The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, July 17, 1893, THIRD EDITION, Image 2

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    II L.
The Herald.
K. A. J10rjl. .lroprietor
. 0,ilOTit... .Editor and JliMUfttt
W, JT. WA.1 1CIX8 . , Local ICdUor
f, M, norjJK........IliMlKM Manauer
subscription rates:
BAn.T,pr jit, : w oo
WITT, per yoRr,...,................,... 1 GO
JLdvnrtding Jlatn.
nsanalent, 10 cents per lino, flrst Insertion 1 5
Mats pr ling etch subsequent Insertion, Kates
tar regular advertising can bo bad on nppllea-
bn at the office or by mall.
Ike XTHHtna IIkuald has a larger ctrcula-
IMs In "Shenandoah tban an; otticr paper pub.
Miked, Books open to all,
Hwed. at tbs l'ostoMoo. at Bhonandoah, Pa,
Us transmission through the malls
. M second-class mall matter.
Til fool seokoth to pluck tho ily
from the mule's hind log, but the wise
joaftti lotteth tho lob to the lowest
AaooiAiasTio definition of Social
ism la "the desire of every man to so
vry other man as well oft ua him
If." A better definition would be
"tho dealro of every man to boo him
Ml( as well oil as some other men."
the l'niiatioipum papors announce
theatrical company! controlled by a
joint stock company as a novelty for
sxtsMon. Tho Idea is not original
with Philadelphia. J. L. Tempest
organized a Joint stock
this town two years ago
duotlon of his "Honest
other plays.
company In
for tho pro
Itube" and
An English woman has sued for
aivorce because Her uusbanu will per
lit In having hit hair cut short. If
cut at all it would havo been shortened
though there may bo a way by which
It may bo cut long, like the Teuton's
dog, which, according to the doggerel
frail "lilt tall cut snort and his enro
cut long."
Jjr Spanish pride, whlcu. is nearer
haughtiness than uuythtng with
which we can compare It, will conson
to accept contributions from Tom
Dick and Harry, Molly and llet, as Is
proposed to he done by the Duke of
Veragua, all wo have to say Is, we
have hitherto wholly misconceived Its
true character.
Profjuvtt owners should Bee that
the porches in front of their premises
aro In good condition. We have had
two cases recently by which several
people narrowly escaped very serious
injury rrom weaK porches and in one
of the instances some did suffer. Be
pairs aro not as costly as suits for
Tan open trout season for Pennsyl
vania ended on Saturday last much to
the disappointment of a great many of
those who were fond of trout lhhlng,
Dut wnoso vacations ao not occur
nntll after tho legal season for taking
then Is over. .Efforts have been made
to have the season extended to the
18th of August, but thus far they have
proved unavailing.
The town of Waverly has a popula
Hon of but 3,000, yet It has a Board of
Trade, and the organization is taking
nergetlo steps to bring the town favor
ably to the notice of capitalists by is-
slng a circular describing the advati'
tae of the place and offering exemp
tlon from taxes as an Inducement for
industries. This is just what the
Shenandoah people should do.
Tm British Houso of Lords cannot
ertalnly last muoh longer. The tide
at democracy will rise and overwhelm
them. They have lately mnde them
selves more than ever obnoxious to
the people by voting down a bill pro-
Tiding that where there was no will
children in Great Britain should share
aally In the real estate of their
parents. This would in a modifi d
degree destroy the right of primogeni
ture, which has lusted bo many cen
turies) in Great Britain. The eldest
eon would Indeed have ills, title, but
nothing to maintain his state. The
Home of Lords evidently believe the
dictum of the old colored preacher that
"elf preterbashum am de fust law of
Oorrorr seed, which thirty years
ago was thrown away as a waste
product in the Southern states, or used
u a fuel, Is now the basis of an in
dustry valued at over $27,000,000 per
annum. To-day the' c itton seod oil
production la worth $16,0 )0,000 per
annum, the oil cake brings in nearly
98,000,000 more, and the lint and hulk
produce f 1,000,000. O jly one-third of
the seed is used as yet, the balance
awaiting a wider market. The oil
product is used in adulterating lard
and olive oil, and the cake, lint, and
halls In feeding stock and as fertilizers.
It i said that paper can be made from
the stalks.
Tira value of a Board of Health to
a town Is shown by developments at
Hazleton. The board found seven
dealers who were disposing of adul
terated milk in the oity and the adul
teration was found to be what is known
as "milk preservallne." It Is a white
powder and the milkmen using it
claim that it is no adulteration, but is
harmless, and is used to sweeten and
keep the milk fiom growing our. i
The milkmen may esy what they like,
but they cannot convince an lntelli-j
gent public that nature oan be iru
proved upou so far as milk is con
cerned. Let them give the public f
pure and fresh milk and swallow the
powder themselves. I
So Bays the Frsnoh Admiral In
His Offloial Report.
And the Klhc of Slum Will ItetUt Any
Demnnd for Damages lliiw h Oerimin
Subject lSinployeil bjr glum lilufTed the
Vrennh Commander.
Paris, July 17. Hear Ailmlrnl Hurannn,
who wm In command when the KiiiiboaU
Itioonstanto mid Comete orossed the lmr of
the Menlm river nnd proceeded to Bnnif-
kok, una mane n oner report ol the Inci
dent to the government. The gunboats
did not Are on the Siamese forts at the
river's mouth, lie says, until the forts,
without any previous warning or demnnd.
hud fired on the gunboat. M. Pnvle, tho
French minister resident in Bangkok, has
KINO OF 81AM, "-....
boen Instructed to protest ngnlnst tho firing
from the forts as an indefensible net, coil'
stituting a violation of internatlonnl law,
Inasinuoh as the friendly relations estnb
lished between France and Slam by the
treaty of law nail remained unimpaired up
to that time,
The secretary of tho Sinmeso legation In
Paris denies in an interview that the
Slamose were the aggressors In the affair,
The conflict was due, he says, to tho fact
that the Prenoh commanders misunder
stood the orders of their government not
to cross the bar. Advices reoelved from his
government, he says, assert that the king
is determined to resist any claims made
by France for damages to the French war
ships. LoHDON, July 17. The Times corre
spondent In Bangkok telegraphsi
"I have inspeotod tho French and Siam
ese ships and the Paknam works. It is
surprising how both sides avoided hitting
each other. The half hour's cross fire
must have been of tho wildest character.
The only real damage was done to one
Siamese ship, on which a shell exploded,
killing ten and wounding a dozen men.
Tho fort guns are In porfect order. Nut
even the run roofs were damaged.
"Outside the bar I found tho Forfeit
(French gunboat), whose oaptaln threat
ened to kill all foreigners in the Siamese
service. Captain VII, the Siamese harbor
master, at once replied to this threat by
E resenting himself with tho avowal that
e was a German subject. Thereupon the
French captain collapsed and sent an of
ficer to return Vil's visit. Nevertheless, I
found tho lighthouse and the lookout ship
"Entire ignorance prevails here as to the
attitude of England. The feeling of the
trading community tends towards panio,
and this is not likely to subside until the
business men get plain answer to
the plain question: "Do the British and
Indian governments acquiesce to the pos
sible extinction of Slam and tho destruc
tion of British interests?"
Bevordy Johnson's Daughter Dead.
New Yoke, July 17. Maria Louise Trav-
ors, widow of William 13, Travers, died
yesterday at one of the Pinard cottages,
JNarragansett avenue, after an Illness of
three years of Bright's disease. Mrs. Trav
era was the daughter of Iteverdy Johnson,
of Baltimore, who was a member of the
senate and later United States minister to
Bloodshed Feared In Knnsns.
ToPEKA, Kan., July 17. It will bo dlffl-
cult to prevent bloodshed In the southeast
Kansas coal miners' strike. Strikers
march from shaft to shaft denouncing the
mine owners and miners who are at work
in the vilest language. Walters, leader
of the strike, openly adviseij bloodshed if
necessary to gain his point,
Trouble In Egypt.
VALETTA, Malta, July 17. Tho British
battleship Inflexible, mounting twelvo
guns, has been ordered to proceed imme
diately from this port to Alexandria,
Egypt. It is rumored that the hurried
dispatch of the Inflexible is owing to dis
turbances that have broken out in Alex
A Connecticut Tnndlilate for Justice.
New Haven, July 17. The Itealster be
lieves that Connecticut has a snlendld
candidate for the vacant Justiceship of the
supreme bench of the United States In the
person of Simeon K. Baldwin, associate
justice of the Connecticut suprome court
or errors.
National League.
W. L.
P. a
u p. o.
83 ,483
86 ,m
93 .ill
83 .
40 ,Wl
87 .87
Pbilada.. 48 88
Boston 42 38
St. Louis.. SO
New York. 0
Chicago.... SO
Baltimore. 87
Wash'ut'B. 8
Louisville. 13
Pittsburg.- 88 88
Cleveland. 88
Brooklyn.. 85
Clnamwitl HI
At Cincinnati;
a. h. r.
x- 6 8 1
0- 8 10 t
K. U. B.
0- 11 1
Cincinnati U 0 1 2 0 0 S
Louisville..... 9 0 0 0 S 0 1
At Cutoasoi
Chicago 113 2 110
St. Louis 0 0 0 0 0 0 fl
44 I 8
At Louisville-Philadelphia, 6; Louisville. .'
At PUUburg- Pltlsbura-, 10; Wellington, 0. At
Chicago Cnlcuo, 9; Baltimore, 1. At St,
Loulu -St. Loun, d; Brooklyn, 3. At Cincinnati-
Boston, 7; Clue luuatl, 4. At Cleveland
New York. 7. ('lev Aland. .1.
i JH ffl H -
Cures Coughs, JloaneneUora lliroat,
Croup promptly; re-neves Whooping Cough
and Asthma, l or Consumption It has no
rival: has cured thousands where all others
failed; willonms you if taken In time. Sold
by Druggists on a guarantee. For Lame Back
or Chest, use smrTon-s i'labtkh. acta.
Have you Catarrh r This remedy ia"huran
teed to cure you. Price 60 eta. injector tree.
Highest of all In Leave-jlng Power.-. Latest U. S. Gov't Report
ft la the
Greatest of
Uen. AriiMtrnnK's Diperlrnce In Connec
tion with the Aborigines or tho United
Btatos l'ugct Sound Indians Who
Aro Self Supporting,
Oon. Frnnlt Armstrong, assistant
commissioner of Indian affairs, was an
Indian Inspector for many years, and
In that capacity learned by practical
experience much of Indian character
and the methods employed in Indian
civilization, lie has strong views on
this subjeot nnd they are not In accord
with those of his predeccssora in ofttco
lie believes, first of nil, In making the
Indinns Belf-snpportlng anil able to
make a living for themselves, Inde
pendent of the white men and the gov
eminent. Ho talkeil thus to a Wash
ington correspondent of tho Philadel
phia Ledger the other day:
"The only way to educate nn Indian
is to teach him to make an honest liv
ingto earn his own support. There
is not now enough attention paid to
the industrial part of his education.
Some people, earnest and sincere, but
without practical Ideas, think that all
you have to do is to put a pair of shoes
on an Indian's feet in place pf his moc
casins, tenc'i iifm t"o Say by folo wliich
is the longest river In tho world nnd to
sing a h,j mn and you have him civilized.
An Indian, like a whlto man, wants to
know where he comes in what ho Is
going to get out of it. Let him see
that by working he can get monoyand
buy things as tho white man docs and
he will soor civilize hiuiholf In tho
right Jlrecllon.
"Take tho Zimls and Pueblos. Pot
tery making is their business. Thoy
like it and can make their living at it.
Thoy have boen reared to it through
generations. Instead of teaching them
to farm send them a practical, wide
awake man who understands pottery.
Water pipes aro needed all through tho
country for irrigation purposes. Any
quantity of it can be sold. Teach them
how to mako water pipo, not how to
farm. In other words find out what
pursuit an Indian is adapted to and
bring hlra up to a higher standard in
that oocupation.
"Somo time ago I was up on Pugot
sound. I found that thoy had sent a
farmor up there to teach theso Neah
Bay Indians farming, when there is
no tillable land to farm, as nil the
lands aro rooky and wooded. And yet
these Indians are self-supporting.
They go eight or ten miles out to sea.
They catch deep sea fish, nnd some
times they got a whale. Thoy dry out
tho oil and trado their catoh for flour,
potatoes, what they like. A boat
builder would help theso Indians. He
might teach them to improve in the
way they aro going. A man who could
teach them to euro their fish, so as to
got the most out of thom, will do more
to civilize thom than any other person.
"There is in general but one thing to
do. You must provide work for tho
Indians. If tho government would
give Its attention for twenty years. to
finding work for them there will be a
great change, and they will bo able to
subsist themselves. Gen. Crook in
duced somo of ills Indians to raise bar
ley, and thoy 'wont ahead. I urged
that tho government buy its barley en
tirely from these Indians. When I
found there was moro barley raise than
could be sold right there, Instead of
following the usual course and taking
tho barley of the chief, I sent word
around that wo would first take tho
barloy of evory poor widow and poor
Indian. The chief was left to the last,
lie had his people and his horses and
his teams, and could caro for himself.
Tho result was that tho Indians wero
encouraged to continue at barley-raising.
Somo of these friends of the In
dian want to take every military post
away Irom an Indian reservation. 1
don't belie vo in It."
nis Hazy Idea as to Donnets Sometime
Gets IHm luto Trouble.
"Talk about women being change
able," said a married friond to a New
York Recorder man tho other day,
"they are simply Rocks of Gibraltar
compared to men."
She was asked what bad affected
,her at this partloular timo, and she re
plied: "Well, among other things, I always
about my bonnets. I'd buy a pretty
one, try It on and then I'd do a little
dress parade before him and say:
I "'Well, how dna It look?' Nlnn
times out of ten he'd replyi
" 'Well, that's just about the most
becoming bonnet you ever had on your
head.' Then I'd feel pleased, of
1 "A week later, Just ns we'd be start
ing for the theater, this same man
Would be likely to bunt out with:
, " '.For heaven's sake, what's that
thlng'you've got on?'
" Tiling I've got on? Why, what do
you mean?"
" 'That hat! You're never going to
wear that?'
1 "'Why, George Charles PilUbury,
what kind of a man aro you?"
" What d'ye mean?'
" 'Why. this is the bonnet that you
said was so becoming to me only a
week ago.'
.NV-vor! Never in the wide, wide
world: I've got a little taste, I think.'
A nd that man will brazen it out in
the most shameless way, though I
Unou that he liiiow-!. 1 am right.
Now, 1 jut buy what I please when
I have the money anil hay nothing to
him on the subject lint it'a very dis
couraging not to have a stable opinion
'la the house that you can rely on."
Storm Is Now Judte.
HAItHlSBt i!u. July 17 Governor Patti
son has appuiuttd ex Congressman JuLn
B. Stolen, uf Miuudiijurg, to lue t arbon
Monroe bench
lie 8t tin. Mnnio on Fire.
riirLAiiM.i-niA. July 15. -The residence
ui inarie BtiarKoy very narrowly escaped
ling burned to tho ground. Benjamin
Lewis, aged 21 years, and thrco compan
ions visited Sharkey's dwelling, where they
became very lwlsterous. When Shnrkoy
attempted to eject them a general fight
. i,ewis, picKiug up a lighted
lamp, threw it at Sharkey. The lamp ox
pioded. and In a few minutes the houso
was in flames. The rapid work of several
neighbors extinguished tho fire. Lewis was
held in tl.OOO ball for court.
Trimtros Appointed by the Governor.
IlAnmsnuno, July IS. Governor Pntti
son has appointed tho following trustees
for the home for the training In speech of
deaf children beforo thoy are of sohool age,
under the provisions of tho act of Juno 2.
1893: S. Edwin MegarKeo, of Philadelphia,
three years; Miss Mnry S. Garrett, of West
Chester, five years; Alfred 0. Tcrvls, of
Ilaverford, Montgomery oounty, two
years; Mrs, Eleanor S. Barker, of Phlla
delphla, four years; . B. Showaltcr, M.
D., of Chlcorn, Butler county, ono year.
Mr. llnrrlty Is ltoticont.
Philadelphia, July lS.-Secretary of
the Commonwealth Harrlty was at his
desk yesterday, and between business nnd
numerous callers he was kept close to his
room until far in tho aftornoon. Ho stalod
to a reporter that ho had a most enjoyable
timo for tho past two weeks, and that ho
uanveu mucn pleasure at tho World's
Columbian fair. Mr. Harrlty said ho had
not given any attention to polltlos slnco ho
Jeft the city, nnd honco had nothing to say
about appointments or anything else.
lVnnsjlviinla I'nttumiiter.
Washington, July 15. The following
postmasters liavo just been appointed In
Pennsylvania: Illram I.cntz, Alum Bank;
J. P, Shoemaker, Buffalo Millsj p 8
Lashloy, Chanoysvlllo) W. II. Imlor, Fishl
eriowu; o. u. wrignt, Lovely; J, R. Cal
vert, Loyalsock; h. V. Kuhno, Maxntaw-
Kauffman, Woodbury.
An Alleged Wninnn "Whlto Cap."
Reading, July 15.-Mrs. Lydla Becker,
of this city, was arrested on a warrant
sworn out by her next door neighbor, Mrs.
Theresa Messmer. Tho latter has been re
ceiving threatening notes for some time.
She was informed by neighbors that they
had seen Mrs. Becker and several others
writing notes. The last noto was signed
"Captain of tho White Caps," and came
through the mall. Morearrests will follow.
a Mcmlvlllo Jlnnk Ciuhlnr Suicides.
Meadvili.e, July 15. Sturgis T. Dick,
aged tO years, cashier, and son of tho
founder of tho banking houso of J. R.
Dick & Co., committed sulcido In his bed
room. His wife was in an adjoining room
and heard tho shot. Her husband was
dead before sho could reach him. The
bank is closed on account of tho tragedy,
rcnnij lvonlii Colored Folks' Fair.
IlAiimaiiURa, July 14. Tho second nn
uual fair of the colored people of Penn
sylvania will be held In this city Oct. 10 to
24 Inclusive. It will bo under the direc
tion of tlie Cumberland Dcssicated Cocoa
nut and Machine company, of Mechanics
burg, nn industrial entorprlso owned and
conl rolled by colored people.
" I am Truly Thankful
For Rootl'i Eanaparllls. Daring the war
contracted typhald fever, and feter and
ague, leaving ma with malarial and mrrcn
curinl poisoning from which I have suffered
over since. In neuralgia, rheumatism, nervous
iiiKiinuHD mm general ucnmiy. Bince
began taking Hood's Sarsaparllla l have r
lost a day's work la three months, welch lO II
more than far vftnrn nnrl am In hAflAi-
than any ttine since the war." J. n. Stillm an,
Cheltenham, Pa. H00D8 CllliliS,
Hood's Pills Cure Liver Ills. 25c,
Beer and Porter.
T AM AGENT for tho
Chas. Rettig's Cele
brated Beer and Porter In
this vicinity, also Bergner
& Engel's celebrated India
Palo Ales and Old Stock.
Orders will receive prompt
attention. Finest brands
of Liquors and Cigars.
120 South Mam Street.
Lumbago, Sciaticas
Kidney Complaints,
Lame Back, cloA
With Electro Magnetic SUSPENSORY
ruirniii ueil improvement i
Will cure without fn.HliHiiA a. I UsaluMi i-eiultinrr from
ovemjuUlun of bruin in io forceii excesses or ludl
Cfrtioo, m nervous diOiilltjr, viot-IaBUo&a, lamjuor,
rtummatimn, kidney, liver and bladder complalnta,
lajwbttck, lumbago, eclatlca. all female complaint
central 111 healtlr, etc. This eleetrlo Uelt contain
)OBilffi JmpnifmenU over all othrn. rnrrent If
liwtouUy felt ly wearer or we forfeit $ 5,00a. 00, am
wtll cure alt of tbc above dfMtases or 110 par. Thou
pandB Jure been cured by thl marveloua nventioa
nftw all olir rem wl leu filti, and e eiro liundrccU
VI tortimou UU la thU end every other eta to.
Our I-rfl In prof d ELUTU1C bl'hrEKSORT. ttwi
(rreaUist boon evtr offuied weak mn, hike lthH
Ktlt. Health and 1 1mraui titrtnt lb GVA1UNTU D U CO t
iKldaa. tiwad tvr IhutM t'ttuiplilct, nuUied,UQd fr0
. 619 JiltOADWAV, NW YUiltC CITY
ir j; jus ' st
Bright, Crisp, Concise.
The Leading Local Weekly
In Schuylkill County.
All tho Local News printed In n readable, attractive manner,
with no wuMu of words.
I3sr j.XD'xrjfisrcDJEr,
Somo liavo told U8 "You can't ilo it." Wo believe wo can, nnil we will.
Tub HrcitAi,D in tlio future will bo better than nt any timo during its
past history, if painstaking cilbrts will accomplish that end.
Bend One Dollar to The IlEitAiiD ofllco and receive the paper
for ono year. This offer applies to old as well as new subscribers, pro
viding all arrearages are paid. Remember, these terms are Invariably
In advance; otherwise $1.50 will be charged.
Do you desire success? All business men know that the only way of
increasing trado is talking in print Advertising I Where you mako
one customer by word-of-niouth argument or by displaying goods, you
can mako ono hundred by bright, convincing advertisements.
Don't talk in a whisper
No ono will hear you.
Don't talk In thunder tones
All noise and no facts.
Don't talk without listeners
Placo your "ad" where it will bo read.
THE HERAfiD is tho best medium for reaching tho public, and
profitable results are sure to follow nil advertisements placed In Its col
umns. Let us convince you of this fact by a trial.
Our Job Ofllco has always enjoyed a reputation for excellent work,
second to none, which is maintained by strict attention to every detail
of tho business nnd a thorough equipment of the latest printing ma
terial. Our Job ofllco lias just been refurnished with a now lino of typo
of the latest and most nrtistlo design, and have in our press-room all
the latest nnd Improved
fcam p
Our facilities for turning out ilrst
you need anything in tho printing
- class work are unsurpassed. When
line call at tho ofllco of
First national Bank
Sltcunticloali, Puna,
V. W. LKISENIUNO, President.
P. J. FHIUJUHON, vicePrcsldrei
J. It. LEIHENltlNH, Oashler.
a. W. YOST, Assistant Csnhlfr
Open Daily From 9 to b
Interest Paid on Savings Deposit
North Fourth fit.
AFTER Uit fondly 1ihIcIao, tbe boa
pltftl ftud Bdvmiifog doc tori bate raltoi
Well ntlltck. Wlm r, rnmlnit tn itnW
too nfier all otlicru tnll, tu1 to glr toe
a wrM n gaarauteL, free arlvlse, frt
treatment, and .n i tbe belt tmllere,
tho (,111 mionftwu.r, with their ev
eaihd toBlet, rentorativM, tablet, iop
prion, and ether r ret nostrum hum
bug eoDOflrni, tho hn,io euro medfotGM
TRiSr ' "wln,,!,,a at"i TQbbtjoH,
4hnhniha4fl Ttrs'uroniian llMnftBi ,i ...
l oxporterwe. Be eianlued by bits. 11c will candWlr tell torn
hither jotiroaielouTb!e or not. llflcnotenmiwe.iw
vim m uwi OTuai nut iir anen ourv tlic IQOfft dca
afritta nm ef tffkUli, t, Btrb-tnret. OotorrhaaJ
rcloon, and DlgchargCB. ttufferrrit frm Melancholia aotf
ioanhearMneM.andflll thoaedlnpascd from effoou ftf yontl Ja)
ISrSM?.0'.0' 1,0,11 es''"' re are of ""re. Femembrr
K.?IEEI 0M eupe whllt u "them mil j olalm to do, Dll
niLEL Dies oornmn ienae treatment. Jio coin LI nee the Alio
latblo.IIoinopathlot had Kelectlo RTntemn of tnedlolne wber
ver tbej are fn-Iloitcd. li..iirt- Dtllr, B to S e'elMCk) eveo
., o mo, ncu. Run nai. cv-nin)ri irnm o to lOo eiooii Bua
11' fy)1, .flfn1 10 0'- wnr,h of ttanina for boAi
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doetori warning you airalnit medical booii i they are afraM voa
will find tbelr Ignoranne exroied. UK,I Dr. Tbeel'e le.U
Sonlala in Wedocsday'p and Saturday' rbiladelphla Ttmnt
Manufacturers of
SP Of Kvory Descrlptloo
Wags, Baoges, Caps, Reganas, & . y
Wrlto for catalogues. Corrospondohce sollcltod 1
Slfdlral OHcsf. 208 N. 8EP0.VD 'it., Ptirsfl's. p.!S0!S?lln A "''"" I! i-trenta-entol
Spealnl ?iNvr- loniitftii JKrrora
Variwole, lljitn.-l" itsij T obi Manli.n:
Trontmrni by gsni: a l..r'rlnli.i . I 'mc
munlrallnna sgrriiiljr ci n! .I.'niui .;i-ni stum. ri
Etoiili, A. M, in-l, v Htuy
31 All day K.ituitii' Supi'Ihvs u lr M
Everythlnc modolod after ,
Green's Cato, Fhlladi-lphu.
S. Malu at., Shemmdoau,
The leading placo In town.
Has lntrlv been entirely reno
vates Everything now, olean
una frosh. The finest line of
Wines and Liquors I
Cigars, 4c, foreign and do
mestic. Free lunch served
each evening. Hlg schooners
ol fresh.lSoer.I'orter, Ale, Ac.
T T. pnntlHKPTV. l-rnr
. Main and Oak Streets,
Shenandoah, Penna.,
Truck and Vegetables.
Poultry, Game, Fish and flys crs
In season. Orders left at tho store
will receive prompt attention
Begs to announce to his friends and
Eatrons and the publto generally that
e has purchased the barbershop lately
occupied by D, J. Yost,
Ko. 12 West Centre Street
Cliris, Boas? si 'a
(Mann's old stani)
X04 South Blaln Wlrcct.
Finest wines, whlsfcoys and clgo 1 s always la
tock. Fresh Beer, Alo and tut-3r on tap.
nholeo Tomperanca Drinks.
Celebrated Poiter, Hie and Bee?
Manaffer Sbenandoat Branol:
(Christ, Bossier's old stand.)
Mnlu ana coal Sta KHeHanrtoali.
Best beer, ale and porter on tap. Tho finest
brands of whiskeys and olgars. Pool room at
tached. 'latt's Popular Saloon,
(Formerly Joe Wyatt's)
? nnd 21 West Oak Street,
Ur stooked with the best beer, porter, ales,
itsklea, brandies, wines, etc Finest elgaro
ttlor barattachsd. Oordlal Invitation to all
Horses and Carriages to Hire.
Hauling of all kinds promptly attended to.
aurora lanen 10 ooara, at rates
that are liberal,
Pr'AR ALLEY, Heat li'ddall'i hrfam Slorj
Has opened a
Saloon : and : EestauranU
Cor. Lloyd and Market Sta
I., I
Wha V llllia 1 . a
lfAHt ncsro (Ian . i .
i w
1 1
t J
TBilMllllillllMIMII MII1IIM. ' ' ,