The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, June 01, 1893, THIRD EDITION, Image 1

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    The Evenin
.VOLi. VIIL--NO. 78.
ark This
For ten days only wo tiro making a specialty of a
heavy Doublo Wabbboard, and Boiling it at only
cycjn This is a rare bargain, and cannot bo
duplicated anywhere eleo in tho town,
Nice, juicy, white, fat Mackerel. Nothing
liko them olsowhero. Thoy average 1 pound
each, and wo arc selling them, per pound, at
13 C2
Tho samo scale of prices prevails in all depart
ments, but how long these prices will romuin
low wo cannot Bay.
Wo always have on hand a largo stock of
st Family Flour
Every barrel guaranteed first-class.
4 Watch for Other Trices Next Week.
All goods promptly delivered free of charge. Mailorders
nil receive careful and prompt attention.
114 South Main Street.
121 N. Mam Street, Shenandoah.
Pools Shoes. Cvcnts? Furnishings !
At greatly reduced rates.
M. j3k.. Jb " JbJH.H"ST, Proprietor.
A line of NEW CARPETS in
Body and Tapestry Brussels.
Handsome New Patterns at Lowest JPiicos.
Also a Spltndld Asfortment of
Good Quality, Good styles, Low Prices.
We also Offer Special Bargains in
inolenms and Oil Cloths
2.0 Reduce Stock.
For Stlclifty Barrels
flHTiDie Kye Flour, Fresh Ground
Our Own Mate
)ld Time Graham Flour A Choice Article.
II OF Till I
Tim May mill iJiino Wiiki-i Tliri'o lor Cent
niim- tim liiinin, lmt tim i:nvct r
ThU It C'liiinloracU'il by licpnrt f Miiro
P33J HEBE Is good and bad
tfm ."Its I'owa for tho miners of
J4Ep&HCi tills section to day, but
Xwtrnt? fortunately tho good
JgllsS yV. over-balances tho bad.
Tho latter conies in tho
' 5r form of au official an
nouueoment tliat tho collieries drawn to re
turn tho prices of coal sold in Hay, last, to
dctorminotho rato of wages to bo paid, Bhow
a low average Tho prices returned aro as
Oak Hill colliery, Lelsenring & Co fcJ.43D
Hammond " P. &H. C. & I. Cc 2.39 2
Uoir Hldgo " " S.S2 0
aiendower " " 2A1A
Mnplo H1U ' " 2.S1 i
Tho avcrago of thoso prices is $2.39.7 and
llio rato of wages to bo paid for tho last two
weeks of May and tho first two weeks of
Juno is threo per cent, below tho $2.G0 ba9is.
Tho good news is to tho cflcct Unit tho
hundreds of men and boys who liavo been
idlo for Bovcral wcoks past will bo ablo to
earn some monoy after noxt Monday.
It is said Indian KIdgo and West Shenan
doah collieries will rcsumo operations on tho
day named. Tho announcement is not
official, but It comes from a pretty roliablo
Theso two colliorics require a combined
working forco of nearly fourteen hundred
men and boys and thcreforo a resumption of
work will bring a rovonuo to this district that
will far moro than counter-balance tho re
duction by reason of tho percentage off tho
basis. For tho present it seems that the
peoplo in this part of tho region will havo to
rejoico over whatever they can get and hope
for an improvement.
A gentleman prominent in coal circles said
to-day ho did not think thcro would bo any
improvement on tho basis until tho fall.
II. E. Dcnglcr is on tho sick list.
Patrick Feeley, of I'ottsvlllo, Is in town.
'Squiro Cardin went to iho county 6eat this
Miss Laura Folmor is visiting her sister at
W. A. Keagoy spent this morning at tho
county scat.
Constablo Jero. Toomcy spent this morning
at Mahanoy City.
Hon. Ellas Davis, of Broad Mountain, was
a visitor to town to-day.
Mrs. nines, of Schuylkill Haven, was a
visitor to town yesterday.
County Commissioner Bowes paid a brief
visit to town this morning.
Letter Carrier John Bartsch resumed his
duties this morning after enjoying a fifteen
day vacation.
Miss Mary Ebert, of Luzerne, and Miss
Addle Jones, of Dupont, aro visiting Mrs.
Hart, on North Jardiu street.
John M. Bobbins, wifo bud son, Auber,
George V. Beddall and wifo, Dr. Nora
Bobbins and Mrs. Brown, of Bloomsburg,
left town early this morning for Philadel
phia to catch the 11:20 a. m. Columbian ex
press train for Chicago.
Water Supply Cut On".
Tho town was deprived of a supply of
water this morning by n break in tho main
pipe. The break occurred where tho pipe
runs along tho rock bank of tho Kehley Ban
colliery and was caused by a squeeze In tho
mines. It was about 7 o'clock when the
break was discovered and from that time
until nearly noon many parts of town were
without wator. The connections which the
water company made with the Qlrard Estate
dams several months ago were called upon
for a supply and water was turned from that
direction for tho first time. Tho break will
probably bo repaired by to-night.
Finger Amputated.
Thomas McCormlck, of Chestnut street,
had tho second finger of his right hand
caught in tho cog wheels of a fan In the St.
Nicholas colliery and so badly mashed that
Dr. Stein was obliged to amputato the mem
ber at tho first joint.
Another Sewer Llue.
Property ownors on Emcrick street will
to-night petition the Borough Council to
allow them to lay a sower pipe on that
street from the Lehigh Valley railroad to tho
outlet below the Haverty property on East
Oak street.
Now for Oxford Tie..
At tbo People's store will bo found a big
selection of ladies' Oxford ties, warranted
solid?'- in the latest styles, at 75 cents and
upwards. People's Stobk,
6-lMf 121 North M&In Street.
I have about two hundred
fine style, suitable for odd
What Ho Seen Hint fleiira During 111,
vougrossman ".iacK" liouinson, wno was
tho orator of tho day hero on Tuesday, is n
man of distinguished presence, but of very
unassuming manner. Ilissmlio Is pleasant,
his grasp cordial and his greeting quiet,
but assuring, and whon tho Introduction is
mado ono feols at perfect caso In conversing
with him. Ho is dignified in his bearing,
but has tho happy faculty of suiting himself
to his surroundings and makes all about him
feel as comfortablo as ho appears to be,
whether thoso ho meets bo tho most dis
tinguished and wealthy in tho town, or tlmsi
to whom tho Qod of fortuuo has not cast so
many showers. Ho appears to bo a man who
practices as ho preaches, and "lives for hu
manity's sake" At tho conclusion of tho
ceremonies on Tuesday ho romarked that a
young woman named McNulty had been a
maid in his family for many years and he
believed her homo was in Shcnandaah. Tho
maid ho referred to was tho daughter of Mrs.
McNulty, of South White streot, a widow
who has resided in this town for over thirty
years. Upon learning this tho Congressman
insisted upon going to seo tho widow und ho
was taken to tho house. Tho widow was not
only highly honored by tho visit, but also
mado happy when tho Congressman said that
his family had always thought a groat deal
of hor daughter.
Congressman Eoblnson is a man who was
born with tho peoplo and is still with them.
Ho has had an ovontful Hfo and has travoled
around tho world. For many years ho was a
soaman and also an ofilccr In tho navy. His
fund of Information is au cxtcuslvo ono. In
speaking of Shenandoah tho Congressman
said ho was very favorably impressed with
the town and its peoplo and ho considered It
a treat to moot with a genuino miner, who
appears to bo an object of so much interest to
thoso who rarely or never visit tho coal
regions. Ho said ho had au Idea ot tho dan
ger attending tho miners' calllug, but his
visit had shown that that idoa was only a
faint ono. Ho thought tho pooplo hero were
very sociablo and good naturcd. Liko many
others, tlioro is a woman In this caso. When
thanked by a veteran for his services in
securing a speedy decision In a pension caso
for a poor widow Mr. Robinson luplied, "You
must thank my wifo for that. Sho did it."
Mr. Eoblnson will visit Shenandoah again
in tho near future and speud a wcok, bring
ing with him his charming wifo and inter
ing children. Thoy may depend upon a
hearty welcome, for tho head of tho family
won as many admirers on Tuesday as any
mar. could comfortably win within a day.
Tho superstitious show men-may hesitate
about putting Shenandoah on their" dato
books without being charged with groundless
fears. Main's circus Is tho third to meet with
ralsfortuuo when within a few days of filling
an engagement hero. A fow weeks ago Coup's
circus was billed, but was attacked by firoat
Mauch Chunk before it could fill tho date;
Hurlburt & Huntings show wiis making Its
way hero and met with a railroad accident;
and now Main's shows aro destroyed In u
railroad wreck aud its dato for this placo next
Monday is caucelled. But, then, tho circus
and theatrical people are not as superstitious
as they wcro sorao years ago, and it may not
bo long boforo tho bill boards will bo covered
again by tho brilliant advertising paper of
somo other "greatest show on earth." It was
reported yesterday that Adam Forepaugh, Jr.,
will bring a show hero In tho near future.
It is suggested that better arrangements
should bo mado at tho cemetery for tho ac
commodation of speakers on occasions liko
that of Tuesday last. Many peoplo failed to
hear the speech of Congressman Bobinson
because ho stood on tho ground when speak
ing. Some portablo means of shelter should
bo provided for tho masonry upon which tho
cannons rest. A speaker standing on this
elovatlon can bo heard by all surrounding the
G. A. It. lot.
Threo young men of town had a narrow
escaiio from serious injury at Lost Creek tho
other evening. They had been visiting
young ladies and when on their way homo
attempted to gloan somo flowers for Decora
tion Day from a garden Tho owner of tho
property hoard them walking about tho placo
and as the hour was late he supposed burglars
wcro prejiarlng for a raid. Ho raised tho
window and blazed away with a revolver.
The young men hurried over tho dirt banks
to town very badly frightened. .
Tho Councilmen did not make a tour of
tho borough In a body on Tuesday afternoon,
as was expected. A half dozen of them met
and Inspected several streets aud alleys.
They will no doubt havo a report aud somo
recommendations to make this evening, but
It is said that a date will bo fixed when all
tho Councilmen can make a tour, as is the
custom, annually.
William Lecklo, well known here, is
credited with au excellent piece of work at
tho York farm colliery, of which place ho is
foreman. Ho has succeeded In successfully
tapping tho wator lu tho old Ouineau Hill
workings on tho Black Mine vein. This
vein was worked by Coal Oporator Potts forty
years ago. Tho work leading to the tupping
consumed nearly a year s time.
Tho contract between William Lang and
tho School Board for the construction of the
West Centre street school building has been
signed la spite of tho threats of Messrs.
Fowler and Miller to contest the awarding of
tho contract lu court.
1 3
An electrlo railway running betweoi this
town and tho Catawlssa Valley would eap a
harvest in the summer, but It Is feared mch a
load will never be built
Bedsteads in stock, all hard
rooms. This is a rare chance
Tho Weary I'cifnircij-iio will Find l'lenfiiiro
lit tlio World's l'nlr, Niagara FnlN or
lloitnn Through Your Iiilliicm-o Vtito
Ilurly mill Often for Your Favorite.
0NTESTS of the kind
tho Herald is now
conducting always lead-
to a discussion of tho
conditions and tho
valuo of tho award to
bo made tho winner,
and so it is that somo
peoplo wonder why n
trip to tho World's Fair was selected as tho
first prizo. One lady said tho other day that
If tho two winners should happen to bo eutlro
strangers to Chicago, havo no acquaintance
thoro, aud should not bo accompanied by
any one from Shenandoah who could put them
in a position to havo tho exhibits explained.
but llttlo education would bo derived from
tho trip and it would bo mcroly an oxcurslon
of pleasure and curiosity and, therefore, thoro
was no particular reason why such a trin
should bo selected for tho teachers' contest.
Our friend's theory would probably apply to
somo exhibitions, but not to tho World's
Fair. This vast Exposition is intended for
tho education of tho peoplo and any ono who
wishes to dfrivo that education, though alone
and an entire stmngor to tho great White
City can do so. All aro invited to tho fair
that thoy may seo and loam. A well known
writer has said It Is a summer course of
advanco object lesions. It is tho right of
every man, woman and child to convert him
self or herself Into a special conimltten nf
investigation. A groat mistako will any ono
make who through timidity or indiU'erenco
falls to understand everything upon which
tho oyo rests aud about which tho curiosity
may be rousod. Fire your questions at
whomsoever may bo in Bight an exhibitor
or ills assistant if ono is at hand, and if not
at a guard or even ono of the public. You
may learn enormously by keeping the eye
open and tho mouth closed. But you will
learn threo times as much and remember
what you do learn ten times as long if you
ask questions of peoplo who may bo ablo to
givo you Intelligent explanations.
This is tho true method. Go to tho oxposi-
tlou In this spirit of Inquiry and seeking after
knowledge It is tho way to get your
money's worth, and that Is what wo ail want.
There is no difficulty about getting it, either.
lor It does not matter what a man may bo
interested in ho will find it hero. Now and
then you hear a critic pass judgment on this
fair. In his opiuion tho buildings and
grounds, their embellishment with fountains
aud 'statuary, their electric lighting and
laudscapo effects, aro simply unapproachable
But in tho exhibits ho finds a great deal that
is commonplace. "What do I caro," ho asks,
"about acres of agricultural products or long
rows of pottery and silks and other fabrics
such as I may seo any day in tho shops at
home ? What do I caro about a display of
saws and carpenter tools and axes and all
that sort of things ?" Of course ho doesn't
caro anything about them. It is not his lino.
But if ho happens to bo tho publisher of a
newspaper, and a pra:tical printer, and a
man who loves his profession and his trado
aliko (as ovory good newspaper publisher, in
our opinion, does) wait till ho comes to that
part of Machinery hall In which tho pressos
aro at work, where flvo or six daily news
papers aro printod right before his faco and
eyes. Walt till ho comos upon tho complete
printing offico, tho typesetting machines, and
all tho paraphernalia of his art. Then you
will see him prick up his ears, linger, ask
questions, come again after luncheon and re
turn tho next day. He has simply como upon
tho part of tho show which Is of acuto in
terest to him, Ho has struck his line.
Agnes Stein ...,......(1S3C(1
Mama II. Wasley ...... 4H7HU
Nellie Batrd . 37207
Mary A. Connelly ...3I3()0
Mauala Falrchlld.......... .2aoi)3
Frank II. Williams... 101 J8
Carrie Faust . 0lc8
Irene Shane . ...., KK6
Carrie M. Smith 3390
Mary A. Lafforty ,.. 307
AnnaM.Dengler SOTS
ilattlo Hess..... swt
U ridge t A. Hums..... ... SS69
Mary A. Stack.... . . 1976
LUlie B. Phillips ... . 1W3
James H. Lewis . 1280
Ella Clauser ..... OM
Clara Cline- 839
Maggie CavanaugU.......,...................... 8S
Hannah Heese .M roe
Annie Manscll................. ., 033
Sadie Daniel!... .. ,. m
Jennie Ilamage........, ....... 301
Minnie Dipper , 166
Lizzie Leho - , J79
Liziio O'Connell ....... 133
Votes polled yesterday- .... 3000
Orand total... ... 873U8
Every bottle of Arnica & Oil Liniment
sold Is wanautod by tho proprietors to glvo
satisfaction or monoy will bo refunded, lm
Is a cigarette of exceptional high grade ap
pealing to that class of smokers who seek
reloase from back nu mbcrs, aud have dem
onstrated tbclr indorsement of this new
cigarette by their largo and hearty support.
For particulars address B. Labows & Co,
Mahanoy City, Pa.
Bay JfeyifOM flour Be sure thsl the
oame Ltfcst i & Ur., Ashland, Pa., Isp'riuto!
wood, ranging in price from
to select a bed in this house
$2 to $8. They are finished in
cleaning time.
Xotlilnc Oets it Jlovo on In Alexandria,
in., blnce llin (!Inn nf Mm Wiir.
During tho war Col. J. K. 1. Scheinv. nf
town, was in business at Alexandria, and
when In Washington last fall, atlcnillnff tim
Qrand Army reunion, ho wont to that city
uy Doat.
"I consider Alexandria. Va.. tl in 1 An rl rat
town in tho United Statos," ho remarked
whilo spoaklug of tho trin to somo friends
tho other ovoning. "No doubt thcro aro
worse places to llvo In. but. considering llo
opportunities it is oulv rIit tnllfvl frnm
Washington Alexandria really takes tho
paimior non-progresslvonoss. Thirty years
ago tho population was a trllln Inrt-nr t.lmn it
Is now, and 10 years ago thoro was a lino of
suriaco cars In tho principal street. I sup
posotho population grow too lazy oven to
rido In n streot car, however, for tho cars aro
gouo now and forgotten except for a bit of
track hero and thoro.
"Last fall I wout over to Aloxandrin frnm
Washington ono ovenlne to makn a pall, li
was dark aud I couldn't see tho numbers on
tho houses. After u fruitless search for somo
ten minutes alone tho silent street I nntlcnd
a middlo-aged man calmly smoking a pipo on
mo tront Btcps of a houso a fow doors away.
' "I beg pardon,' I said as politely as I
could, 'but will you kindly toll mo which
way tho numbers run on this street!'
"Ho took his pipo out of his mouth, slowly
knocked out tho ashos and said : 'Just got
tcr town ?'
" 'Well, yes,' I replied, a littlo surprised.
" 'Evcnin' boat ?'
" 'What number yor looklu fur ?'
" 'Forty-uiuo."
" 'It's tho other sldo, four doors below.'
"I thanked him aud turned to go.
" 'Hold on a niinnlt,' hocallol: 'what did
you say about numbers ruunln ?'
I asked which way thov ran on thin
street,' I said.
'"Well, they don't run.' ho rrlnlnnn.
fnmbliug around for a maicli. 'tlimr Hnn'i
oven walk. There hain't uothiuir run in tl,L
town bcuco tho war. "
For all Rheumatic diseases uso Dr. IMchtrrV
imponcd "Anchor" Pain Kxnnltm. t
quickly allays all pains, at 25 and EO cents a
bottle. Sold by C. H. Hageubuch, P. P. D.
Kirlln, J. M. Milan and othor druggists. 3t
A Good nut! Chriip Weekly Newspaper
ior biieiiHiidoah.
The publishers of tho Week-t.v TTi-t!.it t
havo decided to creatlv increasn
tlon this year and for that reason havo made
many changes in its general nppoaranco aud
mako up and havo reduced the subscription
rato from S1.D0 to Si nor voar. It will lm
sold at 3 cents per copy aud will bo ono of
mo best weeklies in the interior of thnntntn
The columns will be filled with tho latest and
best news and articles of all kinds, including
local and forelcu affairs, but nothing nhlno.
tionablo to the firesido circle will bo allowed
epaco. Special attention will bo given to tho
sporting department and efforts will bo mado
to furnish only tho latest and most reliahlo
nows of tho 6porting world. First class
serials by eminent writers will bo published
in each number. Tho opening chapters of
JCobcrt ualiour' will bo published noxt
Saturday, Hooks & Brown, booksellers and
stationers, I North Main street, aro tho solo
agents for tho Weekly Herald.
Frnltlens Search.
Coal & Iron Policemen Goiger and Bedea
spent several hours yesterday looking about
town for the tin tickot box of Conductor Ed.
Ford, of tho Lehigh Valloy Ballroad. Ford
had chargo of tho lato special train from
Hazloton on Tuesday night. When tho train
arrived hero ho went into tho depot to get
orders. Moanwhilo somo slick thief stole his
box from tho car, which however contained
only cancelled tickets. The box was worth a
couple of dollars and the police thought that
if they could find it perhaps thev would ppt.
some trace of tho thief, but their search was
John J. Murphy, the well known and pop
ular hustler of the I'ottevllls f.kmlAi etuir
Is spoken of as a candidate for Deputy Col
lector oi inceruai Jtevenuo. Tho selection of
Mr. Murphy would certainlv lm a vi n
as ho could bo reUedHipou to give tho duties
of the office all the attention they require
uuu mere can no no doubt about his qualifications.
Our little boy wonders where peoplo got all
the pleasant sayings about Dr. Coxo's Cough
Syrup, and says tho next cold ho gets ho
means to try it.
lUqulres Attention,
Numerous complaints aro mado that two
fellows, strangers, who solicit orders of some
kind during the day tlmo and pose under
shining high silk hata in the evenings, make
themselves nuisances to ladies by their
ogllugs, and have frequently offered Insults
to thoso who havo been obliged to pass them.
If theso mashers do not desist they will be
pulled up short somo night and gUen a dose
'Squire Jack's com(er) euro.
SoL llHuk Injured.
While out gatherlug empty beer kegs yes
terday Sol. Haak met with an aceldout. In
reaching for a keg in a ereek at the southern
part of tho town ho slipped and In tho fall
Injured his hand and leg. Tho Injuries are
not sorious, however.
AKsaiitt unci lliittery, Incrii, Mallclmm
Mlnchlef Jlrnw Upon tho Tlmo .if Jun
tleen mid IUiIho Their Hills of Cont-A
llrotliurx DfHpcruto Act.
EW holidays pass I n
town without giving
tho Justices of . tho
Pcaco somo cases to
pass judgment upon
and Tuesday was no
exception to tho rulo.
osterdav several r.niiKtnliloi vnrn tmav
oxccutlng warrants and thoy tratherod In a
number of offenders. Among them woro
Potor Worchacousky. Ho was bnfnrnvTnstlm
Mouaghan on a ncttv chariro and nln tn
answor for larceny. Peter had boarded with jp
ono Yodkois and became indobtod to hjm for
hoard to tho amount of $13. Ono MaiuV.Ji,,; "
Baltzcr then assumed tho debt and took tho VS"
debtor as a boarder. Worchacousky ro ,
maincd with YIaUtpt nlmtit-. a mV n. i.n
disappeared, leaving tho $13 and additional
uuaru unpaiu, ana laKing $30 belonging to
Mary Bunsavaeo. Baltzor'a
chacousky was hold for trial on both charges.
Stephen Tumor was also among tho arrests
last night. Ho and Anthony Yenowlch
fought in their boarding houso and Turnnr
knocked tho olhor through a window. The
latter remained In tho lockup all night
and all of to-day, determined only to pay
ior mo DroKou window. 'Squiro Mouaghan
gave him until to-night to mako up his mind
to pay tho costs. If ho does not do so ho
MIchaeTBurns got In trouble to.dav. TT
was drunk this morning and thmnirh
w O"
cusscuness no smasnod tho windows of Mrs.
Ann snortati'a House on West Coal street
with a baso ball bat. He was nlacnd In th
lockup to get sober and to-night will bo
given a hearing before 'Squire Bailey,
A Polish wedding has boon In progress on
West Poplar streot since Monday morning.
Last night thoy got filled un with tllnH,"
tho fighting point and indulged in a free
fight. Thoy succeeded in smashing
and bruising each other pretty badly with tho
pieces. The police ran several of them Into
tho lockup aud this morning tho cases woro
A Polo known as Jako Suffolk- ,nn,i .
fffllVU KJ
Justice Mouaghan this morning. Ho said
h s brother had assaulted him with an axo
and exhibited several ugly looking cuts on
ua um;.. xno orocnor nas disappeared.
Survival of the fitest. Downn' RH,v t...
outlived every othor cough remedy Blmply
utuause u is me best. im
Walter L. Sluln'a Shows are In Good
Tho following letter was rerplvA hv
master Boyor to-day from F. Mont. Long,
mall agent for Main's circus:
iJEAUHin: flease lorward at onco nil mall
you hold addressed in earn nf vnm. i
Tyrone. Pa Also please inform all persons
yuu nave ciaims against the circus that a gen
tleman will oall at an early dato and settle
same. Wearenowln the hands ot the Penn-
syivania Kaiiroad Company.
When the news of the wreck rpjirhM
yesterday there was considerabln dlunuinn
as to whom would bo responsible for the
uamago. i no above letter indicates that tho
rauroaa company will sustain It.
Sare, Sure und Speedy.
No external remedv ever vi J!.i i...
so fully and unquestionably met these three
priiuo oonuuious as successfully as Allcock's
Porous Plasters. Thov
contain no deleterious drugs and are manu
factured upon scientiflo nrinrlnW nf mni.
cine. They are sure because nothing goes
inio mem except ingredients which are ex.
actly adapted to tho purposes for which a
plastor is required. They are speedy In their
action boeauso their medicinal
right to their work of relieving pain and
restoring the natural and healthy perform,
ance of the functions of mnslm
and skin. Do not bo deceived by misrepre-
miauou. ask ior Allcock's and let no
solicitation or explanation Induca von fn an.
copt a substitute.
A lreentutloo,
Robert Binulue. lato
Schuylkill Traction Company, was presented
with a handsome gold watch bv th
of the oompauy at Glrardvllle on Tuesday
Hate Hall at VotUvllla
The following home dates have been mn
by the Y. M. C A. ilub of PotUville June
.5 uazieton, o, Cuban limits; 10 Solar Tips-,
Store reople. adults and children .
troubled with oostlvenesa than with any
uiuer aiiment, ur. Henry Baxter's Man.
drake Bitters will cure costiveness and pre
vent tho diseases which result from It. lm
None but the best Fire and Life
Companies represented by Jno. J. Cardhi, 200
W. uoya street. 6.88-lw
Best work done at Brennnn'a
dry. Everything white and spotless, J''
curtains a specialty. All work
Best photographs and
Vnoenixvi" -
II i Ml i i I H
. . u