; Vs' ' - V 7 The Herald. ITJIIMSHHD DAILY, BCNDA.Y KXOHl'TWD VTECKLr, KVBIIV SATTTHDAT. W. t. MmfK... a, 0. UMKll........ IT. jWAIKJXH t. . HOVKH... Jlfijrrlrt'wr ...JMiter and I'uMliJw Iioml IMIUrr ,..m-m'Ih .If fmnff'r 8UBSCHMTION HATES; Ua.ii.r,pr year tl 00 Us tXLTt Pr jr ...................... l DO IMi-H(iif7 Jltite. Transient, 10 cent per line, first Insertion j 6 teste per lln eaeh suDsequent Insertion, ftotes or rogaler advertising oun be bad on appllea- llen at the oBlee or by mall. The Evening Heiiald has a larger clroula lion In HkeBandoah than nny otbor paper pub' H-Aed, HooUh open to all. Catered at the Podtoflrioe. al Hhenandoab, Pa. for transmission through the mails its second-class mall matter. YESTERD AYATTHBFAIR IN SENATb Aisu nyj Oppoalng Speeches by Sliwsw, i . YVolcolt .UtA, ITS INFLUENCE, At last tlio business world hits nome- thlng definite. The House which was elected to enuct free coinage of ellver hns voted totop silver purchase", This Is it very satisfactory chanije The business world rightly considers It altogether encouraging. While tlierols uoaseu ranee aa yet that some thing buil may not follow, while there ts the strougost rawnn; to believe that the pawige of Uie repeal bill was fce Ctired In part by promises in rcgurd toother measure) which cannot bo re garded with (lit Infliction, yet there Is the possibility that no other uilscliluv ous bill inuy puss, while tho discon tinuance of ellver purchases Is in Itself a definite gain. It is probable tho effect of this measure will be much exaggerated, in public estimation. Already It is deemed by many a sulllcient reason for buying stocks andj products, and by others anencouragemeut for making loans. Though it Ixm not yet passed the Senate, the gnsat majority In tho House Is commonly accepted as assur ance that the bill will go through tho Senate nuleklv. It Is possible that this Is a mistake, but the Impression has Its eflact. The damage done by Hilver purchases has been largely sen tlmental, the re3ult of the apprehen. gon of business men here aud abroad rather than of the law itself. Ho It is likely that theeflects of tho repeal will hnlnrcrelv sentimental. If the infill euce of that measure on capitalists of ----this and other countries, is what may be reasonably expected, material ben efits will be realized from the vote of the House, perhaps before the measure has been acted upon In the Senate at all. The magulflcent victory. in the House Is peculiarly calculated to im press the minds of fiuauclersat home and abroad. The House is heavily Democratic, but the closest of all the votes taken on Tuesday, the one on the substitution of the Bland bill, showed only a small majority of the Democratic members in favor of that mill CrifTery. WAmiiiroTON. Sirt. 1. The v"beeeh of Mr. Woloott. of Colorado, HgalnnSI, t,the bill to repeal tbe pnreljlng clauses of the Sherman act was delivered yesf ettlay In tho presence of almost all the serf nu ntom and ADDRESSES. of ft '"r ,,1"ce "l1!1," K"1 Ju. ' amused and Interested Its heAr en most, wore some humorous ami - aarcaxtlc touches, in which he depleted tr e conver nlou of Democratic statesmen f' om their belief in silver and their devotl , oil to hi- metallisiiito tho gold inonoinetBl of the president. The next speei tho opposite sine of the qdeHtlon made hv Sir. Caffery. the sticcea niliann nf Inisiiinn. 1L wni 111 hearnnce in the sennle n n spel , vmii ....... .... , 1 1 .. . ii 1. ..,,, ..u Thoy had come to the fair to celebrate the " , T 1,, .Z J birthday of their- queen, tbo yountc lady who In a measure Kuldei the destiny of old Holland. Queen Wllholmlna is thesolo living descendant of 1'rlnco William, tbe Bllent, of Ornnife, wlioseenrefl tho indo Dendenco of the ftetlierlunils. one was id years old yeetcrUay, having already rolgned about two years. Ihls Is the flrsl , . . . K ( Fastivitios in Honor of Queon Wilhlinina of Holland, MU8I0 AND rjLOWIflG Thontnnds Outlier to Uslebrale the Thir teenth lllrthilsy AimlverHary nf the Ynuus I.ndy who Guides the Duttlnj of Old Itollnnd. CnicAao, Sept. 1. Thousands of per sons entering the Kates of the axpoidtlon yosterday wore upon their breasts a yel low silken bfultfe with the Inscription in black noross It faco "Netberland's Uay." limlnpoil ilnplfimtinn 111 favor of tb ''hn minfin. illttnnal reneat of the Sherniaf ''i lnnr. ill. thoimh ho ndmM.teil that the p''iosltlon so taken of his Wrther political career. 'I he ,BWreoIutlon tfferod laul week by Mr. 1'eitei"' -, of Knn ins, in reference to nationnl bnr-u' iks refus- . v, . . . , I ui'x to pay uutrciis ui men Brrai, Kamcr ns gi i,mu.m. .. .c.u , ...., ,,... .... n,i ka ,,, the west. Hon. George UppoMtlon, and that of a scoti; of other royul conimlssloner cenernl to the fair and ' , ,, .,.,,..,! , n es uuiinui Ul lliu iirwjwiiiiuii'i ..wn-v. .... w..... 1 r ' J Tii(l "ha 'Min nlilnc- nvpr OKI BE )l5rnw" tvnn imusement which the house Irf' .(IuIrihI in yosterday. The rules or the "tflfty-third tsongress were relegated to the l,,cWokground mid the rule el the 1'irty-nrs "t coiigress Him faith Ii was 011 and was "Ii flrht ap- ' 'ChinnkHr. r"cl. ' man and delivered an nddress, which was enthusiastically received. Tho Nether and anthem, "wien necr lands Hloeds," was then sang by the chorus and aud ence. after which the llev. J. van Houtc, of Holland, Mich , dellyereil an , the chief partofHhe discus- address in iJii cn upon in 1 opio u , lon No nen. wcr0 msts j0 and noi.uiiti. oM.imrii wwn Tilfr MtH" lint. Mr Tr TT1 .,.! Hllnh .... . " - ..... Illin. UT. U. 1J1UKVII1II, Ul liunmiu, 1 .... 1.;. r..ut f. ......... ex-speaker of the house of representatives lut of hi, ctilt,nreB whel o Michigan, ( eliverml an address in Kn 'M th'e chftlr. Tlie buKrtj,,,; H11(l gusn. ma siiojeoi was riiBx.i. i-i 1 ....- and tho eoin.iEe. wi'Mu,a ,, the Netherlands upon tbe United Btutes. mBM1,ra,(mllllIlItt8B(. lverB r.t LZi 1bh.v to report at any time; and thesi1"') were the Anionic other thlniis he )aid: "Political institutions, llko trees, are , . ,.. ,Hntrmt m,ietir(i n,Q tho results of growth, nmltbe great pollt- .. , , (. .... ioal tree under the shelter of whoso ... ., ,,,, ,,, llH rnntuftn t ur l....... m rum rviil r.f fuman timr ilwnll. i.v f lrl . vr: zi: ;l. "r ;v. m.,v reaching m it enccts. xt, wosp oirercd by uuBiuunu,.,.....- - ' Jlr. Hontner, of Louisiana, an'd provides "."i"'-"n' flirn nrnctical cloture wnenev"ver 11 mem- "im msioiwn wno iuum upoii aiuwiw. I, l.r,,H nf ., mengure o 11 thn tlnnr simply a transplanted England, does not understand tho spirit 01 our institutions; neither docs historical research oonflrm the theory of tho over zealous American cos fit to ask for it. U SOUTHERN FARMERS ArdARMED. who looks upon our institutions as tho ri,8y Appenl to the I.o(llnt,oMre to Tide original and upontaneous outgrowth of Tlmui Over tint Dull Timme. tlio mighty brains of tho pilgrim fathers. COLUMBIA, S. 0., Sept. 1. Tniho farmers In our political institutions wo are ueirs ire utComlng alarmed atthe 111 Ikelihood of of nil the aKes. Governor Horatio Seymour Lavlllg t0 limrket their cottoii t present has well said that the nine men most prlce8 nnd todlVy tho Mechaijisiicsvlllo Al- promlnent in tho early history of New Umco unanim0anly adopted tllu.o following: xoi-K aim tuu uiuuii iw"""" Wheroas, tho money sharaog and gold nationalities. lines have contracted the volul moofmonov "That country, then, whose institutions tI t , nractically nllld monnv In have oxercUed the most powerful and ,ll0 country to move the cottoii.u crop, and greatest influence upon tho minds of the wuorclui conKre.,8 docs not sec ,tm to intend people of New Knglaud, New York and .Q glve us neces8nry reUef viln time to rennsyivaniiv imvo inu mo have us from bankruptcy, tha irefore bolt nrlnt unon American institutions, and ..i-. l tills position is claimed for the people of j,irsti thnt wo carn08tly arj',,peal to the tho Nctharlnnds." eovernor o South Carolina 1 10 call an ex- Otlier addveescs wore lnn(l0y Jnu- trasessiou oftholeislature,rin0tlaterthan Stubonrauch, of I'ella, la., on The U gept. 15, to pass a stay Wr. on all doblii Bauons ui tno umwn w Ualllns duo on or bororo iso v. 15, so that landers;" U. T. liomer. or Amsirruam, on K0 maJ ha enabled t0 pay ouroj deuts wltn. "Ouryounit queen and what wo tlnnK ot t huntruMtlne ourselves Mind stnrvlntr her in Holland," Tho festivities wero , A children. ne continued until late, tho public being ex- gecond, that under our p .resent condi eluded. . tlons there is no way wherebid.rW0 can meet CHICAGO, Sept. 1. Judge Coggln denied k demnnds for m0ney to p. iy our debts the motion to dissolve the injunction re- ,vltb0ut sacrificing our bonih-Cs aud prop straininR the World's fair commiaslou t y whicii we do not propose to be forced from closintt Jaokson paric on nupuay. lo do- Tako our lives, but d B0 not atarvo He will, however, hear fresh arguments. wl nnd d.iijjen, 1, There was a row among the judges over "jc the matter. I renntylvnnln Votrnn Elfcl.ct Ofllcers. IJeath of Fiimom Lmly. READING, Pa., Sept. 1. TltKe survlvorsof PriMEiioT. O.. Sent. 1. Alia. Vlrsflnia I . . ; . . "iii Beverly McLean. Widow of the late Major Hundred and iughly-eifrntu o Pennsylvania Wllmor McLean, in whose house Generals ommc m nsia n irun Jt' Grant and Lee signed tbe articles 01 sur- , L ' render at Appomattox, died at tho resl- yesterday, lhe folio vlug (-; officers were denco of her sTn-in-law, H. E. Splllman, at Bnillman, W. Vs., a short distance below ' l ' V . ' this dty. She was TS years old and was a lam Grand of Temple; secotd vice presi- remarJbly well preserved woman, cu' I fiTOTnSrtmfHliJ?!? tured nnd roQned. Her body was em- U'V:"' I balmed to be sent to Alexandria, Vn,. for e"otary John W. Hague Q of I'lttsburg; STOCK AND PRODUCE MARKETS READING RAILROAD SYSTEM, GluilUff Quotations of thn Nenr York anil l'hlluilolphln Kxcliiinsiii. Pinr.ADHbriilA. Auu. 81. In the stock mar ket yesterday prlees were Again lorr. C'los -lni bids! Ibl(th Valley.- tm VV. N. Y it Pa... ) Pennnylranta. 4t"K H. & 11. T. com.. ItendluK - 1TX H. AB.T.prst-- Et. Paul ASK Krio UH Lehigh Nav 4" D.. L. A W WM Kftiultns IT. m. Ss N. Y. Oeatrl-100 rteadlnglltpf 5s.... H West Shore Wl Iteadlne Id pr . 1M Lake HrU W. UH IteiullnKdiif,8s WU Mew Jeraey CnlO(iH N.Y.&N.E JIM Del. & Hudsoa. Ill TIME TAni.E IN ErVEOT AVO. 7. 183. Trains leave Bhcnandoah as follows: Kor New York via Phllsdelehla. week dasb. M0,6.t5, 7.W, a.m., 12.0, 2.60 .:5 P.m. duouay 110, 7.48 n. m. for New York via MauobCbuak, week days, 7.30 a. ra., 12.'J6, 1 60 p. m. For lteadlns and I'hlladelnoia. week darr. 4.10, 6.SS, 7.20, a. m.. 12.28, 2.80, 5.IB p. m. Su. iay, z.iu. i.ia a. id., t.wj p. m For Ilnrrlsbure. week dm, 2.10. 7.10 a.m., (.60, 5.15 p. m. For Allcntowu, week days, 7.80 a. m., 12.10, t&) p. m. f or i'oiwviuo, ween nays, ixv, b.iu., 12.26, 2 SO, b.bi p. m. BunHay, 2.10, 7.48 u. m., 4.80 P- J0' .... . . . or lumnqua ana juananoy uiiy, wcok uays, d.xo, T.iv, a. in., n, i.uu, o.ro p. m. Oenerul Markets. New Yonic, Aug. Si. State and wntern flour quint, easy; low extraa, SlMVgiiM; elty mills patents, H.HtM); fair to fanoy, $.4S 8.45; Minnesota olear, SWW.00( pstunts, fS.OOQI.Si); superfine, $).782.ei city inllls, 88.8- ft3.88; winter wheats, low erailn, H.KQ, 2.4S; patents. 8.n(iM.0ii; straights, 83 8i4.00-r ry: mixtures, t.9Ol,40; fln, $1.J&2.10. Southern dull, stswly; common to fair. .-xtra. (it.WS.0; goud to eholeo, extra, $3.1C4.2J. Itye flour steady, qulst; superfine, JO-0O'ii8.83. Wheat moderately active; September, SRMOo.; Qetober, 70J4ri)5.Jo. Dacsmber, 74K74 11-16. Itye nominal: Western, 84 S6fic. Corn. No. 2. dull, firm; No. 2. 4t3 4S.: Septcrnbor, 44$e.: Octobor. 45HUI5HC.! s;m -,m' November, 46J4o.i Dm-cmber, 4Ho. Oats dull, day, 6.00 steady; state, Wi .Bo ; tjeptember, ulc.i No vember, 31o.; December, 8SH32Mo. May, PiiiLADirLrnrA, Auk. Sl.'-rieerateadnextta mens, J7.R)(J8; family. SlMilS. Pork quiet, firm; now mess, 8117. Lard dull, lower; steam rendered, J8.40. llutter quiet, rteady: New York dairy. 1734e.; New York eroam cry, 2ft2)04 western dairy, 1618c. weat orn creaniery, 17)e.; Kleins, 2fi26c; iml tatlon creamery, lliAlOo. Ohei steady, dull; New York white, 8fcf&9c.; do. colored, WlMc.j do. small; 88Hc.; part skims, SW-lk.; full ekiiiis, laUJc Egg quiet, firm; Now York and Penesylvunla, lT17Hc; western, lx2. lfio. Hjiltisiore, Anst. 31. Flotsr dull. Wheat steady. Corn easy; white and yellow by mm pie. Mo. Oals steaily, dull. Rye lanutive, dull. Hay 'lull; good to ohnlce timothy, J1015. C( tton, nnmlnul; mlihlllnj, Sr.. Provisions qu.u, unchanged. Butter firm: creamery, fancy, U&2J)i.; do. fair to ehnloe, 2BSIc; do., Imitation, 20A21c. Eggs steady ut We. Sun' day, 2.10, 7.48 a. m., 4.28 p. m. Additional for .ianauoy uny, weeic uavs, i uu p. m. For Lancaster and Columbia, weok days, 7 20 a. m.. 2.(0 p. m. f or vviuiamsport, aunoury ana lyowiaDurg, Week days. 3.25, 7.20. 11.80 a. in., l.?S 7.00 pm. Sunday, 3.2r n. in., 8.06 p. m. For Manonoy l'lane, wcok aaye, x.iu, b.kd, d.to, .20, 11.30 a.m., 12.26, 1.21, 2 .60, B.55, 7 00, 8.85 p. m. Sunday, 2.10, 3.26, 7.43 a. m., 2.0), 4.10 p. m. For Ulrardvlllo, ( ltappahanooek Station), week days, 2.10, 8 26, b.ift, 7.20, 11.20 a. ra. 2,60. 6.55. 7.00, 9.36 p. m, Sunday, 3.10, 2.25,.48 a. m 3.06, 4.30 p. to. For Ashland and Shamoktn. week days, 3.15, bJCS, 7.CU, 11.80 a. m., 1.35, 7.01V, B.35- p. in. Sun day, 8.26, 7.48 a. m., 3.06 p. m. First lational Bank THEATRE BUILDING ftbcnandonli, rcnuni CAPITAL,- A., W. LEISENRINO, President. P. J, FEROUOON, Vlos PreslflBi R, LEIHENIUNO, Casbtcr. S, W. YOST, Assistant ClDhltr. Open Daily From 9 to 8 3 PER CENT. Merest Paid on Savings Deposit. Loavo New York via Phlladelpnia.wcekdaye, .., 12.16 nisnt. sur.'. hj, O.W U. Ul., UlgUl. Leave New York via Mauch Chunk, week doys,, i.CO a. m 1.39, 4.00, 7.30 p. m. iz.ie mgai. 1.00. 8.46 n. m.. 1.00. 4.S0 n. m. Sundav. 7J6 a. m, Leave Phllftnolpbta. Mnrkot Street Htatlon, 8.35. 10.00 a. in., and 4.00. btmday 4.00, 9.C6 a. m,, 11.30 weeft dnjB. 4.12, J.00, 11.30 p. m. p. in. Leave Rcadlne. week davs. 11.(0 a. m., 5.65, 7.67 p. m Sunday, 1.35, 10.48 a. m. L.0B7C PottsvUle, week days, 2.40, 7.40 a. m. 12.30, 6,llp. m Sunday, 2.40, 7.00 a. m., 2.06 p. m. i,oa7e Taroaqua, weou aays, s.zu, e.-ui, n.sa a. m., 1.21,7.1b, B.2H p. m. Sunday, 3.23, 7.43 a. m., du p. m. Leave Mabanov Cltv. weok davs. 3.45. 9.18, 11.47 a. m , 1.61, 7. it, 9.61 p. m. Sunday, 3.48, 8.12 m., 3 30 p. m. Leave Mabanoy Plane, weok dtrs, 2.40, 4.00. .l.30,B.35.1O.4O,11.59a.El.,12 65.2.0e,5.2O.6.26l7.57,lOJ0 p. m. Sucaay, 2.40, 4.00, a. m., 3.37, 5.01 p. m. Leave Ulrardvtlle, (Rappahannock Station), .veeksdtys, 2.47, 4.07, 0.36, 9.41 10.40 a. m., 12.0, is, i.oi, d.-jo, B.SC, aw, lu.iu p. m. sunuay, 2.47, ,07. 8.33, a. m., 3.41, 5.07 p. m. Leavo 'WlUlanisnort. week dyg. 8.00. 0.3b. 1100 &. m., 3.35, 11.15 p. m. Sunday, 11.15 p. m. me west via lve Stank Markets. BuFFAT.0, Au. 81. Cattle dull! sood 1,1110 and 1,265 steers, 83.7604; coarse but fatsteere, $8 S-VLOO; light butchers 900 to 1,050 pounds, S8.2ilia3.50; bulls, $2.26(2.i)); oxen, S1.T5.i3.60. Hogs weak; corn fed Ygrkers, $0.169,6.86; few selected cboioo Uirht lots, $5.3 X8A.8V. good mediums, 35.8&Q5.9); choice 200 poundu, (6; irood heavy, S5.3 l5.9i'; pics, S3.U36.80. Sheep and lambs strong, firmer; good to choice westorn lambs, $5.155.35; good, tt.7.'a5 00m- nion to fair, f iJYfU.W, no good ahetp heie; choice ewes and wethers, S3.iXf,i; fair to good, S33..10; culls and common, J1.6IW2."'; one load choice Canada lambs brought 25.76. East LinEinr, Pa. Aug. 31-Cattle dull; choice. K3.40ffl4.45; good butoliere, 83.6l,a8.80; common to fair. $36-T.25: fat cows. S2G&3.25: good bull?, $23i.75; fresh cows, $20V. Hogs elow; choice light woljht, $6.1020.15; medium wolghtn, Sj.0TO.05i extreme heavy, S5.6Uffi6.7n. Sbaep slow; prime. $8.50S3 73; Rood, S3 3.40; common t.i fair, 312.75; lambs W&IJi; veal calves, S0.j.4iA25; heavy and ihln, $.'.& 1 at. Amorlcu's Cup Trial Itacef, MBW York, Sept. 1. Tho conditions which will govemi I h trial ractw to select a delender for tho America's cup have just been issued. The rates will be held out side of Sandy Hook, and th first of the ecries will take place Sept. 7. For IltUUmoro. Washington and I). & O. R, R., thrsugh trains leave Ulrard wtnue station, PhllaaolDhta. (P. R. K. K.) fit i 50, 8.01, 11.27 a. m., 3.68, 6.42. 7.16 p. m. Sunday iufn.wt 11.7 a. m,. j.00, o.iz, 7.m p. m. ATLANTIC OITY HIVISION. Leave FhlladolDhta. Chestnut street wharf Ed South street wharf, for Atlantic City. vveeKaays isxprean, atj vvo, iu a m, iSaturdaysi 1 30) 21X1. 3 00. 4 00. 4 30. 5 1E H3L Excursion 700am. Accommodation, 8 00 am, 4.30, 6 45 p 111. Sundays Express, 7 80, 8 00; BOO, 1000 n and 4 30 p m. Accommodation. 8 00 a m and; 4.46 pm. Returning leave Atlantlo City depot, Atlantic and Arkansas avenues. Weekdays Express 1 .Mondays only, 0 45) 7 W), 7 3d, 9 30 a m and 3 15, J00. 6 - 0. 7 30. 9 30 nm. Accommodation. 560. 8-10amand430pm. Excursion, from foot of Mississippi Avenue only, 0 0C pm. duudayb Express, 3.30, 4 00, 500, 6 00, 8S0, 709, 7 SO, 8 00, 9 30 p m. Accommodation, 7TW a u ana duo pan u. u. UAWULiuii, uon. Fas3. Act. Philadelphia, Pa, burial. A Juvsulle Kleptomaniac. ALLENTOWN. Pa., Bept. 1. Hattie Hel- l.nbnrn-nr. atred 13. of Allentown, was ar rested in Philadelphia for theft. She has been plying in ovory large town between Dr. U town. Tho next annual nj noting will be. held in Scrantou the first Wreduesdny nud Thursday of beptorauer, isv-4. Dentil of a DlKtluuUlipilLaflyi PARIS. Sent. L Mrs. Lucy Hamilton Hooper, wife of'Colonel IlobortM. Hopper, for many years vice consul cetieral ot tha United States, died yesterday after a linger ing Illness. Mrs. Hooper w&a a talented and distinguished writer. Whole Iltislnpsi I'mtlon llurned. BlKQHAMTON, N. Y.. Sept. L A special iuiuouucus that ihu buiiuebe portion of the village of Maryland, Otsego county, N. Y., near Coopurstown, was totally da- btrojed by Ore-. Anthrax 111 Uulnvjuro. DELAWA11K CITY, Sept. 1. Tho dreaded anthrax has broken out among cattle and horses in this section. Thus far eighteen eows and six horses have died from the disease. President Cleveland's , "IUnons." TtnrFALO. Sent. 1. Henntv E. Perrlne. rf-nnrsfi. while tho Itenubllcans VOtedllO , willrnalinrre nnd Philadelphia, and 1 sup- Mrs. Cleveland's stepfathertr. has lust rc- m,at , vonnwal of silver coinae". posed to have stolen a thousand dollars. As turned from a trip through tho western ngalnattlio renewal 01 Bllver colna8- I a chUd iu short dresses she was arrested ,tates. Speaking of the , recent reports aud only 15 in favor of it. The change t,wo years ago for till tnpplpg, but was bout the president's lUfluess. Mr, Per- . .. , .urt i onniua imnrnnecuted. bhe nas ueen cohuuiwou m nne saia 10 a ""'lar; -xuey are lniueopiiuou ui " fc. Bton iali. She Is undoubtedly a kleptc- terribly exaggerated anHi sensational. also significant. Out of 08 Eastern maniac. members of the House 00 voted against the Bland hill and only 2 voted for it. Out of 128 Western members present and voting 82 voted against the Bland bill and only 44 voted for it. The only section which gave the motion a ma jority was the South, and from that eectlou only 35 votes were cast against the Bland bill and 60 in its favor, aud althouuh that section rules the Dem ocratic norty, it has not yetj secured control of Congress. It is notsafe to count too largely on tlie'Isentlmeutal Influence of any measure. In business matters popular impression shifte with almost Incredi ble ranldlty, and the very men who think It wise to buy to-day, because sllver"purchas8 are about to be stopped by aet?of Congress, are liable to soli to morrow, because the issue of new Treasury notes Is about to be stopped by act of Congress. At first blush the eflectofthe repeal bill is altogether favorable. In tbe business world It will no far to strengthen confidence, may release a considerable part of the funds locked up, and may encourage not a little buying by foreign Inveat nrs. On the other hand, It Is to be ex pected that the very magnitude of the majority for the bill in the House will stiencthen the impression that some other measure, not by any nieaus wise or safe, is to follow as a part of tho Democratic plan. It must also be re- membered that an unknown and yet Inree nart of the existing disturbance springs from uncertainty iu regard to the tarlfl, and that uncertainty Con grees has done nothing to remove, but only brings nearer try putting me sil ver question out 01 me wy. He suffered somewhat froii n nn ulcerated .1.l.t. ln flfF.,.1..1 ..ll.t.. AV,PhUttdelnhiaand Reading Railroad F' , , .!..-.. enseu portiuus uuue uuuu (were remuveu. 5?" Potion was successful and pro- in bavn been 81.807.378.80. and gross ex penses $1,084,008.05, leaving a profit In norntlnrr of S783.870.31. The gross re ceipts of the Philadelphia and Reading finnl and Iron company for July were $3,034,4"3.R4,andgrossexpouoes$2,933,lT3.41, duced the desired relief. This has been the extent ot the president's illness." p A Lone llranoh Blunder Mj story. Losa Branch, Sept. i .The mystery pront from mining t tt g!!ff.fr 'Bg Commlitiouer l.ocliien' Order. lihce Sunday night last, Vvhen he loft the nrioiiivnTn-j. Sont. 1. Commissioner house 01 .miss uoorgiunn Ciimltn, 111s nance, IiOchren, of the pension bureau, has issued was partially clearod up Jfesterday by the an order modifying the practice of the of-1 finding of the aged man if , a pool of water lice as to suspensions of pensions. The 1 In a marl pit at Poplar, K. J., a small most important change Is that which di- hamlet about six miles w est of this place, rects that hereafter there will be no sua-1 While many people are oLf the belief that pensions except In casee wnere me recoru iub brbu mnii miuumuuj suiciue, iiierearo . v . j " 1 1 1 New York llepubllonns. Nkw Yoiik, Bept 1. The Republican state committee met yesterduy at the Fifth A venue hotel, and decided to hold, their convention at Syracuse on Oot, o. shows on 1U face that the soldier was not entitled to any pension whatever. The Peace Union Protetts. WunraflM. Sent. 1. Mrs. Emma G. Slokels, chairman of the Indian committee of tha Universal Peace union, has trans mitted to the proper authorities a vigorous protest against the -orutai nu otuci A Fall River Sanation FAIX RlVRit, Sept. 1.4-A hie sensation was caused here last nlgjbt when It was discovered that five ot have discounted notes at lading for Cotton Bro Uathaway, who for a LEHIGH VALLEY RAILROAD, Paascntrer trains leavo Shenandoah for 1'enn Uuvcn Junction, Mauch Chunk, Le- lUhtoc. SlatltiKton, VThlte UaU. Cata&aunua. J Jucntown. Bethlehem. Baston, Phlladelpbla Hizlcton, Weathcrly. Quakake Junction, uol ano and Mahanoy City at 8.01, 7.S6, 9.08 a m. .1, p. m. For New York, 6.04, 7.28 a. m., 12.13, 3.67 4J!2 p. m. For Ilazloton. WUkcs-Barrev White Haven Pittston, Laceyvllle, Towanda, Sayre, Waverly, aad Elmira, 0.W, 9.08 a. in., 2.57, 8.03 p. m. i'or uochester. uiUTalo. Niagara trails ana tho West, 0.01, 9.08 a. to. 12.43 and S.08 p. m. For Dclvldcre. Delaware Water tian &nd Stroudsburg, 6.W a. m., 4.22 p. m. j- or liamuertviuo ana 'i-rcnton. M.w a. m. X-'orTunkhannock, 0.0-1.3.05 a. m., 1&7, 8 08 p. m. i- or uaaca anu ucneva o.m, vioe a. m. o.u p. m t- or AUDurn v.us a. m. o.ua p. ra. For Jeanesvllle. Lovlston and Heaver Meadow. ru, u. m., c,i, cuo p. m. For Audenrlcd. Hazloton. Stockton and Lum ber Yard, 6.04, 7.20, 9.08, a. a., 12.43, 2.57. 5.27. 8.0i p.m. For Scranton. 6.04. 9.08. a. m.. -42.67 BXS cm. For Uazlehrook, Jeddo, Drlf ton ano reelund, oah, 7.0, v.us, a. m., iz.w, , 0.1 p. et. 7.51, 8.52, 10.20 a. in., 1,00, 1.40, 4.10, 6.35, 8.22, 9.15 p. m. For Kavon Run, Centralla, Mount Carmel and Shamokln, 8.42, 10.00 a. m., 1.40, 4.40, 8.22 p. m. i-or laiasnne, l'ara riace, iiananoyuityana Delano, 8.0U 7.28, 9.08, 11.05 a ra., 12.43, 2.57, US!, b 27, 8.08, 9.33, 10.28 p. ra. Trains will leave Shamokln at 7.55, 11.45 a. m., I.b5, 3.20 p. m. and arrive at Shenandoah at 9.05 a. m.. 12.43. 2.67. 4.2U.D. m. Leave Shenandoah for Fottsvllle. 5.60. 7.20. 0.08, 11.05 a. m., 12.43, 2.57, 5.27, 8.08 p. m. Leave i-ousvmo lor sncnanaoan, e.uj, 7.1a, 9.05, 10.15, 11.48 a. m., 12.32, 3.00, 5.20, 7.00, 7.15, p. m. Leave anenanuoan lor iiazieton, o.Ui,7.29,v.ua, m.. ix. 13. D.-Ji.e.ua p. m. Leave Hazleton for Shenandoah. 7.29. 9.23 ii.uo a. m., is.10, z.'-o, o.vu, i.zo, i.xxt p. m. Trains leave for Ashland, Qlrardvllle and Lost oiccn, l.MP, v.-iu a. uu., iMau. fcta y. iu. for xatesvuie, i-ars x-iace, laananay uity, Delano, Hazleton, Black Creek Junction, Fenn Haven Junction, Mauch Chunk, Allentown, ueinienom, uasioa ana naw xoric, v.w a m. 12.30, 2.55 p. m. For FhiiaaeiriMa 12.30. z.sb n. m. For Yatesvllle. Park Place. Mabanov Cltv and Delano. 8.40. 11.35 a. m.. 12.30. 2.55. 4.40 o. m. Leave uazioion lor anen&nuoan, o.au, 11.su a. m.. 1.05. 5.30 n. m. Leave Shenandoah for Fottsvllle, b.50, 8.40, 9.80 a. m., 2.45 p. m. Leave Fottsvllle for Shenandoah. 8.30. 10.40 a.m..i.u, o.id p. m. A, T, NONN1SMAU11KK, ASSt. U. P. A., bourn uetmenem ra. It. H. WILBUR, Genl. Bupt. Kastern DIv PORT CARBON, PA.. Manufacturers ot $ociefii CoQd0 1 Of Every Description. Flags, Baoges, Caps, Regalias, &$, SrFINEST 000DS-L0WEST HRICE8."e Write f cr catalogues. Cerrespondshce solicited at murder. fjur banks, which oured by bills of ker Welcome H. .core of years has .UTr. I 111. H J , " .... IVI n IWUia Ul TBItrB 11U9 bibltions which have been been one of the largest Jaotors in this city, Qianimiuu"- ' 7 iu. lallea to nna tne ooti- exposition," under the direotlon of the of th( buu o , worlu'a wir omcuue. tlon into the affair is no amount involved by the Death In the Pipe. PAXTOK, Ills., Sept. 1. Mrs. William i,lteruntlonil Sunday Nelson was burned to aeatn nere. mi, St. LODIB, Sept. L A was riding in a buggy wnen ner ciotm-i . ted the fltst busit n . n - d raatnh. finil D ... .. .nl caugut ure irum upu.. . -1 aventh international B they were burned from her body. She ex pired in a few minutes. Fatally Scalded by Steam, SeDt. 1. By esoaplng steam in the cellar of Shoneman Bros.' es tablishment, on Eighth street, Englneei Thomas Service was scalded to death, and f entlon. The following upon: President, W. Ml tortii ig secretary, uurt iisslstant recording see- etary, Rev. El M. terguson ol Xew Jersa r, in represented by iding. Investiga w in progress. The banks Is $107,000. ehool Oonvcntlon. clear, bright day ess session ot the unday school con- 'offlcon were agreed Uler ot Akron; re ts B. Cook of Texas; Colonel TyiouU bteallnes. TT I TiiiTCTlTTI.fl Hnnt 1 A r- 1 Christian Rubner, his assistant, severely jIenMi hM ingtHutei n investigation, burned. rrith a view to reco)erlna from Colonel I . . . i " I . iiA-fiintf Tub Work oioid. I Jyson, ol Keftding, inqsum ft monoj be- Jk W 1 1 .inH n 111 Olota fi,.aiHn MHMn.l..tAn lUUlUti, m"" o vwvw Uin-VSjr UUtUUlllliUU TmATiiKO Pa Sept. L-On account oi longing to the state ibrestry oomml ,S ?'d. t'h. mU works of the Read., which ho embezzled wtlle treasurer. iug Iron company olosed down Mjday In deflniUlr. throwing 700 men out of work. . ... ...... i....l.l.,ntillr Killed. Vmiir Pa fient 1 Mlebatl Small, tht ns of this (the Te ,th) district on tha K 5!'i,,nfc died h.re yesterday. l.TOSd ballot. The ,elal eltetlon Is to -2?'l?n.L,n Oil the vacancy cauied by the death of bhurge of . gun while he was hunting. i William 1L n.noche. Oouitrenniiiu Kndcli's Succenor, InoMTOK, O., Sent, 1VH. 8. Bundy was nominated for oonjriss by the Kepublt Sir. J7. R Albright "Suffered With Weakness In the back, causing Intense achlne, and also with nervous debility. I tried different medi cines recommended, but of no avail until one day a friend asked me to try Hood's Sarsaparilla I took one bottle and am free from all trouble with my back and nervousness." II. F. Al- muqht, OrwlBSLurgb, ra. Hood's euros. Hood's Pills eure constipation. 85 cents. Rheumatism, Lumbaeo. Sciaticas mm. . a fuA iviciney uompiaini&f PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD. SOlinTLKlLL DIVISION. jui.1 sa. icvii. Trains will leave Shenandoah after the above date for Wleean's, Gllberton, Frackvllle, New uasue, oi. uiair, i-ottsvuio, uamDuxg, ueauinf l'otistown. i-noenizvnie. iorrisiown ana-iu. adelphla (Uroad street station) at 6:00 asd 11:45 a. m. ana:iap. m. on wcenuays. j--or-ottS' vlllo and intermediate stations 9:10 a. m SUNDAYS. For WlKcan's. Gllberton. Frookvllle. New Castle, St. ciair, rottsvuio at e:uu, :40a. m. and 3:10 p. m. For Hamburg, Reading, Potts- town, I'ncenixvwe, n orris town, .rnuaaeipni: Trams leave rracuviuo lor nnenanaoan at 10:40a.m. and 12:14, 5:04, 7:42 and 10:27 p.m. Qunuays, una u. m. unu o;u p. m, Lnavo PottsvUle for Shenandoah at 10:15. 11:48 a. m. and 4:40,7:15 and 10:00 p. in. Sundays at 10:40 a. m. and 5:16 n. m. Leave pnuaaeipma (uroaa street station) tor Fottsvllle and Shenandoah at 5 57 and 8 36 a m, 4 10 and 7 11 pm week days. On Sundays leave at 6 50 a m. For Pottsvlfle, 9 28 a m. For New York Express, week days, at 3 20, 4 VO, 4 OU, D 10, D OU. 7 HJ, O ZU, V Wl, 11 UU 11 20, am, i uu noon, iz-h p. m. (Limned ux press 1 06 and 4 50 p m. dining cars.) 1 35, 1 40, 2 80. 3 20. 4 00. 4 02, 5 00, 8 00, 6 20, 6 50. 7 13. 8 12. ,nnil i 14nt n.rri. Qii.r1ava 9 Ofl A flK A Kf 5 15, 8 12,9 50, 11031133, a m, 12 41. 1 40, 2 30,4 Oi (limned i w) o au, o ai, o ou, i is sou s is p m ana 12 ui nigni. '"- i-i i o t For Sea Girt, Lone Uranch and Intermediate LamO BQCKj OCCV stations, 6 05,6 60, 8 23, 1139 am, and 2 40, 3 30 1W iiu nvctiunjo "m u i Sundays 4 06 and 8 25 a m, DR. SADEH'S ELECTRIC DELT With Elect ro-Mnenetlo SUSPENSORY. i int..fi lint IitiTU-ovrmcnti I Will oure without medicine ml V Minn rciultim? from oreMxtton of bialn nei .e fou-ea, vx-, .see or ludie. cretlon, fit) miou debilily. 'mm, laJigiior, ..i iir,i.v. livnt. nnd bluddor COlnbl&iDtH. tunc tacfTlumlMgo, selatli.ii. ell ' ' "d? eouiplalnu. Seienl 21 lut-lth. etc. Tills f.tort heltoontalije WMrrri.r'---''li over ah other. Onrrent 1 iiutanUTtfeitliv weai or or we forfeit ss, 000. (it), am' ' .77.. " . . ... i..u.. nr nn rav. suae ii turo4 bjr thU niarvelom (nTendoe I EJ oSre5llh"rrDi.nfiH failed, Bad we jjlve huodtoda I S Of taaUmOlllMlrl 111 W. "U 1 " uwrv ovatv. Yf W i . . ...it m mix .Til. .11 rKi". . 7vi.... MHiMth HiiaelmEau la ui e bond r r lilue'd PawpMrt. inaili. ,siAled, bet -c-AUFit-tu BLrtOTRIO OO.. i Are. sao uitWAiliw AV CW TOKil CITI i. For lialtlmore and Washington 3 60. 7 20. 8 31.9 10.10 20. 11 18 am. (12 23 limited dlninc car.) 1 30, 3 48, 4 41, (5 10 Congressional Limited Pullman l'arior Cars and Dining Car), 617. 7 uu, 7 40 p. m.. 12 1 J nigni weeK uays. sun- days, 3 50, 7 20, iu, u lb a m., a 10, 4 41, 7 uo, 7 40 pm, and 12 03 night. Washington only, ft fA n m ditllv. No coaches. 1- or Kicnmona su a in, is iu p m, is us nigni aany. ana i ou p. m. ween uays. Trains will leave liarrlsnurg for Flttsourg anu the West every day at 12 25, 1 20 and 8 10 a m nod 2 25. a 25. (5 00 limited! and 7 80 n m. Way for Altoona at 8 18 am and 6 03 p m every nay. r or jritusuurg uuu aiiuuua t ii lai a everv dav. Trains will leave Sunhurv for Wllllsmsnort. Klinira, Canandalgua, Kochester, Buffalo and Niagara Falls at 204, 6 13 a m, nnd 1 85 p m week days. For Elmira at 6 34 pm week days. For rle ana intermediate points at a is am dally, For Lock Haven at 5 13 and 9 66 a m dally, 1 85 and b 34 p m week aaye For Renovo at 6 13 a m, l no ana nsipm ween asys, ana sistmon Sundays only. For Kane t 6 13 m, 1 85 p in week days. R. M VllBVOBT. Qen'l Usnigerl J. It. Wood. Qen'l PiEe'g'r Agt RETTG'S Beer and Porter. T AJr AGENT for tho -1- Chas. Ilettig's Cele brated Beer and Porter in this vicinity, also Bergner & Engel's celebrated India Tale Ales and Old Stock. Orders will receive prompt attention. Finest brands of Liquors and Cigars. SOLOMON HAAK- 120 South fiJam Street. WlJW roumfcufteg t-'lV '' Vj J lliiiipat-rTT.n lit i rffll mm I liwtwwt sssriydil Hfdfeal Oflleef, 20C N. SECOND 8t..?kilia',Fil. Are the oldest in America ftir the treatment of Varieoceie, liydrorMe, Ilnpture, Lost Manhood Trcnlment brlTlnll n Mnfolnllr. Com municAtlons sarri'dly ccnfldontlal. ScihI stamp fo ItoitLc. Omrti hours: O A. M. to 2 P. M.. Gto&l iM All day Saturday Sucdayc, 10 to 12 A M. THE 33ICTOXJ I Everything modeled after Qreen'B Cafe, 1'hlladelFhla, S, main St.i Slicmiiitloalit , The leading place In town. Has lately been entirely reno vated. Everything new, clean and fresh. The finest line of Wines and Liquors I Cigars, 4c, foreign and do mestic Free lunch served each evening. Big schooners of f resh,Beer,Porter, Ale, &c. OPPOSITE : THE : THEATRE,. .7. J. UOUUHKTtTY. Pron. JOHN COSLETT Main and Oak Streets, Shenandoah, Fenna., GREEN GROCERIES, Truck and Vogotahles. Poultry, Game, Fisli and Oysters In ccison. Orders left at the store wUl receive prompt attention 104 North Main streot,Shenandoah,Fa., WHOLESALE BAKER AND CONFECTIONER. Ice Cream wholesale and retail. Picnics and parties supplied on short notice Chris. Bossier's SAL00EI AND RESTAURANT, (Mann's old stand) X04 Sou til Slain Street. Finest wines, whlskevs and elzars always In stock. Fresh Beer, Ale and Porter on tap. Oholeo Temperance Drlnca. L0RENZ SCHMIDT'S Celebrated Potter, Ale and hi J AMES SHIELDS, Manager Shenandoah Branch. JOE WYATT'S ShLUuli AND RESTAURANT. (Christ, Bossier's old stand.) Stain aurt Coal Stu,, Hlicunucloab. Best hoer. ale and norter on tan. Thn flnnnt brands of whiskeys snd cigars. Pool room at Uched. Piatt's Popular Saloon, (formerly Joe VTyatt's) and 21 West Oak Street, Sni3KANTIOA.Tr, PA. Sir stooked with the beat beer, porter, ales, shlskles, brandies, wines, etc Finest olgars latlntbar attached. Cordial invitation to all 1