The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, August 12, 1893, THIRD EDITION, Image 2

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The Herald.
n. o. iiOTjsn,....,
nr. j. WA.1KWB,
J. m. no vv it ..
.....HJKor and 1'ubHnher
oea( Editor
D.n,T,per year,..,.. .....t3 00
TTfliiKLY, per year,-........-.................. 1 GO
Advertising Jtafe.
Transient, 10 cents per lino. Drat Insertion i 6
ents por lino each subsequent Insertion, Hates
(or regular advertising cun bo baa on applica
tion at the office or by mall.
The Evening HkhaLd baa a larger circula
tion In Mhonandoah than any otbor paper pub
lished, Uooks open to all,
entered at the Postoffloo, at Shenandoah, Pa,
for transmission through the malls
as sooond-olass mall matter.
Tub lmprosslonal Voter was Impor
tuned to Vote for Clovolaud and tarifl
reform last fall and sharo In the boom
that would certainly follow. Instead
of a boom, bowover, tbo voter's ballot
Droved n boomerang, and It bas come
back aud bit him bard.
Twislvh leading representatives of
Iron and steel firms In Pittsburg un
equivocally declare that tarill uncer
tainty Is tbo cU9e of tbo dull times
Possibly the Democrats will havo the
aupremo gall to say that those men do
not know what they are about. This,
however, will not alter the fact.
One year ago all the Patersou, N. J ,
factories were humming with business
To-day tho local papers state that more
than 8,000 people are Idle In that city
The threat to destroy tho protective
policy bas beou made by a successful
political party, and manufacturers are
closing their mills. What will bo the
result of the fulfillment of that threat?
The present money scare seems to
be a benefit to one class of people who
certainly do not deserve It. Farmers
jind others, frightened for fear of bank
(suspensions, have been withdrawing
their cash from savings institutions
and nationut banks aud keeping It at
home. Tills has been "nuts" for bur
glars and sneak thieves and our ex
changes are filled with notices of rob
beries, where $100 was taken from this
farm house and $ 50 or $150 from another
with a reckless audacity which is as
tonishing. It will not take long for
people to realize that the palest
place to deposit their hard-earned
savings Ib, after all In our banks.
Tiie survey for tholnter-contlnental
railway which Is to connect North and
South America Is all finished. Tho en
gineers who finished that part of the
survey from Mexico to Bolivia are in
Washington, completing tho calcula
tionsof their work. The beginning of
the twentieth century will eee.this mag-
Tnillcent idea realized and North and
"-'South America joined by bands of iron
as well as by bonds of amity and com
merce and unity in form of govern
ment. If now our sister republics would
only keep still and abstain from civil
rfwar long enough to let both tho grass
and trade grow they might In time be
come as prosperous as their great sister
to the north.
Pit. Robert D.Watkins has Inocu
Hied himself with pure consumption
germs at the Loomls laboratory, In
Jfew York. He proposes to show
that the bacillus of consumption Is not
the cause of that disease, and that In
persons from whoso blood a peculiar
condition is absent the consumption
bacllua Is absolutely innocuous. Dr.
Watblns holds that the disease Ib not
oontagious. and that It can not bo
communicated by association with au
infected subjeot, even If the healthy
person is constantly kept in an atmos-
phere where the Invasion of the germs
j persistent, unless, indeed, there ex-
i In the blood a granular, irregular
ma to which he has given the name
'tuL4,uiar corpuscle."
Many 410.wre under the impr-fw-ion
that tht are no mo(iern improve
menU in vnities of Siam were
surprised to rea hat BuD(fbok UBtl
an eloetric rallwtK operaHou I( ,
three miles long " was put lnt0
successful-operation thal (.Hy by
the aid of American erl8e. Xlie
planfwasputup by the EIectr!l.
Company, of Cleveland, 0. of
about $60,000, W.J. Davlds
. l...,,nftldh
tbeen engineer m uu.b --
atlon. This Is the first 'electric .h"
i the extreme Orient. K,
. imt the receipts of th
success i uw " ,
...!.. irrASBd SO percent
line 'uave ainuj -
ad' the management contemplate
buildingau extension.
8U1 general is of tho opinion that if the
American eltntrlcal companies were
to,ndeomrH.tent repn-nt.tlv.. o
,arge cities of Asia t.fey culd ,eoure
a number of coutracts similar to lb.
one that has been Bo satisfactorily ex
.ecuted by the Cleveland firm.
Hoir Mr. Roilnpy TrnmpeO From Outre
ton to tlie AVnrlil's Inlr.
Tlio World's (alrlsileveloiiliiganewerop
Of long distance tmlestrlans. From nil sec
tions ol tlio country men and women nro
milking tbltlior, some on waxen, noma (or
the notoriety that Is to le gained, and sona',
It Is to be feared, ltecmim the Having of rail
road fare Is an object. Otlier odd means ot
getting there, are also In vogue that is,
menus that seem odd In these days of rapid
transit. Uloycles, cows, horses and all sorts
ol vehicles are freely used for instances
that a man gets tired thinking of. A whole
family of six people Is en route from one of
the southern states in n wagon, and they ex
pect to reach Chicago before the fair closes.
itr.s. i.ucn.Ln noDNEV.
But tlio pedestrians attract tho most at
tention, and among those heard from up to
dntoMrs. Lucille Ifodney lias been most no
ticed. Mrs. Itodney made tho trip from
Galveston to Chicago between May 16 and
July 27, losing 10 or 11 days by tho way,-otie
on account of Illness and tho rest because
of bod weather. She is about 0,000 richer
because of her long tramp, which was un
dertaken to settle a wager of 820,000 be
tween Chicago clubmen. The club agreed
to slveMrs. Hodncy 6,0001f shecovcredthe
ground within 70 days and collected tfiOO by
the sale of photographsonthoroud. ThetCOO
she was allowed to retain, and tmi moio
was added for tho four days cut off the
specified time.
Mrs. Rodney Is a pleasant llttlo woman
about 23 years old and C feet 0 Inches In
height. In tho course of a very Interesting
talk about her journey she said:
"When I left Galveston, I weighed 135
pounds and was carrying 85 pounds of
baggage and an umbrella. Now I weigh
100 pounds, in tho walk from Ualveston
to Dallas I was compelled to sleep out and
cook my own meals. At Dallas I was nl
lowed to throw away my baggage and get
my meals anywhere I could and sleep in
privato houses. At first 1 had two guards,
but ono of them quit at Dallas, and the
other finished in prel ty boil shnpo.
"There waB no end of sport on tho trip,
nnd I enjoyed It, I used to carry an um
brella, but one day I was walking a very
bad trestle bridge, and tho umbrella acted
as a parachute and came near carrying m
over, so I just closed it nnd threw It as far
Into tho river as I could. I can walk any
kind of a trcstlo with a train shaking it..
At Catawi&sa, Mo., the train left me only
about 18 inches to walk on, and that was on
the outside of the track. Below was tho
river. The trainmen yelled to mo to lay
down, get on the other sido and everything
else, but I kept right on. The engineer
told me If ho ever died of heart failure it
would bo caused by my starting It.
"My first walking experience was from
Now Orleans to Chicago. My husband and
myself just took a notion and made it In 03
days. Wo were not confined to any par
ticular route and put up at hotels as we
pleased. When at homo in Chicago, I take
a street car fdV a distance of six or seven
squares and hove a llttlo inward kick If 1
havo to stand up. Isn't it funny? "
Mrs. Rodney's husband accompanied her
on the journey, but couldn't keep up with
her and lost more weight than she did.
1 R E LI G 10 U SR foT TF? BOMBAY."
Mohammadans and Hindoos Encage la a
Lively Fight.
Bomb AT, Aug. 13. The botorogeneous
population of this city is always at odds
In regard to religious questions, and yes
terday a number of Mahommedaus and
Hindoos became Involved in a dispute
which soon led to a general riot.
The Mahommedans were observing ono
of the festivals commanded by the Koran,
While the Hindoos were also taking part
In celebrating a day set apart for religious
observance. The consequence was that
religions feeling was high on both sides,
and it took but little to cause the men who
Were at first involved In the dispute to
come to blows. The number of rioters
frevr rapidly, and when some of the Ma
hommedans proposed to of th
Eoly Hindoo temples they found plenty to
aid them in the attempt The Mahom
medans rushed to the temple, hut the
priests, aided by hundreds of Hindoos,
fought desperately against the deseoratlon
of the building and finally suooeoded In
driving the attackers off. The fighting
was contlnued'in the vicinity, and finally
the authorities were compelled to call out
the treops to restore order, which was'
ultimately done after considerable trouble.
The rioting was gensrally in the business'
part of the city, and during its continu
ance traffic was entirely, stopped. Many
of the participants are now in th hos
pitals. The feeling between the two sects has
been rendered more bitter by the fighting,
and a close watch will be kept to prevent
another outbreak.
Further murderous assaults hare been
roads on the Hindoos this morning. Troops
are massed In the chief native centers and
patrols are constantly on th move, with
guns trained upon the principal native
streets. These streets are now deserted.
JTn II. JT. Albright
at i
inthiTod VIth Weakness
wltan6rVU3nffntenSft hlnff. and also
clnei '6Chnity. I tried different medl
on$daymW but of no araU until
J tOOk OM POttlVprSaparJa
ttt 0bfnwcf from all troublo
Hoo4o wo Hpod's Cures,
TOCH."IS?. 1 If! ' .-iT-WMTl
Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report
The Emotions of it Murderer on Trial Ilcg
istcreil by Electricity.
A remarkable case where science was
called to the nld of justice in a criminal
trial Is thus recorded by an electrical jour
nal: Tho murder bad been one of unwonted
atrocity, and tho prisoner appeared abso
lutely Indifferent. In fact, it was Impoi
slble for the keenest eye to detect any
change In his countenance or attitude dar
ing the examination of the witnesses who
gave the most damaging testimony ogujimt
him. The prosecuting attorney, however,
noticed that he never once relaxed his hold
on the arms of tho chair In which he sat,
but seemed to support himself by the pres
sure which he brought to bear on them.
Knowing that under Intense mental ex
citement, no matter how outwardly c dm
an individual may be, the bands mil in
voluntarily contract and relax according to
the intensity of tho emotion and the sus
ceptibility of the person effeoted, the coun
sel saw here u chance of securing evidence
of great value.
Ho called an electrician to his aid, and
during tho alisenoeof the prisoner from the
courtroom the arms of the chair were split
In half, and in each was placed a hard car
bon plate, which served as a variable re
sistance. Wires were run from metal placed
on cither side of tho carbon through the
legs of tho chnlr and under tho floor to a
telephone receiver and battery placed in an
adjoining closet. The arms were again
upholstered und the chair replaced.
Every increase in pressure on the arms of
tho chair now nJTccted the carbon, whloh,
acting as a transmitter, caused sounds to
Issuo from the mouth of the receiver, On
tho resumption of The trial a court official
was placed In the closet, and by a series of
signals arranged beforehand signified the
feelings of tho prisoner as they were be
trayed through the muscles of his hands.
The main points against the prisoner
were thus determined. Tltey were present
ly formulated aud read- to him In privacy,
and lie was so overcome that ho made a
confession of his crime.
Out or tbo Clir Window.
It is proverbial that women who nro un
accustomed to traveling have an unfortu
nate faculty for losing bonnets nndwliir
artlclc-sof greater value outof ear windows.
A Maine woman recently dropped a roll of
hills containing if2,050 from a window on a
train leaving Portsmouth, N. II., mid was
nearly distracted when sho found her money
could not bo recovered. A similar but les
serious accident occurred n few weeks ag;
on a train leaving Chicago, where a woman
lost three valuable tickets from a car win
dow and had to buy new ones at consider '
ttblo expense. Such incidents ns these shuuld
servo as a wurnlng to thoughtless landscap
Yellow Fever In Alabama.
Washinotok, Aug. 12. Th'e surgeon
general of the Marine hospital service re
ceived an official telegram from Mobile.,
Ala., stating that the British bark Glen
ora arrived at the Fort Morgan quarantine
station with two cases of yellow fever on
board. One will probably die. Two died
lat sea. No additional cases ot yellow
avur have been reported in I'ensacola, Fla.
FltMlmmons Will Challenge the Winner.
New Yohk, Aug. 13. Domlnlok O'Mal
ley, president of the Columbian Athletic
club, who offered a i0,000 purse for Bob
Fitssimmons to fight the winner of the bat
tle between Dan Creedon, of Australia,
and Alex. Gregglns, of Boston, which
takes plaoe Monday, has received an ac
ceptance from Fitzslmmons.
An Klectrlc T.lne Abandoned,
HAJinisBOlto, Aug. IS. Notice has been
filed at the department of Internal affairs
that the Philadelphia and Allentown Elec
tric Trunk railway project has been aban
doned because of luck of funds.
Tho Queen's Son Klovnted.
London, Aug. 12. The appointment of
the Duke of Connaught to suooeed'Gen
cral Sir Kvelyn Wood in the command of
the Aldershot district is officially an
nounced. The Invincible llrltannla.
London, Aug. 12. The race for tho
commodore's oup yesterday, arouud the
Isle of Wight, was won by tho Britannia.
Satanita was seoond and Calluna third.
Many More Pensioners Suspended.
"Washington, Aug. 13. Two hundred
and eighty-six pensioners were suspended
during the last twenty-four hours pend
ing further medical examination.
Onr COfl tin
Be book "TIinEE CTRSESOF THEN," ehould ho read hy every younff,
1 and old man. sent sealed, free. Dr. Bautleu'a Klectrlo He It is no experiment,
ns we have restored thousands to robust health and vlcor. after all other treatments failed, as can bo
shown hy hundreds of cases throughout this and other Mates,who would gladly tettlf r, and from many
of whota we havo strong letters hearing tostimony q their recovery after turns oar UelU
MffYoEiCmr October th, l&W.
Tra k T dirni. tUr Rir s llsOUfc LlinM vtari UO
I Y purehAMd one of your eltrlo belts frtt cure of
ricrrons debility, vhich I lia liiilis Vurst form bM
! which vu undermiuiuEr my health, k'or jwii I had
rufltrtd from tbls UrritTedbUiatitnr drain on tar vital
i XoroMand 1 did not know what It was to have a good
Sight's steep, bat In one month's time after usme the
ell I fell a much stronger man both mentally audphy-
Votus truly, II. BiXLia, H87 Dowery.
IlEOOKLTir, N. V., Ootober SSih, JS96.
tB. A. T. Bakdcv l)var Sir i Four yttars ajo I tuf
ruNuisiiiih xiln I mm rhfjum&tlM'n thnt at. timtta It vtilS
I ltnpoalbl for mo t o pc t aromul, nd J always carrltxi a,
Ga&eforsapport. I uod your belt and f He a relief In
cnehour. 1 fralaedliiMeitfhtfrointlutcdayaudltwas
only a short time until the pains left me and to-day I
rm a we41 man. llwaysl'etpmy belt mar by for ftar
here might be art-turn, but aa It has now fnn four
(rears sinoe you euwl me.oan safely ay itinnttrmnu-
tsacoropletOttralr&niobattery.rnadelnfnabeUso as to be easily worn dartair vnrk or atreet.ftnd It
crlvea soothing, W longod currents wln h are Instantly felt throughout all wetfc parts, or we forfeit
85i00U Jthaaan Jmprqvrtt Klectrlo Hnapeaaory( to.).Tenrt4. I (,on rv rglvta weakmen,and
Be warrant it U cure any or tlieaiHvu weaknesses, and toenlirte tiiruriliitjiiiiii9,or parts, or Money
efuaded They are jrraded in sirongth to meet all stajftts f v-eniiu-a u . un nn1uUo-agodorola
Vh if in ourts tug truro vntcaiu iwuvr 4irtw luUUluS AUUiiua ur iuu unoiuuuuu.
Nfttlonnl League.
At Baltimore! n, n. B.
Boston 10040021 2-11 14 4
Bultlinore....- (0001030 1 7 11 1
At New York (10 Innings)! r. n. m.
Mew York. 300320003 3-13 13 4
Pbllad'a. 001040600 0-10 1234
t Washington: r. a- k.
Brookljrn 0000.1 021 2 IMl
Washinaton- 002104000 7f
Plttsbnrg. i 1 I t 0 0 1 I x-n t Is 4
LofllBTilU 10020000 6- 8 13
At Cleveland! n.n.n.
Bt. Louis U1Q000080 488
Cleveland...... 80000000 0-243
l'dinsjlvaiila fttata agn.
AtYorkl York. 0: Hmdlng, 0.
At Ilarrisburei Ilarrisburtr, g0; fjcranfon, t.
At Altoona: Easton. 8i Altnonu. 3.
At Johnstown! Allentown, U Johnstown, 6.
astrn LieaKn.
At Albann Kris. 14! Albanv. 3.
At I'rovldencw: Providcnce.Gi lllngbamton. 4.
auroji nuiiaio, uj iroy, s.
At SpringflBld! SprlnaBeld, l0 WUkesbarre,
doling Quotations or the New York and
Pllllndelphlit Kxohanavs.
New Yoiik. Auk. 11. There wag an mirao-
erssful nttaok on sugar and other liaroa to
day, and a violent breuk In sterling. Bloats
continueu arm. uiosing bids:
Lehigh Volley. 8 11 W. N Y. & ra..
Pennsylvania 4C$ H. & 11. T. com...
Heading . 13U II. & B. T. prof..
St. Paul tlH Erie 115$
lAiuign iav 41 u. Li. a W. ..1U
Heading g. in. 4i.. B3 N. Y. Central..... V814
Reading 1st pf 8s. . SUfi West Hhore..... few
Heading 2.1 pf Ss.. 15 Like Krle it W lSJt
Heading 84 pf 6s..- 13 New Jersey Cen. M
N. Y. & H. K 18. Del. & lludeon -.118
General Markets.
New YonK.Aug. 11. State nnd western flour
iull, weak) low extras, $1.9:&2.4J!; city mills
patents, $4.!!6a4.50; fair to fane . S3.4&a.4j;
Minnesota olear, S2.0i38i patents, t4t.-J0
superfine, $1.7502.35; city mills, ia3.S5t
winter wheats, low grades, J1.93&M6; patentJ,
$8.0t; straights, 9.3004; rye mixtures. (2.00
Q3.40; tine, $1.7 ($2.10; southern doll, eaeyt
common to fair extr&,$.lu3.10;good to choice
oxtru, :t3.15.25. I! ye Honr, superfine. VK
tJK. Wheat fairly active; August, Oltfiie.:
Beptombor, 09 5-l(!10c.: October, TsaJSJio-:
December, 78M"Mo. Mar. 2JStMo. liye
nominal; western, 65c. Corn dnll, onsler; Bep
tombor, 47JfraiBc; Ootober, 49s4o.: De
cember, 4K18o.: No. S, ttHltMHo. 0la
flrmer, quiet; Bepteraber, 31KlKc.; Oetober,
82a-a;)so. state, 3)45o.; western, !Si33o.
Philadelphia, Aug. 11. Beef dull, steady;
extra me,ST.5!S8ifnmlly,$lftSU. l'orkqnleu.
firm; new mess. J l.t015. Lard easier, quirt:
steam rendered, SS.J5. Butter In good de
mand; New York dairy, l(V&31c.; western
do., liaiTc-l Elgins, 22n.; New York oreamery,
"3ii4c. western do., )0c; Imitation cream
ery, UHfiblbo. Cheese barly steady; New York
largo white, 8Ji9c; do., colored, 0)0)1"!
do. small, S3M!4c.; part sltims, IHJ&oo.; fnll
skims, KQlc. Eggs In light demand, steady;
New York and Pennsylvania, ITc.; western,
lUi.TiMonc Aug. 11. Flourdull.unchanged.
Wheat quiet, higher. Corn steady, quiet;
whito oorn, by sample, 52o.; yellow do., do.,,
49ia50c. Oats quiet, steady. Hye slow. Ilrf
In gooddomnml;gnoa to choice timothy, S2u.S
83i. Cotton nominal; middling, 8c. Provisions
qulet.unchungeil. IJutter quiet, steady; oreau.
ery. fancy, 22?4fic.i do., fair to choice, :S
(Z&ilc.j do., imitation, 18o.; others unchanged.
Eggs llrm at Ho.
I.lve Stock Market.
BmrrALO, Aug. 11. Cattle firm. Hogs lower.
Yorkors, $tl.45.0; good light mixed, 9U
HBO; rough, $1.2583; stags. J3 25&4. sheep
f(id lambs steady; goud to choice hunbs, U:b
My doctor says It acta Really on the stomach
liver and kidneys, and ti a pleasant laxative. Tblf
drink la made from lierhg. and li prepared for ust
as easllr as tea. It Is called
All ilrln-fHRttHpll it lit fiOc. and 1 anm-kfu-fv ! f vnn
rsnnotget it. rend your address lora free sampla
l.nne' Knmilr Medicine mover the bowels
each duy. In order to bp henllhy thit li neopanary.
Address OUATult V. V i ULWAIu i . Itov.N.V
xvlth JClectro BInsrnetlohuHpMi
ni-v will rum wltliniif tHfill(;lllt
all f tbo aljovo troubles. Those who
nutler from Nervous Debllltr.
TiOHnrs, lrniud, Lost Ulaulioodl
K iorvnunnoHHt tlfpplrnnc88;
Poor aiemoryi nil FcmnleCpinj
filalntd, and ufiiernl 111 lien It hi
ho effects of abuses, excesses, worr
or oiposure, will find relief and prom pf
euro la our marvelous In vent loo,
which reuirra but a trial to convlnca
the most la ignorance of ef
fects you mar havo unauly drained
yoursycteni of nerve force and vitality
which Is electricity and thus
caused yourweuknessorlackof force.
If yuu replaeo into your system the
elements thus drained, which are re
quired for vigorous strength, you will
roiuuve the cause nnd health, strength
and vigor will follow at once. This
U our i lfin and treatment, and wo
tnifimnfea a euro or refund monev.
Kbw Yobk Cirv, Oct. 20, .
T3. A. T. SAunsTT Doarblr i Icaure.ortto youlhal
the belt has iitiruiy eurbd mo of rheumatism from
whloh I suHertHl for fourteen yars almost oontiauaJly,
J am a letter carrier, audtheloiiif dally trumpa nece
eary in my rounds, up to the time of petting tho belt,
were paiDfully goue through with, but thanks to youi
wonderful in veal Ion, 1 oou now walk as well as I ever
did. and will reoomntand ur treat ment to all afflicted
The current has also trouffLt backmy vlffrlnotoe(
wayg as you said it would. Yours very truly.
JA?IE3 mSD, a ferry fit,
Omen or S ARGENT BOf,
Dft. A.T.HypEV, fHiar Sir tY am slad to add WT
testimony to the maur you hare of tho great value of
jour b
) ctaIiuvI twnlva bounde tit flexh.ajitl no
an lhaveanexosIlentauiMitito. Your sp'uudid efectria
U It with your "rulf s of HeaUh" bas been a very valu
a)io benefit to i'",
dltaLe nlftnrft i n rsMVr.mniHnn
your ooiu
826 Broadway, Now York.
Brigit, Crisp, Concise.
The Leading Local Weekly Paper
In Schuylkill County.
All tho Local News printed In a readable, attractive- manner,
with no wasto of words.
$1.00 A YEAR
Bomo Have told us "You can't do it." Wo believe we can, and wo will.
Tim HunAiii) in tho future will be better than at any time during Its
past history, if painstaking eirbrls will accomplish that end.
Send One Dollar to The Hkbalu olllco and receive tho paper
for ouo year. This offer applies to old as well as now subscribers, pro
viding all arrearages arc paid. IJemcnibor, tlieso terms are invariably
in advance; otherwise $1.50 will be charged.
Are You iBuan?
Do you desiro success? All busine-s men know that the only way of
Increasing trade is talking in print Advertising 1 Where you make
ono customer by word-of-mouth argument or by displaying goods, you
can make one hundred by bright, convincing advertisements.
Don't talk in a whisper
No ono will hear you.
Don't talk in thunder tones
All noise and no facts.
Don't talk without listoners
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THE HERALD is the best mciium for reaching the public, and
profitable results aro sure to follow all advertisements placed In Its col
umns. Let us convince you of this fact by u trial.
Our Job Ofllce has always enjoyed a reputation for excellent work,
'second to none, which is maintained by strict attention to every detail
of tho business and a thorough equipment of the latest printing ma
terial. Our Job oiIIcb has just been refurnished with a new line of type
of the latest and most artistic design, aud have in our press-room all
the latest and Improved
Slfp.mii If
Our facilities for turning out Hint
you need anything in the printing
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Open Daily From 9 to J
Interest Paid on Savings Depot
jSociet Iqoodi
Of Every Dfiorlpiiun f
Fags, Baogas, Caps, legaita,
Write for catalogues. Corrcapondehce sollt.
iledlesl Offlcw, 20C N SSffi',. fit., Pfcliftfl',!
VarlillTfilP. IIv.1i IlHi nv lo'l Mmi'i
irpiiiiiient ty i nf t .erlnltfy.
y 7 nil i .T.crlziUy. '
c. o'lil. ui s.'j v' tanii. I
a ' i.. p. ! i , PT1
iiiuniraiiui.8 pari -''i
Everythmg moarlfii after 'rf
Green's Cafe, Philadelphia. , I
S. Mn!u HI., micnaistl'!)1 j
Tho leading place In town. ' U
HaalatelybeenentlrplTrena- , ft
rated Kyery thing epw, clean
and.Iresh. Tho finest line of
Wines and Liquors I ,
Clgnrs, 4c, foreign and do-
e&ch cvcnlDcr. IMc schooners TlT?'
I 1 nmWHKRt'V rit
john mm
Main and Oak Plreetn.
Bhenaudoah, Penua., 'H
Truck and Vegetables. .
U,nl. ft
luuiuv. umuu. r s auu ivri
In season. Orders left at the store I
wiu roceive promp' n'ntion
Beer and Parii r
T AM AQF: TT for the
-1- '"Clias. Uettipr's Cele
brated Ueer and t'orter in
this vicinity, also HerRiiert
&, Engel's celebrated India
Pale Ales and Old BtocU
Orders will receiw prompt
attention. Fiuest brands
of liiquors aud C'igara.
i HAAK- set
UOSouih Mam Street. f
104 North Jlaln street, 8honandoah,Ptt,CTIlI
fiort tl
Ice Cream whuli ile and retail. J
Hlcnlcs and parties pup led on short m fl
Chris. 13 ssler'n Jfi !
fMann's olrt standi '
X04 Houtiv 1 It trcc. oy
Finest wines, wblskoys ,cd c:uars alwaj I
stock. Fresh Beer, Ale nd forter ra a 1
i;noice Teniji?rRnc5 "riur s o
Immi m Hie and t
(Christ. BospU r's old stand.)
-Main and Coal iiH. riLntmist.oi n
Best beer, ale and sorter on tap. The
brands of whiskeys and cic ts Pool roo,j I
tt's Popular Salorf'
(Formerly Joe -Tyats)
3 and 21 West Oak Strel'
swoKea wiin me nest oeer, porier.r;
illsilea, brandies, wines, cto. Finest oil
iicc DsraiiKcnou, uor'si lnviisuon i
Horses and Caw as to !ti
Hauling or U kinds pro ptly attendcifi
that are ub -al TfJ
PEAR kim htiSetfM i.vjP!l
I masHHKffinHH