Among merchants li the one who caters to the wants of his cus tomers, be thoy rich or poor. Both have n jual right to be treated fairly. Juatico to all la a good motto, and our customers will find Honrs. Wo havo a complete lino of Groceries M well as Cannod Goods, etc. Como and see onr itock of Roods, and romombor tho best goods aro always the cheapest In tho long run. Corner Grocery, Centre and White Sts. THIRD EDITION PROPERTIES FOR SALE. Hlieiiundouli Oilers Opportunities to Seek ers iff Investment. Tho followittg cnumoratod properties aro for salo and Information coticernlug tliem may bo had upon application at tho Herald office: 1. A row of framo houses containing apartments for six families. Will net at least 15 per cent, on tho price asked. Loca tion In tho heart of 8honandoah. 2. A splendid factory slto, SOiGO foot in elr.o, In tho heart of Shenandoah, and In cluding largo building. Cheap. 3. Lot and largo building with railroad at front and roar, with or without 8-horso power engine, holler and shafting. Splendid build ing for a factory. 4. An elegant new houso In Pottsvillo, coruploto in every detail, all conveniences, largo and high rooms. Lot 00x170 feet. Largo hennery. IMPORTANT NOTICE. Suouiuiilujli I'lilillo Witter Works llomls at I'lve 1'or Cunt. At a meeting of the Shenandoah Ilorough Council, August 10, 18011, it was decided by resolution that tho bonds of tho Shenandoah Public Water Works bo issued at flvo (5) por cent, per annum and tho citizens of the town bo given fifteen (1C) days to purchase same, at tho expiration of which time tho bonds will bo open to tho genoral public. In accord auco with that "resolution tho citizens must make application to the Borough Treasurer before Saturday, August 2Gth, 1893, at 6 p. m. 8-ll-15t LAKESIDE PARK. Dates Hooked for This Season at This Popular Kesort. Tho following is a list of tho dates securod and the names of tho societies : Aug. 25. Anniversary plcnlo of I'hceuix Fire Company, of Shenandoah. Bept. 1. Picnic of tho Shenandoah Evan' gclical Sunday school. Sept. 2. Gorman Catholic Beneficial Union of Eastern Pennsylvania. Grangers' ricnle. Tho Grangers' twentieth annual interstate picnic exhibition, at Williams' grovo, Cum berland county, Pennsylvania, which will commeuco this year on Monday, August 28th, continuing for six full days, gives promlso of tho usual large attendance. The display of farm and domestic machinery and implements, agricultural and horticultural products, will bo largo and interesting, in addition to which 50 car loads of registered stock will bo ou e . hlbition. Prominent members of tho Order of Patrons of Husbandry, leading agricultur alists and eminent statesmen will bo in at tendance to deliver addresses every day dur lug the week. Among tho special features of tho exhibition will bo the World's Columbian Exposition fully displayed in grand stcrcoptl con views and descriptions during tho even ings, also exhibitions of skill in handling wild and vicious horses by Dr. G. II. Uollings worth, of Hagorstown. Files or Hemorrhoid Permanently curod without knife or ligature, No danger or suffering. No delay from busi ness while under treatment. Patients who , are responsible need not y until well. A perfoct cure guaranteed. Send for circular, a. REED, M. D., 129 South 13th St., Philadelphia. Defers, by permission, to tho editor of the Evening Herald. tf Use Wklls' Laundhv Blue, tho best .Bluing for laundry use. Each package makes itwo quarts, loots. Sold by Coakloy Bros. Important Notice. The water will bo shut off every night, be ginning to-morrow evening, August 17th, at 1 o'clock,and remain off until 7 a. m. tho next day. All washing of corriagos with hose must he stopped. S. D. Hk&s, 8-lli-lw Superintendent, Bm4 ntHrtoti mi.ii MMmwH Mi Ito'Wf, Here You Are. If you are looking for an elegant new homa, in a permanent, healthy place, fitted with all the latest conveniences, plenty of yard room, call at this offlco for full partic ulars. ComliiB Kveuts. Sept. 5 lee cream and ,peach festival at Bobbins' opera house, under tho auspices of the Y. P. A--of the Welsh Baptist church. Fire Alarm lloxes. Tho following list shows the location ot the alarm boxes of the Shenandoah fire Department: LOCATION. 16 Coal and Bowers streets. 19 Bowers and Centre streets, 24 Bridge and Centre streets. 25 Main and Centre streets, a 4 Main and Poplar streets. i Main ana Coal streets. Gilbert and Centre streets, tt-UUbert and Cherry street. IV Chestnut and Coal street. To send an alarm open toe box, pull down the book once and let fo, When an alarm 1 statin toe Ore bell will sound the number of tM bos nnd repent the alarm (oar timet. HOW SO LOOAT ALAKMB. r If to alfcm 1 sounded Iran box II lb are Mil w strike one, then peus nod strike nve wfcMh wilt IMUswto kt the r Iw in Um yiMr o Me, tt . Btwy alarm la repeated KING four times. PENNSYLVANIA DAY. Inducements Offered lly I'cnntylvunlM Itnllroitd Company, fr"l. - It-1 .1 t-n- ... I . ! .... 1,Mtn ,1.,nl,1 . X I1U IIUIIUS Anil yVlllllllOIVl. (ia,luullU' oil on Thursday, scptoinuer Yin, as me nay which they desire lo havo formally celebrat ed and designated as Pennsylvania Day, tho Pennsylvania Kail road Company, In pursu ance of Its usual custom, takes pleasuro In an nounclng that for tho benefit of those wishing to participate In or attend the ceremonies, tho extremely low ruto of ono faro for tho round trip will prevail from all points situat ed on the company's linos within tho borders of tho State. Tickets for tho occasion will bo good only on the special train leaving Philadelphia at 11. 30 A. Jl., September 6th, and reaching Lancaster at 1.15, Harrisburg 3 00, Lewis town Junction -1.30, Altona 700, Pittsburg 10 25 P. M. Stops will bo made at inter mediate stations, and connections may bo made from points on , tho branches of tho main lino. Tho composition of tho train will bo firstolass standard coaches, and ample accommodation will bo provided for all who will avail themselves of tho opportunity of showing their interest In an event so moment ous as tho commemoration of tho Koystono Stato at tho World's Colombian Exposition. Chicago will bo reached by tho special trail early in tho afternoon of tho next day, September 0th, and return coupons will bo good for passigo on trains leaving Chicago at 3.15 and 11.30 P. M. on or beforo Septem ber 13th. Tho inducements for this excursion and tho fsclllties provided in tho train fcrvlco over tho Pennsylvania system, will doubtless bo taken advantago of by tho many Pcun- sylvanlans who nro anxious to show the pride thoy havo for their natlvo Stato. MANY CHOLtKA' VICTIMS. An Omiclal Itrpnrt or the ringtio's Itsv 2Hfh Hiiui III lEllKrtlit. St. Pkteiisiiuro, Auk. 2-1. A supple mentary official cholera report gives the following statistics of tho ravages of the dlseuse in tho affected governments during tho past week: Orel, 047 now cnsen and 213 deaths; Cossacks of tho Don, 408 new cases nnd 202 deaths; Koorsk, 300 new cases nnd 103 deaths; Vladimir, 150 new cases nud 52 deaths; Lomzn, 53 new ensr s nnd 22 deaths. Moscow, 72 now cases and 24 deaths; Vintkn, 47 new cases and 22 deaths; Voronezh, 39 new cases and 22 deaths. For tho past fortnight tho follow ing returns are Riven: Government of Pa- dolia, 1,178 new cases nnd 423 deaths; gov ernment of Toola, 253 new cases mid 78 deaths; government of Ynrcslav, 92 new cases anil 28 deaths. In the city of Moscow during the past three days 171 now cases and 74 deaths were reported. In tho city of Kertch, in the Crimea, 09 new cases and 33 deuths occurred during the past five days. New I'oslniiintcrs Appointed. WASIIINOTON', Aug. 25. These fourth class postmasters havo just been appointed in Pennsylvania: G. K. Weber. Detnsey town; Poter Abels, Dravosburgh; George Jlulm, fctnn; Emma Isenian. Kont: .1. T. Ccssnn, Itainshurg; I. .1. Kunselmnn, Red- clylfe; Mrs. S. J. Fulton, Reldstmrch; J, A. Dltmnn, St. Petersburg; J. V. Aruor, blilppensville; C. C. Fulton, Strattonville R. L. Ifasler, Tiotiosta; J. A. Daynham Turkey City; 1. A. McDonald. Ulysses: R. L. Logan, West Monterey; J. L. Gra zier, West Freedom. New York David Lyons, Peru; Mary E. Hvlnnd. South Li vonla; S. M. Ingallx, Springfield. New Jer sey J. N. Deinaiis, Cedarvillo. fully Twimty-flvn Perished. Halifax, An?. 25. There Is no longer any doubt that fully twenty-five persons perished In tho wreck of the steamer Dor cas and the barge Etta Stewart. Twenty bodies have bein recovered. Miss Sadie Musgravo, M. McCaskill. Normnn lie- Cntry, John F. Sharp nnd a child of the steamer's engineer aro yet unaccounted for. The schooner Dorold Borden, coal lnden for Sydney, X. S., for Bay of Fundy, capsized oil Wolfvllle, and It is feared that all hands were lost. l'KHSONAI.. P. J. Golden aud wife aro at Atlantic City Miss Virgio Hollopeter spent to-day in Pottsvillo. Miss Mary O'Ncil, of Philadelphia, is visit ing friends hero. Theophllus Williams went to tho county scat this morning. John Donavan. of Philadelphia, is spend ing n few days in town. Julius Powell left town yesterday for his home in Providence, E. I. Michael Mcllet and Thomas Samuels, of Mahanoy City, wero in town last ovenlug, Miss Nellio Mcllet, of Mahanoy City, is visiting Miss Sadlo Slattery, of Wost Oak, street. Superintendent J. J. Bradigan and wlfo havo gone to Atlantic City. They expect to return by Monday noxt, Superintendent William T. Evans, of tho Homo Friendly Society, was among tho town poople who spent to-day below the mountain Misses Lottie aud Katie Burkhart went to Pottsvillo to day. Beforo returning home thoy will visit friends in Beading aud Lees port, ItljiEtoaii I'alr. Tho Thirteenth annual fair of the Bingtown Agricultural Society will bo held at Bingtown on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, Aug, 20, 31 aud Sept. 1, 1603. In addition to tho dally attractions on the programme are Col orado Charley's Wild West show, and Cop- pock's great cyclorama of the Battle of Get' tysburg. A special excursion train connect ing with regular train will leave E. M. June tlon at 0.10 a, m., returning leave Bingtown at 0.45 p. m., stopping at all intermediate stations. Israel Aitleoate, 8-23-2t Secretary. Delinquent Tax Notice. All taxes due to me on the duplicates of 1889 aud 1800 must bo paid to M. M. Burke, Esq., who Is retained by me to make such collections. Cukist Schmidt. August 4. 1803. 8-4-lm Switch-Hark Itullroad Trains leave Swltoh-IUok depot, Mauch Chunk, week days, a follows: 8 4U. 10.10, 11. BT a. m l,w, s.a, . o p. m, ouou jrm, t ou, .u. m, Returning, leave Hummlt Hill, 9.40, II. 10 a. in., I no, ., ,ao, nun any, , iwp.m. 4 1. ISM. Bay KqfHwe flear. Be aire that the namo Liwia & Babb, Ashland, Pa., U printed on every sack. 8-3-3Uw Surprise Tarty. Miss Carrlo, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Foist, celebrated her 15th anniversary at tho residence of her parents on Wednesday evening and was tendered a surprise party by a number of her young friends. Tho merry makers wcro Magglo Williams, Mary MIIII chap, Maize Haulier, Catherine West, Annio and Salllo Bcddall, Qcrtlo Qoodhead, Minnio Davis, Josephine Daddow, Com Foist, Hannah Davis, Sylvlo Tempest, Helen Price, Annio Lawson, Mamio and Mattio Powell, Bessie Hoover, Ruth Griffiths, Emily James, Itctta Bear, Plttston ; Dlanah Grosser, Phila delphia ; Hannah Harbino, Ashland; Mary Prltchards, Trcmont; Thomas Mlllichap, John Charles, Wllllnm Schmidt, Harry Ervln, Sol. Swlndt, William James, Oscar llollch, Joseph Feist, James Smith, William Vcale, William Dusto, N. Powell, Thomas Davis, David Fels Robert Leckie, Oeorgo Foist, Charles Stauffer, Thomas Evans, Samuel Small. Lost Creek; Elmer Willman, Now York ; Edtllo lieeeo, Stcelton; Mr. and Mrs. Bishop and Mr. and Mrs. Stauffer. To the lMilillc. I havo purchased the large stock of men's, youths' nnd boys' clothing and good will of Harris Scfl's Original Bargain store, 23 South Main street, aud will continue the business at tho same place Tho stock consists of the latest styles of custom innilo clothing which will bo sold at tho very lowest prices. I also havo a flno lino of men's and boys' hats and furnishing goods, as well as an excellent stock of ladies' men's aud children's boots and shoes, which will bo Bold at 25 per cent, less than prices asked at othcrplaces. Eli.ib Sopowitz, 23 South Main street. Lavello Fair. Tho Lavcllo Fair will bo held on August 22,23,21 and 25. Largo exhibits of live stock, jKHiltry, farm, art aud manufacturing products. Largo purses for trotting, pacing and running horses and valuable prizes for blcyclo contests. There will bo great attrac tions every day. A special attraction will bo tho Prof. A. L. Tolbcrt & Co. running com bination, performing dally between races, giving great feats of horsemanship, Boman, standing nnd chariot races. Excursion rates on all railroads. o. o. d, Hn'o Hull Kotos Bellfonto will bo tho noxt club that will oppose the homo team at tho Trotting park. Tho Bellfontes lead In tho Elver leagno with a pcrccntago of fGG and aro said to be strong players. A big crowd will go from town to morrow to sco tho gamo at Pottsvillo. Ilrokfl tho World's Ilecord. Columhus, O., Aug. 23. Tho world's record for live heats was broken vestcrdav in tho free for all trot at the Columbus driving park. Allx and Lord Clinton con tested for tho honors. The first mile was made in 2:12, tho second in 2:11, the third and fourth In 2: w, and the fifth in 2:09. Besides lowering his own record Alix caught tho world's record from tho fastest fifth heat. A Clergyman In Disgrace, Nashville. Aug. 25. Rev. Dr. Howard who was arrested in Chicago Aug. 4 on tho charge of using tho malls for fraudu lent purposes, nud immediately afterward escaped from an olllcer, is again In cus tody. A dispatch from Jackson, Tenn., says that Dr. Howard returned to Jackson yesterday and was arrested at the houso of his mother-in-law. He says he is confident of acquittal. Glf m Awuy, For Bixty days Eeagoy, tho photographer will givo a 10x12 plutinum picture with ovory dozen of his $3 cablnnfa. Go to McElhonny's restaurant. 8-0-tf WANTS. fco. WANTED. A middle aged house keeper. Best references rtq Mred. Ap ply to 11. P. U1U, corner of Main and l.lovd streets. 8-21-tf PltOPOSALS. Proposals will be received by the undersigned, tho committee on Heating and Fuel, until 6 o'clock p. m., Mon day, tept 4, 1M3, for furnishing nnd delivering coal for the Echtols of the bortucb. All coal must be taken from the P. & H. collieries. Proposals stiouldbo cnt to tho chairman of the committee. MAitK Ilt'iiKK, Chairman. Anthony lvyngh, A. J. Gallagher, w M. TltEZlSE. 8-23 (It THOS MANLET. Ik American Faimers' NCAIPMENT! V-t TVEt. G-i-otjltv, In Lebanon and Lancaster Counties, Pa , FROM AUGUST 19th TO 26th, 1893. Under the direct management of the National Faracis' Alliance atd Industrial Union, tbe largest organization of formers la tbe world. (Over flo COO Alllnces constituted, with a mom brrshlp exceeding 3,000,000. ) Very low railroad rates over all lines In the United states. The best band and other music obtainable. Every day a big day. Mammoth assembly halls: lOU.UOO square feet of platforms for exhibits: also, Immense building. Most eminent speasers in America: U. -. Senator Wm. M. Stewart. Nevada. Governor Hobert E. Patterson, Pennsylvlan. Governor Davis H. Walte, Colorado. General J. mos H. Weaver, Iowa. lion H. L. Loucks, Kouth Dakota (President Nat'l Farmers' Alliance and Industrial Union). Hon. Ignatius Donnelly, Minnesota, Judge W.J. Kerr, Colorado. Kev. Dr. Kdward McOlynn, New York, Hon. Charles M Thomas. Colorado. Miss Mary E, Lease, Kansas. Hon, Ben. Terrell, Texas (Lecturer National Farmers' Allli k es), and others, Other nrom.ti' nt men have been Invited, in cluding PresldeL ! -land, Secretary of War Col. Dan. ' mont, I -i. Senator David B. llill New York, . -'d Hon. Thomas II. Keed, of Elaine. rani vhlblt . : farm lmpllmests and ma chinery i . ' e display of products of farm and arr) r pit. ros ranging from KSX) down, ilbet. . '.varu .or best bread, best butter, best . ,nned fruits. Jellies and plcklts; ai. "edit. . ork. eto. (Send for nremlum list) C, u... Hon free to all agriculturists andtbelr iuiuu.i. Aamission ny railroad rree. Many .. ud varied attractions for men, women aud otillareu. Everything tbe bet. Hundreds of cottages and tents lor lodging: facilities for feeding mauy thousands each day. Ever; lb ing reasonable Officers l'.tsident, John H. Dora, Fresno Cm.; Vice President. Col James Young, Mia dleiowa, fa., tion. M H. Davie. Bnerly, Ky., lion. C. 11, Matthews, Buffalo, N. Yx no others. Advisory Hoard, prominent farmers from nearly every mute and Territory, Encamp ment Committee. Major Mann 1'aflt. Brandon, Va.;IIon.I. E, Dean. Iloneoye Tstln, N. Y.. and Henry 0. Dear, ml nu, ohB4rauuUllarrUtur( I who wlU pleMea to glver further luformatton. t-a-i-lt-w- CHRISTIAN SCHMIDT No. 207 West Coal Street, SHENANDOAH, PENNA. AGENT FOK- CELEBRATED LAGER 1 1 v AND PILSNER BEERS, Porter, Ale and Fine Old Stock Ale. John F.Ploppert, f HAST CISSTUX: 81. Bread, Cake and Pie Bakery! CONFECTIONERY. ICE CREAM. SODA WATER, J. F. PLOPPERT, 29 E. Centre Street,',! Shenandoah, BEST COAL In the Market. Prices per Ton, Delivered: 8T0VK COAL ?3 00 CHESTNUT COAL 3 00 PEA COAL 2 00 KGO COAL 3 00 Orders may be left at 21 East Coal street, or jui tf outn Mam street. M. L SHOEMAKER. HOOKS & BROWN, Base Balls, Bats, Masks, Toot Balls, A full line of Stationery, Blank Books, etc. o. 4 NORTH MAIN STREET. 1 o Builders ! The season for building is almost at hand, and we have just replen ished our stock of all kinds of Hardware, Nails and Builders' Supplies. We also carry an Immense line of Btoves, Ranges, Cutlery and Tin ware. Rooting and Spouting our specialty. Peter Griffiths, QIRARDVILLE, PA. mroTiOE. I beg to Inform tho public that I bavo pur chased tbe BARBER SHOP lately owned by William Ilamer. and will con duct It for tbe benefit of my customers. A share ot your patronage Is solicited. CIUHI.U8 DCRR, (Formerly with Wm. Derr) IS W. Centre St. Ilussct Shoe Lncest HuBset Shoe Drcsalui;! AT THE LEATHER STORE! 16 W. Ooatro fit., JOHN D. TltEJKIMR. S3ECUGrAri'S Bakery and Confectionery Store, 121 M. Jariilii Htreet, Tbe finest cakes and bread and plain and fancy confectionery ot all kinds always kept on hand. WM. BHUUARS. Public Notice! Notice Is hereby given that porsons destroy ing or detaining beer kegs will be prosecuted a provided by the Aot ot Assembly approved April 4th, 1BS6. Browors' Association. SblMcilcnh, Juki o, 1(!I, It Crrand Uispiay of BJRESS GOODS is such a bewildering topic ) that we will not attempt a full descrip- tion, but give a partial outline, which you can fill in by a personal inspection. There are the plain and changable diagonals; plain, plaid, striped and invisible plaid serges; fancy mix tures in all sorts of odd weaves, dots, threads, cross-threads, hair-lines, lilies here and there, many at a glance appearing alike, but upon ex amination are found entirely different. Our assortment of silks is complete china silks, china surah, plain surah, bengaline, plain, fig ured and changeable silks, in all the new shot effects. Full line of fancy braids to match any color of dress goods. .In Wraps singlo, double or triplo capes. Somo aro plain, others very highly decorated, with fancy inilesccnt braid, butterfly colors, or somo full arrangemont at tho neck, so much ap proved this season by tho fominino fancy. To somo, coats only aro tho correct garment. To thoso we would say coats aro equally fashionable and stylish, many of theso having capes also attachod Bomctlmcs ono, two or throo, as tho tasto or Inclination of tho wearer may desire. "We have this season, for the first time, added a Millinery Department, and have spared neither trouble nor expense to make it a suc cess. The result exceeds our most sanguine expectations. This department will be under the same management and conducted on the same principles that have always characterized our entire business. We shall keep everything in trimmed and untrimmed hats, novelties of every description. Having secured a trimmer noted for her artistic and skillful work, we are enabled to suit all tastes. We invite a careful inspection of our entire store. All welcome. Pre, Fumy aad Stewart, POTTSVILLE, PSSKTXM.. O, GEOUGK MILXjEK, Manager. ""Hickory Baskets! All Shapes and Sizes, Also Breton Lunch. Baskets. I A Aory nice Jot of Toilet Sets which wo will part company with at $2.75. These aro large and in four different decorations. "Wo have whacked another big chunk oft tl e price of Mason's Jars. ; GIRYII, DUNCAN & WAIDLEY'S. O JSJoix-tla. JVSLixlicL. 22txoot. August ft II l Hi-IESGKH EXHIBITS O Live Stock, Poultry, Products of Farm, Art and Manufacture. LARGE PURSES FOR TROTTIKG, PACING AND RUNNING HORSES! Fine and Valuable Prizes for Bicycle Contests. Great Attractions livery Day, except Tuesday, which is open ing day, when no admission will be charged. The Races Promise and are Assured to be the Best of the many good ones ever held on this ground. Special Attraction! The Prof. A. h. Tolbert & Co. Running Com bination, performing daily, between races, the greatest feats of horsemanship Roman Standing Races, Chariot Races and Hurdle Jumps by lady and gentlemen artist EXCURSION RATES GOOD MUSIC! For Premium Lists anil further partteulnra writ to the Secretary. Hon. D. D. PHILLIPS, Pres. FRANK REN1Z, Sec'y. Si 10 Vi Wo And tho most stylish and tho prevailing tnodo to bo tho Capo, In sorno of Its variations, and 11 1893 OF -