The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, July 19, 1893, THIRD EDITION, Image 4

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Among merchants la
tho uno who oaten to
thewantaot his cus
tomers, be thoy rich or poor. Both have an
qual right to bo treated fairly. Justice to all
la good motto, and our customers will find
H onrs. Wo have a complete llnoof Grocorloa
u well a Otnnnd Goods, eto. Como and SCO
enr stock of goods, and remember tho host
food are always the cheapost in tno long run
Corner Grocery,
Centre and White Sts.
aau. ltn.,luil for Tills Season at Till
l'opulnr ltesort.
The following Is a list of the dates soourotl
and tho names of the societies :
Jaly 20. SI. E., V. II., Welsh Baptist and
Ifltlioran Sunday schools, UlranlvliJo.
Jolv 31. Rescue Hook and Ladder Com
Mtir of Shonandoah.
JuIt 25. llothodlst Episcopal Sumlay
sool. Bhenandoah.
July 35 to Aug. 3 Evangolloal camp moot
JuIt 20. Wm. Pcnn Sunday school.
Jnlr 27. Welsh CowrroKationalist, Alalia-
TXV City.
Jly 28. M. E. Sunday school, Ashland.
July 29. St. Nicholas Union Sunday school
August 1. Camp 4, P. 0. T. A., Mahanoy
Aujust a. German Luthoran school, Mah
anoy City.
Aug. 6 Baptist Sunday school, Mahanoy
August 3. English Baptist S. school, Shen
Aug. 4. P.M. Sunday schools of Gllbor
ton and Shenandoah.
Auir. 5 to 13. Encampment of tho Potts
villo cadots, National Guards.
August 7. Alpha Social Society, Shamokln
August 8. II. E. Sunday school, Mahanoy
August 0. Trinity Itoformod and Proeby-
terian Sunday Bchools, Shenandoah.
Aueust 10. Evangelical Sunday school
Mahanoy City.
August 11. Picnic of tho Welsh Congrega
Uonal, Methodist and Baptist Sunday schools
of Shenandoah.
Ane. 13. Reunion of German Luthoran
Aus. 13 Lafcesido Mucicala, Grant Band.
Aug. 16. Trinity Reformed Sunday schoo
of Tamaqua.
August 17. St. James Luthoran Sunday
school, Ashland.
August 21. Gorman Rcfonnod Sunday
school, Mahanoy City.
Sept. 4 St. Michaols Society of tho county.
Coming Kvents.
July 20. Columbian festival, in Bobbins'
opera houso, under auspices of tho Young
People of the English Baptist church.
July 31 Mum social and festival, by tho
T. W. 0. T. U.
July 31 and August 1. Ico cream festival.
under auspices of English Lutheran church in
the church building.
Aug. 12 Ico cream festival, in Robbins'
opera houso, undor auspices of Helping
Hand Society of Reformod church.
Aug. 18. Ico croam festival, in Bobbins'
opera houso, under auspices of tho Y. P. G,
of th P. E. church.
Files or Hemorrhoids
Permanently cured without knife or ligature
Mo danger or suffering. No dolay from bust
ness while undor treatment. Patients wb
are responsible need not iy until well.
perfect cure guaranteed. Send for circular.
R. REED, M. D.,
129 South 13th St., Philadelphia.
Iteforsby permission, to tho editor of tho
Btxsinq Herald. tf
Use Wellb' Ladnpbv Blue, the best
Bluing for laundry uso. Each package makes
two quarts. 15cts. Sold by Coakloy Bros.
Our Directory.
Office hours from 7:30
m. to 7:30 p. m Money
Order and Keglstry De
partment open from 8:00
a. xn. to 7:uu p. m.
Following is a schedule of
arrival ana aepariure oi man inimu. auiu
Mtttter for despatch must be in Jho office thirty
minutes before tho time given below:
V.H. A.M.
1:40 4:24
(Phlla., Western 1
1 and V
I Southern States)
A. M. r. M,
(New York and East-1
i era States and
points on L. V. It. It. )
j Asland. J-
(Raven Run, Centra-1
11a, Mt Carmel and V
( Shamokln. I
J PottsvlUe. j
j Mahanoy City.
I Mahanoy Plane, Lost I
1 Creek and Shaft. 1
1 Fraekville.
Carriers make a general collection at 0:00 a.
M. and 7:00 p. m., and u general delivery at 7:15
a.m. and 3:15 p. m. Additional deliveries and
collections are made In the business part of
town at 10:15 a. m. and 2:00 p. in.
Fire Alarm lioxes.
The following list shows the location oi
the alarm boxes of the Shonandoab Firs
45 Coal and Bowers streets.
I Bowers and Centre streets.
M Bridge and Centre streets.
O Main and Centre streets.
M Main and Poplar streets.
S Main and Coal streets.
42-OUbert and Centre streets,
ts OUbert and Cherry streets.
IS Chestnut and Coal streets.
To send an alarm open tbe box, pull down
lbs hook once and let go. When an alarm Is
lent In the are bell will sound tbe number of
the box and repeat the alarm four times.
If Om alarm is sounded from box 15 the fire
bsfl w strike one, then pause and strike five
wile will Indicate that the Are Is in tbe
rlatnlryo No. It box. Every alarm la repeated
lour tlms.
MB a mm luimw . 11 gg-
(b A rvrt Per pair for Lace Cur
cpl.UU tains. Others for fl.26,
$1.60, 11.76, $2.00 and upwards. Call
and eee them. A new lot J ust received
nt C. . Frlclce'B Carpet Store.
Watch Thoir Food Through
July and August.
To Prevent Cholera Infantum
and Keep Baby Strong
LactitodFood tho Most Nourishing
and Moat Natural Diet.
A man's homo Is his goldon milestone from
which he measures evory distance.
But however much ho may lavish expense
and skill, It will only bo a houso until the
baby comes to make It into a homo.
"Of course jou love your babies," said one
of the best physlolans Amerloa ever had
"then watch thorn intelligently In Juno, July
and August. Look out they do not drink
milk oxnosed to ontamination. There are
many ways in which reliance upon cow's milk
alone becomes a source of danger.
"If a baby in arms Is not fed with absolute'
ly healthful mother's milk, the best diet possi
ble Is, of course, lactatod food. Sugar of milk
is tho basis of mother's milk, and It is th(
basis of lactatcd food. With it Is combinei)
: 'my
pure barely malt, tho finest wheat glnton, nnd
tho nutritious elements of tho oat. It is thor
oughly cooked by high steam heat, and a pre
dicated, nutritious food that fulfills ovcry re
quirement of tho growing child Is tho re
sult. "For an Infant that has boon weaned and
is getting teeth, thoro Is nothing nearly so
go-d as lactatcd food. It is a bettor j rovon
livoof tho much-to bo dreaded cholera in
fantum than all tho medicine overdlscovcrcd.
You can get it at any drug storo, and it is
so inoxpeiuive that every mothor can ufford
"By using lactated food you will avoid tho
real dangers of summer and free your mind
from constant approhenslou."
Any practiced physician will toll you that
the lactatcd food is commented upon by his
most eminent follow-practitloncrj as tho best
substitute for pure mother's milk, and that it
can be absolutely relied on for purity and
freedom from any possible sourco of contam
ination, You can roly on lactatod food above every
thing else to carry tho weaned baby through
tho trying days and nights of summer.
If tho littlo ono is inclined to bo nervous
and fretful in tho summer heat, lactatcd food
sustains the strength and wards off summer
diarrhcoa and prevents cholera infantum.
It saves babies' lives.
Hero is tho experience of tho sweet baby
boy whoso portrait is given above. His
mother, Mrs. W. H. P. Caron, who resides at
30 North First St., Meriden, Conn , writes:
'I take pleasure In sending you tho picture
of our little Wal tcr. Ho was a very sick baby
and would not nurse. Wo tried everything
we could, but he never got well until a friend
recommonded lactated food to us. We gave
it to him and he improved rapidly. This is
his socond summor and is very trying to him,
as he is cutting teeth, but in spito of that ho
Is larger than a good many that Is as old as
he is. no is very bright and has a lovely
complexion, and every body takes him for a
girl. He will eat nothing but lactatcd food.
I hopo that I may have mauy chancos to re
commend it for I know of nothing else that
deserves so much praiso as lactatcd food."
Slicmuuloali Otters Opportunities to .Spelt
ers of Investment.
Tho following enumerated properties arc
for sale and information concerning them
may be had upon application at the Herald
ofllco :
1. A row of frame houses containing
apartments for six families. Will net at
least 15 per cent, on tho price asked. Loca
tion in the heart of Shenandoah.
2. A splendid f iotory site, 30x00 feet In
size, in tho heart of Shenandoah, and in
eluding large building. Cheap.
3. Lot and larue building with railroad at
front and rear, with or without 8 horse power
engine, boilor and shafting. Splendid build
ing for a factory. i
4. An lgant new house in Pottsvllle,
complete in every detail, all conveniences,
large and high rooms. Lot 00x170 feet.
Large hennery.
To Do Jury Du.j,
The fallowing Shenandoah citiiens havo
been drawn as grand Jurors for September
term : John Clough, Daniel lirennan. Petit
jurors for week oouiinenoiug September 4th :
Mlebaol Mullahey, Henry J. Aregood, Charles
Itaditiowic, James MoElbenny.' September
11th: Frank Brennan, Henry Sampscl, j
Jame Shields.
A misstep will often make a cripple for life.
A bottle of Henry & Johnson's Amies, and
Oil Liniment at baud, will not prevent the
misstep, but used immediately It will save
being a oripple. lni
Thirty Day's Not o
All taxes for 1881 aud 1882 must be paid
within thirty days from date, or accounts will
be put in the hand; of Constables for collec
tion. John F. Hiooins,
Beoeirer of Taxes.
Shenandoah, Pa , July 17, 1893. 7 JIm
Switcli-fluck Jtnllraad.
Tnlns leae Hwmh Hclr depSs Mauch
Chunk, Wi i K ilij HI I i I -w- 8 10. 1010,11.87
a. in.. lJUO iM X45. i p at. Hundys, ISO,
XM D. a Koimoiic I. . tOBJIl JU11, 940,
ll.lBa. m.. Mfc. i.w i Ji ) o i p. m nw
days, 3 15, 4 OI p. m.
Aiay jo, icw.
Mm, Harry Aoker wm a oennlf slai visitor
ThomM angr rtturnsu to mis
Arthur II 81ir, Hli returneu w l-oiisvine
this morning.
County Supei'tnUmilent Weiss wm a visitor
to town yestarday.
John JhmUr left yesterday for Jtoamng,
where ho will likely locate.
Joseph Bosnian, of Chicago, is spending a
few.weeks in town with friends
Prank Keiter, of Ashland, combined busi
ness with pleasure here yesteaday.
Misses Oorlnne and Lissle Tempest speni
the day visiting friends at St Clair.
Miss Hannah Uecse l.ft town tills mornin
for Oentralla to attend tho Iteese-Leam nup
Mrs. William Glenn, of East Coal street,
aooompanled by a lady friend, visited llazle
ton to day.
Counollman Kane's wlfo and Sirs. M. C
Watson left town yesterday to visit friends a
Perth Amboy, N. J.
Mrs. Joseph Ball and daughter went t
SlinersviHo to-day to spend several day
with tho former's parents.
The Misses Burkhart ontertalned a numbc
of young people last evening upon their awn
ing listening to the concert.
Daniel Nelswendcr and wifo were In at
tendance at the funoral of the late Samue
Tobias, at Shamokln, on Monday.
Senator Monaghau is moving his famll
from White street to tho property recent)
purchased by him on West Cherry street.
J hn Bock, of tho local mail sorvloe, ai -compatiled
by his niothor, atteuilul tin
funeral of his sister's chjld at Delano thi
Miss Mlnnlo Dlrper, of Mahanoy City, win
was ono of the competitors In the ElERALD't
public school teachers' con'est, is In Chleng.
attending tho morning sossions of tho Cool
county summer school and siglit ecoing tin
remainder of the tlino.
Ground was broken Monday for tho erec
tion of residences on tho property next to thi
IlKlt'Ll) building recently purchased hj
Messrs. F. C. Keteo and Charlos Smith,
All tho Union Coal Company's mines ii
and about Mt. Carmcl havo been closed in
definitely aud several thousand men aro Idle
Tho mines wero closed to reduce expenses.
married To-day.
Thomas J. Reese, oldest son of Supcrintcn
dent Edward lleoso, and Miss Mary Lram
both of Cen'ralia, wero married this aftoruooi
in tho M. E. church attho above place Kov
8. Milton Frost performed tho ceremony. Thi
young couple will leave this ovenlng on ai
extended wedding tour, after which thoy wil
porniauoutly locato in Ontralia.
Itmluclnir tlio 1'orc.
On Monday fifteen motor men and conduc
tors wero suspended by tho Pchaylkill Trao
tion company. Only singlo men wero laid
off, aud all aro in for places In direct lino iu
they may occur. Tho suspension wa3 neces
sitated by tho action of tho company in adopt
ing tho fifteen hour system.
A I'rilternal Villi.
District President S. L. Brown will install
'ho newly-clccted olllcers of W. Camp, No.250
P. O. S. of A., at Bingtown this evening. Hi
will bo accompanied by William Zimmerman,
Cal. Brown, It. II. Morgan and S. W. Yost, ol
town, and Goorgo Kautncr, of Gllberton.
OIT for Atlantic City
A party composod of Mis. It. Oliver, Mr
David It. Jamos, Mrs. William Marshall, Bob
ert Lenhart and Howard Burchlll, of town;
Mrs. Looniis and son, of Gllberton, will leave
tomorrow for Atlantic City, where thoy will
spend a week enjoying tho sea breezes.
Will ltesumo Monday.
The improvements being made to tho ma
chinery at Mahanoy Piano will be completed
to-morrow, but it is not probable that tin
pianos will bo used before next Monday, ow
ing to tbe collieries working thrco-quurtei
ICnlilnoor Ollltry Idte,
Kohinoor colliery was idle yestorday bo
cause of tho breaking of the main screen
shaft. Tho colliery resumed operations again
Given Awuy.
For sixty days Keagoy, tho photographer,
will givo a 10x12 platinum picture with every
dozen of his $3 cabinets.
Strange Sights Seen In the Swedish Royal
The Stockholm correspondent of the
Independent Delgo tolls this ghost
For a lonff time It has been no secret
-hat spirits haunt the royal palace in
Stockholm. Years ago the king bo
came so thoroughly convinced of the
presenoe of ghosts that he had the big
wing most frequented by them torn
Jown aud rebuilt. Hut the gho&ts did
not disappear when tho alteration was
made, and they still carry on their
nightly carousals. Some time ago the
Danish crown prince and his wife,
while visiting Stockholm court, lived
In tho haunted palace. On the first
night therQ was an extraordinary
manifestation. A chamberlain was
lifted from his bed by Invisible hands
and was laid on a table at the end of a
bedroom farthest from the bod. On
the" following morning Prince Johann
asked hira If he had heard the uproar
in his room. On the evening of tho same
day Princess Louise was writing In
i room brilliantly lighted. Suddenly
x woman appeared and began extin
guUhing the lights. Prlnsese Louise
who is celebrated for her courage,
tried to lay hands on the woman,
but the latter vanished as suddenly as
.she appeared- Prince Christian, the
eldest son of the crown prince, wished
late ono afternoon to fetch something
from a dimly-lighted room. Ue left bis
father and mother, only to return a
few moments later empty handed,
white and trembling. He said that he
bad found the room filled with strange
fifrurds, which barred his way and
raado threatening gestures. Tho day
before his departure the Danish orown
prince was playing cards with the
orown prince of Sweden, when Prince
Gustav, turning white with fear, ex
claimed that a giant was behind I'rinco
Johann's chair, looking at his cards.
Both princes sprang to their feet and
the giant disappeared. Nobody in the
Swedish royal family doubts the pres
ence of the ghosts, but tbe subjeot of
-lpearance is tabooed at court. ,
A friend of Woslmlnstorcollogolmt
offorod to It ?80,000 on condition of nu
equal sum 1 ing raised by the trnsteos.
Tho university of California will
hoitow tho medal for prominunce in
scholarship on a woman. Mis Klinot
Croudtice, of Snn Franclsco.will win the
honor for this year, after completing
the course In letters antl political
Tho Moravians In Georgia estab
lished tho first orphan asylum in the
American colonics about 1788, nnd Hov.
George Whltodold lnld tho foumlntioi
stono of ono ten mllos from Savnnnal.
in 1740. In 1870 thoro wero four hun
Jred orphan asylums In tho United
Stat OH.
Monslgnoro Is a title conferred upot
mombors of tho papal housohold nnd,
church and also upon prelates. AI.
.irohbishops tiro monslgnoros, but nl
monsiguorcs are not archbishops. Ii
tho case of an archbishop tho title man
slgnore is, as It were, a familiar form
of nddross.
Tho directors of tho United Pros
byterinn seminary at Allegheny, Pa.,
report that tho invested endowment
lins increased during the year by 818,
000 nnd Is now a little over 1171,000
The young men's fund Is about ?;18.000
Tho income from the past year from all
.ourcos was u littlo over 114,000.
The number of freo-pew churche
In New York city will probably bo in
creased by the addition of tho Episco
pal Church of tho Ascension, llev.
Percy S. Grant, of Fall River, Mass.,
who has been called to tho rectorship
to succeed Dr. E. Winchester Donald,
now of Trinity church, Boston, makes
this U condition of his acceptance,
Tho publication of a work entitled
"Yale Bibliographies" Is tho plan oi
ono of tho Instructors of Yale univer
sity. It alms to furnish a reference to
the investigations of all tho olllcers of
tho university, and Includes tho title
of all tho important publications o!
the professors, instructors and lectin
jrs in tho university, together with
those of ox-President Noah Porter.
Tho statistics of tho Presbyterian
jhurch in Kngltind, presented recently
show a membership of 00,971, an in
;rcase of Tho number of congre
Rations remains tho same, 290. In tin
Sabbath-schools there arc 7,334 teach
ers and 78,312 scholars. Nearly one
fourth of the membership aro engstgou
in activd Christian work in the Sab
bath-school as district visitors, etc.
Tho legislature has passed the np
propriations for Michigan university
for 1893. They amount to 182,800. O,
this amount $142,500 is for current ex
penses, $87,500 for a new administra
tion building and $2,500 for an anatom
ical laboratory. Tho now law provid
'ng for funds by an increase of the mil
tax from one-twentieth to one-sixth o
a mill does not take effect until a yea
from now.
Probably tho largest congregation
n tho United States is that of the
lihurch of tho Most Precious Blood (Ito
man Catholic), in New York city. It
was founded for Italians only a fev
years ago, and 25,000 of that nationali
ty belong to its parish. The parish o
St. Joachim, which Is also an Itallai
church, has about 15,000 communicants
md it is estimated that 7,800 attcnf
mass-there every Sunday, there beini
six services.
Tho summaries of statistics of tli
Congregational churches in tills conn
try, as completed, show 5,139 churches
t pain of 154; 541,725 members, a gaii
f 10,028; benevolent contributions, ?2
1.51,892, an Increase of ?203,017; horm
dxpendituros, $7,138,592, nn increase ol
WM0,0S5. Tho total additions to the
churches havo been 51,570, of which
31,5S2 wero on confession, There have
been 10,010 adult baptisms and 10,357 in
fant baptisms.
There are several passages In tin
Scriptures which convey the idea that
ome great secret the details of some
nonstrousmystery was communicated
to the apostles by Jesus during the time
that He was associated with them in
the ilesh. All tho early "Christian
fathers," and a great many modern di
.ines of high standing, believe that the
'secret" was mado known to the apos
tles with the understanding that it wa.
to be handed down to the.heads of the
church until tho end of time.
It Ii the First Substantial Sleal of tht
In Java, as in most really warm coun
tries, It is customary to rise early and
to take a cup of tea or coiTec, together
with a biscuit and some fruit, immedi
ately on leaving one's bed. This is fol
lowed by a more substantial breakfast
but tho first really serious meal is
served at half-past twelve and is the
equivalent of the French dejeuner a la
fourchetto or tho Anglo-Indian tiffin.
This meal is called rice table (rys
tafel), from tho principal dish a very
elaborate curry, in the preparation of
which the Malay cooks aro especially
The peculiarity of the rlco tablo con
sists in tho number and variety of
dishes presented. From these dishes
tho guest has to select tho materials
which, together with tho rice upon the
soup plate before him, aro to constitute
his curry. It is also to as well know
beforohand that one is not required to
unch sololy on curry, but that the rice
table is succeeded by courses of ordi
nary luncheon dishes. It is a case.there
fore, of embarras de riehosfies.
There nre two dangers to be avoided.
In tho first place it Is qulto possible, in
spite of the number ol the dislies pre
sented singly, to say nothing of an oc
tagonal tray containing a Reparatc
hutney in each of its nine compart
nento, to got no lunch at all. For noth
.iff is easier than, after saying " Noln "
i) a succession of frivolous compound
o dismias the one solid and palatable
dish capable of sustaining an Knglihh-
.nan until dinnor-timo. The socond
langer is that of making up one s curry
not wisely but too well " und leuvin
neither appetite nor capacity for the
beefsteak or or ani' 9' tae thur solid
dishes wliloft subsequently appear.
Chicago Record.
The Iltillnir I'aiuloii.
"See how tho sun gilds the western
sky!" he said as they emerged from a
leaf-embowered uvenuo. "Seto what a
soft rioh color tho hlonding tints pro
duce. How delicate it is, and yet how
And slio, raising her soulful eyes to
the sky, replied:
"I'h-huh; it'ud make an awful protty
dress, wouldn't it?" Washington Star.
Dost pbotcjrsphs and crayons at Dabb'i.
Emma Vaders, the actress, who he
lame insane, is improving.
Thirty bimlneM bulhllnn In London,
Eng., wero destroyed by fire, causing n
loss of over $7,000,000.
Secretary LAinotit hm leased what Is
known as tho Wood House (next to Sutia
tor llrico's house) in Wnshiiifcton.
The lutcrior department announces the
death in Oklahoma of William M. Stone,
ex-commisslouer of tho gonernl landolllce.
Thomas N. Stuart, of Albany, has beon
appointed assintuiit secretary of tho Now
York Stilts bonnl of liunllli at a ul.n, ..I
U,600. '
The navy department has formally ac
cepted the cruiser Detroit, and authorised
tho payment to the builders of reserved
tutids amounting to about 1838,000.
James A. Bradley, who owns the entire
bench front at Asbury I'urk, lv J., has
posted a notice to the i-owt. Mint.
arerequestd not to occupy tho Ashur;-
Heading Hun No smallpox Hospital.
Hkadino, July 10. Tho board of healtl
of this city Is without funds to light small
pox, which hits again broken out in thit
city, and It is also without a hospital
Twenty-four cusos of tho dlsoaso wero re
ported during tho past week. The boan
of health may apply to court for a man
damus to compel councils to make an ar
proprlation so that tho dlseaso may In
prevented from spreading and be fluall
Cumberlnml Suhlmtti School Ansenilily.
Caiilisu-; July 10. The ninth annuii
session of tho Cumberland Valley Sabbat
School assembly commenced at Willluim
Grove last evening, to last ten days. W
D. Means, o Middle Spring, president o
tho assembly, delivered the addrossof wr'
como, after which short speeches Wu.
made by a number of active workers in tb.
Three Slate l'ostinnatnrs.
WASlimnoN, July 10. Only thrc
fourth class Pennsylvania postmnstei
were appointed yesterday. They wero u
follows: Lillian K Smith. Kramer, Sn
der county; K. It. Hneden, Summit Sti
tion, Schuylkill comity; Y. II. F. Hydi ,
Mute liiliicntluiial Slap at the Fair.
IlAHltlsauito, July 10. Tho big nut
showing tho cduca'lonal institutions t
the state was finished nnd shipped froi
the department of internal nlfairs to tl
World's fair this weolt. It is 14 by 8 fe
In sliso aud contains 112 square feet .
Heath of n Prominent Confederate.
MoxtcioMEIiy, Ala., July 19. General
James T. Hotcluw died yesterdny utter
noon, used 00 years. He was a brigadier
ienernl in tho Confederate nrmy, presi
dcntinl elector for Tilden In 1870 and for
Cleveland in 1888. In February last he
was appointed one of the railroad com
missioners for the state.
A Child's fatal Fall.
Ul!tl)OE-"ON, N. J., July 10. A 3-year-old
child of Hermann Youngs, living near this
city, full off a lend of hny and was killed.
DOcta., and
fJnrryj Comrhs. Hoarseness, tioro Throat.
Croup promptly; relieves Whooping Couch
and Asthma. For Consumption it has no
rival; bas cured, thousands where all others
failed; will cube you if taken in time. Sold
by Druggists on a guarantee. For Lame Back
or Chost. use sill loh's ri.ASXiiu, 25 eta.
!?atvstxiS n c m cue,
Hum vnu iVitnrrh? Thlflmmfirtr In minrnn.
toed to euro you. rncoCOcta. Injector free.
WANTED By a young man 19 years of ogr
a situation In a store. Address "Advot
User," 20 Mayberry alley, Shenandonh. 7 13 6i
TjlOIt SALS. A black mire, five years old
C gentle and sound and a good driver. (Vpplj
at 317 Kasl Lloyd street, Shenandoah. 7-1 1-1 v
LOST. A red cow, vlth whlto spots, cro 'lted
horns tipped with tin Finder will bt
awarded hy rturnlm; samo to Joseph Gascli,
310South Weslstreet, Shenandoah. 7 lllw
BONDS KOIt SALE. Tho Town Council ol
the Borough of Shenandoah having foreti
duly and legally authorized to borrow mono)
for tho purposo of erecting a public water
works, have prepared and ore now offering foi
snlo borough bonds bearing Interest at tho rati
of 4 per rent., the Interest payablo bemt an
nually. Tho bonds are of the denomination ol
100, $300 nnd IT00 and maturo in thirty year
I'ersons desiring to subscribe for tho sale
bonds can do so by applying toT. F. Bradluan
troasurer of the borough, stating tho amount
they desire to subscribe for and the denumlna
tion of bonds preferred.
T. J. James,
K. F.
7-Ptf Committee
Court of Schuylkill County. In re estate
of Albert Sabllla, late of tho Twp. of Cass
Schuylkill o'.unty, deceased.
Tbe undersigned, Auditor appointed by said
fourt. to m ke distribution of the funds in the
hands of Henry C. Hussell, administrator o. t
a. of said estate, as per his anal acoonat con
firmed absolutely by said Court, to and airoug
tbe persons legally entitled thereto wl 1 men
the parties interested for the purposes of his
appolntmeut on the 3rd day ol August, 18'H, ai
ten o'clock In the forenoon, at the omci of
Ocorgo M. Iioads Esq , In tho Borough of
PottsvlUe, at which time and plnce nil partle
having claims upon such fund will make tbcm
known or bo forever barrod therefrom
M M. BURKE, Auditor.
July 18th 1893. J18,25& 1
The outfit Includes Fine Lens, Folding Tripod.
Carrylne Satchel with shoulder strat). Ol tavij
Instruction Book, and all necessary apparatus
and 8UDplle8 for starring in photography. It Is
tbe simplest, lightest, most compact, eaMcst
qi oonjpieueu 101, roauiesi m manipulation,
and eheape&t cumpleto ousat ever produced,
Student No. 3, - Price $2.50.
The HiuUent Camera can be seen at
Nos. o and B North Main Street,
Hardware, Tinware, Htovts and House
Furnishing Good. Fish nt Tackle and
Sportsman's goods,
uiat we viu not
can fill m by a personal inspection. There are
the plainand changeable diagonals; plain, plaid,
striped and invisible plaid serges; fancy mix
tures in all sorts of odd weaves, dots, threads,
cross-threads, hair-lines, lines here and there,
many at a glance appearing alike, but upon ex
amination are found entirely different. Our
assortment of silks is complete china silks,
china surah, plain surah, bengaline, plain, fig
ured aud changeable silks, in all the new shot
effects. Full line of fancy braids to match any
color of dress goods.
In W raps
singlo, douhlo or trlplo capos. Some are plain, others very
highly decorated, with fancy indesccnt braid, butterfly
colors, or somo full arraugemont at tho neck, so much ap
proved this season by tho fomlnino fancy. To somo, coats
only aro tho correct garment. To those wo would say coats
aro equally fashionable and stylish, many of . those having
capes also attached somotimcs ono, two or thrco, as tho
tasto or inclination of tho wearer may dosiro.
We have this season, for the first time,
added a Millinery Department, and have spared
neither trouble nor expense to make it a suc
cess. The result exceeds our most sanguine
expectations. This department will be under
the same management and conducted on the
same principles that have always characterized
our ent ire business. We shall keep everything
in trimmed aud untrimmed hats, novelties of
every description. Having secured a trimmer
noted for her artistic and skillful work, we are
enabled to suit all tastes. We invite a careful
inspection of our cntiie store, iill welcome.
Dives, Foioiw aid Stewart,
ratus and supplies forstartiug in photography.
3 SJovs.t3ki jEtfiEgvimi, Stroot.
John F.Ploppert,
ifead, Cake and Pie Bakery I
I bavo also purchased tho store 21 West Coal
street, and am prepared to turnlsh Milk, Orcam,
Huttcr and Egcs at the lowest market prices.
We will also keep at this storo Ico Cream and
Hoda Water. All orders will receive prompt
attention. Wholesale and retail.
tt East Centre St. SHESANDDAH 21 West Coal St,
1 o Builders !
The season for building
is almost at hand, and
we have just replen
ished our stock of all
kinds of Hardware,
Nails and Builders'
We also carry an Immense line ol
Htoves, Ranges, Cutlery and Tin
ware. HooQng and Spouting our
Peter Griffiths,
Public Notice!
Notice Is hereby glveo that persons destroy
ing or detaining beer kegs will bo prosecuted
as provided by tho Act ot Assembly approved
Vprll 4tb, 1815. a
Browara' Aenooiation.
ihrnnnrtnnh l. I" S 'Wl
The best preparation In tbe market forshofs,
satchels ami all leather goods where a beauti
ful black is desired.
lO THT. Contro St.,
If S.Mai i Street.
Finest Brands tf Wines, Wihkejs and Cigars,
Fresh Ileer, Porter and Ale
always on tap.
such a bewildering- topic
attempt a lull descrip-
Wo And tho most stylish and
tho prevailing moclo to bo tho
Capo, in somo of its variations.
A recreation tlnrJ
uenteK. Cultivate!
iiiBtin-1 nnd tasH
art and lend-i to a fi
ofwlia' la most Id
in nai'ire.
.Examine our fltil
eumt'in. No. 2,
$2.60 complete, li5
niK 11 b leiise, foj
irip'.u oarrying 8!l
wiui but uiutr eV
pugo iiisttriietlr
uud all uecess
nun ai ft i a aiih sin
No. 207 Went Coal Street
rs i ? t k i a ki I jk. Aft r- r
1 1
Porter, Ale and
TTM "!,! C1 1. A 1
i I 1U u&r i I w
l-c . aa kq i c
Foot Balls,
Jlliink Books, etc
Ice Cream wholesale and
1'lcnlos and parties supplied on
arret unci q!(';si.r','ll a git
inn n .... pj iu