The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, September 01, 1893, THIRD EDITION, Image 3

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    . . . . . ...mir i niQTPH'Ss HiV! wmi-Or.. I I , I VI I J 1 t X I . . i IlU
i utiri' v 11 -
mm ism.
Four Pakco Oars Go Through a
Bridge at Ouostor, Masa,
The Unglne, which Win the Largest on
tlm ltnail, Drops Flrt mid th Curs
Were riled Uiion It, One Above Another.
It enriches tho blood and civM lastlns
It Is muranteed to euro Dfarrtiffia, Dy-
rntcrr, and nil Bummer vompiauus, iuw
Lowell regnUr. . , ,ffin
BOia Dy an uruaai... v " -'" -
itreneiu. lb i
aont to a bl"ou stato of tbo By;tem. (Mh i
DizilnoBS. Nausea, Drowsiness, Distress alttr
.JunSfFaln in tbo Bide. etc. While their most
remarkable) success lias boon shown In curing
Headache, yet Carter's Llttlo Liver Tills are
ocuallT vaWablc , In ?W' and pre-
coTroct Tall l disorders "ol tho stomach, stimulate tho
liver and regulate tho bowols.
i:ven If thor only
Ache thor would be almost priceless to those who
suffer from this dlstressinK complaint! but lortu
natelv their goodness does not end hero, andthso
able In so many ways that they will not be wll
Una to do without them, But after all sick hoad
. . . llwa. iliat liam ( aliOM
we make our great boast. Our puis euro it while
"'carter's Ultlo Liver rills are very small and
very easy to take. One or two pills make a doso.
They are strictly vegetable and do not gripe or
Dureo, but by their gentle action please all who
nsethem. In vials at 25 cents! nvo for $1. Sold
by druggists overywhero. or sent by mall.
There's no such thorough cleanser of dirt,C
healer of cuts and bruises as
because of its high percentage of tat
JAS. S. KJISIC & CO., CbicrtBO.
Whlto Russian Soap ViiiiSiS
vOltiiSELF I
liuuuuicunjiu wuuuiruuiSi IT
ri'Jl.A, YVMlftfi Pn.rmttn.rhn.T
ornvumiatu':mi ItschargeaBk
Illtr 42. It rurpft in
itflihoutthcrUor publicity of e
l!o',tor. Non-poisonous anol
enarnnteed not to stricture
n.c Universal America Curt,
Mannfaotute! by
OliwiMl (
Colvin, La,, Deo. 9, 1880. My wlf o ue
MOTHER'S FRIEND before her thirc
oonflnemGnt, and eays eho would not bi
without it for hundreds of
Sent by eoipress on receipt of price, J1.C0 per boi
tie. Boole " To Mothers " mailed free.
torn mn.Lt avAUDnuoaiaTs, ATLMITAi QA
Cnnivnvrnl Ti Atn.a Ront.. 1. Tim Clll-
cago limited express for Boston broke
through a Iran iron oriogo on uie nuaiuu
and Albany railroad, one nnd a half miles
east of Chester yesterday nfternoon, and
lour wngner cars were crusueu, Mmft u
least thirteen persons nnd fatally Injuring
several others, while nt least a score are
Tho list ot Itlentllleu noau nro ns iouuwni
T v rionitt tnrlnniV AIn.. nriwldcnt of
the Union Mutual Life Insurance com
pany; T. K. Kelly, or Uoston; JUiss ousie
Cotclng, of Boston; Mrs. C. B. Iiham, of
l'hiladeldhla; Miss Emma Dclerty, of
UOlUmlJUS, U.; tl. U. 1VCS, ui vuiuwu,
Frank Sedgwick, of Palmer; Express Mes
senger John McMastcrs, of Springfield;
. -r - v- 1 r r nn.1te1i
it r t
N Y.; UaggaRemnster ueorfio iiui-o,
Ul JJUSIUU, nfe..v -
Stacbpole. of Hartford. Conn.; H C Hitch-
cock, oruetiows runs, vi,
la tlm worst over known on
the railroad. Tho bridge was being
strengthened for the big locomotlvos, nnd
the worklngmen who were putting on the
lnlna nrnra nt. flinnpr Wliell the CHlsh
enme. Tho locomotive passeu over mo
structure, but wus smashed, the water
Inn1r kflllil. lit.nti'n n Inner rlUtfince. The
tJCill luiuiiiiH U"IJ
buffet, two sleepers nnd a dining car wore
smashed to piocos wnen 1110 siruun. mo
i-..,.tt- font, lininw. lint the dav
B!1DWI1 wivnJ u.v.., -".J .
coaches and a smoker In the rear did not
loave the track. It is bolleveu that tuero
nM t,rr. mnrn lmrlina In Mm rillllS.
ta u.w . --
The shrieks of the Imprisoned were mosi,
terrible, nnd scores of peoplo looked on
completely unnerved. The heroes of tho
.-.-. Tli. r!nnrrrn Ti Wnral. of ColllnS-
villo, who went to the train to meet his
wife, and tho colored porrer nna wmiura
In the dining car, who, although bruised
and cut, did splendid work. The village
peoplo soon recovereu irora me suutn. mm
were hard at work. The hospital was a
group of apple trees In an adjoining
orchard, where scores were taken. Ox
toams arrived with loads of straw, cush-
t l.nrl.l!r.rr nnrl tnnA
Mrs. John Howard, ol lioston, wuose
,,... noma Ic Tfntfla Wnnrlmril. was Ono
of the live saved In the sleeper next In
front of the dining car, which was the
worst wrecked. She lelt Aioany, wiiero
the John L. Sullivan company had ap
peared the night before.
The injured are being cared ior Dy me
people of Chester. Tho train was running
at an ordinary rate of speed ns it, left Al
bany on time, nnd nothing of danger was
feared until the moment uie oriiigo
under the weight of the locomotive. Tho
river bed is some ten or twelve feet below
the bridge. Tho engine went turougn
first, and four palace cars were plied upon
it, ono nbove another.
Superintendent Uono, 01 unester, wuo
has charge of the Mountain division of tho
road, took charge of the wreck, and with
...toinnon nf tlm nirtrn. pucftnes and sec-
liUU (waiiju.iivu . " " n
tion hands here did much towaru clearing
away the wreck beforo the arrival of tho
wreckers from Springfield. The physl-
iiiinttnnrnn nrriviMi mi luu kuuuu
and did much to relieve tho sufferings of
the Injured. The scene 01 me accmeui. ia
but a short distance below Chester, and is
just below the steep grade going up tho
The buffet oar and two sleepers area
total wrsck. The bridgo was a two span
lattice structure, 221 feet long, and was
built in 1674.
Thelll fated train was one of tho fastest
expresses on the road, stopping only at
Pittsfleld from Albany to Springfield. It
carries the largest engine and best cars of
any train running west or. apringuem.
A Wreck In Texns.
Tlnrv-TT A Xf TW Sunt. 1 . A ROlltll bound
JJiH"' ill .
ii.t fvnln lnnilpil with mnrcliniidIso was
wrecked and partly burned about ten
miles from here, on the utm, ouiorauuuuu
BuuU i'e railroad. A prairie flro had
burned a long piece of traek, nnd as the
train came along at tue rate 01 i,uiri,y
miles an hour it dashed Into a wide creek.
Jnek Swanson, tho engineer wns killed
nnd Flremnn Cumeron and Brnkemnu
Ford were fatally injured. Two unicnown
tramps were killed and anumherof others
are reported to be in the ruins.
lord Salisbury In riirllnment.
T rtTT,vr fiant 1 T.nVll SllllsblirV Bn-
IJU.1 Wll KJivt . w
peared in the house of lords yesterday for
the first time since his recent illness. He
has fully recovered, ns was shown by his
unusunl energy in dobate. He spoke at
length agninst tue oetiermum ;iuioo
...i.tVi tv.a iinncn nt rnmiTinnH had insorted
in the Iioudon improvement bill. The
amendments containing uie clauses wtru
then rejected. This action will strain still
further the relations between the lords and
tho commons, already rendered tense oy
tho prospective disagreement of the house
t.An... l.ill Afr nitiilBtnne lins
UU HID UUIUBIU.O ...... ... w
decided to take a fortnight's holiday on
Monday next.
ti. riinlxru in Kncrlnnd uiul lluncary.
nriSriivnTiw Can, 1 RuriTivin nneml
1X7 ,1m iviurlnn IinmiitAl Service.
has received a cablegram from Surgeon Ir
win, at London, swung tnai cuoiern iuo-
vailed at Grimsby, Knglauu. in tue iiwi,
twenty-four hours 138 fresh cases of cholera
and 87 deaths have been reported In Hun
gary, the cases occurring chiefly In Sza-
boles, Kunszolnok and and szaimar.
The Vrentlmr.
Easterly winds: fair in the interior; light
rains on the coast.
IlnndreiU of Sl' Women, 'tillilrrn and
Cattlo Jyle i ntntvHtmii.
China, Just urrlvetl from Hong Kong and
Yokohnmn, brings me inimmuu nurn.Tr.
Very sad accountM of blood and fnmlne
come from north Chlnn, and the distress
among tho peopio is lerruue. in uvh
chaug men, women, children nnd cattlo
are dying of starvation by hundreds, and
ns many ns thirty fatal cases of cholera
nre reported ns taking place in the city
dally. , , , ,.,
While the Dutch steamer Hnjah Atje.
trading lietwcen Pennng and the ensi
i ni.ABn wim imikltipn trln lecentlv
vulval, ui aum.Ti.ip " 19 -.- - -
tho Chlnoso pntsengers roe and attneked
the cVew. Thoy killed the English enp
...i main nnd twentv others, who
tniii -
,,-miMv Avlntln. TIlOV nlso
wounded fifteen others of the passengers
i .iiai. tliiaulnuirhtnrthe Chinese
nun vjioi,. " : r ... .,
iri n. .(.nitipr In boats, tnkln'j- with them
sevorul onptives. The stea.uer atterwaid
foil Into Dutch hands.
a Ht. I'nul ltnnk ltoblicr Cmmlit.
Mow Vnmr Rent. 1. Chief of Police
John C. McGinn, of St. Paul, arrived here
with requisition papers ior tno purpose ot
A-i.i i...a1f .lt1i liltn tlm t1irA ninn Ci
ttlKlUK uiiui. ...... -
hen, Tomllnson and uiiiospie wno weio
.... ,t(inlr.!nn nf lipltllT t.Vin thrflfi
arri'SLBu ni.r.lf.w... ---- " "
men who snatchud n bag containing 5,0(X)
in gold from n ot. i-uui casuiur. ivuin
McGinn, howover, upon looking at the
men found that nut one 01 tnem whr uii
gaged in tho robbery, he being Cohen,
alias Miller, justice lanin men uw
charged the remaining two.
T Himself Ten Tlm is,
nr...TnciiiTM,i Tn Ri.nt. 1. .liinietH Kre-
mo , a prominent builder nnd con'.rnctor
of Orwigsbinu, is lying in nit, iuiuu ui
death, tho result of n desperate nttompt to
end his own life. He has live holes in his
abdomen, two in his hoad, two in his right
arm, and one in his left arm.
Caused by
Tlm mnlnrllv nf
they should. Kvidf
itior ilnilv. Wnrintr
n - r:o
con.'oqucnco of life ;
conditions 01 living!"
Dr. Stephen Smith
" Man is horn to lit
easo Is unnatural,
.itro. U accidental, a:
by human agencies."
i my truo 01 drain i
ease. Careless ore
use of tea, codec, toh
utimulants nro gene
uiuicuiiy, nnu inoinc
suits in Etiddcn ticnti
Hi;; in death. By ti
seen that many pron
nereons In urivnto .
ease every day.
ll you linvo nnyi 1
toms: shortness of hi
ninr puisc. minting
pain In shoultlcr, a ,'
ankles, etc., begin trc
heart disease, it you
nay ho tcrious. '
for over 20 year,'
the eminent specialist I
study of heart diseasi)
and many of the lead'
direction arc duo to
(Aire is nhsolutclv thijl
for the euro of near)
tiy thousands of teetii
pi rsons who havo usci
.1 nines A l'nin, editor ti
'.ites! "Alter on arrnrj
iiot'ihs of laRrlpr,! fc-,
tons irom m'uvi uuww
He Speaks Against the Repeal of
tho Shonnau Law,
At Do3ton: Doston, 7; Chicago, 0.
At New York (llr-t game): New Yori,
0; St. Louis, 3.
At New York (second game): New York,
8; St. Louis, 1. .,,,
At Brooklyn: urooKiyn, e; jouisviue, o.
At Philndulphla: I'hllndeipnia, i-ius-
brf?.3. . ... ,
At Baltimore; liaitimore, ii; viol-
lnnd, 0. ' ,
At Washington: Cincinnati, 2; Wash
ington, 1.
At York: Heading. 4; "Vork, 2.
At Wilktsbarre: Wllkt starre, 10; Provi
dence, 2.
At Blnghamton: Springfield, 3: Bine-
Ii.mIah 1
At Altoonn: Altoonn, iz; Aiieniown, w.
At Johnstown: Easton, B; Johnstown, 2.
At Scranton: Harrisburg, 12; Scran-
ton, 11.
At Buffalo: UuU'alo, i; Troy, u.
, i r ( (ma T rno tllinVttn t
iuilmypiilM3beat from t
I men usea nr. nines- n
M, cc became stronger. J.
.a ol.ln tn iirtc na linliiT'.
ilny, my puiso ranglnK flfc
renietiv is nui uiuy u iuuvv
lir. Miles' Now Heart (I
"Ists on ft posltlvo Kuir4
Mptllml Co., Elklmtt, Init
per lioltlo, six for , cxpd,
tivelv free from opiates oi.
Mlloi" Pills 9 rents. Frf
l.rtr..lll. h
A Well-known Sol-
lent and Journal-
a Disclosure.
her thousands of bravo
il no state bears n bot
pect than It does, In
pldlj actjulrlng av.
war and Uteratuiu
Known ns a writer as
norablo position. Ihir
ivus a member of Co. M,
if the 13th Indiana In
xardtiiK an Imixirtant
ns follows:
oteran burn aro using
Nervine, Heart Cure
Ills, all of 1 1 lom Klvitift
In fart, we have never
mpare with them. Of
they nro the best com
s required In a pivp-
we liave ever known.
Is of praise for thorn.
!h of a new principle in
p the syslom nontler
try those roniodles."
rltm, Intl., Dee. fi, 18B2.
ild by all ilnmKl.sts on
ir sent tllroet by the
ICIkhart, Inil., on re
nin, six bottles IS, ox
Itlvoly contain neither
Cnli Kinbars" to bo Hnlseil.
POTTSVILLE, Pa., Sopt. 1. A prominent
banker hero tmid today that he was in
formed by his Philadelphia correspondent
that next week the Philadelphia banks
would raise the ombnrgo on currency, nnd
ca.di all checks as pre-euttd tho same as
before tho prevailing stringency began.
llPlilli f Mine fileuou.
Boston, Sept. 1. M chuel G'.cnson, well
known in Bporting clrc'i-, died here, ageifl
10 yeurs. He wiv i.kiitiul at a
. ...irlor nml n.."iri (vr i :i I v-. ,i- one o Johb
I,. Sullivan'- niu u i. i I..-HO .import
er's in tile P.""" r
Head What Sir. Fred Wallace lias to Say.
Mayers Drue Co., Oaltlan, Ma.
QBNTMtMBN: I wish to express my appre
ciation oi tne rooms in yuur LumuM vuw.
have suffered with catarrh for nvo years, and
can truly say it has givon me more relief thau
any other medlolno I have trlon, and it will un-
aouoteuir oueut u iioriuuuciiv vuiu.
needs Is a fair nnd Impartial trial to establish
us uuiversimiy. v vry "."', .
iuiu uiu.i .... ...
It has oured Mr. Wallace of one of tho worst
cases of ohtarrn on record, witn a neuvy uih
chareo of the throat. One bottle is guarant-ied
. - t,i n,V,AKiir4aA nn ihnTVfl.
I U UUm. 1 I Will WUIV JUU uiuvi " " ' o
roriiaie uy an uruMViui. -iww.
a L.i. nrt .nro .nro rnrnntiirrh ananfiv fever
Is Mayers Magnetlo Catarrh Cure. A three
months' treatment for 1, and absolutely
guarauteod. It U used by vapor Inhalation,
and Is the only medicine that reaches tho
$L00 per Bottle
Croup promptly; rcllovca Whooping Cougn.
and AnUirua. For Consumption It has no
rival: has cured thousands where all others
failed; will cuius you if taken In time, bold
by Druggists on a Buarnntee. FOTLamenacK
or Cheat, use BlULOH'S l'l-ASTEIt. 25ct8.
-Kciammrmiynr, , :
liavo you CJiuirrn i miBreuiwiiio Kuu
teed to cure you. rnco Wcta. Injector free.
DR. J. B.
1015 Arch S"i.?
Eosa ni once, no operati c
1108-5, ttUABWU i luuu mi
-winrt nnn tM!; f 'IHt ofl-C-?.
(,trlotlvcotaV-.tiM. fen
lieun entirely circti cf I
JlAYEtv'S ins vj hum ;
m i i-jUr v:Ttvltnn ll
8. jonasiWijti, jvcum
A. A. yiJlUJWi i:iujf, X'Y"
vt atviall 7 '.nnt. Altrt
Jas. f)avisF!ttville,-!'.'na'
h. II. Kun::l, VSl I.lmlen
-00 V. WIV.l, UBIM mi,
j n :i.,m. hi H inthFt
Lsvl-aoT.', Woodbinr!
o J. Delle'.t, l is. kid St..
u.nal tf'.nrtf. 7 (lltt Pt.. KdU
i ' p Jt;uik Cley, Her
,T Oensehelrae', Clayton, I
'. K. Uaiienh wr, 1100 U
i). 0. Piper, 733 Pearl St.. n
. . f:r.iti. i 1 filnitfiestc:
ii. ;hv. V'iii-ua Avenue
i -.r. ,ln-..:n T-hllrt.
V;u Oil, !M4 jrontroieSt
TIi )'ii is B. Hanung. Jew
,1-ni .,nl Vnt.-n RL. I1
( i A; 'y.v i)jl Pnntl St.
it. a. dla dcy, iii Spruce St,
A, ei.iioiiier, i "ouei. uiv,
i, n v.M! 1 I ,r, kl1n 1. O..
n , i .ii-'- .'imrrtvn 15
... -rt".' v..K r I 'A'ot lilnifi
John u. Lvrae mu uonnni
tibfts K.iiit'i, 4:a Greenwich
i. iJUr';!i i'-l ' 3 Lr cut St..
C f '"eh 1. i.ouglasvliic,
ita..,.. 1 1. aha nllstnwll
r, l ,t iJ.MfllMlP. WIS.
,Vm l.B!b Jlaas 8'9 Tayto
Al.rod Hol"y, Philllruure.
K. Mairlll. Clln Lock. 1-httB
John Shuiie.''ic;.oid e. . 0., W
... n.i...At 1 iMi.ivirt I'A.
1YK1. t..i.liiiiw.
K cr v'ree, 200t Palcthorp Si
if. s. t'realv. Dil7 KorthZna
pwia'lel'i rn-" Is c'.oec
d! ..uai.M.i .".-'I if. J-B;
llrtn.. . 117 I'll . t1
ncr--on ir. liiut- lutycntij?
rench 'if all. (Mil nnd get c
ii.iMn. . frvim nut c.t ,T
tr!a'tnicnt and return homo t
on or delay from lnifl
ido of cuicf. cndori''
s and rromliHiil. e!ll
Cnusultatlon free nnd
h.k. to 3 p.r.
( ftllfimnnv lli.. l.n..n
tr.upturo by lJK. J. 11.
h Broad St., riilln.
flic, la.
11 1'. O , Kelts Co., l'a.
Iimrc I'o.
nitn, Col. Co., I'a.
N.J. .
ward, l'lilla.
1. St , Allentown, Pp.
vry. Ph.
y,N. J.
L. Heading, Pa.
'ith Eoslon, l'a.
rl f Co , I'h.
N. J.
blnndilA Avri.. t.i
Icndhij. Pa.
.1. i-. &
j, V. of Morris street,
Ringgcld, Pa.
P.cadlnir. Pa.
Jt Lebanon. Ta.
i-Vb Ci Tn
iiWvll'n lfi
cton St . Beading. Tn.
Id 8t.,U(:rtislurg.Pa.
14 St., Phila.
., Kenain, rn.
Berks Co., pa.
1, Pa.
lor St.. Camden, K-J.
r, i. j,
i.-terCd. r,
rmuntow 1., Phlla.
iuong.. uo., in.
St rhlla.
1:. Mayer Mncat tho
Jtn give lit'iitmeut to
liil.. UU'
, fT treatment Is in
of ti'wn enn rccolvo
p tho tai oduy.
includes tho great temperance drink
delicious to the taste,
and strengthening t(
mado in ONE MI
c, invigorating
to the body,
INUTE from
Paid admissions to the fair yesterday
were 147,084.
Secretirv Lnmont has left Sorrento for
At Fleetwood Park, N. J., yesterday
Nanoy Hanks broke the track record by
t.lirpn KonnntlH. itinktmr tho mtlo in 2.06f.
Brevet Brigadier General Chauncey Mo-
tieever, tno senior assistant aujiuimi. &w
crnl of the United States urmy, was yester
rinv nlnmd on tho mtirod list.
nUia T?..lll. nnii.mmniif.linD finmnlltl?ll
a n nfr.uiiiianl iwltli tliaTfnl, atttainitliln liml
railway oompan lee to continue sending the
American mails via Qtiesiutovvn.
M ' I . 1 1 1 l-f. 1. 1 1 f ii InttiiranM nnitinlinl(i4
which have their head otlces In New York
city have decided to auvanca tue rate oi
Interest on bond and mortgage loans to (
kit gives New Life to the Old Folks, ,
I'icusuru iu iuu j-
Health to the Children.
k Good for AU-Cood All the Time.
p nA lyluA J5 cent package makt t Fivy
riOO North Vourlh St., b.!ow
OOO oi?;'" I'IhImWiiIiI uin
UKlIThflltlS , Alii ki loimir,
iiuuuie Biceii nnu mw wi u.,1 i.. .
If you HuttVr finm any- jroutlirul
fully of IndUirHlim. '' Hi"
oi ttoeiii'Miv ,w.m.. .
conflduntiul licfttnieiit. tlii coii
eult DR. C. F. THEBU, or nil
nvo 8rt MiUHliK fnr bciok rni'li
-amw j,o expcrliucul. no tuiiuro ni'ii.
to muni Mm. Ixidlnir iiew8li"ilT nionouiu liliii
the only truo anil uwiiilnp a(lvi-rtlliiif lali-t
Uuncka and pH.lulUt aw haUuu.-.H in
tttnint or oit otuM of Uloo.1 l'olion, oroiula
HtVleturM, eta., for mime of JIS.OOO. Hour. Uall .
toSiev'elTo to Hi Wed. and sit ov'lw.o tolOi 8un
Say. allda. VrUh Caw. ourod to 10 ily.
rr,t fin eta for a Ml P
Freo saznplo oa application U
MIR NIT nt .
it, - ' w " " -
.txrara i
. IT
Y pound package.
a to tnanuzaotaren.
. w. H Haters
. . i ... i K.i wh.t, 111. nun
Aru PUlUDlliuwil UVIW, ww. " "X . ;J ' v7
pie are told twice that at OaUaEber's
Cbeap OaaU Btore tbey oan buy Flour and
Tea at lower rates ttian anywhere In this
. . ...... - a tA ,.u, lha fmtVi if
the oft rewmtad itory. Full lloeotGrc-
eerlee, ButMr and B(gi, Fowtoeo, uree
1 ruck , Hay aa straw.
Sallathei's Cheap Cash Store
The only SDRE ROACH Df Is
. . . ,of rts, Roaches
Weeuarantittoridll.ohouof, BuoSi
mfi P.r.l.n
ebestinuie market for
bum, Ant. Moths,
ci. kw n nnnnltli Be sure
Sold only la botU, our Tpadc M
MtnU,nlVby O. MAURE
Wni r t a r"
lNcoT4jaiid get UMMMilae.
Mahk oaeach.
5r . i.i.MM
Titinlv nil at aaft
itad by
Tlm Vi'lPinn OhimIIiiu Hliitn.niiin Snys
tlm fluid ltiiR. Are KriinslllH fur Our
Ciirri-nrj- Troiililin Niiinliiutliins Con
IIiiihmI by tin, Briiut.
Wasihkoton, Sent. 1. The house hill to
! repeal the purchasing clause of tho Sher
man nci -rot iairiy under way yesterday in
tho senate. It wo taken up early in the
morning hour to aivo an opportunity to
Mr. Vance, of North Carolina, to make a
speech aRalnst it. Mr. Vance is one of the
Democratic minority member of the
finance committee, and for an hour and
forty minutes he kept his batteries of wit,
humor and sarcasm playing upon the
meiuuro and upon the members nf hlsown
party for supporting and advocating it.
He prefaced his remarks with the state
ment that the great law of supply and de
mand operated in regard to money just as
it did to everything else.
When money was abundant prlcos wore
high; when It was scarco the prices of all
products were low. Therefore, he that In
created the abundance of money beuellted
production and advanced prices and
wngos, though by combination and de
fensive measures in many parts of the
world wages are effected less than pro
ducts. The effect upon the condition of man
kind which would follow the destruction
of ono-hnlf of the currency of the world,
amounting in the aggregate to $7,300,000,
000, it would ho Impossible accurately to
describe. Still this rirocoss of destruction
has been going on quietly since 18T2, and
its result is seen in prices lower in many
things than lias ever been known in tho
memory of man.
The speaker thon went Into the history
of tlie demonetisation of silver. Ho said
that tills movement for repeal was tho re
sult of a conspiracy among the money
holders of the world. The method of the
nttaok was by the creation of a panic. Tho
departure ot gold from this country same
time ago had been attributed to the Sher
man law; If so, the Sherman law surely
brought it back, too. Membersof congress
on both sides wanted gold and silver
coined on equal terms, according to their
platforms, ho they slopped coining silver.
The senator referred in mot sarcastic
terms to the inconsistency of such actions.
If such au interpretation of the Demo
cratic platform had been announced dur
ing the campaign ho was quite sure Mr.
Cleveland could not have carried a sincle
electoral vote south of tho Potomac river.
Senator Vauca acknowledged that the re
peal hill would pass, but he asked what
would be done with the remainder of the
Democratic platform in the face of one
promise broken.
When lie got through his entertaining
speecli an effort was mado to simplify the
further parliamentary line of proceeding
in tho consideration of tho bill by having
the committee's substitute adopted pro
forma, so that all amendments to beof
fered might he amendmentsln the first de
gree instoad of in the second dogreo.which
would tend to smooth and simplify mat
ters. That proposition did not, howover
suit the ideas or plans of Mr. Cookrell, of
Missouri, who objected to It, and as It re
quired unanimous consent, it failed, of
course, to bo adopted. From that point
on to the point of going Into executlvo
session, a confused rambling colloquy
was carried on between Mr. Cockrell and
some Republican senators Involving tho
question of adhesion to or repudiation of
tho Chicago Democratic platform. Tho
discussion was not ended when adjourn
ment took place.
The rules which will govern tho proceed
ings of the present house wero again dis
cussed yesterday without attracting much
attention, ulthough at times the houso
was on the edge of a partisan debate. But
In each instance good humor took tho
place of bad blood, and the clash of parties
was averted. No change of importance
was made in tho now code, and without
concluding its consideration the honse ad
Hio Henwte Ulspoiea of a T.arga T-.Uk
of Consuls.
Washington, Sept. 2. Among the nom
inations confirmed yesterday by thesenate
are the following;
United States consuls general Victor
Vifqualn of Nebraska, at Panama; I. B.
Itichman of Iowa, at St. Gall; D. W. Mar
atta of North Dakot.i; at Melbourne; A.
D. Jones ot North Carolina, at Shanghai;
J. G. Donnelly of Wisconsin, at Nuevo
Laredo, Mexico; W. A. Anderson ot Wis
consin, at Moutre 1.
United States consuls Samuel Than
hou'erof Georgiu, at Matamoras, Mexico;
M. P. Thatcher of Michigan, at Windsor,
Out.; Charles Schaefer of Kansas, at Vera
Cruz; u. W. bavage of New Jersey, at
Dundee; Ij. S. Heque of Iown, at Hotter
dam; John Putton of Michigan, at Am- I
herstburg, Out,; F. W. Kickbusch of Wis- j
eonsin, at Stettin; W. F. Kemmler of
Ohio, at Horgeu. Switzerland; Harvey
Johnson of Georgia, at Antwerp; Autboay j
llowellsof Ohio, at Cardill; George Hor
ton of Illinois, at Athens; Jamcn A. Dem
urest of New Jersey, at Brockville, Can
ada; C. II. Benedict of Minnesota, at Cape i
Town; G. W. Bell of Washington, at Syd
nev, N. S. W.; F. H. Brooks of Illinois, at
Trieste; B. K. Bedle ot New Jersey, at
Sheffield; O. II. Boyesen of North Dakota,
at Gothenburg.
Thomas L. Thompson of California,
United States minister to Brazil.
Collectors of Customs T. H. Lore, at
Bridge ton, N. J.
m S
Eipenwcc.N. Y.
"Two Bottles Cured Mel"g
1kak BlfWi For year" I hnvr bcn tmuhtehM
PSfrlth jetHMiiiiutUiii. Im JjUcr antl K11m
fjniipy Xrotililt. Nothing ewmwi to help mtUH
ptt-raftncntly until I trlwl M
n'nnd tvvn In. (tie. CIIICKll Mil. Mfl
Your, riwiiotftillv, E2
3j nipCTuniHi.N r .Mils 1'. J. CHOMWL'I.I.
dtSOItOHAlUK Co. flfl. EH
Thi, iTrliflrK Hint I knnvr the stave Mrs. V. J.M.
Cromwell to bn tt'ti.twurthy, and one upon aug
HEwIium wuril von run r'ly. B
S A. 11. MoKEU, jiutfea of tlifl l'eaca, M
g Cqimnn,N. Y. jag
W Dana Satsaparllla Co., Dcllnsl, Maine. S
Profeasioxial Cards.
Oftloe lleddalt building, Hhenandoah, t.
M. lltTKKH
1 t f it I I" 0 t If
Offlco Iloom 3, P. O llulldlne, Hhenandoah,
acailsterly building, I'ottsvill.
Omoe Northeast Oar. MIa aid Oaatrs 3ts
Sheuandoah. over Steln'B drug store.
jy H. KI8TLER, M. D
Offloo -11 North Jardln street, Shensndoah,
Offlco and Hesidenee. No. 3D Ilcrth Jardlc
otreet, Shenandoah.
Graduate In
Veterinary Surgtry aiI DmtUtry.
All calls by mall, telegraph or telephono at.
tended to with promptness. Surgloal opera
tions performod with ttte greatest care. Offloe I
Commercial Hotel, Mhenandoah
Specialist in Treatment of Catarrh.
Practlco limited to diseases of the eye, ea
nose and throat. Hpeotacles lurnlshed, gua
antced to suit all eves
Odlce 13 Mouth Jardln streot, Shenandoah.
S3 SHOE noWps
Do you wear them7 When next In need try a piUj
Dost In tho world.
. 5.00
r35 "fcvifO
If you want a fine DRESS SHOE, mails Inthelarasl
stylos, don't pay $6 to $8, try my $3, $3.50, $4.00 or
$5 Shoe. They fit equal to custom mado and look and
wear as well. If you wish to economize In your footwear,
do so by purchasing W, L. Douglas Shoes. Name and
price stamped on the bottom, look for It when you buy
W.Im DOCGTiAS, Brocl-.ton, Mass. Sold by,
11 South Main Btroet, Shenandoah, Fa.
A IoUMuiHit Fatally Sliot.
Whbklikq, Sept. 8. At Martin's Ferry,
O., opposite this oity, Policeman George
Mnrpuy was shot and fatally wounded by
William AVilaon, an attacue of Cook &
Wliltoley's circus. Wilson had a disturb
ance -with some boys, and Officer Murphy
plaeetl liirn under arrest. Wilson then
llred three balls at the policeman, all of
which took effect. Murphy will die.
Tlm rittlntlira Bids Closed.
Harbibbdm, Sept. 2. The plaintiff's
oase in the suit of Mine. Marie Dgcoi, the
lyrio artist, auaiust her husband, FmnoiB
l.eRoa Christnan, to establish title to
"Villa Deoca," iu this oity, was oIommI
yesterday, and the defense will be heard
Sept. kl. Inttmitiug developments are
This Mill Will Kmdbih,
HaimniBUBo, 8ept. J. The mills oi
the lAlaooD-OraajMn ooniwny, which
shut down, a few weeks ago, throwing 9W
meu out ot employment, will resume op
erations ou Monday,
Biliousness, Dyspepsia,
Indigestion, Diseases of
the Kidneys, Torpid Liver
Rheumatism, Dizziness,
Siok Headache, Loss of
Appetite, Jaundice, Erup
tlons and Skin Diseases.
i FrlM 25. t' kotut, Sell ij til SrogtisU.
BUSt.JOUHOIAL'U.rrast., Htrllo,t, TU
Horses ond Carriages to Hire.
Haullne of all ktoda prempMy attended to.
Horses taken toteard. at rates
that are liberal,
m ALLEY, Bear Wi Budwart Stori
JTtt fTiSv
Cktofcaatat'a Kaall.h nlaawaal Kiul.
rc. aJtxi rviiftbu. toic. uk
tind iu Utd uid Ould iMtAlUa
1 1 ioou Take
us wiiMN
in KWM ft uarttnUftrs. t tlMUt u4
per cent.