The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, May 30, 1893, THIRD EDITION, Image 4

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Among merchant 1
the one who outers to
the wants of hbi cus
tomers, bo they rich or poor. Both have mi
401 right to bo treated fairly. Justice to all
Is ft good motto, and our customers -will And
It oars. Wo havo a complete line of a roeeries
Hp as Canned Goods, etc. Co mo and see
Sck of goods, and remember the best
l aro always tho oheapest lntho long run.
Corner Grocery,
jitre and White Sts.
reel ate, of
d present H
n h a Tt
of Internet to "Herald"
ftdTertlsing.r Tin-... nilMr. John Tftvls. of St,
omceoroyi . . mi .i i- i,.. ,.uni.,
lair, eiiuub AUUiDuajr lit wnu
inu iinniii MN.nma Minn t iiu t Manila in i.irnm
- III rinrlni thA nnr v TMrtm MB weeK.
l. -. " 1
"188 xneresa nouruaii xeui ouuuay uuu
-lay in Rcadini; visiting friends.
MB raw -Evans Is ono of tho del ehted cltl
jC. F. Heebnor, of PortCarlwn, Medical
Jilnor for tho P. & it. Itelief Association,
Ant a few hours horo Wednesday.
. ti . . . . .
b. Banner is improving m pruiwuy
HII DU UiKVIUlK w n.. m.v " " n - .....
....J i a nanusome iron lenoo on ion ui iu
Naw that, lhlcrh fLvennn nan hecn mien un
mperativa e It adyjgnbio to have the crossings at
upon our lavis corner raised to a lovol of tho street.
Bt,aoer In.'hey aro much lowor than tho street grado
niiuLti. . ... - .
Uuu. UIVO US KOOU Birccis uuu uiuaoiiiKe,
very ""KSuporvisor.
nlacetl tl A party of gypsies passed uirougu town
AlilWOMiW"' . m. i i , 1 . P
bony horso flesh with them.
W. I Ilolt and Samuel Balloy, candidates
for delegates to tho Ecpublican county con
Yentlon, oro making a tlii'iju canvass
among tLir'.. neuas. "tvo wish them success
as they aro both good men for this honor,
E. Wagner is having a now brick pave
ment laid In front of his resldenco on Lohigli
Mrs. Rauscb. has completed a dancing
pavilion and has an arc light placed in posi
tion at her popular hostelry on Lehigh ave
nue. On Tuesday evening Constablo Blako, of
Gilberton, arrived from Munayunk, via tho
7:30 Reading train, and with him as a pris
oner tho runaway wife of Mr. Zcrblo, of
Gilberton, and her two children. Tho Con
stablo Is not used to ico water, and if ho was,
he would hardly indulgo in it after so ar
durous an errand. Ho very naturally had a
longing for some of Johnson's sparkling
Lebanon, and to gratify his desire, stopped
into the Cloud Castle, leaving his prisoner
and her children in tho parlor, while ho re
paired to tho bar and ordered ono of tho
biggest and freshest of Bchooners. This was
the prisoner's opportunity and, in a twink-
Uowm& -waa out of tho front door and cutting
J"-frvi -K3iror"inerty.-,-Tlie alarm was
sounded by a lady of tho house, and Blake
gave chase, and alter a run of two blocks
caught up with tho woman. Had no ono
been watching the Constablo would havo had
to indulge In another trip, perhaps with less
successful results.
Bev. IT. C. Clymer is attending tho Min
isterlnm and will indulgo in a week's vaca
tion atte: wards. Thcro will, consequently bo
no 'services held in tho Lutheran church to
morrow and to-morrow a week.
) Memorial services will he appropriately oh
Served on Tuesday. In tho morning tho
graves will be decorated and in tho aftornoon
at 2 o'clock the parado will tako place. Bev.
S. 0. Carter, of the M. E. church, will bo the
Burd Irish, of the Stoddard Coal Co., and
Dr. Blddle, superintendent of tho Miners'
Hospital, wero In town on Thursday.
Charles F. Harkins, of Ottumwa, Iowa, is
home for a fow weeks visit to his relatives in
town. Charley has been very successful in
the West, being now engaged as conductor of
freight on one of the big roads. He reports
all the old P. & B. boys as prospering in tho
West, many of them holding responsible
positions. He is a very enthusiastic admirer
of the western country and advises all good
railroad men to go thero and prosper.
we will
concert at
Coming Kvellta.
May 30. Schoppe orchestra
Lakeside Park. Opening day.
May 30. Ico cream and strawberry fasti
Valj Bobbins' opera house; under auspices of
Trinity Reformed Sunday school.
June 14. Ice cream and strawberry fes
tival, Bobbins' opera house, benefit Presby
terian church.
June 10. Ice cream festival under the
auspices of the joint committee of Camps
183, 112 and 20C, P. O. S. of A.
July 3 & 4. Independence Day festival in
Bobbins' opera house, under the auspices of
Camp 49, Sons of Veterans.
Coughing Leads to Consumption,
Kemp's Balsam will stop the cough
File or Hemorrhoids
Permanently cured without knue nrligatare.
Ho danger or suffering. No delay from bus
Iseu whllajvider treatment. Patients whr
e author of tiil-not pay until woll. i
i ,i, c- i r. - jt.
en D8CK an -. vi.
t TfVKn n
RfAr hv mrmk Ion. to the editor of th
i-ul " ' -
To complete' files, two copios each o th
ErxxiHO Hkbald of January 1st, 2d an
4th, and February 6th, 1892. A liberal pri
will be paid for the came.
Twelve I'hotov fur fiOc.
By sending us your cabinet, togethor with
bum AntiE? censi we will llnlsn you one dozen pnotos.
MaaskchusetW WKkaoky..
last named plnoe.-,otognlphs and orayons at Dabb's.
2nd Massachusetts
and the occasion WfrT - Prlvato div. Ihiiir noiKitfite M.
ayofthatorganlzafr wl'"M'''M "JV"
d bv a ba. ooracs'ent fin for at ueral
Urler Itorlew of tlio "llBrnldV History
In Rlii'tinndoali.
For nearly a quartor of a century tho linn
ALUhasboen directing its energies to the
vital forces of tho borough of Shenandoah
and with rxvrdonablo prldo it can say that it
las been Instrumental of helping to make tho
largest town In Schuylkill county out of a
moro mining hamlet. Tho first copy of tho
llKRALl) was published on May 28th, 1870,
with T. J. Foster, now proprietor and editor
of the Colliery llnginetr at Scranton, and II
C. Boycr, present editor of tho paper, as its
editors. Few peoplo had tho faith In the pros-
poets of Shenandoah that tho Hkrald had
Many, though well-wishers of tlio paper,
thought tho undertaking premature. In Its
introductory editorial the Heualw said,
"Knowing as wo do, that Shenandoah is
located In ono of tho best Molds of the coal
region, now being dovcloped, perhaps moro
rapidly and extensively than any other, that
Ita business prospect aro second to nolooality
in tho county, and that in splto of tho do
pressing Influences of tho suspension, wo sco
signs of improvement all around us, wo aro
entirely confident of bucccss."
This was when Shenandoah had a popul
tlon of about 2,500, about tho size of tho
Frackvillo of to-day. Tho, slow-thinkers
wero horo oven at that early day and they
shook their bends in reply to tho word
painted plcturo of future prosperity which
tho paper placed lieforo them,
Truo tho paper had a hard struggle to get
upon its feet and tho slow-thinkers and moss
backed settlors frequently rcllovcd their
jpont up sympathies with "I-told-you-so," but
tho Hekalp stuck to Its ray of hopo which,
In January, 1871, was brightened by tho an
nouncomont that tho Shenandoah valloy was
milling and sending to market moro than
ono-slxth of tho entire coal product of tho
county. Thoro wero 132 collieries in opera
tion In tho county at that tlmo and but
eleven of them wero in tho Shenandoah
valloy. This brightening of prospects made
tho llKltAM) jubilant and about that tlmo
tho editors placed under tho head lino of tho
paper this motto, "To foar God, tell tho truth
and mako monoy."
Tho Hebald devoted all Its energies to
Impressing upon tlio minds of tho peoplo that
tho placo was destined to bocorao large.
substantial and monoy-making and ninny
havo frequently said that had it not been for
tho enthusiastic predictions of tho paper
they would havo left tho place in its infancy
and made Investments in other sections of
tho country.
In pursuancoof this policy of encourage
ment, cnterpriso and building up tho Her
ald dovoted days and weeks to tho collabor
ation and publication of industrial statistics
showing tlio four first collieries in tlio county
iu point of amount of coal sent to tho market
for tho year ending January, 181, wero the
Colorado, Plank Bidgo, Shenandoah and Kch-
ley Bun. They shipped an aggrcgato of 381,
032 tons for that year, more than ono-clghth
of tho entire product of tho county.
Tho croakers were beginning to weaken
on their first proclamations. Tho Herald
was meeting with success and its predictions
about tho town and region wore being fully
verified. But croakers will kick and thoso
drones changed their lino of argument to a
, prediction that tho town would livo but a
short time; that tho mineral deposits -would
soon bo exhausted by tho rapid development
then in progress as shown by tho statistics,
But tho Herald took a stand directly to
the contrary and said editorially in February,
1871, "Wo may safely predict a futuro of bus
iness prosperity, wealth and improvement for
our valley and borough such as has novor bo-
fore been equalled in tho history of Schuylkill
county." And in nddition to this tho paper
said, "Our borough is dostined to bo ono of tho
most important towns in Schuylkill county.
Wo mako this statement with a thorough un
derstanding of what we writo and becauso
our belief in its truth is founded upon facts
that nothing can gainsay. It is located in tho
richest deposit of anthracito coal yet proved
in this country." In conjunction with this
tho Herald opened a campaign for a general
improvement of tho town by urging tho bus!
noss men and property owners to petition for
increased railroad facilities with a view to
bringing trade to Shenandoah from Win
Pcnn (then Oriscom's), Lost Creek, Colorado,
Connors, Mahanoy Piano and other patches,
At tho samo tlmo tho Herald urged tho peo
plo to turn their attention to providing moro
school room. At that time there wero seven
public schools and seven teachers, with a total
enrollment of 721. To-day wo have 43 schools
and a total enrollment of nearly 3,000.
Throughout its existenco tho Herald has
tried to do everything which it believed
would be for the best interests of the town
and its people. When times wero hard and
the collieries wero idlo eight mouths out of a
year, with business of all kinds practically at
a standstill, which was tho caso in 1871, tho
paper stood its ground and persisted in
directing tho attention of its readers to the
bright sidoof tho dark cloud. Its policy has
always been to arouse the pooplo to a realiza
Hon of the truth that upon their enterprise,
energy rini public spirit depeuded their own
welfare and that of the town. When not
laying hare'the truo wealth and possibilities
of the mineral ib posits in and about tli
town, it detailed the a lvantagesof additional
highway and railway facilities; and in 178J it
was the first to direct the attention of tho
people to the ftc't that savings funds would
build un the borouch and it was not neces
sary for people to wait lor riches before build
I n it their own homes.
But the Herald was also vory useful in
another sphere. In the oonspiouous part It
took to wipe from existence tho infamous
blot that organization known as the "Mollie
Maguires" placed upon society in tho ooal
ration of Pennsylvania it established Itself
firmly in the hearts of all law-abiding and
sound-minded citizens. Its enterprise In that
connection was so well appreciated tha't it
aomilrod for the time a circulation exceeding
timt of any paper published in Pennsylvania'
oa'iide of Philadelphia.
During the past ten years the Herald has
brought to the front many things which tho
people would never have undertaken but for
the agitation. Several years ago It urged pub
lie sewerage. An election was held and the
project was killed, but the Herald, con
vinced that a system of sewerage was what
iHe people wanted and should have, persisted
in its aeitatiou SCd to-day property owners
in all sections of the town al? applying to the
Borough Council for permission to?!! ln
Clothing for all Ages.
You want to know wtaero to buy
the best or.OTHINU for the least
money. Shoppers "looking around"
fay competitors alnt in It wltb this
House. Men's and Boys' Clothing of
all slues and styles, at all prices.
Napoteon Met His Waletloo in ISIS,
Our clothing prices met their defeat
ln 18, For el' thing go to tho
Reliable Clothing Hah
Nos. 10 and 12 South Mam Street.
borongh financial condition will allow. Thero I
is really hut ono thing tho Herald has
advocated for years which has not beoomo
thing of existence and a Joy forevor, and
that Is aclty charter. But theronrohumlreds
of peoplo who voted against that progressive
idea would vote for It to-morrow. Wo ask no
applause or credit for any of tho advanced
measures wo havo referred to, wo simply
mention these faets showing that wo havp
tried to bo of some uso to tho town as a dally
5 XT? J 1 ts i m it?
i worms Mir Ho
I eveninOerald contest
i o Days at the World's Fair
With accommodations at a flrsiclsss Cblcngo hotel, and transporta
tion to and trom Chicago, Including sleeping berths, nil freo of cost,
To the 2 Most Popular Teachers.
CONTEST CLOSES JULY 1st, 1893, at 6 P. M.
The two teachers who receive the largest number of votes will bo taUcn
to the World's Fair and rorully entertained by the Heiiald. Cut out this
coupon, and on tho blank lines write the name of thoPubllcSchoolTcochc,
north of tho Uroad Mountain, ln SchujllttU county, whom you consider most
popular, and send it to tho "Contest Kditob, Evening Ukiiald, Sukwan
doaii, Pa." Every coupon properly filled out counts as one vote foi one
teacher. Every person, young or old, can vote, and vote as often as they
please. Coupon must be ln the hands of the editor within ten (10) dajs alter
the daU It bears.
Nine of Teacher..
Nams of Voter..
Local Krents ns Described by a Corres
Miss Magglo Donnelly and Mrs. McAnnany,
of town, visited friends ut Summit Hill
during tho week.
Miss Lulu Phillips was tendered a very
pleasant birthday party at tho resldenco of
her father, Luko Phillips, on Wednesday,
Tho young peoplo enjoyed a vory pleasant
Mrs. Isaac Day, of Watsontown, and Mrs.
Krccker, of Ashland, visited Mr, and Mrs,
Isaac Jlorcan this week. Tho former havo
not met heforo for 20 years.
Miss Doomady, of St. Clair, and Miss
Martin, of Shenandoah, visited tlio family of
Michael Goff on Sunday.
Mossengor Goorgo Cook, who has been on
tho sick list for soveral days, returned to
duty and is acting in tho capacity of night
operator at Lost Crock Junctiou.
On Sunday wliilo Engineer Bailey was
hauling a special to Coal Dale a peculiar ao
cident occurred wliilo parsing tlirougli
Girardvillo. Tho train was traveling at a
pretty lively gait when a report like a
cannon, and tlio smidon stowing up aim
tho stoppago of tho train, brought tho whole
town to tho sccno under tho Impression that
locnglno had exploded. An Investigation
quieted tho excitement, it being found that
ono of tho icccn trie straps had broken with
great forco. Tho engineer disconnected ono
side of his engine and succeeded in pulling
tho five loaded coaches to Mahanoy Plane,
whore oiiKlnes wero changed.
G. M. Israel, K. H. Mctz, of town, and Bur
ana Dowden. of Frackville, visited Locust
Mountain Lodge, I. O. O. F., of Ashland, on
Tuesday evening last.
JIIssos Donovan. Walsh and Dovers, of
Shenandoah, visited Miss Julia Farrell on
Thursday was pay day, both on tho rail
road nud at tho collieries, consequently our
merchants wero unusually busy.
The crew on Shenandoah passenger train
consisting of Hanlon, Sobey, Dougherty,
Castlo and Leahy aro very popular with the
traveling public.
Walter Murphy, of tho Merchants', will
tako in tho World's Fair during July.
The many friends of Mrs. D. J. Connors
throughout tho county will be pleased to
loarn of her completo recovery from a serious
Jnmos O'Brien, formerly ticket agent at
tho P. & K. station, now of Kaighn's Point,
N. J., called on friends iu town on Sunday.
Miss Hannah ilrosnaham, of Brauchdalo,
employed as operator In main olllco at Potts
ville, and Miss Mollie Ferguson, daughter of
A. Ferguson, foreman at Elm wood colliery,
wero tho guests of Mrs. J. A. Flynn on
John Goff, who has been on tho sick list for
the past two weeks, returned to duty on Mon
day last.
Costiveness Is the primary cause of much
disease, Dr. Henry Baxter's Mnndrako Bit
ters will permanently cure costiveness.
Every bottlo warranted. lm
3$ gggsaioasgsssraoussrauiTittaaBra
MoyiiD, 1893.
Gold Necklace.
Holdorman, tho Jeweler,
will give tho lady
teacher receiving tho highest number of
votoa a Ilandsomo.Gold Nicklace.
tlio Xjixolsy Ones.
A Gold-Headed Cane.
W. H. Mortimer, tho Poltsvlllo Joweler.wlU
A et of Furs.
It. J. Mills, tho Pottsvlllo Hatter and Fnr
rlor, will glvo the lady teacher receiving
scoond highest number of votes a hand
some Bet of Furs.
glvo tho gentleman teacher receiving the
highest number of votes a Gold-headed
G old-Headed ilk Umbrellas.
Tho Homo Friendly Society, of Baltimore
Sid., will present the two lucky compotl
tors ln tho contest with handsome Gold
headed Silk Umbrellas.
smau fan.,iy No
11 N Ma a s i reel.
Ie Car-
ulou Si
sewerage lines, ine oiectnc uiuminvvi.u
plants were first hinted at by the HbiS-
A Plash Toilet et.
Mr. Hcoso will glvo tno lady teacher re
ceiving the second highest number of
votoa a bandfiomo Plush Toilet Bet.
Tho two teachers having tho third and fourth highest number of votC3 at the closo of tho
contest will visit NIAGAItA FALLS, nnd remain there tho oxpenao of the Hkiiald
The two tea bors having the third nnd fourth highest number of votes nt tlio close of the
contot will bo given a five-days' trip to Nlug, ra Palls at tho expense of the Hkrald.
Tho two teachers having the llf ih nnd sixth highest number of votes at the closo of tho con
test will bo given a llvo-days' trip to Boston at thocxpemoof the Heiiald.
The two teachers who rocelvo tho greatest number of total votes up to tho closing hour
above stated will be dcclarod tho winners.
All coupons must bo cut out of tho Evenimo Herald and sent, securely sealed ln envel
opes, addressed to "Oontett Editor, Evening Herald, Shenandoah, Fa."
Any person residing ln any placo may voto ns often as he or sho may desire for ono or more
teachers engaged ln teaching ln a public school north of tho Broad Mountain at tho closo of the
enrrent school term; provided, that any teacher who may have been Incapacitated by BicltncR?
or accident for tcachlngfor a period of not moro than three months prior to tho end of the
torm, may ahvo compete-
Each voto for each teacher must be represented by a seperate coupon.
A coupon bearing the name of more than one teacher or specifying moro than one vote for a
teacher will be thrown out as void. J
A careful record will ho kept of the names of all contestants, and all coupons will bo filed
and kept Bato until the final adjudication. Three prominent and responsible men of Bhenan-
doah will bo selected to act as Judges, make tho final count, and announce tho names of tW two
winners. Should three or more teachers bo tied on the highest number of votes, the judgdswll)
bo allowed to decide. i
The names of the winners will be announced on or before Saturday, July 15, 1603. Should
the winners be absent from Hhcnandoah at the time they will be Informed of their good fortune
by telegraph, bo that they may start on tho trip as soon thereafter as possible.
All blanks ln the coupon must bo filled out, especially the blank requiring the name of the
person voting. Tho number of votes received at this office up to 4 p. m. each day will be pub
lished ln the next Issue of the Herald with tho names of the teachers voted for.
sin 33 OUH.
Nobby Spring Stock
It Has Surprised Others
And will Surprise You.
Notoa of Some
Conductor Gillospie, one of tho most
efficient nnd courteous of the Traction com
pany's conductors, no longer pulls tho hell
nnd takes yi'Ur nickel.
Locust Mountain Degrco Team visited Gil
berton Lodge No. 420, 1. O. O. F., and con
ferred tho Iniiiatory degree. This most beau
tlful of Odd Fellows' mysteries was grandly
Illustrated by tho visiting brethem. Gilher
ton Lodge returned tho fraternal visit on
Wednesday evening and Bpeaks very highly
of tho kind treatment received whllo In Ash
Tho Maiaevllle High School Is making
great preparations for the commencement ex
ercisos which will be held In Foley's hall,
June 14th. Our people very naturally man!
feet a deep interest in the success of this
innovation, and Prof. A. J. O'Connor is to he
congratulated on the step he has taken, as it
moat undoubtedly stimulates the pupils and
creates a healthy Interest in school alfairs in
the community.
On Thursday evening Miss Emma Sutter,
formerly of Gilberton, now of Wadesville,
was married to Frank Miles, of Georgetown,
tho Bev. Mr. Devine, of St. Clair M. E.
church, ofllolatiug. Mr. and Mrs. Miles were
married in their own home, erected and
handsomely furnished for tho occasion. Mr.
Miles is foreman of one of the collieries
south of the mountain.
Our people are manifesting a lively interest
in local politics this year a oourse highly
commendable. This promises some lively
work at the primaries, and the number, and
standing of citizens prominently mentioned,
promise a worthy representation to Pottsville,
The M. E church will observe Children's
Day on June 11th, The arrangements con
l1wmo" of as ever celobrated ui
rE have opened the season with a
stock of goods that beats the
record for beauty and low prices. We
will close it with a bigr stock disposed
of and the best pleased lot of customers
you ever saw. It's waiting- for you
that big line of choice quality, new styles.
Men's, boys' and children's clothing-,
hats and furnishing- goods. We want to
sell you reliable goods cheap, and we'll
do it if you give us a chance.
L T. JOIEE pr'ce CL0TI1ER !
ii North Main St., Shenandoah.
House Cleaning
Season Is again nt liniiil, and your labor will ho in vnln unlrw
you first visit our store far the necessary articles to beglu wltb.
Buckets, Window Brushes, Floor Mops,
Whisk Brooms, Stove " Floor Brooms,
Dust Brushes, Flesh " Carpet Beaters,
Ammonia, Cloth " Sand Soap,
Toilet Soap, Hair " Clothes Baskets,
Fcsther Dusters, Shoo " Laco Shelf Paper
Tidies. Bureau Scarfs, Table Covers,
Scrub Brushes,
Wall "
Carpet Sweepers,
Laundry Soap,
Flue Stoppors,
Shelf Oil Cloth,
Etc., etc
Replenish the stock of kitchen utensils, and substitute tho old cracked
Wasn bowl and Pitcher with a bright Now Decorated Toilet Set.
We have the in at all prices.
O JSoTjLtla. IVLctlxx Street.
Main and Oak Streets,
Bbenandoah, Fenua.,
nnd vreirn npn TiAonle lnui?hed at tho naiYtt'
. - ".r.mic. MaTBfc . I
uecause urgeu ipem to nave mice us. uu - . Krvce3 fttMjJ'0"ta,;,vely ihat tit,1
whentlieHBBAtit) suggested that thetowr1 , Khe waa eJcoftauibo muuniLi
ould BT " " '-rrMrrwii .rur. . i ti Avenue was )
for tojBr.Jw evening. the ;w . t a look at
ate the tliree union " wiui peujno ... -
S-rauM uompers, oi tno ,
n uiwr. has re
J'ru k and Vegetables.
Uase Halls..... ...Zo up.
liats...... lOoup.
Catcher's Masks , ....60o up,
Padded Catcher's Olovcs.25o up.
Full line of Outnltalls.
Try our one dollar 'Welot" Halt.
For price ana qualm' tt cannot
i.RESS GOODS is such a bewildering topic
that we will not attempt a lull descrip
tion, but give a partial outline, which you
can fill in by a personal inspection. There are
the plain and diangablc diagonals; plain, plaid,
striped and invisible plaid serges; fancy mix
tures in all sorts of odd weaves, dots, threads,
cross-threa'ds, hair-lines, lines here and there,
many at a glance appearing alike, but upon ex
amination are found entirely different. Our
assortment of silks is complete china silks,
china surah, plain surah, bengaline, plain, fig
ured and changeable silks, in all the new shot
effects. Full line of fancy braids to match any
color of dress goods.
T TXT ",0 mo3t slv"s'' nn'l
JQI VVrSLPS tho prevailing modo to bo the
Cape, In somo of Its variations,
single, double or triple) capes. Some aro plain, others very
highly decorated, with fancy Indescent braid, butterfly
colors, or somo full arrangement at tho neck, so much ap
proved this season by tho fomiuino fancy. To somo, coats
only are tho correct garment. To thoso wo would say coats
aro equally fashionable and stylish, many of these having
capes also attached sometimes one, two or three, as tho
tasto or Inclination of tho wearer may dosiro.
We have this season, for the first time,
added a Millinery Department, and have spared
neither trouble nor expense to make it a suc
cess. The result exceeds our most sanguine
expectations. This department will be under
the same management and conducted on the
same principles that have always characterized
our entire business. We shall keep everything
iu trimmed and itutriinmed hats, novelties of
every description. ' Having secured a trimmer
noted for her artistic and skillful work, wc are
enabled to suit all tastes. We invite a careful
inspection of our-eutire store. All welcome.
Diro, Pny and Stewart, j
Prices lowest, when quality is considered.
One price to nl!.
Now in Order House Cleaning
All those in need of Carpets, Window Shades,
Laco or Chenille Curtains, Rugs, Mats, etc., call at
People's Drug Store,
Main and Centre Sts,
Pure Drugs and Chemicals.
Having purchased tho above pharmacy wo respoctfully solicit a Bharo of tho patrona
of our friends nud tho goncral public. Wo shall endeavor to glvo prompt and careful a(t
tion to tho wants of our customers. A full line of Soaps, Toilet Articles, Perfumery :j
Druggists' Sundries. Prescriptions carofully compounded at all hours, day or night.
Toilet Articlos, Perfumery,
Gruhler Brother
We havo mounted another rung ontheladder
of popularity. It Is tho' Standard Grand this tlmo,
a drop-head, halt-cabinet at a reasonable price.
The head rises automatically to Its place when the
leaf Is laid back. With a lcgle movement tho
head disappears, the cabinet closes, and you have
an elegant ornamental piece of furniture. Drop ln
and look at It, And while we aro talking of cabinet
work wo might mention tho different kirn's ot wood
the Standard is made up ln Antique Oak, XVI
Century Oak, Walnut, Hungarian Oak, Mahogany
and Sycamore.
for. Jard In and Lloyd Bta., Shenandoah
I have concluded to give the
people a chance to take ad van t-.
age of the great Reduction Sale
of our excellent stock of boots
and shoes, which must be closed
out within the next 4 weeks to
make room for new goods at
our new store. Sale is now on.
X1D 3M. XUCnlxx Stroot
That sells on sight- pttJff 85o, aDi up.
wards. All grades of p' "'Mrpeis. call for
o. x. 3ffm xJccja
Carpet Store, 10 South
John F.Plopri
8read, Cake and Piafj
llllClltUSl, ItlCEHlu
I bavo also purchased the st .
street, and um prepared to furc.". J
Uutter and Eggs at the lower
Wo will also keep at this stoY M
aAn IL'ntc. All nrprH viU
J. X . J. i.x 'K
29 Easl Centre St SHEHANDOAH 11
(Claarvs Old stik'M ifijlK
f - 1H
' --ajii fin verajar