The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, August 19, 1893, THIRD EDITION, Image 2

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    SS"" i iiiiwi'PTMPI'WPBWBWPWIIiPMillllll'IIWIIM' MP' I
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The Herald.
. A.. nOYRUm...m....l'roprttor
O. 0, nOiISll. Editor and rublliher
V. J. irXlfJV... ....r,oeil Xdltor
, it. JloriC...... Manager
aT "
subscription rates:
04iiiYper y c&r, ............t3 00
TTbki.t. rer year.......-.. .......... ... 1 GO
jtrfrfr(((ii7 Hate:
Transient, 10 cents per line, Qrst Insortlon B
mw per lino each subsequent Insertion, Hates
lor regular advertising can bo bad on appllca-
Mon at the offleo or by mill.
The Ktirino IIeiiald has a larger ctrcula
tlon In Shenandoah than an; otber paper pub
lished, Hooks open to all,
Catered at tbo I'ostofuoo, at Hbenandoah, Pa
for transmission mrougn me maus
as seoond-class mall matter.
Tlicy paused Just at tlio crossing's brink.
Bald she, "Wo must turn bock, I think."
BLe eyes the mud. He sees her shrink.
Yet does not falter,
Dut recollects with fatal tact
That cloak upon his nrm In fact,
Reeolves to do tho courtly act
Of good Sir Walter.
Why Is It that she makes no sound.
Staring aghast as on tho ground
" lie lays the cloak with how profound?
Her uttoranco chokes her.
She stands as jietrlded until.
Her voice regained, in accents chill
She gasps, "I'll thank you If you will
1'ick up my cloak, slrl"
Oliver Ilerford In Harper's.
To Improvo Our Consular Service
Tho consular servlco should bo mndo
moro homoKcneous. As at present const!'
tutctl thero Is no general supervision over
tho dlfferc: t consulates In tho several
countries. They should nil bo mndesub-
sorvlent to tho consul frcnernl, or, oven bet
ter, as In the E.?llsh service, to tho minis
ter accredited to tho country In which they
nro located. As It Is, some consuls report
to tho lecntion. somo to the consul general
nnd others direct to the department of
state. It Is recognized that this custom
arose partly to proeuro quicker mail facIU
ties, but In many instances postal service
has been Improved lately, and tho cablo
and telegraph can bo used lor emergencies.
Tho consuls general could be dispensed
with, or If rctnlnod should pay annual
visits to thouiacrent posts in their districts,
a duty at present only permitted in some
countries onconyenr and by special permis
sion on application to tho department.
novel feature might bo substituted to in
crease the cfllcieucy of tho consular service
In tho institution of several superintend
ents, whoso duty it would be to visit tin
various consulates nnd inform tho depart
ment in relntion to their true state, such as
tho proper location of the office, tho state
Of tho records, the correctness of accounts.
as well as to ferret out abuses and inquire
Into any charge of misconduct, all of which
can only bo dono by personal inspection.
Owing to their remoteness consuls are less
under the eye of tho appointing power and
tho espionage of the public press than any
class of public officials. North American
Atlllg ZiOllilon Snmlnrlntie..
Among" tllB crowd of us who rushed Into
nnnnf tharefreshmentroomsof the London
and Northeastern line, where we hnd to
wait for nu hour, was a chap who had made
up his mind to say something unpleasant
wheu ho came to pay for his refreshments.
FTr wn growling when ho vent In, and he
Jawed all the while ho was eating, ana
when he slouched up to tho counter to pay
be shouted out:
"Them sandwiches are enough to kill
"What sandwiches?"
'-. "Why, them on tho table."
"Hut we have no sandwiches on the
"You haven't? Well, I Bhould like to
know -what you call them roasted brick
bats on that blue platter."
"You didn't try to eat one of those?"
"Yes, I did. I have had five."
"Then, my friend, you had better go to a
doctor at once. Those ore table ornaments
made of terra cotta, and were placed thero
to help fill up space. Upon my word, you
must liavo strong teeth and jaws."
Tho traveler rushed to the nearest doc
tor's, had an emetic, and returned for his
train. He didn't get over looking pale for
three hours. And they were
after all, real good ham sandwiches made
that day. London Tit-lilts.
. w ijjs-, l i ty
DJ693 (
VfTflnMcAN press association 1
1118 PA 00K8 HUNTINO.
"What has your Pa got his jaw tltxl
up for, and what makes his right eye bo
black and bluer asked tho grocery man
of tho bad boy as the boy came to bring
Borno butter back that was strong enough
to work on tho street. "You haven't
hurt your poor old Pa, have your"
'Oh, his law is all right now. You
ought to havo seen hltn whon tho gun
was engagod in kicking him," says tho
boy as he sot tho butter plate on the
"Well, tell us about it. What had tho
gun ngainst your Pa? I guess it was tho
son of a gun that kicked him," said tho
grocery man as ho winked at n servant
girl who caino in with her npron over
her beau nftor S cent worth of yeast.
"I'll toll you if you will keep watch
down street for Pa. Ho says he
dammed if ho will stnnd this foolishness
any longer."
'What, doos your father swear while
ho Is on probation!1"
"Swear Well..! Bhnnlrt cackle. You
ought to have heard him when ho come
to and spit out tho loose teeth. You
boo, Binco Pa quit drinking ho la a little
nervous, and tno doctor said ho ought to
go out soraowhero nnd get bizness off his
mind, and hunt ducks, and row a boat,
and got strength, and Pa Bald shooting
ducks was just In his hand, nnd for me
to go. and borrow a gun, nnd 1 could go
along and carry gamo. So I got a gun at
tho gun store and somo cartridges, and
we went away out west on the cars,
moro than CO miles, and staid two days,
You ought to Been Pa. Ho was just like
a boy that was sick and couldn't go to
school. When wo got out by the lako, he
jumped up and cracked his heols togetho:
and yellod. I thought ho was crazy, but
ho was only cunning.
"First I scared hiin nearly to death by
firing off tho gun behind him as wo were
going along tho bank and blowing off a
pieco of his coattafl. I know it wouldn't
hurt him, but ho turned palo and told
mo to lay down that gun, nnd ho picked
It up and carried it tho rest of tho way,
and I was offul glad 'causo it was a heavy
gun. His conttail smcllcd like whon
you burn n rag to make the air in tho
room stop smelling bo all tho forenoon.
You know Pa Is a little nearsighted, but
' ho don't bellcvo it, so I got somo of tho
wooden decoy ducks that the hunters
uso and put them in tho lako, and you
ought to seo Pa get down on hiB boll?
and crawl through tho grass to get up
closo to them. He shot 20 times at the
wooden ducks and wanted mo to go in
and fetch them out, but I told him I was
no retrievor dog.
"Then Pa was mad and said all he
brought me along for waB to carry gamo,
ana I baa coma near eUooting Ms hind
leg off, and now I wouldn't carry ducks.
While he was coaxing me to go in the
cold water without my pants on I heard
some wild ge'eso squawking, and then
Pa heard them, and he was excited. He
Bald, 'You lay down behind tho muBkrat
house, and I will got a goose.' I told him
he couldn't kill a goose with that fine
which ,
Just to 11
How the Forcetmenot Was Named.
Everybody knows the pretty little forgct
menot and likes the flower more perhaps
because of its name than its beauty. How
was it so called? The Germans account for
it by quite a pathetic romance. It seems
that once upon a time a knight and a lady
were walking by tho bank of the Danube
when tho latter asked her "gallant gay" to
pluck for her a tiny blue flower which she
saw growing in the stream. No sooner said
than done, but the knight, overbalancing,
ell into tho river, and owing to tho slip
pery uaturo of the bank and the weight of
his own armor was carried away by the
Current. As he threw the flowers ashore
to his lady he cried out with his last
breath, "Verglss meln nichtl" ("Forgetme-
notl") And ever Elnce the flower has been
looked on as the emblem oi naeiity. Phil
adelphia Times.
Treatment of Ilunlons.
Bunions are serious and hard to treat.
Ahoufc the ooly thing todo is to wear seam
less stockings, nnd shoes with kid or fine
calf uppers. Avoid Beating the reet ana
change the shoes frequently. Any sweet
oil will heal the soreness of a Joint, and
sometimes anointing it with Iodine will
bring relief. iVhen a bunion gets trouble
some, the liest plan Is to buy a stick of sul
phate of copper, pare away the dead Bkin
and cauterize the spot. The operation Js a
trifle painful, but it is only momentary,
while the sensa of relief that is sure to fol
low is like the "peace that passeth under
standing." New York World.
Verb and Sympathy.
"Mamma, I is so s'eepy."
"Not 'I Is, my pet."
"Well, me is."
Mamma shakos her head wisely. "No."
"Me me be?"
Another negative shake.
"M"me am?" doubtfully.
"No, '1 am' so sleepy."
"Am oo? Oo tome to bed too?"
pollapsus maternus. Vogue.
Who Can Pronounco III. Name?
The many friends of Mr. Joseph Sldz will
be pleased to learn that hU Integrity and
ability have been recognized. Mr. Sldz
was culled into the presence of Director
Pollner on Saturday and asked whether he
would accept appointment as Pouudkecper
nt the? tout h end. Cleveland trader.
The feasibility and advantage of dredg
ing the Salmon river with a view to ob
ialnlng its concentrated treasure In the
form of placer gold U being earnestly dis
cussed by California scientific writers.
4f. c. n.falcu U needed.but contra
irun chasing you and kicking you every
round your Hvci wan .vV inv.;h,
cause it was onuip ! nil' Then
Pn throwedtho Imir at uia. ile nays he
believes I knew cartridge was load
fcTtJt.' HUN Si AT E Q' ' 't
Fatlier lacy ) H AVII1 Itentm till
I'rlettly 1'iinctlnnt. t
nrnUKOTON, N. .1., Aug. IB. He V. P.(
Oenorx 1 AtnrkeU.
N rw Yonk. Aug. H.-8taU and western
noi iruau, steady; ! r axtrm, 1.95.S city
SI A Jien,,' '; fair to fancy, HUB
8. 4 Mlnnejota oli ,.r, UMftOf pat.nts. tt)
& LW; SUirfln, tU,, city mills, s.80.a
& IV, winter whw is. low gradet, 1 (Hfca.U;
t urns, SS.WftU'V, fine, JI.ToM.10; south.rn
aour dull, steady: common tofnlr eitm, tJ.ln
mu m uui jiob extra, Is.lfiQI.3o. Hye
flour qniet. (lrnif superfine, VWtM Wheat
very dull, ulrailM; September. ttiMB9-l(lc.i
ri.M. itiHi'AWiit'. . - ;
vviuirci, iiTswuii-.; uerpmoer, ivftaimiQ
church, who ban for wme time beenex-jfl teitdyi No. , ft)jiftHr.i September. 4i
conimunicaieu Hiifi iiib immuj mnubivuod i t7., uoiwhiiiw, mtiu. uais nun, Btoiiuy:
taken from him, will, it U olulmsd, b re-li New York, SltV5c.. western, 81io.; Septem-
Instated in a short time. Some two jjen ,,',7. ""
v.ti... rr... i,,i n,. inii. .
nao iiatner Trimoy nan some nun
cnlty with Jllnliop t) Ifarrell, of Trenton,
N. J., and In an interview with the blxhup
threatened to shoot hlin. leather Treaoy
at this time was adjudged Insane and
placed in an asylum. Soon after he was
liberated and took a trip Abroad. Since his
return he hat been living here, and he now
hays that through tin Intervention of
friends high In authority In the church he
Will bo given back his priestly functions.
Actor Cnrtl' Third Trial.
SAN Fiuncisco, Auk. 10. The third
trial of M. 11. Curtis, the actor, who is
charged with killing the police officer
Oraut in this city in Jfeuruury, ibvi, is
nearly ended. The prosecution concluded
its case- yesterday, and then Curtis gave
his version of the story, whloh was that
was attacked by a foot pad on the street;
that Ofllcor Grant approached them while'
tho foot pad wan heating him and arrested
them both, and that the foot pad then shot
Grant and escaped. The ease wo given to
tho jury today.
Ir. Carl Ptei Arrive.
Nltw YoliK, Aug. 10. Dr. Carl Potei-p,
the great African explorer, arrived yester
day on the steamship Fuerit Bismarck.
He has come here to attend the ethonolo
gloal congress which -neetHlu Chicago the
latter part of this uiomIi. He will btheis
until Monday, when tie goes to Washing
ton. Then he goes to ChiCMgo, and from
there wont to Yellowstone Park and to
California. He will remain In the country
about three months.
"lie went over a log."
shot, and I gave htm a large cartridge
tho gun store man loaded f or-, me with
a handful of powder In, and I told Pa it
was a goose cartridge, and Pa put it in
the gun. The geese came along, about a
mile high, squawking, and Pa aimed nt
a dark cloud and fired. Well, I was
offul scared. I thought I hod killed him.
Tho gun just rared up and come down
on his jaw, shoulder and everywhere,
and he went over a log and struck on
his shoulder. Tho gun flew out of his
bands, and Pa he laid there on his neck
with his feet over the log, and that was
tho first time he didn't scold me since he
got relldgin. I felt offul sorry and got
some dirty water in my hat and poured
It down his neck and laid him out, and
pretty 6O0n ho cj. ned his eyes and asked
IX any of the passengers got ashore alive.
"Then Ids oye swelled out so it looked
like a blue doorknob, and Pa felt of his
jaw and asked if tho engineer and fire
man jumped off or if they went down
with tho engine. He seemed dazed, and
then ho saw tho gun, and he said take
the dam thing away, it is going to kick
me again. Then he got his senses and
wanted to know if ho killed a goose, and
I told him no, but he nearly broke one's
jijtw, and then he said tho gun kicked
him wjten it went off, and he laid down,
and tho gun kept kicking him more than
20 times when ho )yns trying to sleep.
Ho went back to tha tavern where we
were stopping nnd wouldn't toucu the
gun, hut made me lng it. He tojd the
tnvern keeper that he fell over n wire
fence, but I think bo began to suspect,
after he spit the loose teeth out, that the
gun was loaded for bear. I suppose he
will kill me somo day. Don't you think
he will?"
"Auy coroners jury would let him off
and call it justifiable if ho should kill
you. You must bo a lunatio. Has your
Pa talked much about it since you got
back?' asked the grocery man.
"Not much. You see he can't talk
much without breaking his jaw. But
ho Tras abjo to throw a chair at me.
You see, I thought I would joke him a lit
tle, 'causo when anybody feels bad n joke
kind of livens 'em up, so we were talk
ing about Pa's liver, and Ma said he
seemed to bo better since his liver had
become more active, and I said, 'Pa,
whon you was BfflUjPgoyw witli the j
ParmeiK Suffer fimii Ilroiizht.
Wnsx Chested, Pu Aug. 10. Tlir farm
ers of Chester county aro ill a bad way bo
cause of the long drought. The pasturage
1ms all been dried up by the sun, and they
are now coinpolled to feed the cotta. The
corn Is following the grass, aud during tlis
past few days many farmers have hoen
cutting the green corn and feeding it to
the stock. The Bmudywine and Chester
creeks have not been so low in many
Verdict for ill. Defendant.
INDIANAI'OMS, AtiB. 10. Tho sensational
trial of State Senator Thomas Hoyd, of
Hamilton county, under the paternity
statute, on charges brought by -Vra. Ida
May Davis, of this city, cloed with a ver
dict for the defendant, uud ho was dis
charged from cu -,tody.
Ham lluriinl by l.ltlitnlnp.
Dovixstokn, Pa., Aug. 10. The large
stone burn of Wallace Duugan, In Doyle s-
pntA. Ana. li. rier
dull; eitra mess, tr.lsaftl: family, Uol. lork
quiet, firm; new meee, 14 MAIS. Lard nom
inal; steam Muttered, So. Hotter firmer. In
fair demand. New York dairy, 17o.s New
York creamery, jHMOno.; western dairy, 1U
18.; Elglno, c.j imitation! creamery, IftRISo.
Cbes steady, quiet; New York Urea while.
8MJo.: do. colored, fMOOMc.i do. .mall
part tkiraa, JkMc.; full klni, lo. Egssca.Ier,
quiet; New York and I'enniylrania, lftl7o.t
western. 1S10. 1
IlAt.TlHORC Aur. 18. Flnnrdnll it.l,..j
; Wheat steady. Corn caster; white corn, by
sample, 5!o 1 yellow do., hy ininple, 9a50o.
Oats quiet. Ryu quiet. Hay dull Eood to
choice timothy, $U).6ufcl7. Cotton nominal,
middling, THc. l'rovislons quiet, unchanged.
. Butter Ann; creamery fanoy B6o.; do. fair to
choice. aaftMo.; do. Imitation, 20o. Kent
carco at lfcMc. Stock Market.
llurrAM), Au;. I8.-Cttle toady; cows asd
heifer., $.T. OK TO; Rood 1,1110 lbs. steers, l
fair exporters, 1,3(6 11,.., 4.80. Hoira weak,
lower; uood Yorker, and light (trnden, n.s&.
M; mediums and heavy, $M 6; rough.,
4.t6t.T6. Hheep and lamb, dull; (toud mljcd
BhooS,, M.S&at; choice, HS rood lambs, $5
B.Stf.; few fancy higher; fair to sood
lamb.. S.34.7.
East LiimnTr, Ta., Aug. . NothlnR do
Incln cattle. Hons .low, weak, extreme hl-avy
to choice llcht. Bueep dull at about un
changed prices.
One Man's Chapter of Accidents.
Eleazer Chace, nn 80-yonr-old citizen of
Wilmington, Del., thus recounts tho nccl
dents of his lifetime: "I was sliding on the
crust wheu n boy and slid over a fence, run
ning a stake into mo nnd mnklng a bad
wound. Once, when tny mother was mak
ing soap, I saw a dipper of what I thought
was water nnd drank threo swallows. It
proved to be strong lye. My mother melt
ed some tallow nnd gave it to ine, and the
doctors said that wusall that saved my life.
Four times 1 came nenr getting drowned,
twice breaking -through tho Ice Into the
river, once falling from a rnft into the mill
pond, and once, fell out of a boat into a
"I wasnonrly killed twice by being thrown
from horses, fell from a loaded tenm lo the
frozen ground and was picked un for dead
I and fell out of a wngon and had a leg
caught between the- spokes of one of the
wheels. Once I waHdrivinga covered wag
, on when tho stanchion bolt enme out, let
ting the body down. Tho rein hook caught
me in tho forehead, tearing a great gash,
and when I fell out 1 struck my head on
. the axlo. Twice I fll 12 feet from a stng
I lng, mid once 1 fell iVwn a trap in a enr
I ringc house on. a pile of boards below and
I started a rib. I btepped on a hcvthnniul
cut my foot badly, and a cake of loo fell on
my foot and burst open one of lny toes; cut
w . e ' i I f ,i ''KhtnlnK! my ankle very badly with nn nx, broke a
,, " n"f, tola ly consumed. The neP(Uo ln my heel, v,hlcl. was not, removed,
building was filled with tho season's crops , for two months, and stepped on a tenpenny
(in 1 1 11 nl nr fiil-tntnir muMilnuvp 1..,, .. . . 1 . l. J
and a lot of farming machinery,
J lid je Sluwuit Nut Cundldate.
CiiAMnEltssuiso, Pa, Aug. 19. Yester
day Judge Stewart sent a letter to ex
Judge Howe, declining to allow his nnme
to be presented at the comlug Hepublicun
state, convention,
Ore ,red to Honolulu.
Wasiiixoton, Aug. 10. The United
States steamer Philadelphia, at Callao,
1'eru, has. been ordered by telegraph to
proceed immediately to Honolulu and
relieve tho Boston.
nail nnd drove It into my foot, making a
bad wound from which pieces of thu shoo
nnd stocking were removed and which had
to be cut open and the bone hcrnped.
"I hnd a windlass iopo break u hen truss
ing up a barrel, and it hrokeout two of mv
teeth. I have been blown up once while
masting stone nnil wim uiully burned threo
times. My hand v ts caught in the feed
rool of n picker, i was badly hurt once
with n clrcnlnrRHW and again with a bw.7.
I pinner, fell on an IS inch belt when It was
; running mid on top of a four foot gear
wnen tnnt was running; twice have fallen
down stairs in the mill.
At Baltimore: Louisville, 8; Baltimore, 2.
At Washington: Chicago, 7; Washing
ton, 8.
AtSt. Louis: St Louis, 3; Philadelphia, 2.
At Brooklyn: Brooklyn, 8; Cincinnati, 4.
At New York: New York, 12; Clove
land, 0.
At Troy: Troy, 13; Bluuliamton, 2,
Ac Springfield: Krie, 11; Springtleld, 6.
At Providence: Buffalo, 10; Provi
dence, 9.
At Albany: Wllkesbarre, 4; Albany, 2.
At East on: Raston, 8; Harrlshurg, 2.
At Allentotvn (10 Inuings): Allentown,
0; Johnstown, 4.
At Heading: AHoona, 20; Heading, 7,
At Scranton: Scrantun, 18; York, 8.
STOCK AND PRODUCE MARKETS Quotation nt the New York and
I'htlnrielplila Uxvhaiigr..
New Yoitic. Aui. 18. The market wa some
what apathetto today. There was consider
able heuvine.s at the start, but come firmness
later. Cloeiue bid:
Lehlih Valley MM
Pennsylvania. idii
Heading 12K
St. Paul.. SIM
Lehluh Nav 4R'4
lira. Hary Shuto
"Suffered Intensely
from pain ln my itom&ch and side. I became
roduced In fteih, and growing worse, removal
to the Brraome hosnltil was under advisement.
D. L. & W ( ,t,.n T rti.,, TTnfAm Rftrannorlll'i n trlnl. T
nMRii"" VSfnt,al W4 1 rapidly galnod In flesh, can eat heartily without
Read ng 1st pf Si.. J Rhore - ' m ,
Kcadins -'d pf Sh... VX Lake Erie & W... WW " '
Readins ,M pf 6s... 12 Nr ,v ;,-sey Cen. mil 1 BttvcK- Ca""v'a. Yorlc.
N. Y. & N. E... 18 Del. Iludon...l08 ' Kood'o Pills cure liver Ills. 2Bo. Try a box.
W. N. Y. 4 Pa a
II. A.- B. T. com
II. & Ii. T. pref
Erie 11W
uilli Electro jilRsiictloBunprjij
nory win euro iTlthout lueillclut
.. nflha nhnvatrnnhlna ri'linan
suffer from Nervous Debility.
iosHpri, ijrniuBt JjOsi ninuiiooqi
ervnunnoBH, niorpieHBiiesaj
v .llfiitifirv. nil lVfimn In t,tm
filaintH. and upuoral 111 licnltuT
be effects of attuses, excesses, worrf
or exp 'sure, will find relief and prom pi
cure lu our marvelous invtutton,
which requires but a trial to couvlnco
tho moat afceDtlcul. Iniirnorancoof Bf.
fects you louy havo unduly .-yd
your system oi nerve roroe ami v
which Is clecirlcitv o?pvj
caused yourweakneasorlniui UA
If you replace Into your aysl
elements thus drained, which VAtUn-
quired for vigorous strennth, yPjOy
ivuiuruiuumuiuttiiu uvuuu, Bnvnri
and vigor wlil follow at once. 'I'hls
Is our plan and treatment, and Vro
fiifirnnrnA n. nirA fir rafmiri mrnA w
Onr 200 pireo book "TIIIITSK rr.ASSESOF WEN," should be read by very ynutift
mldiNe-ased and old innn, sent sonletl, free. Dr. Su,udeir( Electrlo Ilelt Is no experiment,
as we have restored thousiinds to robust health and vlor, after all other treatments failed, a'n ba
shown by hundreds of cases thrcudhout this and other Btates.who would Kindly testify. audlTO!
NEnvoTjfl debiutt and weakness.
nxw Tors Citth October filth, IBM.
tirv A,T. Bakde. Dear Rin Xbouttliroeyoai-sasfo
I lmrchased one of your electrlo belts for tno euro of
rerrous debility, which X liaiiniu won,t form and
vvhtch waj uDderralniuff my health. For yearslhad
eatfered from this terrible debllUtiirff drain on my vital
forces and 1 did not know what It was to have a pood
night's sleep, but In one month's time after usinc the
LeU I felt a much stronger man both mentally auophy
BlndiT, fctid la a ahort timfl wal enth-elr wt 11.
Yours truly, It. fiiaCUO, Bowery,
Bboobxtv. N. V.. October t&th. lm.
Db, A. T. fliHDXK, lcr Sir i Four yours ag-j I suf
fered aeh rain from rh-Himalls a thit at tunes It waa
ImpOMible for mo to get arouud, and I always carried a
i rroia that dav and It was
uns left mo and to-dar I
fim a well man. 1 always teep my Unit near br for f tar
rxw xork. crr, Oct. t 1893.
caoe for support. I used your
cms hour, 1 gained In eTithtfi
tmr a thoitUuieuntU thu pair
iberemlirht lo a return, but as 16 has now been four
aearsainooyouruml mi. can safely say Hliterma-
I am a latter earner, aud the lone dally tramps nJJl
eary in my rouimi.untotimtime of BrttlnetheWVj
r roillilll.lln inttiaf ImM nt st ha-i.VJx
were paint ally eone through with, butthanEs to ytfaf
wonderful Invention, I can now wait as well as I ever
did. and will recommend ynr treatment to all afflicted
ThO current has ulta hrvmirht luii-lr m vitme In nth
ways as you said U woolJ
JAMC3 tlliXV, ti 'Perry fQU
par Goops, ktc, castine, Maine, Fuh. 27, 1893.
Da. a.T.Sandkk, Dear Blri I am triad to add m:
tsstlinoiiv to tha many you hava of tha a-rant valna
i uu imrtYea wonueriuiiy, ana
bait Mvli
fukvaffauedf waive nouodrof flesh. and itow sleeD wel
andhaveunetoellaatappvtlto. Your anleiidld efectrla
bolt with your 'rales or UaaUhM hubeen a very vatu
atilabeneuttomevanoltake oleitRirc rtoonuaendlci;
yuur txZL Yours respectfully.
we warrant it to cure any of
Jtcfiimlcf!. Theynreumded
vrd I'.lrctrlo Huapenaory, tha (rreawscDoon ever eivon weaKinwi.and
tha above weaknetsea, nnd wenlamo shrunken limbs, or parts, or Money
edinafrcnuthtn mnAtnllatuceanf weaknctsa in vnunr. mlddle-aedorold
tn, and will euro tho wrst oases lu tiro or three months. Address for full Information.
SANDEN ELECTRIC CO., 828 Broa:!wf-.y, Now York.
I The Shenandoah Herald f
Bright, Crisp, Concise. .
The Leading Local Weekly Paper
In Schuylkill County.
All tho Local News printed lu readable, attractive manner,
with no waslo of words.
-A.X3"V.3SrOE -
Borne have told us "You can't do It." Wo believe we can, and wo will.
The Herald In tho future will be better than at any time during Its
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Bend Dm: Dollar to The Heiiald ofllco and rcceivo the paper
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Do you desire success? All business men know that the only way of
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Our Job Olllce has always enjoyed a reputation for excolient work,
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Our facilities for turning out llrs-class work are unsurpassed. When
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1 ! TT 1 1 t
mi n i
? i lie naii(ioaii iieraiu t
I 'Tv I . I t i ft . I 1 I II.
4 rsofos aeatroy-
! Aih bo prosecuted
.ssjbmbly pproved
tat. A i.
J. K. LEWRNItlNQ, Cahl6i
3. T. YOST, Aw
Open Daily Fron'
3 PEE ce;
Interest Paid on San
01 Every l)i
Flags, Badges, Caps,
K&i xnnTOft
wrlto for calnloguoi. Correcp
Aritlhp .V In . , .h. .... .
varlciH'L'lo, Hjiir , i... Itm
Trcnlrilnt.t (L'T .4n". t I "JI'M .u . w
Hook, itfui' li(iu--i: ' . V
M All lnv -.i ti i
Evorythine tnodeloil'
Green's Cofc, Phllarti
ta N. main St., ShJ
The leftdlni? nlacn In!
Has lately been entlrall
rated ETerythlnene
nu ireso. Tno unost;
Wines and Liqu,
Cigars, 4c, foreign si
mono. reo luncn
each evenlnff. Dlgscti
ot f rash.Beor.Porter, .1
'PP0SITE : THE : 1
Main aud Oak St
Rltenaudoah, Pe,
Truf';-And Vcgetall
Poultry, Game, Fisli a
In'ARon. Orders left at
Beer and Porier.
Chas. Jtettig'S
brated Beer and I'oi
tills vicinity, also JiV
&. Eugel's celebrated.
Palo Ales and Old 1
Orders will rcceivo a
attention. Finest I
of Liquors and VlffA
120 South Mam
m North Main street, BUenni
Icq Cream wi Ji.tsalean
I'lcnlcs Bntl parties supplied oil
Chris. Botss-)!
(Mftnu'bold (ta.
104 HOlltJl ' f.I- -
rflOCU, JTCfiH HOOT, A1C t-I.a
jooiee'iomperaDce ur-nR-.
Celebrated Foiter. ki
?fiaa u- Shenandohi
(Christ. Uossior'a old ri
lain atjrt coal !., 3"f
Dest beer. Rle and eorwr on t.
brands ot vrhlskays and olgre. 1)
5tt?s Popular
(Formerly Joe 'Wyat'
1r stoclied with hr best
iinilea, brandies, wlnej. elo. f 1
ttlnc bar attached. Oorfl'ai lny.
Horses and Carriages
Hauling of all kinds prouptlW
uorses taken to board, n. I
that are Ubei-al. ft
PF1U ALLET. Heir Beddaba
Can always be ad a,
Foot Balls,
A full line of Htatinncry,
Blank Books, etc