i l-H if ' 1 ' I ! S.. J . KM pan .a i KING Among morchanta 1b tho ono who caters to the wants of his cus tomers, bo thoy rich or poor. Iloth havo an equal right to be treated fairly. Justice to all is a good motto, and our customers will find It ours. Wo havo a complete llnoof Groceries M well as Canned Goods, etc. Como and sco car stock of goods, and remember tho best goods aro always tho cheapest In the long run. Corner Grocery, EBFOWIOH ! Clothing1 for all Ages. Centre and White Sts. THIRD EDITION TAMAQUA. From the to A Few Interesting I'nragniphs Old Town. Much has been said and written of Tamaqua as "Sleepy Hollow," but like Rip Van Winkle sho may yet nriso and vlo with many of tho more pretentious towns of tho county. True, tho Carter shops, which woro tho largest In this ecction of tho state, aro idle, but our people find employment In the -mlnm alnnff tho vallev and wo manage to set along, although the mines about tho town nro liko tho "pcnltonttarica" in other parts of -the county. Hut tlioro was a tlmo when Tamaqua was the leading coal town In tho county. "Aye, nnd those were times too. my boy 1" There were tho Donaldson, tho Ileaton & Carter, tho Ratcliff A Johnson, tho Colo & Berbcck, ami manv others I can't recall now, but didn't thoy put somo llfo into things I There Is plenty coal In tho Tamaqua field yet, and tho very best kind, too; but it can't bo mined profitably now bcoauso tho mines lio too deep. But In this ago of electricity and alacrity will soon devise means by which this dark wealth will bo brought to tho surface and Tamaqua will rut on tho Sunday clothes again. But Tamaqua, somo people say is slow, Look about you and see what tho Tamaqua Manufacturing Company is doing In tho form of firo plugs. Look at tho fire plugs in Bhcnandoah and ask tho people who purchaBO them where they Btand in comparison others. This is no advertisement, but plain statement of facts that as dead Tamaqua may be in tho minds of somo sho is still maintaining an admirable industry, Then there is tho brass foundry. Last week It had an advertisement covering whole page in ono of tho town papcre. That wasn't so slow, was it? Thoro seems to mo to bo a breczo of enterprise about that, Then add a shoe factory, which Shcnan doah, tho largest town in tho county, nor Fottsvillo, tho county seat, can boast of. From a basis of citizenship our town is all lieht. but like many other places wo aro hampered by a spirit of jealousy. We have, In fact, a pretty town and tho opening of now .streets and recent building havo by no means marred its appearance. To credit of thoso who own their own homes it should bo stated that every layer In their buildings show substantial work. They aro dwellings not shells coverod by adulterated paint and green goods paper. True we are not thoroughly metropolitan. but our streets aro in good condition gen-1 crally and the borough government Is in good and economical hands. And wo havo no Poles or Uuns. But there Is ono thing upon which I must take water. The other day a visitor who passed the Presbyterian church paid special attention to tho church yard. Ho remarked that the graves of J. Edward Barnes and Duncan Weir wero in a sad condition. He was right. The tombstones of these two graves rest against a wall. Have tho people of Tamaqua bo soon forgotten theso two worthy men who were deprived of their lives by tho foul gas mines? Hon. Michael Beard has just passed as I am writing this. Almost everybody in Schuylkill county knows of whom I speak. Ho is quito feeble and almost blind. At ono time he was the leading Democratic poli tician of this place. He still wears a suit of dark blue clothes, with swallowtail coat and brass buttons. D. L. Y. USE DANA'S SAESAPAKILLA, its " THE KIND THAT CUBES". You want to know where to buy tho best CLOTHING for tho least money, Shoppers "looking around" say competitors alntlnlt with this House. Men's and Boys' Clothing of all Blzes and styles, at all prices. Napoleon Mel His Waterloo In 1(15. Our clothing prices met their defeat In 1893. For clothing go lo the Reliable Clothing Hall LEVI RKFOWICH, Nos. 10 and 12 South Mam Street Many Items FRAOKVILLB, to 'Herald" A Visit to the World's Fair At Chicago will bo incomplete without "cooling off " somewhere In the lake regions of Wisconsin, Northern Michigan and Mln nesota. All of the best summer resorts In the Northwest can bo reached in a few hours" rido from Chicago via the Chicago, Mil waukee & St. Paul Uailway and the Mil waukee & Northern Railroad. For a conv pleto list of Summer homes and "How to Visit the World's Fair," send two cent stamp, specifying your desires, to John It. Pott, District Passenger Agent, Williamsport, Pa., or42 South Third Strcot, Philadelphia, Pa. Coming Kvents. May 30. Ice cream and strawberry festi val: Rubbles' ooem house: under auspices of Trinity Reformed Sunday school. June 14. Ice cream and strawberry fes tival, Bobbins' opera house, benefit Presby terian church. July 3 & 4, Independence Day festival In Bobbins' opera house, under the auspicos of Camn 49. Sons of Veterans and Ladles Aid Society. Coughing Treads to Consumption, Komn's . Balsam will stop tho cough at once. Twelve Fbotoa for OOc. By sending us your cabinet, togothor with 60 cents, we will finish yon one dozen photos, 1.2-tf W. A. Keaoky, Bnv Jfv(one flour. Be 6ure that the name hweia & Babb, Ashland, Pa., Is printed on every sack. 3-3-3taw of Interact Headers. Tho Lutheran Ministcrlum, of Ponnsylva nla. will conveno in annual session In Philadelphia on Thursday, tho 2oth of May, Mr. A. S. Seaman, has been choson delegate to renresent Zion's Lutheran church v of town. Frank Uouser. of Shenandoah, circulated among frlonds hero Sunday. Bov. C. A. Marks, rector of tho church of tho Holy Apostles, St. Clair, and of Christ's church, of town, officiated at divine services hero on Wednesday evening, Mrs. Eeeso Richards was tho delcgato to the convention of tho Daughters of Rcbekah at Reading during the week, Supervisor Wertz has a force of men putting stono on Lehigh avenue. This will make pood road when it becomes packed. All our streets should bo treated In like manner and graded. On Saturday evening Chief Burgcs3 Doudcn run in two young fellows whoso conduct was boisterous and language profano. It cost each over five dollars, and it is to bo hoped the lesson will havo a good effect on young fellows similarly inclined. Edward Frack, of town, has secured position In Dives, Pomcroy and Stowart's store, Pottsvllle. Among the town improvements wo will shortly havo a new plank walk in front of the post office. Tho need of some kind of a pavement or walk at this point has long been felt by our peoplo who had to wado through the mud owing to tho numerous springs there. A crossing from tho opposite side of tho Btreet would also greatly add to tho convenience and comfort of tho people Wagner Bros, havo put two now! butcher wagons on tho road and oxpect to havo an1 other on shortly. They aro beauties, Thoro aro quito a number of property ownors In this town who by all means should curb and gutter arouud their property and who could well afford to do so. Tho proper authorities should look this matter up and at least havo good pavements on our principal strcols and not mud walks. The many friends of John Krocker, of town, will be pleased to learn that he has secured a lucrativo position in Dives, Pome roy & Stowart's, rottsville. During his rcsl denco hero Mr. Krecker made many warm friends who will bo pleased to learn of his good fortune. John will preside over tho notion department and will bo a valuable acquisition to that popularcstablishmont, John S.Thomas represented District Lodgi No. 823, 1. 0. O. F., at tho meeting of tho Grand Lodge at Beading this week. Ho ro' ports the order in a flourishing condition, There are 100,000 members in Pennsylvania A largo forco of men is busily engaged placing poles for tho long distanco telephone. There will be thirty men engaged in this work for tho next month The Pennsylvania Railroad Company haj a forco of men at work getting ready the road bed north of Frackvillo Junction, pre, paratory to laying the sidingforthohandllng of the Ponnsy's coal trade over this route, Next Sunday, 27th iust., Rev. S. C. Carter will preach a sermon to John S. Meredith Post, Q. A. R., in tho M. E. church, of town, As the reverend gentleman is a pleasant and forciblo speaker, the congregation will enjoy an intellectual treat. The Cottor Dramatic Company, of which Mrs. C, Shugars, of town, is tho star, and Mr, Hay, of Gilberton, manager, aro negotiating for tho purchase of a largo tent. Tho com1 pany will show under canvass during the heated term. George Folmer, Jr., of Philadelphia, was town visitor on Thursday. Mr. Folmer, we aro sorry to stato, reports tho serious illness of Mrs. Folmor at Pottsvillc. Thoy will move toOrwigsburg next month. a For a Hoiiic-iuafJe Car pt tlmt will wash, t Fiielce'M Carpet Btore, No. io tioutli Jardim Street, wliei. ildtt til. Found Skeletons In tlio Cellar. Piwvidbkck, R. I., JIny 22. Worknu- rxcavutlng In the cellar of the old Elliott linnse, In .at Providence, which was burned three months ago, havo found, tw feet under ground, tho skeletons of two full-grown men. Tho bouse wiis built twenty-two years ago by Dan Elliott, snorting character, and was one of the free and easy shore hotels. Knglneer Muim Killed, HAitniHBi'iui, May 22. Caleb Mann, Pennsylvania engineer, wni fatally scalded mid his liivmnu, Jolm JUcC'ann, badly in hired in a wreck at Thorudale late Satur day night. Mann died soon after being taken to the riesuyterlnn hospital, 1 win deiolila. Ills remains were brought here estirdny anil taken to his late home on itilev Rtrwt. A Silver Quarter Scut safely, with your addross, to Geo, Heafford, General Passenger Agent Chicago, Milwaukee & St, Paul Ry., Chicago, 111., will fetch to you by mail, without delay, a port folio containing a highly-colored, correct lithographic view of the World's Fair grounds and buildings (done by tho famous artist Charles Graham), together with numerous other beautiful litographio and half-tone views of unsurpassed lake and river scenery in Wisconsin, Iowa, Minnesota and Michigan. Tho "Quarter" otherwise twenty-five contain stiver or U. S. postage stamps Just covers the cost of the portfolio We pay for sending it to you. The supply limited, therefore, send address at onee, or not later than July 15, 1803. Worlds Fair Holiday Trip ! EVJ3HNQ HERALD CONTEST jl i o Days at the World's Fair With accommodations at a flrpt-class Chicago hotel, and transporta tion to and from Chicago, including sleeping berths, all freo ot cost, To the 2 Most Popular Teachers. Grand Display of FINE DRESS GOOD! CONTEST CLOSES JULY 1st, 1893, at 6 P. M. The two teachers who receive the largest number of votes will be taken to the World's Fair and royally entertained by the Herald. Cut out this coupon, and on the blank lines write the name ot the Public School Teacher, north of the Ilroad Mountain, In Schuylkill county, whom you consider most popular, and send It to tho "Contest EniTon, Evxmno Herald, Shiram doah, Pa." Every coupon properly filled out counts as ono vote for one teacher.. Every person, young or old, can vote, and vote as often as they please. Coupon must be in the hands of the editor within ten (10) days after the date It bears. Name of Teacher.. Residence.. Name ot Voter- Residence.. t888S333S0 May 22, 1893. -53Z23ZS OXTDEL- Nobby Spring Stock It Has Surprised Others And will Surprise You. WE 10 have opened the season with a stock of goods that beats the record for beauty and low prices. We will close it with a big stock disposed of and the best pleased lot of customers you ever saw. It's waiting for you that big line of choice quality, new styles. Men's, boys' and children's clothing, hats and furnishing goods. We want to sell ynti reliable goods cheap, and we'll do it .f you give us a chance. . I. JOHES CLOTHIER North Main St., Shenandoah. House Cleaning Season Is again at band, and your labor will be In vain unless you lirst visit our store lar tlie necessary articles to begin witu Buckets, Whisk Brooms, Dust Brushes, Ammonia, Toilet Soap, Feather Dusters, Tidies, Window Brashes, Stovo " Flesh " Cloth " Hnir Shoo " Bureau Scarfs, Floor Mops, Floor Brooms, Carpet Beaters, Sand Soap, Clothes Baskets, Laco Shelf Paper Tablo Covers, Scrub Brushes, Wall " Carpet Sweepers, Laundry Soap, Flue Stoppors, Shelf Oil Cloth, Etc., etc. Replenish the stock of kitchen utensils, and substitute tho old cracked Wash bowl and Pitcher with a bright New Decorated Toilet Set. We have thorn at all prices. UK, DUNCAN & WAIDLEY'S. People's Drug Store, COItXEll Main and Centre Sts. Pure Drugs and Chemicals. Having purchased the above pharmacy wo respectfully solicit a share of the patronage of our friends and the general public. We shall endeavor to give prompt and careful attcn tlon to the wants of our customers. A full lino of Soaps, Toilet Articles, Perfumery and Druggists' Sundries. Prescriptions carefully compounded at all hours, day or night. Toilet Articles, Perfumery. Gruhler Brothers AHEAD AGAIN! We have mounted another rung on tho ladder of popularity. It is the Standard Grand this time, a drop-head, halt-cabinet at a reasonable price. The head rises automatically to Ub place when the leaf Is laid back. With a single movement the head disappears, the cabinet closes, and you have an elegant ornamental piece of furniture. Drop in and look at it, And while we are talking of cabinet work we might mention the dlflerentklndsof wood the Standard is made up in Antique Oak, XVI Century Oak, Walnut, Hungarian Oak, Mahogany and Sycamore, T. B. SHAFFER, Cor. Jardln and Lloyd Sts., Shenandoah JOHN COSLETT Main and Oak Streets, Shenandoah, Peuua., GREEN GROCERIES, Truck and Vegetables. I .Poultry, Game, Fish and Oyslors In b wll ran. Orders left at the store iccelve prompt attention, HOOKS & BROWN, BASE BALL GOODS, Dase Balls..... ji0 up. Bats ... ..10c up. Catcher's Masks 60o up, Padded Catcher's Gloves.250 up. Pull line ot Gum Balls. Try our one dollar "Molot" Ball. For price and quality it cannot be best. Ho. NORTH MAIN STREET, B,RESS GOODS isstich a bewildering topic ) that we will not attempt a full descrip- tion, but give a partial outline, which you can fill in by a personal inspection. There are the plain and diaugable diagonals; plain, plaid, striped and invisible plaid serges; fancy mix tures in all sorts of odd weaves, dots, threads, cross-threads, hair-lines, lines here and there, many at a glance appearing alike, but upon ex amination are found entirely different. Our assortment of silks is complete china silks, china surah, plain surah, bengaline, plain, fig ured and changeable silks, in all the new shot effects. Full line of fancy braids to match any color of dress goods. In Wraps Wo find the most stylish and tho prevailing mode to he the Capo, In some of Its variations. single, double or trlplo capes. Some aro plain, others very highly decorated, with fancy lndesccnt braid, butterfly colors, or somo full arrangement at tho neck, so much ap proved this season by tho fomlnlne fancy. To some, coats only aro tho correct garment. To thoso wo would say coats aro equally fashlonablo and stylish, many of these having capos nlso attached sometimes ono, two or three, as tho tasto or inclination of the wearer may desire. We have this season, for the first time, added a Millinery Department, and have spared neither trouble nor expense to make it a suc cess. The result exceeds our most sanguine expectations. This department will be under the same management and conducted on the same principles that have always characterized our entire business. We shall keep everything in trimmed and uutrimmed hats, novelties of every description. Having secured a trimmer noted for her artistic and skillful work, we are enabled to suit all tastes. We invite a careful inspection of our entire store. All welcome. lives, romerov ai mm POTTS VIImIm'E, FEMOTA C, GEOItOE MILI.EU, Manager. Prices lowest, when quality is considered. One price to al!. TTT A Now in order jrJLoiise i;ieaiiif All those in need of Carpets, "Window Shades, Lace or Chenille Curtains, Rugs, Mats, etc., call at J. J. PRICE'S, OLD m ajbi NORTH If QUEEN & CC Send their Eye pc To Sbenandoali, Tliurt He will be found at 1 1 Ferguson House From 8:30 Persons who bae heaaacht or whose comfort should till upon their specia celve intelligent md skillful attention, amine youreyes'.Kvery pair ot glasses to be satlstactotf. PEOPLE'SST 121 N. Mam ireet, Shenandoah. Boots, Shoes, fronts Purn f At Er"y reduced rat03. t Pro 11 1 m At gj I have concluded tSM the people a chance to t age of the g of our exce and shoes, out within make room our new st 281 tdvant eat RedjJon Sale lent sW 7or D00ts hichmbe closed he neM weeks to for goods at ' tw Btroot Tokn T? i J; j vim jl i(j SO HAST Bread, Cake an fil COHFECTfONERYt ICE CRE sot I have also purchased tl street, and am prepared to-)l s Butter and Eggs at the It ( We will also keen at this I sr. Boda Water. All orders r t uucuiiuu. vnoiesaie ana rt That sells on 8l,-fl (. m .nS "P- 4" n s n j pj. air. wards. All gra bargains. 3 Oarpets. Cull lor th Jardin St. 1 J. F. PLOPI1 a East Centre St. SHENANDQ , LEATHER and SH- (Clearv's Old Stan, Xe "OCT. Oozitro Stock replenished. Vv Shoemakers' Supu JOHN D. TRI IV. Vestl mi Us