The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, July 01, 1893, THIRD EDITION, Image 2

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    The Herald.
wi(Ki.T, vwtr sawiwat.
a jl. nomn..
m o, nor jut..
r. J. WAlKtfM.
j, sr. no v J! n ..
. JMHor and I"i46Mrir
flritris Janfifer
DaJLT.per year,. .,,.,.,. ......... N 00
(TnxLT. pr 1 80
transient, 10 mom par linn, ant Insertion i k
Mil per lino mob subsequent insertion, Kates
ttr regular adTertlilng ou tw hivd on npplloft
tli t tho office or by nll.
OongreiB to Oonveno tho First
Monday in August,
Highwt of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report
The Kvenino Hbhald ha a larger olroulA-
llea In Shenandoah Man any ottier paper pub-
iWtud, Hooks open to all,
Catered at the Postofrloe. nl Shenandoah, Pa.
(or tranemlailon through the mall
as aeoond-olaae mall matter.
No other movement ltiriM luted by a
newspaper in llile county, or In the
eUtoat largo, for that matter, lias
touched tho popular pulee so favorably
as tho Herald's teachers' contest
From tho first day the announcement
was made In these columns that the
Herald propowd sending to the
Worlds Fair, free of all expenie, two
publlo school teaoher, selected by
popular vote, tho demand for pxtra
corjles has taxed to the utmost the
capacity of our fully equipped pre8
room. This great demand, aud the
eager manner in whloh therolumB
were daily scanned by our thousands
of readers, fully attest the wisdom ol
the movement.
The result of the contest, ending bo
favorablv. Ib not only cause for self
congratulation upon the part of the
Heuald, but it is also a Just recog
nition of the arduous labors perforra-
Trie Action Decided Upon In Ilmponiie to
Telegrams from AU Sections of tho Coun
try Probulilo lloponl of the Bliormnn
Law Tho Prosldent OH for Gray GnbUs.
WAsntHOTOK. Jul? 1. Tlie nreeidentloft
litre at i:90 yesterday afternoon over the
Pennsylvania railroad for Iliunanl's Bay,
Mass. He will bo absent from the Capitol
threo weeks or more, Ills stay deeniHng
upon oireumstnnoes. Secretary jamont
aooompanled tho president as far as New
York. The president's determination to
leave the city was reached only yestertlny
morning, and his depnrturo so suddenly
leaves a number of Important appoint
ments agreed upon unsigned, and
many senators and congressmen, who
have recently arrived. In the lurch. It Is
understood that the president will transact
only the most urgent publlo business while
at Buzzard's Bay, and what olllotal an
nouncements are to be made will lie given
out nt the executive mansion, AV Wellington.
So much of secrecy accompanied Mr.
Cleveland's departure thnt ho was out ot
the city almost before tho news of his in
tention was made known. It was known,
however, that as a result of ynsterday's
cabinet meeting ho had determined to cnll
an extra session of congress to convene on
Monday, Aug. 7, but none ot the officials
would say a word on the subject In ud
vance of the official announcement. This
oamo at 6 o'clock, and is n follows:
"Whereas.the distrust and apprehension
concerning the financial situation which
nervade all business circles have already
caused great loss and damage to our peo
ple, and threaten to cripple our merchants,
stop the wheels of manufacture, bring dis
tress and privation to our farmers, and
withhold from our worklngmon tho wage
of labor; and
'Whereas, the present perilous condition
is largely the rosidt of n financial policy
whloh the executive branch of the govern
ment finds embodied in unwise laws which
must be executed until repealed by con
"Now, therefore, I, urover (Jieveiana,
president of tho United States, in per
formance of my constitutional duty, do
by this proclamation declare that an ex
traordinary occasion requires the conven
ing of both houses of the congress of the
United States at the uapltoi in tuo cuy oi
Washington on tho 7tli day of August
ABSoiJinreDf pure
A Mnmmntli llrlclt I'lnnt.
AlTOOA, July 1. The Sandy Ridge fire
brick works, ot Sandy Hid Re, Centre
county, the largest fire brick plant In the
United States, lias been formed into a ocr.
po ration by capitalists residing In Altoona.
The new corporation expects to start work
again within thirty days, and will give em
ployment to :ik) men and prodnee an an
ual output ol s,uon,000 Are bricks.
l'uriince t;lotl Down.
IltmnsroDoK, July 1. The Book Hill
Coal and Iron company, a large twin iron
furnace, Jornled at Hock Hill, this county,
has ordered tho furnaces banked, to re
main so tor a year, and discharged its
hands except a few of the chief offteers.
who are reduced to half pay. This will
throw about 000 laborers out of employ
ment. Oar Musical Hopresentiitlves.
IIATtniSBUliO, Jnly 1. Professor J. H.
Kuraenknabe, of this city, has been selec
ted by the Pennsylvania State Music
Toachers' association as their representa
tive before the World's fair musical con
gress, which meets In Chicago next week.
Professor Kurzenknabe has selected as his
efesay " The Use of Music."
Found Guilty of Otuptrncy.
PlTTSDURO, July 1. The verdict In the
ense of ox-Aaent McCl'ure, of the law and
order society. Alderman Itohe, and his
edbythe school teachers. No other
class of publlo servants are so poorly next, nt 18 o'clock, to the end that the
. , , ,!! iln umnmit nf people may oe reiieveu imuun -kiiuiiuu
paid in proportion to tho Hmouut present and impending danger and
labor performed. Well do they deserve
their vacation.
"All those entitled to act as members of
tho Fiftv-third concress are required to
The only regret wo have in tho mat- take notice of this proclamation, and at-
ter IS lUUlf WO UIU UU " ,vo.w... "
rwentjr-flTB to Thirty Thousand Idle
Workmen nt Pittsburg.
Pirrsnuiio, July 1. All the Iron mills
whoso employes are members ol the Amal
jnmated Association closed down at mid.
night. The manufacturers and tho Amal'
znmated committee failed to reach an
lutreement on the Iron wage scale, adjourn
Ing until 2 o'clock this afternoon. As tho
old iron wngo scale expired nt midnight,
til members ot the association have
(topped work until a now scale is signed,
t'rom 10.000 to 15.000 men are Idle.
The tin house scale was temporarily set
tled vesterdav. The workers asked an na
vance of two cents. This the manufac
turers refused, but It wasvcrced to con
tlnue work nt last year's figures until a
settlement can bo reached.
All the window, flint nnd green glass
houses have closed for periods of from Ave
to seven weeks, nnd several plate houses
have shut down. Thoso workmen, added
to tho Idle Iron workers, swell tho ranks of
tho unemployed to 25,000 or 80,000.
Attacked th Wrong Man,
HEADING, July 1. Edward Scheldt, of
Kutitown, was arrested and brought, to
this city on the charge of aggravated as
sault and battery. Upon furnishing 12,000
ball ho was released. It appears that
7 i , ir u - ,i,i, ocueiut, who is a mil, pimunui nmu, o
i walking with a lady in that borough when
, ... he was attacked by a crowd, lie mot will'
The juryiouuuaumo ue.euuauu. o""1'' ., )am Tjt Gross, n well known horse dealer,
as indicted. who is a small man, about half tho weight
Iron Works Suspend. of Scheldt, and. after charging him 'with
Holidatsburo, July l. ihe mortage be, one ottho nttackln( partyof the
Iron works, ot Duiioausville, this county, : prcvlou8 evening, he knocked him down
suspended operations today. The prevail- anj beat him into insensibility. Gross Is
lng low prices lor iron anu ino necessity conflnell to his bed, nnd is in n crlticnl con
tor repairs are uie reosuun nauiiueu iu aition his recovery being very uncertain,
suspension. The works glvo employment He was not one of tho nttacking party.
vuiwiiicu. Younc MutcUler to Surci-otl His Father.
Floes from Ills Creditor,. I E j , ltTa0 Free Press pub-
WutlAMSPOHT, Ju y l.-It leaked out . the'stntomcnt lhnt thefriena, 0f the
.Plf-.UiB William Mutchler have decided to
I'Sff the name of his son Howard to
his creditors His debts aggregate 811.000;. unexpired term in con-
and judgments are being entered. He do , Mr. MntcUer 4m elwted lart fall
sorted a family. I ni1or nn nrrrpnmtnt with Monroe. Carbon
Bright, Crisp, Concise.
The Leading Local' Weekly Paper
InScliuyllcill County.
"All tho Local News printed in a readable, attractive manner,
with no wrsto of words.
include a larger number of toachers In
the list. Each ono in the contest
ninde n pood showinir, which Is evi-
The president had left directions for the
Issuance of this order before his departure
for Groy Gables. The determination to
call the extra session the first week in
August Instead of the first week in Sep-
4, In ..n.lnpcitnrul ,vng nnlff lnfln
dencoof tlieir popularity aunnig uieir , arriv-i after giving full weight to
resnectlve scholars. This fact alone Is tho numerous telegrams Teceivcu nom an
rcoyct." Uarts of the country urging this course.
sufficient to give them renewed energy Another consideration which caused the
edcre f hnt In tl.n honrta nf Ihplr nnll. lua? wns a "ellhood of a prompt re-
. ' peai oi tue so called bhermnn silver mit
ennse jaw ue might be disposed to call
congress earlier than he had announced.
It Is inferred from the fact that tho presi
dent has done so that he considers he has
obtained the assurances ho desired.
Is a warm spot for them.
To the thousands of Herald
readers, who materially assisted In the
successful termination of the contest,
we are greatly Indebted. To the
many new friends we have made
during its progress, wo extend the
welcome hand. The latter we shall
endeavor to retain by giving them, for
their dally perusal, an Interesting and
newsy paper.
The Herald Is acknowledged the
brightest and cleanest dally published
In the region, and we propose to main
tain that standard.
Since the effective punishment
dealt out to the murderous Anarchists
in Chicago seven years ago, there has
been comparative freedom throughout
the country from the seditious teach
ings aud bloody demonstrations of
the followers of Schwab and others.
The notorious Herr Most was locked
up for a time, aud his mischievous
tongue and pen eiloneed. Now
that Governor Altgeld lias eeen
tit to let loose three of the convicted
gang, all of whom were no doubt us
guilty as those who were executed,
the spirit of Anarchism has been re
vived. New life has been Infused
Into it, and it has become painfully
evident that something will follow
that will requlrn juot such heroic
treatment as that administered to the
Anarchists in Chicago, seven years
ago, for all of whloh (lie country will
lie indebted to Governor Altgeld.
Everything is now ready for the
proper celebration of the Fourth. All
thai remains to orowu the day with
success is a dear sky. The character
of the programme prepared by the
committee Is such that leaves no room
to doubt that the d iy will lie approprl
ately celebrated. The pyrotechnic
display in the evening will lie a plea,
ing feature. A large number rf visit
ors will no doubt be attracted to town
by reason of the celebration.
After the suspension of silver coinacn In
India the president resolutoly declined to
speak further about his Intentions until
ho should be prepared to act, nnd each of
his cabinet ofllcer maintained similar sil
ence. It may he stated, however, without
violation of confidence that from the day
when the announcement of the action of
Inda was made tho president took steps to
keep himself forewarned through the press
dispatches of tho slightest approach of
panic in the money market, prepared nt
any moment to take the course which he
has now adopted. When yesterday ha
found telegrams on his table not only from
the eastern nnd middle states, but also
from the south and even from some of the
silver states of the northwest, urging that
congress be called together nt the earliest
dny possible to end the uncertainty, he de
termined to delay no longer.
New Yoiik, July 1. President Cleve
land, accompanied by Secretary and Mrs.
Lamont and Silas Lamont, arrived hero nt
10:80 last night. Ho refused to bo Inter
viewed. He was at once taken on board
Mr. Benedict's yacht Oneida, which started
this morning for Buzzard's Bay. They
will cruise siowly'along the sound, reach
ing Buzzard's Bay tomorrow evening or
Monday morning.
Admonished by the Vatican.
New Yohk, July 1. The Home corre
spondent of The Catholic News cables:
"The Monitour De Home has received a
letter of admonition from the Vatican,
condemning the articles published by The
Moniteur on the 27th and 28th ult., rela
tive to the recent papal letter on the school
question In the United States, and forbid
ding further discussion upon the subject.
The pontlflcial letter is considered here
the strongest of any previous papal utter
ance iu favor of the puroohlal schools.
Srerrtnry Ijmiint' Order.
WA8HIK(.k. July 1. As a result of the
accident. io Ford's theater building,
Secretary Lamont has issued an order stat
ing that the chief of engineers will have
charge of ail buildings, either rented or
otherwise, occupied by the war depart
ment, so far as relates to the preservation,
oare and safety of the same.
!lccle for National Ouardmeii.
Haiuusbuiig, July 1.--Adjutant General
Greenland will try the experiment of bicy
cle service In the National GiiHrd at the
approaching summer encampment. If
successful, a bicycle corps will probably
be established.
Hood'sCures i
' ' Xtre. 'aftw
and Plko counties that the nomination for
tho term should go to Northampton
county, theso four counties comprising the
Eighth district. William Mutchler died a
comparatively poor man, and his friends
say that it is but a fitting recognition of
his services that his successor should be a
member of his family.
A Cnshler Decnmps.
New Castle, July 1. Thomas Shannon,
cashier of the Pittsburg and Western rail-
; way, has disappeared. On Wednesday
! ovenlns it was discovered that Shannon
was short in his accounts, and he was
. given four days to make It up. Shannon,
-who hns onl v been married eight months,
I told his wifo the same evening that he was
. v. 1 -to helm
iounu mat Shannon's defalcation will
Drobnblv amount to 81.500.
Death from Dllththerla.
NonniSTOWJT, July 1. Within the last
six weeks tho seven children ot Jnmos
Skelly, a cook at tho hospital for the in-
sano, have been ill with diphtheria. Three
have died, and the death of another is ex.
pected. Two have recovered and one other
is on tho road to recovery. Skclly's family
lives in jNorrtstown, near the hosnitnl.
Thus far tho cause of the outbreak has not
been learned.
"Evory Doss Helps rV3o
When I take Hood's Sarsaparilla, nnd I think It
the best medicine for the blood. My slx-year-
old boy had sores on his feet, earned by poi
son I W. They beoame so large and pain
ful he could not wear lnsshoei. A week after
I beoran clvlnz him Hood's Karisnarilla the
sores began tohoal up and disappear, and when
he had taken two bottles he was entirely
cured." Mhs. q. II. Titus, South Gibson, To.
HOOD'8 PILL8 Rrt rarely vegetable, and do
aot purse, pala or ifrlpa. Sold by all drusUU. 3&
oftsred child-bearing woman. I liaio been a
mid-wift for many years, and In each cai
"hcre"A 'icr's Friend" hadlx-enuseditba
decompile i wonders and relieved lunch
"ifferinir. is is tho best remedy for rising ol
he t-roiit wu, and worth the pi Ice for um
done. Jlne. JI.HI. Hhuht,
Montgomery, Ala
Sent by express, charges prepaid, on receipt
of price, $1.60 1K.T bottle.
Hold by all druggists. Atlanta, (lA
Will completely change tho blood In yonr system
In tnrco months' time, aud send new, rich Llood
couralnE through your veins. U you feel exhausted
end nervous, aro getting thin and all run down,
Gllmoro's Aromatic wine, which Is a tonlo and not
a lioTcrnire, will restore j mi to health and strength.
Mothers, nso It for your daughters. It Is tho best
regulator and corrector for all allmentB peculiar to
Sold by all druggists for tl per bottle.
Governok Pattisok has at lDgth
gotten through with the con
sideration of the baton of bills sui
mitted for his approval or rejection by
the last Legislature winding up wtb
two vetoes, one or theui the McCirreil
bill, the object of whioh was the gen
eral legalization of street railway con
solidation, the other the bill whioh
'provided for the payment of $28,000 to
pay the expenses of the House Com
mittee on Elections.
Fifty thousand rbildreu In one
hundred American schools have been
examined, and the re-ult is rather sad, j
for six thousand exhibited bodily !
defects, three thousand were dull
minded and a large number showed I
ud normal nervous development.
Another Victim uf the Ci-onln Case.
OmCAOO, July 1. The fourteenth name
is been added to the death roll of
those connected with the Crouin 'case.
Jerry.O'I)onuoll, tried, convicted and sen
tenced to three years for attempting to
"hang" the Crouin jury, died suddenly
on the eve uf bis v milling.
Chioaoo doesn't need t let uo of
that (2,600,000 It got from Uncle Bam.
This breaks the bunio jecord.
Oaudaiir uml Stuutbury Mntahed.
Tokonto, Ont., July 1. Oarsman Gau
daur ha accepted Stansbury's offer to row
a three mile race with a turn for i,500 a
xide and the championship of the world.
Vhe race will take place at Lake Quinsiga
uiond, Mass., Aug. 6.
The rnstiuaster General C'omlnc;.
Washington, July 1, Postmaster Gen
eral BiM!ll left today for Glen Summit,
Pa , to spend the Fourth with his family,
who are summering there. Hewill return
to Washington on the tth or 6th.
CawlaM airxlruns Surrounded.
Fort Havock, Tex., July 1. Captain
Jones and a squad of state rangers bad a
battle with Mexican horse thieves. ' Jones
was killed Tne Mexicans are surrounded
and it is repor.ed m quarter will be given
IteuclluL- I'nuhle to 1'ity I7p,
Phil i)i i miia, .July 1 - Tlie receivers of
the Philadelphia und Rmding Kailroad
Qompuny tluu thtuuselvss compelled to
defer temporarily the payment of the in
terest ou the general mortgage bonds, due
iipi lmww m t mf mw ri w raT&
raHHHa.'nwi.vH',jBW 'y . -v- n nn mill's' w iiNhum h
all of the abovetroubles. Those wb
witu i.ieciro ninirnciioUHpriij
eory Will cure without medlcluq
fuller from Nervous Debility.
liOBrtcHt I ml us. Jost Dlanlioodl
nurtuuBuuiiiii r?it-i;Jif'siiiii'riitj
Poor Memory, nil Female Coiim
filnlntHi and uennral III liealtL?
heetrectsof aLuses, exceasos, worrr
or exposure, will Und relief aud prompt
cure In our marvelous Invent Ion,
which renuirps but a trial io couvlnrn
the most okuptfoui. Jnlifiiurauoeof ef
fecta yuu mar hare umlulr drained
K your iyi em f nerve foroeand vitality
s wlilnft lit ii)irtrlpllvvnnri thin
caused your woaknessorlaclcof force.
If yuu replace Into your system the
elements thus dialned, whloh are re
quired iur vigorous Btrencin, you will
remove tho cause and health, atremrt h
and vigor will follow at once. This
la our plan and treatment, and we
Our COO pritb .took "TITRISK rrB8ESOF MEN should be read by every yountr,
middle-aged und old inn n, vuxt sealed, free. Dr. ftumlcu's i:irctrlo licit la no oxperimeut,
as we have restored thousnndato robust health and vitror. after all other treatments failed, as can bo
shown by hundreds of earn t hmuKliout this and other 8tateii,who would ulaclly testify, and from many
of whom we have strung lettera bt-aiititf testimony to their recovery niter using our licit
. M - Ke" Yoek Cits, Oct. 20. 1S93.
Vn, JU T. SiNDBK.Dearblpj-lcaurBporttoyou tha,
th belt 1'iK eminily oiirtnl me of rheumatlam from
whloh I sulTered fur fourteen ynars almost oontlniiaJly,
UW Yuajr ( nt October Mth, HW.
vtu A, T. aXwuMX, ixar Pir A!H)iifcthrteyearsaa
vpwa was unawmmuiff my ric&itu. for yarsiHi
wunu was vuwuiiiiiioiwuiimiiiirirBiB uantTTl
farassaniZ I did not know what it was to have a g(
doc in one montu's time sJU rui
Qwwondcr tniin ootn mentally a
Will IhHV whI C'liirf J V WlII.
n. otcitnu, ww bowery.
rim bvs sleep, bat
lidt I feltamach
nlfnilv. Artfl In isf
Tm, A, T. SAnuul. Sir Four yur uo I sut-
wsmi puou nwu irum rumimtui
saefa pain from HtsumatU'n thitatt'iuestt was
oriblefor me to gvt arouud. and I atwa)aurri(Hl a
VotlP h. It nd t. lr.n Mll..f In
wwiwur, 1 K'"''iM'ifutrroiiiTuacaavaiiaHWas
csily a snort tune until 1 ho nain-3 1 ft mo ami to-day X
a, ttoii man. iriHujisj ts tUY Lh iuji r uy for ar
imtort. I luted y
I ftfnedlu w'if
nm a wail man. u'ihqvsj e. umv to, jcri. r bv tut
r hmm mltrht ltOB.n tin n. lint i,m it. I. . ,m ..,,
OWSSlnctfjrou curnl 1110, c-a'i tuttW snyf' is isennnii
t&U A,JCVOtt3,Mui0cali0urlbuii.,ik,sUc,
l am a leiMroarnar.autltlifllonj; dolly trampa necea
arjr in my rouuda,uptothaUm9 ot (rrtlijiithabeleL
patjifplljr Koua iliroujUwIUi, l,utllianCatoyoui
V,. t ... . . ,iuw wnk uHtiiui ever
did, and yi III rwomnMad oor treat men t to all afflicted
Tbe ourrent has also bruuh, bat-k mr Tlg'ir I n otlier
ASIS3 11CAO, tl I'err St.
omen of BAnasarr BO!f.
Dar Ooous. kio.. Cwui, Ulne, Fob. t7. ISM.
Ba. A.T.Salll.K, Itear Slri-1 am rkbadilll!
your b lr. 11 healthnas imrrored wonderfully. and I
liiivagaiuod twelve pound of flesh, and iiow slem well
nnd IiAva Anoniolliunt ni.nMtIr.A- Vm anui.l .UirU
It.) Ifc With VnUP'Plll rtf ITnlthM Kun n I
aWo beutUt to rm atlU I e pJu lruoommendinir
i ours rwpocUuiir.
aso. sAaaor.
rf.7?"Vntia tn'.cure "'. 1 '? al"'vo ?. nd CaonlurKu shrunken llmba, Tor partiTbr Bloner
pa, aod will ourt. t ba . . ,rt case m i wo or tbrea months: Audrwa tor lull Inroroaationr
SANDEN ELECTRIC CO., 820 Broadway, Now York.
I3ST -A.ID'VA.asrOB- .
Somo have told us "You can't do it." Wo beliove wo can, and wo will.
The Heuald In tlio future will be better tlmn nt any time during Kb
past history, if painstaking ellbrts will accomplish that end.
Send One Oollur to The Heuald ofllco and receive the paper
for one year. This ofa-r applies to old as well us new subscribers, pro
vfdlng all arrearages aro paid. Ilcinember, theso terms are Invariably
in advance; otherwiso $1.50 will be charged.
Do you dcslro success? All business men know that tho only way of
increasing trade is talking in print Advertising ! Where you make
one customer by word-of-moutli argument ox by displaying goods, you
can make one hundred by bright, convincing advertisements.
Don't talk in n whisper
No ono will hear you.
Don't talk in thunder tones
All noise and no facts.
Don't talk without listeners .
Place your "ad" where it will be read.
THE HERAIiD is tho best medium ior reaching the public, and
profitable results are sure to follow all advertisements placed in its col.
umns. Let us convince you of this fact by a trial.
Our Job Ofllco has always enjoyed a reputation for excellent work,
second to none, which is maintained by strict attention to every detail
of tho business and a thorough equipment of tho latest printing ma
terial. Our job oillce has just been refurnished with a new lino of type
of tho latest and most artUtio design, and have iu our press-room all
tho latest and improved
Our facilities for turning out llrst-class work are unsurpassed,
you need anything in tlio printing lino call at the ollluo of
Slicimiidou!:, I'ctijn
A. Vf. LKIBENIUNG, Pmldent.
V 3. PF.ROr UN, Vice l'l
J. K. LE1HKNHINC, Capi or.
U. W. YOST, HSlsuni O-
Open Dally From 9
Interest Paid on Savings
For Slate.'Ttlo, Tilt or Iron Roo
Bold In all site packagoa tram 10 pou
Polntlnc up and repnlnrs nil eracrj
on all kinds ot roots, ami around ci
coping BtoncB, alyligbtH, dormer 1
puttern, wood or slono work, brpaktl
bolca. or any place to be invtri vmtrH
equalled tor laying and b( Jdlnir HLJj
lULE KOOFH, also coplngi. They ;
lenk or become looscnod- It Is very I,
sticks Hrmly to anything, forming!
leathcr-llko skin over Ihi top, will a
loosen from Joints or cru' ks, sumnl
ter. This cement needs uo rcfereifl
stood tho toot for thirty -tvi o years, fl
falls to glvo perfect san faction. M
most useful article a ro(-i -r can h&g
shop. Tho cement ts pre r f& rend 1
ana is u do appncu witn h trowci, vm
moist bykeoping coverca witn wi
nnd will not got stiff or drr Colors,'
black. (Established I860 ) Addre
J. G. IlETZEL, 69 Maine St., New,
MfJIeal Ofllccf. 20S N.
AretbeoMP't 1" Am-
Vatlcori'le, I" ii '
Trent iiM'nt ty M !
tnuutoatl'm" n 1 ' 1
tiooTi. um '
M All day oi
.1) f
Of Every Descti
Flags, Daages, Caps, Re
Write for catalogues. Corrosponrl
KQC North
OOO bciow Or
you kft-r a! others
written urHDti1
tr atmeut .ud tv t.J
tti ill t nuu.-tuiJ
can j w ri ii i
ponen, at t 1
bug c mt i, tint h
tc , t'tr , li , wln.i
THEN ro k- fl r-)D
trhohai btd07ri'l:uropean Bosplt&li
cm exuricom. uer am. ui'juira (!
whsther jrourc If c irmbla or n t II
do-i bs culm to b Oiii equal tnh
rerat disci of S:jihiMi;, )h
roiaon, ana Discharge1, t
rtownbetrtedrjrig, n dsn tbi .
IndlwretloB, of t. ti
UR TIICEL docs c r
IHEEL uica eommou '
fhthla, Uomoeonvth a. mj F
erer they lire ImllCJt rt. II t
in,i, 6 to 8 , Wed, and 8nt c
J 0' i
h -a i
it II 1
ist frn
Is of
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trill Ond their tziioi
UiculaUa In Wedutsduj und tuidaj ft
' Truth," the onty t.-ne lor
Jouns.tod tnlddtf tgoi ii lb
oetori warnlDg you agalnit ir
Chrio. Boss
(Mann's uld stan
104 South Slain1
Finest wines, whlskeva and c 1
stock. Fresh llecr, Alt) and 11
Choice Temperance Drinks.
P-lL.-l.J n..i. nil
buiuurinuu runt;,, hi
ManaRor Shonanc c
(Christ. Uosaler's
Main una Coal 8ts.i
s 1
uost Deer, aie ana porter n,-j
brands of whlskoys and cig ra 1
Watt's PopuLtri
(Tormerly Joe T
i ind 21 West t
1a a ioc tod wttn the Br
lU'tles, bran. mw
ttlat barattacn d. Cor
Horses and Carnal
Horses taken to
that are 1 c
john cor
Main aud Oak i
Shenandoah, r)tl
Truck und Ve3etjJ
Poultry, Guiic, f sii j
In eoason Orders I' ft t
will ' .'pltuTt'Ii -''i
UU OpcuoiJ JrJ
Saloon : and : K$l
Cor, Lloyd aud MarJJ
Where he will be pleated to ri
Best beers, ales and porter i
oi cigar always so nanu.