The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, July 13, 1893, THIRD EDITION, Image 2

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The Herald.
M. A. nor mi
EL O notBH....
ir. j. WAiKixa...
KdUor and Vuhllnhtt
rit Wrfller
IihIiicm Afanaffer
DAH,T,per year,...i.. .-...U 00
TTniKLY. per year....-.-....-. . I GO
Atlctrtltinu Jtntm.
Transient, 10 cents per line. Drat Insertion (
enta per Una eaeh subsequent insertion, itatas
lor regular advertising ean be nJ on sppllcH-
lion at the offloo or by mall.
The KjKKiMa UBiiALD ban a larger etroula
lion In -Shenandoah than any oilier paper pub'
Ushed, Books open to all,
Caterod at tho I'ostoffloe. at Shenandoah, Pa.
', ; for transmission through the malls
as second-class mall matter.
With the advont of warm weather,
attention of the borough authorities
olmnlil h wlvnn to the HlUZZlltlK Of
Thk mumbirs of tho Columbia Hole
nnninntiv of town euloyed a woll
deserved day's pleasure at Lakeside
During the twenty-three years of its
existences tho company has inndo a re
cord In which It may take pride. It
baa nlwnys been willing, prompt and
vigilant. Here's to the Columblas!
The New York Press ulahnfi, and
with olllclal figures, proves that
billion has been lost In the shrlnkngi
of values slnco Qrover Cleveland was
elected President. The figures, coios-
sal as they are, barely Indicate the np
palling proportions--or tbo disaster
wlii'-'l. has fallen upon the commerce
and Industiies of tho country. The
shrinkage In personal property
limited companies and real values
other than stocks and bonds, probably
exceeds In amount the loss which Is
reflected in the Stock Exchange
quotations. The total depreciation
therefore In the wealth of the country
within seven months is nearer two
billion dollars than one.
Three-fourths of this unparalelled
fall In prices has occurred in 111 day
since Mr. Cleveland's Inauguration
Such Is the cost of his "object lesson
to the country. Such is the penalty
of electing a Congress overwhelmin
Democratic and strongly in fuvor
of a debased currency, and free silver
"Want of confidence" is the sob
cause of the disaster. The Shermau
Silver law was enacted two years and
seven months befor.- the last national
election, aud had been in full opera'
tlon without causing disturbance to
tho iinances orcreatlng alarm. Hecre-
tary Carlisle In his public state
ment of June 11, Jint a month ugo,
stated that there had been paid for
Bilver bullion under that law "$114.
299,920, worth to-duy ut the market
price of silver $103,411,3S0. thus show
ing a loss of $10,888,530." This Ineon
slderable loss when considered 1
relation to the whole amount
of our currency was neverthe
less foreseen by the majority of
Jtepublleans in Congro and would
have been partly or wholly saved to
the people if a solid phalanx of free
silver Democrats had not barred the
It Is that phalanx of "cheap
money Democrats whose conversion Is
the purpose of Mr. Cleveland's ''object
lesson" the most costly a country
was ever called upon to pay, the most
wanton a President of the United
States over lDlllcted.
No one could have predicted
sudden and so dire a realization of tin-
oost of Democratic success iu the last
election as has come upon the country
Whether It be attributed partly to the
finances and partly to the tariff, or to
both, either horn of the dilemma Is an
appalling responsibility which the
Democratic party must assume alone.
If the Silver Purchase act is deemed a
contributory cause the following vote
of the House in June, 1801, shows the
record of both parties:
Democrats for free coinage...... . 101
Republicans for free coinage ... 14
Farmer's Alllanoj for free coinage..-.. 1
Total...... .- 118
Democrats against free coinage . 18
Republicans against free coinage........ 18T
Total ...... . - 19
When the decline in the market price
of silver became apparent aud a motion
was made last winter in Congress to
repeal the Sliver Purchase act now In
force, the vote stood:
Democrats for repeal,-...... MM
Republicans for repeal St
ToUl.............. . ltt
Democrats against rpa!..... - 1W
Republicans against repal....
Farmers' Alllaoee against repeal 10
Totals ..............- 1M
Some of the Itepuulioans voted
against repeal, not because they
favored continuing the pn-seut law,
but because they deemed it licit to
leave the question to the lneomlrg
The entire cost of ail
purchased under thf
the silver
Sherman law is less than the amount
of the national debt paid oil by
President Harrison. There was,
therefore no shook to confidence, no
Impairment of national, credit, no
shrinkage In values during thirty-one
months of the Sherman law admlnis.
tered under a Republican President
' and Republican Secretary of the j
Treasury. Three months of hesitancy, I
doubt aud weakness under President
Cleveland, with the shadow of a free
silver Democratic Gangrene over the
Jand, brought commercial panic and
financial disaster over the whole coun
try. Has the Democrailc (-'ingress
learned Its "object leeeou?"
Tlio renrfnl I'linlaliiiirnt lMtmiileil for
Hit. Uhalfiaale Sliinleter.
nnviL's Lakr. N. D.. Jul? 19.-ierf(T
Fndden, of Oram! Forks, wired Sheriff Mc
Cuna, of Cando, as follows! "Gome nml
take llomberer. People are getting ex
elusd and I cannot protect the prisoner
mneli longer." Jlany arrivals Mere irom
Onndo confirm tlie reported nlan to tflse
the murderer back to Uando, give mm a
preliminary hearlriK, bare Mm committed
to Jail and tlie mob will carry out tho rest
of the program, which la to take the pris
oner from tlie Jail to tlie house wnere uie
trime was committed, tie mm fast inside,
bare the building well saturated with
kerosene, Are It and let the (lend expiate
his orlme. It Is now accepted as a fore
gone conclusion that the extraordinary
punishment will lie ineum ont to me
murderer. Cando men went to Grand
Forks to bring baak llomberger, but the
sheriff bad heard of their coining nnd had
spirited the prisoner away.
CftOOKSTox, Minn., Jflly in. uomncr-
ger, the Uando nm merer, waa iirongut
here by Sheriff Kndden, of Grand Forka,
last night on the Northern Paolflo railway,
to get him away from the mol, hut on ar
rival he learned that the mob was still in
pursuit, and would lie over on the Groat
Northern, which conies hi one hour later,
bo he left on the same train. The party
left Grand Forks In a hack, but were
nicked un a few miles out of the city. It
Is not known where the murderer la to lie
taken, but Bismarck Is the reported destl
I'rofoiuor llrlegs' I'rlenils Do Not Iutonil
to Leave the Oliurrh.
Washington. July 13. "I think I nmas
well Informed as any man In the country
respecting the Intentions or what nre
known as the Liberals, nnd I know there
will be no split in tho Presbyterian
church." Tho speaker was tho Hev. Tennis
8. llmnltn. I). D.. pastor of tho Church of
the Covenant In this olty, anil lie was uis-
cusslng the published report of a meeting
of Professor Jlriggs' friends and adherent
to organize a new church. Dr. Hqinll'v
had read tlie account while In Montreal
last wiwk, where he was In attendance
upon tlie oonventlon of tlie Young Peo
ple's Society of Christian Endeavor. lie
"There Is no truth whatevprlntlieRtory,
as I firmly believe. It is one of the many
falsehoods which originate from a well
known source antagonistic to Professor
Brings, and which are Intended to reflect
on him and those who believe the General
Assembly did not net wisely in bis oase.
But they will fail of their oblcct, for 1
know It is not the intention of any of the
Liberals to leave the churoh. There is
room enough In It foru, and we shall re
main unless forced out"
Juatlre Harlan's rather Dp1.
Baltimore, July 18. Dr. David Ilarlnn,
father of Hon. Henry D. Harlan, chief
justice of tlie supreme bench of Maryland,
died yesterday, aged 81 In 1885 Dr. Har
lan was commissioned as the surgeon of
the navy, nnd was promoted to the rank
of medical director In 1871. Ho was a
member of tlie board of visitors to the
naval Hcadeniy at Annapolis, and of the
board of surgeons to cxamlno candidates
for admission to the academy.
London's l,nril Miyor Knighted
London, July 13. Her mnjosty has been
plensed to dlreotletters patent to be passed
under the great soal of the United King
dom grunting the dignity of a baronet
unto the Right Hon. Stuart Knill, lord
mayor of London. It Is believed that tho
elevation of Lord Mayor Knill is duo in
part, it not entirely, to the prominent part
taken by the city of London In tho celo
bratious on the occasion of tho recent royal
Piotcctlon for Legal religioners.
VAsniNGTOK, July 13. In nn interview
Commissioner of Pensions Locbren said
thatthepeuslon bureau is not dropping the
names of any pensioners from tlie rolls
simply because the proof of their right to
draw pensions Is deemed Insufllcient. If
it seems that a pension has been improp
erly granted the person is notified nnd
given sixty days to file additional proof of
the justice, of his claim.
Destructive Flro In Indiana.
Prikceton, Intl., July 13.A very de
structive lire broke out here yesterday af
ternoon and raged beyond control for
many hours. The Methodist nnd Presby
terian churches, Baker's hotel and the
Farmers' bank were consumed and also
Mayor Zeller's residence. The loss will
run beyond J800,000. Many persons wcro
seriously burned, but no fatalities have
been reported.
llreclcenrldge Versus Ilorr.
Atlanta, July 13. At the Atlanta
Chautauqua last night Hon. W. C. P.
Breckenridge, of Kentucky, and Hon. Itos
well G. Horr, of Michigan, debated on the
tariff question. Breckenridge advocated
a tariff for revenue only, while Horr spoke
for a tariff for protection. Both made
eloquent speeches and strong arguments.
A lnrgo crowd was present.
Aflatlo Cholera In Hungary.
BuDArKBT, July 13. The cholera now
existing In Hungary is pronounced to be
of the Asiatic type. Prompt measures
have prevonted the spreading of the dis
ease. There has beeu nn nverago of two
oases dally. The number of deaths, If
there have been any, has not been reported.
Italy's Corrupt Statesmen.
Home, July 13. Out of the 420 mem
bers constituting the senate ISM are
charged with oomplloity, either direct or
indirect. In the bank scandals. About 100
of the members of theohamlier of deputies
are similarly implicated. It is proposed
that the senate, sitting is a high court of
justice, demand that the accused senators
A Family or 1 iv I'oltoneil.
Chablmton, K. 0., July 18. Mr. Isaao
Mitchell and his entire family, consisting
of Ave persona, were poisoned on Tuesday.
Mitchell and his daughter Ada both died
yesterday, and the others are critically ill.
The pbyslahuia who made the post mortem
agree that the victims died f rum arsenical
poison. ,
Dentil r Artist hi Us.
BBlDOEroBT, Conn., July 18. Calvin
Curtis, the noted artist, died in his native
place, Stratford, aged 71 yean. The im
mediate cause of death was inflammation
of the bowals, although be bad been an In
valid for over thirty yean. He leaves one
son aud two daughters.
8oiary llnrhort's Tour.
Wabhwgtos, July 18. Commander
Buckingham, commanding the Dolphin,
ba hetto ordered to proceed from New
York to Washington. Secretary Herbert
will board her tomorrow and start on his
tour of inspection of uavy yards ou the
Atlantic coast.
n!clrie f u Judge.
FOBT Smith, Ark., July 18. Judge It.
T. Kerr ccnijuiii teil suicide by shooting
himself through the head with a shotun.
Judge Kerr n a prominent In Ids profea
) Ml, but reuMUk illawa affected his mind.
An lixceutlmml I'enriuner.
Baltimobk, July 18. Saloon Keeper
Joseph P. Clarke has voluntarily surren
dered bis pausion of Hi a month. He said
be had recovered from the daMlity for
which the pension bad beeu fruut.-d.
Highest of all ir Leavening Power. Latest If. S. Gov't Report;
i rowaer
How a Well Known Ktpreiidon Origi
nated. Per ha pa ewy human be big who
speaks or understands the lan
guage, ham frequently heard the ex
pression, "playing 'possum," but also
perhaps not one in a hundred knows
how it originated or what it has espe
olal reference to. It la a natural freak
of the opossum, or 'possum, a night-prowling-
lijbtle animal very common In
this country, and seems to lie its prin
cipal weapon of defense when danger
approaches and It cannot get away. It
defends ltsolf by beooming entirely
submissive, as It neither fights nor run
tway, but drops doad in its tracks to
all appearances, and remains as still
as death until the last enemy disap
pears, when It oomes suddenly to life
and gets a lively move ou it for a
'possum. Not long slnoe some ohll
.Iron, acquaintances of the writer,
wore visiting at a neighbor's, and re
turning after nightfall through a
piece of wood with their dogs, oatne
across a 'possum so suddenly as to give
hlin no chance to get away, and it
therefore dropped, as they thought,
dead. However, they carried It home
and slrujt.urifa. the-a 'gut." uyinorh
rtj "i-'liad ceased to play dead but va.s
playing the afllicted 'possum to perfec
tion, so much so that the folks con
cluded he was badly hurt, or really
tick, and with but little life left lu it,
and having compassion on It, conoluded
to give It the freedom of tho yard
for the benefit of Its health. The
change was beneficial immediately
so, for jnst as soou ns Mr. 'Possum
found himself free, and all oyes turned
away from him, it became at onco tho'
liealthiest, most animated, and live
liest of its kind, and before any one
was aware of it was skipping away n(
such a rata that he oould not bo over
taken, and made good Its escape,
l'hcy seem to have no disposition to
bite, although well fixed for It. The
writer once found one in a sntro which
had been set fqr catching rabbits. The
snare pole was too slender to raise it
off the ground, and so it waB resting In
it half-reclining position, with tho
string around its neck, to all appear
ance dead, when I approached It.
Supposing It dead I proceeded to tin
loop tho string from around Its neck
without care. After getting It out It
was discovered that it was not dead,
nor even hurt, but had been engaged
in cutting the string above tho loop,
and if I had been a few minutes later
would have been freo, or If it had been
aggressive nnd bit me whllo taking It
out of tho trap I would probably huvd
given it its freedom without further
parley, as it would have taken mo by
surprise. Although playing dead It
will bo observed that they wateh you
very closely through their half-closed,
keen little eyes. In carrying them, by
tho tail of courso, they keop a rigid
hook-like curl on the end of the tall,
evidently to sustain or catch them
selves by in case of a fall. They also
raise their heads and keep their uosos
between their fore legs, seemingly to
avoid the bad effects of the blood run
ning to tlie head. These manifesta
tions are proof of llfo and not death,
but the 'possum seems not to under
stand that, ami so furnishes the evi
dence of life while feigning death.
.Mechanical News.
It Appeared io the Kurly Centuries of tho
Present Krtf
The docisivo step in tho knowledge
of distillation was taken in Kgypt.
There wore invented the first real dis
tilling apparatus during the first cen
turies of the Christinn era. They are
described precisely in the works of
Zoaimus, an author of the the third
century, from the teohnioul treatihes
of two women chemists named Cleo
patra and Mary. In the margin of a
Greek text of St Mary are the draw
ings of the apparatus, and thuy agree
exactly with the author's descriptions.
The apparatus consists of a lioilcr or
balloon-shaped receiver, in which the
liquid was put; but the cover was re
placed by a large tube topping the bal
loon, and ending above in a cap shaped
like an inverted balloon, to serve as a
condenser. The oap was furnished
Ath lateral conical tubes inclined
downward, which wore Intended to
collect the condensed liquid and allow
it to flow ont into small bottles. All
the essential parts of a distilling appa--atus
are here defined. These lateral
tubes and their recipients constitute
the chief Improvement and are what
constitutes the aiemblo. Among the
distinctive characteristics of the primi
tive alembic described by Zosi .uis is
the multiplicity of the abductor tubes.
He distinguishes between two-beak, mI
aud three beaked uleinbics. The. How
of vapor was simultaneous, thoujrli
there were several leaks, and conden
sation took place io two or three re
ceivers at once. Another flguru repiv
sents au aleinbic with a single, be.ilt i
which a large clipper tube iv,i ,,
tao-'ied. 1'. K. M llui-thciot, in Pop
licence Monthly
au. for cf:e it wi
An agreeable Tjwatlve aufl Nievs Tonic.
Bold by DrugKistrtor sent by mall 36c.,&0u.
and SI .00 per package.. Samples free.
The FfivorUn TOOTH
1 forthoTecthand Iireath,28o.
Captain Sweeney, U.S. A., Ban DlegcCaL,
Bays; 'gbiloh'g Catarrh Remedy Is the first
znedloloe I have ever found that would do me
any good." Price 60 eta. Sold by Prugglita.
So not nwUU a Cough, as there la danger of
1U leading to Consumption. SuiuuiVCore
wmstveyou asererelAwgTrouWe. 1 1 f the
best Cough Oureaud speedily rgJWves Oougtm,
Croup, whooping- Cough ana Cronchltfa, and
14 tula on a guarantee. 36 ot&
VxtigeaueH on the Thief Who Stole the
One e'ay after dinner, says a traveler
in Queensland, who has recorded his
e-jpei'iences under tho title: "Missing
Friend i," we found that nu alligator
h id tiilten away one of the working
biillocl s, which was lying down a fow
hundred yards from tho houso. The
tracks showed plainly that tho animal
must have taken its victlru by the hind
qrmrters and dragged It along, for the
earth was plowed up where tho bullock
had been holding back with its head
and forelegs.
It hud bean dragged to ,tho rlvor's
edge nad there killed and partly caton.
At Wo approached the bank wo saw
wte alligator by tho carcass, still food
Inff, but It dropped into tho water like
a atone nt sight of us.
My employer, Mr. A , turned to
me with sparkling oyes.
"Now is our ohanon." hn nrlnd. "Tn.
t nlffht r.ncl to-morro.v night it will come
'.ggin nnu eat of the bullock. TIiod
Wftcan shoot It."
The next ovenl ig wo sought tho
npot at soon ns darkness bogan to fall.
The ri .-or bank nearest the water wue
vfai-y stjep for abov thirty yards; then
there was p, gentle slope for another
twenty yards, and on that slope tho
oarcuss of tho buLock was now lying.
We were careful to hare tho wind
again -,, us, ns tlie cljlga.or Is shy, nnd
rould never uscend bank If it
bhoultl smell us.
Wo lay down fla'i on the ground be
hind the bushes, and It was agreed
that I was not o any account to fire
until ?!r. A should mo tho slg'
nnl by means of a touch. Then I was
to fire Into the mr-uth of tho nllkrator.
while he at tho same moment tried to
send a ball through its bye.
We lay in this position until mid
night, and then owio a heavy body
creeping up the hPl, distinctly audible,
though out of sight. Now nnd thou
the noise would ceaso for a minute or
two, then it would come on again, and
at lact wo saw the dark mass of the
alligator come crawling up to the bul
lock and begin tearing at It.
I darad not rao-o sufficiently to look
nt Mr. A , but I nervously awaited
the slpnal to flro. Tho nlligctor turned
this way and that; at one moment it
almost seemed aft If its powerful tail
might sweep us in, ay.
At length we heard nnothcr alliga-
tor crawling up the bank, and the first
one began snapping its jaws fero
ciously. Then camo tho Mgnal. BangI went
tho rifles. Tho beast did not move n
muscle. It was quite dead, and we
could hear tho other one tearing and
rolling down Into tho water again.
The Lore Iloinanro of the Prexent
pcror of Germany.
"When I was last summer In Den
mark," says tho Paris correspondent
of Truth, "I wont to Prlmkcnau,where
fie dukes of Augustenburg had their
residence. IJinpross Augusta Victoria
was born and brought up .there. The
empress, us a child, had known, I was
told by a member of the little ducal
court, the emperor In childhood. But
going to Cassel, and then to Bonn as a
student, ho lost sight of her. Tho ac
quaintance was renewed under roman
tic circumstances. Wlion bo was
I twenty or thereabouts ho was sent In
the oarly summer on a tour to Hoi
Rtoin, and extended it to Primkenau.
The young princess was a finely grown
girl and blooming as a rose. She some
how heard who was coming and dressed
in her best to receive him. Growing
tired of waiting sho got into a ham
mock swinging in an arbor, which was
scented with freshly-blqwn lilac
Thero she fell asleep.
The wandering prince came by the
nrbor, saw tho sleeping beauty, nnd
wns conquered. It Is said that as ho
was gazing on her she was dreaming
that, more fortunate than her mother,
she was being waited to a magnificent
turone, and that an Imperial crown
had descended on her head. V'illiam
did not mean to disturb the sleeping
ueuuty, uut, as usual, lie was in rim:
form, and the dragging of his awordon
the asphalt of the summer house and
the clanking of his spurs betrayed him.
She awoke, and saw a palrof-eyes that
looked lovo at hers, and then sho
rushed away toward tho residence.
Presently her governess came tQ tol
her that tho crown prince of Prussia
was thero. Her mother, the duchess
dowager, being ill, It devolved on Au
gusta Victoria to do the honors. She
hastened tq welcome the illustrious
visitor, ne lost no time in declaring
himself her lover, and thoy were eut
gaged before lie left the house.
Hoocs Cures
Kr. Mary Shutc
Suffered intensely
from pain In my stomach end side. I became
reduced In flesh, and crowing worse, removal
to the Syracuio hospital wa under advisement,
when I gave Hood's Sarsaparilla a trial. I
rapidly gained In flesh, can eat heartily without
distress, and am now welt" Mns. Jlnty
Shots, Ouonorta, l?ew York.
Hood's Pills oure liver ilia- SSa. Try a box,
Bright, Crisp, Concise.
The Leading Local Weekly Paper
In Schuylkill County.
All tho Local News printed in a readable, attractive nuiniiiT,
with no waste of words.
Porno liavo lold us "You can't do it." Wo bellovo wo can, and we will.
The Huhald in tlio future will bo better than nt any tlino during its
past history, If painstaking efforts will ncconiplish that end.
Send One Dollar to The HuiiAM) olllco nnd receive tlio paper
for one year. This nllbr applies lo old as woll us now Biibscrlbein, pro
viding all arrearages arc paid. ' Ifeinoniber, iluw terms aro Invariably
lp advance; otherwise $l.f0 will be charged.
Do you desire success? All buslno s men know that tho only way of
increasing trade In talking in print Advertising I Y hero you muko
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Don't talk in a whisper
No ono will hear you.
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Our JobOfllco lias nlways enjoyed a rejiutat ion for excellent work,
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Our facilities for turning out first
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Open Daily From 9 to
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K?OlSortli 1'onrlli !U
tMO ucit-w Oir.i rtiliadeipMr
AFTER tbu family ih- ian, tb h
1IU1 anil aitvi rti-ltK n r fa its fell
Wftll m qum k who ntiM- to oar
ynu after All olliem fail ami tntlvr ro
ft rltfc-U mirnri(o fn . r.UW, Fr
irnaunrui; mid nfm th U-ll iwlndlcrt,
thfl (tll IliatHlflK tiirtr villi hi
R 0111 wi ks, r.-i.,railwf. tablet, to
bug ciiic-ri,, (he ,.. cun imedtctfa.
2&i" w(ti'll..l au 1 robbed -)t
THEM an l i nn.,n m n t Pirx'r-i
hnhMbftdOyt-ra EurcpCftn HoepiUl au-l 2f yfiira' rri
1 errlenw. B tifltnlnoil by fbim. iu nnUnnuldly ttll tot
hetker yrturraaelteurtble or not. I! iW tn uuaranuje, m.
loa btt claim tn be Ood'f equal, but tr rtoi curt the inert dof
JfU 9m nt BjTMlfi, Ulccri, Btrictarci, Gotorrhaa,
P&lion, tod sixch&riei Minor- rnm Melancholia an
Inwn hearted a sua, du1 all ihrts" iliaeiiitril frm ellr-rtnof youthftj
rndlaerttlon, nt both rv, an aur of a eurr- BemftnbpT
gB THE EL euro what alt orhr-rt only claim to do. DR
(HEEL ttaca oonniinn aeuw Ireatmcnt ll- coml nea the All
-MthU, HomowtfAlhrc, ami Kclroilo avntrii of tucrlloloo wbf
T tby ara lnilleate1, Ib.urs rtniij, V in It nVlnck ' errn
flt1, 6 lu 8 , Wed. ami Bat equina froni 6 to (i n clivrt ; Htir
9 to II. Hend 10 eta. n.rih .f a. rtumiia for too
VutA." le Only true medical box, admlaed, a frleml u
-man an-1 mlildle Bltlor butta ftrt. Write ir sail. jtVOP
loetort warning youanalnnl niedMnl booh a, they nre afraM t
vlll fltiil their lnoratice rrKifil HKD lr T beet a ut
iiDDlaU In Wednesday' aud Haiurdiy Pblladetohla fuv
Manufacturers o(
01 ETery Description.
Fars, Baages, Caps, Regalias, &
Wrllo tor catnloguos. Correspondehce sollcllcd
Hfdleal Ofilrt t, 20B N. SCrnND St., Ptllsd'a, P
AretlmoMc-Rt In America lur tbp tnanicnt ,1
fllirclnl illHruHos A Youthful lirrnn
Varlroicln, I r I.-. IMi-iun-. I ,t Mai .1
'3 -a . ... .... , I.. I n W ..... . ,
I'lUUlratlnlifi t-l-i -Iv n nl.-li-ntlal s i1 ilili pli,
41 All "day f iU.t . . " X '
Everything modeled after
Green's Cafe, Philadelphia,
i a & Main St., SlicniMitfonhj!
The leading place In town.
Has lately been entirely reno
vated Everything new, clean
tndtresh. The UnostllreoJ
, Wines and Liquors I
Cigars, Ac, foreign and do
mestic. Frto lunch Borved
each evening. Ills schoonors
of frcHb.Becr.Porter, Alo, He.
T J. TtnTTOnltrt.' T'-i,
Main ulul Oak Streets,
Shenandoah, Punim.,
Truck and Vogotablcs.
Poultry, Game, Fish and Oy
In season. Orders left it the store
win rrcaive prnmpi a1 tpnHon
Begs to announce to his friends and
patrons and tho publto generally that
no has purchased tho barbershop lately
occupied by H. J. Yost,
tTo. 12 West Centre Street
Chris, -Bossier's
tnann s om sianaj q p0
104 Sou til ftlnin Street. nd:
Finest wines, whiskeys and clg r" 1. : ay fi,
jtock. Freeh Beer, Ale and Porter nn tTr
Choice Temperance Urlnks. 0.'
- 1
Celebrated Poller. Ale and Be
Manager Shenandoah Ii. anci
(Christ. Bossier's old stand.)
Haiti and Conl Mtt. HlietiUMlofrr
. loco
uvat ucor, uie ana porter on tap. ') ho flnHye.
oriiiiunui wuujitcys na cigars. I'ooi room
latt's Popular Salooii
(Formerly Joe Wystt's)
9 and 21 West Oak Stree
111 siocioa witn tne nest ocet. aortor. t
hiulss, brindlM, wln, eic. Fisosi elgi;
ttlnt btrsttsehsd. (lord'tl invitation to'
Horses and Carriages to Hire.
Hauling ol all kinds promptly attended
uurees laiien w ooHru,
that are liberal.
PFAR AIlEr. Rur RiMairi Rirdwan
lias oponod a
Saloon : and 'cgtauraj
Cor. Lloyd and Marketing,
wnere ne will be pleasod to receive his
Unfit Via Am atau unil it .
i a
va nMsj wnrio vu UKOU