The Herald. ?UBLHMIH1 DAILY, SUNDAY liXOMTIIU WBBKLT, RVBHT SATUHDAY. K. .4. Jtoriflt...-. lrvtrlMw m.fl IKIVMH Mttarantt l;tt,Hhrr W, ,1. WA.HC.Ht 8 AiI Jmtor A if HOY Hit ..-......llwilHm ilnnntttf subscription Rates: Daily, pr ...... ., w o IttKlT, pet few, - 1 BO Ailrtrllnlng Unlet, Traselent, 10 oentn pr Una, UrM Insertion ; t w per line each subsequent Insertloh, Kale or regular advertising ma be had on Applica tion at the onto or by mull. Hi o Xvikii9 HmtALu hM ft larger oirouhv llOB Id Sbeoandonh than any other paper puh- Ubd, Books opsu to all. taWrsd At the Postomoe. nl Hhsnandoah, for tniMttilmtoa through the mall at MOoad-oUns man matter. Ax Authentic refutation of the (lis TUiletlUK reports about President Clevo- IuihI'h hcttlth would be exceedingly welcome, and we most Blncarely hope that a Bittlftfiiotory statement of Hip truth can und will be imule. The people have uo Jnollimtlon to Intrude upon the Presidents retirement, but their In'erwt In his phyRloul condition It as natural a It in deep, und they would rejoice lo lie assured tbat current rumors lire without foundation. LD8S TALKING. Anxiously all ure waltlug for the puasgeof the repeal bill by the Senate. It Is pretumed that it inajirlty. of that body will vote for the bill If It ever reaohee a vote without amendment But there Is danger, uovcrtholoss. The uhluf point of dungor la that Home one of several amendments, whhh the Re- publlouu Senators cannot approve, may he fastetud upon tlio bill by Dem ocratic votee. In that case the measure would lecolve only a minority of the Democratic votes and few If any of the Republican votes, uud thus would fall In the Senate. Senator Teller makoa no conooi)ment u" 'ills intentions, ifo doubt he epealts after consultation, uud represents the purpose of other silver Senatois. If he can, he pjopoees to spoil the hill before It. ever cornea to a tlnal vote in the Senate, and ho knows right well that iflouded down with such amendments as Senator Voorheos aud some of hi Daniocrtic associates would approve, tha bill will sink beyond possibility of recovery. A few Hues repealingthe tax on State bank issueB, for oxample would also be supported by such silver Senators as wish to kill the repeal bill aud yet, if once adopted as a part of tli measure Dcndinc. would make it impossible for the bill ti recelvo the support of the majority of Republican Senators, It seems probable that Mr, Voorhees himself has warning of this purpose, and is anticipating soniesuch action by the silver Senators, for his speech introducing the bill which bears his name was a most extraordi nary one, unles3 Intended rather to justify somo amendment not yet offered than to support the bill he then Intro duced. The dillereuce between the bill which has been passed by the House and theonenow pending In the Senate is not of great importance. It is likely that the majority in the Senate may conclude, before a vote Is taken on either meaaure, to lay aside tho bill reported by the Finance Committee, If for uo other reason Senator Gordon said in his recent speech, the stump speech appended to the bill Is merely discreditable. But when either jueasure comes to final action, It h to be oxpected that." the silver Senators will nropote as amendments not only the various measures whloh were de feated In the House, but others whloh under the rulee of the House were not admlMlble. Perhapathe moet danger ous of the Is the proposal to romovo the tax on State bank issues, but the eflort to seoure free coinage on some navr ratio will undoubtedly be repeated In the Snate, and with somewhat more prospect of success In that body than lu the House. It Is desirable that those who wish thiB measure pawed in any lorm should steadily keep In mind the fact that It has a slender chanceof pnssing, unless brought to a vote without essential change. If any attempt whatever is made to fasten upon the moasure some further use of silver, some form of free coinage, seme addition to the govern ment Iseuea of paper, or some measure foi the authorisation of State bank issues, the bill Is likely to b defeatedj If its friends in the Senate stand firmly against any and evary amendment, and Insist that the measure substan tially ao It has pawed the House shll bebroughttoa voteln the Semite alsp, they are not unlikely to reap there ward of their eflorts. IET0R (MISS DIM. . The Oonviotqd Poison nr round LifoloBB in His Cell. UNDOUBTEDLY OOMMITTBD SUICIDE ' i Latter Written liv the mi Auk. 0 . . , ,. ., .... . ,, -,.,.., i. OontemplHtlmc til Ant fur h Long Time gtiileinmil to the I'ulillo. i .i. -n ,m....i.. ! Uraves, the convicted poisoner m Mrs. ornithine Barnafor, committed mdclrie In bit cell In the oouty jell Saturday nllit, preeu manly by letting poison. He was iitiid bIIIT itnu cold in dentil at 0 a.m. yesterday by the "trust" who had been oaring for hliii. That the prisoner had Ioiik contemplated taking his own life is evident from the date of tlio following letter, addressed to the coroner: "1'lease don't bold any autopsy on my remains, The chum of death may be rendered as follows: Died from perwjjutiou. Worn out. KxhauMeu." Another letter, addressed to Captain Crews, the Jailer, read an follow: "It would keep u man busy to follow Stevens ud miswer the lies which he unlilush. iugly peddles out to tile papers. One or two, however, need attention and thoy are easily proven to lie lies. I was n member of the Mas sachusetts State Medical sooiety,also t h e Connecticut State Medical soci ety. I never mado application to the Ithode Island State Medical society for DH. Q1UVRS. admission. My lawyers have the full re ports Bhowlng that. I never wronged the estate of Mrs. Har.ub,inil that the ostnto now owes mo, outside of the leguoy by will. The public sees what I have to ex pect from the villainoUB, cowardly false hoods of Stevens. I cannot expend mora money fighting him. I must talto tho only mean? to prove H for my wife and dear, honored, uged mother." As is well known, Dr. Graves was await ing ids second trial for the aliened murder of Mrs, Josephine lSarnaby, of i'rovidence, who at the time of her death was visiting friends in Denver. She died April 10, 1801. On April 0 she drank from a bottle of whisky that had come by mall from Hostou, and that was labeled "Wish you a Happy New Year. I'leaw) accept this fine old whisky from your friends in tho woods." The whisky contained a solution of anenlo. Dr. Grovos was accused of Binding the bottle. After one of the most IrtmoiH trlnls In tho criminal annals ot this country, Dr. Graves was convicted of murder in the flrst degree, and was sen tenced to he hanged. Tlio supremo oourt granted hlni a new trial, which was to have begun tho latter part ot tnis monui. "It a clear case of suicide, saui coro ner Chlvfngton, while sitting in the cell of the dead man yesterday. The two letters were found with a half a Uozeu otuers au- d reeved to various persons in a bundle of manuscript under the doctor's satcliel, which stood near the head of his cot. One of the lettn was addressed to John W. Brl. get, the "trusty" who discovered tho doctor In his cell. The doctor left everything in order be fore ho died. When he was found ho was clad in his troubers and a dress shirt. There was a slight frotli on his lips, which might just as easily have come from natural causos as from poison. Tuoro were paper sacks of fresh peaches and pears on his table, tho gift of his wife on her late visit Saturday. As it is evideut from the letter addressed to the coroner Dr. Graves undoubtedly committed suicide, but what drug the autopsy nlono will tell. It was supposed, however, that he took morphine. That he had been contemplating the act for a long time is evidenced by the fact that tho letter Is dated Aug. 0. Tho dute named was only a short tlmo after County Com mTssioner Twombly went east to see the witnesses for the prosecution and ascertain whether or not they would attend the ?r,r' nn 1 VUOUUUI.UI,.-. ........... .- ,-'. T IK tZ He rZTtatZ view that he believed the P would bring here a lot of witnesses to slander him, nnd he said It wouldbo only fair for the county board to pay the ex penses of his witnesses If they paid tneex pensos of tho witnesses for the prosecution. Mrs. Graves, wlfo ot the doctor, was In formed of her husband's death shortly be fore noon. She was at the house of Attor ney Thomas Macon, who has ably de fended her husband, where she has been stopping for some timo past. The poor woman was deeply affected by the news, and for a time nobody could comfort her. absence of Air. Macon, who is in rnnnon Cltv. was much regretted. Mrs. lumuu v,..), .....r- " :m. , , l:;'' meed u........ - . her composure and oxpiessed a wish to bee her husband s remains. .,,. Among otner u iu r. ..." . w -M om amiB uim. "."'" one, and anotuer uu-i . i tu. TUe toiiowing is uuw u ,7' k .... iXnAtnmi -..XZIZZZZ bv a de gire to appear before the ffruna Jury to do nUery1 'Trlvufgiu ri.r mv lawvers refused to allow me to go before the grand Jury. I soon found myself indicted for murder. Surprised, astonished, I said to my lawyers: 'Of course It oannot amount to anything, for truly I bad nothing to do with the death of Mrs, Barnaby.' "I little c reamwi wnat wns in store ur me. I did uo, uow what can be accom- Xhed by political inlluenoe, with money Si man to 'play the prince' with his X. money. The district attorney at rhaimTwarikrstevrns a young lead- shortly, and a second mortgnTo he paw .ns politician, ambitious, full of devilish S ?r.ttnSE wasnutonthelury1 hTv'e" S tpbe worthlef U .aid to w0 f, l.nd flrtac?reod to favorStevens, Promises of politioal preferment and value received, wer, freely offered and taken. "Forty years ago a man named Perrln, . n l m faHr lind soma in uonuouticu, -j -- trouble over iana. im u "' , . self on to the Jury and paid the old debt in full, after the usual manner of such men. This we did not know until long after the trial. Iam informed that slnoe the trial sooie of the Jurors bavo received politioal appointments from Stevens, and geme are profeeeioi .1 jurow, getting upon the Jury In caw where he always wius his owe. These thing are well known in Denver. ... 1 1 -What possible chance did a stranger rnT" "ft the car ! "Jnd oalnt Stttven. hacked bv sucU 'onrad' detect I veil, witnesses, Jiule and jurl .imanc 4jr. He always omitted to remark thnt the belonged to his wife, and that 1 rill on ey l e was llyiutt f or u tlOO.000 stake. - . . - - - . . "The supreme court of Colorado, moat emphatic, scathing and bitter r In the ..words. pronounced the trial 'unfair ana end ordered n new talal. My -illegal,' have found slnoe the trial that $2,81 iwyers ,W was y have t they paid out to only one witness. 'lhe, the affidavits of numerous men thai were 'sounded' as to whether, in the)r , ulnmoned by a Jurv ease of wi,i favor Stevens, and this WU1 , they s dono by Stevens' bailiffs, "The Jury were under charge of the worst villains on oarth, boardt i one of Ul at a (to the uch as jnillis I for a '.earned hotel kept by one of tho jury, went theatre and around town pretty m they pleaded. For months and m have languished in Jail clamoriuu trial until I bavo, little by little, ot all the villainous things which twined to the former trial, aud I her it upper- told half. VU DDI "Stevens in the meantime had at 'Ivancod to be acknowledged as tho mi pre lltlcal boss, aud controls today mos - mo po ut of the judges. They dare not decide again ijst hlra, and so my motion for a new trial ferrod aud ImpoWble hall denjr vat ue- Ummled, WHICH tlie hard times rendered lm to furnish. A new district nttor .jpossioie jiey has 'iu does . na nna meanwhile been appointed, but not count. Stevens rules "At tho present Vrritlng Steve oito cast to coach one of tho conn trs and hoodwink him. lie will rt nlsslou- Denver with a trunk full of lies, afj '-iuni vu nig properly worked the papers. (jier nav then cajole and deceive the oommli8 and probably induce them to turn i.sloncrs funds to commenoe again his uS ush him tFifarlous -,f tjfcontln- prosecution, "1 am told that the case may be , tied for an indefinite period. Nov tired of it. 1 have freely expeudd tune In fighting them. Hut tlid iff I am Hd a for- will compel me to spend more V courts UVImt I have left will go to my noble little i '-.vlfeand my poor, suffering mother. Tlieri way that I can stop the expenditit i Is one K're. Al- low mo to repeat that which I 1! ways said publicly aud privately; i inve al- "UroN iy solemn Masonic oai Timelier Graves, had nothing tcj 'i n. I, T. ( iln in any way, shape, manner nor deed 'iwith the death of airs. IJarnahy. 1 wri knowing what tho future will sdo in store for me. The people will 7 jl to this, Miellevo, pity and sympathize with me. Til know that even the strongest ninnl rtey will beaten dowu by a cyclone of ill can bo iih, mud and persecution, "I leuvo littlo Iky Stevens people of Colorado. Please tukt Ml to tha 1 b care of him "(Signed). T. TlIACHER GllAVE l U, M. V., I Harvard University." ECHOES OF THE STOFl jM. finty- Greatest Loss In lleuufurt Col T,lvrs Lout nt l'ort llrivft No Charleston, Sopt. 4. A carefu gut I on of the condition of alfain i invest! on the between m swept 11 as the coast of Carolina shows that Charleston and Savannah the stoi away most of the homos, as we i i i. UAn..i. growing crop, auu ituu me ijcuiji.hi riblo state. Coroner Wells supi 5 In a ter- following for the vicinity of 1 lled the Drowned on "Wassa Island, 4' ieaufort: ; Collin dnnd, 25; dand, 25; inh field ,t Water '3; Porry 27; Paris :'s Nook, . Total, iat "stnr- Point, 80; Dathan, Cooaaw 1 Chisolfner Island, 80; Hunting 1 St. Helena Island, 200; Savani plantation, 200; Deaufort, 2; Sa Bridge, 4; Otahota, 0; Grey Hill, Clear Point, 11; Ladies' Island, Island. 2-1; Land's Knd, 20; Knm CO; Coosuw Mills, 5; on dredges, r 807. Ex-Congressmnn Elliott says tl ration is sure aud imminent. AuoUbTA, Ga., Sept. 4. A speti Port Hovnl, S. O., says: "It is cui lal from ported that during tho hurricane, 27 many lives were lost in Port K that almost the entire town w rontly ro of Aug. yal and away, lu vlow of these statemen s swept tsldeem It proper to announce the fact s. There erson In- was not a single me lost or a Jured by the storm. Business h residences were not damaged ton ouses nnd exceeding $5,000. While Port K n amount not solicit or need aid, tho adj oynl does , S,ZS,, . J "Jf??1, 17 aPPeal" ! Sept 4.StcameJ acent sea id desola to every City of Ived yest--f the 111 also three ird which if George- , Birmingham from Savannah an' ' ,i. Rhn lirlML-s the I cd steamer City of Sapmnah, '1? i YM wrookeJ tovt? mlles east ' town. Fatal Sturm in the Azoi London, Sept. 4. A hurrical over the Azores Island on Aug. ne passed 23. Two vessels wero wrecked lu the Faval and fourteen houses were I harbor of In the town. At Tercelra tin destroyed wero wrecked and twenty-olgl destroyed. Five persons were ki ree vessels it houses lied. Pool. Goal Operators to Farm hi Wll.KEsnATUtE, Pa., Sopt. 4.j vldual coal operators of the Wi - The indl- t Lehigh region met at Ulen tot i talked of "forming a pool of J omhig and mm it and ,000,000 for te purpose ot protecting moiiy P n tUe oal A I operator will contribute a pro elves dur- ide. Each ! according to his output to fonnl , ... C ..... ' Mll .h, money will be used f the pool, afc udtwftter uulil 8Uoh t. trade will take It. The stor, I from thU city that the pool w.H - the purpose of d vising means raised -aney S ' i j with the Valley will . B ntlnue. 7 A Justice of tlia Peace Mi Passaic, N. J., Sept. 4. Jd Ititng. tice of tha J Peace W. Levy was arrested charges of forgery and perju recently on 1... H trtra 1 lfnar. nt FiU! preferred Simon and Brewer Philip lifflalo. Moses imndamnn. Law has not beitz were his hoard of since he was releaseon"" Simon thinks he has f PPJJ JJ"' Seine of his notes endorsed bl tugan,mymVBli board of since he was releasedgeu seen or uK and purchasable Juryf Matted that be expended W5.000 Murderous Train ItoliT . "lijr-butlaw. little town ot Mound Valley Jwta . day, shot anu auieu n.xprei j with Electro Magnetic SUBPINSuki. nii-nmau and robbed tho 1 Messenger , aU.t Peunui Bt i-pr.sii;ui. They secured nothing fronfl Iaengers. oar, but not a ptMsenger v ,, V, the women were money. relieved or J --, 1 Jewels and iTn,nmlHlunr Nolan's Fr ti..t. T nt. i rinuirnitf b1 8tp. Jttm k, i - , , I I fronds was bound for the Wrn ".P0.1 t ..i. ci,. nr ollr4 nflld's fair a . "f " " II 0i Nolan, of Brooklyn, wit!d'lr Fran: n i . . . REV. M'INTYRE'S PREDICTIONS tin Dnclurm a New I'lniinclnl Tarty Will lm l'ornieil nnd Sitcrp the Country. Denver, Sept. 4. llev. Robert Mc Intyre, formerly of Chicago, pastor of Trinity Methodist ehuroh, the largest in the want, for Which he receives t8,000 a y-iar formally renounces political parties and deolarea a uw financial party will he formed and swcop the country. He says eastern Chautauquas, whero he has been peaking, could not pay any money, and will close permanently. He gives up hope of legislation favor able to silver, and thinks ruin, desolation and riots will become general all over tho country. Tlio tarliv, he believes, will also be removed. He denounces tho "metropolitan prr." an a "liar's trust," and says city people of the east seem to hate tho west. He says they took opera glasses to his lectures and viewed him ns a curiosity. Ilov. Dr. Molntyre was for several years pastor of Grace M. K. ohuroh, of Chicago, and hns some reputation as a poet and pulpit orator. fiftw York's Unemployed. Nkw York, Sept. 4. Aoonferoncoof the delegates of the trade unions was hold yes-ti-rday afternoon in tho Labor Kxchange to consider the question of relieving the unemployed. Hobert N. Campbell pre sided. An offer from tho Columbus Dra matic wiolety to give a benefit entertain ment In Clarendon Iih. I on the 10th was rend anil acceptod. Provisions instead ot finan cial aid will be given in future, as it was discovered that the landlords got all the bonellt of tho flnancinl aid. Four hundred and four applications for relief were ro Celved last week. Tho receipts were f!)5 and the expenditures $804. A committee was appointed to prepare plans for u dem onstration and to report next Sunday. Determined to Kud liar Life. KANSAS CIT5T, Mo., Sept. 4. Nellie Dor rls, a mulatto girl, aged 20, who osoaped from the workhouse a year ago, was rec ognized by an ofllcer on the streot. He at tempted to arrest her. The girl fled i 1 attempted to commit sulcido by throwing herself in front of a moving cablo tram. Tho officer arrested her and took her to tho police station. There tho girl swal lowed u quantity of pins, thrust a long hat pin through her throat and hanged her self from a bar on tha door of hor cell. She was cut down before life was extinct, but died subsequently. A Mad Dog's Vlotlms. EASTON. Pa., Sept. 4. The community in the vicinity of Upper Black's Eddy, on the Delaware river, sixteen miles below here, was greatly excited by the appear ance of a mad dog. Tho dog bit throe people, among them William Hnrltig, tho postmaster of Upper Black'B Eddy, whose hand was badly lacoratod. Tho others bitten ore .Arthur Erwin, a boy of 17 years, bitten in tho arm, and a man namod Pup eel, bitten slightly in the leg. Several cowh and sheep wero also bitten by the mad bruto. Prcnclilnc; from n Yfreckml Vesnl. AsiiUKV PARK, Sept. 4. Five hundred people attended Founder Bradley's incit ing yesterday afternoon. The speaker used the deck of tho wreckod schooner Mary Kelly as a pulpit. Most ot the au dienco gathered around the schoonsr, she lying high and dry, the tide being low, An original song by Founder Bradley was sung, Jinny of thoso present took pleoes from tha scnoouer homo with them as souvenirs. Severn Froits Zleiiorted. Woodsville, N. H., Sept. 4. There was a t-evcre frost on the highlands in this region Saturday night. Vegetation was damaged considerably, but a heavy fog savod the rlvor crops, Fonda, N. Y Sept. 4. There was a heavy frost in the Mohawk valley Satur I d , ht. J A Mistlnc Minister. Denver, Sept. 4. ltov. W. H. Brod heud, a Congregatiocul minister und ex secretary ot the state board of charities and pardon, cannot be found, Thore were several pages torn from his records, ac cording to a committco ot investigation, which has been appoiuted. pxceUed by Mono ilr, James J3. iMcaa V- . Revere Case of Hheumatism for i uwllu1BW w a iwwtivu w Hood's Sarsaparilta Thr. i-aiuU. nf r.arlattlnr- nt this eroat medicine . Ih.t If mnrto mn li-t- nn.l hrallllT AS before" Jambs I. Iuoas, 818 North Bond 1 bu, Ealtlmore. lid. HOOD'S CURES. Hnon-n Pillq are purely vesetable, and do act pur pain or crips. Sold by all druesUtik Rheumatism, Lumbago, Sciatica, Kidney Complaints. Lamo BacKf ciu. . on. SAHDEB'S ELECTRIC BELT Win cure without mnnrlno all "lall'ii,1?,rp?,,5 enslon, u nervou. debility, tnftmfmt, lW'. rtmumaUHn, lilUufy, llr nnd blndilr oompl ntj, Snanl lli liraltu, etc. Th f lectrlo wUoojJJIb; iwUrl.l Id(wi over sll othf ri ASTm"" M wlUeurvsii t).. r- (ilteea or Bo nuaa refu unvti i . . atler a'l ottu m.iM m mu i n id, wejtlw huodredt l'....tul Im,,r ,oJ ULf 1 1'lHL STSrWHUl., .t 01 on laid. Ileal Ui nt Msurtu. WiTinji:. I in WiUji. 8ae fur lUtil'U ruiipuiil.nHui-o.a- nunBU art l.-t-.VWHl CO.. It. VUlia. tL .Vfl READING RAILROAD SYSTEM, HUB TA1I1.E IN EFFECT AUO. 7, ISM, Trains leave Shenandoah as follows: Per Now York via .Philadelphia, week dyt, -.10, tM, TJ, a.m., HMO, 1.50 a.rft p.m. Suiiam '-10. T.8 a. ra. Por Now York via Msuoh Ohutn-, waelt deys, 7.20 a. rau, 12.W, 2 to p. m. Por Heading and Philadelphia, week Oar . v, fcfS, 7.20, a.m.,, ?.S0, 5.(6 p.m. So' For Jfarrlsburg, week dt days, 2.10, 7 J8 a. m., x.on, n.DO p. m, .For Allentown, wee- days, 7.20 a.m., 12,10, 2.50 p. m. Vnr lnft-vllln , n n m . 12.20. 2.50, 6.56 p. m. Sunday. 2.10. 7.48 a, m.. 4.a) p. m, For Tamaqua and Mahanoy City, week days, 2.10, 5.25, 7.X0, a. m., 12,20, 2.60, 6.65 p. m. Sun day, aio, 7.48 a. m., 4.28 p. m. Addlttonal lor Mnbanoy City, week days, 7 00 p. m. For Lancaster and Columbia, week days, 7 20 . m., 2.W n. m. For Wllllamsport, Sunbury and Lewlsburit, week days, 3.25, 7.20, a. m., 1.15 7.00 pm. aunaay, 3.25 a. m.. 3.06 p. m. For Mabanov I'lann. nnnlt din. a in. X s s s t.SO, 11.30 a.m., 18.28, 1.35, XM. 6.56, 7 00, D.86 p. m. Sunday, 2.10, 8.20, 7.48 a. ra., 3.0), 4.10 p. la. For Glrardvlllo, ( Kappfthannoek Station), week days. 2.10, 3 26, 6.J6, 7.20, ll.a) a. m. I2.S0.1.35. 2.S0.B.66. 7.0(1. O.Sfi n. m Snniliiv. 5 1 i. 3.25,.48 a. m., 4 30 p. m. For Ashland and Shamokln, week days, S.V5 6.25, 7.S0, 11.10 a. m., 1.35, 7.01), B.35 p.m. Sua day, 3.25. 7.48 a. m., 3.05 p. m. TKAINS FOR SUENANDOAU: Leave Now York via Phlladelpnia, weekday?, 8.00 a. m., 1.30, 4.00, 7.30 p. m., ll5 night, Sun day, 6.00 p. m., 12.16 night. i.ive wow Yora via Maucb Cbunk.week daye, .00, 8.45 a. m., 1.00, 4.30 p. m. Sunday, 7.15 a. m. Leatn Philadelphia. .Market Street Station, week days. 4.12. 8.36. 10.00 a. m.. anil 4.00 8.00, 11.30 p. in. Sunday 4.00, 9.05 a. m., 11.30 p. m. jjeavo itoaaing, week aays, 1.&0.7.IU, 10.05, 11,60 m 5.66, 7.67 p. m Sunday, 1.35, 10.48 a. m. Loavo Pottsvllle. week iIhtb. 2.40. 7.40 n m. 12.30, 6,11 p. m Sunday, 2.40, 7.00 a. m.,2.06p. m. Leave Tnmaqua, week days, 3.20, 8.48, 11.33 a. m 1.21, 7.15, e.28 p. m. Sunday, 3.20, 7.43 a. m., .du p. m. Leave Mabauoy City, week days, 3.45, 6.18, 11.47 a.m., 1.61,7.42, 0.54 p.m. Sunday,8.40, 8.12 m., 3.20 p. m. Leave Mahanoy Piano, week dtys, 2.40, 4.00. 1 aO,.S5,10.40,11.59a.m., 12. 66,2.00,6.20,0.26,7.67,10.10 p. m. Sunday, 2.40, 4.00, 8.27 a. m., 8.37, 5.01 p. m. Leave QlrurdvUle, (Itappahannook Station), ueeksdays, 2.47, 4.07, 0.30, 9.41 10.46a. ra., 12.W .'.12, i.OI, 6.26, 6.32, 8.08, 10.10 p. m. Sunday, 2.47, ;.07. 8.38, a. m., 3.41, 6.07 p.m. Leave Wllllainsport, week days, 8.00, 0.36, 12.00 t. m., 3.36, 11.16 p. in. Sunday, 11.15 p. m. For Ualtlmore, Washington and the West vis U. & O. It. 11., through trains loave Olrard Avenue station, Philadelphia, (P. i It. It n.) at 1 60, 8.01, 11.27 a. m., 3.60, 6.42. 7.10 p. m. Sunday 1 60, 8.02, 11.27 a. m.. 3.60, 6.42, 7.10 p. m. ATLANTIC CITY DIVISION. Leave Philadelphia, ChestnuL street whart iEa Moutn street wbarf , lor Allantlo City. Weekdays Express. 8 00. 9 00. 10 45 a (Saturdays. 1.10) 200. 300. 400. 439. 515 nm. Sxourslon 7 00 am. Accommodation, e uu a m, 4 80. 6 45 n m. unaays Express, 7 au, 8 uu,sa, uo, ioou a on nnd 4 30 p m. Accommodation, B 00 a ra and 4 45 pm. Returning leave Atlantlo City dopot, Atlantic ind Arkansas avenues. Weekdays Express (Mondays only. 0 45 ) 7 00. 7 35. 0 80 a m and 8 15. 4 (JO, 5 ill, 7 30, 0 30 pm. Accommodation, 5IO, 8 10 am and 4 30 pm. Excursion, from foot of jiishissippiAvoaue ouiy, o w, p m. Mundays Express, 3 30, 4 0o, 500, 6 00, 0 30, 7 IX), 7 30, 8 00, 9 30 p m. Accommodation , 7 30 a ra and 6 05 p in. O. O. HANCOCK, Gen. Pass. Agt. Philadelphia, Pa, LEHIGH VALLEY RAILROAD, Passengor trains loavo Shenandoah lor Penn Haven Junction, Mauch Chunk, Le highton, Slatlngton, Whlto Hall, Catasauaua, Allentown, Bethlehem, Eueton, PhUadelpbla Hazlcton, Wcatherly, Quakake Junction, Del ano and Mahanoy City at 0.01, 7.20, 9.08 a m. 12.43,3.67, 4.22 p.m. For Now York, 0.04 , 7.26 a. m 12.43, 2.57 4.22 p. m. For Hazleton, Wllkes-Harre, Whlto Havon PIttston, Lacoyvllle, Towanda, Sayre, Waverly, nd Elmira, 6.UI, 0.03 a. m., 2.67, 8.U8 p. m. For Rochester, Uuffalo, Niagara Falls and the West, 0.O1, 9,08 a. m. 12 43 and 8.08 p. nu For llelvldere, Delaware Water Oap and Stroudsburg, 6.04 a. ra., 4.22 p. m. For Lambertvlllo and Trenton, 9.08 a. m. ForTunkhannock,6.04,9.03a. m.,?.5;,8 03 p. m. For Ithaca and Geneva 6.01, 9 03 a. m. 8.0 p. ra For Auburn 9.08 a. m. 8.03 p. m. For .loanesvlllc. Levis tonandlleaverMeaSow, 7.20, a. m., 5.27, 8.08 p. m. For Audenrled, Hazleton, Stockton and Lum ber Yard, 6.01, 7.20, 9.08, a. m., 12.43, 2.67, 4.22, 5.27. 8.08 p.m. For Scranton, 0.04, 9.08, a. m.. ' 8.08 p.m. jj-or uazionrooKj j eaao, uruton atw rociana oi, y.xd,, a. m.. iz.3t .ot, d.' p. rr. tPr AaVlonrl fl Im A nil 1 n n n A r.An.OMAlr A M 51, 8.52, 10.20 i. m., 1.00, 1.40, 4.10, 6.35, 8.22', 9.15 For Raven Run. Centralla. Mount Carmel and Sbamokln, 8.42, 10.U0 a. m., 1.40, 4.40, 8.22 p. m. f or xatcsvuie, paric Place, Kinanoyuity ana Delano, 6.04, 7.26, 9.08, 11.05 a m., 18.43 2.57, 4.22, At, o.vo, v.m, lu.zo p. m. Trains will leavo Shamokln at 7.56. 11.45 a. m. .56. 3.20 c. m. and arrlvo at Shenandoah ai 9.05 a. ra.. 12.43. 2.57. 4.22 n. m. Leave Shenandoah for Pottsvllle. 5.60. 7.26. 9.08, 11.05 a. m., 12.43, 2.67, 5.27, 8.08 p. m. Leave Pottsvllle for Shenandoah, 6.00, 7.15 V.UD, 1U.19, 11,49 B. m., S.UU, 7.UU, Y.10, n.m. Leave Shenandoah for Hazleton, 6.04, 7.26, 9.08, a. m.. 12.43. 2.57. 4.22. n. m. Leave Hazleton for Shenandoah, 7.20, 9.23 ii.uo a. m.,, s.cD,, t.zo, p. m. SUflllAr XXVAilNB. Trains leave for Ashland. Glrardvlllo and Lost Creek, 7.29, 9.40 a. m., 12.30, 2.45 p. m. f or lairsviue. I'arK fiace. oiauauov uiiv. Delano, Hazleton, Black Creek Junction, Penn uaven junction, Aiaucn ununii, Aiiemown, lletblebem, Easton and New York, 8.40 a m.,, p. m. For Philadelphia 12.30. 2.56 n. m. For Yatesvillo, Park Place, Mahanoy City and Delano. 8.40. 11.35 a. m., 12.30. 2.55. 4.40 6.01 p. m. Leave Hazleton for Shenandoah, 8.30, 11.30 a. m., 1.05, 5.30 p. m. Leave Shenandoah for Pottsvllle. b.&O. 8.40, 9.30 a. m.. 2.45 n. m. Leave Pottsvllle for Shenandoah, 8.30, 10.40 .m..l.S6, 6.16 p. m. A, W. NONNEMACHER, Asst. G. P. A., south liethicnem ra. R II. WILBUR, Genl. Bupt. Eastern Dlv PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD. BailUTLKlLL DIVISION. Trains will leave Shenandoah after the above date for WIggan's, Gllbcrton, Frackvllle, New Castle, Bt. Clair, Pottsvllle, Hamburg, Reading, fottstown, rncenixvuie, iNornsiown ana if mi adelphla (liroad street station) at 6:00 and 11:45 a. m. ana 4:1a p. in. on weeitaays. for roils vine and intermediate stations 9:10 a. m. SUNDAYS. For WlKKan's, Qllberton, Frackvllle, New Castle, St. Clair, Pottsvllle at o:ou. 9:40 a.m. and 3: 10 u. m. For Uamburs. Readme. Potts. town, l'ticonixviue, rnomstown, i-nnaaeipma at 0:00, 9:40a. m., 8:10 p. m. Trains leave i' racKviuo ior nnenacaoan at 10:40a.m. and 12:14. 6:04 . 7:42 and 10:27 n. m. uunaays, 11:1a a. m. anooiiup. ra. jeavu x'QLLSviiie lur aiitjriaauouii iu:io. 11:48a. m.and4:40.7:15andl0:00p.m, Sundays at 10:40a. m. and 6:15 p. m. Leave pnuaaeipma luroaa street station) ior Pottsvllle and Shenandoah at 6 57 and 8 86 a m, 4 10 and 7 11 pm week days. On Sundays leave at o do a m. For roitsvuie, v a a m. For New Yorlr Express, wee- days, at 320, 406. 460, 515, 660, 730, 830, 950, 1100 11 id, a m, 12 uu noon, iz a p. in, (Liimitea tsi. nress 1 06 and 4 50 n m. dlnlnir ears.) 1 36. 1 40. 230.3 20. 4 00. 4 02. 5 00. 6 00. 6 20. 6 60. 7 13. 8 12. 10 00 p m, 12 01 night. Sundays 3 20, 4 05, 4 50. 6 15, 8 12, 9 60, 11 ol 11 35, a m, 12 44. 1 40, 2 80, 4 02 (iimuea 1 nu; 0 :v, 0 su, 0 ou, 7 is ana 012pm ana 12 01 nicht. For Sea Girt, Long Branch and Intermediate stations, 5 05, 6 50, 8 23, 11 39 a m, and 2 40, 1) 30 4 CO p ra weekdays and 6 00 p ra Saturdays only Bunaays 1 ud ana 0 ao a m. For Baltimore and Washington 3 60, 7 20, 8 31, 9 10, 10 20, 11 18 a m, (12 25 limited dlnini car.) 1 30. 40. 4 41. (6 10 Congressional Llmltei Pullman Parlor Cars and Dining Car), 017, 7 00. 7 40 D. m.. 12 ra nlcht week days. Sun days, 8 60, 7 20, 9 10, 11 18 a m., 12 10, 4 41, 7 00, 7 4upm, uqu isua Qigut. wuBujugiou only, 6 65 n m dallv. No coaches. For Richmond 7 20 a m, 12 10 p m, 12 03 night dall . and 1 30 p. m. week days. Trains will leave Harrlsburg for Pittsburg anuthe West everyday at 12 26,120 and 310 a m and 2 25, 3 25, (5 00 limited) and 7 30 p m. Way tor Altoona at 8 18 am and 6 OS p m every day. For Pittsburg and Altoona it 1190 t m every cay. nlM,n.ll Gnnhtiw ffnw 1.-111, n r . . . luu nttiim,. wwmui .w. ,iiiauuyu(li Elmira, Oanandalgua, Rochester, Butlalo ana Niagara Falls at 204, 5 18 a m,and 1 36 p m week days. For Elmira at 5 34 p m week days, For Jtsno ana inwrmeuiate poinns at t is am qiu V.w T.aaV Ubvm at K til nA Q TM a m , d aid 5 34 p m week days For Ilenovo at b 18 m, 136 and 5 34 p m week days, and 6 18s m on Sundays only. For Kane at 6 Is a m, 1 35 p m S. M. PlIKVOST. J. K. WOOD. Qoa'tManigerl Qen'lPsse'tj'rAct . Tf?" !irst National Bank THEATRIC 11UILDIMQ SUouamdoali, Pcuua- CAPITAL,- 9 J m 'WP A. W. LKISBNRINO, President. P. J. FKItOUBON, Vice Fresiassi R. LHIHBfJKINa, OMhler. 8. W. YOST, Aeslitsnt Csshlur Open Daily From 9 to 8 3 PER CENT. Interest Paid on Savings Deposit Easily. Quickly, Permanently Restored. WEAKNESS, NERVOUSNESS, DEBILITY, nnd all the train of evils lrum early errorftor later exceosefl, the results of overwork, sickness, worrv.etc. Fullstrength, dpyelopment and tne given io every organ and nor Hon of the body. Simple, naturalmcthotla. Immediate Improvement seen. Failure frtipofislble. 2,(K) reference. Dookt explanation and proofc mailed (sealed) free. ERIE MEDICAL CO. BUFFALO, N. Y. ABRAM HEEBNER CD. PORT CARBON, PA Minufacturera ot Of Svery Description. FagSy Baoges, Caps, Regalias, &t- JI"FINEST GOODS-LOWEST PRICES.-? Write for catalogacs. CorrospcEdehce solicited: Jledleal OfEJoo, ?0S N.SKOO'iD 8t., rMJ&4'a, Pa Aral Yin nMaDln A u. I a ., auu villi crib in rtWCl tlj. mi 1,1 II L'ttl IliKIiV LU Rpeclal IDlNcnaeB &, Vonttalul jHri-era. VarloocelB, Iljarnri'lo, Hnpfure, I opt Manhooii. Tr4iifnimt, brMnll i SieolitltT. Com munlcatlonB sacrMily c nftUt'Utial. Kli id stamp tn- lEftnlc. ( Iffli'fl hinrfi n A . M. ta2 1 IT.. 6 to 91 1M AH day Saturday Sunday b, 10 to 12 A M T-EHIS 33ICTOTJI Everything modeled after Green's Cafe, Philadelphia, 3- S.. BZalii St., SlieuundoaU. The leading place In town. Has lately been entirely reno vated. Everything now, clean and fresh. The finest lino ot Wines and Liquors I Cigars, do., foreign and do mestic Free lunch, served each evening. Big sohoonora ot fresh,Beor,Porter, Ale, Ac. OPPOSITE : THE : THEATRE, T. J. TlOnQHKRTY. Prnn. JOHN COSLETT Main aud Oak Streets, Shenandoah, Fenna., GREEN GROCERIES, Truck and Vegetables. Poultry, Game, Fish and Oysters: In season. Orders lett at tha store win receive prompt attention 101 North Main street, Shenandoah, Pa., WHOLESALE BAKER AND C8NFECT10NEB. Ice Cream wholesale and retail. Picnics and parties supplied on short notice Chris. Bossier's SiLOOW MQ RESTAURANT, (Mann'eold stand) 104 Sonth filalu Street. Finest wines, whlskevs and clean alwava tn stock. Fresh Beer, Ale and Porter on tap. unolee Temperanoe Drinks. L0RENZ SCHMIDT'S Celebrated Poller, Ale and Beer -jSlMES shields, Maner Shenandoah Branch JOE WYATT'S BhiaUoK AND RESTAURANT, (Christ. Uossler's old stand.) Mnlu ami coal Ota,, Hlieuuuclonli. Host beer, ale and sorter on tan. The Bnent brands of whiskeys and olgars. Poolroom at laonoa. PSatt's Popular Saloon, (Formerly Joe ryU'o) and 21 West Oak Street, SHENANDOAH, FA. r stocked with the best beer, porter, ales, uhliUoa, brandies, wines, etc. Finest cigars tttlng bar attaoued. Cordial Invitation to all WEEKS' SALOON, 17 S Main Street. Finest Brands of Wines, Whiskeys and Cig&ri, Fresh llecr, Porter and Ala, always on Up wSfa m pocieiiij T Cjoodp II II 1 fflll'-l II XI Mill I N wr ... r