The Herald. Highest of all in Leavening Power.- Latest U. S. Gov't Report FirstMationalBank THEATItE HUILDINO BliC-iiatiiloHli, I;un fOBLIBlIED DAILY, SUNDAY HXOHPTK) WIIKbY, XTEUr BATDHDAT. Doath Overtakes a Party on tho Way to a Dance, HIKE OP TUB NUMBER GO D0W1T. M. A.. norrAl ...VroirMr a. O. aOIXR.JBMtor and JSttitther ST. J. HVt7tXJVH.i.m.,...wxn MUer J. X. Or7f7J.,..,..Hunen Slanuyfr SUBSCRIPTION RATES OArLT,rer yoar,.; ...... H 00 tTxuL,T, per year,.....,.............. 1 80 Advertlitnff Ilatrt. Transient, 10 cents per llfte, II rat lDMrttoo ; t teats per line each subsequent Insertion, ltutos for regular advertising can be baa on applies lion at the office or by mall. The Xtzhino Heiialu ban a larger elrcola lion la 'Shenandoah than any other paper pub tlshed. Hooks open to all. entered at the Postorfloe. at Hbenandoah, V. (or transmission through the malls as socond-olass mall matter. 6ut West they havo a very pointed way of connecting cause and effect, In describing tho numerous bank failures that nro taking plnoe during this Demoow.lo ora of prosperity. WbeD a BUBpenalou Is announced, they say "Another cratlc." bank has gone Domo- It is not wrong to take away pen sions from men not entitled to tlieni. But every man who Is entitled to a pen sion should have It, ovon though the number of pensioners should be doubled, and tho demands upon the treasury proportionately Increased. Millions, If necessary, for the vetorans but nota cent for lmpoHera. TnB Chicago speculators who bulled provisions up to the top notch last week now wUh they lmdn't. Prices took an unexpected tumble, and they not only dropped whatthoy made, but a big wad of their own money as well Serves them right. They are human sharks, all of 'em, trading on the necessities of the people. That tho cholera prevails In Naples is no longer a question of doubt. The exlentof its prevalence may be inferred from the fact that tho Pope has dls pensed the Catholic people from fast ing on Fridays, as long as tho cholera exists, It being feared that the physl cal weakness resulting from the fast might possibly so weaken the physical system as to render it more reudlly susceptible to the scourge. The Chicagoplungers who dealt in ribs, lard, etc., cot it fearfully under the fifth rlbon Tue3day, and deserved ly, too, and were compelled to take In crushing doses the unpalatable medi cine they have for years been admin istering, bo unatlntly to others. The whole country has been compelled to to pay tribute to them. To-day pork in its various forms la sold at higher prices than at any time since the war, but righteous retribution came at last, and the plungers beoame plunged Their Ill-gotten moneys were swept away from them by millions In an hour, and there Is no one who feels like sympathizing with them. Lard ! Lard 1 what will be the next sensa tion? Some one in the Pension office at Washington explains tlmt the case of ex-Penslou Commissioner Black can not bo reached by the Pension author I ties because his pension was granted itv a specialact of -Correntr. Mr. wiaas is well known, receives a larger pension than any other man on tho roll. Just how a man who Is still in the possession of two arms, two legs and every other member and organ of theLo Jy, and who Is.toall appearance?, both mental and physical, healthy, managed to secure the largest pension on tho list has never been explained so far as we know. It has been said that theofllclal papers on file in the Pen sion office represent Mr. Black as a 'a complete phynlcal wreck," but this must beamlstake. Tbote Democratic organs that are so violently denounc ing Judge Long.of Michigan, for draw ing a pension of $i2 per mouth while able to serve as a Supreme Court,, Jus tice at $7,000 a your, should now take up the case ofex-Commlssloner Ulsck. Judge Long Is minim on arm and can not valk without crutches, owing to a wound In the hip, still he does not claim to be "a complete physical wreck," and does not draw a pension as such. Mr.Blaek has do empty coat sleeve and oan walk without the aid of of crutch or caue, still he draws $600 a year more than Judge Long. M unc over, he also for four years drew the salary of PensIouCommleeloner and Is now drawing $5,000 a year a a mem ber of Congress. We respectfully call the attention of the traduoere of Judge Long, of Michigan, to Congress man and ex-Pension Commlaabiner Black,of Illinois. The foot that Judge Xong la a Xlenubllrjau and (Jel. Black a Democrat should inaktt uo4 difference fa Uw 4 v cateaSpMp"Bnloakr e f a r in , Of the Dead Right Are Wnmen nml Ono n Tenth of Nineteen, Who Lost lilt X.lfe In a lterolo lirfort to Rare III Mother. TMOT, N. Y., Attn. B. About 6 p. m. n pleasure party while going to a danoe nt the lower end or ijMte ueorga met with a terrible calamity. The steam yacht Hnclml waa ooDTeylng twefity-ntne people up the lake when in the dark the reasel run upon a sunken pier, and before assistance arrived from the shore, it sunk with all on board. It was only a low mlnuton after the shook when the yacht careened to oneeldo and want down In eighteen feet of water. The shrieking, struggling passengers bat tled for lire in the darkness, women threw up their arms nml sank beneath the surface, and when brought ashore life had fled. Deeds of heroism were performed by the man. "When all in sight had reached the st iro It waa learned that nine persons, all women except a youth of 19, had sunk to waUry graves. Aa soon as possible an at tempt to recover the bodies was Hindu, After strenuous efforts all the bodies were brought to the surface. Following Is a correct list of the drownedl Miss Hattle Hall, Brooklyn: Bertha Bene dict, Mont Clair, N. J.; Miss Edith Hard ing, Iloboken, N. J.; Miss II. M. Burton, Jersey City; Mrs. J. II. Mitchell, Burling ton; F. Q. Mitchell, Burlington; Iiizsie Corley, Burlington; Clam Black, Burling ton; Llzcio Clark, Bridgeport. The passengers soarcely know what had happened before the boat filled with water and sunk. The Indies on board wore laughing and singing. The boat sank so rapidly that no time was givon to the Ill fated pleasure seekers to utter a prayer. Some of the passengers were caught un der tho shade deck and died quickly. It eeeraed hours before help arrived, though a dozen men were on the water in row boats almost before the smokestack of tho Itnchel sank from sight. That so many lives should bo lost nt such an early hourof thenight, and within speaking distance of the land where two large hotels are located, can only be no counted for by the fact that tho night was unusujilly dark and the boat sank very rapidly after hitting tho pier. Young Mr. Benedlot, son of the wealthy New York Jeweler, who was on the boat, Is an expert swimmer. He tried to save his sister and dived for her once. Frank Mitchell, aged 19 years, of Bur lington, Vt., lost his life while trying to save hie mother, who was also drowned. Robert Sims, of Glen's Fall, and others who assisted in the search for the bodies did not give up until they had found the nine bodies. The regular pilot of tho boat, Mr. Bar ber, was not on duty at tho time of tho accident, he having been excused by Mr. Allen, proprietor of the Fourteen Mile Island hotel, and owner of the vessel, on account of Illness. Claude Granger, on inexperienced man, was in charge of tho boat. There were twenty-nine persons on the boat when she struck. A "Knockout" Hlow Troved Fatal. Denver, Aug. 5. "The Sailor Kid," whose name is differently given as Bobby Taylor and Lon Turner, who fought a draw Thursday night In a pugilistic en counter at the Ramblers' club rooms, died lata last night. Warrants were promptly sworn out for all those concerned in the mill. "Kid" Robinson, colored, was tho "Sailor Kid's" opponent und tho latter was terribly beaten. The "Kid" never regained consciousness after leaving the ring. j 1'atal Stubbing Affray at Altoonn. AXTOONA, Pa., Aug. 6. A fight In which Howard Gordon, of Hollldaysburg, was fatally injured occurred In this city last night. Thomas Walker, tho assailant, stabbed Gordon in the left breast, near tho heart, and made his escape. He was cap tured at Bellwood, seven miles east of Al toona. Jealousy was the cause of tho quarrel. Both men are colored. STOCK AND PRODUCE MARKETS Closing Quotntlun of the Philadelphia und New York Exchanges. New Yobk. Aug 4. Tho dealings on tho Stook Exchange today were marked by an advance in prices in the face of bear reports. Closing bids: Leblgn Valley........ OA Pennsylvania..... 49 Heading.-. . 18J St. Paul biK Lehigh Nav . 4T Heading g. m. 4 tt W.N.Y.&Fa M II. & 83 H.&B.T.pref-47H Erie ' lift D.. L.& W.....H6H N. Y. Central-. 110 West Shore 08 Lake Erie & W. UK New Jersey Cen M Del. & Uudfcon, 113 Heading 1st pf fig 38$ Heading 3d pt Ss.. Heading 3d pf 5s.. N. Y. i N. E....... 16M IBM SO General Market. New York, Aug I. State and western flour qnlet, steady; low extras, 1.9j3.t3; oity mills, patents, 81.Sl.Bl't-falr -to fancy, St.4SOS.4i; Minnesota olear, $8.S03; patents, l.i; superAne, Sl.7fk32.3J; city mills, $3.80 .85; patents. $&4nQt: straights. ?3J0a; rye mixtures. J2.W4i3.4u; fine, $1.70(p2.1U; southern doll, steady; common to fair extras, $1003.10; good to choice do., Hye flour firm, fair demand; superfine, SUQ3.35. Wheat dull, steady; August, 67iQa8o.; September, 15-lSc ;.Ootober,7i;672Ka; December, W64J6$io. Hye dull; western, WttfQc. Corn dull; firmer; August, 4?94&Mc. September, 47J48Mo.: Oftolwr, Wi&iWo-i No. T47Mffl 4SHc. Oats firmer, 'nil.; September, 3uio.; state, 8&4iitto. we-', m, 3!t343tto. Philadelphia. Ah : 4 Bof quiet, steady; extra mess, 7.5 ir.H; family, $i ait Pork quiet, steady: new mess, 815. Laid firmer, dull; steam rendered, $7.50. Kutlor weak, dull: New York dairy, lfl18c; western dairy, lift IBM?.: Elgin, 19J4o.; New York rreamery, 18 Qlflttc.; western do.. UkSIOHo.; imitation do., 14M17c. Cheese fair demand, steady; New fork, large white, 89o ; do. colored, tUc: do . small. 8QUc. part skiuu. lMQoc.; Mr. JT. A. Wheeler "While Serving My Country I was taken 111 with spinal disease and rhau mattim. When I returned home my trooblj was stilt with me, and I was oonflned to my bed, unable to help myself for 23 months. After taklux seven bottles of flood's Sana parti la I was well and liave net stove been troubled with ray old oomplalnt. My wife was la ill health, suffering with headache, dizziness and dys pepsia. She took two bottle of Mood's Sarsaparllla and feels like m new womnn," James A. WuEELxs, ltQ0 Divlilen 6fr, Baltimore, Did. Hood's Pills arsthabi JildinRr Fills, isUt dlautloc, euro hadi tf, Try a box. Powder ABSOUUTEl? PURE A Snub tn Slgr. Sntnlll. DttKTCR, Ana. C At the annual synod of the diocese of Denver held yesterday, Bishop Mat presiding, a resolution was passed Approving the bishop's school pol icy. Inasmuch as Bishop Sato 111 only a month ago condemned the school policy of Bishop Matr. fti donylng the sacrament to children who attended the publio schools the resolutions are a virtual condematlon of tho action of the apostolio delegate. The priests who refused to sign the resolution were forced to answer to the roll call and vote aye or nay In open synod. The Ohnetaws Again Ilepltnd. "WlLBrHTON, I. T., Aug. 0. The nine Chootaw Indians who were sentenced to be shot July 7 for the murder of several members of the Jones faction, and who were respited by Uovernor Jones until Aug. 4, have been grantedufurther respite of one month. It Is believed that should the United States government Insist upon thepardonof the prisoners Woveroor Jones would consent, especially If such a courso would put an end to the deplorable oontro versy between his and the Locke faction. A Peimlon for hot of Tooth. WAsniNOTON, Aug. 5. It has last leaked out from the archives of the pension bureau that Deputy Commissioner Bell, who has made numerous publio state ments severely condemning the disability pension of Judge Long and others, waa himself In the same boat with tho pen sioners who are now haled up for his scrutiny. Up to the 81st of May laet ho drew a disability pension of 114 a month for "loss of teeth, Indigestion and heart disease." lilt Unit tinvod 111 Life. ITAitrtlsnURO, Aug. 5. John Johnson, colored, suspected that his dusky friend, John Beverly, was too Intimate with Mrs. Johnson, and when he discovered the pair in a compromising situation yesterday be fired a "bullet into Beverly's abdomen. The surgeons at the City hospital found the lead and the man will recover. Johnson surrendered. A chamois money belt worn by Beverly saved his life. A rrlnceton Student's Suicide. BniDQEPOllT, Conn., Aug.B. The body found floating olt Stratford light by Cap tain Leads, of the New York tug Hlchard Schnuhel, has been Identified as that of C. D. Fuller, aged 21, a Princeton college student. It Is thought that in a fit of tem porary Insanity he throw himself from the steamer. Tho body was taken to his father's home in Morrlstown, N. J. Xncendlarlo at Mochanioshurg. CARLISLE, Pa., Aug. C Following the destruction of tho Long residence by rob bers, tho largo barn of G. T. Ilummell, near Mechanlcsburg, was found tohave been thoroughly saturated with kerosene, with the evident intention of destroying It by flro. The Trindle Spring paper mill, at tho western extremity of the town, waa found in the sumo condition. A Xlbelnus Jlroker Suspended. NEW Yokk, Aug. 5. The governing com mittee of tho New York Stock Exchungo decided by unanimous vote to suspend Henry G. Weil, of A. J. Weil & Co., for tho year. Well was charged with conduct detrimental to the exchange In casting re flections upon tho credit of the Manhattan Banking company. Killed by a Runuwny Uenplng Machine. SoeQUEnANSA, Pa., Aug. 4. Harry Tompkins, of Albany, N. Y., was cut to pieces nt Lawsville Centre, this county, by falling under a reaping machine. The horses he was driving were stung by bees, and'runniug away, canned the accident. Th Navahoe Comes In I.n4t Lojtuon, Aug. 6. Tho regatta of the Royal Yacht squadron, of which the Prince of Wales i oommodore, took placo yesterday. Tho race was won by the Sat anlta, with the Valkyrie second, Calluna third and Navahoe lost. Tho Weather. Fair In tho Interior; warmer; light vari able winds. . FIRE INSURANCE araastama oldest reliable purely --tu--panle nrpraatnud y HAVE YOU TRIED DRUBS AND FAILED TO FIND A CURE FOB RHEUMATISM, LUMBAGO, SCIATICA, KIDNEY, LIVER and BLADDER COMPLAINTS, DYSPEPSIA, LAME-BACK, & A Onr fiOO pnire book "TITTIEE OTjARBES niiuuie-airea ana oia mnn sent swieu, irpv i VIE HAVE CURED THESE KEBVOTJS pEBIUTY AND WEAKNESS. NKWToaxnrr October Uth, im I)B. A. T. GiinkBJr, 1 Sir Abotit thrae years ago X pwduued on of your eleetria belts for too oar of narrous dvbUlty, vh1eh I hadlaiu worst form a ad vUohwaa undenniultu niy health. For years I bad mffsred from tiii turrDiTodubltiatluir drain on my tU1 fia nil nun 1 did not know whatllwutohsvvaaBood ntebt sleap. bat in ewe month's time af tr uatne the belt I fait a mneb stronacr man both mantsliy aod nay tloJJy. and la avhort time was entire! v w. U. yourfl truly, II. MfifiLlQ, 887 BeArery. JinEXJilATlflM AND LOST TIGOU. Da. A. T. SiMwr, Dvar Sir i Four yuwv uxo 1 tat Fcym sueb mln from rhauaiatlsm tlin at timus It wu liHIMllilo for ioo gc arouua, i aforaoDDort. T used tout bell and frit a. relief la en hour. J vainedln welffhc from thutduy audit was Coir A snofTuniouniiiuwpaina teis nw onu wue AasawttUraaa. laiwayni etpuur beictirrby ror r laera inlffht be a ret urn, but as It has n w becu t 1 fear .return, but a It haa ir imn finii- rresvrsslnea you eurad me.aan aafely y it Is ixjrmau- as we hiva restored thousands to robust health and vfpor, after all other treatments failed, as can ba shown by hundreds of oases thronirhout this and other Rtaten.w ho would njarily teetlfy. aud from many of whom wo have strontf lottery bfearing testimony tu their recovery alter ulus our Delt. THE DR. SAWDEPi ELECTRIC BELT It RrompMffEOlTsnlotinttory.rjjadolr.tnobelt so as to be easily worn darinit irork or atrcst.nnd It give aouUiiuv. pr loured currrntu wtm d are instAntly felt t 'inmuh ut if weak nttrts, or we forfeit 83U0U. It baau Xmprovt'tl l ltctrlo hunponeory, thoct. mei . t : i w relvcn veaknteD,Dd we warrant it to cure any of thoabova woakoeaaas, und fei.lnresiii nrht t)iinbs,or parts, or Jllooor Jlrfuorled. 'Xtier are graded la tronaUi toimjp.tallstaKe'' f iru.n in ynuni, iniddltMiiiedarola to, und will cure tbe worst cose lutwo or three montbs. Address lor lull Information. .8ANDEN ELECTRIC CO,, 0S6 Broadway, New York. BASEBALL YESTERDAY. National League. At Baltimore: New York o 1 n n o 1 8 n.n. k. 1 0- 0 10 1 Ualtlmnre. 0 0X10 At Philadelphia: rhllad'a 0 1 0 1 1 iraahlfie'n-A S 1 1 0 0 0 0 0-3 4 8 n. n. b. T-H 18 0 0- T 10 4 It. II. s. At Cleveland: Cleveland.,... 2 Chicago.. 1 At PItUburg: Pittsburg.-.- 1 Cincinnati... 0 At Lonlsvlll Ht. Louts 1 Louisville... 0 0 8 0 x- 7 11 0 0 0 0 0-808 H. n. B. 0 x- 0 8 2 0 8- 5 III 1 n. II. E. 0 x- S 11 2 0 S 1 U 0 3 1 0 0 2 0 S 0 0 0 0 C 2 6 4 At Brooklyn llrnoklyn-lioston game post poned on account of rain. t I'euniyltnnlM State fntnu. At Sflranton Soranton, 0; Altoona, 8. j At Allentown-AUentown, 17; Johiutown, 1. At Baeton Harrisburg, 13; Eaeton, 4. At Reading-York, 17: Heading, 7. Knutorn League. At Springfield Springfield, 8; Albany, 8. At nuifalo Uuffalo, 0; Hinghamton, 5. At Provldenoe Troy, 8; lrovidenee, 1. AtHrio-Krle, 18; Wllkeebnrre, 5. A Teternn Grain Operator's Suicide. CntOAOo, Aug. B. Driven to a condition of irresponsibility by the swallowing up of his resources, with tho frosts of sixty years upon his head nnd no prospects for tho future, Nolson Van Kirk, a well known operator In grain nnd provisions, shot and Instantly killed himself yesterday. About two weeks ngo ho was caught In tho slump In wheat and compolled .to announce his failure. The deceased was a widower, nnd leaves several married children and a single daughter, the latter having attained con siderable reputation as a slngor. A Wagon I,onrt of fireworks Explode. St. Lodis, Aug. B. During the street parade of an outdoor spectacular show last night a wagon loaded with fireworks exploded. When the police and flremen succeeded In dispersing the surging mass oi Mgnieeers tnreo men ana a boy were found prostrate and bleeding from woipds. Several ftnfTprprfl wprn Imninrllntalt. fnL-n.. away1 by friends. The most seriously ln- gureu are: jimii rim, jueinpnn, Tenn., burneTTfrom head to foot, probably fatal; Frank Walsh, St. Louis, burned and struck by timbers, Berious. New York Postmasters. WAsniNOTON, Aug. B. These fourth, class postmasters have just beennppolnted In New York state: S. J. King. Parkers; J. C. I'lckard, Byersvllle; Jnraes Gray, Collosse; J. J. Hall, East Branch; DeWltt Lindsay, Hess Bond Station; J. A. Frost, Kosong; Mrs. Johanna Hannlghan, North Haltland; Elthan Stone, North Pembroke; L. D. Clark, North llussell; F. II. Jen-nlng3,-.Pnlermo; M. V. P. Clemens, Red field; B. F. Itichiirds, Rldgo Road; O. L. Hare, Woet Kill; Thomas Lalng, Williams town. Taken from Jail by Friends. Buckiiakkox, W. Vn., Aug. 6. At Alexander, W. Vn.,a lumber town about twenty miles from here, Stephen Welch anil wife were arrested for selling whisky without a license In taking them to Jail tho man escaped. About 10 o'clock at night a crowd broke Into the jail and lot Mrs. Welch out. A riot occurred In which about twenty shots were fired on both hides. Ono of tho rioters was killed and two others wounded. Kctl., ,50cta, $1.00 por Bottle, Cnrfift Oonirhfl. Iloarsoncss. Hore Throat. Crouppromptly; rollovea Whooping Couch and Asthma. For Consumption It has no rival; has cured thousand where all other failed; will cure you if taken In time. Bold by Drucffistj on ajruarantee. For Lame Hack or Chest, uso sm Jon's 1'I.Astisu. 25 eta. HJLOH kCATARRH REMEDY lfnro vnn ( Jntnrrh ? Thin remod v in rmnrftn. teodto cure you. PncuWcts. Injector Xroo. DR. BAN DEN'S EliEOTIlIO HEITJ mill j.ieciro jJHcncnc nunpiMij eory curo irlthout meillcluq all of the abore troubles. Those wbd nuiTer Xrom Nervous Uebtllly. Iosaca Drains Iost Alaulioodl NervoumcBHt iSleeplesHncBeJ i'oor Memory, nil FomnloOomj plaintH. and ceneral 111 henltlrf ttie efiectsof abusos, excesses, worrT or expt-iure, will find relief and prompt cure In our marvelous Invention, which requires but a trial to conrlnce the most bkoptlenl. In ijmorauce of ef fects you may have uuituly drained yoursystom ox nerve force and vitality uhtcli In electricity and thus caused your weakness or lack of force. If you replace into your system tho elements thus drained, which are re quired for vigorous strength, you will remove the cause and heaUh(BtrenRtb and vigor will follow at once. This ia uui pittu Mm mwaiujcjii, auu tv u kunranfee a euro or refund money. .' bhnuld bo read br evorv Tnuntr. OP MEN.1 Sniiilfu'si Klprtrln Hp It Is no oxDeriment. WE CAN CURE YOU I ItUEUlLV.TI8JI-r.OST vi con. , Krw Tor; Cm, Oct SO, Itli. .PL At ? Bumps, Dearblr i-l onu report to you thai ta bM lias entlrelv cured tna of rbeumatUm from whioh I Buttered for f ounoen yftara almost oon tlnuallr. J am m lelwr earner, auaibttlonirdsilr tramps oeces. ary la lujr rounds, un to tlx tlma of eettlns the belt, were paJiifiiUr gone through v Kh, butthants to youi woade rfu I In vent lon . I can now walk as ire las I otcc "!4 toommend y..ur treat men! to all amicted Tli uurreut has also brought Wlc my rigor In other WajrswyoueiudltwouJd. Yoursvery truly, JAM S3 tllCU), Si f orry St. GENERAL DEBILITY, Ac Omca or SATtaiSKT BO. VstGooim. am., CiHTUir., Maine, Feb. S7.1S93. Vn. a.T.Haxumx. Dear Blri -I am elad to add m I la testhnoiiy to tbe many you have of the orreat value o: your vail- mt ucuiui ata imxrovea wonaerruiiy. ana liave erontea iwiv3 pouiui.- of iienn, aiij now sleep and have an excellent appetite. Tour siilandla elect wiiwiuij'Hir niietui iittaiin" uo 16 with your rule of Hualib" bos been a very valuv. lebeneAttnotaTidltake pleasure larixmniendiDjc ur Ui&. VoursnMiHHfully. aMeixnei your U1U 1 Bright, Crisp, Concise Tk Leading Locd Weekly; Paper In Schuylkill County. "AH'tlib Local News printed In a readable, nttrucllvo iiianner, " ' with no wtiHlo of words. REDUCED IN PRICE. IMPROVED IN QUALITY. SLQQ A YEAR Some have told us "You can't do it." We believe wo can, and wo will. Tub Hkkai.d in the future will be better than at any time during its past history, if puinstaking elibrls will accomplish that end. Send Okie Dollar to The HrcitAUi olllco and receive the paper for one year. This offer applies to old as well as new subscribers, pro viding nil arrearages are paid. Heineillber, these terms are invariably in advance; otherwise $1.50 will 'be charged. I AFC YOU In Business? j VaVaVav'y'ysVVa'Vbw Do you desire success? All busine-'S men know that the only way of Increasing trade is talking In print Advertising I Where you make one customer by word-of-niouth argument or by displaying goods, you can make ono hundred by bright, convincing advertisements. Don't talk In a whisper j No one wlll'hear you. Don't talk in thunder tones ' All noise and no facts. Don't talk without listeuers Place your "ad" where It will bo read. THE HERATiD Is tho best medium lor reaching the public, and profitable results are sure to follow all advertisements placed in its col. umns. Let us convince you of this fact by a trial. . PRIHTING- Our Job Olllce has always enjoyed a reputation for excellent work, second to none, which Is maintained by strict attention to every detail of the buslucss and a thormgh equipment of the latest printing ma terial. Our Job oillce has J list been refurnished with a new line of type of the latest aud most artistic design, and have In our press-room all the latest aud Improved jfccini Printing presses. Our facilities forjurnlug out first you need anything In the printing EAST COAL STREET, 0' IB - class work are unsurpassed. When line call at the ofllee of CAPITAL. - 9 H. W liKISENHINO, I'rcsiaent. p. J. vranauHON, v opnsi J. R. LEIBKNMNO, OMblor, S, W, YOST, Assistant Ct"M' Open Dally From 9 to 3 PER CENT. Interest Paid on Savings Deposit PORT CARBON, P ManufMturuisol Of Every Deserlptlo) Flags, Baages, Caps, Tiegaim. MrFiNESr 000DS-LOWEST I'HICF.S Write for oataloguos. Corrosponilohco solicited Ucillcal 09tre, 2M W. BRCnND P rtllia a, .'a Jikniuu,Mlimi'lAI,K lit" ,iir RftGclBl isinoaK'.ie &. Yon;: VarltfH'ulo, Ily-lr-r-If, IttiKi.n Trentmcitt byKrlt is vT, munjrjtUoim tacriiity r nfllpntl.4t fltittik, Omeo hours: 0 A M. I" it All dav Sjtunla. Suf-.i 1 1 F'.iinjpm it il lVVro t Inlt.T. V;ru u& tttarrr i I". M . "I" ' 1?SEJ33 33ICTQTJI JSverytbinR modeled after Green's Cafe, Philadelphia, ;a H. mtftlii HLt Slienmnloala, The leading place In town, lias lately been entirely reno vated Evorytlilng new, clean and fresh. The ttnestlmoof Wines and Liquors I Olgnrs, Ac., foreign and do mstlo. Free lunch served each evening. Big schooners of fresh,Beer.Porter, Ale, Ac. PP08ITS : THE : TflEATR. .1 icmnitvttn'i top JOHN COSLETT Main and Oak Streets, Shenandoah, Penua., GREEN GROCERIES, Truck and Vegetables. Poultry, Gamo, Fish and Oys'ers In season. Orders Icrt nt tho store win rficolvo prompt nUcrtlorj RETTIG'S Beer and Porter T AM AGENT forthe x Chas. Kettig's Cele brated Beer aud Porter In this vicinity, also Bergner & Engel'a celebrated India Pale Ales and Old Slock. Orders will receive prompt attention. Finest brands of Liquors and Cigars. SOLOMON KAAK- 120 South Mam Street. Begs to announce to his friends and Eatrons and tho publio generally that a has purchased tho barbershop lately occupied by 11. J, Yost, No. 12 West Ce: tre Street Chris. Bos iler'a SALOOt'i AND RE TAUHANT, (Mann's old s- nd) X04 South Mai i street. Finest wines, whiskeys ar 1 cigars always In took. Fresh lleer, Ale ai Pqrler on iap, Oholce Temperance Drlnki L0BENZ SCHI'IDT'S Celebrated PoiteU'e and Bep SHI SLDS, Manner Shenanduah Branch JOE WYA TT'S iALUON AND RD TAURANT, (Christ, lloesler'solt' stnnd.) rIn unci CoalMtUi. f- neiinnrtoali. Dest beer, ale sod porter oi tap. The finest brands of whiskeys and cigar tu Pool room aV taonea. 'iatt's Popular Saloon, (Tormerly Joo 'VTyatt's) and 21 West Osik Street, BUBNANDOAn, PA. i ur stocked with the best beer, porter, ales. .'sKies, uranaies, wines, etc .r-'mcist ciBrs SNH HNS. UVKKYw treat? nnri I'n nrmrtoo tn HIM Hauling of all kinds promptly attended XoV dorses taken to fcoaro at rates that are liberal. PUR AHK7 Rw Tim cno m Socieifl Et Cor ,neB cor. jiHHHSB I