The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, June 26, 1893, THIRD EDITION, Image 2

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Happenings of Importance from
All Sections.
Highest of all in Leavening Tower. Latest U. S. Gov't Report
SlicMiuitloali, Pei -iH,
The Herald.
X. Ju JiOYItlt..., -.lYowtetor
M. ft It OIK 11.. HMor and .Publisher
W. J. WAIKINH...-.. ...orct IMltor
t, M, JIOr7f......,..-H"liM 3tanagrr
An.T,por yenr, ; H CO
ffniLi, per rm."- ..... 1 60
rldefrMsIrt? Itaten.
Transient, 10 cents per line, flrat Insertion i 6
eats per lino each subsequent Insertion, llalea
lor regular advertising oao be had on applica
tion kt the office or by mail.
The Evxkinq 11hami bag a larger oircula
tlon In 'Bhnandoh than any other paper pub-
Uahed, Books open to all.
Kittred at the Pontoffloe, at Shenandoah, Pa.
tor traasmtsston through the malls
as second-claws mall matter.
who la to defend the British navy
against UboII?
Pattibon as a blue-law Sabbatarian
has damaged Pattteon as n president'
CowtKNT newspaper items about a
n volcano In Utah do not refer to tho
Mormon crater.
The Chicago police should bo dls
armed before the Viking nuoliors oil
tho coast of Lake Michigan.
CoLOfKL Wattkiison'S political
farewells show Hlgus of as frequent
recurrence as those of prime donne.
Tin: Populists are holding a picnic
In Kansas, but the signs are that
they will have no picnic at the polls.
Tlimu: must have been a grim earn
estness about the way those British
ironclads played war with each
other In tho Mediterranean.
A new theory is formulated as to the
origin of cholera. It will bo valuable,
of course, only us it may aid in pro
ducing a condition to keop cholera
A new law require assessors to make
a semi-aunual report of all births and
deaths In their respective districts.
Thoy are to be reported to tho clerk of
the orphan' court, who Is to keep a re
cord. This act increases the remuner
ation of assessors, giving to each 5
cents a name for nil births and deaths
reported. Tho clerk of courts receives
a similar fee. It U to be hoped that
assessors may attend to these new
duties'-more carefully than to some
now imposed by law, as, for instance,
fisansHnipntof do? tax.
"The journals of Europe uro treat
ing our World's Fair shamefully. It
Is no wonder that foreign visitors to
Chicago are few when the fair is pro
nounced a fraud and everything con
nected with it part of an organized
scheme of dollar-worship Americaus
to swindle ' and plunder those who
come. It ought to be long before our
people forget this outrage. But there
Is one consolation. This pretended
contempt is a transparent mask for
Jealousy and fear. It is another of the
many proofs that we are constantly
receiving that our country must stand
alone. This manifestation of malic
iousnesB towards our World's Fair un
questionably after all is said the
greatest that was ever known if it
were properly understood by our
countrymen would make u succesa ol
the fair simply by the support of the
people of the United States.
The run of the Campania during
her voyage westward of 648 miles in
twenty-four hours smashei the record
of the best day's run, that made by
the Paris of 630 miles. The Paris still
holds the record for the quickest voy
age from Liverpool of 5 days, 14 hours
and 24 minutes, but the Campania's
hourly average of 21.12 knots also dis
tances the best previous record, also
made by tho Paris, of 20.07 knots,
Had the Campaula taken the shorter
course she would probably have cop.
tured the pennant also for tho quick
est voyace. Both the American and
the British liners are of English con
struct Ion, but the new vessels to be
built for the American line on the
Delaware may be expected to equal
anything now afloat. The continual
shortening of the transatlantic voyage
brings nearer the realization of the
theoretical possibility of SO knots an
hour, or four days between New York
and Liverpool.
i ' . ssssn i s
It is with much grat lliaatlun and
self-pride that the Herald views the
successful culmination of its labors in
behalf of more substantial and endur
able streets for this town. We early
saw the useless expenditure of lime
and money in the old system of street
work, and by connlaut mrifatlon, and
showing the advantages to be derived
. from a more permanent system, tit
progressive business men and prop
erty holders on a portion of Main
street, acting upon the auggMtlou of
the Hkrald and with the hearty oo
operatlonof the Borough Council, have
made the first step towards a much
needed reform in street paving.
The work, however, should not stop
at that portion of the street, but
should extend from one end of Main
street to the other. It Is only a ques
tion of time when the work will be
done, and to extend the system at the
present time, while the contractor are
here, would expedite matters and save
additional expense. '
The HmuLD is in hearty touch wi h
any movement looking to the advance
ment of the town, and the lntrod'iu-
tlon of the underground sewerage i
system is another proof of this fact. 1
The Washington I.uilge of Tree Masons In
I'lilliidclpliln, Celebrates Its One Hun
dredth Anniversary Admission Tickets
lining Issued Mr tho Uiooutlon of Iluo-cltrl-Uther
Stnta Mews.
PitiraoKLPiiiA, June 20. Washington
Lodge No. 09, Free and Accepted Masons,
celebrated in the Mnsonlo Temple Sntunlny
nftrnoon tho one hundredth anniversary
of Its constitution as a lodge. Tlio exer
dees consisted ot a special eemlon in Cor
inthian Hall, in the Temple, tlio lodge be
ing opened st 4 o'clock. The Worshipful
Master J. Henry Williams, presided and
delivered an addrem of welcome. A his
torleal fdcelch of tho lodgo wa rend by
Secretary P. M. William II. Reed, and an
odo composed for the occasion was read by
its author, P. M. Henry F. Dwight, M. D.
Addresses were also delivered by Governor
PaUlson and Mnyor Stuart. Vocal music
was rendered by the Temple quartette.
At u n, in. tne Ioukb was closed and au
ndjouniment inatlo to the grand banquet
room of the temple. Covers were laid for
400. J. Henry Williams presided as toast
master. The toaatw were, "The Right
worshipful UrandLrfxlgooi I'ennsylvniiia,
by Judge Michael Arnold, R. W. Grand
Master! "The Centennial of Our Constitu
tion as a J .edge," by William J. Kelly, R,
W. Senior Graud Mnster; "Tho Name We
Bear Washington," by Richard Vaux, P.
G. M.j "Mnsouio Charity," by George W.
Kondrick, jr., P. M.; "Ourselves," by
judge wiuiam u. llanna, i: n.
A benutifid medal lias been struck in
commemoration ot tho event. On one side
is tho head of Gcorgo Washington, in
honor of whom the lodge was named, with
the figures 1708-1803, and on the reverse
rule Is tnls Inscription: "Centennial An
niverswry of the Constitution of Washing
ton Lodge, No. OU, F. & A. M., l'hiladel
phla, Ph., June 34, 1800."
A Tribute to Mutchlers Memory.
Easton, June 20. Tlio following resolu
tions were adopted Hnturday afternoon at
the meeting of the Bar Association of
Northampton county relative to the death
of Contfti-ssmnn Mutchler;
"The members of this association have
learned with profound regret of tho death
of Hon. William Mutchler, our fellow
member, and offer this tribute to his
memory. His was a llfo of unusual in
fluence and ptomineuce, and his death is a
uiarkod loss to the bar, Buclety and the
country. Mild in manner and retiring In
disposition, yet his life was un nggresslvo
force, far-teaching and beneficial. Gentle
and conciliatory in nil his acts, yet in his
inllueuco strong and assertive.
"As a citizen he w.-ts a living good to his
community; as a representative a strength
to his party and a benefactor to his coun
try; as u lawyer clear, faithful and pro
found; as u man honorable, courteous,
kiud-hcartcd and true. To his friends a
living pleasure; to tho .community a con-
btmit benefit; to the bar deservedly nn or
nament, his death Is a public loss."
Two Sailors Killed Inn Wreck.
Kank, June 20. The second section of
freight train No. 59 was wrecked about six
miles west of here, iour sailors whu were
hi route from Baltimore to Erie were steal-
Ing u ride in n box car, and two of the
number, Harry Tray and John Stewart,
of Philadelphia, were Instantly killed, the
former's body being literally ground to
atoms. J. Kennedy, of Hartford, Conn.,
ana 1 nomas Nolan, of iiultimore, were
seriously hurt, but may recover.
The men had been shipped from Bait!
more to join their boat at Lnu, but at
Renovo they stopped over and spent all the
money provided for their car tare at a bar
and cliosc to bteal transportation to their
destination rather than walk. Fifteen cars
were totally wiecked and the tracks were
blocked for several hours. The accident
was caused by the breaking of a wheel on
one of the curs.
Charged Willi Murdering Her Husband
Titusviu-e, Juno 20. Mrs. Emma Cre-
craft is under arrest here charged with the
murder ot her husband, John, who died on
July 25, 1802, tinder suspicious circum
stances. Marvin Newton was also arrested
in Jamestown and brought hero on the
same charge. Mrs. Crecraft says she has
been expecting this for eoiao time, ns the
relatives of her husband have been perse
cuting her for over a year. The Infor
mant against the accused is John F
Parker, a brother-in-law of the deceased.
To be Considered by the I'ardnn Hoard
llAKmsBURO, June 26. These Philadel
phia cases will be considered at a meeting
of the board ot pardons next Ihursday
Joseph Sulus, maiihlaughtcr; John Kane,
alias Reddy Kano, burglary; Frederick
Koop. alias George Wolf, burglary; Ed
ward Kelly, selling liquor on Sunday and
without license.
Three Hundred to See Hucrlcrl Hanged
Rkadiko, June 20. The prison inspec
tors have decided to issue but three bun
rired passes to the hanging of Buocieri on
Thursday next, owing to the limited space
In the lull yam. I he sherill wus author
ised to issue the cards of the admission for
the city and country newspaper represen
Injured by n Vull from u ISlcycle.
Philamlphia, June .'8. John Simmons,
aged 07 years, of i2 .St. Albans place,
while rldituf a bicycle, tell from the ma
chine under the wheels of h passing loe
THBon at Twenty-First and Fltzwater
s eete. He was taken to tha Polyclinic
uospital, suffering from u biukeu ankle.
Two Stores llurglarUefl.
Philadelphia, Juue 80. The candy
store of George Kendel, Main and riuuiuo
sireets. Germantowu, was entered by
thinves and lobbed of a small quantity of
goods A thief alo brake Into the resi
dence of George Knuwltmt, No. 118 ApMey
street, u ml stole several articles of Jewelry.
A Itarn Burned at l'iUtowu.
Fitztown, June 36. The large Swiss
barn on tlm farm of Adum Meyer, near
this place, I; m-d u, the ground. The ori
gin of the fire is unknown. The harness
and cattle were rewroed. The dwelling was
saved by the wind blowing the ilauiea uwuy
hum the building.
Toung Husloess Man' Buleldes.
Qkako RaI'Idb, Mich., June 8. John
A. Mead, nephew of the late Major A. B.
Watoou, and one ot the most (irominent
young capitalists and business men of this
city, hsvt committed suicide by taking
ohloral. A young widow survives him.
No motive for the deed is known among
his friends and there is niuoh sup rise that
Mead, who inherited a large sum of money
from his unole and who had a splendid
business und pleasant home, should kill
Hroker Henriques' Condition.
! New Y'ihk, June 23 -Broker Hen
rique' condition co.iiinues to be
neiimisly cntical While tl.ero is i)n
apparent ehaQe one way or tue other, he
ti Ban! to 1w vprv w.-flk und ri-stl.-tL Tie
paMud another bad night and up to teu
o'clock had obtained no sleep.
Hundred I'orty-three Appointments
of III" I"ourtli.(Jlis Ilne4 Mudo.
Washiwoton, June 28. The total num
ber ot fourth clam postmaster appointed
to day was 1-18, of which DO were to fill
vacancies caused by leslguatlons and
leath Among the appointments were
the following:
Connecticut J. J. Northrop, Newtown;
D. Smith Sholes, Rldgelleld.
Maine Granville Chase, llaring; Sam
uel McNear, Rents Hill.
Massachusetts F E. Brown, Annls
(piaiu; F. A. Osborn, Southwlck.
New Hampshire 0. K. Gilo, Jefferson.
New York Ira T. Tolley, Cairo; 0. E.
liarrup, Espcrance; Albert E. Heinter
ICvhfis .Mills; Frank Wood, Gilboa; G. G.
dcCnbe, Greenville; W. J. Burke, Mine
villc; F. A Cooper, New Llslun; J. C
McWilliams, Pottsville; David Winkle
South Valley; A. L. Jump, Summit; W.
II. Slsou, Wellsbridge; Lorenzo Baldwin,
PeuiiBylvunltt A. C. Thompson, Alry
lale; M. L. Ball. Blrohanlsvllle; G. O.
Vlauwarrlng, Brookfleld; U. O. Boyd,
(Jlarks Mills; W. 1C Ling, Egypt; J. H.
Ro-eiikmns, Falrdale; J. L. Stewart, Hur
.nrd; Joseph Fentermaker, Hoathvllle; V.
A. Ritter, ljins tig; Michael tainb, Ix'H'U
Itun; Mrs. Ellen Huwley, Little Meadows;
& F. Cblooat, Rock Hill Furnace; J. M.
Grover, S.etlersville) Ueorgo Parker,
Washington Borough.
Sir. Phelps Is Making a Vigorous Sporch
in Our Ueliuir.
1'ahib, June 28. A largo uumlier of
visitors were present at the session of the
Beliring Sen Tribunal of Arbitration.
Among those who listened to the proceed
ings was the Hon. James B. Eustis, Ameri
can Ainlwssador to Frnnce.
The Hon. E. J. Phelps, of counsel for
the United States, opened his argument In
behalf of the contention of tho United
States, and his address was a brilliant
one. He said that the case presented only
two main questions. Have the Canadians,
and the renegade Americans who seek tho
sheltf r of the Britisli flag in order to defy
the laws of tin Ir own country, the right
to cont.nue destroying the seal species!
mdlf so what regulations are necessary to
prevent the extermination of the sonlsl
Other questions might bo Involved, but
they were merely Incidental.
Tile British claimed the right to exter
minate the specie; for tho sake of a small
temporary iirollt. They did no meet tho
questio'i as to whether the right oxl.ts but
ixliaustod the resources of thoabiestadvo
acy to evade it. The British counsel np-
iroached the question in every direction
xcept a strnightforwurd one. Counsel
'Hiving agreed upon the facts tlio tribunal
mght to dismiss tho matter of the seiz
The Lenders Itcglsterlng and Leaving
I'nrt Ilodgo Iterry Loads Now.
Foht Doduk, la., June 23. James H,
Stephens, Rattlesnake Pete and John
Berry, tho leaders in tho cowboy race, reg
istered hero yostorday morning. Rattle
snake Pete was tho first to arrivo. Ho
was a-.tride of "Gen. Grunt" and minus
"The Outlaw," having to abandon that
horse forty miles this side of Sioux City.
"Gen. Grant" is jaded and sleepy, but
Pete is confident the ' 'General" will carry
him to Chicago a winner. Pete himself
looks well, and slept here till tho uftcr-
"Doc" Middleton Is back In the race,
having started from Sioux City Wednos
lay, registering nt Galvin that same ovo
nlug. "
John Berry made the start from hero at
uoon, taking advantage of tho tired condi
tion of Rattlesnake Pete's horso. Berry is
now in tho load.
It Took the Whole of u Taterson Court
to Stop a Fight.
Pateoson, N. J., Juue 23. An exciting
scene was witnessed in the District Court
here during a trial In which B. B. Haines,
publisher of tho Evening News, was plain'
tilt, and William L. Bender, President of
the Call Publishing Company, was defend
Joroes 0. Siglcr, manager of tho Guar
dian, was called us a witness to testify to
Haines' veracity. The witness said ho
would not believe the defendunt under
oath. Haines then jumped up denouncing
Sigler for maligning him lu open court.
The witness jumped from the stand und
made a rush with clinched lists towards
the publisher.
It required the united efforts of Judge
Kerr, a dozen lawyers, two constables and
the janitor to separate the combatants.
Colored Men lu Convention.
Chicago, June 20. A nationul conven
tion ot the Colored Meu's National Pro
tective Association is in session to-day at
Columbus Hall In the Art Institute. Fred
Douglas responded to the welcome of
Mayor Harrison. About 300 delegates
are present
WTfrt-. O Why Is Strictly Pure
W hV' White Lead the best
J paint ? Because it
will outlast all other paints, give a
handsomer finish, better protection to
the wood, and the first cost will be less.
If Barytes and other adulterants of
white lead are "just as good" as
Strictly Pure White Lead, why are all
the adulterated white leads always
branded Pure, or
" Strictly Pure
lite Lead ?"
This Barytes is a heavy white powder
(ground stone), having the appearance
of white lead, worthless as a paint,
costing only about a cent a pound, and
is only used to cheapen the mixture.
What shoddy is to cloth, Barytes is
to paint. Be careful to use only an old
and standard brand of white lead the
John T. Lewis & Bros.
is strictlypure. "Old Dutch" process,
and established by a lifetime of use.
For colors use National Lead Co. 'a
Pure White Lead Tinting Colors with
Strictly Pure White Lead.
For sale by the most reliable dealers In
oalnts everywhere.
If you are going to paint, It will pay you
to send to us lor a book containing informa
tion that may sav you many a dollar; it will
only cost you a postal card to do so. t
Eight Speakers Tnko Part In tlio Juuloi
GBrrrsnono, June 28. The Junior ora
torleal contest of Gettysburg College tool
place yesterday. There were eight speak
ers, four from each society. The prta
was awarded to B. R. Luntst, of Hagere
town, Md., whose subject was "ThoRealit)
of Duty." J. S. English, of Hnrrisburg,
received honorable mention.
The senior class day exercises were held
lost evening. The class poem was read by
N. L. .1. Gron. of Denmark. The Ivy or
ation wits delivered by John Bowers, and
the class prophecy was pronounced by Vlr
ltd R. Savior. The trustees elected II. C
Picking treasurer, ns successor to A, 1).
Buul ler, vi h held the position for fifty
.wars. Resolutions from various synod
asking for synodical representation in the
hoard were presented and referred to n
committee of live, which Is to report at the
next annual meeting. Last evening Thcta
Chapter, of the Sigma Chi Fraternity, cele
brated the thirtieth anniversary of Ita or
ganization. Among the speakers was
Arolideacon Henry L. Zleccnfuss, of rough
kecpste. Banquets were also held by the
looal chapters ot I'm Jiappa fst and rhi
Delta Theta.
A Fearful Scene of Destruction la a Mint
nt niiticuko.
Wnjcns-BArtnE, June 23. At a late
hour last evening while eight men were nt
wo'k nt Nonticoke in No. 0 gangway ol
No, 0 slopo of the Susquehanna Coal Com
pany, about three-quarters of n mile froir
the bottom of the shaft, u terrillc explosioi
of gas took place which hurled the victim-
off. their feet and scattered them lu all
directions, killing four men und a boy in
stantly niid seriously, but not fatally, In
jurinir three men. The dead are:
Abratn Walker, Frank Beanlck, John
Smith, William short, und a f olunder.
Killed Near Carrolton.
Ebsnsbuiio, June 23. Yestenlny John
Knutti.inn was found at the roadside near
Carrolton, in nn insensible condition.
When restored to consciousness Kauilman
stated that he and John Clare were set
upon by four companions during tho night.
that Clare had been killed nud his body
concealed in the brush. A search revealed
the dead man's body.
Wants to Withdraw the Exhibit.
-Boston. June 23. John W. Bner of the
Ciirist'on Endeavor Society has written to
the chief of the Liberal Arts Department at
the Chicago 1 air. Mr. Bear requests per
mission to withdraw the exhibits of the so
ciety liecnuso the fair Is to be kept open on
Tliruo Hills Vetoed.
IlAnmSBUfcO, Juno 23. The governor
vetoed three bills last night, the most Ira-
poi taut of which was the Marshall bill
which provides for the repeal of the law to
prevent tho consolidation of competing
pipe lines. Ten unimportant bills were
Jim laly Knocked Out.
New Yoiik. June 23. In the fight at
Coney Island last night between Joe But
ler. of Philadelphia, and Jim Daly, of But
falo, the lutter was knocked out in the
sixth louud.
Mrs. John -Fcnton
DvsnoDsIa. Intonso Mlserv
"N pen con describe the suffering I en
dured ten years from Dyspepsia. I had al
most nireii up Hope ot over being any better
when I began to take- Hood's Sarsupanlla. I
lng from dyspepsia to try
LHIood's Sarsaparilla
The truth of this statement I am alad to verlf
at ii ii j- time." Mns. JouM Fextox, 07 l'rlde
Btroet, rittshursn, rs.
Hood'3 Pills are purely vegetable, care.
fully urepurod from the beat Ingredients, zoo.
ITe Offer Tou a Jtemtdn
which Insure Safety to
life of Mother and Child.
Hob) Confinement of Its
Pain, Horror andllhk.
UteruefDi? one bottloof" Mother's Frtrnd" t
.ir.rod but JUtl pain, and diauotoxperlsuooiha'
tikut-u afterward usual In such oases. Mrs,
- iUge, Lamar, Mo., Jan. 15th, liM.
. Jn,'iX e'P.ress, charges prepaid, on receipt ol
Tien, 61.00 per bottle. IJooS to Mothers mailed free.
hold ny au pnoaaisre.
Lumbago, Sciatica,
Kidney Complaints,
La mo Back, etc
With EtcctraMaanetlo SUSPENSORY.
auaievc a-it-niB. uc jmproveiucnii i
"Will cure without iuedtL-lne all WnViim rtsulUuff from
OTeM&xAtion uf hi .in iit'tt o n?. excwuwa or ludl
crttlon. aa uer.un debility, tleti !fwiiea( taniraor.
theuinatUm, Jsuluey, and L..nlur complaints,
uuekuck, lmnlxsgo, scuiti, ell frmaJa complaint
Fiiral ill htwl'ii, etc, lida fiwtrlo Belt contain
HoBsferM IwursttrMrtiU ovtr all other. Current Jf
Iiutantljftiltby wtrer or we forfeit 3 5,000. 00, ani
will cure ail of the aiuve dim-ases or no par. Tbou
feuidal liAVfi Issifii mireri hv Hi 14 fn i -valnna invention
&fter ftti other if med(e failed, and we pite iiuiidretia
Of teetiinonUk in thin and every other fttate.
Our rrfe Iiprd ELLLTBIC fil'ferJ-lgOBT, tho
prMttet boon ever otT red wvalc men, HUH wilkelj
IJ, lUlih ud 1 !. blnulb Ql'lUlilThaU la bU la
DO daa. 6udforIUuaMIVujphU:t,niMl
'mm Mmm
Bright, Crisp, Concise.
The leading Local Weekly Paper
In Schuylkill County.
All tho Local News printed in a readable, attractive manner,
with no waste of words.
Eomo have told us "You can't do It." We believe wo can, and we will.
Tub IIkkami in tlio future will be better than at any timo during its
past history, if painstaking clforts will accomplish that end.
Send One Uollnr to The Herald oillco and recclvo the paper
for one year. This oiler applies to old us well as new subscribers, pro
viding nil arrearages are paid, t Hcmember, these terms are invariably
in advance; otherwise $1.50 will be charged.
Do you desire success? All buslne s men know that the only way of
increasing trade is talking in print Advertising I Where you make
ouocustomer by word-of-mouth argument or by displaying goods, you
can make ono hundred by bright, convincing advertisements.
Don't talk in a whisper
No one will hear you.
Don't talk in thunder tones
AH noise and no facts.
Don't talk without listeners
Place your "ad" where it will bo read.
THE HERALD is the best mo:lium lor reaching the public, nud
profitable results aro sure to follow all advertisements placed in its col
umns. Let us convince you of this fact by a trial.
Our Job Oillco has always enjoyed a reputation for excellent work,
second to none, which is maintained by strict attention to every detail
of tho business and a thorough equipment of tlio latest printing ma
terial. Our Job ofllce has just been refurnished with a now lino of type
of tho latest and most artistic design, nud have in our press-room all
tho latest and Improved
;fcctm Printing Presses,
Our facilities for turning out first
you need anything in tlio printing
- class work are unsurpassed. When
line call at the oillco of
A. W. LKISENUINQ. President.
P. J. FKiintTHfm, vtf.. n...,-..
J. R. LEIHENltlNfl, OMhler.
8. W. YOST, Assistant Cashls.
Open Daily From 9 to
Interest Paid on Savings Deposit .
sT. Gr. 33C3ED'3?S;i!331.
Rubber fJcmeat!
For Slate.-Tlte, Tin or Iron Itoofs.
Sold In alljslzo packagos from lOpounds up
Pointing un and renalrlne all crncknA mint.
on all kinds of rootn, und around ohimnoyn
coping stonos, skylights, dormer windows
guttem, wood or stono work, broul s and nali
oles, or any place to bemadewat i-ttpht: ur,
equalled for laying and bedding hi, ATE Ani
hub noui'B, aiso copings. They will nevci
leak or become loosened- It is vcryndheslv
sticks firmly to anything, formlmr n tough
Icatbcr-llko sklnovor the top, will not run o;
loosen from Joints or cracks, summer or win
tcr. This cement neods no refeicucc. it hai
stood tho tost for thirty-two yearn, and nevei
falls to give perfect satisfaction it Is lit
most useful article a roofer can t tve In hit
shop. The cement Is propared rom'y for usr
ana Is to bo applied with a trowel und Is ken'
moist by keeping covered with w iter or oil
and will not get stiff or dry. Colom, brown an
black. (Established 1860 ) Address,
J. Q. UETZEL, 69 Maine St., Newark, N J
Bfaieal Ofllctf. 20G S. SECOND St.
AiBinooineHC in.immui lor trip tr
Rpeelal IllHecsca & Youtlii
Varicocele Hrilrnrrli Iluinure. I
Trcnttiirnt hy Ittnl h. Spt-1'
munlcatlorifl wirnMily conflilfM i
llooh. omi o hours: v t. J i
it All day Hiturilay Swulaii, lot
atmprit nf
-l Manliooo
1IT. t'.,n.
it stati ' l"
v , e t ii r
12 a y
Manufacturer.- if
Of Every Desor ; tloa
Flags, Baoges, Caps, Regattas '
Write for catalogues. Correspondence solicited
KQQ Artli Fourth fit
Wt)U belgw Qnm, PbUadclrbW
AETIl tbQ famllj fbyilclao, iht bo
ipittl ud advertlftiDg dixton bkT0 fal.e."
a veil auitctcs h iroiolss to our
joa irur all otiiert lull aodtoglvsioi
writtLQ guaraDlK' ;ree dir', frn
trcaiuiirLtt aui alar U hvh iwiiiJlert
tbo if il ruauiifiiaur- r? with thalr
v culled ttiuus, riHtuntii c$, table u,
oy portera, and ctlier
bus couoerut. tnt) b i
PW , fir) , tie sulmil
THEN co Brd c
! if a. r thepi
irho hai had 0 n' Europe an IlosrlUl m
;e jfan' pru u
itididlytill to
cl experlenoo. Bo eramloed l7 blm. ll
whether Tourcasa la curable or not. Hd-1 i
does bs culm to beOud'i eounl. bJt ) 1 tlii - tlic inert d
rerate cafe of Syphtlli, Ulccri, EtrlUurei, OocciThcea
rtvuoa. muu AJicaarg, ulIll 11 i iieiancnuui
rtownheartodoeii.andall those dim nud tVu t ouofyouthni
Indlfcretloa, of both sew, in iri of a n in-. Bmem r
VTi. THE EL dcN coro what all oitarsf la!m to 6f DR
TUEEL tiiai oorotiion erwa treatmcDt. Ik- combines tho All
(aibk, UonKEonathlo, aud Folcotic intenn tt mtdlclne wbt
crer thejr ar Indicated. Hunr Dallv. u .n 8 o'clock en.0
tngi, 6 tu 8 , Wed, aol Sat-cienirsi from 6 to 10 o'cltik; tiun
dji, 9 to 12. Seed 10 cu, worth of a ot. mmpa for boot
"TVutA," the ontr true medical took advert i-td, a friend foil
Sou or, and middle aged of both ifxut, W rlif or, call. AVOIt
octori warolng ) ou Bgalait medioal book ; Hit y are afraid foi
U1 Dul their Iguoraure exond. KKAI) Dr. Tbed n tilt
jbODlaU la Wedaendaj'i and balurday a fbUadtilpbia ftMfc
Chris. Bossier's
(Mann's old stand)
X04 fjotitli ssaln Street.
Finest wines, whiskeys and olgars always in
stock. Fresh Deer, Alo and Porter on Up.
Choice Temperance Drinks.
Celebrated foiter, file and Bee?
Manager Shenandoah Brancl:
(Christ. Uossler's old stand.)
Hntti Mud Coal Uts.i KIiciinurtoRii.
Best beer, ale and porter on tap. The ttncsl
brandSot whiskeys and cigars. Pool room st
. ,
Watt's Popular Saloon,
(Formerly Joe Wyatt's)
5 und 21 West Oak Street,
Btt etooked with the but beer, porter, .les,g
hlsklas. hrsndllM. ulnfw. Atft. rlnnnt rlcsrS P
'sllni bsrstt ached. Cordlsl Invitation to all
1 P
Horses and Carriages to Hire.
Hauling of all kinds promp
:orsea taken to board, at rates S cr
that are liberal. &or
FEAR ALLEY, Rear BuMalFi Mnn iSlorfe
luiuu uuu uttK Bireeia,
Bhentmtlonb, rennet.,
Truck and Vegetables. J
Poultry, Cauio, Rsh and Oys erj
In season. Ordera left at tho store
will receive promptattont'irh
Han opened a j
Saloon : and : Restaurant., a
Cor, Lloyd and MarkotSte.,
Where he will be pleased to receive his Irjjs '
Best beers, ales and porter and finest VMSS.
Of Ctpara a 1 urn , nn lianil. 'iSB