The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, August 30, 1893, THIRD EDITION, Image 1

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Evening Herald.
VOL. VIII.-NO. 154
Absolutely Free !
.To every customer who purchases
goods to the amount of
We will give as a present
Shepp's Photographs of the World.
J. P.Williams & Soil.
k large consignment of Misses' and Children's Qn
Fancy Ribbed Hose, (worth 12i and 15) at Is
116-118 North Main Street, - Shenandoah, Pa.
Now to make Boom for:
TTiave concluded to sell off all the Russet Shoes
I have at a Big Reduction.
Children's Shoes, formerly $1.00, now 65 cents.
Children's Shoes, formerly $1.25. now 75 cents.
All kinds of Women's Russet and
Oxford Shoes' at and below cost.
14 South Main Street,
Big Inducements to Buyerss6-
o AT THE o
s Store !
Ladies' Block Oxford Ties, patent tip, 05c, elsewhere $1.00.
Ladies' Russet Oxford Ties 75e, formerly 51.25.
Cliilds' Black Oxford Ties 60c, cheap at 75c.
Ladies' Foxed Gaiters 00c, reduced from $1.25.
Men's Tennis Shoes only 40c.
121 North Main Street,
New Fall Styles
, . .m, . ,
Velvet, Tapestry
Body Brussels.
New Oilcloths
! public schools,
Getting Ready for the New
Many Hundreds of Dollars Hpcntlu Hopalrs,
linprnieiiu'iits and flom-ntl Gleaning Up.
Tho High Scliool In an Almost Now Con-Ullon-Othor
CHOOIi teachers and
scholars who have been
away from town enjoy
ing vacations aro now
wondlug thoir ways
back again and making
ready for tho opening
of tho classes next Mem
day. All tho buildings aro now tho scenes of
great activity; carpenters, painters and janl
tors aro busy tearing down, robuildlng, re
pairing, ro-painting and giving tho rooms a
general cleaning up, and tho School Directors
predict that when tho term opens all tho
buildings will bo found in better condition as
a wholo than thoy have ovor boon beforo.
In tho general cleaning up tho board has
taken tho precaution to fortify iteolf against
any posslb'.o complaint by tho Board of Health.
Tho basement of ovcry building in tho town
has been cleared of all dirt and rofuso and
the foundation walls havo been whitewashed
insldo and outside. Ten cart loads of rubbish
wcro taken from one collar, tho accumulation
of years.
Under tho new school law it becamo noces.
sary to havo independent out-houscsat all tho
school buildings, and in order to comply with
the law considerable expenditure has been
ruado by tho board for fenco building. Every
school yard has required a fenco, but tho
greatest expenditure in this connection was
mado at the Coal street building, which has
been entirely surrounded by a substantial
fenco and also providtd with a dividing.
Tho building upon which tho most money
has been oxponded for ro airs is tho High
school. Iu consequence of tho fire last fall it
was necessary during tho vacation to tear
down and replace tho celling of overy room.
A new chimney has been built in placo of tho
one in which tho firo started and tho high
school room and the grammar school room In
which Miss O'Conncll taught for so many
years aro now connected.
Miss O'Counoll will continuo to occupy tho
latter room after tho term opens, but as soon
as tho new West street building is oompletcd
tho room will bo surrendered to tho first as
sistant in tho Iligh school and Miss O'Con
noil's class will bo transferred to tho new
Tho High School building has also been
thoroughly ro-paintcd and ro-decorated insido
and presents a very attractivo appearance.
Beforo tho school opens the platform in tho
High School room will bo re-carpeted and tho
present organ will havo been removed to
niako room for a handsome new piano.
Considerable tlmo and expenso has also
boen expended on tho Lloyd street building,
and ono of tho improvements is a now boiler
of increased capacity for heating purposes.
It will bo necessary to havo two schools in
tho Luthorau church on West Cherry Btrcet
again, and the board has taken steps to im
prove tho means of ventilation.
Tho improvements and repairs havo been
oxtensivo and tho board has been obliged to
spend considerable money for them, hut an
Inspection of tho buildings willsatlsfy any ono
that tho money has been woll spent. School
Director A. J. Gallagher has been a hard
worker this summer As acting chairman of
tho building and repairs committee ho has de
voted a great deal of his personal attention to
tho work.
Superintendent Whitaker.l'rincipal Coopor
and Secretary Frank Hanna havo thoir
headquarters in tho Union street bulldlug.
They spend ten hours every day assorting,
reoording and marking tho great stoek of
books, elates and othor supplies, which have
been purchased for the schools under the free
toxt book law. When tho result of their work
Is given tho public next week there will be
some very interesting and surprising Informa
tion, Baxter's Mandrako Bitters cure Indigestion
heartburn, costlveness and all malarial dis
eases. Twenty-flve cents por bottle. lm
Music in the Air.
Tho St. Nicholas Baud camo to town last
evening in full uniform and sorenaded a num
ber of our citizens, among them Prof. E. W.
Wilde, who is their instructor. Tho baud is
composed of genial young fellows who ronder
excellent music. Their dark blue uniforms
with gold trimmings aro very attractivo.
Chas. A. Loder, tho dellniator of German
comedy is coming. 8-20-5t
What Ho Hi-es anil Hears During UN
To cat peaches as a medloino seems rather
odd, but it Is nevertheless a fact, corroborated
by ono of our leading physicians, that peaches
aro both food and medicine. "1'eaches," said
my Informant, "aro a tonic, an aporont, a
food and a drink combined. Thoy aid tho
digestion, reduco redress of tho nose, aro good
for biliousness, aid tho blood and improvo tho
comploxion." Teaches wcro novor better or
sweeter or cheaper than now. Feast upon
thorn while you can.
Many amusing iricidonts I hoar related in
my wandeiings about town. I was In tho
company of a young lady ono evening this
week and sho told mo of an cnjoyablo as well
as an amusing trip sho and ono or two other
young ladios had at Fountain Springs on Sun
day. Thoy were accompanied by a young
man visiting town, but whoso homo is in
Philadelphia, Ho entertained them royally,
and tho ladies enjoyod his company immense
ly until tlity roached certain dam wliero
peoplo aro privileged to tako a row if they do
slro. Itlght hero is whero tho young man's
gallantry oxcecdod their fondest expectations.
In fact tho young ladlesat loast ono of them
wero overcome by .his kindness. However,
don't for tho life of you, mention Fountain
Springs to either of these young ladios.
Only tho peoplo immediately upon tho
ground can appreciate tho depressed condi
tion of affairs iu this section by reason of tho
default in payment of wages by tho I'. & It
C. & I. Co. and from tho statements mado by
come of tho business men it Is surprising that
more than half tho busiucss places aro not
closed. On Monday tho traveling salesmen
flocked into tho town with tho expectation
of making collections, hut it is
safo to say that soveuty-flve per cent, went
out of town disappointed. Tho drummers
had heard that tho P. & R. company paid tho
mine employes on Saturday and when their
bills wcro not met thoy seemed surprised, but
after It was explained that the pay received
was only for tho last two weeks of July and
no wnges for August had been paid thoy could
more readily sco why tho cash was not flow
ing. Ono drummer said ho would return to
headquarters and wait until the clouds would
roll by. Another drummer said ho was on
the road with instructions to mako collections
and to avoid taking orders lor goods if ho
could da bo without giving offense to his cus
tomers while tho depression lasts. A Scran
ton drummer was in town yesterday and said
everything is as dull iu tho Lackawanna nnd
Luzcrno regions as hero. Ono miner from
Yatesvlllo Bald tho employes of tho Knickor
bockcr and Ellcnguwnu collieries aro very
.much discouraged. Thoy haio not recolved
a pay iu six weeks and had nothing to base a
hope for ono. Tho P. & B. company paid at
the Alaska, Bcliancc, Locust Spring, Locust
Gap and Monitor collieries to-day.
From present indications Labor Day will
not bo observed in any other way than gen
cral idleness in this region this year. Thero
will bo nothing special in this town, or in
fact in any other in the county. Some jieoplo
havo tho hardihood to announco picnics in
ono or two places, but if thoy aro dopondlng
upon this end of tho valley for succcbs they
will ho out of pocket. Thero aro too many
peoplo here just now who aro really in need
of bread. Obe,
Fancy bhootlug.
Peter L. Murphy, of Philadelphia, who
was tho guest of .lohu A. Bcilly, of town,
thoast week, loft for Atlantic City this
morning. During Ills Btay hero Mr. Murphy
gave tho Bportsnieu of this town several
pointors and proved an expert in pigeon
shooting. Ho gavo several free exhibitions,
tho principal ono being that of yoster-
day afternoon when ho Introduced
sovoral trick Bhots, He killed ten blue
rocks straight, turning his back to the trap
after each shot and waiting for tho signal.
He introduced a numbor of other tricks among
them, allowing the guu to Ho upon tho ground
until tho trap is sprung. Mr. Murphy wears
a championship gold medal which ho won at
a tournament of the Silver Lake Guu Club,
Philadelphia. He is wrapped up in the sjmrt
and gives exhibitions in the towns he visits
merely for pleasure and, of course, apphuse.
Nothing In It.
Somebody started a report in'tho First ward
yoeterday that when Justice Monaghan is on
duty at Philadelphia as Inspector of Immi
gration ho will allow only Galway or Mayo
won to laud. A few took the report quite
seritmtly and there was eou!drablo fun ovor
UouglihiK Leo te Ottowuiptlou,
Kemp's Balsam will .top the cough t
Is This True ?
From the llazleton Sentinel.
Mr. C. G. Hancock is to become general
passenger agent of tho Lehigh Valley. Mr,
Hancock is the best pasecngeragentin Amer
ica. Ho kept at tho head in all administra
tions and If tho report is true the Valley has
an able man.
But it is being hinted that tho "deal" Isn't
over that is, thero is complaint that tho di
vorce has not been an absolute ono and that
the schemers havo taken a new tack. The
plan is this: Tho Valley and Central will
take all the half dead branches of the Bead
ing and in brief it will bo tho reduction of
tho Beading to a little lino from Philadelphia
to WilHamsport, but In tho end the combine
will be a fact, only the Beading will not be
tho great road.
A Uuuaway.
The Italian who keeps a fruit stand at tho
corner of White and Centre streets met with
a loss yesterday afternoon. He started out
with a load of watermelons, peaches and
other fruit with the Intention of sailing the
stook down the valley. When he resetted the
outskirts of Wm. I'eiin hit horse became an
manageable and pulled the load Into a field
1U1 with stump-. The wagon was almost
demolished and the fruit was scattered la all
directions and mado unmarketable.
Shenaiiilo ih and 1'otMvUto Clubs to l'l.y it
To-morrow Managor Bradigau, ol tho Shen
andoah baeo ball club, will go to Pottsvlllo to
mako tho final arrangements for a sories of
gamos which will decido tho championship
between tho two clubs. Tho series will con
sist of four games, two at Shonandoah and
two at Pottsvlllo. Should tho clubs end oven
on tho sories thero will bo a toss to decido
upon grounds for tho fifth and flual gamo.
Iu order that tho arrangements shall bo car
ried out in good fith and to provent any
wrangling on tho diamond, oach club will do
posit $100 iu bank as a forfeit. Tho first gamo
will bo played hero on Soptembcr 8th.
Mrs. O. A. Kcim has gouo to Dudloy, N. J,,
to visit relatives.
P. J. Mulliolland and Michael Muldoou
spent to dav at Pottsvillo.
Mrs. Charles Bartsch went to Wadosvlllo
this morning to visit friends.
Missos Ella McGinnls and Anna Dongler
havo returned from Chicago.
Dr. Gallaglier, of Washington, I). 0., is tho
guost of his brother-in-law, Senator B. J.
Elmer Willmau, who has boon spending tho
past few wcoks visiting friends in town, loft
fur his homo in Mauorton, N. Y.
An Old Black Horse Stuffed
With Surprises.
Huso Hall.
Part of tho fonco around tho baso ball
grounds at tho trotting park was blown down
by Monday night's storm. Kcpairs will bo
mado immediately.
Martin, of tho Shenandoah team, put op an
excellent gamo for tho Readings, at Beading,
yesterday. Tho Harrisburgs woro tho oppos
ing forces. Martin and Fox led in tho batting
with threo hits each.
Contrary to oxpoctatlons thoro will bo no
gamo hero on Labor Day. Tho homo team
plays two gamos at Mahauoy City on that
Tho Pennsylvania R. B. team will play hero
on I rid ay.
Frank Henry is in Philadelphia hunting
up a good all around man for tho homo toain.
Many aro laboring uidcr tho improssion
that Frank and W. Henry of tho homo tonm
aro brothers. Frank's brother is still playing
third baso for tho York team.
It is reported that Davo Boilly Is off tho
Pottsvillo team for tho balanco of tho season.
Thero aro no loss than twenty applicants
for tho leaso of tho Trotting park baso ball
grounds for next soason.
Fredericks, a Philadelphia man, has been
secured by tho homo team and is oxpected
hero to-night. Ho will play third baso.
Renova, of tho River Lcaguo, will play hero
on September 3rd.
A common cold should not bo ncgloctcd,
Downs' Elixir will euro it. lm
A HrlffSlrlho.
Tho employes of tho Pattorson collery, near
Mt. CannclgWho wont out on a strike Monday
morning because thoir pay for the last half
of July was not forthcoming resumed work
yosterday. Tho paymaster arrived at tho
colliery a fow hours after tho men had turned
out and immediately disbursed thoremainder
of tho wages duo for July. Tho paymastor
ruantainod that his failure to arrivo at the
mines with tho cash on Saturday was bocauso
ho missed his train at Philadelphia threugl
endeavoring to get his large bills changed
Into small curronoy.
Notice to l'arents and Teachers.
School will open Monday, Sept. 4th.
Superintendent Whitaker will bo in his office
in tho High school building at 0 a. ra. on
Wednesday and Thursday, Aug. 30 aud 31,
for the purpose of issuing tickets for the
ensuing term. The teachers are required to
meet in the High school room on Saturday,
Sept. 3d, at 0 a. ma business of the utmost
importance is to be transacted.
8-Mt M. P. Whitaker, Supt.
Sisters Leigh, tho English twin marvels, in
thoir mystifying "Dolusion Danco" are with
Loder's "Oh, What a Night" Co. 8-20-Bt
Got u Trutttr, Too.
M. P. Conry, tho South Main street hotel
keeper, has decided to try and win laurels at
tho Rlugtown Fair races on Soptomber 8th,
with his maro, Salllo C. Mr. Conry is net
boasting about his possession, but ho says
should Sallle see a clear track towards the
close of tho race the farmers behind her will
have to beat 4:10 to get under tho wire ahead
of hor.
The llronco Han,
While William Meyriek was driving up the
mouutain at the north and of Main street
this morning seated in a sulky belli ud a
broneo, the animal suddenly wheeled around
ami ran down the mountain t break-neck
speed. Meyrlok escaped and the broneo was
recaptured uninjured, but the milky was
wrecked at the corner of Main and Coal
Amk QU
A Shenandoah Sport Mlsjudgr-d (lie Millie
Up of a Shahhy Looking Quadruped and
l'nrlrd AVHh Considerable Money on
What Ho Thought was Sure.
T IS not often that tho
horsemen nnd sporting
men of tho largost town
iu Schuylkill county
snnp at n false bait, but
when thoy do bito they
drlvo their tcetli deep
into it and generally
bring upon themselves ft very sovoro attack of
indigestion. Snappers had not had a chauco
for sovoral years until Monday last, when ono
of our most prominent aud gritty sports was
taken in, boots and nil.
On Monday lost thoro was considerable talk
about some horso being backed to run against
time at tho Lavcllo grounds. Several of our
townsmen went down to set the trial. There
was not near as much talk over tho affair
Monday night and thero seemed to bo some
mystery about tho wholo thing. When peo
ple who wcro thoro were asked about tho ro
sult they petulently answered, "O, it was
nothing worth mentioning." Tho cat leaped
out of tho bag last night.
Tho story as told by ono who claims to havo
n knowlcdgo of all tho circumstances Is that
last Monday morning a Mt. Carmol man
arrivod in town .driving an old,and apparently
broken down black horso of tho kind sonio
peoplo call clothes-horses. Tho animal's riba
wero prominent, his legs wcro a counterpart
of thoso Boon on tho "beforo using" horso
blanket advertisements, and his tall resem
bled an old, very old feather duster, but that
same horso had a roguish cyo.
Tho Mt. Carmcl man drove to a livery
stablo on Whito street and offered tho steed
in oxchango for another horso and J75 iu
cash. Tho ofl'er was received derisively.
Tho horso was then driven to a Coil street
stabloand tho driver told of tho ofler ho had
mado at tho other plico and thero was moro
deriiivo displays. '
"Why.that horso aint worth 75 cents," said
tho Coal street man.
"Ain't ho.though I" oxclaimod tho driver.
"No ho 'ain't ho though,' " wns tho retort.
"You ought to seo him trot j he's a dandy,"
persisted tho driver.
"Trot I ha ! ha ! ha I that's a good joke.
Trot I Why tho thing is doad and you don't
know it. Trot I Well, woll, that is a good
"You may laugh and talk, but I say this
horse can trot and I'vo got tho mouoy to say
he can,"
"Oh I go homo aud buy oats for him with
your monoy aud don't throw it away."
"I say lie's a Hotter "
"What's that ?" Jusfthen tho sport who
subsequently played a leading part iu tho
play arrived upon the sccno.
"Did I hear you say that animated skeleton
cau trot 1"
"Y-a-n-s, I said that laminated what-yer-may-call-it
can trot," replied tho driver with
a sneer; "and what's more, I've got dcr duff
to say he can go in lose dan troj, too see?"
Tho driver was getting wanned up and
"slangy." Ho appeared to bo voxod by the
asperious cast upon his horse.
The dialogue continued quite a whilo, dur
ing which the driver said that since early
morning be had driven tho animal from Mt
Carmol to Bingtowu ; from tho latter placo to
this town; and ho was williug to drive him
to Lavello and yet bet ho oould make a mile
in three minutes.
The town sport saw tho glimmer of a
"cinch" and a wager was mado. The Mt.
Gunnel man drove tho horse to Lavelle, stop-
plug uu mo ruau iv nave new shoes, put on
the horee. The Shenandoah delegation went
down by tralu.
When tho time for the start was at hand
there was quite a sprinkling of sporta on tho
grouud. Five stop-watches were pulled out
to make sure that there should be no mistake
about tho trot "He's off!" "Look at him
pull out!" "Look at that dust fly!" "Ain't
lie leaving the traok behind f Sueh were
the exclamations for a brief period and when
the horso passed under thn uim th time ...
asked for, and 'lS;B8" was the answer.
It is said tho Shenandoah sport droppod fS6,
and others parted with sums ranging from
ono to twonty dollars. The exact amount
that changed hands has not been ascertained,
because everybody concerned seemed to havo
forgotten all about the raco as soon as it was
t it very hetlhu ad
WadM ViUm affilM to
The motto of tho proprietors of Dr. nenry
Baxter's Mandrake Bitters is, "the greatest
good to the greatest number," and so Bell a
large bottle of a valuable remedy for tho
MuaU price of 85 oents. and warrant
bottle to give satUfkotion or nonay ro-
""""" lm
f)t Cuta up to f&oo put yard for
Oilcloths. CH aol H
them. Abo a number of SteimiMHtM
t your own prioo. Rk carpets
MfttlvlO Mdr tX C, T. J iu-ke'H Store
and KVfltor?, 10 Houih JarUin elreet.