The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, July 06, 1893, THIRD EDITION, Image 2

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    The Herald.
Shctinndonli, P? nnm
Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report
o a or .....
r. wA.tKitrn...m
m X. BOXXtt......
Bdtler and l'iMliher
....lMal MUor
-JiT.per yoar,.; ... M 00
imi.Ti per year - .. 1 (0
t(r((lff !.
transient, 10 cnta per line, lint lusortlon t
eeita per line each subeciuent maertton, Ha tea
fur recular advertising can oe dad on applies
Maa at the offloe or bv mall.
Tat Xt-MINo Herald baa a larger dreula
tUQ In "Shenandoah than any otner paper pub-K8-ta,
Books open to all.
trd at the Pontomoe. at Hhenandoah, Pa.
far transmission through the mall
as second class malt matter.
Ova Canadian friend, should not
ftxll Into error of supposing we are
plnln for their annexation.
A riiAO Is only a ymbol, to lie Mire;
bat he Is a very defective man whose
gratltudo does not honestly swell up at
eight of Old Glory flying
Bbhatok Peffeh says the repeal of
t Sherman law-will break up both
the old parties and build up a new one.
What's tho mutter with this one? ' '
For President. Governor Altgeld.
For Vice President. Johapa host,
riatform Tu-ra-ra llpMfi de-ay.
BiLYBR mining and smelting will
close In Colorudo for the present.
This decision wiw.roa' heel at a meet
ing of all the leading mine owners and
managers In Deuvor, Tuesday. The
mines cannot bo operatedat the present
price of silver. This will throw from 25,
000 to60,000 meu out of employment.
Tub Qlrardvlllo Gazette cornea to
or table this week enlarged to n. nine
olumn folio and under a new title.
It will be known hereafter as the J'rees
end Times and will advocate the
principles of tho Republican party.
Editor Arnold is to be congratulated
pon his stroke of enterprise, and we
wish him abundant success.
One of the most successful iuBtanoee
of financiering on record Is that made
bv B. J. Havwood. receiver of the
First National Uaok of Clearfield, who
hasjust completed paying to deposit
ors the last of $149,000 on deposit
when the bank collapsed. Mr. Hay
wood la a Mercer county man, and Is
being urged In Borne quarters for the
ReDubllcan nomination for State
Treasurer next mouth.
Somehow or other Government ves
aels have been very unfortunate for a
few years, not only our vessels, but the
ships of other nations. Not In many
years, If ever, have to many war ships
bann stranded, and lust why this Is
o should be a matter for closer Inves
tigation than ;has yet been given it,
The last event of the kind occurred to
the United States ship Monocaoy,
which went ashore on an island In the
vlolnltv of JaDan. fettle Is said to be
damaged and may prove a total loss
Are these wreckings of our big ships
the result of negligence or ignorance?
While the people of the great
American Republic were celebrating,
as thev nerhans never did before, the
one hundred andseventeenth anniver
sary of the foundation of their Repub
lican form of government, the people
In Paris, or a portion of them, wore
sn traced in rioting with a view to the
overturning of the Government.
What will be the outcome of this latest
violent popular outbreak may be
determined In a very little while, but
all friends of good government will
sincerely hope that the authorities
will be able to overcome the rioters
find bring about a change of sentiment
and action that will result in perma
nent peace.
- m
liaw abiding people throughout the
land are Justly Indignant at the action
of Governor Altgeld, of Illinois, in
pardoning men who had been con
victed in taking part in the Auarchltt
Atrocity of seven years ago, when
.several policemen were the victims of
Anarchist aseaeslus in Haymarket
square, Chicago. The men whom
Governor Altgeld has pardoned, if
(bey did not directly take part in the
crime, were the advocates of assassina
tion and upheld others who were
ready to appeal to 'hat dastardly
method of changing the conditions of
society. It Is to be Hid In favor of
Altgeld, however, that he has been
content with pardoning the Anarch
ists; he has not promoted any of them
to public office.
Grover Cleveland, on the other
hand, has appointed, and retains,
Minister to A. W. Terrell,
of Texas, who, according to Demoora'
.ie newspapers, wrote a poem eulogiz
ing the assassination of Abraham
Julncoln "a merciless Nero."
The retention of Terrell in office a
,day after his authorship of the poem lu
question was ascertained is an out
rage upon the Amerieau people. By
retaining Terrell In ojQloe while he re
mains under this most serious Impu
tation Cleveland sliowa that he cares
absolutely nothing for the memory
and the fate of that martyred Presi
dent who led the nation In Its mighty
and successful struggle against the
forces of secession, aud that to eulogize
the assassin of the Chief Magistrate of
the Republic his dis
qualification fQr high and honorable
3-raat Damago by Hail in tbo
Sohuylkill Valley.
rineynrtls at Rending Completely lo
troyetl, There Iieln Mottling eft Imt
tlie Vino A .Storm for Wliloh tlio "Old
est Inhabitant" Has No 1'nnillcl.
RKADTHB, July 6. This olty vrat visited
y a hailstorm yentenlay nfternoon which
br destruatireness oollnsed all previous
rtorins of the kind slnoe ISflC. The storm
rlglnated about three miles west of Heari
ng, and covered a width of nliout four
alias. Shortly before 6 o'clock a black
llond appeared In the western horlison and
sored eastward rapidly. Twenty minutes
aler the streets of the olty were covered
ivtth ball and water, and the toy sowers
Mcame choked, being entirely too small
carry off even ono-tentli of the water.
3rain, corn, oats, flower gardens, grapes
tad other fruits were stripped off liko
leaves. The vineyards on Mount l'enn
ire completely ruined and the ownera do
lot expect to obtain more than 6 per cent.
yt the crop. Many of theso vineyards cov
ing acres, and there Is nothing, left but
the vine.
The stones were tho size of hlokory nuts,
ind fell so rapidly that pedestrians lu this
lty were driven from tho sidewalks.
Street car horses became unmanageable
!rom the pelting hail, and the drivers were
sompelled to stop the ears mid seek shelter
lecnuso of the hail striking them on tho
lands. In the southern and northeastern
?art of the city many cellars were flooded,
tnd In some instances the water rushed
through buildings, ruining carpet, etc.
i.o uuwnpour was terriuio, nuu nouu-K
if the kind hns over been oxperiencod In
the recollection of the oldest inhabitants.
At Hoyeraford trains were delayed
;wenty mluutes by tho tracks being
Jooded. A passenger train got into tho
itorm at Phoenlxvllle and remained In It
intll It was uoar Pnttstown. The storm Is
lesoribed ns terrific aud tho linll pelting
'.he roofs of the cars caused quite a panic
lBiong the passengers. The storm was ac
xmipanied by thunder and lightning.
South ot Heading, especially alonir tlio
sohuylkill valloy, tho destruction to crops
was very great. Tho wheat, ryo and oats
srops not yet cut have been leveled to tho
round and many ot the ileitis were
At Blrdsboro hall fell to tho depth of
Ihrre Inches, and in some places was piled
ar to n depth of nearly a foot.
It Is believed that tho damago In the
Schuylkill valley will reaoh many thou
lands of dollars. Tho glass of the hot
houses In this city and in the track ol tho
torm were shattered and thousands of
rouug plants ruined. The beautiful
Sowers and plants which were just setout
by tho Heading company at tho Heading
jtntion were cut to pieces. The Heading
forge, on North Eighth street, was flooded
to a depth of four feet, and the fires had
to bo drawn and the works shut down.
Camden, N. J., July 0. A severe elec
tric storm, accompanied by hall, posted
aver Camden last evening. Trees were up
rooted and lu the northern part of the city
many housos were unroofed. Tho light
ning struck the cityelectric light plant and
iestroyed tho two dynamos which supply
the incandescent light to residences in tho
:ity. A lnrgo planing mill at Rosendalo,
Stockton township, was struck and de
stroyed. Tho growing crops throughout
the county were badly damaged by tho
Kingston, N. Y., July 6. One of the
severest electrical storms ever known )n
this section passed over this placo last
Bvcnlng. It lasted for moro than an hour.
When the storm had finished there was a
sound like a muffled explosion. Housos
shook and people rushed to tho streets,
tearing the buildings were tumbling
down. It was the general opinion that
the town had been (shaken by an earth
quake. rnllce Chief Killed.
Petersburg, Va., July 0. Chief of Po
lice Henderson Knnes was killed last night
by falling through a skylight two stories
below, a distance of about thirty-five feet.
Closing Quotation! of the Philadelphia
and New York Exchanges.
JfjriT Yokk, July 6. Tho stock market to
day was dull and weak. Closing bids:
Lehigh Valley. 0U
W. N. Y.&Pa. IH
IL & B. T. com.. 84H
II. & U. T. pref... mi
Erie ISHi
I)., L. & W. 1M
N. Y. Central W
West Shore 07M
Lake Erie & V 1CM
New Jersey Cent.101
Del. & Hudson 12U
Pennsylvania. t
Heading...... . 14
st, Paul. am
LehiK-h Nav 4S
Readings, m. is... 60)4
Reading 1st pf 6.. SO -.
Reading 3d pf 5s.. 18
Reading 3d pf lis.. 14H
N.Y. 4 N. B 9
General Marliots.
Nsw York, July 5. Btale and western
flour quiet, steady: low extras, Sl,96SW.f5;
city mills patents, $4.4fSI.8o: fair to fanoy,
$2.4&&U; Minnesota clear. $2.503; patents.
WftM.tSj superfine, 81.754&2.SS; city mills, S3-BS
Q8.9I); winter wheats, low grades, $l.ff5S.tS;
patents, $8.4Jij4; straights, 93.3DQI; rye mil.
tares, $.90.4O; fine, $1.7002.10; southern dull,
steady; common to fair extra, $K.103.10;
good to choice do, $8. 15 1-25. Rye quiet,
firm; superfine, iS&S.U6. Wheat steady,
dull; July, 70Vsgo. August. 73Mc-i September,
7&!4&7ee.; December, gnjg&Slo. Hye quiet,
istcady; western, fiajSSc. Corn Arm, quiet;
July, 47Ho.; August, WtfWIc.; September,
4,aM4o.; No. S. 4T4flo. OsU dnll, steady;
July. Wc ; state, Mti Vie.; western, 344042c
PuiLADELPiiiA, July S. Deef dull, nn
ebanged; extra mer.-,, s..Vng,5U; family, $10
US, fork quiet, ti.-l!; nieifs, $1910.S0. Lard
o,ntat, steady; n- in rendered, IMS. Butter
quiet, steady; .V irk dairy, lTl'lc.! west
era dairy, lM&l.c: JCigins, 2Se.; New York
creamei y. "lh V&c; western creamery. 17(itWo.;
imitation creamery, 15l"Wo- Cheese quiet,
tmohanged: Mew York, large white, IHOBMo.;
do. colored. 7HK3o- do. small,
part eklms, lCtte.; full sktms. Via. Eggs in
moderate demand, steady; Nsw York and
Pennsylvania, ISHc.; western, 18c.
Baltimoiix, July i. Floor dull, ua.
ohanged. Wheat easy. Corn dull; white
corn by sample, SSXie.; yellow do., 49e. Oats
nuiet. Rye neglected. Itay firm; good to
sholoe timothy, tl9.IWOU.6a. Cotton nominal;
middling, Vc i'v" Wons quiet. Butter dull;
creamei?" fanciT.ic.; do. fair to choice, 18
sle do. imitation, ISo. Kggs doll at la
Live BtoeU Markets.
BrrprAixj. July 5. Cattle weak; medium
steers, (J.85&t.l6; fat cows, $8.6008.80. Hogs
firm; good mod iams,; oholce light
Yorkers and mixed, $0.8606.30; heavy
York weights, 0juO6-26; roughs, $l.755.i.
Bheep and lambs dull, with lower tendency,
good H) lb. shesp, $4.8604-1)1); culls to common
lots, S1.6G04; no very good lambs here; fair to
pretty good, $6.1608.26.
Kast Lidbhty. 1'a., July 6. Cattle weak;
prime, $.&&; good, $4.7&04.H: common to
fair, $il.6UC4.&0; fat cows and bulls, Ji.Wa3.6;
bologna cows, (hIS; fresh cows, $aiO40.
Hogs steady: medium and light, $4JuwaJ6;
heavy, $ 1. Sheep slow aud unchanged,
lleruliiu llewarded.
Washixotoh, July 6. Basil Ixokwood,
the colored hero of the" Ford's theater dis
aster, was presented with a gold watch by
the clerks of the record and pension divi
sion of the war department. Lookwood is
the 18-year old boy who ol Imbed a tele
graph pole and so held a ladder that about
twenty-five clerks got out.
Mgr. Sntolll In tan Franeltco.
San Fbancuco, July 6. Mgr. Sa
tolll, the papal delegate, arrived from the
east yesterday and was taken to the resi
dence of Archbishop IUordan, whose guest
h will be during his sojourn In this city.
A rostpnnnd limit Itnce flrelded In a
gever atnrm.
PniLADRLPtiiA, July 6. The unfinished
event of Tuesday's regatta, the four oared
shell race, which was declared "no race"
liecatiM of the destruction of the Delaware
Hoat club's shell by a collision with a pas
senger barge, was rowed on the Schuylkill
laat evening. There were five starters, as
Xollowa: Ariel Boat club, Baltimore; Dela
ware Boat club, Chicago; Pennsylvania
Barge club, 1'nirmount Rowing associa
tion and Crescent Boat club, of Philadel
phia. The race started shortly after 0
o'olock, and before It waa finished a severo
hailstorm sot in, which caused a panto on
the river. Although the storm was tho
worst of the kind seen in this vicinity for
several years, the oarsmen kept to their
work and completed the race. None of
the officials could see how the boats fin
ished, but all the contestants ngreo that
tho Arlels crossed the line first. The
Chicago claim second placo. The Penn
sylvania Barge club disputed tho Arlols'
title to first place, claiming that tho latter
bad fouled them twice. The referee, on
the strength of this clnlm, gave tho race to
the l'ennsylvnnlas. None of the others
were placed. No time was taken, as the
timers could not see the finish.
Accidentally Shot Ills I'lnymntc.
SlliLLINUTON, July C. Harry, the 13-year-old
son of Mrs. Mary Schaeffer, ol
this place, was seriously shot by Albert
Adams, an intimate associate, aged 13
years. Young Adams bad a 22 caliber re
volver, which he supposed was not loaded,
nnd, when he met Schaeffer, he pointed it
nt him and said: "Look out; I am going to
shoot you." A moment later there was a
report, and Schaeffer fell to the ground
with an ugly wound In his right cheek.
The ball took a downward course and
lodged in his neck. Youug Schaeffer lies
in a critical condition
llnspballtsts JCngage In n lrlglit
Haiiiusbuuu, July 0. Manager Felix
Marks, ot the Harrisburg Baseball club,
was seriously injured by Pitcher Mace,
lately a member of the club,wbo bad been
discharged for incompetency. Mnce de
manded his Bnllnry from Marks, and
Marks knocked him down. Mnce returned
the attack, knocked Marks down, nnd
Jumped on him with both feet, breaking
the manager's left leg below tho knee.
Countersults were brought, but Mnco sub
sequently paid the costs nnd was permitted
to leuve for his homo In Washington,
l'ree l'yrotcclinlci.
HEADINO, July 0. Daniel J. Lang's
fruit houso nnd flroworks depot was com
pletely gutted by fire. Tho fire was caused
by a boy , who throw a largo cannon cracker
in front of the establishment, which ex
ploded, nnd a fragment was burled upon a
stand filled with rockets and Homau can
dles. Before the burning section of the
firecracker could bo removt d there was a
general fusllndo and pyrotechnic display
that surpassed any exhibition of the even
ing. Mrs. Lang nud her sister were res- ,
cucu wrni uiuicuity.
New State I'ostmatters.
TVAsniNOTON, July 0. Among tho new
postmusters just nppointed are tho follow
ing in Pennsylvania: M. H. Dotterer,
Bechtelsville; Levi Berber, Bornvllle; B. J,
Khoads, Boyertown; 12. C. Whltchill, Cy
phur; W. M. Kitchen, Ellmsport; Robert
McKissick, Euclid; D. A. Poole, Geneva;
H. K. Lingo, Guy's Mills; S, F. Powers,
Hydetown; Matthew Butler, New Athens;
Isaao Shipman, Mcngue; H. 0. Long,
Hobergburg; A. M. Scrnnton, Hiccvillo;
Mis. Mary A. Boozell, Six Points.
A MyHtertuus Doath.
TPlLKESDARiiE, July 0. Tho dead body
of Andrew Supkn, a resident of Nantlcoke,
was found near Pike's X'eak, a suburb of
Nantiooke. Tho back of his head was
crushed hi, aud a number of bruises and
cuts were discovered upon Ills person. It
Is believed that he hud been waylaid and
murdered. Supka's brother was shot and
killed near Nanticoku about a yeur ngo by
a farmer named Jacob Gomer for steullng
Tried to Wreck an niectrlo Car.
Reading, July 6. Lato at night an elec
tric car on tho Neversink Mountain rail
road was derailed by an obstruction mal
iciously placed on the track. Ralls and
sills had been placed on the track In twelve
different places near Klapperthal. No one
was hurt. The matter is being Investi
gated. The carcontalned forty-llvo peopla
on their way to Klappertbul.
Ulg Fire nt TarksvIllo.
"U'lLKEeiURRE, July 0. A lire at Larks
villo, three miles from here, destroyed the
grocery, lumber yard and beveral out
buildings of Harry Nesbitt, a dwelling be
longing to Charles Lawson, John Kent
lng's barber shop, Dories' hotel and John
Powell's meat market. The entire loss is
estimated at $20,000. Ncsbitt's loss alone
Is $10,000.
Shipping Coal by Canal.
Port Clinton, July 0. More coal is be
ing shipped by tho Schuylkill canal this
season than for many previous years. A
large number of boats are being loaded
for points in New Jersey and New York,
and all Indications point to a very brbjk
boating season.
Mom Running Record Lowered.
CoRBV, July Q. The Crosby hose run
ning team of this oity lowered the world's
record for 800 yards at Bradford by mak
ing the distance in 32K seconds. The
former record of 38 1-5 seconds was held
by the Everett hose, ot Boulder, Colo.
The Home fur Ileaf Huti.
Reading, July 6. The Pennsylvania Sou
dety for the Advancement of the Deaf met
here this afternoon, with 186 persons pres
ent. The home for deaf mutes, it was de
cided, shall be located lu this city. Lat
night a public meeting was held.
Charged vrllU Murder.
Philadelphia, July 0. Robert Newlln,
a 17-year-old colored buy, who lives at 1HU
South Twelfth street, is under arrest,!
charged with the murder of Eniuia Barne,
his mistress, also colored, ageel at) years, ol
609 Rose alley.
New Case of Smallpox at Orwlgsburg.
OliWlosBuno, July 0. Another new cae
pf smallpox has developed here and there '
Is considerable alarm. The latest patient I
U the wife of a very prominent citizen.
lighting fur Ilulett's Bstate,
Duxdth, Minn., July 0. The application
of Mrs. Lulu Pomery for the sotting aside
of a certain portion of the estate of the
lateNehemiah Hulett came up yesterday
in tho probate oourt for this county.
Hulett was an eccentric old man, whodu
ing his last years lived entirely alone but I
(or hU housekeeper, Mrs. I'otnery. There
is no question as to the relations which
existed between Hulett and the woman,
but the heirs claim that an alleged mar
riage certificate produced by the woman
is a forgery, and that she was only his
mistress. The testimony thus far tends to
confirm that opinion. The amount in
volved in the case exceeds 1000,000.
Ho llnp-s Soon to Nay Mass In Public,
Ilcfore Ills Friends.
Chicago, July 0. Itev. Dr. Edward Mc
Glynn has at last said something nbouthls
recent visit to Home and bis treatment by
the pope nnd by Catholic dlgnltnrlcs at
home nnd abroad. It wns at tho World's
fair grounds that he wns Induced to con'
sent to a brief Interview.
"I went to Home," he snld, "not to settle
or to reopen my case. Mgr. Sntolll had
settled It satisfactorily months before. I
did not have to go anyway, but I bad
promised Mgr. Sntolll that I would per
sonally pay my respects to tho popo and
receive his apostolic benediction. It wns
an aotof courtesy, which I was vcryj glad
to perform."
"How about the rumor that you are to
he restored to your old parish ot St,
Stephens f"
"I badly expect that," answered Dr. Mc-
Glynn. "I hopo to say moro In public
soon, but no arrangements for n per
manent pnstornto aro yet mado for mo. I
wild mass In privato nt Christmas nnd at
Easter, nnd I hope soon to bo allowed to
celebrate mass in public before my
A ThlevcV Quarrel rjpnlls tlio Game.
CINCINNATI, July 0. Systomatlo plans
for robbing tho Cincinnati Southern rail
road have just como to light. Conductors
and engineers would issuo fraudulent tlmo
checks, which the timekeeper would ac
cept nnd U K," thus allowing tho money
to bo drawn for services nover given. Tho
timekeeper wanted moro than his shnro of
tho money, nnd u misunderstanding led to
the discovery. Tlio company has lost
Silver Production Not Decreasing.
WASllINOION, June 6. For tho first six
months of tho current year the offers of
silver to the government nggrognted 62,
800,000 ounces, while for tbo same period
last year they aggregated only 45.850.000.
showing an excess for the corresponding
period 01 this year or u,UjU,uuu,wiucu would
indicate, that tlio production of silver was
not falling oil in tho United States.
Klghty-clglit Ilodlos Recovered.
London, July 0. -The rescuers at the
Thornbill mine have brought eighty-eight
bodies to tho surface. Eight men and a
boy have been rescued. All hope for tho
others In the pit has been abandoned. Tho
scenes at tho mouth of tho pit as the
bodies are brought up and recognized by
the relatives and friends of tho deod aro
most distressing.
rafisenser and Freight Collide.
CllICAGsi, July 0. A Washington Park
train on the Illinois Central road collided
with a freight train at Forty-fourth street
yesioruny unernoon. xuo pnssengor en
gine and four cars were demolished and
tho engineer nnd fireman of the freight
were slightly Injured. Beyond n bad
Shaking up none of the passengers were
Tho Khedive's Coming SInrrlage.
Constantinople, July fl. Tho visit of
tho khedlve of Egypt Is connected with bis
projected mnrringo to n daughter of tbo
sultan. The khedive and tho princess have
never seen each o'lier. It is expected that
tho khedlve will Vist Vienna, Berlin, Cq-
penl-ngen npd L'nrls. Ulspbjectingolug tp
Copenhagen Is to meet tbo cznn
Emifco 8. Savior
After Soarlot Fever
I was tn very weak and low condition. I
cuiumencea 10 uikq 1100a s Barsnparinu, aau
after using thrse bottles I felt like a new prn
son. It made me stout and gave me a good aft
cuic .u;uu D, DAX1.U1E, jiagievme, ra.
Hood's Cures
Hood's pills cure constipation. 25c,
IEi-iP REGULATOR C0 Atlanta Ga J
.- Soi,d nr au. paiccrsTfiJ;
Lumbago, Sciatica,
Kidney Complaints,
Lame bock, xc.'
With Clectro-Mosnotlo SUSPENSORV.
will euro itbout medU'!ne all M kau remltlng front
OTertaxAtlou of bialm uri o foicf. excec.or lodit
orcilon, u wrrun ctaUtliiy, plwneas, languor.
(WB-iiuHiun, jiui-jt ntrr iuu umiiuer compi-unict
ame back, lumbago, scintlca. all female coin plain U.
ireuen.1 )K lit-lth, -to. This f I trio licit contain
Itu-erf-l IciproTtmrBi- over all ottiur. Current U
InatanUrfeltby wunir or wo forfeit $J,0OO,uo. an?
will cure all of tho above dbeatea or 110 par. Tho
eaoda nave been tureU bv thi roarreloui Invention
after all other rein tul tun failed, and we sIto Luisdrodi
of teftlinonlala In thl and every other atate.
Our rewrrl laiprtd XLOTRJC -V-rKMOBT. tb
frreuUnt boon ever off t red weak men, I It EE wiiaal
lilf. JJralla and lswvu bfrtef ( ClilUMKKU la 60 1
HJUju l-iUfurJIJui'ai'ampblet.m-leJ.ivaJfLfjTC
Bright, Crisp, Concise.
The Leading Local Weekly Paper
In Schuylkill County.
All tho Local NewH printed In n readable, attractive mnnner,
with no waste of words.
$1.00 A YEAR
i3sr f.r-vf.sras3.
Fomo have told us "You can't do It." Wo believe wo can, and we will.
Thk Hkkald In tho future will be better tjiau nt any tlmo during its
past history, if painstaking ellbrts will accomplish that end.
Send One Dollar to Thk Herald olTlco nnd receive tho paper
for one year. This oiler applies to old an well as new subscribers, pro
viding nil arrearages are paid. Remember, these terms nre Invariably
in advance; otherwise $1.50 will bo charged.
Do you desire success? All busine s men know that the only way of
increasing trade Is talking In print Advertising I Where you make
onocustomer by word-of-mouth argument or by displaying goods, you
can make one hundred by bright, convincing advertisements.
Don't talk in a whisper
No one will hear you.
Don't talk in thunder tones '
All nolso and no facts.
Don't talk without llstetjert
Placo your "ad" where It will be rend , n.
THE HERALD is tho best mertinm for reaching tho public, ai)d
profitable results aro sure to follow all advertisements placed in Its col
unins. Let us convince you of this fact by a trial.
Qi)r JobOfi)co lias always enjoyed a reputation for excellent ivork,
second to none, which Is maintained by, strict attention to every detail
of tho business and a thorough equipment of tlio latest printing ma
terial. Our Job oillce lias just been refurnished with a now lino of typo
of the latest and most artistic design, and have in our press-room all
the latest and Improved
team Jprinfiiig Presses,
Our facilities for turning out first
you neetl anything in the printing
SSlaoo.-2icica.tLr pt,.
- class work are unsurpassed. When
lino call at tho olllco of
t. VT. LK13ENII1NO, PrMhtont.
P. J. PBItOUiON, Viot Prirt;
J. It. LEIHENItINQ, CMfaler.
S. W. TOST, Asslstsnt 0M.I
Open Dally From 9 to .'
Merest Paid on Sayings Depost
J". G-. I--:30-,S:i3,'
- elastic
Rubber Gem en!
For Slate.-Tllo, Tin or Iron Koofs.
Sold In ull.'slzo peokages from lOpouudii tip
Pointing un And rertAlrln- nit nr.trii n.n..
on nil klnda ol roots, and arourd oblmnoya,
coplDR utonos, Bkyllghtu, dormer wlndown,
putters, wood or stone work, br hVh nnd nnli
boles, or any place to be made ater-tlthf, uo
equalled for laying and bod dine SLATE AND
TILE HOOFS, nlso roplngs. Tbey will never
lenk or become loosened- It In Tory adhesive
sticks firmly to anything, forming a tough
tcathcr-llko skin over the top, will not run oi
loosen from Joints or eraoks, summer or win
lor. This cement Hoods no refi rence, It bag
stood the toot for thirty-two yeais, and novel
falls to glvo perfect satisfaction. It Is tbe
most useful articlo a roofer can have tn hti
shop. Tho cement ts prepared rrady for use
an. Is to bo applied with a trowel, and ts kept
moist by keeping covered with watrr or oil
and will notgot stiff or dry. (Joloi 9, brown st'
black. (Established lRflO ) Adtlross,
J. U. 11ISTZI5L, 59 Maine St., Newark, N. J
' -lf t fed L1 I
Hfdlral Officer, 20fi N ST.mmrn , rtllM'a, Pt
AretheoMofitln Amt'iicAfor IV, treatment of
Hpeslnl IUhchnci A Yont:i.1iI Krrnrk
Varli'O, I'lo, Hydnu-fK ltuiilm, I oH, -iiIuhkI
Trentmpnt liyMnll it Np.lnlt?. Com
munlcatloiis Kvr''lly n'l'Icntial i"nc ?i.imr fnr
Hank. OnVe hours: l) . M. t" 1". :., (, to9r
1 All day Batunlav nn.iGys. m b 12 a &i
ocieg mk
Of Kvery Dasnrlptloc
Hags, Baogps, Caps, Recfiwa.s h
Write for catalogues. Correspondence solicited
538 1
Tk'ortlt I'ourth fit
lxlow Or 011. PhlldelrhK
-i-t bUQ IWUIIJ iujhk.i-u, uua u
ptul ad fttlv-riUiiic -iootur have ft.iled
en well a qu-ek-i jrocilM to cur
you tfttr ,l oiIktk iU, Qd to gtTt oi
rltteu BUurtiun'. free tdricfl, fret
trcatunui; utid af1 i U19 belt windier
the I'll) li.imutiirtur. r, with their .
flkllert touk., rihttnthw, Ublet, itif
Eortem, kud. ottr i-ertt uootrura bum
u LUDcrtiN tbu li me core lui-dloliie
etc., flu , bare inln.ili'd itid retried yno
THEN tro and ccdxiiIi Dlt. a. F. THEEL.
who hs.i h-d 0 yf-ri" Europn Hoipltnl uid 2e yerr' prot!
eilexperie-90. Bv en-mlu-i by him. lie jo
whether touroaie In cut-til- or pet. Hf H n not imr--tMt no.
dooi ha olaJm to U Oud'i cqn it, 1-ul lir dt 1 a cure the rnoit de
perate ctiea of Sypblllt, Ulctrs, Stricture!. Gonorrhoav
Pclson. to. ClacAu-get. r-btti-irp it-m MelmthoU -n'
ilownbc-rtedaeHB aud nil those rjiwt-uaeJ from elfeatt of y OUtMu
Indiscretion, of boiii tv 4, ar cuie of n cure. Pemfmber
DR. THEEI does our wti-t all -ther only claim to do. DR.
IHEEX, nwi cnnimon ietioo treutniint lie oomUoea ttie Alio
I'tt-lo, UomcBoptUhic, and Kl Uc jtem of rnedlolD. vber
crer they am Indicawd. Mn jr : DhIIt, 9 to 8 0 clock ( cveD
Ingl, 6 tu 8, Wed. and Hat evi 11. rg fi,.ni ft to 10 o'clock) Bud
(JiiTt, 9 to 14. Send lu In. a rtli of . ot. lUmni for book
"JruiA," col) tnu meillcol tuuk Kdti rUe,a rrlcnd tochl
Swioft, and middle agnj of Ixxli ., Writ or call. JLYOIE
octara warolug yon afrntiiflt iimtlcal H.okn , tbef are afraid jet
will find their IgDorauoe exnoMd HKt Dr. Tbeel'a LetU
DlOdl-lJ lu WedncMlaj-'a -td Saturday Pblladelpbia Timu
Main and Oak Streets,
Shenandoah, Ponua.,
Truck and Vegetables.
Poultry, Garao, Fish and Oys'ers
In season. Orders left at the ."tore
will receive nrnmui attantlnn
Chris. Bossler'-a
Mann's old stand)
104 8011th MHln St.cet.
Finest wines, whiskeys and olr 11 always Id
lock. Frefch Beer, Ale and Poinr on tup.
Oholce Temperance Drinks.
Celebrated Potter, Ale a id Beer
Manager Sheniindoah liranob
(Christ, llossler'a old atand.)
Mrtlu oud Coal Ht BUeHHtKloaU.
Ilestbcor, ale and porter on tap. The finest
brands of whiskeys and olgura t'ool room at
tached. 'iatt's Popular Saloon,
(Formerly Joe TyH'a)
5 and 21 West Qak Street,
lir stocked with the best bear, porter, ales,
Ulsktes, brandies, wlnea, etc. finest clears
tiloj barattapbed. Qordlal invitation to all
Horses and Carriages to Hire.
Hauling of all klnda promptly attended to.
Horses taken to board, at rates
that are liberal.
PEAR ALLEY. Hear Bddirt Hardware Sim
lias opened a
in i , !
isaioon : ana : itestauraw
Cor, Lloyd and Market Sts..
Where ho will be pleased to receive his friends.
Ileat beers, alea and porter and finest brands
nf nor plluas- nn tianit