tould shake. Soon after his marriage to
She woman, who gave her name as Lizzie
llrown, there began the peculiar succas
lion of crlmea which finally led to her be
ing committed to the insane asylum.
"First there was the burning of the
ttouse. Then the burning of the barn, nnd
finally the burning of the old mill whero
my father, his wife and my brother John
lived, In which firo my brother lost his
"Following this nt a stated period came
her theft of the team of n Ncwburg livery
man. She hired a horse and buggy in
S'ewburg.on the statement thut she was a
poor Irish serrant who wanted to visit her
lick mother. The man let her have a
torse and buggy. She drove out of town,
tot nn old man to go with her as she did
not know the country, nud within twenty
iour hours had sold the rig nud horse to
lome gyp'Ies.
"She was arrested, tried and found not
fuilty on tho ground of Insanity.
"Two fires In my father's place occurred
In quick succession. After a longer period
lame the conflagration iu which my young
brother perished. For this crime she was
irrested, but on tho ground of insanity
eras remanded to the Insane asylum at
Mlddietown. She remained there awhile,
sras then sent to another asylum, and
Snally was released as cured ut my father's
"My father told mosubsequeutly to these
iffairs that his wife, at the time of their
commission, was in a condition peculiar to
ivomen. That when in that condition she
rrns subject to spells of insanity. With
ihe disappearance of tuephysioalcondltlon
Ihero was a disappearance of the criminal
tendencies. I begged my father to leave
ihe woman, but he would not listen to
After a great deal of deliberation the
joroner's jury arrived at this verdict: "We
lo say upon our oath tbat Margaret J.
McQuillan and Sarah J. McQuillan came
to their deaths from bullets fired from a
pistol iu the hands of Uzzie Halliday.
That said Margaret was killed ou or about
Auk. 80, aud Sarah J. McQuilan on or
.bout Sept. 3.."
Tbe i mi lies t on the body of Paul Halli-
di wa resumed at 0 o'clock this morn
I itii;, but nothing new, it is believed, will
1 he elicited. After that the case will sink i, sight until Mrs. Halliday is called
ui answer at court some time next uiontu.
The Vatican Will Investigate.
ROME, Sept. ll. Tbe, Vatican is about
loopeu au inquity of the most kearohlug
iharaoter into the latest opposition to
Mgr. SAtolll in the United States, an op
position which has ramifying influence,
rxtending to Home itself. The Vatican has
resolved to act with the greatest energy
upon the evidence it has secured iu the
A OouuKifyltlns Can. Captured.
Atlanta, Sept. 11. A gang of twenty
three counterfeiters, operating in Clark
aud neighboring counties, have been
arretted. They melted britannia metal
and made a good imitation of silver coin,
l-u-ge quantities are in circulation.
The Jury UlMtKreed.
Pirrsni RQ, (Sept. 11. The Jury In the
electrical ooasplracy oase, alter being out
twenty-four hours, failed to agree, and was
Uncharged. The vote stood S to 1 to favor
if oouvioUen.
The Wwthnr.
Tlirenteong,bRt ju-obably without rain;
tarlahle winds.
mus. 5HM.Y Fintausox,
Troy, N. Y.
The fnllmrinii trihulr to DAXA'S
pmrer ovrr OLD CJlllOuXW UUM
I'LAIXTS, iras srnt vs hi Wm. (Iroom
of the irW4-Hmrn "UJtOOM'N VHAti
MACy,"VJ0 Congress St., Truy,X..:
Rr.NTi.KMr.N: 1 havo been troubled wlfli
I, I Villi 'O.TIIl,AIVr, C'O.NN'rll'A
TION mill JH'NI'KI'SIA for a long time.
I employed tho host Doctors In tho city;
thoy tolil mo
Old Chronic Complaints
wcio luiril li euro. Tliflr iiu'dlcino did
mo no (jooil. I stopped tiiklnit It and
bought a bottle of I)AN'A'.-J HAlts.VI'AKir..
1,A. ltvfore 1 hnd taken half of it I fell
lielter. I have taken three bottles of
nml nm heltor than for venrs. IT HAS
doni: woNi:nN rim mi:, i run
rat iiiiylliliiif I vtnnl and it iIocn nut
illslrvMM mo fii the least.
Yours truly,
Troy, N. Y. MUS. 1I1LI.Y t'EnOUSOV.
Professional Cards.
Office Heddall building, KhentkOdoah, Pa.
i i v ; f tr'.if.
Office Koom 3. P. O Building, Shenandoah,
aid l'stcrly building, l'ullsvlllo.
svnaisoti dehtjsz.
Oaico Northeast O ir. Miln ml Csntro Sts
-henandoah. over Stein's drug store.
jyj B. KISTLEIt, M. D
Office -1M North Jardln street, Shenandoah,
Office ana Kesidenoe, No. 84 Kcrtb Jardln
Street. Shonuudonh.
Graduate In
Veterinary Surgery and Detitiitry.
All calls by mall, telegraph or telephone at.
tended to with promptness, surgical opera
tions performed with the greatest care. Office I
Commercial Hotel, Shenandoah
Specialist in Treatment of Catarrh.
Practice limited to diseases of tho eye, ca
eoio and throat. Spectacles furnished, gut
an teed to suit all eyes
Office 13 South Jardln street, Shenandoah
S3 SHOE NoV5f' ftp.
Do you wear them? When next In need try a pak.1
Best In tho world.
If you want a fine DRESS SHOE, made In the tabs!
styles, don't pay $6 to $3, try my $3, $3.50, $4.00 or
55 Shoe, I hey fit equal to custom mado and look and
wear as well. If you wish to economize In your footwear,
do so by purchasing W, L, Douglas Shoes, Name ani
1 price stamped on the bottom, lock for It when you buy
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M South Main Street, Bhenandoah, Pa.
mmm i
Biliouanos3, Dyspepsia,
Indigestion, Diseases of
tho Kidneys,Torpid Liver
Rheumatism, Dizziness,
Sick Headache, Loss of
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i Trios 25s- Jtr loi-.U, Boll ty til Sngglit!.
11EICI, JSIllsm A L0SD, fr.pi., KirllisUa, It,
We guarini it to rid the house of Rats, RosCHie
and Watch Buos, er
Money refunde3.
h the bwt Iu UM aut ior
BcdBims, ant, Motmb.
InaESva bb hut. An.
For Salt by all 0rugUti Ik tare sad att tteu in.
Sold oy In bouks, oar Trade Mark, oaeseb.
329 N. Oth Sr., Fmimbicmi
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