The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, August 10, 1893, THIRD EDITION, Image 1

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    V 0 '
VII. -NO. 137.
psolutely EreeJ
l To every customer who purchases
goods to the amount ot
We will give as a present
Shepp's Photographs of the "World.
IP. Williams &
himmer Goods!
At Greatly Reduced Prices.
I This week: Challics, 3c; White Goods from 15c
2c, 12c to 10c, 10c to 8c ; Black Organdies front
to 15c, and others.
ax Schmidt,
16-118 North Main Street, - Shenandoah, Pa.
to make Room for
have concluded to sell off all the Russet Shoes
I have at a Big Reduction.
ihildreu's Shoes, formerly Si. 00. now 65 cents.
phildren's Shoes, formerly $1.25. now 75 cents.
All kinds of Women's Russet and
Oxford Shoes at and below cost.
14 Smith Main Strrefc
h Headquarters
Seasonable Goods!
SERVING Kettles, Jelly Cns, Mhpoiib Juts, l're-orve Orockn,
utter Jan. Yellow BowK Wooden Howls. I'iuliii! Plutes. Jiu.uii.
jail B xes, Ice Cream Freezers, Bird Ca,;ew, Table OTcloili, Slaw
fa. Mincing KnivfS. Fuuiw Flowtir Pom, HiuK'Iiik HasketH. Ja-
8 Napkhn, Leiuouude Bets, Hiol-ory Basketu, Will tw Baskets,
ss Wagons, Doll Uoacties, etc.. eto.
iducemeuts to Buyers
o AT THE o
Pleasant Reunion of the fed-
dall Family.
The Members of tlio Family, With a Num
ber of Ilitlmilte Friend), Visit the Scono of
Their Chllilliotxl Hays nt Port Carbon,
ntul Hpcml rieuHiiiitTlmo
latliea' Blok Oxford Ties, patent tip, Cic, elsewhere $1 00.
jailies' Rus-set Oxford Ties 75c, formerly $1.25.
phllils' Block Oxford Ties 50c, cheap at 7fio.
jadies' Foxed Gaiters 00b, reduced from $1.25.
(Jen's Tenuis rthnes only 40c.
; iSJjr 121 North Main Street,
Chipped Beef,
Chipped Summer Sausage,
Lunch Beeef,
Sweet PicMes,
Pickled Onions,
GENES of childhood
days woio brought for
elbly to tlio members of
the Beddall family yos
tcrday when they as
soiublcd once more un-
der the parental roof at
Port Carbon. For
number of years It has been the annual cus
tom to hold a family reunion, and last year it
was held at tho picturesque Lakeside park.
This year, howover.ln deference to tho wishes
of tholr aged mother, tho mombors assembled
at tho family mansion in Port Carbon. Tho
selection was undoubtedly a wise ono, as tlio
grounds surrounding the house are very
sultablo for such a gathering,- besides the
building is largo and commodious.
From a social standpoint the gathering was
certainly an enjoyable affair. Tho older heads
of tho family vied with the younger folks In
thoir indulgence In juvenile games, while tho
inoro sedate contented themselves with con
versing upon the pleasures of past Uko gatb
orings. To merely mention the fact that the
Beddall family, all of whom aro prominent in
nodal and business circles, had assembled uu
dur one roof is In itself sulUcicnt to say that
all present had a ploasaut time.
Those in attendance were: S. A. Beddall
and family, Thomas It. Beddall and family,
George V. Beddall and family, Natbau Bod
dull and laiuily,Mr. and Mrs. Henry Perkins,
.Mr. and Mrs. George Milllchap and son, Mrs.
W. J. Morgan and son, Clarence Cro
baugu, Benjamin S. Daddow and Miss
Jennie A. Thomas, of town ; Jo'
seph Beddall, Kphriam Beddall, Mrs.
Ounlap and children, and William Beddall, of
Win. Penn; Mrs. E. Barlow and grandsoji,
(ioorge Barlow and wife, Mrs. George Wr .
son and daughter, and Charles O. Smith, of
Mahanoy City; Joseph S. Beddall and family,
and Misses Ilarris and Wolvartli, of Tamaqua;
E. A. Beddall and family, Mrs. Itobert Qutun,
son and daughter, and Miss Susie Bedford, of
Pottevlllo; Misses Shoeuer, of Gormantown,
and Bessie Wooley, of Philadelphia ; Joseph
Bedford, Chicago; Roll S Beddall and family
and other friends of Port Carbon.
llase Hall.
Shenandoah has throe games booked to
morrow at the trotting park with Pottstown ;
Saturday at Ashland ; and the next game
here with Pottstown.
Our home club requires more than one game
a week. Many of the players complain of
want of practice.
The more frequently games aro played the
greater becomes the interest taken In tho na
tional sport by tho public.
Mesaltt went to Philadelphia yesterday
in search of a pitcher for the homo team,
Bradloy, late of Camden, N. J., has failed to
report, but Manager Bradlgan still has hopes
of securing him.
Pottsville suffered a humiliating defeat
Tuesday at the hands of Pottstown. The score
was I 'J to 4. Martin, of the home toam,plajed
third base for Pottsville.
Tho directors of tho Mahanoy City club
have decided to disband the club for the want
of patronage.
Bradley, late of Camden, N. J arrived in
town this morning to become the regular
pitcher for thohome team.
Manager I. J, Williams announces that
he has secured a game with the strong Shen
andoah team for Saturday, to be played here.
The Shenandoah team has been putting up
the bust ball in the region, and it will take
work to win from them, and that Is what the
home boys will do their best to accomplish.
Ashland Telegram
Bradley and Messlt will be the battery at
tho trotting park to-morrow afternoon against
tho Tottstowns.
No greator friend of the family can be
found than the Genuine Imported Anchor
Pain Expeller. It is and ever will be the
"best" remedy for Rheumatism, Gout, In
fluenza, Backache, Pains in tho Side, (. heat
and Joints, Neuralgia, Sprains, &c It brings
quick aul happy relief. Sold at 25 and 50
cents per bottle, at U. II. Uagenbuch, P. P. D,
Klrliu, J. M. Jllllan, and other druggists. 3t
i i,. i i
For County Auditor, James Champion.
Subject to Republican rules. 8-10-3t
The Great Day.
Tuesday, next, is the day fixed for the great
coal region pleasure event the Grant band
musical at Lakeside. It will draw thousands
of pooplo from all parts of Schuylkill and ad
joining counties and the railroads will bo
taxed to their greatest capacity to accommo
date the crowds. In addition to the program
to be furnished by the Grant and other bauds,
there will be sculling and pigeon shooting
matches and the much-looked-for champion
ship gamebetwoen the Shenandoah and Potts
ville base ball clubs. It will be a great day
at Lakeside August 15th.
Wlint He Sees mill Hears During- tils
When Chairman Bcltcrh'go announced tlio
appointment of the Board of Health on
Tuesday evening, members of Council
naked hlra if ho was irr ain tho gen
tlemen named were willing to act and he re
plied: "Thoy promised mo tboy would servo
faithfully, Impartially and without fear."
That Is tho kind of a board wo want, for hi
all probability tho members will frequently
bo called upon to perform a duty which many
would try lo shirk under ordinary circum
stances. Most of tho mora aggravated nui
sances exist on properties ownod or controlled
by people who rank among the most promi
nent and influential citizens, and it has fre
quently occurred that they havo escaped tho
consequeness of their neglect by tho fear of
tho authority that to offend such pcoplo would
mean a decapitation from some source or uu
othor. There Is ono consolation tho people of
town will havo hereafter. Should any ono
persist in maintaining a nulsanco and tho
local Board of Health refuse or neglect to act,
thero Is a higher authority than tho Borough
Council to which an nppcal can bo carried,
and that is tho Statu Board of Health, backed
by tho stato laws.
Should tho annulment of tho Beading's
leaso of the Lehigh Valley railroad result lo
cally in tho former company re establishing
its passenger station in tho old building at
Union and Cenjro streets, vhlch will In all
probability bo tho casi, It is hoped that boforo
the building is reopenod it will bo considera
bly altered and improved so as to givo tho
patrons of the road bettir accommodations
than they had under tlio old system.
Vlowsof a varied uaturo aro hoard oxprcssed
upon our streets In relation to tho annulment
of tho leaso by the Lehigh Valley Company,
under which tho Reading controlled that
system sinco 1892. I am- inclined to believe,
considered from a Shenandoah standpoint,
that the annulment was for tho better. Tho
only Biirprlso that tho announcement occa
sioned was the fact that tho Lehigh people
caused tho abrogation of the contract. It is
no secret that tho Lehigh Valley has been n
grcatflnancial disappointment lo tho Reading,
and a heavy drain upon its resources. For
this reason it was thought tho Beading would
take tho initiative In abrogating tho leaso.
An olllcial of tho Reading company, who is
well versed in tho affairs of that company,
informed me yesterday that tho Reading
company has fostered thotrado of the Lehigh
Valley, in order to make It a laying invest
ment, by curtailing Its own production of coal
and diverting great amounts of freight that
formerly passed over its own lines. Uo siys
it will require some time before tho two sys
tems will be running as they'dld previous to
tho "combine," the affilrs of tho two compa
nies being so badly tangled up.
Under tho management of President Mc-
Loud, tho Reading company became a leading
factor in truck line transportation, and thus
advancod the interests of all connected with
tho mining of anthracite coal. From this po
sltiou the Rea ling is relegated to its former
position, that of a local coal-carrying corpora
tlon. Viowed in this light, I consider tho
annulment of tho leaso by tbo Lehigh Valley
a great drawbtck to the anthradtu coal re
It will take several days to. dlssemiuato tho
Information to tho various officials of tho Le
high Valley of tho annulment of tho lease,
and to have tho road in good working order
under the new management. Active prepar
ations, however, aro In progress for tho trans
fer, and in a few days wo may look for a
change at tho local stations.
Speaking of tho chaugo here, would it not
bo a good business stroke on tho part of the
Rcudln i to abandon thopa&sougcr depot at the
lower end of Ceutro street and build a more
commodious building where tho freight depot
is now located, at tho north end "of Alain
street? I imagine It would; and It would
ccitaiuly bo a great convenience to tho pa
trons of tbo road and materially Increase pas
senger traffic over the Reading. It would also
improve that feet leu of tho town, enhance
tbo valuation of properties in thatlocalityand
Hiuke business boom at tho northern part ol
our main thoroughfare. One.
lUqut'es Atttntlon,
Editor IIkkald : Your repeated mention
of the nuisance prevailing iu town of young
men and ladies who are old enough to know
better congregating upou tho sidewalks, met
my hearty approval, as well as that of all or
derly citizens. The police appear to be unable
to abato this nuisauce. I also notice there are
a number of young men who make stienuous
eflorU to inako progress, heavenward iu their
intentions of going to church, but become
stranded at certain corners of our otherwise
orderly town. Here thoy will remain in
droves, and woo unto tho rospcotablo and
mod est young woman that will have to run
the gauntlet on her way to and from church.
These young men are not beautiful ; they are
not oven artistic. As the congregations pass
their corner they endeavor to poo; they en
deavor to look cleverly critical, aud they
endeavor to be witty. But they fall. I
havo seen tho ladles laugh more and enjoy the
antics of a monkey on a string, than they do
at tho attempt at wit of these dudes. For
real animals are interesting. But these posers
do not know this. No young man that wishes
to be respectable should be found in such
company, and all tho rest should be driven to
behavior by our police authorities.
Good Behaviob.
Shenandoah, August 10.
A common cold should not be neglected.
Downs' Elixir will cure it. lm
It Pays to AdrertWe,
It pays to advertise, and especially In the
IIekald. Mrs. Howard, of West Oak street,
Inserted a lost notice In this paper, and before
the ink was hardly dry upon the paper the
lost article was returned.
Coughing Leads to Consumption,
Kemp's Balsam will stop the oonfb, at
Senators Unable to Agree oti a
Mode of Procedure.
Tlio Silver Mon KiMoiitlj- Undismayed by
tho Suggestion 1ti the l'retlueiit's 31m.
engo Freo Colmigo Mon of the Ifouao Ad
hero lo Their Principle.
A Valuable Iteineily,
lion. Edmund L. Pitts, the lata president
of the New York State Seuate, writes :
"Statk or N, Y., Sbxatb Chamuku,
Albany, March 11, 1B38.
I have used Alloock's Porous Plasters in
my family for the past uvo soars, aud can
truthfully aay they aro a valuable remedy
and effect great cures. I would not be with
out them, I have In several instances given
somo to friends suffering with weak 'and
lame backs, ana tney bave Invariably af
forded certain and spee ly relief. They can
sot be too highly commended,"
Special to Evenino Herald
Wabiiinqtok, Angust 10.
HE Democratic Penato
rial caucus held yester
day forenoon adjourn
ed for dinner without
an agreement. T h o
afternoon caucus was
almost as unproductive
of results as tho morn-
" lug session. Most of tho
tlmo was consumed In tho expression of indi
vidual views which clearly demonstrated
that each clement In tho party was (Irmly
wedded to Its own notions. Ono of tho
senators, who occupies an important and high
position In the finance commit ee, and
whose leaning toward fre silver Is pro
nounced, declared positively, "You can set
it down tis a certainty that tho Sherman
act will not be repealed unconditionally."
On tbeother hand, some senators who have
sided with the president, said rather des
pondently that while no tangible advance
had been made toward a point where the
party could bo regarded as united, they
had not abandoned hope that the efforts in
that direction might not eventually result
in success.
It is gathered from this that the con
ditional repeal proposition is gnininij in
strength, aud that certain of the ultra
sliver men are prepurlng to follow in the
direction indicated by tho, leaders In the
silver caucus in the hous,e yesterday,
namely, towards repeal with free coinage
on an Increased ratio. It was a rather
significant fact that the silver men ap
peared to have less anxiety than their op
ponents about the result of the caucus, as
was evidenced by their conduot while the
senators were discussing the situation, a
number of them leaving the room and
going to the restaurant, where they
calmly Indulged in luncheon, apparently
unconcerned as to what was going on In
the chamber above.
Neither party In the senate has everbeen
able to caucus with complete success on
the subject of silver, and yesterday's cau
ous was no exception to the rule. So, after
exhausting the possibilities of debate, the
caucus fell back upon the oft tried expe
dient of delegating to a committee the
tusk of endeavoring to arrange a plan of
business that should be satisfactory to all
sides. Mr. Gorman, the chairman of the
caucus, was authorized to appoint this com
mittee, and the caucus itself adjourned
subject to his call, which will bo issued as
soon as the committee has reached an
agreement and is prepared to submit a
report for action.
After the adjournment of the caucus
Mr. Gorman repaired to the room of the
committee on appropriations and called
into consultation Senators Blackburn,
Gray, Ransom and Voorhees. Senator
Cockrell was invited to remain in the
room. All of these senators, with the ex
ception of Senator Gray, were members of
tho Democratic caucus committee ot the
last session, and, although Mr. Gorman
had not yet made his appointments, their
presence gave color to the expectation that
they would be named as members of the
caucus committee.
The cnuous of members of the house
who favor the free coinage of silver
a lopted the following resolution by a
unanimous vote:
"Resolved, That we will support a bill
repealing the purchasing clause of the
Sjerman not and concurrently providing
for the free and untrammeltd coinage of
Bilver, with full ltgal tender quality, on
such a ratio as will provide aud maintain
the parity between gold and silver."
A committee of seven was appointed to
draft and introduce such a bill. The com
mittee is composed as follows; Messrs.
Dlaud, Sibley, Boatner, Lane, Hankhead,
Brynn, Bailey and Culberson,
When the caucus met it was estimated
that there were about forty members ot
the house in the hall, but during the time
caucus was In session about 100 members
Were admitted. Estimates of the number
in attendance ranged from CO to 125 the
clerk of the caucus fixing the number at
03 aud Mr. Bland saying he counted over
10U. Many known silver men failed to
Ilrlcr Saislnn of the Benat.
Washington; Aug. 10. The senate wns
in session yesterday only twenty minutes,
and a considerable part ot that time was
oocupled by the chaplain in an eloquent
eulogy of tho late Senator Stanford, ot
California. All the Democratic senators
voted for Mr. Gorman's motion to adjourn,
and were reiuforced by all the senators
from the silver producing states. The
negative voto was given by Republican
The rosult was: yeas 48; nays 31. The
bouse was not in session.
A Farmer's Strange Disappearance.
Easton, Pa.. Aug. 10. There has been a
mysterious disappearance in Allen
township. Barney Ilraker, a well to do
farmer, told his wife Sunday morning that
he would go to the barn, hitch up the
team aud drive her to church. He did not
return to the house, and his wife, think
ing he had driven up the rood to overtake
her, walked to church. Braker was not
there and no trace ot him can be found. It
Is thought he wandered oft iu an attack
of insanity.
To lncreate the Navy,
Washington, Aug. 10. Preliminary
steps for the construction ot three new
gunboats tor the United States navy were
taken by the navy department In the Issu
ance ot advertisements inviting bids for
their construction. On ot the vessels is
to be ot a special type for use lu Chines
waters, while the other two are to be ordi
nary gunboats. The last cougress appro
priated i.auo.ouo tor their construction.
Yriler Wouldn't be Whlleeepped,
WllKEUNO, W. Va., Aug. 10. WhlU
taps went to J. P. Wiler's. boarding house
to tar and feather him because he had not
obeyed an order to leave the country.
Wiltr fired on the crowd, killing Howell
Dsckoer and probably fatally wounding
Ibonas Coyne, Wiltr lurraadued,
William Mason, of Seattle. Washlnotnn. I
visiting his old-time neighbors In town.
Editor Parkor. of tho Tri-U'eeklu Jleeord
Mahanoy City, raid tho JInnALD tanctum a
visit yesterday afternoon.
Miss KatO CuuiltncllAm. nnn nfnitr tuinnlnr
" ' I ,
yuK school toachors, left this afternoon for
nmaueipuia and Atlantic City.
Mrs. John Girtin is lvlne- danenrnu1v 111 At
hor homo on South Jardlu street. Little
hopes aro ontortatnod of her ultimate recov
William Gibson, nubtldn forrmnn for II. n
Lehigh and Wllkcs-Barro Coal Co., at Wana
mio. I.uzi-ruo county,pald a brief visit to town
to-day after attending tho funeral of hi ,,1.1
frlond, William Reed, at Pottsville
For County Auditor, James Champion.
Subject to Republican rules. 6-10-3t
SlipnaiiOoiih OIliirK Opportunities to Week-
rs uf investment.
The following enumerated properties are
for salo and information concorning them
may be had upon application at tho Hkhald
office :
1. A row of framo housos containing
apartments for six families. Will not at
loast IB por cent, on the prico asked. Loca
tion in tho heart of Shenandoah.
2. A splendid factory sito, 30xG0 foot in
si, in tho heart of Shenandoah, aud in
cluding largo building. Cheap.
3. Lot aud largo building with railroad at
front and rear, with or without 8 horso power
engine, boiler and shafting. Splendid build
ing for a factory.
4. An olegaut now houso lu Pottsville,
completolu ovory detail, all conveniences,
large and high rooms. Lot C0xl70 feet.
Large honncry.
I'olltlrnt Announcements.
James Champion, of town, lias announced
himself as a candidate for County Auditor,
subject to Republlran rubs. Mr. Champion
Is an old resident of this town and has served
several years as Borough Auditor with entire
satisfaction to tho pooplo.
In another column of this piper will bu
found a card of Thomas E. Samuels, of Maha
noyCity, announcing himself as a candidate
of tho Republican party for County Auditor.
Mr. Samuels has given two years of good ser
vico as Borough Auditor In Mahanoy City.
Baxter's Mandrake Bitters cure indigestion
hoartburu, costivoness and all malarial dis
eases. Twenty-flvo cents per bottlo. lm
I-utliermi Ml-slonnry Itcunlon.
The Lutheran Missionary Reunion Festival
of Schuylkill county will be held at Lakeside
Park on Sunday next. Threo services will be
held, at 10 a. m. and at 2 and 5 p. m.
Churches from all tho large towns iu tho
county, Shenandoah included, will bo reDro-
scntcd, and a largo gathering is expected.
Iho discussions will bo In both the English
aud German languages. Rov. Gruhler, of
town, will speak upon "Foreign Missions."
Minor Aeelilnitl.
A hostler employed at the Farmers' hotel
stables had an exceedingly narrow escape
from very serious, if not fatal Injuries, by be
ing kicked in the head by a horso temporarily
placed iu tho stable.
John Mock8amavago had his face and head
badly cut and bruised by a fall of coal in the
Suffolk colliery. Ho is uuder Dr. Hamilton's
Another Cimlase Trnat.
New York, Aug. 10. The cowlage man
ufacturing interests of the United States,
outside of those embraced in the National
Cordage company, met at the office of the
Jollll Good CnriljliT nnmnunv fnp , V, a ,..-
pose of forming Cordage Manufacturers'
irusv. oome twenty companies are repre
sented, including the Tubbs, of San Fran
cisco, and the Killer, of PhllnHMnhu in
terests. A committee of five was ap-
pointeu co aevise plans and report at a
future meeting.
Annthrr Imlian Trluce Arrives.
New York. A hi- in Annii,.. t-
dlan prince arrived In this city yesterday
On his War tn tlm Wni-M'a fair in. I
gives his name und tltlo as Maharajah Sir
lrngnji xuouore, uaneD ot worvl. with
him is his son, his highness the Prince
Lukdhlejl. Colnel Hnmfrey, of the British
army, is with them. The maharajah wears
clothes made by a London tailor, and
speaks good English.
A ills 1'lculc.
The picnic held at Lakeside vesterdav un.
der the auspices of tho Trinity Reformed,
rrceuyterlan and Enclish Lutheran Sundev
schools was one of the largest and most enjoy
able affairs held at the park this season.
Nearly five hundred people went down in the
morning and about throe hundred morewent
in the afternoon.
Deputy Coroners' Salary.
The County Commissioners have fixed the
salaries of Deputy Coroners, according to the
number of inquests held during tho preceding
year. Tho deputies at Shenandoah, Mahanoy
City aud Ashland each receive $175 per year;
Pottsville ?15, and Mlneraville $100. The
others in the county rango from $10 to $60.
For County Auditor, James Champion.
Subject to Republican rules. 8-10 3t
A hay party visited Lakeside Park last
evening, aud all report having had au enjoy
able time.
Nora Evangel, the 10 months-old daughter
of Rev. Quest, will be buried to-morrow at 3
o clock,
Coltlery Nutes,
To-night all the P. & R. collieries in this
district will suspend operations until Monday.
On account of a scarcltv of Ihn mr,nlr
supply of water, the P. & R. collieries to-day
started to use the purified water stored in
Uiten Awsf.
For sixty days K eager, the photographer
wlU give a 10x12 pKUuum picture with every
down of hit $3 cabinet,
Points of Much Interest to the
Local Candidates.
An Attempt to Use tho Iteimbllcnn County
Ticket to Siihsldiio tlio County Chairman
ship far Which Major Iisch Is mi Aggrrs
slve Asplrnnt.
J"t HERE Is danger lurking
Jfttl KS&B ia 11,0 alr for Bom of
tho local Republicans
who nro aspiring for
ofllco, and if they will
open thoir eyes and
take in tho surround
ings with a common
sense view thoy can
readily sco that a deep pit has been dug
benoath tho surface on which they stand J
that when tho proper moment comes tho sur-
faco will give way and thoy will drop into
obscurity to make room for tho choico of men
who have beou selected by people who would
grasp the wand of tho ruling powers.
If tho people who are in this plot succeed
neither Slionandoah or Gllbcrton will havo a
County Commlesioncr on the Republican ticket
this year; notwithstanding- tho prevailing
sentiment that It is time Shenandoah be given
a representative in the Commissioner's office.
On Monday last "Sam" Losch, of Schuylkill
Haven, and "Dick" Koch, of Pottavillo, paid
a visit to town and were received with open
arras by their old-time champion aud admirer,
a Third ward office holder. They came, they
saw, and wont away again, supposing that all
they had done and said was completely
shrouded in mystery, and nothing would be
known of tholr arrangements until tho mo
ment to strike and conquer should arrive,
but thoy were mistaken. Tho shroud of mys
tery was broken after their departure and the
secrets of tho deal have Ieakod out.
Tho facts are that Losch and Koch came to
Shenandoah to give its three candidates for
County Commissioner a black eye, and to do
this they havo inado arrangements to spring
two Shenandoah mon at tho last moment for
entirely different offices. One of these men
is a Mr. Biersteln, who is wholly unknown in
county or local politics, and so much generally
unknown that upon mention of the name
almost everybody asks, "Who is is he ?" Mr.
Bierstcin is to be sprung as the Losch-Koch
candidate from Shenandoah for Recorder.
But lest the convention may possibly decide
that tho. Recordershlp and a Commlsslonershlp
would not be too much for Shenandoah, these
schemers have gonefarthcrby Inducing James
Champion to announce himself as a candidate
for County Auditor.
Messrs. Severn, Nelsweuder and Bollis can
readily seo that they aro not the choice of the
Losch-Koch schemers, because Shenandoah
cannot hope for three offices. The idea is to
dump tho three candidates named and quiet
the town with something which it does not
Mr. Losch has also boon active in other
parts and has been prevailing upon Alexander
Scott to come out for County Treasurer
against Losch'a own townsman, Dr. Dechert,
who announced himself as a candidate for the
office early last spring, and who is favored by
the leaders of the party. Mr. Losch's idea is
that with Scott in tha field Steve Mlddleton's
chances for County Commissioner will bo cast
to the winds, and thus both Shenandoah and
Gllbcrton will not be in It so far as a Com-
missionershlp is concerned.
Now why is It that Mr. Losch under
takes to dictate to the people north of the
mountain what offices the towns shall have ?
He has an excellent motive, and It is this:
Mr. Losch wants to get as many men as he
can of his own choice on the tioket so that
when the new rules go Into effect they will
support him for chairman of the county com-
mittcc. Under the new rules the candidates
will have the power of creating that chair
manship. That is the motive, and Mr. Losch
intends to put it through at the expense of
8evern, Neiswender, Bellis and Middleton,
tho aspirants for County Commlssionershipg.
Do these people see that hump ?
Arnica & Oil Liniment is very healing and
soothing, and does wonders when applied to
old sores. l ni
Frederick Frantz, of Cherry street.dled last
evening of typhoid fever, after a short illness.
The deceased was in his twenty-third year,
and leaves a wife aud one child to mourn his
demise. He was a member of Maj. Jennings
Council, No. 3G7, Jr O. U. A. M., and the
Rescue Hook and Ladder Company,
Out uu Hall.
Thomas James and John Devine, of town,
who have been in Jail since July 20th,charged
with larceny, were yesterday admitted to
ball in the sum of $500 each.
You urc luvited to call at
Friclte's Carpet Store, No. xo
jontft JardJba Street, to see
bUnew line ot Carpets, Oil
Cletfea and "Wlnao-w BfeadMi