The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, August 04, 1893, THIRD EDITION, Image 1

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    The Eve
VOL. VTII.--NO. 132.
Absolutely Free !
To every customer who purchases
goods to the amount of
$45 GASH!
We will give as a present
Shepp's Photographs of "the World.
J. P. Williams & Son.
The Greatest Bargains of the Season
2tl Cents
For a Ladies' Vest, reduced from 20 cents.
Only 15 dozen to close out the lot.
I mass:
116-118 North Main Street, - Shenandoah, Pa
Now to make Boom
Fall Goods !
I have concluded to sell off all the Russet Shoes
I have at a Big Reduction.
Children's Shoes, formerly SI. 00, now 65 cents.
Children's Shoes, formerly $1.25. now 75 cents.
All kinds of Women's Russet and
Oxford Shoes at and below. cost.
Prices lowest, whon
One pfico to ul!.
now in order jjLoiise ueaiimsr.
All those iu need of Carpets, Window Shades,
Laco orChonillo Curtains, Rugs, Mats, etc., call at
Big Inducements to Buyers-ass
People's Store !
Ladies' Black Oxford Ties, patent tip, Die, elsewhere $1 00.
Ladles' Itutset Oxfoid Ties 75c, formerly $1.25.
Chllds' Black Oxford Tie 5tlc, cheap at 7f3. '
Ladles' Foxed Guitera 90u, reduced from $1.25.
Mtu's Teuuls Shoes only 40c.
IT1 T$
Chipped Beef,
Chipped Summer Sausage,
Lunch Beeef,
Sweet Pickles,
Pickled Onions,
! 0
Schmidt. 1
14 South Main Street,
quality is cousidorcd.
, s-i
'1T 121 North Malu Btreet'
Some Alarming' Testimony Be
fore the Grand Jury.
If tho Statement of .loneph Duggiin ho
True the Fiitallly Win Dim to (ho Crlm
Inality of an Organized Clnng of l'luii
Special to Evkninq IlmiAi.n,
"ucaoo, August 4.
VIDENCEof a startling
-J nature concerning the
Cold Btorngo Warehouse
Company was takon by
tho grand jury yestcr-
day, Tho witness who
gave tho evidence was Joseph Duggan, for
merly a Stony Island avenuo saloon keeper.
and tho man who first told of tho looting
the; Cold Storage Warohouso and Its lltlng by
a gang of robbers. lie was flushed and ox
cited with tho Inquisition ho had undergone,
but said ho bad mado a clean breast of It all
AcioroniK to lur. iiuggan tncro were
150 men concerned iu the conspiracy, nud
1)0 declared that hu had Riven tho names
to the urmid jury. He said thut from the
opening of the exposition right up to tho
time at tho lire goods were stolon, or at
least removed from th Cold Storage wnro-
House Dy tuo wagon load. The wagons
used were oxnress wagons generally.
though ho' had known of water carts go
ing out tho gates with tanks filled with
hams, bottles of wlno and other stock.
"Who removed the goodsf" ho was asked
by a reporter.
"Employes of the warehouse and a gang
that lives' on Stony Island avenue, just
outside tho grounds."
"Did you give ovldcnce that would lm
pllcatecrtmiually tho persons who removed
the goodsf"
"Ves; there will he a sensation when
this thing comes out. There a'ro about 160
Implicated. I havo given tho names to the
More witnesses are testifying in regard
to tne altalr today.
The bonds of tho World's fair officials,
found guilty by Judge Stein of contempt
01 court in the violation of the Cling-
man Injunction by closing the fair to
the public Suuday, July 33, wero filed yes
terday, thereby suspending proceedings
penning the action of the appellate court.
Tho ease cannot take precedence on the
appellate court calendar, and at the ear
liest possible time will not bo called before
the end of noxt October.
Colored people from all parts of the
country will visit tho fair on Aug. 1, this
aay naving ueen set aside by the fair man-
agement for the Afrloan raoe. The excur
sion committee has secured concessions
from several railroads, and excursions will
bo run from-Louisville and other southorn
cities and Intermediate points. There will
also be exourslons from tho east and west.
The exercises will take place in Festival
hall, beginning at S o'clock. Slesslcretta
Joues, the blaok Pattlj Harry Burlolgh,
teacher In the National Conservatory of
Music, New York; Sidney Woodward, of
noston, and Mmo. bellka will be the solo
ists. A specially trained chorus of 100
voices, the original Flsk jubileo singers
ana tne exposition orchestra will partlcl-
pate. There will bo scenes from the opera
or "uncie rom's (jauin." comnosed bt
young negro, Will M. Cook. All tho music by colored authors. In the evening
Fred Douglass will preside and deliver the
oration. Addresses will also be made by
Joan JSl. Langston, of Vlrgiula; IS. K.
ilruce, of Mississippi, Charles M. Morris.
of New York, and other prominent colored
One of India's potentates, theMaharajah
oi iinpurtuaua, reacned Chicago yester
day. Accompanied hy one of his half
dozen wives and his retinue, he registered
at tne Hotel Windermere, where sump
tuous apartments had been reserved for
them. The maharajah has come to see
the fair and will stay until he has "done"
the exposition thoroughly.
1110 paiu admissions at the lair yester
day were w,wi.
Itlotlng I.eadvllle'fetrlkers.
LEADVILLE, Colo., Aug. 4. Trouble oc
curred at the Arkansas Valley smelter
when the company announced a reduction
ui iu per cent, in an wages, to taxe euect
at once. About forty men remained work
Ing, but the strikers got together nud drove
the men who were working out of the
smelter. Quito a scrimmage ensued, stones
and clubs being generally used, but no one
is reportea seriously injured, although sev
eral were badly pounded up. The plant
wm uo sunt uown for the present. Tho
captain of the Leadvllle militia has asked
the adjutaut general nt Denver for arms
aud ammunition for use In case of neces
Two Hundred House Destroyed by FJre.
LONDON, Aug. 4. The Paris correspond
ent of The Times says that nearly one-
tniraor tne town of l'ort tiouls, the cap
ital of the island ot Mauritius, was de
stroyed by fire on July S3. Eight streets
were burned, including the Hue do la
Chaussee, the principal commercial thor
oughfare, on which were located the offices
of the leading French aud English mer
chants. About 200 houses, most of which
had withstood the great hurricane of 1603,
were consumed. Jjie loss amounts to
more than 1,000,000 rupees.
Holes Positively Decline to Run Again,
Des MoiNKj. Ia., Aug. 4. Governor
Boles has wutten a letter to Chairman
Fullon, of the Democratic state central
committee, positively refusing to be a
candidate for renominatlon for governor,
being opposed to a third term. He advises
his party to make no nomination for
United States senator, but continue to
stand for the eiectiou for United States
senator by the people.
A" Victim of College Ilaiera.
WOOSTEH, O., Aug. . Charles Meinln-
ger, an imbecile, Is dying in the poorhouse
here as the result ot a college hazing.
Meinlnger came to this oouuty two years
ago from Lancaster, l'a. He was subject
to epileptic fits, which have grown until
he ishelpless. He states that bis trouble
was brought ou while attending school.
when a party ot classmates subjected him
to a hazlBg.
Bwt and ertyoni at Dabb't,
0 ME
Wlint He Keen mill Hears During III,
Whon compared with the two squares bo
lowl Main street, between Ccntio and Coal,
presonts a pitiful sight. The rropcrty ownors
on theso two squares iro lotting a rare oppor
tunlty slip through i heir hands by not making
a movo towards paving. Perhaps when thoy
fully roallzo tho benefits of paving and wish
to securo It tho Borough Council will not bo
Ino condition to meet the roqulrcmonla and
theso peoplo will kick themselves for their
Ono of tho most difficult things Is to con
vince the majority of peoplo that a glass of
hot water will much moro effectually quench
thirst than ico water, or ovon ordinary cold
water. Most persons shrink from the bare
thought of drinking a glass of hot water on a
warm day. Naturally such would bo tho case,
but tho shrinking from it Is a mistake. It
will provo a littlo boating temporarily, which
will be followed'by an agreoablo coolness, and
an abatement of thirst that will surprise. It
will ilot cost much to mako 'tho experiment
Tho Shenandoah lady who wants to bo
young lady all her llfo should make Harulo
to go to bed early, to get up early and to
sleep alone on a clean hair mattress that is
regularly aired aud annually mado over,
Sho doesn't want a pillow, and uovcr, uovor.
never a comfortable ou her bed; tho pillow is
thought to hluclor perfect rosplratiou and to
spoil a pretty back, aud tho cotton-weighted
covor Is known to obstruct vontllatlou
Blankets and quilts are loosely woven; they
allow tho excretions from the sweat glands to
oscapo; comfortables do not; ou account of tho
density of tho cotton batting tho skin Is
heated, tho perspiration docs not evaporato
readily, and in consequence the lungs, in
tontines and kidneys are forced to do extra
work in carrying oil' tho was'.o material.
. I havo been surprised In my rambling
about town to find that there aro some Demo
crats who look upon the nomination of I'. J,
Mulholland for Controller as a Joke and do
not.liesitiUe to say that ho is tho millstone
on (lie ticket nominated last Monday. Now
I am of tho opinion that theso peoplo may be
treated to a big surprise on tho morning fol
lowing the election noxt November and that
tho Controller-ship Is not a plum ou which the
Republicans can build with cortainty. It is
quite true that Mr. Mulholland is not a man
of wealth or special prominence iu the
county ; it Is also true that he had not the
advantages for education iu his younger iaysN'
mat tne young men oi to-uay enjoy ana tnat
he by no means rauksiu tho highor lines of
.educated people, but it does not follow that
this may defeat him. By his townsmen
"Baddy" Is known as a good natural, jovial
fellow with a good stock of common sense
and a good supply of sagacity, t'orhaps It
was guess work on his part, but before 111
Democratic convention was hold ho reioatcd
aud emphatically declared that if Harry
Muldoon failed to socuro tho nomination for
treasurer ho (Mulholland) would bo named
for Controller, but if Muldoon won tho Con-
trollershlp would not bo expected. Many
aro now inclined to the opinion that "Paddy1
hid a far better insight of tho situation than
tho majority of his friends thought ho had ;
and I am of tho opiulou that should ho
bo elected to tho oluWthe duties wi l be psr
termed as well and In all probability better
than some of the peoplo who aro inclined to
taunt him on his lack of education could carry
them out. Tho official is one of tho most im
portant In tbo county, hut it must be rcinenr
bored that the incumbent will have the priv
ilego of a chief clerk at a salary that will be
acceptable to a man of ability and if a Con
trailer with any common senso and his elll.
cient chief clerk should strike a snag there
is plenty of legal talent at hand at all times
off tho hill. Mulholland filled tho office of
Chief Burgess of Shenandoah for two succes
sive years and he left tho office with a clean
record. 1 beliove that should ho bo elected
Controller he is capable of building up an
other similar record, Mulholland is poor aud
lacks educational advantages of many of his
fellow men, but he says ho has enough com'
mon senso to keep his feet out of the sand
My point Is that many of those who are now
poking 'un a' J.ulholland may yet dance to
bis fiddling.
The local political pot Is beginning to boll
In earnest. It was simmering before tho Deoi
ocratic county convention, but since tho work
of that body has been completed the relative
merits and demerits of tho respective candl
dates has occupied the attention of tlio aver
age Shenandoah statesman. Although this Is
called an "oft year," there will bo no lack of
Interest In political circles in this county.
A few days ago I enjoyed a ride over the
Lehigh Valley road, aud at East Pcnu Junc
tion my attention was directed to a novel
railroad safety gate, being Introduced by that
company, J ney are worxoa oy air pressure.
A pump is attached for pumping air into the
pipes controlling the gates aud whonever
those are to be used they will work with a
slight movement of the gate tender's fingers.
Thoy will come down and returu up uniform
ly and steadily.
During a discussion over tbo scarcity of
sites for dwellings In this town, J. J. Franey
made a unique suggestion the other day. He
thought that In a pinch a good many building
lota could J socurod by filling iu tho old
mine broaches of the Kehley Ituu colliery
north of Llue street. Ohe.
The motto of the proprietors of Dr. Henry
Baxter's Mandrako Bitters Is, "the greatest
good to the greatest number," and so sell a
large bottle of a valuable remedy for the
small price of 25 cents, aud warrant every
bottle to glvo satisfaction or money ie
funded lm
lllglifrUeil Neighbors.
The Mabanoy City base hall mar agement
has a remarkable nerve. When 'xl to
play a game with the home team at th i frot
tlug park It very modestly (J) asked v.r a
guarantee of 450. Clubs that play at Maba
noy City receive a guarantee; of $26 fo eacM
A common cold should not
Downs' Elixir WiU cure It,
ii uhbj mm.
Items. Which the Reporters
Have Gleaned.
Tho llcgiilnr Meeting Wlilrh AVns to IIiivo
Ilcoil Held Might I 'oil Through lle
cniinon Quorum of tho Mpiulirrs Could
Not bo Secured.
HE first Thursday of
oach month Is tho date
upon which tho Bor
ough Council Is ex
pected to moot to ro-
vlow alt business of tho
month past and arrango
plans for tho noxt half
month. It la an Im
portant meeting and under an old established
rule tho only ono at which bills can bo paid,
so it is really tho fororunuor of pay day for
tho poopto who perform work for tho borough
during tho month aud a falluro of tho
Couucllmcn to meet is a soro disappointment
to theso pooplc.
Last night tho Councllmon wore very tardy
and tbo hour fixed for tho opening, 7:30
o'clock, found nouo of thorn presont. At a
few minutes beforo 8 o'clock some of thorn
walked in and a coupio 11 tiding that there was
not a, quorum present and that President
Bettcridgo was not thoro, walked out again,
Tho Councilmeu who visiled tho chamber
during tho oveniug wero Messrs, James,
Coakloy, Finney, Dougherty, Qallaghcr, Vau
Duscn, Holniun and McGulro, but the coming
and going mado it Impossible to get eight iu
tho foom at one tlmo for a quorum aud thoso
who did rcuuiu finally wont away disgusted.
No mooting can bo held now until some
night next week and meauwhiloauy business
depending on tho action of Council must re
main unsettled until that tlmo. Amoug thoso
who waited last night were Messrs. Franey
aud Brewer, who aro interested In thoColum
biau Browing Company, but thoy said thoy
were not ou hand to ask anything of Council
in connection with their enterprise, save to
mako au explanation as to why tho bricks
which aro to ho used iu tho construction of
tho browory building havo been allowed to
block tho South Main Btreot pavomcnt. The
explanation is called on account of a com
plaint by a neighboring property owner.
President Beitjfidgo's failure to put tbo
Board of Health in operation was fully criti
cised last night. Ho has had two months in
which to make a selection of five citizens, aud
tho Bummer is fast draviug to a close. Many
thought last night that evou If ho was unable
to attend tho meeting it was no excuse for a
failure of tho appointments, as tho names
could havo been sent to Council in writing,
Tho prcsenco of tho President was not neces
sary to mako the appointments legal ; and
theio is nothing to prevent tho President an
nouncing tho appointments betwoon meetings
of Council.
l'ho Lung DNlnnce Tolrphmio Coiuptuy
1'UhMuK tile Wurli.
Tho Peuusylvania Telephone Company,
which has tho right of way through this
town, is pushing tho work of connecting the
various towns In this county by tho long dls
Unco telephone. The line will extend
turougli Jlabauoy city to Pottsvllle and lleuii
ing Iu one direction, and through Tamaqua
and Mauch Chunk to Allcntowu, Bethlehem
and Kaston in auothcr diroction, At Beading
and Tamaqua connection will bo mado with
tho maiu lines of tho American Telephone
Company, extending to Scranton, Williams
port, Wilkes-Barro, Buffalo, Pltfaburg, Chi-
cugo, Milwaukee, In the west, and Philadel
phia, Washington, New York, Boston and
Portland, ia tho east. It will be possible un
dcr tho new system to hold a clear and intel
ligible conversation with persons in any of
the cities mentioned.
In addition to tho through lines local me
tallic circuits will be provided for business
between tho important towns of the county,
thus avoidlng.delays In connection Incident
to tho presont system. Tho servico is now In
operation in Mahauoy City, and is apparently
giving general satisfaction,
Work Commenced ou the Shenandoah
Manufacturing Couipauy's HulUlhig.
The contract for tho eroctlon of tho Shen
andoah Manufacturing Company's hat and
oap factory wa3 yesterday awarded to Jesse
B. Davis for $3,050. The building is to be
located on Emerlck Btreet, Just north of Coal.
It will be a four-story framo structure cover
ing a los80x 30 feet.
Evan J. Davies, who has the contract for
makiug excavations for the foundations,
started a largo forco of men at work yes
terday morning.
Tho Shenandoah Manufacturing Company
is a joint stock company which succeeds Bob
bins & ilonsenlvk. The firm was eo success
ful in its busiuoss that tho organization of tho
company and the erection of a now and larger
factory was made necessary to meet its or
ders, which are now coming in from all see.
tlous of the United States.
Uailurka Under Halt.
Charles Dadurka, who was reported In the
HmiiLU a few days ago as having deserted
his wife and taking $3,700 of her money,
and who subsequently returned and restored
the funds, has now been placed under $300
ball by Justice Mouaghan for assaulting the sluce his returu.
SchclUer Sella.
Michael Schelder has sold out his saloon
and restauraut at the corner of White and i
Centre streets and Martin V. Helsenbergcr is
J"UB a iruusier oi mo license,
aii jsxcur.lun .Steamer Oofs to the Hiiltom
of Lnko iloorgo.
Bpeolnl to Hvknino Hr.UAI.D.
Albany, N. Y Aug. 4. This morning an
excursion steamer, carrying soveral hundred
ploastiro sookcrs, wont to tho bottom of Lako
Ooorgo, near Pearl Point Tho llfo boats
wore Immodlatoly manned, and tho bravo
crow, with tho osslslanco of sovoral passon
gors, saved all on board with tho oxceptlon of
twolvo. Thoso met Hiolr death In a watery
grave. a. r. A.
i. II. Moyor, of Drohersvlllo, was a town
visitor to day.
J. O. Koads, of Pottsvllle, was In town yes.
terday afternoon.
John Kern is homo from Cambria county to
Bpeml a brlof vacation.
Miss Ruth Williams, of Green Kldgc, is vis-
Iting rolativos In town.
Mrs. Fred J. Portz, of North Main street,
left to-day for Nescopeck.
Conductor Guldner, of tho Lohigh Valloy
Railroad, Is at tho World's Fair.
Miss Suslo Daniels returned to her homo at
Shatnokin yesterday, aftor visiting relatives
Misses Lottie and Katie Burkhart aro
spending several days with friends at Mauch
Tho wife of M. Bury, tho watchmaker, re
turned homo last ovoulng, nfter an oxtouded
trip to Oormauy.
Miss Williams, of Jorsoy City, who had
been visiting hor uncle, S. D. Hess, returned
homo this morning.
Misses Sadie Kehior aud Lizzio Krapp aro
the guests of Hazlcton friends, where they
will spond a weok.
Capt. Bailey, president of tho Traction
Company, aud Hon. D. D. Phillips, of Gor
dou, wero iu town to-day.
Miss Suo Fowler left for Pir.!al litre vnatn..
W juavu-
day. Beforo returulng she will go to Chicago
and visit the World's Fair.
Mrs. O. B. Fryo and sons.Frank and Alton.
of Wilkcs-Barro, aro visiting tho family of
James Daniols, ou North Whlto street.
Rev. Gross and wife aro tho guests of Dr.
arid'Mrs. J. S. Klstler. Rev. Gross hi tho Pre
siding Elder of tho Evangollcal church iutbls
B. L. Tally aud wife, who had been tho
guests of Mrs. Talloy's parents In town slnco
Monday last, loft for their homo in Baltimore,
JHU., tuts morniug.
Mrs. Fairchild and daughters, Mahala and
Tllllo, returned homo last evening aftor
spending two weeks pleasantly with friends
iu New York, Jorsoy City aud other places.
Keop your premises clean. Tho family
health depends upon it.
Tho Schuylkill Press Association meets at
Pincgrovo noxt Tuesday.
Tho secretaryship of the School Board, at
4U per montb, ia quite a plum now.
A substantial flag pavement is being laid
In front of tho Foltz property on East Coal
cuionug mis towu still run at a
rate of speed contrary to tho borough ordl.
Tho Bobbins properly; at the corner of Con.
tre aud Whlto streets, Is receiving a new coat
of paint.
Railroad men under the employ of tho
Heading company now receive their nay by
cnecKs, instead of the cash as heretofore.
Captain Jack Crawford, tho poet scout. woU
knowu iu this town, was honored by boing
elected one of tho vice presidents at tho silver
convention In session at Chicago,
All tho towns in tho county are now ex
perieuciug a drought, such as existed about
this timo last year. Economy should, thero
fore, bo oxercised by consumers.
Tho truck of car No. 23, ownod by the
.bcnuylfciu traction Company, and which was
destroyed by fire at No. 5 several weeks ago,
nas neon snipped away to be rebuilt.
The foundations for the new dwellings to he
erected adjoining tho Herald office, by F. C.
Eeose aud Charles Smith, is ueariug comple
tion and will soon be ready .V fiio frame
Tho English Baptist Sunday sehools of this
town and Mahauoy City will bold a joint
picnic at Lakosldo to-morrow, A very ploas-
anc timo is expected. The Jaro for tho round
trip will bo only 38 cents.
The work of conquering tho Are In the Penn
sylvauia oolllery Is progressing satisfactorily,
although necessarily slow. Should nothing
unforeseen happen, it is expected tho tnimVwill
be in readiness to rosumo operations on Mon
day next,
Huiitlugnml ITlshlug.
The seeoud edition of "North Star Points"
has just been issued. It 'is a hjok of refer
ences for all points between Chicago and Lake
Superior along the line of the old Milwaukee
& Northern railroad, now the Lake Suporlor
dlvliion of the Chicago, Milwaukee and St.
Paul railway. It tells where to hunt deer
aud where the trout hide, beside containing
lots of other Information. Good hunting and
fishing all along tho line. Send your name
and address with a 2-cont stamp to George
H. Ueuflbrd, G. P. A, Chicago, 111., or to John
K. Pott, D. P. A WiUlamsport, Pa, for ono of
them. 7-31-3t d&w
No Scrip Here.
The miners of this section were agreeably
surprised yesterday when they received their
jy from tho P. & II. C. & I. Co. In cash,
Reports had been circulated that the com
pany would pay them iu sorip, or oheeks.
It was rejiorted.yostorday afternoon that all
the employes except the clerks had been paid
in cash and that the clerks had been re
quested not to use the checks unless they
wero in need of immediate funds, but this
report was also incorrect, AU the pay in
this section was made iu cash.
Arnica & Oil Liniment Is very healing and
soothing, and does wonders when applied to
old sores. lm
Delinquent Tax Notice.
All taxes duo to me on the dunlioates of
IBS) and 1B90 must be paid to M. M. Burke.
Esq , wno is retained, by me to makesucU
cotlectious Cuci-i: SeuMioT
Augusi, i. IBM. 8-4-lm
The Local Courts are Kept
'Mqulro Monnghnii, tho Dispenser of JuntlcV" -
in the "Illoody rirnt," Tries Two Cnsesy'?'
Upon tho Vluirgo or Assault nml Hatter
Other Local Happenings. "
AY day brought with tt . ,
tho usual quota of an-,
rests and suits before '5ki
justices and the calenV- ','
dar of tho First ward1' , i
court received several , '
additions to iits record,"
To-day Justico Mona '
ghau was kept busy
giving hearings to th'e
'sobered np" who had reclined on tho soft -
sides of tho lockup benches over night, ' .' '
Ono of tho cases was that of Honry Elley."- i
of Lanigans, against Anthony Petrowsky.eni
ployed as a blacksmith in the shops at Ellen
gowan colliery. Rlloy and another:;'
young mau named Thomas Griffiths wore "
whistling a tune as thoy walked into the .
shop aud Petrowsky told them to desist, aa'f-'")'
tbo whistling anuoyed him. Tho injunction"
was not respected and Potrowsky ordered thoi.' 4$
young men from tho shop. An oxchango of
sarcastic compliments followod and resulted
In tho blacksmith throwing and kicking
Kllcy. The latter retaliated very effectively
with a "sprag" and then camo to town atidw? '
iiwniii nnf. a wurnint Ttw. ....... .
u..v.wVHVH ............ i i.i.iiufcj ntui luqmrou
to lurnlsh $300 bail for his appoarai -o
Another caso was that of Miss Elite 'rn
Dowling against her brother, Martin, charg-'f
iug him with assaulting herself and mothor,'' f '
nuiiu luiuAiutiuu, iuariui is only tweuty
yoarsofage. He imbibod too freely lu pay .p
day Juico aud rosontod a scolding his mother? i i
had given aud tho testimony went to show1 v
that ho Is habitually abusive at home. 1 Ho
was committed to jail iu dolault of norti .
There was quite a lively row In Bradley 'a ' -
row in tho First ward last night and this"' . S
morning Jacob Kookda mado his appearance ' "k
as complainant with a badly swollen head 1
aud Cut face, and an eye that looked like -
piece of beef that has traveled from San Fran ' ' 1
Cisco to Hlieiiaudoah iu a car without lco,.lr
was au ugly looking otlc. Kookda charged ht
that Miko Plowcheu aud George Anglovich h
had beaten aud kicked him. Tho latter waft, iy?
put under bail, but Plowcheu cannot be found 4' '
Tho llalllo of Gettysburg, j "
Wo beg leave to adviso our readers to be
suio and not forget to seo tho panorama of '
tho battlo of Gettysburg, whilo In Chicago '
during tho fair. Take advantage of tho low '
rates and see Gettysburg. There is no pie-i-i ;
turo in the world like this ot Gettysburg; no
other picture presents such a scope of eouutrjipj
or gives such a thrilling repiosentatron of -SLu
battle. It is no wonder it is called "Chicago's?
I'rillft. nml r,tntRf. Arttati., A ,t -..!... rAV'
is tho original Gettysburg, and has been her
onexnltnilon tor the last ten years. To give
our readors au idea of its popularity, wo can
only say that during thoso ten years over
two millions of peoplo have visited it, aud it
has paid its stockholders over $115,000 in
dividends. It is situated in tho centre of the
city, corner of Wabash avenue and Hubbard
court. Any south Bide cable car takes you
directly to it.
Baxter's Mandrake Bitters cure indigestion
heartburn, coativeness and all malarial dis
eases. Twcuty-flvo cents por bottle. lia
A l'umlly Iteuulou.
r..iA r . . . - . il
ideiiee of Georgo Kueahtj Branionw
recently, in honor of Miss Wheeline. Amom-
ihose present were Mrs. 8. W. Kneeht anrt
children, of Michigan; Mr. and Mrs. W. Culp
aud fami y, Miss Gertie Knocht, of Washlm
ton, D. U; Miss Galena Knecht, Mis3 Sallie
Knecht, of town; Thomas Train, H. Walgot,
of Now Jersey, and others. Miss Wheeling,
after spending three weeks as tho guest of Mr
aud Mrs. Georgo Knecht, left for Philadelphia
and Cape May. On September 1st she will h
joined by Miss Gertie Knecht, and together
tney win visit tbe World's Fair and othsr
points of interest in the West.
Ooui-hlBg Ltiad to Consumption,
Kemp's Balsam will stop the cough
Mrs. Hennossy, an aged woman who earned
a living for herself and disabled husband by.
doing washing for families In town, dic4t
her home ia Brownsville this morning, ffn'o
had been confined to her home only since
Tuesday evening last. Old age and chronlo
dysentery caused death. '
He is Kuowu.
Dr. Mohrelander Bays tho party who stole
the violin from his office in Finney's H.ig
Btore is known and that unless tht, instru
ment Is immediately returned an officer will
be sent to look for It.
Uo to Smith1.
for the finest fruits and vegetables of tiXL
kinds go to Smith's, 17 West Centra street
Beddall building. Everythlugiu season at'thel
lowest prices, 7'29-w
Buy Keyttone flour. Be sure that the
a nine Lxssia St Baib, Ashland, Pa- is printed
m every sck. 3-3-3Uw
You lire lutltctl to call at
clcke's Carpet Btore, No. xo
outu Jardln Street, to see
Ills new line ot Carpets, OU
Cloths aud -Window
at :l:
3 '