The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, May 27, 1893, THIRD EDITION, Image 2

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Work Done by the Legislators
at Harrisburg.
Tin) IttMtomtlHn Bf the ArHltnn Bill On.
of the IViiturn iT till'' PrwiM-;.i .i
ilm M-iiate Another Long 1. 1st of Meas
ure Approvcil-Hiu Purr Compulsory
JWllciitlim lllll Veloeil.
Hahriubuim, May 27. Tlie niot lin
portent business transacted in thu sennit
ytenlay wits the restoration of tlie Wul
tun bill, fixing thu unlades of the siipurin
temlunt of public Instruction, deputy at
torney peneral, auditor general and were
Wtry of internal affairs at $4,000, to the
silape In which It came from the house, and
mated finally. It now goes to the govur
nor and will be liromptly sii?nwl. Then
Dr. Schaefler, whose noiuinntiou as super
lutendent of public lnsti notion has beet.
Lung up, will m conflriued.
A lurge number of house bills passed
second reading, among them the follow
feig: Establishing an emergency fund ol
fflU.OOO for the suppression of epidemics,
and the protection of human life; the
amended Nesbit road bill, and appropria
tions for thu Iinrrisburg hospital nml Cliil
dron's Industrial Home of llarrisburg.
Qovernor 1'attlsou notillcd the senate ol
lis approval of the following bills:
The Philadelphia now wharf line bill.
Amendment to act of May 7, 1837, fur
Iher defining evidence of stock owiiersblr,
nud the right to vute thereon:
Extending the limitation of actions to n
right to mine iron ore In lands wlieie the
same has not leen exercised for a peiiod of
twenty-one years.
Amending the act of May 13, 1874, re
lating to bridge and roau viewers, provid
Jug that sueh commissioners, viewers nud
surveyors shall be paid by the proper county
or by tlie petitioners as the court Khali by
sruer direct.
Regulating the fee to be charged for ill
tag petitions for the adoption of minors and
entering order ol court thereon.
Appropriation to Southern home for des
utute children of .Philadelphia.
Amending the act of May 8th, 1854, so
s to enable certain districts to establish.
maintain and operate a public high school
so as to enable boroughs not divided into
wards for school purposes to establish
aiaintoin and operate public high schools.
Providing for the appointment ol
"Dairy and Food Commission."
Authorizing cities to purchase, main
lain, Use and condemn bridges erected
and in ute over rivers and streams sepa-
otitis; or dividing any part or district of
(mob cities and providing tUs maimer m
which compensation shall be made.
After passing venty-niue house bills on
kecoud reading tin- senate adjourned uuti
8 o'clock Monday ilteinoou.
IX thu nousi:.
Among the bills reported from commit
u in the house yesterday were the lollow
biz : Senate, appropriation for
Minting portraits of John Penn, William
i'eiiu ami tienerals JlcUIUlan anil Key
solds (negative recommendation); $10.0U
to Unanty hospital, ot ilontgomery count
faegMtive recommendation); 2,000 to York
iospitnl; appropriating S1,UU0,0U0 lor road
purposes; appropriating !M,000 to piovide
lor representation of the soldiers of the
Continental line on the battlu monument
at Trenton, N. J.
Mr. Kow reported a bill appropriating
173.C0 to pay hotel bill of the committee
appointed to investigate charges ol bribery
in connection with t e passage of tlie reu
lose bill. Ho also leported a bill to pay
me expenses of the committee to invest!
zate an electric light trust in Philadelphia
amounting to $1,073, itemized as lollows;
Stenographer, $887.20; scrgeant-at-arms,
Q0; hotel bill, ?591.35j S.A. Losch.$108
. 31. Kiter, S2U; U. V. Lawrence, $14
William L. Cnssin, $158; J. W. Scott, 20,
The general appropriation bill passed
anally, with no opposition.
The governor has approved the follow! u;
Making an appropriation to tho Penusyl.
winia Prison Society.
Authorizing water corapaniesto re-locate
loads destroyed and to acquiro laud to pre
serve, water supply from contamination.
Appropriating S3.000 for law books for
&e supremo court.
Making appropriation to Packer hospital
a louvre.
Governor Pattison sent In bis veto of the
Tair compulsory education bill. The gov
ttnor was sustained in his veto by 72 to oi
The quaratine bill, as amended in thu
wnate, was considered and met with oppo
sition and the bill goes back to the senate.
The house concurred in the senate amend
went to the bill giving thu German Protest
ant borne fii.OOO instead of $9,000.
The consideration and passage of bills on
wcond reading was the order of tilings at
he evening session.
Fenrfnl Storms In the AVost.
St. Louis, May 27. The Missouri and
Mississippi valleys were visiUxl Thursduy
aright by one of tho most terrific thunder
kbrms that baa swept over this section
inee back in the fifties. The storm ex
tended as far west as Kansas City, and as
far north as Iowa. The average rainfall
jvportcd by the weather bureau at Wash
ington was 1.04 and at a late hour last
sight the rain was falling in torrents.
Considerable damage has been done.
Another 0; clone In Missouri.
VaAdalia, Mo., May 27. A cyclone
struck Laddouia, ten miles west of here,
iilling Jnck Wills, of Farber, and seriously
hjunng six others. Five large buildings
were completely destroyed. Many other
Viildlngs were badly damaged. The cy
alene also struck the town of Iiushhill, a
lew lailee further west, and did consider
We damage to property but no lives were
aoClnr Gats the Job Again.
Wamwsqtom, May 27. William B. Mc
Ctnre bM been appointed assistant cus
teriutn ami janitor of the United States
building at Harrtsburg. He held the same
ywltlon under Cleveland's former adminis
tration, having then baa recommended by
Itatuaster Meyer.
rrpird to Open the rlr To-Morrow,
Chicago, May 27. Notwithstanding the
dkadow of an injunction is banging over
tke Sunday opening matter, arrangement
ba been perfected for the opening of the
to-morrow ana ine usual arrange-
nto for the ai commoaation of the visitors
Itave bom made.
Another Itank Goes Down.
Fwdiay, O., May 27. Ths People's
lank ot South Baltimore olosed Its doors
this mornmg as a result of the assignment
af ax-Seeretary Foster yesterday. It held
the Foster company's paper for a large
I'mitrr iMaktm a Statement,
ru3iurtiA v.. .ii.j f. ji.'ocui cult jr
Foster has iued a statement in which lie
wys among othur things that word can
not express lils (llsusss and humiliation In
the financial crash that lias overtaken him
He say that his nsscts will more than
cover his liabilities nud that nil of his
protierty will lw sacrificed to pay his debts.
A Train Held Up and lloliheil.
Coi.kman, Texas, May 87. The north
bound Gulf, Colorado and Santn Fe pas
senger train was held up and robbed at thu
north end of the Coleman i, n distance of
about 000 yards north of the depot yester
day afternoon by two masked men. Several
thousand dollars was taken.
Tlie Onlrt fining Dnivn.
Wabiiinotox, Mny 27. To-day there is
but $96,804,000 in gold In thu United States
treasury; $i,000,000 in gold was shipped
o Europe to-day.
Till: GAMM3.
Niitlnmil l.oague.
At Ilnltlmore lu n. n.
Italtlmoro 13 1
llrooklyn uia
At New York
Xow York R JO 4
Philadelphia.. A H la 6
At llostou
lliwtnn in 1(1 0
Washington 1218 4
At l'lttstmrK-
Vlttburfr 11 f r
Cincinnati 411 B
Other games potpoiiod on account or ralu.
State I.uHgue.
At Altoona n. n. l:
Altoona J! (1 1
lUmvilli- 4 u r.
flntno called mi accuunt of nun.
At York
York 3 0 3
Scrantiin 4 4 S
A Itoportcr luvestlfrates several public
recommendations, and finds
More AYords ori'ralso (ipolion than Pub
llsbcd. The strong letters of recommendation
and experiences which have so frequently
nppearcd In tho various daily papers,
excited tho curiosity of the Editor of tho
Albany Argus Determined to know ns to
tho genuineness of tho published docu
ments, placed the matter in tho linnds of
one of their reporteis, Sir. Kobcrt A.
Male, the veteran foreman of VnnSIykciV;
Horton's Tobacco Factory, on Broadway,
Albany, N. Y., was first called upon, and
shown the following :
" About ten years ago I hnd a Rreat deal of
trouble m itli stone In the bladder, nud I had to
submit to on operation. But the old trouble re
appeared and I feared that another operation
would lie necessary. A friend suggested that
I try Dr. Ki'unedy's rnvoiito Itemedy, of Hon
dout. N. Y after using tne medicine, a short
while, 1 found it was doing mo good. I contin
ued Its use and nm happy to fay It entirely
cured me. I take It whenever I feel a little out
of sorts, and Itfclwavs does mo eood. Hut for
kidney or urinary trouble of any kind 1 am a
proot ot us curauve powers,
Mr. 31nlo said every word was truo and
and no would not be without that valu
able preparation.
Mr. P. C.Brink.otPouKlikccnslc.N.Y..
whose famous cxperienco published.
as "A Scrap of Paper." Picking
a scran of paper
up in the street ono
day, round it con.
taincd Dr. Ken
nedy's F a vori to
Jfcmcdy advertise
ment, and nsitrmr.
ticularly hit bis
case, bought tho
medicine and found
the help he had
Sir. v. C. Iirlnlc. "con praying ior.
In answer as to the truth of tho article,
Sir. Brink said lie was always pleased to
sav a u-ood word fur b'uvorlto Kemeay.
and referred the writer to the following
letter lately published in the roughkelp
eie angle.
Gentlemen : necelvlng many letters from all
over thn pnimtrv. nj-kinL' ns to the truth of an
advertisement printed in your paper, giving my
experience with Dr. David Kennedy's lavorite
Umedy, I wish to soy It was n pl-asure to
give that recominenuntion 10 ur. jveimiuy, uuu
when I said I was cured of catarrh of the blad
der and chronic kidni y disease, 1 wrote simply
tue truth.
For vpnrshpfnrpiTii'wd this valuable medicine,
I suffered from urinary troubles, pain In my
back and a nervous, sleepless condition, yet
lief ore I hart taken tho fourth bottto I was cured.
sound and well. 1 have replied to these letters
and am willing to do similar service to those
afflicted. IJut I make this public Ftatement
Hoping It may reacn me eye or rue eunerer, ana
save me pei sonal correspondence, for at my age
leuer wnnug is noie ensy.
Yours truly,
21 Thompwrn Street. F. C. Bnnrs.
Mr. Peter Lawlor, chief engineer of
Messrs. Crane & Co's Paper Mill, Dallou,
Muss., said :
" I don't look much like a dead man, but I was
pretty near one. I or tiltecn yeai s 1 suffered
pains in my siue, my
urine was subject to
violent stoppages, and
often tinged with
blood. 1 lost Uei-h,
appetite, and strength.
I consulted several
physicians who said I
was suileriug from
gravel and inflam
atlon of the kidneys
and that I could live
but a short time. Mr.
John Spencer of Pitts-,
field, learning of ray
(vmdltton. said "don't Sir. l'eterLawler,
bother with the doctors, take Dr. David Ken-
nedy'B Favorite Itemedy and be cured." I at
pnee sent for the same, and had taken only part
of the bottle, when two pieces of stonepassed
my bladder, and now am entirely well. Costive
nesa and rheumetlsm trouble me no more, and I
feel like a new man. inaaKs tuuiejy iovi.
Kennedy's 1- avorite itemeuy,
Mr. E. D. Parsons, bead book-keeper
wholesale Dry Goods iiouso ot a. J,
Arnoiu cc uo,
Itocbestcr. N. Y,
bad a similar cx
periencc. Seized
one day with pain in
his back, next came
stoppago of urine.
Medical ndviso was
sought, and prono
unced it etono in the
bladder. In writ
ing to a friend ho
Sir. TJ. U. l'arsons. says :
"I suffered beyond words to describe. None
of the means taken produced any benefit, until
I began the use of Dr. Kennedy's Favorite Item
edy which dissolved the stone, tbe symptoms
began to yield, tbe pain ceased and from this
time my recovery was complete. Can I after
this experience speak too highly of that which
caved uiy life f "
"I can speak in libber praise than I
have written," are the words of every per
son I talked with, which proves the great
popularity of this remedy, possesesing
what no other medicine has, the
power to save life. It can be used with,
safety by all ages.
The worst cases of nrrvous prostration,
sleeplessness, headaches and digestive
troubles, yield to its curative power, Salt
rheum, eczema, rheumatism, scrofula, or
any diease arising from irupuro blood,
ate banished by this brain, nerve and
blood tonic, Dr, David Kennedy's Favor
ite Remedy.
Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report
I A M ll.Vl'l-i-. m. j j
N us tiiitliereit fiiim All Section of
Kcvhloni' Slate.
ilEAmxa, May 27. The triennial session
of the ltoformed rynod of North America
was I'lifragcd yesterday nfternoon in tho re
vision of tlie constitution, which was mad
tho special order of business for ycsteiday.
the different sections and some proposed
intendments elicited earnest discussion.
Ilev. Dr. Tlinmas O. Apple presided.
At the morning fohsIou greetings wcie
read from several religious bodies, and a
number of clergymen of other denomina
tions were intrixluced.
The condition of tlie educational iiiRtitu
ions of the Reformed church occupied con
siderable time ycf-tei-dny morning. Synod
vns addressed by the olllcers of thu institu
ions at the following places: Lancaster,
Pa.; TIIIlii, O.; Collegeville, Pa.; Franklin,
Vis.; C'ntgiba, N. (J.; Wichita, Kuti., nud
Jluvehind, O.
ill's. Kstella Whitmoro presided nt the
meeting of tho Women's Missionary So
ciety. Devotional exercises were conduct-
d by iliss Hcbecca Schlvcly. A report ot
i synodlcnl plan lor tho unification of
linmu missions was discussed and adopted.
i ha matter of making an appropriation of
1,000 for homo missions was referred to
;,he ilnauce committee.
Plans tor the collection of money were
liscussed. Jlrs. Rev. Dr. Henry Mosser
was appointed chairman of the standing
J. C. Lemberger of Lebanon, treasurer
of thu board of foreign missions, made an
An invitation from the national conven-
'ion of women, asking tills society to form
i part of its organization, was read and
l.utbei-iius still lu SfHsIou.
l'nii.ADKi.rHiA, May 27. The second
lays' session ot tlie 146th annual conven
ion of tlie Lutheran ininisterium was
'pencil with devotionnl exercises by Rev.
Jr. S. L. Hurkey, of Kutsctowu. Rev. Dr.
'r. J. F. Schauta, chairman of the execu
tive commute , submitted a new method
jf cnnxti'ii iiui the district conferences,
but after an rUeuded discussion the matter
.vus la'il on the table. The name of Rev.
Dr. Iviotal, of New York, was added to
he English division of the Philadelphia
onfeiencu, as win so that ot Rev. S. H.
veck, of the English Lutheran mission, in
Boston. ' " ---.-
WANTS. &o.
BOARDING. Two geitlemen desire board
with private family. Ujom topjther.
Address 11., Shenandoah, P. O. 5 5-tt
nVMtSAI.E. valuable Main street prop-
11 nl,T nlllnnnn hDlHA.a nM rw, Ujtlu.
factory roason for soiling. Apply at II Ell A CD
orilco for particular.
niOIt SALB A twenty (SO) aero isrm,
1." planted, togetner witn 3 noroes, a cows
wagon and machinery, a bouse and barn.
Apply to O. r. Krell barnsvillo, Schuylkill
county, l'a. 6-fl-lm
tTTANTED An active bov or drl to sell
VV vbltluK cards oa commipslon In every
towu in Hchuylkill county, sena lu cents in
stamps for outfit. Address', Model '"ard Co ,
-Shenandoah, Pa. 5 27-tf-dAw
Tho undersigned, tho County Commissioners
of SchuylUtll County, will rectlvo sealed pro
posals until 3 o'clock p. m. Monday, June 19th,
1893, for the erection and completlou of a
wooden brldgo, 60 feet span, near Dletz'n. on
the f acramcntoroad, U jpcrMahartonr o town
ship, Schuylkill county Plans and specifica
tions ran be seen at this office. Tho Commls
sinners reserve the right to reject uiy and all
Hamttei. n. DeTuiik,
Jambs J. Howes.
Klias i:. Heed,
County Commissioners.
Attest P. J. CONNEtx, Clerk. 5-18 w&s
PItOPOSA Is. Tho underslgrcd. the County
Commissioners ot Bchu) lklll County, will
receive scaled proposals until Monday, June
19th, at i p. m.. for tho erection and completion
of a w oden bridge, 40 feet spin, oa the Kllnit
ers'own road, Upper Mahantawro township,
Schuylkill county. Plans nnd specifications
can be seen at this office. Tho Commissioners
reserve tho right to reject any and all bias.
Jam us J. liowns,
Ul.IAS Hi. kbkd.
County Commissioners.
Attest P. J. COSNELI,, Clorlt. 5 I8-W&?
furnishing ooplng ior the Schuylkill County
Court House grounds.
Uids will be recoived until tho 6ih day of
June, A. I)., 1893, by the Commissioners of
SchuylkillCounty for tho building ot a retain
ing wall, 8 feet liisrli, 280 feet long, ot mountain
ston, on Mincrsvllle street; for the furnishlnz
and setting ot 203 feot of urinlto coping, lOill
inches, on the granite steps, together with posts
at tbe top nnd bottom ot each High t of steps;
also for furnishing 210 feet ot mountain stone
coping with posts at the ends of the coping, &c.
All wont to be finished within sixty days after
bid 's accpted. Illds for furnishing granite
tmnt be separate from the bids offering to fur
nish mountain stone. Full particulars can bo
nad and plans and drawings can bo seen, by
applying to tbe Commissioners of Schuylkill
Va un y. The ComtnUnlonera reserve tho right
to reject any or all bids. 5-10 24t
PROPOSALS. The und-rslgned, Commls
sloners of Sohuvlklll C -uuiy, will receive
sealed proposals until Saturday. June 21. 1803,
at 2o'clock p. m.. for the furnishing and laying
ot twmy-one Duuarea ana lony-seven square
yards of grass sod tlx hundred and sewn
Kiuare yards of white eravel. and fourteen hun
dred square yards of asphtlt and tbe laying
and furnishing' of terracotta drain pipo at the
Court House grounds at Pottsville. Plans and
speclttuations can be seen at the office of IS.
( ocbran & Hons, engineers. Tne Commission
ers reserve the right to reject any and all bids.
M A M V 1SI. U Ul'T U illV,
Atlia' P J OOSNBLL. Cleric.
Pottivtlle, Pa., May 28, 1893. 6-2 1 TOt
"IHAHTBR NOTICE. Notloe Is hereby given
j that aa appUcstion will be made to tbe
C urtof Common Pleas of Hon-iylltlll county
in onday M iy 29th, 1898 at 10 a. ni , under
the si lot Assembly of the Ooiamoawealtb of
P nn!-yl van a. entitle t " Vn act to provide for
t ie 'nrurporation and regulation ol certain oor
ni iio s" Hp proved A iril Sth. 1811. and tbe
suDlementa thereto, for tbe oharier of an In
tended corporation to be c tiled -Ttte Lithuan
ian Algvko Citizens' society oMJIlberton, Pa ,"
tbe cnaraoter and object whereof is to promote
a fraternal feeling among Its members to ac
cumulate a fund for tbe payment of benellts to
an uiDUiueni uuriui, ivvuum uuu iuuiidi ex
penses of deceased members, and to have, pos
sess and enjoy all the rights, benefits and privi
leges of the said Act of Assembly and Its sup
nlTmenta. T It. nHPDALL. Solicitor.
Shenandooh, Pa., May 2, 1893. 6-2-oaw.t27
('riiHlied by n Locomotive,
Wiu.tAJtHi'oRT, M'iy27. HenryJ. SVeas
nr, of the llliamsport Planing Mill
('oini)any, was run over by an engine in
the Pennsylvania railroad yard, in this
.Ity yusterduy and died two hours later in
tlie hospital. He was terribly cut and
bruised, his left leg and thigh, right leg
'ind loft arm being crushed. He was u
highly refcpeiled citizen, S'J years old, und
leaves a widow and no daughters.
Mr. Herman Ilicka
Of Rochester, N. Y.
Deaf for a Year
Caused by
Catarrh in the Head
Catarrh is a Constitutional disease,
and requires a Constitutional Remedy
like Hood's Sarsaparilla to cure it. Head :
"Thrco years ago, as a result of catarrh, I
entirely lost my hearing and was deaf for more
than a year. 1 tried various things to cure It,
nnd had several nlivslelaus attempt it. but no
Improvement was apparent. 1 could ilixiin-
guinli uo hoiiml. I was Intending putting
myself under tho caro of a specialist when
soma ono sutracstcd that nossllilv Hood's Sar
saparilla would do mo some good. I began
taking It without the expectation of any lasting
help. To my surpi-iMe msil grcnt joy 1 found
wnen i nau taken tnreo uoities tnai iny Hear
ing wiih returning. I kept on till I had
taken three more. It Is now over a year and I
can hrur irrfrrtly well. I am troubled but
very little with tho catarrh. I consider this a
remarkable, case, and cordially recommend
Hood's Sarsaparilla
to all who lmvo catarrh.' IIehman IIicks, 30
LJaner oircei, Jtociiosicr, r. i.
HOOD'S I'lLIiS are purely vegetable, and do
not purge, palii or gripe. Sold by all druggists.
J. P. Williams & Son.
S. Main St., Shenandoah.
QPHING OF '93 Intending buyers
are invited to inspect what may be
termed the largest variety of Furniture
over seen in Shenandoah. Prices the
lowest. Pianos, Organs and Sewing
Machines in various styles and prices.
J. P.
Williams & Son,
13 South Main St.
ri.lnnt Whit.. Una-,,.,,...! .1
w. ....... .(......lutwUMlDk
7nrnnniiiitinln?ii ! ril..k...LH
Pvntir ilriii-t-M i,.r r, l.miln -,
9 ftlir Ci. It f-t.rf.. In a r.., A..
Swiihoutthe rid or publicity of
toctor. N.jt poisonous ut
i Kuar.inieeo not to etneture
i iht Lntvertai American Curt.
Manufactured bv
k The Evanj Chemical OoJ
U. 8. A.
To Builders !
The season for building
is almost at hand, and
we have just replen
ished our stock of all
kinds of Hardware,
Nails and Builders'
We also carry an Immense line of
Stoves, Ranges, Cutlery and Tin
ware. Rooting and Spouting our
Peter Griffiths,
Has removed to Bill Jones' olds tant
Whr k will bo pleaud to r lite warn,
oi his Manas mid tn imbue in
Btwrrthlafl la the Prtnidnq Line
argestand oldest reliable purely etuth so
panles represented by
3D-A."Vir IF-A-XTST,
120 S. JaramSi., Shenandoah, h.
reading railroad SYSTEM. I
Antbraclto coal ufed exo sively, Insuring
cleanliness and comfort
Trains leave Shenandoah as follows !
For Now York via Philadelphia, week days,
8.08,,10.08 a.m., lH.iil.2.48,6.53 p.m. Sunday
2.08, 7.40 a, m. For New York via Mauch ChunV,
weekdays, 7.18 a. tn., 18.121, 2.48 p. m.
For Headlnsr and Philadelphia, week days,
2.08, 6.23. 7.1B. 10.08 a. m.,18.21, 2.48,6.53 p. m. Sun
flnv. ! OH. 7.4S n. m.. 4.2S n. m
For Harrisburg, week days, 2.08, 7.18 n. m.,
2.48,5.53 p.m.
pot Alicntown, wcoa uaya, b. iu., 11,
2.48 p. m.
For Pottsville, week days, 2.08, 7.18 a. m., 13.81,
2.48, 5.53 p. m. Sunday, 2.08, 7.46 a. m 4.28 p. in.
For Tamaqua and Mahanoy City, week days,
2.08, 5.23, 7.18,10.08 a. m.,12,21, 2.48, 5.53 p. m. Sun
day, 2.U8, 7.40 a. m., 4.SB p. m. ivuuiiionai ior
wananoy uiiy, ween uays, i". m.
For Lancaster and Columbia, week days, 7,18
a. m., 2.48 p. m.
For Wllliamsport, sunoury anu Mmnourgi
week davs. 3.23. 7.18. 11.23 a, m., 1.33, 6.53 pm.
Sunday, 8.23 a, in., 3.03 p. tn.
l-v,r Miitinnnt- plane week davs. 2.03. 3.23. 5.23.
7.18, 10,08, 11.28 a. m., 12.21. 1.33, 2.48, 5.53, 0.58, 9.33
p. m. sunaay,, ii.isi, 7.o a. m., o uo, e- ui.
For Qlrardvillo, ( Itappahannock Station),
week days, 2.08, 3.23, 6.23 7.18, 10.08, 11.28 a. m. 2.48. 6.53. 6.58. 9.33 p. m. Sunday, 2.08,
3.23, 7.46 a. m., 3.03, 4.28 p. m. ,
For Ashland and Shamokln. week days, 8.23,
6.23, 7.18, 11.28 a. m., 1.33, 6.58, 9.33 p. m. Sun-
uay, 6.&i, y.4t a. m., a.vo p. iu.
T.navn New York via PhlladelDhia. wock days-
8 Oil a. m., 1.30, 4.TO, 7.30 p. m., 12.15 night. Sun"
day, 6.00 p. m.. 12.15 night.
Leave New York via Mauch Chunk, week days,
4.00, 8.45 a. m., 1.00, 4.30 p. m. sunaay, 7.10 a. m.
Leave Philadelphia. Market Street Ht ttlon,
week days, 4.12, 8.35, 10.00 a m., and 4.00,
6 00, 11.30 p. m. Sunday 4.00, 9.05 a. m., 11.30
. ' ' ., . 1 ic .in ,ni 1, En
l.eavo iteauinK, ween uajn, i.ot. i.iu, iv.w, ki.w
a. m., 5.55. 7.57 p. m Sunday, 1.33, 10.48 a. m.
Lcavo Pottsville, week days, 2.40, 7,40 a. m.
12.30, 6,11 p. tn Sunday, 2.40, 7.U0 a. m., 2.05 p. m.
Leave Tamaqua, week days, 3.20, 8.48, 11.23 a.
. ,01 V IK QHQn n. UnnnAV. S 7 43 ti m .
2.60 p. m. . .
Leave Mahanoy city, week aays,, .is,
11.17 a. m., 1.61, 7.42, 9.51 p. m. Sunday, 3.46, 8.12
a. m., 3.20 p, m,
Leave Mahanoy Plane, wcok days, 2.40, 4.00,
6. 30,9.35.10. 40,11.59a.m.,12 65.2.06,6.20,6.26,7.57,10.10
p. m. Sunday, 2.40, 4.00, ,27 a m 3.37, 5.01 p. m.
Leave Glrardville, (Itappahannock Station),
weeks days, 2.47, 4.07, 6.3(1, 9.41 10.46 a. m 12.05,
2.12, .01, 6.26, 6.32, 8.03, 10.16 p. m. Sunday, 2.47,
4.07, 8.33, a. tn., 3.41, 5.07 p. m.
Leave Wllliamsport, week days, 8.00, 9.50, 12.00
a. in., 3.35, 11.15 p. m. Sunday, 11.16 p. m.
For llaltlmoro, Washington and tho West via
H. li O. K. It., through trains leave GIrard
Avenue station, Philadelphia, (P. & It. R. R.) nt
3 60, 8.01, 11.27 a. in., 3.56, 5.42. 7 16 p. m. Sunday,
3 60,8.02, 11.27 a. m., 3.56, 5.42, 7.16 p. ra.
Lcavo Philadelphia, Chestnut street wharf
and South street wharf, for Atlantlo City.
Weekdays Express, 9 00 am. 2 00, 3 00, 4 00,
5 00 p. m. Accommodation, 8 00 a m, 6 45 p in,
Mundays Express, 9 00, 10.00 a m. Accom
modation, 8 00 a m and 4 30 p m.
Returning leave Atlantlo City depot, Atlantic
und Arkansas avenues. Weekdays Express,
7 00, 7 45, 9 00 a m and 3 30 and 5 30 p m
Accommodation, 815am and 4 30 p m.
Sundays Express, 4 00, 8 00 p m.
Accommodation. 7 15 a m and 4 30 p m.
Lulifgli Valley Division.
Passenger trains loave Shenandoah for
Peon Haven Junction, Mauch Chunk, Lo
hlchton. Slatlncton. White Hall. Catusauaua.
Allentown, Hctiilehem, Easton, Philadelphia,
Hnzleton. Weatherly, Quakako Junction, Del
ano and Mahanoy uity at u.ui. i.m. a m..
12.48, 2.67, 4.22 p. m.
1'or Now York, 6.04 , 7.26 a. m., 12.43, 2 57,
4.22 p. in.
For Hazleton. Wllkos-Harro. White Haven
Pittston, Lacoyville, Towanda. Sayre, Wavcrly,
una uimira, u n, vx a. m., a.-1. .ua p. ra.
For Rochester, Uuffalo, Niagara Falls and
tho West, 01, 9.08 a. in 12 43 and 8 08 n. m.
For Iiolvidere. Delaware Water Gap and
trouasDurg, m., 4--- p. m.
For Lambertvlllo and Trentor. 9.03 a. m.
For Tunkbannock. 6.0 1. 9.08 a. hi., 2.57, 8 08 p. m
For Ithaca and Qenovo, 0.04 , 9'8 a. m. 8.0S
p. in.
For Auburn 9.08 a m. 8.C8 p. m.
For J oanesville. Levlston and Heaver Meadow,
7.2(1. a. m.. 5.27. 8.08 o. m.
For Audenrlod, Hazloton, Stockton and Lum
ber Yard. 6 01, 7.26, 9.08, a.m., 12.41, 2.57,
4.22, 5.27, 8.r8 p. m.
For Scrunton, 6.04, 9.08, a. m., 12 43,2 67
e.eB p.m.
For Ilatlebrook, Jeddo. Drlf ton and Freeland,
d.oi, t.i.o, u.uo, a. m., i-ij, .oi, o.t p. m.
For Ashland, Glrardville and Lost Creek, 1.52
7.51, 8.52, 10.20 a. in., 1.00, 1.40, 4.10, 6.85, 8.22, 9.15
For Raven Run, Ccntralla, Mount Carmol and
anamoKin, ts.i.' iu.i.ii a. m., i.iu, 4.40, 8.22 p. m.
For Yatesvllle. Park Place. MahanovCitv and
Delano. 0.04. 7.26. 9.08. 11.05 a m.. 12.43.
5.27. 8.08, 9.33, 10.28 p. m.
1 rains win leave snamoKin at 7 oa, 11.43 a. m.,
1.65. 3.20 r m. and arrive at Shenandoah at a. m., 12.43, 2 07, 4.22 p. m.
Lea ve Shenandoah for Pottsville, 5.60, 7.26,
v.vo, u.vo a. m., l.ij, o.ii. 0 uo p. m.
icave i-ousvuio ior snenanaoan, e.uu, 7.10,
9.05, 10.15, 11.48 a. m 12.32, 3.00, 5.20, 7.00,7.15,
p. Ul.
Leave Shenandoah for Hazleton. 6.01. 7.26. am.
a. m 12.43, 2.67, 4.22, 5.27,8.08 p. m.
Leave jiazioton ior snenanaoan, 7.20, 9.23,
ll.VQ U. m., i,CD, D.OU, 7.9, 7.DU p. m.
Trains leave for Ashland. Glrardvllln nnd J. nr. t
Creek, 7.29, 9.40 a. m., 12.30, 2.45 p. m.
For Yatesvllle, Park Place, Mahanoy City,
Delano, Hazleton, IJlack Creok Junction, Penn
itaven, junction, Maucb Chunk, Alicntown,
Hcthlehem, Easton and Now York, 8.40 a. m.,
i ou, .00 p. m.
For PhlladelDhia 12.30. 2.55 n m.
For Yatesvllle, Park Place, Mahanoy City and
Delano. 8.40. 11.35a. m.. 12.30. 2.55. 4 JO AOt n tn.
Leave Hazleton for Shenandoah, 8.30, 11.30
u. iu, , i.uo, o.ou p. m.
Loave Shenandoah for Pottsville, 5.50, 8.40,
9.30 a. m.. 2.45 d. m.
Leave PotUvlUe for Shenandoah, 8.30, 10.40
U.Ul.,I.IW,U.Iip. LU.
C. G. HANCOCK, Gnn. Pass. Agt.
Phllmlolnhlii p
A. W. NONNKMACIIER, Asst. G. p;A. Lehigh
jimj iivisiuu, oouiu ueinienem l a.
DKCEMU11R 8, 1892.
iPrntna mill la.,.. UV, ,A u
.u... ... iw.ioauDuuuuaii uuer ine arove
date for Wlggan's, Gllberton, Frackvillo, New
uoiig, v,.u, x-uiiBvuie. xiamourg. lteauing.
adelphla (llroad street station) at 6:00 and 11:45
vllle and Intermediate stations 9:10 a. m.
For Wlggan's, Gllberton, Frackvllle, New
w".tI,k- tatr, I'ULiBviue ai o:uu, v:iua. m
T 1 """"""Si "eaaing, i-otis-
Yl ?m Sf-S011111"11.6' Noffstown, Philadelphia
,aln8leave l?ratkville for Shenandoah &1
10:40a m. ana 12:H, 6:04, 7:42 ana 10:27 p. m
bundays, 11:13 a. m. ond5:40p, m.
11:.4S ?i m md 4:10,7:15 and 10:00 p. m.Sundays
at 10:40 o. m. and 5:15 p. m. v xu.auuuajro
Leave Philadelphia (Uroad street station) for
Pottsville i and Shenandoah at 6 67 and 8 35 a m,
4 .'2 f?11 7 11 ?.m wuek atXa- 0n Sundays leave
at 6 60 a m. lor Pottsvlfle, 0 23 a m. For New
ii Si V,,: ,,u' V060' 730t 820. 8 80
0 50, 11 OO, 1114, am, 12 00 noon (limited ex
0 50, 11 0(1, 11 14, am, 12 00 noon (itmlte
press 106 and 4 50pm) 12 41,1 35,1 40 230
l;1,' S8&? 7 13, i I210and l'(
P.v1??' night. Sundays at 3 20. 4 05. 4 10. 5 1
?ii rJaJlS0 m ttna 12 44, 1 40, 2 30,4 02
jiiwueu w,n su, o aj, u oo, 7 13 and 812 p m and
12 01 night. For Sea Girt. Long Umnch and In.
teraeawte stations 8 20 and 11 li a m, and 4 00
jj ju i eenunj b. r or ua t more and Washlne
ton 3 50, 7 ). 8 31, 9 10, 10 30, 11 18 a in. (12 85 lira-
Itfwl ATTifAQB 1W His A Oft a 1 " i.
only 5 08, 11 3u
12 Kin m anil 1Q
lBimVPor Rlohmond 7 30 a
Hr?Mil !"TB Harrisburg for Pittsburg
an and limited 00) 2 25, 25. ind L 5 J5p :
aLZ "iS.f ySSSt." " ls.a.m ftud 18 P m every
avJI-v rt Auoon t U a
m'n 'TSr r" "H! Lunuu.r?..!f WUliamsport.
m...4 in i
Nlattaru . falls at 2u4. 6 10 tt m.and i p m week
Pna 5SJlml.1'",aV1,u aV'a SS'amdally.iai
and 614 p m wee davs For Henovo at 6 10 1
0 Jl Pqf.n. . . wood
uen i Manat-f r arB,, p,.,.., Ap,
i rami.
111 It, iHkkL.
First National Bank
Blieuaiidoata, l'cuua,
A. W. LKISENHING, President.
P. J. FERGUSON, Vice Preild
J. R. LEISENRING, Cashier.
S, W. YOST, Assistant Cssrdtt
Open Daily From 9 to 3.
Interest Paid on Savings Deposit
Hf (Ileal OfllcM, 201! N. 8t.,rtIIaQ',P
Are the oldest In America lor tlie treatment of
Special Dlsences ifc Vonttlful Hrroi-n.
Varicocele, Ilyilriiople, Itupturft Lost Jtanhoed
Trenlmeiit liy Mnli n Nprelnll.v. I'onv
tnunlratloiia wicriNily ci ntlilentlal. Send stamp fnj
look, offlre hours: 0 A. M. tn2 1". J!., 0to9P
Al All day Hatimla Sundays. 10 tn 12 A M
Rufobejp Cement I
For Slato.-Tile, Tin or Iron Roofs.
Sold In nll.size packages from 10 pounds up
Polntlnc unnnd rennlrinir alt crackfid minti
on all kinds of roofs, and around chlmnoys.
coping stones, skylights, dormer windows
gutters, wood or stone work, brenks and nail
holes, or any place to bomadowater-tltht; un
equalled for laying and bedding SLATE AND
TILE ROOFS, also copings. They will never
leak or becomo loosened- It is very adhesive,
sticks Hrmly to anything, forming a tough,
leather-like skin over tho top, will not run or
loosen from joints or cracks, summer or win
tor. This cement needs no reference. It has
stood tho test for thirty-two years, and never
falls to glvo porfect satisfaction. It is the
most useful article a roofer can have in his
shop. Tho cement Is prepared roady for use.
ana Is to be applied with a trowel, and Is kepi
moist by keeping covered with water or oil,
and will not got stiff or dry. Colors, brown and
macs. (HsiaDusnca lew ) Address,
u. u, ujiTsisu, ou aiame at., iscwaru, . J.
K$ Kortli rou r th St
below Green. l'MladelnM.
AFTER tbe family libjaloiaa, tbe bo
plUl and advertlEiDg doctors bare filled
ftiwell quacki lio promloe to ourr
you afW all otbi.i fail, and to give TM
a written guarantee, free advice, fret
trcatuieutf and after tbe belt windier
the iltl r.nnufuUurer, with their c
callud lonks, mtortuivea, tablcu. 0.
imrteri, tiui other u:ri-t uoatrum bum
bug concern i, tbr hnie cure m dlclne
ta , to,, bato fMndled and robtd 50a
THEN co an 1 comult DK. O. F. TIIEHX.
bo bni had Q tcah' EuroDean HoBDlts.1 ttml He roan nrncu
cal cziKTlenon. Be ezacolodd by bim, II 1 will candidly tell jot
ufiuer jDurnw ncurauio or dqi. jicowinoif uaraowo, no
does bs claim to be flod poual. but he dooa cure the mott da
Ferata oaiet tt Byphllii, Ulcers, Stricture. Gonorrhoea.
cUon. and Dlnchargea. Stittortri frrm Melancholia and
itownnearteane!, ana an mom aiwatifa irom enecuoi youuua
Indiscretion, of both nesea. are sure cf a cure. Remember
DR THEEL doea enro bat all cti.era c-uly claim to do. DR
THE EL umi common stum trcntmt 11 1 lie combluea tbe Alio
fatblo, Ilomoeonathlo, and Kclectlo nystemi of medicine wber
ever they are Indicated. Hour: Dallr V to S o'olockf evec
luga, C to S , Wed. and Sat. eenlnga from 6 to 10 o'clock Sun
diiy 9 to 12. Head 10 ctt. worth of Vet. Maturi for hool
"truth," the onlv true medical book advertised, a friend tooU
Jounff, and middleaged of both aoxe. Write or call, AVOlf
octon warning you ugalnit medical book ; they arc afraid yoa
aill Hnd their iKnoranoe exponed. KKAI Dr. Tbeel'a teiti
moulali in Vedaeday'a and Saturday' Fhiladelj bta Twu
Beer and Porter.
TAM AGENT for the
-1- Chas. Rettlg's Cele
brated Beer and Porter in
this vleinity, also Bergner
& Eugel'a celebrated India
Pale Ales and Old Stock.
Orders will receive prompt
attention. Finest brands
of Liquors and Cigars,
120 South Mam Street.
Manufacturers of
ocieM (joud-sl
1 jj 1
Of Every Description.
Fags, Baoges, Caps, Regalias, &c
Write for catalogues. Correspondence solicited
Horses ond Carriages to Hire.
Hauling of all kinds promptly attended to.
Horses taken to board, at rates
that are liberal.
PEAR ALLEY, Rear Beddall's Hardware Store
Watt's Popular Saloon,
(Formerly Joo Wyatt's)
9 and 21 West Oak Street,
Br stocked with the best beer, porter, ales,
fnUilw, brandies, wines, etc Finest ctg&rs
stint btrattaoaed. Oordlal Ini'ltotioD to all
Are rometlmes n bore, but when 1
ten the)
y fIjii
pie are told twice turn at u.
i'hean Pjinh 8 torn thev can buy
Toa at lower rates thin anywhereJ'
town, they are glidto test the u
the ort repeatea story,
ceries, Uuttcr and Eggs,
Full line ft
1, 1'outoes.
iluu.ll.J uuuanun. ,
Gallagher's Cheap Cash SI
'iruoit, nay ana sitraw.