The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, August 26, 1893, THIRD EDITION, Image 2

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    The Herald.
X.A. HOYim I'roprtetor
It. 0. IIOYISlt Editor and 1'ittdUhtr
W. a. WA.1 KlNt)..,..- Local Editor
ft f- BOYISH ......Ii(lnM 3lnnri,rr
uii.T,par y&ar, fa 00
rrKi.T, per ywr,..,.. i 00
Advertising Itutr.
Transient, 10 conts per lino, llrst Insertion 1 B
snts per line each subsequent Insertion, UatJ
or regular advertising mn tie had on apf$M!
iiuu i me onioe or uy mailt
The Evening hkhai.d has a larger clroula-
lion ra nuenandoah than any oilier paper pub-
iuhou. uooKs open to all,
untoroa at the Poitoflloo. at Hhonandoah, Pa,
lor transmission through the malls
as second-class mall matter.
'lliOHervuut t'lrlH who weut to the
World's Fair are reported to bo return
nig to their former home. They
Miougnt tliey saw exceedingly laffeft
weo in Chicago whllo thelfulr wn
feeing held, but they have not realized
this expectation, nud many of them
have been unable to get employment.
The housektepers of the East, South
and West who have been distressed
by the departure of their servunts.and
have done a good deal of work to "1111
a gap" to which they are unaccustom
ed, will welcome the wanderers, and
there will be no reproaches.
The old suggestion of forcing the
negroes to live in one place, this time
Jn a desolate region in New-Mexico
and Arizona, la been revived again
by an Alabama man in a "piece"
which he has spoken before an educa
tional conference. There are just two
rJ5cilon8 Vi the soheme, First, 7,001,
OtXJorSiOOO.OOOhumiiu beings can't be
forced to live in 0110 place until thpy
are doad, if an Irish bull may be per
mitted. And, secondly, if the negroes
tjoufduo deported to New-Mexlao
and Arizona, the people whose pros
perity now depends on their labor
would raise a riot, with alynchiug bee,
in whioh the organizers of the scheme
would euact the principal role.
It is announced that a number of
Germans now living in Kansas have
decldad to leave that State and pettle
in Dorchester County, Maryland.
This recalls the fact, that some years
ago a colony of German immigrants
settled in the most barren portion of
Carroll County, Maryland, and by
skillful farming aud thrift have made
their lands as fertile aud profltablo as
any in the State. " When a sturdy
jace like this," says "The Philadelphia
ledger," " begins to leave the State,
theKansasnuthorities who are respon
sible for its growth and prosperity may
be brought to their senses. At the
present low prices which rulefor much
of the farm laud in the Eastern States
there Is money in farming here for the
Western farmer who- will bring his
tconomlc habits with him. It is the
common observation that farming
will pay on our side of the continent at
the present prices of good farms,"
The Democratic crusade against
pensioners has induced some invest!
gallons, the result of which may have
the ellect of cooling the ardor of the
crusaders. It has been found that
while the Southern States only pay
$6,090,834 for revenue taxes, there is
paid for pensions to their citizens by
the National Government $112,508,946,
Most of these pensions are paid to
Alaxictin War veterans, many of whom
Juught desperately against the Govern
ment during the civil war. Among
ttietn are men who held high rank in
tbe rebel army, as well as the widow
ef a number of suoh. The SouUmth
impels have uttered many a growl
eeuse of their section being taxd to
ay the Union soldiers pensions, yet
the figures show that the Northern
people are being taxedjto pay pensions
to the men of the South. These Mex
ican War pensions are paid, not Jw
wounds or disability, but for simple
service. They are paid, as we hare
seen, to men who tried to break up the
Union. Before Mr, Hoke Smith goes
a with his work of suspending pen
sioners in the interests of econom,
would It not re well to save the mvn
than $13,000,000 paid to these ex-rebekt.
Some of the suspended pensioaen
nay not be disabled sulllclently tQ
4 raw a pension under existing tety,
but all of them fought for the. Unto
and have a better ri ght to consHfei
atlon than the men who simply fonfljt
lor the extension and malutenanfcS ef
slavery and the disruption ot !fllM
Tho Now York Sonator SpoakB for
no will Vote for tin) Itnpnnl Illll "Un-
nned 1y I'uwur nml Uiirnrriiptcil by
J ciinrul I'litroniiKn" Ho Is for Froo
Coinage lit 11 Dlniliilabpil Itatlo.
Wasiiikotos, Auk. SO. At tho closo of
the routine busbies in tlio senate, which
BSwiirlsed no mntter of nubile Intorost ox.
flept the presentation of communications
rrbnj the treasury department adverse to
mf special legislation in regard to ponal-
iMeuiitno wnislty tax, Mr. Hill addrosscd
elialr ami was recognized.
, Thre wcro those. Mr. Hill said, who did
not wholly agree with tho president in his
diagnosis of the malady now affecting tho
ooay pontic, and who did not hastily join
Wtth lilm in the rosy conclusions thut tho
financial millennium Is to como tho mo
ment the Sherman law Is removed.
There were some who had ulvon tho snl).
jeet attention who believed the cause of
me present depression was decner and be
yond tho Slierman hill, and that itsfound-
MKms were laid in tho evil hours of 1873,
when the country unwittlnelv laid aside
We Biinnclal nol cv thntnad been Its en dn
umm mo foundation 01 the government.
The existing financial disturhnnen. Mr
HH1 found, was attributable to tli
ttool; eausos:
JTWtIt was the natural and inevitable
rwmlt of many years of real or fictitious
Beooml homo portion of tlio nrcsent
panic could bo trnrcd to a concerted effort
OH the part of the nionometalllsts to nro-
du It in order to discredit silver.
iTalnl Uut no matter what ciso mnv
have contributed In flm m'i,ernt. flnnnlnl
condition it would not bo denied that the
Silver purchase law had been, at least in
BWt, and possibly the most lnrgclv in-
teumental in producing existing com nil-
, Mr. Hill did not believe that simnle re-
piftl of the Sherman law would at onco
restore abundant prosperity, but that
ninny years would be renuired to recover
Atom tho present disturbance. He com
pared his course in declaring for repeal
uriui the president's course in failing to
refer to it until this Into day.
He wasablmotallistuudstood for freo
ioimie at a proper ratio. Had tlio Sher-
nfmn law been repealed at tlio last session,
in specinl session on tho 5tli of March.
e united States would have escaped the
eent panic and precluded tho closure of
e Indian mints. Independent, free bl-
etalllc coinage of the United States was
wt consistent with the counsels of mone-
ry science. While repeal would not
tyring parity, it would facilitate it by
.ringing mux ncw-iuugieu monetary
lieory gold monometallism, begotten in
he einbracos of ignorance with rapacity
,t lact to an unequivocal and crucial test.
The nermauout remedy for our financial
difSauity was to return to tho bimetallism
tfhat existed prior to 18i!i.
Mr. Hill favorou tho lucreaso 01 tuo na-
Iloual bank currency as proposed in tho
lending bill. Continuing, he said ho re-
I tardea tuo question ot ratio as not timely
1 md as of tho least consequence; but if
( changed at all it should not bo enlarged
1 ut diminished to 15,', the Lutin uuion
He would refuse to follow in tho foot
tepg of any administration that sought to
place tho Democratic party in a false po
sition and lead it into tho very camp of
the enemy. The president must rely on
jitepubllcan votes to carry out any such
suicidal policy. Ho did not bollevo, how-
fver, that any such course would bo taken
y tho president by his own volition or
fcweu under the inspiration oiindlscreet ad
visers, until clearer evidence shall be fur
nished than now oxists. Ho deprecated
hasty action in the formation of a dofluite
financial plan, and predicted the failure of
the attempt to impose a gold standard on
Meanwhile the prompt repeal of tho
Sherman law was demanded as a measure
ot temporary relief. Let us legislate upon
the financial quostlon, said Mr. illll, and
then return to our homes next December
resuming the consideration of a perma
nent system. His distinguished colleague
and himself would cheerfully vote for the
repeal bill "unawed by power and uncor
rupted by tho federal patronage."
He predicted the passage of the bill by
the senate, and that the republic would
weather the present storm.
When he declured that himself and his
colleague would vote for the pending hill,
unawed by power and uucorrupted by
;fleral patronage, thero was an outburst
lof applause in the galleries, which the vice
president suppressed, declaring that if
any other manliestatlons occurred the
galleries would be cleared.
I Mr. Hill retired into one of the cloak
Vooms, where he wa3 surrounded by sena
tors and others offering congratulations.
As soon as order was restored Mr. Stewart
nook tho floor and addressed tho senate,
(denouncing the pending bill as a measure
destructive of silver.
Charged With Old Time Murders.
DKNVER, Aug. 20. Frank Ladd, a black-
iewlth, called at police headquarters with
a wewan whom he wanted held for two
murders alleged to have been committed
in Philadelphia seventeen years ago, the
vtettnis being her lover aud a hostler who
dieeovered the first murder. The woman
went under the name of Blanche Drown,
bat her real name is Maria Kirk or Maria
Sterling. One feature ot the story is that,
George Nickens, a colored coachman,
found the hostler's body and compelled
the woman to live with him by threuten
tag exposure. The woman denied the story
and was discharged, whereupon Ladd bald
he would swear out a warrant charging
her with the murders.
Neapolitans Still IUotlntf.
Home, Aug. 6. The striking cab
drivers still riot in Naples. Last night
ad nli day they havo been fighting the
police in several quarters of the city. Four
regiments were taken by special train to
Ute city yesterday. The military and
Xiotrs had three encounters during the
afternoon. More than 1,000 persons were
atrested. Many of the men who led in the
smilh French agitation strnrted uftor the
Aigues-Mortes massacre are said to have
jelned the rioters.
A Popular Verdict.
RA.YMOKD, Miss., Aug. 99. The case
gainst Cicero Heard, for the murder of
W. H. Colbert, which has ooeupied the
ftftfcire time of the court for several days,
vHs concluded ye- irday afternoon, the
Jiry bringing iu a verdict of not guilty.
Heard's friends picked him up aud carried
m !u triumph from the court room, auuu
0,feoius of the crpwa.
llUpalclief frnui Now lliiirn Hneiu to
dlonto Its Truth.
Nbw Havkn, Conn., Aug. ao.-Oreatox-cltoment
was created here by tlio an
Jiouncemont that tho young business man
who disappeared so suddenly a fortnight
ago and was supposed to bo drowned had
turned up in Atlantic City. Tlio tidings
wore brought in n telegram to A. O. Nor
ton, the young man's father, from H. K.
Kldridge, chief of police of Atlantic City.
lloth parents of the young man are com
pletely prostrated by tho unexpected,
though joyful news. They had thought
their son drowned, but will go at once to
Atlnntio City to verify tlio statement of
his safety. Tlio tory tiiat the young man
was taken by piratos whilo in bathing
hero and kept a prisoner till Thursday,
when ho mado his escape and got to shore
in tho storm, appears Incredible, but the
details of tho oscapado are awaited here
with interest. Ho lias a reputation horo
tor undoubted veracltv.
Tho latost version of tho storr is that
Norton was In bathing from a small boat
some distance from slioro when two Hal
ians rowed up to the boat in which ho had
left his clothes, and began to rifln them
When ho swam back he was captured and
imprisoned 111 a sloop, making his escape.
ns reported yesterday. 110 was at sea
twelve days before his escape. Ho claims
to havo been robbed of f200, a gold watch
aud 11 diamond pin.
member Talk to IJmpty Ilonclies In the
Lower llriitieli.
Washinoton, Aug. 2d. Thespccch made
by Mr. Hill, of New York, in the senate
yesterday was remarkable In many re
spects. When ho declared that the presi
dent, if he deserted bimetallism, could not
rely upon support from him or from
Democratic senators, and would havo to
rely upon tlio votes of Ilepubllcnn sena
tors, a slgnlflcent smile of amusement and
self-compluconcy passed through tlio
whole Hepublicnn group, while on tho
Democratic side of thochamber there were
looks rather of annoyance than of pleas
ure. Tho speech occupied In Its delivery
a llttlo over an hour and a half, and at
tracted close attention on tho floor aud in
tho well filled galleries.
Nothing sensational transpired In tho
house. Asido from tlio speeches delivered
by Messrs. Harrows and Springer, there
were none that commanded tho attention
of tho members. And, indeed, these two
speeches were not listened to with the in-
erest they deserved. Tho day was a day
of calm. A largo number of members ad
dressed the house, but, for tlio greater
part they wasted their eloquence on empty
benches. A Mui dorer's CoiifeKtilon.
Milwaukee, Aug. 20. The bodies of the
woman and child found weighted with
heavy stones in Milwaukee river on Wed
nesday havo been identified as those of
Mrs. Joseph King and her 5-year-old
daughter (Irnce. Gustave Scharif, who
says ho has been living with Mrs. King,
and who says he has been trying to sever
us rolations with her, was arrested and
bus made a complete confession. He said
tho woman was u burden to him, and he
decided to get rid of her and tlio child.
Tile President's Gllrsts.
BuzZAItn's Hat, Mass., Aug. 20. The
president's catboat carried a jolly party
down Buzzard's bay yesterday afternoon.
Besides the president thero were Governor
Itussell, Joe Jell'crson, Secretary Lamont,
Dr. Bryant and A. H. Wood. Tho party
fished nearly all the afternoon, and tho
president and the governor brought ashoro
many bottom fish. The president will
leave Gray Gables next Tuesday. Mrs.
Cleveland uud tho servants will remain
until tho latter part of the week.
A Prominent Cuttlumuu Murdered.
San Axtonio, Tex., Aug. 20. Informa
tion has just reached Iiore that J. It. Mo
Kerrow, one of the most prominent cat
tlemen of southwest Texas, was brutally
murdered near his cattle ranch in Kinney
county by unknown parties. The object
of the assassin or assassins was undoubt
edly murder, as tho pockets of the mur
dered man were rifled, bikI several hun
dred dollars taken from his person. No
Another Fortune for Ilopew.
New York, Aug. 20. Chauncey M. De
pew may soon fall heir to an eitate of $1,
000,000. Years ago he befriended a young
man and loaned him J500. The money
was evidently put to a good use, for the
youth throve and prospered, and he now
writes that he is the owner of estates in
Cuba worth $3,000,000, half of which he
has willed to tho president of the New
York Central.
Our COO imo book "TIITIEE CLASHES OF MEN," should be read by every younfft
iiildille-aKeiland oldmnn, sent sealed, free. Dr. Suudcu's Electric illelt .is no ex peri mem,
ns we have restored thousands to robUBt health and vlcor. after all other treatments failed, "a can bo
shown by hundreds of cases tbrouphout this and other States.who would uladly testify, and from many
of whom we havo etroufi letters bearing testimony to their recovery after ushig our licit.
New Yobs: Cut. October 2lth,
DlU A. T. BAKDJU. Dear Blr: Aboutthreeyeartaco
V ,.rnV,aiUU1 nna vnnii alanf rti tuUa f t (if iinTA tit
2KTVOUS debility, which I had in its worst form and
vhleh was undermining: my health. For years I bad
euuerea rroro ims lernuie auDiuaung orain on my vui
forces and 1 did not know what It was to have a good
tilarht'u uleep, but In one month's time at Ur using tho
leJ 1 1 felt a much stronger man both mentally aud phy
glCftUy. and In a short bue was entirely wi 11.
Yours truly, II. SKKMQ, 807 Bowery.
liROOKLVW, N. V., October 36th, 1V
t)TU A. T. eiffPKK) Ltoar Sir t Four years ao I suf
fered such fioln from rheumatism that at tunes it was
Impossible for ma to gft around, end I always carried a
cane for support. I used your belt and ft Itarplie lu
erne hour. 1 tratnedliiMelkhtfrumtuutdavaudltwas
only a short Uuie until the pains lift me and t-dayl
fun a well man. 1 always l-ep my b-U mar by for ft ar
there mUfht be art-turn, but as It has now been four
Oeors sbictt you curtd ine, can safely swy His pursinn
tnt, A.IiVJ, MucalWwtvrtsuiluik'tiVUuo.
Is a complete wlraniabatterr, made ln(n a bIto s tobo ca.illr worn darlBK wnrk or atwt.nnd t
irlve. aoatliliur.pri'loiiKedcuirbata whuli ar. lnntuntlf tult thrnui.'U..ut all weak prU,orwelorrelt
B3.00U. Itbuaan Xmprovi-d J'lccirlc HUBimunory, thonroatoat htmn vnr 7fvou WMkmwj.anil
pa warrant ittocureauy of theabov
m' ;ue -ea,
m, and will cure thowurntoancalu two ofwe
They aru graded In strength tbsueet
irth tn moat
The Illff Show WIH Hoan Clour Off Its
I'lontliiff Ilubt.
Chicago, Aug. 20. The attendance at
the fair this week show a steady lucreaso
in the number of visitors, and the man
agers are elated. The financial mattors of
tho exposition are looking brightor. Vice
Trosident I'eck, chairman of the finance
committee, says that there will bo soon no
floating debt. The entire amount now due
contractors is less than $300,000, and a few
such days as the fair lias had tho present
week will wipe that out. It is saUl that it
tho general prediction of Increased attend
ance from now on is realized the fair will
close an unprecedented succoss in every
way as well as unancially.
The finance committee i so well pleased
" general snowing mado by Aud
itor General Ackeriiinn la fifmaUlar-
ing tho advisability of recommending he
payment of a third instalment of 10 or 20
per cent, on debenture bonds.
Yosterday was the colored people's day
-. vuuiu uujii uii )ari hu-
jacent to this city, and a fair portion were
from tlie far southern states. The most
distinguished men of the black race were
among those at the grounds.
Tho local colored men and women
turned out in force aud In thoirbestattlro.
They carried themselves in an orderly
manner and acted proudly. They had an
interesting program to observe at Festival
hall, where their best orators mado
speeches, the address by Frederick Doug
lass on the "Itace Problem hi America"
being masterly In logic and eloquent in
tone. Sisseretta Cones, known as tlio
black 1'attl, elicited rounds of applause
from tho audience, which was largely
composed of white people.
Tlio paid admissions to the fair yoster
day were 140,031.
Caniduu Thieves Ciiptllrod.
Camden, N. J., Aug. 26. Two more
robberies were added Thursday night to
the long list of depredations of thieves in
Camden. In; one case tho police captured
tho robbers. In tho other a safe was
broken open and rilled in tho glare of an
electric street light. Four policemen cap
tured tlio thieves who were looting tho
provision house of It. T. Kobinson & Co.,
atSecoud and Pino streets, at an early
hour in tho morning. The prisoners are
Andrew Bogan and Jacob Suders, who
were employed by tlio firm.
A Jlatliur Undly Injured.
Asnimv Park, Aug. 20. Farrell Crc
zler, of Trenton, was seriously injured
whllo bathing at the Asburygrounds. The
strong undertow swept him under tho pa
vilion, and threw him violently against
the piling. Tho life saver who went to
rescue him was also injured in tho same
way. Crozier's wife was on the beach at
the time. Her weeping over the half dead
man created groat excitement among the
lHsustur Follows Dlstvater.
Chicago, Aug. -ai. Following clnsclyin
the track of tho disastrous llro of Thurs
day night at South Chicago comes the
news that tho Illinois Steel company,
which employed a great number of those
who lost their all in the conflagration, will
close down its South Chicagp plant next
Monday. About tl.UUO men will bu thrown
out of work.
Xr: O. a. Titus
"Every Dose Helps Me
When I take Beod'a Sarteparllla, and I think tt
the beit madlelne for the blood. My ilx-year-old
boy hud sores on his feet, caused by POL
SOW IVY. They became so largo and pain
ful he could not wear his shoos. A week alter
I began giving him Hood's Barsaparilla the
sores began to heal up and disappear, and when
he had taken two bottles he was entirely
cured." Una. C H. Titub, South Gibson, l'a.
Hood's Pills " purely vsetii, and a
ot vug. JLa ar grip. Eoklbr lUdmjjUU. 2ia.
with Klcctro Magnetic Stisprifl
Hory will cure -without inetlicinu
all of tlio aboratroubles. Those wtid
puffer from Nervous Debility
jjOf-iflcs, jrrnins. j'Osi mniiuootil
N urvouHUttHHeMpeiileHsiH'ss?
loo r Memory, nil KeniuleComj
tilfiiDtt. nndirunprnl 111 health'!
tho effects of abuses, excesses, worr-
or exposure, will find relief and prompt
euro iu our luurveiuus invention,
tvhirh rami 1 rps but ft trial to cnnvlnrn
the most skeptical, In iKnorance of ef
fects you may have un.iuly drained
yournysteni of nerve force and vitality
which 1m electricity and thus
caused vourwouktiesBorlackof form.
If you replaco into your system the
elements thus drained, which are re
quired lor vigorous aircnat i, you will
remove tho caute and health, strength
and vigor will follow at once. This
Is our plan and treatment, and yra
cuarantee a cure or refund money.
New York Cmr. rw. on taof
PR. X. T. SiNDffM.Dearblrjlcaa report to you that
the belt has entirely cured mo of rheumatism from
which I sutrered for fourteen years almost continually,
I am a letter carrier, and the lonff daily tramps neces
sary In rar rounds, up to the time of getting the belt,
were painfully gone through with, but thanks to your
wonderful Invention, 1 can now wait as well as I ever
did, and will recommend your treatment to all afflicted
The current ha alao brought back my vigor In other
wigrsas you said it would. Yours very truly,
lAMES MEAD, Si Perry Bt.
Tiv dnmts. uta.. Cxmms. Maine. Fh. 97. irm.
Db. A. T. tUmttsT. Dear Birj I an Klad to add in
testimony t me man;
nony t toe many you nare ok me preat value or
belt. My health nas imnrnved wonderfully, and 1
have trained twelve pound of fler.h, and now sloep well
anl have an excellent apiHitlte. ..Your splendid e&clrhj
Ix'lt with your "rules ot Health" has beon a very valu
ahlft benefit to tnc.fidltake pleasure in rwoom mending
your bolt. lourarospgct fully, ..
' mL GEO,
ana Kieni.irKw.nruf.m'ii jiihob, prt..uriTiuuer
inoutlu. Aadrcw (or lull u."ew itkm.
all BtaitiiM fr T?oauiit'yb n ' :.. i;ai
all stages t v?talcht'b m
823 Bror.ti.
ysw York.
WANTS. &o.
WANTED. A middlo aged house
keeper. Ileal referonoes renjlrsd. Ad.
ply to It. v, Ulll, corner of Main and Lloyd
J. Men: for Young Men. Turfcera Is tho
uoioiwiici uuu reuiurer Known lo uiuii
Kind. Lost vigor, weakness una pains In tho
liarlr tinimannnt1 l? . .nA
Price only J2.00. Sena for sealed circulars.
mi. MAIBON,007ValnutHt., Philadelphia, l'a.
Don'tTobaoco Spit orSmokoyourLlfo Away
Is too truthful, startling title of u little book
that tells all about No-to-bac, tho wonderful,
harmloss Guaranteed tobacco habit euro. The
cost Is trifling and tho man who wants to quit
und itm't runs no pbysioal or financial risk In
using "No to-bac " Hold by all druggists.
Hook at drugstores or by mall free. Address
The Sterling Ueedy Cov, Indiana Mineral
pHOPOHAr.l.-Proposals will bo received
A uy tae unucrsignea. tne committee on
iletttlng and Fuel, until 0 o'clock p. m., Mon
day, Sept 1, 1893, for furnishing nnd delivering
coal for the schools of tlio borough. All coal
must bo token from the P. . It. collieries.
Proposals BOould bo sent to the chairman-of
mi) commiivss.
Mauh Huiikl', Clialrmaa.
Wm. Trbzise,
INSTATE NOTICE. Estnto of John F. HIg.
VJ gins, lato of tho Horoueh of bhenandoob,
Uounty of Hch'iylklll, deosasod. All persons
Indebted to said estate are requested to make
Immediate payinit, and those having legal
claims against the Bame will piesent them,
wrtLout delay, lr proper order, for settlemonU
MAllOAKET 11 IG GIN -J, Executrix,
Or her attorney ..JAMES W. ItYON,
T-3t(ttoaw Pottsvillo, Pa.
Pottsvilli:, Pa., August 5,1893. f
SEALED PROPOSALS will be roeelvcd by
the undersigned, tho Commlsslenors of
schuylklUCounty, until 2 o'cIcjsI: p. m Mon
day. August 21, ldSl, for furnishing and de
livering to the Court nouse and prison 100
tons stove, 10U tons chestnut, and 10U tons of
pea eoal.
County Commissioners.
Att3t: Pmi.. J. CONNK1.1 , Clerk. 7w&s5t
CoMMisstONEns' OrwcH. 1
J: OTTSV11I.H, PA, August 5, 1803.
SEALED PROPOSALS will bt rocelved by
the undersigned, the (TommlsMlnners nf
Schuylkill County, until 2 o'clock, p. m., Mon
day, September 4th, 139S, for tho erootlon nnd
completlsnof two abutments and remodeling
tho iron bridge at Palo Alto, to Bpan the
Schuylkill river at Alt Carbon, Pa., In accor
dance lih plans nnd speculations, which can
bo seen p.t this office.
County Commissioners.
Attest: Phil J. Conmull, Clerk. a7-vra-9t
The American Farmers'
-k.t IVIt. G-rotiia,
In Lebanos and Lancaster Counties, Pa.,
FROM AUGUST 19th TO 26th, 1893.
Under the direct management of the National
Farmers' Alliance and Industrial Union, the
largest organization of farmers In the world.
(Over IK) 0CO Alltnccs constituted, with a mem
bership exceeding 3,000,000.)
Very low railroad rates over allllnes In tho
United States. Tho best band and other muslo
obtainable. Every day a big day. Mammoth
assembly halls: 100, U00 square feet of platforms
foroxhiblts; also, immense buildings. Most
eminent speanersln America:
U. . Senator Wrc M. Stewart Nevada.
Governor Kobert E. Patterson. Pennsylvlan.
Kovernor Davis H. Waite. Colorado.
General .lames H. Weaver, Iowa
Hon H. L. Loucks, South Dakota (President
Nat'l Farmers' Alliance and Industrial Union).
Hon. Ignatius Donnelly, Minnesota.
Judgo W. J. Kerr, Colorado.
Hev. Dr. Edward McOlynn. New York,
Hon. Charles M. Thomas. Colorado.
Miss Mary E. Le3o, Kansas.
Hon, Ben. Terrell, Texas (Lecturer National
Farmers' Alliances), and others.
Other prominent men have been Invited, In
cluding President Cleveland, Secretary of War
Col. Dan. Lamont, U. 8. Senator David B. U1U,
New York, and Hon. Thomas 13, Keed. of
Grand exhibit of farm lmpllments and ma.
chlnery ; large display of products of farm and
garden; premiums ranging from S200 down,
Liberal awards for best bread, best butter, best
cake, pies, canned fruits, jellies and plcklesr
also needle work, etc. (Send for premium list)
Cjmpetitlon tree to all agriculturists and their
families. Admission by railroad free.
Many and varied attractions for men, women
and children. Everything tho best.
Hundreds of cottages and tents lor lodging;
facilities for feeding man; thousands each day.
Everything reasonable.
Officers President, John S. Dora, Fresno
Cal.j Vice President. Col James Younsi Mld
dletown, Pa., Hon, M. I). Davie, Deverly, Ky
Hon. C. D. Matthews, Bu3alo,N. Yanci others.
Advisory Hoard, prominent farmers from
nearly every State and. Territory. Encamp
ment Committee. Major Mann Page, Brandon,
Va ; Hon. I. E, Dean, Honeoye Falls, N. Y.,
and Henry O. Demmlng, chairman, Harrlsburg
Pa., who will pleased to give any further
Information. Bt-d-i-lt-w-
To Builders !
The season for building
is almost at hand, and
we have just replen
ished our stock of all
kinds of Hardware,
Nails and Builders'
We also carry an Immense line ot
Stoves, Hangcs, Cutlery and Tin
ware. Hoofing and Spouting our
Peter Griffiths,
I beg to Inform the nubile that I have pur
chased the
lately owned by William Itamer. and will con
duct It for the benetlt of my customers. A
share of your patronago Is solicited.
(Formerly with Wm. Derr) 12 W. Centre St.
Can always bo had at
Cor. Lloyd and Market Sts.
Best Besr, Ale and Porter and finest Cljira
viwavii on nann. rniiKuiretimnni u n
17 S. Main Street.
Fiaet Brands of Wines, Whiskeys and Cigars,
Fresh Beer, Porter and Ale
always on tap
aiiciinncioali, Pcniia,
A. TT. LEISENKING, President.
P. J. FERGUSON, Vice Presldm
J. It. LEI8ENRING, Cashier.
B, W. YOST, Assistant Otehlcr
Open Daily From 9 to 8
Interest Paid on Savings Deposit
Beer and Porter.
T AM AGENT for the
-1- Chas. Itettig's Cele
brated Beer and Porter lu
this vicinity, also Berguer
& Etigel's celebrated India
Palo Ales and Old Stock.
Orders will receive prompt
attention. Finest brands
of Liquors and Cigars.
120 South Main Street.
Manufacturers of
pQGieliif go dp
Of Every Description.
Flags, Baogss, Caps, Regalias, &n
Write for catalcgsfia. CorresyMdehce solicited
Mcflleal Ofiletr, 23B K. SECOND St.. Fhllsd'a, Tt,
fpeclul IMHrnncB A Yontliliil Krror
Varicocele, lljilroocle, Itupmre. Lost Manhood
Trcnlmi-nt Iit Mull a Siierlall.r. Com
lnunlcatlona sacreilly conllUpr.tlal Hcnd stamp ri
UIIIIDUUUIIIUA. jl, It, I . ., t, tO V A".
itl-AU day Saturday Sundays, 10 to 13 A M.
Everjthlng modeled after
Grcen'a Cafe, Philadelphia,
32 fi. 9Iaiu St., Sliennndonli.
The leading place In town.
Has lately been entirely reno
vated. Everything new, clean
and lresh. The finest line of
Wines and Liquors I
Cigars, Ac foreign and do
mestic. Freo lunch served
each evening. Big schooners
of f resh,Beer,Porter, Ale, &o.
T. J. TinrjBHKRTY. PrOB.
Main and Oak Streets,
Bhonandoah, Penna.,
Truck and Vegetables.
Poultry, Gaie, Fish and Oysters
In season. Orders left at the store
will receive prompt attention
101 North Main street, Bbenandoah, Fa.,
Ice Cream wholesale and retail.
Picnics and parties supplied on short notice
Chris. Bossier's
(Matm'c old stand)
104 SoutU Main Street.
Finest nines, wblskevs and clears always In
stooli. Fresh Beer, Ale and Porter on tap.
Celebrated Potter, Ale and Beet
Mamtsfcor Shenandoah Branch
(Christ. Bossier's old stand.)
Main and Coal 8to,, Blicituimoali,
Best beer, ale and porter on tap. The finest
brands ot whiskeys and cigars. Poolroom at
Uchod. .
Piatt's Popular Saloon,
(Formerly Joe MTyatt's)
O and 21 West Oak Street,
Bar stookod with the best beer, porter, ales,
hlsklea, brandies, wines, etc Finest clears
ttni barattaohed. Cordial Invitation to all
3. B.