The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, July 08, 1893, THIRD EDITION, Image 2

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, i. iT ' n ' ri fr " - J
The Herald.
, noxnn,.
Q Jiorjtn.....
jr. jrorTj ii...
.Bdller awl rtMfcr
TjmwI MHor
...JuiiIhm. Manager
BunaoniPTioN hatei
rw-fUW .
Transient, 10 cents per tin, ant tnaerttoa 1 1
MM per line eacb. subsequ"' insertion, Htes
tor ntgular advertising n tH r4 o sppUe
tto at tbe omco or by mail.
ts itbsiho HimaLO um& larger ctrcuU
loa InTlhenandoata than soy olliar paper pub
Ittad. UooUs open to Ml.
Sntersd at the Pot to CI oo. it BbeoandOHh, I'a.
for transmission through the malls
aa second-elass mall matter.
Cnioao la astonishing the world.
"WiiRNtho oagles honiawurd lly"
la tho topical BotiK.
FninKDaHn' a game
which only ono wins.
for two, at
Cheap excursion trips to Chicago U
tho popular cry this year.
Tuh Uiermometer, aa well tw college
stuilsiil. hi taklnft 1U decrees these
Bam Jones denouncee the newfl'
papers na "too sonBatloual." He tole
ratea no rival.
Wiiiui Oscar WlUle U Bitting for
his bust, his brother Willie la lnwlng
hla right along.
It will requlro some time for the
Btato of Carolina to adjust itself to tho
ofllclal rum punch,
EvBftY patriotic citizen In pnlned to
learn that Gov. Altgeld Is really
cltleen of tho United 8 La tee.
Phahy will undeniably hnve one
pleasure In Booking the pole. Nobody
can ask him If Its hot euough for
Why should men blame women for
seeing beauty In a looking-glass
simply becauBO they don't see any
thing attractive In ltthorngelves.
John Chinaman always was pecn
liar. Ho Is still satisfied to pern Be his
own laundry checks instead of reading
Uncle Barn's hand writing on the
It la announced that Cloveland Is
anxious to get the money question out
of the way so that he can attack the
MoKlnloy tariff. Having partly
wrecked the country he tYantB to make
tho job complete.
Lots of man thluk thoy are bub
bling over with loyalty to their coun
try, when a closo examination of their
true condition would show that what
they mistake for patriotic feeling is
only a lovo of their own political pre
It la on Republican prudenc, aagac
ity and constructive skill that the
country relies for wise legislation in
the comlug session of CouKress, It Is
the hope of tho people that when the
time for action comes enough Demo
crats will adopt Republican ideas to
Insure tho adoption of a currenoy sys
tem that will meat every requirement
of soundness, safety and stability.
Tuh Herald's World's Fair excur
sion Is meeting with as much popular
favor aa did tho school teachers' con
test. We hare used every nifans to
bring the rates down to the minimum
figure, and we think that object has
been accomplished. To travel to the
World's Fair in a Pullman car, with
stop-oft passages at Niagara Falls and
Washington, for only ?65, Is an oppor
tunity that our roadsrs should take
advantage of.
Tho lmpreaston Is abroad over the
land,' and especially In thetiouth, that
Ui Sou Hi Is taxed for the beuelit of
tba aoldlara and pensioners of the
North, and that the South receives
nothing In return. It was only recent
ly that a leading dally of the South
claimed that it would be better for the
Booth to cut loose entirely from the
North on account of the pensioners
from the North.
Bx-Commistlouer of Fsnslona, Cor
poral Jamas Tannar, has been of lute
Investigating thlt matter and the fol
lowing report gives a very different
estimate from that which has pre
vailed. According to the report Texa
paid last year Internal revenue taxe
to the amount of $009,376, and received
In pensions $005,230. South Carolina
paid 71,812, and received tlTl.lJO.
Ten n twee paid f 1,S"8.861, aud received
6,43i,603. Alabama paid $106,771,
and reeelved $100,729. Arkansas paid
$95,788.86 and received $1,470,001 77
W. Virginia paid 8o7,688.86 and re
oelved f2,168,7M,lX. Louisiana aud
Mississippi together paid $786,832 29.
and racelved $S47,5fi,45. Maryland,
Delaware and District of Columbia to
(roll, nM M lfi ft t 77. nnil Twi verl 1
r, I
The amount received in pensions far
exceeds the amount paid In taxes.
This amount added to the money
spent In the South, annually, for river
and harbor Improvements, makes sueh
an amount that there Is no room for
complaining. She gets her share, and
more, too.
JahtMS Xna n Km
Is tip bf.Tiofi ffta8tta
InmJ Xawrtota ki She Baited Stat.s.
'. Mount Taooma
Btota 1b the United
. BMRKlrBj fo the akpureinent
by il & ffurT"", &41 outfit tr, of
Terrible Deetruotion Wrought in
the Town of Pomeroy.
fl.ports from Ollior Sections Indicate a
Total Loss of One UMiidreil IJves ftd
Been? Amsnc the Itnlna of Desolated
Itnmes Relief Needed.
Pomsboy, la., July 8. Siftr-three dead,
seventy-five fatallr Injured and 190 wltb
hmVan lltnba. mite and bruises, more or
leasee. Tula what the tornado of
TTiuraiiav nlaht aeonmnllstieu m the m
tor of casualty. The town of Potnarov la
one complete wreck. There Is scarcely a
honse left standing. About uiieen acres
of debris constitute now what was a thrlv.
la villaae. ftnllnters are all that ramaln.
Pomeroy la part ami parcel of the prairie,
the death dealing wind having left It liar
ran And dMnlntn. Scarcely a tree remains.
Piles of broken timbers anil occasional
?ileoea of fumlturo are all that can he
oand at what was once the largest build
ings In the place. Two hundred anu miy
houses were in all destroyed, and the
money loss on those and their oontents is
placed at $900,000.
Everywhere about Pomeroy are doad
and dying people, and the hearse was kept
busy carrying the victims of the storm to
their last resting plaoe. Doctors from a
down or more places rmrry through the
streets and In their wnke follow squads of
soldiers onrrylrJK coffin. Speolal trains
from all the snrronndlng towns brought
thousands who were ready to take part In
the work of oaring for the dead and
Thursday night In Pomeroy Is one that
will never be forgotten by thqae who were
here. Darknew followed quickly In the
wake of the tornado, and those who
escaped were compelled to crape their
way among their ruined homes, guided
along by the cry of some poor unfortunate
who was pinned under the falling tim
bers. Almost every light wns destroyed, and
tho people from Fort Dodge and the sur
rounding places who were the first to
reach the scene failed to bring lanterns
with them. It was not till mornlnK that
the enormity of the disaster dawned upon
the people They looked where once a city
stood and saw nothing but a timber strewn
pralrin. Every residence to the south of
tho railroad tracks had disappeared and
the spires of seven ohurchas that were
standing only a few hours before were
nowhere to be seen.
Pomeroy bud a wealth of shade trees,
but nothing was to be seen of them save a
broken and twisted mass of limbs and
roots. Horses and cattle lay dead in the
streets, pigs stuck In the sides of horses,
and dead cate and dogs and chickens were
scattered over the ground. Pools of hu
man blood mingled with the mud at every
turn, showing where some victim of tho
tornado had been tossed after life hod been
crushed out of him. The air was full of
moans and sobs and shrieks, and every
other face met on tho street was stained
with tears. The people In Pomeroy seemed
powerless to do anything for tho sufferers,
and It wan not until people from outside
towns arrived that anything was done to
ward recovering the dead and caring for
the wounded.
The scene In the improvised morgues
was a ghastly one. At tho Pomeroy hotel
billiard tables were turned Into slabs, and
on theco the mangled remains of the dead
were placed. The floor was badly sunken
in the middle, and hero tho blood, as it
dropped from the tables, ran la small
streams, soon with tbe.assUtancoof tho
water from the rapidly melting ice, form
ing a puddle of gore up to the tops of the
attendants' shoes. On the tables wcro
bodies without heads and bodies without
arms; bodies whose legs had been blown
away by the cyclone and bodies with heads
that had been crushed beyond recognition
by the falling timbers. On one table lay
the remains of an old woman, a hole as
big as a man's fist torn In the rear part of
her head. Close by was a baby not more
than a year old, one of its lens gone and
its little arm mashed to a jelly.
The tornado, for suoh It was, came from
the northwest. All those who saw it agreed
that it was not of the funnel shaped
species, but came bounding along the prai
rie like a huge ball. It wag of a dark green
color, and was accompanied by a terrific
noise. There are many who saw it when
it was far out of town. These gave the
alarm, and many were prepared for the
monster when It readied the village. Most
of the people, however, became panlo
stricken. They ran out of thoir houses
and fled up the streets, orylng nnd shriek
ing, till struok by the flying timbers of
whirling trees. The cooler ones made for
the two eaves in the southeast part of the
town, built especially for just such occa
sions as this. Into one of these caves
twenty-flve people collected, and In on
other Ave. All escaped without a scratch.
It is pretty well agreed that tho tornado
struck the town about 0:50 o'clocK. A half
hour, before this it was Bultry, and save
for a few small clouds there was no evi
dence of the approaching whirlwind. Tho
cyclone was but of a few minutes duration
and was followed bv a terrific rainstorm
whloh continued at Intervals more or less
throughout the night. The path of the
storm seems to be an eighth of a mile iu
width and twenty miles long.
The death list out in the country is
heavy, and from many of the neihboring
towns casualties are reported. Fairfield,
in Cherokee county, reports fifteen killed.
At Fonda twenty were killed, including
the entire families of Samuel Iloarson and
E. D. Sargent. Storm Lake aud several
other places report from one to five deaths.
Governor loles arrived at 4 o'clock and
took charge of the work of relief. He was
first driven out over the ruins, then visited
the hospitals and the morgue, consulted
with those who I n l ihus far directed
things, and then i-.mU a proclamation
retting forili the ueedn of the sufferers aud
calling upon tho people of Iowa to con
tribute lil.erally. The governor said the
situation wus far worse than he expected.
Several linle babies have been found
alive aud well, but It has been impossible
to find parents for tbera. Whole families
were in many instances wiped out by the
tornado, and In houses that contained all
the way from four to eight persons not
more than one esca)ied alive.
Five luilos MHitn of Aurella Samuel
Enroll anil wife and three children were
killed. Alrto a farm hand named Johnson,
Lulu and Ella Blatter aud a Swedish girl
were killed. Johu Peters will dia
Five inner houih of Storm Lake E. G.
Breeton ami child and a man named Bott-
inann were dn-shed to death. A family of
five pemons living five miles south of New-
ell iu the awful tempest. Mrs. Gor
un ami three children aud Jot
John Detwiller
were killed three
milea southwest of
Enrla'")'. Sealing Ilestrlrtinni,
London, July 8. The Official Gaiette
publisliei h ii until' in council, dated July
t, prohibiting llntlsh ships from sealing
within ten i in- miles of the Iiusaian
coasts on BeLu .i.g or the North Pacific
ocean and wit bin thirty miles in any direc
tion from the Komandorsky or Kebben
Drown. d llixtle. llecovered.
Cape May, Jul 8 - The bodies of Henry
W. iliae and -Vlurrn (ioliiljerg, the two
Philadelphia excursionists nlio were
drowned at Cape May Puiut ou July 4,
Were recovered yesterday.
Highest of all in Leavening TWcr. Latest U. S. Gov't Report
The Quaint Mltle Tewls Hacelved with
Marked Hl.tineiloH.
CllICAOO. July 8. With the eolora of
Spain ami the dLcoverer of America flying
from their ma t .eads the escorting fleet of
United State vessels, steam and sail
yacht, schooners and excursion steamers,
sighted the Columbus caravels, Santa
Maria, Pluta and Nina at north Rvanston
yesterday. Five minutes later a salute of
twenty-one guns was fired, and the govern
ment vessels started to meet the visitors,
accompanied by a large fleet of vessels of
all description,
When off the city breakwater ftere wa
a wait until the JJycla could part from her
oonsorts and give wy to the United
States man-of-war Michigan, which took
the caravels iu tow from that point to
Jackson park. Slow time was made after
tho Michigan began to tow the quaint llt-
Tne ruETTY lacemakkb.
tie vessels Into the point which will be
their home until the close of the fair. At
least 100,000 people welcomed the oamvels
to the exposition. When near the Peri
style an electric launch came bobbing over
the waves with President Higinbotham on
boatd, but he was not taken on hoard of a
governmeut vessel.
Captain Concax and bis officers ou the
Santa Maria were brought In . steam
lnunches to the landing in the great basin
on the north side of the Agricultural
building. As they passed umlerthe Peris
tyle the islanders gave their war songs,. nt
tlio-snme time driving their canoes over
the water at full speed.
At tho terminal station Direct or General
Davis received Coot Conchas and his men,
and presented them to the publics amid
wild cheering.
Senator John Sherman then delivered an
address of welcome, to which Captain Con
chas responded briefly. Secretary of tho
Navy Herbert and others also made brief
Tho lacemaker In the Irish vlllago on
Midway Plaisanpe is an individual who
attracts much attention, for while the
ladles are admiring the handsome produc
tions of her artistic skill, their male es
corts, at a distance, admire the pretty luce
maker herself.
Chief Justice Puller's Hugui "Nephew."
Washington, July 8. The attention of
the war department has been called to tho
operations of a man who signs himself J.J.
Fuller and represents hlmaelf as a nephew
of the chief justice of the supreme court.
He has addressed a letter to the sergeants
of the various military companies through
out the west, which he requests thorn to
read to their companies, offering through
the assistance of his miole to obtain a re
peal of the laws preventing re-enlistment
after ten years service and prohibiting a
man purchasing his discharge. "Send me
one dollar," he says In conclusion, "and I
will guarantee you large profits within a
short time."
Ravlslier Miller Ljnolied.
BAnDWEl,L,Ky.,July 8. Whether guilty
of the awful crime which he was charged
or not, Leay J. Miller, the negro arrested
at Sykestou, Mo., has paid the penalty for
it. Ho was dragged from the jail at a
o'clock yesterday afternoon by an infuri
ated mob whose purpose it was to
burn him at the stake. That he
was not burned alive seems to be due to
the fury of tho mob that killed him. Ex
oiled into hysterics, the ringleaders lost
their heads and hanged him to a telegraph
pole, themselves shouting "bum hitnl"
The father of the murdered girls led the
to find a cnnE Fort
rmniTr r 1 mt rrmnr rr
Onr 00 pna-e book "THHEK rT.ARREB OF MEN." should bo read by every younsr,
litlildle-afi-ed and old man. sent senled, free. II r. Sauleus) Electric Ilelt Is no experiment,
as we nave restored thousands to robust health and vlror( after all other treatments tailed, as can bo
shown by hundreds of cases thronehuut Oiia aud other -tates.who would gladly testify, and from many
of whom we have strung letters bearing testimony to their recovery after U-Uig our licit
hwir Tout Crrr OototKT S4th, im
fOa A n TTSf n i t-rMt air i awus kiinTr Momi n afU
I iredued one of yoix elaotrla belts fur the cure of
snwvpas dsMlUy. whloh I haU la IU wor( form and
d from this WrrtMedeWUaliiiif drla on my tIUI
i unfiflr mimrur it jtu. r or vri nti
is ftsep. but la cue month's time oft-ru-lusr the
I felt a much strouarer iua both tuaaiaUy aJuTpity-lU.andtnaahtUinowaiic-iittrelTwrll.
Yean truly, H. Bl.KI.IO, 07 Bowery.
mma nta uai snow wuat is wn to amvo a irooa
. UaooKtTJf, V. Y., October tUh, ISM.
rmdsaeh pain from rheuuiatunn that at ti met it was
auM'OrsaMMrt. I used jour belt an
cos hoar. Tv-lnedlnclffhtfrouitat
lauwMow tor mm to sm arouua. ana 1 s
u ivjsareuoc in
t day and It was
tmlr a short tiuio until the pains l-f mo and to-day I
tWreaht be a rut urn, but as It hs nuw beeu four
ourod .mfc gu atfrlr ray It Is uarmw
jubmm mwtor.iw M, VmVs fM.
to a mirlt aalTanla taatu . mad. Into a belt nj to to easily worn during work or street, and 11
wotESft, pr. .longed ounrouu whloh ara Instantly l.ltfnrooKUout a 1 weak parts, or wa forfeit
S3.1MIO. Ufiasan Inmrn-.d Werle"rii.yiiory, th.KrwMAt boon ererVien wknn'ani
re war rani It to cow any of the abora waakiMaMM, sod to enlaoc shrunaan limbs, or parteTor Money
afefuiidnJ, Tb.y are tradud In atrri meStall staaM ofweaitneas In youn, roWdlsWed or OU
en, una will aura tu wunt casus Ui tin or tttrw moolbs. Address for full lifiwoiatloa. 8
SAHDEH ELECTRIC CO., 826 Broadway, New York.
Itonily for a t'.yiichTng.
PnortlA. Ills., July 8. Miss Smith, 10
years of age, was on Jjer way to East Peoria
and when in a lonely spot was grabbed by
two uegroea, who bound, gagged and as
saulted her. The cords which bound her
were afterwards set on Are, terribly burn
ing her arms and wrists. Ono of the inta
oreanta has been oaptured and a lynchlua
is looked for, J
Tlllmsn's Liquor I.inr Unoonttltutlonat.
Cou MBIA, H. 0., July 8. Judge Hud
son, In an injunction to restrain the county
dispensers from opening In Darlington,
has decided against the state. He declared
the law unconstitutional. He denounced
It as a great monopoly, and said It was not
a regulation of tho liquor Unfile, buk in
tended to rain revenue for the state
Uovey and Uolmrf Wiq.
Tuxedo Park, N. Y., July 8. BeauMfu
weather favored the tennis players In the
Tuxedo tournament yesterday. Tho first
priie in the doubles was won by Fred II.
Hovey and Clarence Hobart, whodofeqtgd
V. G. Hall and O. S. Oampboll in tho final
round and W. A. Lamed nnd E. L. Hall
in the semi-final round.
5tp n - -
l'-Oovornor Price Secures Tlnll.
Hackbkback, N. J., July 8. Bondsmen
Were scoured yesterday for ex-Governor It.
M. Price, who has been In the custody of
Sheriff Bogert, of Ilackcnsack, for tho
past month In default of $201000 bonds for
pontompt of tho New Jersey court of
thanoery. The ex-govornor left llackcn
lack todny
I'lillndelplilu l'eimloncrn Suspended.
Philadelphia, July 8. Fifty more pen
sioners who have been drawing from fO to
ft? a month on account of diseases con
tracted since the war have boen suspended
pending an examination. This makes
over 800 suspensions of this class of pen
sioners. Eulnlle Home Aculn.
MAimin, July 8. Tho Infanta Eulallo
arrived here yesterday. Slio and Prinoo
Antonio were met at the stution by tho
queen regent and the Infanta Isabella. Sho
expressed herself as greatly pleased at tho
oordialty of her American cousins.
Itra. Rchcccci West
Neuralgia Cured
"Formerly I suffered with neuralgia, hut
has not troubled me slnco I hare taken Hood's
BarsaparUIa. I gave Ilood's to my little girl for
throat trouble, and ltglvcsher Immediate relief.
My brother has also taken It and It has cured
him of asthma. We are all Indebted to
Hood's Sarsaparilla
and will use no othor medicine." Mns. Re
dkcc.v 'est, Orrstown, fa.
Hood's Pills cure Uver Ills, stole headache,
Jaundice, indigestion. Try a box. Bc
has proven an infallibk
poefflo for all deraup--ments
peculiar to the
female 6Cx,siu tiagctironic
womb and ovarUn dis
eases. If taken in ttmo I'
regulates and promotes
healthy action of all func
tions pf the generative
organs. Young ladles &'
the ago of puberty, and
nlrMr nnra nfc llirt mpntv
.'Te, 111 find In It a heallnp, soothing tonic
i'uo highest recommendations from proml phytlcians and those who have tried It
rim for liook "To Women," mailed free. Sold
nil druggists, IliiAnnELDltEGUiTor. Co,
opnutors, Atlanta, Ua.
with i:loctro IlIncnetlcSuHpeiij
pnrv will cura without mpdlcitiff
all of the above trouble. Those wd
xufler from Nervous llebllltri
iOtscst urainsi iqiim annooui
NurvnuiuniH. MnenlrManeiifll
3 Poor Mcinory nil KomuloConij
plalnttft andaenuml 111 health?
iuu eueciH ui bdubob, eicesettB, wurr.
or exposure, will llnd roll of and prompt
euro la oar marvelous invention,
which ror-uires but a trial to conTinco
the most skeptical. Inifinoranceofef
feet a yuu mar have uniulr drained
your BTHtem onerve force and vitality
which is electricity and thus
caused your weakness or lack of force.
If you re plaoe Into your system the
elements thus drained, which are re
quired for vigorous stroncth, you will
remove the cause and health, streneth
and vigor will follow at once. This
Is ouf plan and treatment, and wo
iriiaranfAA n rtirft nr rnfunri mnnnr
, Nrw York Crrr, Oct. to, ll
..r! T- Bantut. rjoirbfr-lcin report to you tlil
mm blt li". entirely cured ma of rheumatlira from
yca 1 suirennl for f oarteen yeua almoaft oontloa&llr.
I am a letter carrier, anil the loiitfdAtly trampe ncoe
eary la rur rtuu,uptotlietluia of g-ettlntr the belt,
wore pnliifally coo. lUrouguvlth, tiutthantsto joui
woaderful Invention. 1 ,oan now walk as well as I utpe
did. and will ncomineod your trea tment to all afflicted
The anrrent has alio lirouxht batkmr tleorlu other
waja as ou ld It woUJ, Tours Very truly,
AMS3 UU, UPdrry St.
omoi or SAnnsNT ft eon.
Dsr Ooow. xro ., Cutaz. Maine, Feb. t7, IMS.
Da. A. T. SAMhaK, Dear Slrt-t am r1a4 to add my
testimony fx the many you have ot the treat ratue of
Jour bell. My heallnliaa I nprored wonderfully, and!
nT.Kaliiad twulra poandr of tlMh, and now sleep wall
andliaTanraasUwtaprtite. Your rnleudld electrli
UttwllhTourMnueip( llMJlh" has been a ry ralu.
abU)beneQttiMie,andltako pktsaurivcx)liuneiuiln2
your belt. Yours iMpwtXuUr,
iL am. BAnacNi.
f': Bright, Crisp, Concise.
The Leading Local Weekly Paper
Iu Schuylkill County.
All tho Local News printed In n rcndnblo, nttmctlvo manner,
with no wasto of words.
Porno liavo told us "You can't do It." Wo hellovo wo can, and wo will.
The IIeiiam) In the future will bo better than ut any time during Us
past history, If painstaking efforts will accomplish that end.
Bend One Dollar to The Hi:kaivi office nnd rccelvo tho paper
for ono year. This olfer applies to old as well as new subscribers, pro
viding all arrearages nro paid. Heinembur, these terms nro invnrlably
lu advance; otherwise $1.C() will bo charged.
I)o you dcslro success? All buslno s men know that tho only way of
Increasing trado is talking in print Advertising! Where you make
onocustoiner by word-of-mouth argument or by displaying goods, you
can make ono hundred by bright, convincing advertisements.
Don't talk in n whisper
No ono will hear you.
Don't talk In thunder tones
All nolso and no facts.
Don't talk without listeners
Pjaco your "ud" whprp It wjjl bp reiid.
THE HERAf.D is tho best medium for reaching the public, and
profitable results aro euro to follow all advertisements placed In Its cob
imins. T,qt us convince you of this fact by a trial.
Our Job Ofllco has always enjoyed a reputation for excellent work,
second to none, which Is maintained by strict attention to every detail
of tho business and a thorough equipment of the latest printing ma.
tcrlal. Our Job office has just been refurnished with a now lino qf typo
of tho latest and most artistic design, and have In our press-room all
the latest and Improved
Ipaiii Printing t
Our facilities: for turning out1 first
yoir need nnything In the printing
lienandoaii, Pst.
resscs. :
- class work arq unsurpassed. When
line call at the olllco of
Mlicunndoali, Pm
. W. YOST, AsslfUar i
l'riio).( i
(.' it i
Open Dally From O to
- '
3 ijm uiiKu
Interesi Paid on Saving Oep
3T- EC33"?3;3Xa.,
Rubber C?ssji(B&t 54
For Slate.-TUo, Tin or Iron I :oofe
Sold In all.slzo paoksjros from IU i ;iiuo u p. t
PnlHlltll,lnan I ... . .
on all kinds nt roofs, nc. arfui.u ctiliiiins
gutters, wood or stone wort, br' kUh urn! oa.
-.rf i'.vu .v. w mouu iifcm: uc
SiVa,l.1S?,'RrJill',lPK una beadliujMTfc AN I
ril.l. HOOFS, also copings. Thry will neve
luimur uocomo loosenen ltl vi ry ndlnwlvt I
slicks flrraly to anythlnK, forming a Uiugh,
lonjlicr-llko sklnover tbe top, wil. not run o'
looscnfrom Joints or cracks. Rummer or wti
lor. This coinont nee'ls no reference, It hai
stpodtho tost for thirty-two yearn, and nOTe',
laus 10 give poriect satisfaction. It Is th
mnnl ltqrfnl nrllnln a ....r., nnn i ... ,
snop. Tuo cement Is prepared rof ly for usr
u- ta w uu uyuuv-u wim a irowi-i ana IB uori
ana will uptKat SUB or dry. color", brown snl
uiutfe. irvmuunanou leou 1 AQilreAR. '
J. a. IIETZEL, B9 Maine St., Nowarlr, N. j
33. x-iOi3j"Cre.oics
arulraj Oflloof, 205 N. fw.P0 Pt , PMlaj-a, ny.
vatli'o.'cio, iiyiir.rrlo. Hut ill to. ! .-i MMi,ii
Treatment h.vITlnll SopmuFIt. t
munlratlni -arre fly rrn'Mi ntUI m' hlamy V
Rook. h'Hirsi V . M. Ii- ' t M , d!
M- All day batuflav tuii( i ; a vi
0i PORT CARBON, Pit . !
s&a Manufacturers ot '
ociefsij fyuii
SJ.J Or Evsry Doorlptlos
Wags, Baagvs, Caps, Reguna? i
Write for catnloguos. Corrospondfihco sollcl;'
tattm nncNT -snmr
tKT sar SUa I J OU T H 9 I
T 1
M"n!n nnil Onlf Rft.apfa i I
Sbeuaudoah, Pennii,, ' '
Truclcond Vogctsbles. '
Poultiy, Game, Fish and Oy&t
In season. Orders l?ft nt ibo store
5QQ lVorth Fourth A
OO below Grtvo, l'UiW;ii
AiTEH the funi. tbvtoUo. tlw.ti
dl qutwku wbo proiulw to ui
you aftr kit olturi foil, od U sivf
rituu tuaraitUL. frc adtioe,?
trvtuicut; ttud ofwr ib ball lml-'
ttUlwl tuuioi, rel')rall, UblflU
Knr, ud nliitr n-crtt uottruk. 1
t 0-tDWfTUi, tbr LuOifi ourv niadli
rto . cto , bare nclii1lt.1 tnd robbet
THH Co tin-i con.. It tH. (I. P. Tfc
hol.ji4liftdeytn'uropeM. Hoei.itr 1 nul 26 jMf-' p!
cm! BAjnm. ttfl f itanitif.ri by blu. lie wIllmniTldlrMT
Rtwirer ftbroKMifattiTftbla or do- 11r-i ri.nriinirjU
4uetil ilH to tGod ct'inl. I'Ut lif d tourv lla tnto,
trit auw nf SypSUli, Vlt.rt, iitri turts, Owar
u to do. I
tcUiM-iUun. iT Loth ncMi-. uu n. i- f curv.
PR. TCS1I. diAj fiura bia nil elber- t.l olniu
TQL 9MB OfllUHIHn llrlim tnullitaUl. Iiu 0OtilM ibrj
ItttbtOt almopU(lo, ttittl Kclrctki Btfiru or tuediclot 1
cm tbej ar fadkitnl. Hour; Iittll;,! m 8 o'olock; j
isdiuS) nea.fcnn nut I'lniinp iront (. io IV O Oioc (
uJ, w m it, t iw i v i. wurisi in 4ki upipa htw
Chris. Bossier's
(Mann's old stand)
ymax, nil uUtlW-itffDd or bovb wm Write or mil. a i
daciori wiirtilngyisUKfsta! medical booki; thean afrt
till fin I Uteir tfsomitM ttpo-,-d. KKAD Ur. TbelV
luoolnUt in U'eJbwd&jr' KUd HtuurtWy' PhlU4tltbi TVif J
104 friuutU lt aref-ly j
r lnesi wiuen, iruisseys ana cig r h 1 tm
iwa. fimi uwr, eiv uuu rwu
"holco Tempranoe Orlnks
rtii lint ii
leieDfateo roiter. me m
wianacrer snenandoab r-a-
ivaiish onaaivrn uiu hiswi . m
uslu Ana caul t,, HlieiiR tj(
!lst bcr, ale tad porter on top
Jimndjol wbUksys and otgars. Poo' rot'
Ws Popular Sail
(rormnrly Joa Wjatt'a) I I
i and 21 West Oak Sti(,
sunKAjnxiAir, Pt
ur sto3i!id with the bast bosr. poitKf
'4ktas. b;anllM. wines, eto TtcaaL rs
fcla b.vuttaahn.1. (Vi.rll.l lnvlt1Arc
r JfcJ
Horses end Carriages to Vi
Usullng of all kinds promptly attend
uorssa tan en to Board, at rates
tUataif) liberal.
PPAR ALLEY. Hear MhStt htivm
Has opna a (
uor.jjioyu ana iwaruet
Where be will be pleased to receive Us
ltest beers, ales and norteratfd iint 7
of clears glwsya on bnd. yx ,