The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, September 01, 1893, THIRD EDITION, Image 4

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Among merchant III
tho one who eaten to
the wants of hlscos-
t Honrs, bo thoy rich or poor. Both have n
qnsl right to bo treated fairly. Justice, toall
li a good motto, and our customers will And
hours. Wo havo a completollnoof Groceries
M woll M Canned Goods, etc Coino and boo
our stock of good, and remember tho best
goods aro always tho cliciapurt in tho long run.
(Corner rooy,
Cntr and White Sta.
When) mill 'When Hervlcru Will l Oon.
ilui'K'il ro-moi row.
Trinity Itefortncd chuich, Ilev, llobcrt
O'Uoyle, pastor. Sorvicea tomorrow at 10
a. m, and 0:90). m, Sunday sehoolnt 1:30 p. m,
-Everybody welcome.
English Luthornn churoli, M. il. llavlcc,
pastor. Servtcxm ul 10:30 u. m. and 0:00 p. m.
Hundnr school at 1:30 p. m 1'rayer meeting
Thursday evening at 7.
Kchelcw Israel Congregation, West Oak
street, Hev. H. Kahlncnvlti, liabbl; service
every Friday evoiilug; hulurday and Sunday
alturneon and evening.
Wolnh Uaptlst church. Trenching servlcos at
10 a, rn, and 0 p. in. by the pastor, Hev. I), I.
Evans. Sunday school at 2 p. m. Everybody
Koman Cntliollo church ot tho Annunciation,
Cherry street, above West street, Itov. II. F.
O'Uollly, pastor. Masses at 8:00 and 10:00a.m.
VcHpers at 3:00 y. m.
Ebonozor Evangolloul church, Itov. It. M. Licit
tcnwalner, pastor. Services to-raorrow at 10 a.
m. In Gorman, and 8:80 p. m. In English. Sunday
school at 1:30 p. m. Allure heartily Invited to
Ht. George's Lithuanian Catholic church,
cornor Jardln and Cherry streets, liov. L.
Abromaltla, pastor. Mass and preaching at 10
a. m. Vespers at 3 p. m.
Salvation Army, corner Mpln and Oak streots,
Captain Kather and Lieutenant Shlndcl in
command, Servloes all day, oommcnelrig at 7
and II a. Meetings will
be held every night during tho week excepting
Monday, night.
first Methodist Episcopal church, Rov. Wm.
Powlok, pastor. Morning, Holy Communion,
Evening, Fpecial sermon to young
Sunday school at p. m. Epworth Leaguo at
5:45 p. m. Prayer mooting at 7:30 on Thurs
day ovoning. Strangers and others aro alwuye
English Daptlst church, South Jardin street.
Services at 10:30 a. m. and at 6:30 p. tn. by
Hev. V. II. JohiiBlon, ot Viucentown, N. J. Hun
day school at - p. m. Monday oven I rig nt7:30
Y. r. II. U. will moot. Wednesday oven
lng general prayer meeting. Everybody wel
Prosbytorlan church. No services In the
morning. Evening service conductod by tho
Christian Endeavor Society. Hev. John E
Lynn will conduct a praise and prayer service
on Wcdnosday evening. Sunday school atSp.m.
Christian Endeavor Sociotywlll moet onTues
day evening at 7:30. Prayer meeting on
Thursday evening at 7:30. AH aro cordially
All Saints' Protestant Episcopal church, Oak
street, near Main, Morning service at 10:30
and evening at 7 o'clock. Tho rector oOl
clatos at morning ultornatoly and at
every ovoning service. The lay reader, Charlos
Hasklns, ofllciatos in tho absence ot tho
rector, 0. 11. Brldgman. Sunday school at 2
p. m. All seats free and ovcrybody made
heartily welcome.
OSK DANA'S HA liH A YA L'lLI, A , no
Dir. Ityuii, tho Umpire.
There would undoubtedly bo a different
ending to tho game yesterday had tho umpire
understood tho rules. I'ottivile Chronicle,
Mr: Ryan, of Mahanoy City, wag tho umpire.
This is the Barno gentleman who caused the
delay of tho Shenandoah-I'ottsvlllo gmo, by
his persistent efforts to officiate. Even the
Pottsvllle people,who lauded him to tho skies
when it was in their favor, are finding out
that lio knows nothing about tho game, and
that Shenandoah's refusal to play with him
officiating was justifiable. Continuing, the
same paper says: "Wo have nothing but kind
words for Mr. Eyan, of Mahauoy City, but we
aro compelled to say most emphatically that
ho does not understand tho rules. His friends
cannot hido him under the veil of "he trios
to do what is right." That don't go. An unv
pire must be one that can umpire. If he Is
ignorant oi tho rules ho can't umpire, and
Uiatsettles it. Mr. Ryan wanted to umpire
another g&mc. He had better left good
enough alone."
Use Wells' Laundhy Blue, tho best
.Bluing for laundry use. Each package makes
,tivo quart. Ifttie. fe'olrt by Coakley Bros.
HvHnReiloaW ml Lkkmlrle.
.Quito a number of people, oat: ids of the
so embers of the Evangelical Sunday school,
accompanied the Utter to Lakeside park yes
terday. All those who were iu attendance
had an anjoyabls time. The main feature of
amusement was the game of base ball between
the Married and single men. 'J he former won
by th scire of 17 to 20. George W. Bddall
and Frank Eisenhower was the battery for
the forum and Jonas Gllflllau and lllehard
Hnj der ooeupled the points for the latter.
Beddall's great pitching was the feature,
striking out nino men.
Unprecedented Number
of Deaths.
Prevalence of Diaritaa anil
Cholera Maiituni,
Ignorarce of Mothers th First
Physicians Advise the Use of
Lactatod Food.
McEIhenny's saloon and restaurant, cornor
.White and Centre streets. Best of everything
Letter List.
The following letters remain uncalled for at
the Shenandoah, Schuylkill county, Pa., post
offlea, September 2, 1893:
Morgans Ellen Morris Thomas
Parties cell log for advertised letters should
please say "advertised." One cent will bo
charted on all advertised letters.
H, a BOTBK. P. M.
I -i j.i olographs aid crayons at Dabb"s.
IIliawt TU Kttee.
All taxes due to me on the duplicates of
1830 and 1800 must be paid to M. M. Burke,
Bjq., who is retained by me to make such
collections. Cubist Schmidt.
August 4, 1893. 8-1 lru
Infants Thrive Best Upon
it and it is Easy to Get.
Thoro was novor a tlmo for mothers to bo
mor'o caroful than now.
Nearly n tbird of tho deaths In Chicago
for a month jmst havo been deaths of hablos 1
Chicago Is not an exception. I)iarrhu and
cholera infantum aro now nioro piovaleut In
overy city in tho country thou over before at
this season.
Tho causo of this state of affairs is Im
proper feeding.
Half tho deaths in July, August and Sep
tember every year aro of children under five
years old. Yel it was never intended; and
tho investigation of health societies every
where has shown that thero is no reason but
tho ignorance and carelessness of mothers,
for such an abnormal loss of life m early
Mothers whoso breast-milk is faulty should
understand that lactaled food Is tho food that
is nearer mother's milk than any other.
And they should never fall to use It in
profcreuco to any other. It has been shown
in every investigation that babios fed upon
lactatcd food live longer and thrive better
than thoso brought up on other diet. Lac
taled food makes vigorous, well-nourished,
activo babica when other foods fail. It con
tains tho very elements for easy, perfect
nutrition. Long trial has shown It to be
perfectly adapted to tho ago of growth when
the dlgcstlvo organs aro making enormous
demands to meet tho needs of growth and
"For upwards of eight years, I have been
familiar with lactated food," says tho well
known Boston physician, Dr. C. P. Thayer,
"and my immediate professional friends and
mysolf havo it always at hand." Ouo causo
of tho high esteem of tho food among
physicians lies in tho known cleanliness and
scrupulous care used In Its preparation.
In lactatcd food the combination of the
necessary olomcnls of pure, hoalthy mother's
milk is accomplished. Using puro milk sugar
as a basis, thero is combined with it the
richest elements of barloy, wheat, and oats
which by long subjection to high steam heat
under pressure havo been perfectly cooked.
Combined with tho other elements of the
food, the result is a homogeneous product that
is easily assimilated by tho feeblest stomach.
Infants thrlvo upon It; thoy grow plump,
strong, bright-oyed, and clear skinned.
Tho child who is puny, pale, and sallow is
likely to become an adult of inferior mental
and physical powers. Tho child that Is
brought up on lactatcd food starts life with
ovcrything in favor of health. Physicians of
all schools recommend lactated food; thousands
of mothers who havo used it praise it; habits
liko it; it is within tbo reach of simple homes.
J. K. P. Schielly spent to day at Potts
vllle. It. D. E. Hagcnbuch spent to-day at Maha
noy City.
Mrs. T. T. Williams left for Tremont this
morning to visit friends.
George W. Hassler, of North Jardin street,
loft this morning for the World's Fair.
Da Id Owens, after spending several days
at Atlantlo City, returned homo yesterday.
John B. Schuehlug has returned homo
from a week's visit to Philadelphia and At
lantic City.
Charles Kirlln left town to day to tako upa
course of study at tho Ursinus college, at Col.
legeville, Pa.
Ohrls. FoltK left for his now home in
Philadelphia to:day after a pleasant visit
to friends iu town.
Mr. and Mrs. John F. Finney arrived
home last evening after a visit to tho World's
Fair and a trip through the lakes.
Hugh O'Uonnoll, who recently spent somo
time here as tho guest of lion. M. C. Watson,
will address the workingmen of Chicago
Miohael T. and Martin P. Purcell, John T.
Stanton, Curl Coogau and policeman Flaherty
formed n party that left town this morning
for Pottsvllle.
An Accident at Cordon.
Yesterday afternoon Edward Berrigan, a
workman on the P, & R. railroad, met with a
frightful accident at Gordon, While assisting
iu making a flying switch he fell between two
cars, two of which passed over his body. He
was removed to the Miners' hospital, where
his right arm was amputated at tho shoulder,
his right log at the hip and his left leg above
the ankle. The unfortunate man resides at
Ashland, The physicians at the hospital say
he cannot recover.
Orwlgsburir 1'nlr.
The 49d exhibition of theSehuylkill County
Agricultural Society will be held st Orwlgs-
burg, September 6, 6, 7 and 8. The sporsing
program arranged is excellent and the exhib
its will lie Urge, ftperial attractions. Bal
loon ascensions and parachute haps daily by
a lady aeronaut. Plenty of races Don't fail
to attend. 31-IM
What He Hee- ami ""Af,AN IIVJAIL.
Tho pleasures of llfoj" jjnt V
chlit Arrested nt n
'"Sr,'" l-A meeting
stAtcmcnt of facts and
live In a verv nulet anr
fnwn. ilnvntrd nlmoftu
. ... ti
uoncce oi lis injiau
stores or any oi "l,tl
indieativo of noise anq
of mino Is occupied at
his alieenco from bed a)
to equalize things and
nature with Its "sweet
longer In tho
our mlglibors, who
retiring earlier and w.b
by the iieceMittes of
early in the morning.
iirt which Emnm Gold-
t the atnr attraotinn.
i Imll, this city, last
-.ndvortlsod n bslnit
if'severnl unemployed
sue hftll wns nnuked
. "Jo. mostly Germans,
nr fVhIle.tbe assemblage
. U-erraan rushed in
in! 1 -jnllfB lunitiAi "Mlw
es "'"'rested; arouse!" Tho
hi1 "UementWRM electrical,
no privilege. lu r,B ,runv a of ,IatH0.
niorninkf pi tyrmed with revolvers
hial'a Hven back into the
P'0,S (luleted bv a sneeoh
. i . b - -
a cln arrested on n war-
a eeJ Tiattiniiva Rnvutinnt.
iriiwiifCCTlllJ IB uuu,nTfirnil, , l,n I. rtf In.
. . J .... VUKI.V " - II.
faithful spouse to his biilMJiry. Her arrest was
self ill conversations JeP'fAsne was entering the
...... f ,u.. .... ftt'n, Priiki!An. -trim trnu
nuwi ji ui inu r-v,v, .( , "
squares. However, tlT, t0 PV" ,'1B? aWfty
wife and model woms Tgnn oflleer. Albert
lu performing nolgh gt pro soumled tho alarm
voico Unit Is at least HPi ,jso arrested c
turo of loudlncfss, shte 1 roj
t. i. . ,.. t...Jfi UMtSras convovod
between the KohlnooAVf wtl atlon and
,, .r )) l")sses u willingness to
callopo. Now jou Wrs dvitliout aroaulsltlon.
j.ivuunu wu lumnijii u 8110 Will lie UIKCI1 tO
Tho pleasures of a da;
destroying his slumb
out of sorts, and com
cot , did not appear to be
eiui, ner nrrost, altuouKU
Dairr"! York authorities will
peevish during tho dJXed thai 'she i."a
tho succccdlug mornihesdinjt, and she says si:
wilier sentenced to a term
llll Hil
usual program of tbqideprifforms of novernmeut.
volco. 101"' 'jliberated to continue
aiuuiin, mo ricll. She uUvo-
Thursday we bado,rasM e'"t of force when poor
month which. Initoin "u,.,"'"6 lupr wunt
importance, him had
to an almost unpnrau
there has been unoxa
uess, torrlblo dlpustei
flro rnd water. But
tho opening of the nu)
bade adieu to all sua Tt
As far as tho olemeul
will havo her own W;
..t, 4l.n- l...nn.1 1...
.ViLUViltUl IIUJ UiKl JJU, j.
tore o nuance auu trsarj
ing agent, and It is wolu
to noint tobrlebteuiir n
. . .
vlving, coundenco th
lered is being rcstori1
resuming more rapid
currency is becomii'
and tho banked-up f,
naees aro being unco'
and looms of indtistr
When tho clouds roll
doing, wo shall havo
ous days of not long
Senate, instead of wi
speeches, will act pn
questions before it,
e a t
I Of nn Vlrrliim.
' -It. 1. Shortly after tho
Mruira eifiployed in the
t i iporatcd by tho ller-
'eoiipaiiy, near Pnnksu
mcounty, lintl gone to
dlhied by the cry of flro,
i ftient reigned anionic
Inritv of tlinm mnrtn
h I . ' . . .
PaMls"lre started, it Is bo-
"usiioss of miners work
ej ooms spread through
wining rnpiuty and
e li
; -fiiues aim nis two sons.
ltt0?L"hd It is believed they
.6eeftlo companlos from tliis
fTHiondod to tho call for
?!rtping water iuto tho
cxungulsuinL' tho
Tho change iu t
Schuylkill Traction
HicKALu yesterday,
ia 11
fo, nlinhBster I'nlltlclnn. 1. v. J. Hunter.
Noc jtlclnn, committed sul.
jiuroliself. A few days ago
s My! transactions wero
lie nst Hunter, and he
n ,, In tbo meautimo his
emcunonsenoiu goods and
ptt, supposed that Hunter
onij jinff rne uotuo uesertcil
,nh nniial On tine-
persons to express th Sept. 1. Fully 15,000
of tho retiring oillclu '""N'WtlUrd annual picnic of
a prominent gentle-1,1?"! Faor8' oclation
, ., . irtHcilesterdny, Tho crowd
Scheme on tho part lth j nJ 1Utene(1 attentively
the reeponsibillty of)ghii Henry S. Harris'
ijuent damages. TlHoil. 1. Opdykc, state secre-
accusation against t)i"8 h e? Farmers' alliance,
at all versed in its at16' told thB farmers why
tho chango in manre''.
contemplation for txiB It,tfrANIA DAY.
it is a disputed quelm; s,
chauiro in manaKOiikuo te 'd Ily reunsylvnnla
company of suits of ir'nttf1 "'iauy.
J rrj- ommision having decid-To-day
is Labor Dt ftcmbcr 7tb, as tho day
holiday, and, moreo) 18t"i have formally celebrat-
day, it was largely jd,s 1 Pennsylvania Day, tho
6onforamoro thaujgn.Dad Company, in pursu
that there aro morotheiijtom, t3kes pleasure in an
than ever before, sin oufcc(o benollt of those wishing
augurated, and bujuG 5 attCnd tho ceremonies,
""Kate of nun film CnT Mm
ior , ; . .. " "
nnMdu irom an points situat-
tror,,, "nos within tho borders
ploycrs as a rule did
tho shutters and joi
tho day.
Considerable of th
blown from tho tree:
while a largo propoihcce.
on the ground, mosli
of the ground
Oysters 1J now iu
Picsbyterlau churcl
u " fcasion will be good only
lct leaving Philadelphia at
'iber 5th, and reaching
'Harrisburg 3 00, Lewis-
Uent, Altona 7 00,
VWUI DC uiuuo
uuit mi
Eev. John Lynn fur''ld connections may
ayer service on ' 1 u ti0 "ranches of
at inter-
tho train
B? nimposltlou of
Tim Union final ctL v' nuara coaches, and ample
atlons at its Scott elilna tj ue provided for all who"
days. Only ono slP Jf a of tu0 opportuuily of
present. 1 r8 lu an event so momorit-
Willlam Rimokitl1";;-)rati0'1 of Keystono
Carmel for killing of! Columuian Exposition,
striking him on thejtted !oao(1 by '" special tran
September opeutdbinMoon of the noxt day,
The Lehigh Val $,turn coupons will be
reduced its floatf r s tralus leaving Chicago
i M. on or before Septem'
What lie Sees and Ileum During Ills
No baso ball player In tho ilvo counties has
received as much nowspapcr notoriety this
year as Sctley has. Tho Bloomtburg ttepub
Ucan is tho latest to como out with a chapter
and incorporates in tho latter part of it somo
advice Sctley should not fall to hood. Tho
JUpublican says :
"On last Saturday Pitcher Sstley was re
leased by tho management of tho Bloom base
ball team, and at tho same time tho authorities
at Danville woro notified that they wanted to
be roleased from his ball bond, whereupon
Policeman Thomas was notified to lake him
In custody nnd bring him to Danvlllo,
where ho was lodged in Jail. Somo In
dividual members of the olub and
groat many citizens thought tho cjmrgo
against Sctley was unjust and Chas. Sbafler
ou Monday had a Mibtcription paper drawn
uji and the monoy nearly all subscribed to
pay tbo claim against Set ley and have Mm
released irom jail. During the game on
Tuesday with Bollofoute, Setley put in anap,
pearanco in custody of an officer, and made
himself so obnoxious with his conduct that
his friends dropped tbo matter and it lookod
for a tlmo as if ho would havo to go back to
jail, but ho took tho matter in hand and
through tho magnanimity of our citizens h
ruiseu an our, inreo uollars ol enough monoy
to settle his caso. This should bo a warning
to factloy to nover go back on his friends."
Tho "old vets" who havo been on tho an
ious bench since tho present Administration
started in to arbitrarily cut off pensions, may
sit with comfort now, as tho pension depart
went, upon second thought, hit upon a inoro
conservative course. Hereaftor thero will bo
no suspension of pensions except In cases
whero tbo record shows on its faco that tho
soldier was not entitled to any pension what-
Tho announcement In to-day's papers that
Nmicy Hanks yosteiday trotted a milo at
i-lectwood race track, Now York, in 2:00!
caused considerable talk in town, many peo
pie erroneously jumping to tbo conclusion
that the time is tho best on record. Nancy
llanks trotted a milo in 2:01 last year.
Grand Army Day will be celebrated at Al
lentown on October 5tb, next, and it Is un
ucrstood that Wutkin Waters Post, of town
will send a strong representation to tako part
in tbo ceremonies. Tho dull times have made
it impossible for many of tbo bojs in blue to
enjoy ploi.sure trip3 this season, but they
count upon a chango for thebetter inamonth
or so, and If it comes Shenandoah will bo woll
rcpicsontcd at Allen town.
McEIhenny's saloon and restaurant, cornci
Wblto and Centre streets. Best of everything
l'ont (Illicit Nollco.
To-morrow (Labor- Day) tho postofllce will
ho open until 12 o'clock, noon. Tho carriers
will make tho 7 and 10 a. m. deliveries and
collections, lirownsvlllo, Yatesvillc, Ellon
gowan and lurkoy I!ua will bo served with
tho 7 a. m. dolivcry.
Buy Keystone Hour. Bo snro that the
namo Lbssio & Bakr, Ashland, Pa., is
printed on overy sack. 3-3-3taw.
r:OIl SALE. Tho Shcotz property, K. Lloyd
' street, and property at Urownsvllle.
ni ju, m. liuiiKis, Attorney.
NOTICE. My wife. Mary Agnes Downham,
havlne left my bed and board. I bomhv
Ktve notice that I will not bo responsible for
uy uuuia ixjmrueiuu uv ner or ov mv nn mrpn
nftn. 1,Iq .Int.
8 23 61 " WM. DOWNHAM.
Shenandoah, Pa., Aug. 29, 1803.
Boots and Shoes
I will close out my ontiro stock of Boots
and Shoes, Hats and Caps at prices re
gardless of cost, as I intend to go into
another business,
29 North Main St., Shenandoah
US Sll
$500,000 since its s'
Ing, and such of th
fallen duo during
been paid off have
favorable terms.
The next holida',,f
Day. ?"
John Geddling ais n0
both of Haven I? thoLburK ralr
unucu in main moi r
Capt. J. F. Ballejusli
as President of theW 8
for this excursion ' and
JmI In tho train Bervlco
pjiia system, will doubtless
,oi ny tne many Penn
anxious to show tho pride
native State. .
still retains that
Electric Railway i
In the intuit of
object of bis .ci: I'
road betv , -n this u-
a spei .V cou.pli.tioP'
City yu,ierday.
id v
of Charles and Cas:
Funeral on Sunday
iruiu tue uuniiy II Kn
street. Relatives aLt. U
vued to attend.
u of the Schuylkill County
y will be held at Orwigs-
0, 7 and 8. The sporting
s excellent and the exhib
Special attractions. Bal-
nmni1it,ia .1 n 1 1 t
hnrfl ""l"""f uy
r.Y'!,n,y of races. Don't fall
For sixty days- Ij
will euo a 10x18 p
'oren i,t $3 al
Ipt, 11 Died,
uta enandoah, on Aunust 30th.
8.fa 31 years. Funoral will
1. e doceased's late residence
n tier a, at a o'clock. Rela-
wpoctfully invitwl to at-
8 31.8t
and crayons at Dabb's.
d lack llallroail.
oaul'n-"e tMSBOt, Manch
hs. r "-'ow,! "-0. mis; nar
li tie -u nun! Hill,
s a' l,3j, t) ifi p jd Bun-
We will receive daily, direct
from the orchards, one carload
of choice Jersey Peaches. Call
early if you want good fruit at
low prices.
J 24 N. Main S'., Shenandoah, Pa.
I beg to Inform the public that I have pur
chased the
lately owned by William Ramer. and will con
duct It for the benefit of my customers, A
share of your patronage is solicited.
1 main,
( Formerly with Wm. Derr) 12 W. Centre St.
I can always be had at
and Market Sts.
ojr. Lloyd
t Beer. Ale sod Porter and Unest Olesrs
Vnnbu1 Nlto-r-ttritnt -uH
17 8. Main Strx.
J$ ; Fintsl Brands of Winw, AVhiakeys and Cigarj,
Freeh Beer, Porter and Ale
aiwajs on tap
5 and 7 Iff. Genirs Street,
Dives; Pbem and Stewart
To make room for new fall yoods which
. are soon to arrive, we have marked down our
prices on all summer goods, and in order to do
so quickly, have cut deep. Saturday, Septem
ber 2d, is "Labor Day." On that day and the
Friday morning- previous, we will make surprising-
reductions all over our big store. Not
only in one department, but in all depart
ments. Price is no object.
COMMENCING in our Millinery Department you will
find offers unparal'oled by oth rs olsewhsre. Exam
ino tho JJeautiful Picturos at prices less ihan balf their
valuo. In our Coat Jtoom you will find bargains in Ladies'
Muslin Underwear, Lsco Curtains, Chonlllo Curtains, a
fow Summer Wraps, etc. Coming into tho main storeroom
you will see bargains right and left in DrefB Goods, Notions,
Fancy Goods, Uudcrwear (Isdios' and gent's), Hosiery,
Linens, Laces, Embroideries, Corsets, Gloves, etc. Exam
ination with observation aro tho two best means of 1 oing
able to apprcciato theFo offers. Como early and mako your
soloctlonE, as tbo best will not bo tho last.
The details of this special sale will be
more fully explained through the medium of
the press. Watch for a circular at your door,
as circulars will be distributed all over the
county. Don't fail to read it. The time
morning of September 1st, and all day Sep
tember 2d, 1893.
1 H
1 Pre, wroy ail SteiartJ
n 5
U mm iur txd' UI MkJU34BU
TraiYTawr-eM" m
1 & jaaiYJJ .VtSt JtXa
GEOIIQE MILI.E11, Wanagor.
-Hickory Baskets!
All Shapes and Sizes.
Also Breton Lunch Baskets. J
M Anrxr ninn nr nt 'rrtiinfr Nnta ... I, w. I, :ii . ...
v, utiio nuiui iv o wm purs company with at
9. to. j-neso aro largo anu in lour uiiierent decorations. "7o
havo whacked another big chunk oil tie price of Mason's Jars.
John F.Ploppert,
Bread, Cake and Pie Bakery !
E. Centre Street, Shenandoah.
Base Balls,
Foot Balls,
A full line of Stationery,
Blank Books, etc.
Russet Shoe Laces!
Russet Shoe Dressing!
lO "W. Oontro iE3t.,
JOHN I. TJtljajlsiK.
Public Notice!
Notice ia hereby given that persons destroy
ing or, detaining beer kegs will be prosecuted
as provided by tbo VUt oi Assembly sBpror
Browera' AaeoolaHnn.
Btirwidcs r Juris 0, U9I, ly
No. 207 West Coal Street,
Porter, Ale and
Fine Old Stock Ale.
In the Market.
Prices per Ton, Delivered:
nini i'itii...iti . . w
EQG COAL .. , m
Orders mir ba loft nt un.,rt,.i .
aMHouthMs'ln streit" -i,or
Bakery and Confectionery Store,
ixi n. Ju. Ma wtreer,
fakt 5 nnd iy,oA .1,1. - -
la. v V (UlUCLllUlV UI Uii KlndH .lun t.U I. .
I - ' . 1 a .cli
ou band.
s siwayi