NO t The Evening i- I SHENAKDOAH. PA.. MONDAY. JULY 3. 1893. ONE CENT. J JL JLJ JLJ VI IV'J yij he I .he! tlcl .toil j fVbsoiiitely ,To every customer goods to the amount "We will pfivc as a present Shcpp's Photographs of the "World. . . r. p I i Williams & Son. 1. I -teSiroo I Call and receive a Souvenir Package of fragrant il sachet powder for the 4th of .Our Umbrella Sale Will last only a short time. A lot of oxidized handles at 50 cents. 116-118 North Main Street, idies' B'ack Oxford Ties, one hundred pairs, formerly sold ior 51.25, will bo closed out at issca' Black Oxford Ties, about ior vi.uu win o ciuscu uut ut. lildrcn's Black Oxford Tics, about fifty pairs, formerly , sold at 75c, will bo closed out at idics' Russet Shoes, about fifty paiw, foimerly sold for i $1 25, aro now going at Prices lowest, whon One prico to sV., order House Cleaning. OW 111 All thoso in need of Carpets, Window Shades, Laco or Chenillo Curtains, Rugs, Mats, etc., call at . J. PRICE BARGAINS IN LAMPS ! We nreoilerlnc a lamn which Is poltl evorywhore wise at 40o : our nrlce w 25c. A liberal discount on all our New lot or Traya, waiters ana wireuonus. We have on hand a new lot of that famous Bu'.termllk Soan and will ex- lanse with you, viz., 3 pieces for 25o. i We are also ueauquariers ior Mason's ituii jars anu xinwaro or all Kinds jo Queensware, Glassware, eto. f The Household and Daisy Clothes Wringers at lowest figures. SiRVIN, DUNCAN O JSota-tla. IMCcilm Stroot. WE OFFER TO-DAY A Una of NEW mBo&y and Tapestry Brussels. Handsome Now Patterns at Lowest Prices. Also a Splendid Assortment of 3To-w 3EHtgf Good Quality, Good We also Offr bpeclal Bargains in Linoleums and Oil Cloths lo Reduce Stock. For SileJblty Barrels )ld Time Rye Hour, ITresli Ground Our Own rid Time Graham Flour A Choice Article. JBor 8 tlnlhree Cars Choioe No. 1 othy Hay. Free ! who purchases of GASH! July celebration. Shenandoah, Pd. LOTS! 75c. 70c. 50c. 90c. fifty pairs, former' y so:d 14 Smith TKaifi Slrcct, quality is considered. S, OLD RELIABLE NORTH MAIN STREET. Vaso Lamps. If you waut one, buy & WAIDLEY'S. CARPETS in Carpets, btyles, Low Prices. Male?, III PROYE FilM ! Disastrous Result of Smie lowsky's Jollification. HE FELL 2PMREE STORIES Supposed til Have Tit IIIh ltalanctt AVhlln Loaning Out of a Whitlmv III Skull IVhh Itarily Fractured and ltecovory In Douiiirui. ETEIl SMIELOWSKY, a r)lo residing at 313 South Jardln Btrect, In, dulgcd In n jolllflcntion Inst night which will probably coat htm his llfo. A keg of heer was taken Into the liouso Saturday night and all day yesterday Peter and tlio other malo occupants pattook freely of tho boverago. When tho Bhades of night foil all wcro moro or lesi Intoxicated Smiolowsky finally concluded to go to bed and wended his way with much swaying and 'tumbling to his room at tho rear of tho thud story. About twenty minutes after Smielowsky loft his companion a body passed down noxt tho window of tho room In which they wcro seated and tho dull, sickening noiso occasioned by tho body striking tho ground was followed 1y groans. Tho occupants of tho building and residents of tho vicinity hurried into tho yard and found Smlolowsky In a heap and In a pool of blood. Wood was streaming from greatgashes In his head and ho was unconscious. Tho victim was carried Into tho houso and tho physician summoned pronounced him very seriously and perhaps fatally injured, This morning tho man was sent to thoMincrs' Hospital. No hopo is entertained for his recovery. Ills Bkull was badly fractured aud to day sccmod to bo swollen, to twico its natural eizo. Smlolowsky fell upon a paved soction of tho yard. It docs not appear that thero wero any oyo witnesses of tho accident. It is supposed that while loaning out of tho window of his room to got somo frosh air ho lost hi3 balance, THE ENCAMPMENT. Almost Certain the National Guard IV'IU go to Lakeside. Tho selection of a placo for encampment of tho Eighth Eoglment, NaUonal Guards of Pennsylvania, has not beon decided upon, hut tho indications aro strong in favor of Lakeside Tho chances aro so mucli in favor of this placo that selections of grounds havo boon mado. Should tho regiment go thcro tho infantry will occupy tho largo Held be tween tho hotol grounds and tho lakes and tho artillery will camp on tho Hold on tho Held on tho other sido of tho lakes and near tho windmill. Col. Frank McGeo, of Columbia, Major Walluco Quss, of famaqua, Capt. Comroyand Major R!chardson,of Mahauoy City, and other oflicors of tho regiment visited Lakcsido yes tcrday and woro in consultation for soveral hours with Messrs. J. F. Finnoy aud XI. C. Boyor concerning tho grounds. Tho visitors said they wero delighted with tho park and its surroundings and did not seo any room for tho slightest objection to tho placo as a camping ground for tho regiment. Evorythlng required for such a purpose is at hand, it Is centrally located, the grounds are amply largo enough for Immense gatho rings, and It is a first class resort for health as well as ploasure. The famous Mt. Gretna grounds cannot bo compared with Lakcsido. Should tho encampment ho held at Lake side people in all parts of Schuylkill county will havo a great attraction -within cosy reach. Major Qus3 predicted that at least 50,000 people would visit tho grounds during, tho encampment. It will certainly bo a groat boom for Lakeside and thero is no doubt that one encampment there will bo followed by others, as tho park Is strong enough in at' tractions to recommend itself after a fair trial Among tho features of tho encampment would be a visit and inspection by Governor Tattison and all tho state oflicors, and a grand reception and ball in tholr houor. Tho dally drills and parado of tho regi ment would also attract a largo number of visitors. U3E DANA'S SAESAPAKILLA, rrs " THE KIND THAT CUBES". Special OU'cr. Three Hundred Freo Shares ofvaluahlo Saving Fund Stock. Tho publlo can now bo accommodated. All dues returned with 0 por cent. Interest to thoso who with draw call on the Treasurer at once. Chas V. Dengler, Justice of tho Peace, North Main street, Shenandoah, Pa. 17 3 lit llullillncr Improvemuuti." The Bobbins row of dwellings on North Bowers streets aro being ro-roofed. G. A, Wilde is having his property on East Coal street ro-paiuted. Huckleberries Wauteil, Huckleberries bought through tho whole season by Goodman Bros., 33 West Centro street, Shiuandoah. 0-20 tf Book 7 I have a line of book cases the celebrated building' refri EVERYTHING READY. To- morrow's Oele lirnl lu Will be a r A ll'u I r. Tho anniversary of American indopon donco, when tho Amorlcan eagle ono hundred and seventeen yours ago Hupped Its wluga in tho faco of tho bold English lion, and pro claimed this land freo from tho tyrannical rulo of Great ltritaiu, will ba appropriately eolobrated in this town to-morrow. Tho Patriotic Order Sons of America, under whoso iuimediato cbargo tho demon stration will bo hold, havo workod diligently for tho success of tho demonstration, and their efforts will no doubt bo crowned with a bright sky aud a largo crowd of visitors. Tho committee will meet this ovoning for tho purposo of attonding to what llttlo details that might require their attention. Tho probabilities aro that Shenandoah will bo arrayed in holiday attlro to-morrow. Dealers roport a largo advance sale Ih llags and bunting, aud tho small boy has ilrcaily proclaimed tho approach of tho natal holiday by investing his pennies In firo crackers. Tho practice Indulged in by youthful patriots of throwing ignited 11 ro crackers in front of or uuder tho fcot of horses cannot bo too strongly reprobated, and owners of spirited horses should bo very carotul whilo driving through tho streets on occasions of tlila.klnd. Serious accidents might occur, which might bo avoided by tho uso of a littlo discretion. Lovers of tao national game will ba, fur nished a treat to-morrow. Tho ItichmOud Athletic Club, of Philadelphia, ono (if tho strongest amateur toams in mo slaloJ will cross bats vlth tho homo team in two games tti-niorrow. Tho first will bo called atf 10 a. in., aud tho socoud at 4 p. m. Thojhotno management has materially strengthened tho team, and tuoy will no doubt play good ball. With a clear sky Shenandoah's demonstra tion will ccllpso any similar display in tho county. Decorate your buildings In honor rf tho Columbian year. No 1'aper To-flforrow, In nccordauco with tho usual custumof tho IIkrai.1), thcro will bo no paper issued from this olllco to morrow, to allow our employes to properly take part in tho tho ceremonies attonding tho celobration of the Glprlous Fourth. Wo mako this announcement 'in or der that our readers may not ho disappointed In falling to roccivo thoir favorlto paper." I'UKSOKAI,. John F. Finnoy and family spont Sunday at Lakeside. P. J. Golden and wlfo spont yesterday at Locust Gap. Mrs. C. G. Now, of St. Clair, la visiting friends In town. Harry Dunsten, of Philadelphia, is visiting relatives at Lost Creek. Joseph May, now located at Philadelphia, is visiting relatives in town. MIks Clem. Holurlch, of Mt. Carmcl, is visiting Miss Margaret Dengler. John Dorr, of Philadelphia, brother of Poor Director Dorr, will spend tho Fourth iu town. Thomas S. Phillips loft on Saturday for Scrantou and will remain thero over tho Fourth. William VanDanaker aud wlfo, of Phlla- pelphia, aro tho guests of Letter Carrier Phil. Holman. Mr. Drceso, of Adamsburg, Snyder county, is iu town visiting his brother in-law, John Rohland. Mrs. Edward Dougherty and two children, of North Emerlck street, aro visiting relatives at Latrobe. William ButtJflrnierly of town, but now a rosidout of Philadelphia, Is spending a fow days in town. MUsos Sadie and Maud Schooner, of Philadelphia, are spending sevorul days with town friends. Bets Bevau, who has been at Alllrtnco, Ohio, for tho past three years, is visiting his parents in town. Miss May Powick, of Wilmington, Del., Is visiting her mother at tho parsouago, ,on South Jardln Btrect. Misses Maud Lowis and Jessie Grant spent tho past soveral days in Shamoklu as the guests of Miss Flo Fulton. William Christ, ouo ofTamaqua's school teachers, is visiting tho family of Qoorgo W. Hasalcr, of North Jardln street. John Feuuel and wife, of Camdeu, wore the guests or tho latter's parents, Mr. rtnd Mrs, Josiah Johnson, of North Main street. John Pooler and Edwin Grlllltha left town Saturday morning for Now York City, from which place they will set sail for Europo. M. II. Kehler and his brother in-law. George VanSclvor, of Camden, N. J., aro spending a row days with relatives in town. Sol Poviusky has rotumed fiom Gaines ville, Florida, where ho spout tho past fow mouths for tho benefit of his 'ocalth. Ho said ho Is fooling much improved aud had a very enjoyable time. USE DANA'S SABSAPABILLA, its "THE KIND THAT CUBES." Attentlou, "Juulors." All members of Major Jennings Council, No. 307, Jr. 0. U. A. M., aud Jennlugs Guards aro urgently requested to meet in their hall to-morrow at ono o'clock, sharp, to participate in the parado. A full reprosenta. tlon is desired. By ordor of CouiiBllor, 7-3-lt W. J. Jacobs. SeoV. Hurry lie Killed It, A weasel was killed at tho Ferguson Houso the other day, by ono of tho employes, who regretted the act aftor. We loarned for tho first time that weasels prey upon rats and mice and aro moreoffoctive for such work in hotels than traps or poisons. No. I doubt whether thero Is anv couch medicine equal to Dr. Coxe's Wild Cherry nnA Q...1. T)Junt 1 rn , . ... j wu uvuvh, 4 lit? so ami gv cQn.14 pet pome, Cases!" tJiat will be sold from $16 up eirators. References given illDICT iVI The .Last Teachers' Contest Votes Polled. GREAT1 RUSH SATURDAY, Tho riraml Tola 1 Will ltuu Over SOO.000 ami May rci Ol'or n Million Tho Judges Ilavn Agrocd ! Meet on Weriuomlay Next. hti tho votes aro polled for tho groat popular publlo school toachors' contest instituted and conducted by tho Her ald. Tho last batch of coupons was rccoivod at ( p. m. on Saturday and thorccoiptsof that day, as well as thoso of tho previous day wero placed in bags and souJod and laholcd for dollvory to tho judges. Tho final votes wero not counted, but loff entirely to tho judges, so no ono need hopo to securo any informa tion about tho final result from any ono con nected with tho Herald. No ono connected with tho paper Is In a position to glvo any rcliablo information. That can only bo looked for when tho final oUlclal count is mado. As to tho graud total figures, it Is estimated that at least 800,000 votes havo been polled. This exceeds by fiOO,000 any contest of tho kind over held. Many Inquiries havo been mado during tho past twouly-four hours for au inkling that would load to an cstimato of tho probablo result, but wo bollovo that tho safeguards thrown out by tho Hi:rald woro sufllciont to rondor usoloss all such Inquiries. The contest grow so exciting toward tho end that many would havo given a good fat purso for a rollablo "tip" and It was quito hard to mako thorn understand that no ouo could glvo them. But tho absence of tips did not deter tho betting pcoplo from risking their money and many hundreds of dolUrs aro at Btako. Inquiries as to when tho losult will bo mado known aro conundrums. This brauch rests outlroly with tho judges and it may bo rolled upon that no figures oxcept tho official ones will bo published in tho Herald. Whon you seo it in tho Herald you may bollevo it. Tho Herald is considering a plan by which tho public can bo given a correct idea of tho immense amount of coupons that have been handled In this contest. It has been sug gested that tho coupons bo hauled to somo open space- and dumped into a pllo for a bon fire. Thoy will mako a big blazo. Ofcourso nothing of this kind will bo dono until tho Judges ijilah their work. Tho closing hours of tho contest beggars de scription. At ono timo It was feared that all tho spare room in tho Herald olfico would bo filled with coupons and It would bo necessary to hire somo outside , place for storage Car riages and wagons with bags full of coupons made trips to tho ofiico all afternoon up to tho closing hour. To-day thojudges agrocd to meet Wodnesday afternoon and coutluue thocountiug until the final result is ascertained. Itwillroquiromany hours hard and constant work, but it will havo to bo concluded by Thursday as Mr. Limb, ono of the judges, leavos for Credo, Col., on that day and will not return until fall. Baxter's Mandrake Bitters cure IndlgeAion, heartburn, costlveneas aud all malarial dis eases. Twenty-five cents per bottle. Im I'oit Olllce Notice. To-morrow, July 4th, tho post ofllco will bo open until 11 o'clock a. m; The carriers will make a dollvcry at 7.15 a. m. Browusville, Yatosville, Ellangowan and Turkey Bun will bo served with this delivery. Money orders and postal notes will not bo issued or paid. Aectdlllt. Tho young son of Frod. Kclthan, tho North Main street bakor, met with what might havo proven a serious accident. On Saturday he was playing near an ico wagon at tho rear of hisfathor's placo o"f business, and the large Ico hooks suspended from tho wagon ouught him In the eye Just above the ball, lrulie Alarm. The fire department was called out last evening by an alarm sounded from box 35, at the comer of Main and Coal streets. Tho department responded promptly, but their sorrlces were nut needed. The cause of the alalia was a large volume of smoke from the chimney In the Woomer property, a flro having beon started In the range. Admiral" Cigftrettes are now in the lead. They aro sold over; where and aro smoked by all who havo heretofore smoked other brands, because they are tho best They are not manufac tured or controlled by a trust. For particu lars address B. L&liowa & Co Mahauoy City, iinm 1 Book wards, that must be got out o where they are now iu use in JDEDIOATION. Tho Old Hello..'1 "ouie ' YaltsvlIIo n Place i.: "orM.lp. The old school liouso at Yatosvlllo, which was recently abandonod by tho Iiol Board, has boon purchased by tho fow enterprising Methodists of that placo and under tho loadorshlp of Jamoe Pattorson, tho llvo superintendent of tho Sunday school, It has beon completely rcnovatod within and placod under tho care of tho trustees of tho First Methodist Episcopal church of Shenandoah. On Sunday aftomoon it was formally dedioatod and will horeaftcr bo known as tlio Yatosvlllo Mothodist Episcopal church. Tho dedicatory sermon was dollvercd by Bov. William Powick from tho toxt I Tim. 3-15 : "Thoso things wrlto I unto thco that thou mayest know how thou oughtost to bohavo thyself In tho houso of God, which is tho church of tho living God, tho pillar and ground of tho truth." Tho church was nover Intondod to bo tho oxpoucnt of a sot of truths, but of tho truth it solf oven tho truth of Him who said, "I am tho truth 1" Tho wolfaro of iho Individual aud tho safety of tho community depend upon tho dlssomlnatlon of tlio truth and its asslml- Iation by tho pooplo. Tho church is tho di vinely choson and qualified Instrument by which thoso ends aro to bo secured. Sho is not called to seek tho reconstruction of so ciety along polltical.liuos, tooxhlbltthomodol of reconstructed society in individual speci mens of reconstructed humanity. And this In turn is not to bo thought of In connection with moro outward ritos but roal inward grace im parted by tho dlvlno Spirit In response to au intelligent faith In tho puro truth of the gos pel. Such a "faith cometh by hoarlng and hearing by tho word of God." Tho world needs tho truth concerning Doily, Humanity, Etornity. It needs to know that God is neither all justico nor all mercy. Ho is rovcalcd to us in tho solemn relation of Judge and tho oudearing ouo of Father. Ho has been pleased to manifest Himself tousin His dlvlno Son in responso to tho pathetic appeal "show us tho Father and Itsuillceth us." Tho Holy Ghost has been given us as tho guide of tho Ignorant and tho Comfortor o( tho sorrowing. Humanity needs, in order to truost huuianitarlanism, to feol its responsibility to Its Father-God to seo iu tho blood of tho cross tho remedy for, not only sin iu gouoral, hut, sin and solflsm in particular. It needs to reallzo that the only certain euro for tho ovlls of which we hear so much is to bo sought not in tho leaden bullet of the blood-thirsty Anarchist but in tho golden rulo of tho meek and lowly Nazarouo. Moro than this wo need to learn that thcro aro ovlls In this life for which no remedy Is to bo found this side of eternity, and for which thoro is uo amelioration save in that subliino faith which links tho finite with tho infinite. God Inhablteth eternity and rules tho world with referouco to man's ultimato good. Tho period we call timo Is only a littlo breathing spell between two eternities, yet vain man would crowd all thcro la of being aud blessing within its narrow couflnca aud its earthen vessels. But a voico rings out sharp and clear above tho diu of life, "Tho world passoth away, and thojust thereof, but ho that doeth tho will of God abidoth for over." After tho sermon Bov. Powick dedicated tho building to tho worship of God, assisted by Bov. Thomas B. Edwards and Thomas Hough. Tho full choir of tho Methodist Episcopal church was present and added greatly to tho service by their music. Other Improvements, upon tho exterior aro con templated In tho near future. Tii-ulght'H Concert. When tho Columbia Hoso Company's boll taps the night hour to-night tho Grant baud will begin a jubilee concert on tho awning in front of its headquartors. The following will bo tho programme : "Stir ttnaugled Banner" Arr Pmra 0prlco MlJitalro 'AaerioanCavalry'.Luscomb Descriptive of a frontier Indian skirmish. Synopsis : The auembly away to tho tight ji.tuiug w iDHjuuuiire wuicmog ior me enemy iLdlan war danco lieaid In toe dis tance forward nearlng tho eiieoiy the en gagement m battle the retreat attempt to rally "at 'em again" rout of the enemy victory. Comic Fantasia -American Songs Itolllnsou "ily Country 'Tls of Thee" Arr Sousa Columbian National Potpourl Coatcj American Hepubllo March...,........TOtlbe The la3t number should bo noticed particularly. Two dlfl'erent themos being performed at onco. Star Spangled Banner and Yankee Doodle. DELIGHTFUL TOURS. A Summer Series to the Jiortti Via the remuylvanU Itallroail. July 11th and 30th. Aueust 8th and 22,1 urn tho dates selected for this serlos of tieraon&llv conducted tours to the North. Watklns Glen. Niagara falls. Thousand Islands. Mon treal, Au Sable Chasm, Lakos Cbamplain and George, and Saratoga aro among tho many attractive places to be visited. Tho rate of $00.00 applies from New York. Phlladolnhla. Baltimore. Washington. TTnrria. burg, and intermediate stations, and corres pondingly low rates from other points. This rate Includes every item of nocessary ex pense during tho entire timo of fourteen days spent on the trips, and is remarkably low considering the large territory oovored and tho luxurious entertainment afforded at tho different places. For detailed information address Goorro W. Boyd, Assistant General Passeoeer Aeent. Philadelphia, or anolv to nearest rvuut-ntwr nr ticket agent, Pennsylvania Kailroad Company. Uss Wells' Laundry Blue, the best Bluing for laundry use. Each package makes two quarts. JScts. Sold by Coakley Bros. i'Ues or Hemorrhoid! Pormanontly cured without knife or ligature. jMO danger or Buttering. Ho delay from busi ness while under treatment. Patients who are responsible need not pay uuUl well. A perfect cure guaranteed. Send for circular. K. KBED, M. DM 129 South 13th St., Philadelphia. Refers, by permission, to the editor of the. Eyenihq Herald, u Cases ! the way soon. A special, lot this. town. IIIfflT, At the Hands of the North End Club. ;ARGE mWW PRESENT in flamo Yratcnl.iy at tho I'ark Dreivllm .arget Atleiulnnro bo Far This geaMiii. Iho Home I'lnMorn Appeared lo Havo ail an on Day. HAT was alleged to havo boon tho "Philadelphia Press Club, but In reali ty provod to be tho North Eud aggregation of ball tossors, met tho homo team yesterday afternoon at tho Trot ting park before tho tho largest audlonce of thO SOaSOll. Ollf- luina met defeat by tho scoro of flvo ta nM, t.. aud thrco-baso hits woro as numerous as flies around a molasses barrol. Thoro appears to bo considernhln "nnnl.... antnoss" oxlsting botwoen ono or two mom- tiers or tlio homo team that certainly docs not iiu sirengtu to the club. This could plainly seen during tho progress of yosterdav'a gamo. Tho childish acts Indulged in during tho preliminary practice was not very favora- uiy commeutca upon by tho grand stand pa trons. Tho managoment, howovor, wisely act- promptly iu wis respect. Tho work of lleekmau at Klmrf loin r ai. mokin, was a fino exhibition of ball playing. Tlio cirtct of tho homo management to strengthen tho club at weak points is appre- cmicu uy mo patrons. Chris Fulmor, of Ta maqmi, has been signed for tho season to play In tho field, and wi 1 annoar in that ix,n with tho homo team iu tho two games to morrow. Malarkoy. tho crack Lamlsford club, will probablv bn nniramul n play hero. Tho battery that apnoared gore yesterday was tho strongest tho visiting icum jias, uut was not tlio samo that Pottavillo faced. Setloy and McGottigen had words before tho gamo started m- fi, former was not disposed to enter b le ntil Manager Bradiean eavn Mm oi. native of pitching or leaving the decided to pitch, but his work was not as of- lectivo as it has been in most of his games. At times tho visitors batted him nnlh f-i Iu tho fourth inning thoy got four .hite off nim. Up to tho fourth innlne tho came vena a pretty uoat ono aud somo vory clovor plays wero mado, but in that iuuinc TfnllK.'. allowed Phillips to get his base and it soomod to ureas sotioy'B heart. He was batted for a double and two singles after them and the uatting coupieu with moro errors gave tho visitors thrco runs before tho inning closed. Chorlton's pitching wasouito nffiv-tlvn ! aud his brilliant two and ono-hand stem by Ward aud Setloy woro enthusiastically an. piauded. In tho seventh Inning Setlov was aim hit quite freoly and tho visitors succeeded in bunching four hits, tho last being a two bag- gor. Tho only time tho homo team really measured Chorlton's deliveries was in the fifth iuniug. when they made two tli - and two singles, four runs being score-i. This was looKea upon as tho turning noint of th gamo, but it turued tho other way in the seventh. HtrffNAvnniif , lu. o t l 0 1 1 1 1 o Hellly, 3b l lleoaman, fis..............., 1 Huntzlnger, rf 1 Itpfron f-f ii PO. 2 1 U 1 0 1 8 5 11 B. 8 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 I Setloy, p .."."!'.'."'.'.Tr.V 2 Toole, If .. u McUeitlgan, c 0 Scanlan, SD 0 ward, 10........ o Totals ... 5 7 21 16 H NOHTUKNI). n. ill . ,. Chorltou, p....... . g i - i 6 "ixsmlth. 3b n i j i V Martin, If o 1 s o ii Phillips, lb i o IS 0 I VVllllums, rf..... . liooi Koonig, cf ...... .... 1 0 8 u u Alessltt, c. 1 1 I o n Henry, So .... 1 s g n Sllddleberg rf 0 1 o 0 1 ToUU " 0 2? Tt i INNINnH- Shenandoah....... .o 0 0 0 4 0 1 0 0 No th End. 1 0 0 8 0 0 S 1 x-8 Earned runs-Shenandoah, 4; North End. 1. Two bjse nlts-lIeehiLttn Scanlan. Martin. Messltt, Henry. Three bate ults-Uuntzlnirer y001!. lol?n bt"w-Setloy m, Toole, Chorl! ton iS), Martin. Strnok out-by Setley 4 j by .: . cans on netley, Si; oB Chorlton, 4. l'ased baUa-McQeuigan. 1 ; on errors-Norm End, 6. Shenandoah, 8. J wu.jr, uuawu. Time OX fvli" i JUr lorty-UTe minutes. Umpire, A Hume of Urror. Saturday afternoon the base ball attheTrottiugpark weie trtated to a surprlso. uguteen young men and boys, working at the Cambridge colliery, having an idea that they oould play ball, Indulged in tho sport to their heart's ctUnt. At tho conclusion of tho eighth inning the Inside men had sixty-eight runs to tholr credit, while the Outside during that time had great difficulty in eight uuiies. i aa last inning the Inside men made twenty-six runs. A misstep will often make a ctlnnln for llfn A bottle of Henry & Johnson's Anlm mj Oil Liniment at hand, will not prevent tho misstep, uut used immediately It will save being a cripple. jm You arc luvlted to cnii a P lclse'8 Carpet Store, No. 10 tath Jardln Street, to Bee lttiuc-w Une ot Carpets, Oil cioiua ana wmaow gHRdei ATTn 7 AT7YH 11 IMM3 of