The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, May 23, 1893, THIRD EDITION, Image 1

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vol. vm.-NO.vro.
Handsome and Cheap Dining Chairs !
I have one of tlm finrsf 1inrs nf nitiino- Clin ire nf nwfulUr fnf nrirps pvt'r nfferod in the anthracite
Mark This-
recrion. Call and see them. Also the S13.50 Sldehnards now In stock, formerly $17. Just walk in
and look around, it costs nothing-, and ask prices.
For ten days only wo aire making-a specialty if n
h eavy ' Double Washboard, and selling it at only
k'S '8 a rare bargain, -nd cannot be
duplicatedmnywhero elee in the town,
3tfice, juicy, white, fat Mackerel Nothing
like them elsewhere. They average 1 pound
each y end we are celling them, penpound, at
T;he same Bcale of prices provails in all depart
ments, but how long these prices will remain
low .wye cannot eay.
"We always (have on hand ailarge stock. of
Best Family Flour
Every barrel guaranteed firet-class.
"Watch :for Other Prices Next Week.
All goods promptly delivered free of .charge,
will receive careful and prompt attention.
Mail oxden-5
It 3b Reported Tireit Mr. WhltaVer
"Will Auk tha OourtB to Sustain
His Election "Without Ro
gardto an Examination.
114 South. Main Street.
Received Daily.
Strictly JTresh Extra Quality.
cry and Oreaniery Butter.
Pure Country lard.
Pure Country lard.
nt,Car Fancy Minnesota Hour,
une uar vnoice uutaauiws.
One Car Baled
Two Cars
vOholce Timothy Bay,
STREET talk is fccgin
rning to develop in con
nection with the super
intondemcy of tht
public 0&oo1s ot this
borough. AUfcough
this isoxo of tiio
Intercstaag and import
ant m1tor3tSititlhaiB'iliiimci 1fao nttentloirctf
the local people for-tamo titno comparatively
little has bean said nbout it by otlors than
members .of tho 8-iiool Botjril mid others
directly interested, and evo itheso peojio
have beon o very teoinouicni in-ecpressiog
opinio anfiimakiuc statciacmte 'in coiiujc
tion with tho mailer that -silouco 'has
praeticallycoutrolM&all sides.
lUt nowftcro seems to bo a moro loosen
ingaf tonguas and-tnoro rcoly answers aro
mode to 'tbo query, "What is boing done
abot tho eupcrintendency V Sosio tiiao
has elaraed since -tho nins Democratic
inciabors of 't&io School Iioard'islcctad M,r. J.f.
P. Wliitakor to the Biiperintoudoncy atd
sinew tho sic citiioa members filed thair
papers at tho State tDoparOesost pitostit.g
agatast tho.grantingof a oairtnss3ion to Mr.
Whiiaker,.and it is inuito plain tlmt ithcroiis
some impatloutc.
All that can bo Itemed frost tlio citizen
memlcrs sido is that they are waiting.
They havo mido tlieir protest and thoy
expect tho State 'Department to require an
examination. Qf Mr.'Whitaker eliould pass'
the examination, thaso members say, thoy'
will be couteaitond accept him aathosiper..
intendent, bust-should lie fail they will expect
him to3urrendor clniuic to the position by
treason of tho election.
On Mr. Whitaker's -sifo, according to tlio
latest street rumors, tbo determination js strong thatrthere euull be no examina
tion, but that Mr. Whitaker's claim to the
ofiico she 11 rest rapon iis election by
majority -cf the Sokool Hoard and to tts end
the case will be carried to tho courts. Just
wbfct steps will be itaken iinot sttted,'fcut it
is suxxniscditliat Jfc. WhiUkor will waltKntil
tho expiration of thirty days following the
notification to the -State Department of .his
election and then a demand will be made for
the coamissicn. Should tho .commhreion mot
be forthcoming Mr. Wihitaker will tlte-n very
likoly 4ry to compol tho lissuanco of tho
comniitUon byv maudamus .iisued bjr the
But jcot here another nag -csents taelf.
Mr. ScUaetl'er, .tho nemly appointed State
Superintendent a 1'ublie Instruction, has uot
yet been installed into tlio oftco. Thexe
eoms to be some hitch hi tho .department
over his cosllrmatiou and Just .wbat shape
the Whitaker case will ttio pending the
settlemeut.of tho Staio Departmcnt.sppoiut-
ruent it is Imp5ssiblo to surmim.
It ie understood that Mr. Whitakex lias
employed lion. James B. Reilly and Hon
John W. Jtyon to take his esse Into the
Many Inquiries .havo been main as to the
filling of tho position should the question
remain undecided until after tho time for
cpeuing No one seems villingto
we a cleLaJto orvnlou ou this question
although some Incline to belicvo that Mr,
Wtutaker would assume tho duties of the
olllse by virtue of his .election by the School
Others maintaiu that lie could not assume
tho poUtion without a commission.
Hut it js moro than llkoif that some settle.
luentof Clio question will bo reached long
before the time for the re7peuing of the
.schools in tlio fall.
Ulgnes Stein.............
Kiimo it. Wasiry
Welllo Uird.
Mary A. Connelly..
.Mahala F"alrcilld.....
Carrie Tauit ..
CarrioM. Srtlth.....
Mary A. LaCorty-..,
Anna it. Dongler...,
Uridasft A. fflurns...,
Hatttr Hoss
Mary A. 8tot...
LUlie D.ltillllps- ,
James It. lLowls.
Nrly Tnrriilyaive Hnlrcd Vote Were
Tolled Yeatertlny Lnree .Iiih ror
JItnj iitcta; iiiifl JIIss tusvy.
.MIm Smith Advances.
...(l(104 1
.....3 1 038
. 152(11
, 3108
.. IStt
. 1201
IreosShaiK kjto
EUadauwsr mgfl
Mucjtie'Crviinuutti -ttl
Claa Cllno .515
Htunsah Jtoeso.. M 6(15
Annte Moasell. iea
SadSoJJaulell B09
JcxiKite llamage. 295
Minnie iBIppor..- 170
LleEieLifcie lug
LSaiio OiConneU isfl
Ve'jes poiled ynerday. 1H77
Orand total H3K3flO
The 3turns shown by Uto contest yesterfay
wo ths smallct since tlio ifest weeks of
the compaction, but tfc coupons received
yefterdiiy ran tli figures up toa liigh notch
again. Miss Wwloy led, polliBt; ovorsj.OOO
votes, and Miss-Stein was tioxt with a poll of
overSOO. Jlisses Baird nd Cseinolly made
only sligkt advances.
The neaotiatioas tho ILerku is making
for tljajwcommoiliitioiis of tho special oaoar-
Prosldont Balloy, of tho Sohuyl-
"klll Traction Company, Makoa
Arrangcmonts to Change
tho Grado.
ROM now on it is quite
likely tho Btrcct paving
work on Main street
will run more smoothly
and progress moro
rapidly than it has in
tho past For several
wucks tlio work has been at u stand still
localise it was claimed that tho electric rall
'ivay track was nbovo grade. Tlio Borough
Dottiicil and Schuylkill Traction Company
people havs been holding repeated cons-ilta-tiocts
in tho matter, tho former claiming that
theeompauy should lowor tho track nnd tlio
latter maintaining that tho borougii should
stand part f tho oxpenso because tho grade
.given by tfce Borough Survoyor liad been
Xolllowod by tho company's employes. This
the Borougii Surveyor denied and tho matter
hung flro uutil Council decided that it would
tear up tlio track unless the railway company
proceeded to lower tho grado aud pavo on
1 Coal street.
President Bailoy, of tho Tractiou Company,
"was in town yesterday afternoon and held a
consultation with somo of tho Counciimen.
He said that through tho twistinc of M
statements or amo other means somo of tho
Counciimen had placed tho company in an
unenviable light; that ho represents a com
pany that carries out all its promises and ox
eiouistsxt'Chicoga are progressing nicely said pects to bo treated courteously. Mr Biilov
Will lw.fUTIIBIimnivfn.l tn rfV.n. .!-. llf.i.l. 1 , ' . VJ
will bo ooiisummitted in fow dsys.
for the ounounaorcent.
XKnt to r&iladeJiiliitt tiiic
C. 11. TCanan
CounnlmtJi Lamb went to Pottsrille thlr
merning to attend iiho trial of the Haley
ueorgo Ooodman, who has had olttrgo of
tlieooodman Bros.' branch house in town, to
miy weni mi i-ousviuo. jio will manago a
briuth house there for tho same Arm.
Charles Yarowsky, who has been in bus!
Bess for soveral years, left town tolay to
engage in more extensivo business pursuits
ekewiere. Mr. Yarowsky left with tho
respect of all who know him. Ho
liberal, public spirited and progressive
are wary to lose him.
naii i aiso saui tnac ins comimmr wnnl.1 .1...
1 ,1 ........ lunt.. illu
grade, do tho paving and comply with all
other obligations. Tho work will bo started
at once.
The chango of grade is only required on
tho square betweon Oak and Cherry streets
and tho work will not consume much timo.
Yesterday tho Grant Bros., contractors for
tho street paviug, put a small forco of men at
work regulating curbs aud this morning they
put on additional forco at work digging and
arranging othor preliminaries to pavo tho
tquaro north of Oak street. It now looks as
if tho work will be pushed to completion and
wittiout delay, savo when stormy weather in
"A stich i timo" often saves consump
Uo. Dowus Elixir used in time saves life.
.lcensen Transferred,
The Pottsvillo court yesterday transferred
three Shsuaudouh licenses. The one held by
Mrs. Brodusky was transferred to Kajcton
Mlkzas. Mrs. Brodusky was tho Insane
woman who conducted the place on Centra
street, ner r White, and made the town un.
asy by carelessly handling fire. Mrs.
Breen's license has been transferred to Leo
Bunowski aud John Yuko has secured the
license .that washeld by John Bonsavage,
now deceased. Mrs. Bonsavago, the widow.
was an unsuccessful applicant.
In Henry & Johnson's Arnica and Oil
Liniment Is combined tho turativo properties
of the different oils, with the healing quali
ties of Arnica. Good for man aud animal.
Every bottle guaranteed. lm
Spiritual Director.
Kev. Williim Powick, pastor of tho Mctho-
ami .episcopal cnurcn 01 town Jias been ap
pointed spiritual director of tho Joanna
Heights camp meeting to be held at Joanna
Heights, Berks county, August 15-25. This
has been for soma years past tho largest and
no Case In Which Shenandoah U Con
cerned, The caso of Mrs. Haloy against the Bor-
ough of Shenandoah was called up for trial
at Pottsville this morning and required tho
attendanco of a number of town nnnnin
Mrs. Haley claims damages. Several months
ago she fell upon a pavoment on West Coal
street and fractured her thigh. S:nco that
timo she has been obliged to use crutches.
Mrs. Haley claimed that hor fall was caused
by a bad pavement aud sued tho boroueh for
$10,000 damages. Tho caso was arbitrated
nnd Mrs. Haley received au award of $9,000.
This the borough claimed was oxcessivo and
tbo caso was taken to court.
M. D. Malonc, of Shenandoah, yesterday
What lie Sees ami llenrs During Ills
This is tho season of tho year when tho
farmors aro In search of manuro and tho
nasty bins on the alleys aro being drawn
upon for a supply. Now that tho bins aro
emptied it is time for tho Borough Council to
insist that tho owners who aro encroaching
upon tho public highways to removo tho
framowork and lcavo clear the passageways
as required by tho ordinances. Heretofore a
feeling of sympathy seems to havo controlled
tho authorities, becauso tho ownors of tlio
bins havo argued that tlieir contents wero
vnluable aud thero wero no means by which
thoy could bo disposed of without loss.
Manuro bins on alloys aro mere storehouses.
Thoy aro claimed by tho ownors to bo mero
conveniences, but It is a well known fact that
thoy frequently, almost Invariably, result in
a gain for tho ownors. Tho ordinances pro
vide that thero shall bo footways in all streets
and alleys of tho town and I hope tho
members of tho Borough Co!!!!?U "ill seo
that the ordinauco is enforced.
It is tho hero's reward that ho shall bo re
mcnibored. Memorial Day is no longer a
day of mourning. Tho generation whoso
hearts wore broken by tho horrors of tho
war has boon soothed by timo, and wheus
Decoration Day comos round it is prido nnd'
not tears that it arouses. Tho ceremony of
gratitudo which tho nation has decreed itth
heroes is a beautiful one. Onco every year,,
in May, tlio country iiauses in its hurry and
selfish plans, and, on tho day set apart;
thinks witJi gratitudo of thoso who fought
nnd died so bravely. We uy not beIlovo la
war, but wo cannot but respect tho men, ?"hQ
forgetful of self, died for an idea, and when
tho tiny flags wave in the spring winds, and
bright flowers proclaim to all, "hero lies a
hero," we feel that they who havo died for
us have won what is denied tlio great ma
jority tho boon of being uuforgotten.
Tho members and friends of tho Grand
Army of tho Bepublic are very activo in
tho making of preparations for the obser
vance of Memorial Day. It seems that as tho
ranks of tho sarvivors of tho Bobellion
diminish the stronger becomes tho apprecia
tion of tho public of tho sacred day. This, of
course, is glorious to tho veterans who still
live to help commemorate tho departure of
their comrados and certainly reflects credit
upon tho people. It savors of patriotism.
Watkin Waters Post will go to Bingtown In
tho afternoon to participate in tho mo.
morial services thero.
most popular camp meeting in Eastern Ponn.
sylvania. Eov. Powick expects a number of secured a rule to show cause why the salo of
his people to attend. property belonging to John Patrick, of Man-
anoy city, sUould not bo set aside. Mr.
rm. . -1 . , i, , . I.r . .
uu ceieuraiou lmponeu "Ancnor rain juaione nas a claim against Patrick and will
Expeller." It casts but 2j and GO cent a not bo able to collect it unless tho salo is sot
bottle. Its worth is invaluable to thoso
sufferinc from Bheumatio diseases. Try it
and be convinced. For salo at C. H. Hagen.
buch, P. P. D. Kirllu, J. M. Hiilan and other
druggists. 3t
A Warning.
People residing along tho lino of tho elec
tric railway should bo very careful of young
children. Last night a child walked
neiioeratciy in iront 01 an electric car on.
Main street nnd was less than half a foot
away from the headlight when the motor
man stoppod.
A Constable Illtten.
estcrday afternoon, while passing along
Lloyd street, Constable Phillips was bitten in
the calf of tbo right leg by a water spaniel
dog. Thu bito drew blood. The wound wae
cauterized at Hagenbuch drug store. Con
stable Phillips intends to make a demand
upon mo owner lor uio (log so mat be may
Shoot It.
Somo men aro constantly craving iudul.
genco for their errors. Wo only crave plenty
of Dr. Coxe s Wild Cherry aud Seneka, when
the baby is threatened with Croup or has a
bad cough.
Now for Oxford Tin.
At tho People's store will bo found a big
soleetiou of ladies' Oxford ties, warranted
solid aud in tho latest styles, at 7S cents and
upwards. Peopi.b's Stork,
11-tf 181 North Main Street.
Best photegtaphs and crayons atDabb's.
Iilaze at a llakery.
While some doughnuts were being cooked
at Plopport's bakery on East Ccntro street
this morning the lard become overheated and
blazed, Somebody sounded a flro alarm, but
the bakers extinguished the lire without the
assistance of the depajtmsnt and before any
j damage was done.
Try tlio Ailuilrul."
How is this Air tho cradle of liberty when
t the cradle is rocked by the trust and whole
sale denier are not allowed to sell "Ad-
iaiml," the new oigarette. Per iwrtioulewi
I &Jdree B. Labews & Co,, Mabasoy City, P
aside. He claims it was irreirular
An application for a charter has been filed
by ttio Lithuanian St. Andrews' Boueflcial
boeiety, of Shenandoah.
The court yostorday granted a citation re
quiring John A. Latham, executor of the
estato of Elizabeth Kissinger, to appear and
make an accounting. Latham is tho Maha
noy City insuranco agent who disappeared
soveral weeks ago.
There will bo no court on Memorial Day.
Judge Pershing is attending a Presbyterian
convention at Washington, D. C. His seat on
the bench will be filled by Judge E. II. Al
bright, of Lehigh county.
Hon. J. W. Eyon yesterday hinted to the
court, wmie applying for a postponement,
that tho county Bhould mako (arrangements
to havo a full list of all oases to be tried
published in tho newspapers, so that the
principals and witnesses would bttye due
notice of approaching trials.
An Undisputed Test or Merit.
A medicine that has been a household
remeay :or over lllty years and used in that
timo by moro than 150,000,000 persons must
nave great merit. Such a medicine is found
in Brandreth's Pills. This fact demonstrates
tho value of thoso pills better than any
statement of tho proprietors. It will be
observed that tho doso required to euro Is
small. One or two pills taken every night
for ten or twenty days will cure dyspepsia.
costivenesi, rheumatism, liver complaint,
biliousness, or any disease arising from an
impure state of tho blood. Brandreth's Pills
aro purely vegetable, abtolutely harmless.
and safe to take at any time. Sold In every
drug aud medioiue store, either plaiu or
sugar coated.
Twelve Photos Tor Sue.
By seudjruc us yotir oaWuet totwthor with
$0 cents, we will inleli you one dossa pbotaf.
M W. A. Ksusby.
I am informed that the Borough Council
will take part in the Memorial Day oxer
cises in the morning of May 30th nnd in tho
afternoon will use tho samo carriages for tho
annual tour, or inspection, of tho town. Tho
idea of tho Borougii Council is, I &eo clcarlyi
to economlzo in behalf of the taxpayers.
Tho object is plausible, but not wholly com
mendable. I understand that somo members
in objecting to the selection of tho afternoou
for tho tour stated that tho day was one for
recreation and being so tho laborer should
havo tho full benefit of it. The members 110
doubt meant what I am driving at, but at tho
timo did not bring tho aim clearly to the
front. Memorial Day is not a day of recrea
tionbut ono of consecration. It is, or
should be, a day of great activity, when wa
should devoto all our timo to tlio decorating
of graves of tho noble heroes of the lato re
bellion and to reflection unon their u?nrl-
But one day in the year is set apart for this.
Many days were absorbed in tho accomplish,
ment of that for which tho day is set apart
for commemorative purposes. Therefore I
claim that thero should bo a more holy spirit
In arrangements for that day. When tho
Borough Council accepts an invitation to
join in reverence of tho memory of those,
who gave up their lives to savo and preserve
tho Union they should do so without any
qualification. It is Memorial Day! Thosa
to who tho token of respect will be con
tributod went into tho battle Mold uncondl
tionally, but for one object tho preserva.
tiou of tho Union, and as survivors in that
Union wo should observe their day with
them alone, and their deeds, in our minds,
Public Library Notice.
After this date no books will be issued
from the Public Library until tho second
Thursday of Juno, 1SU3, but the library will
be open for the return of books at the usual
hours on Thursdays and Saturdays of eaeh,
week. By order of the committee,
Frank Hasna, Librarian.
Shenandoah, May 18, 1603. 5.18-St
llcglnnluc to Pay.
It is stated upon what appears to bo
reliable authority that tho earnings of tho
Sohuylklll Traction Company are now eight
per oent. abovo the amount of the oompany's
bonded indebtedness.
Best work done at Breunau's Steam Lauu
dry. Everything white and spotless. Laee
eurtaius a specialty. All work guaranteed.
All KiurjH, at
Fncke's Carpet Store, S. Jardm Si