The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, May 22, 1893, THIRD EDITION, Image 2

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    The Herald.
H. A. 71 OVKlt. ........ .VroprMor
U. 0. IlOVKIt. lljtlnr and I'uhllther
IT. J. W.tlKlNH Coenl l'Mtor
tt. Jf IlOYKll ..HniM llanayer
U:iT,per year,......- 13 00
Wcikly, per year 1 60
lffnr((siif JtnttK,
Transient. 10 cents per lino, ilrst Insertion i 6
tents per lino each subsequent Insertion, Kates
lor regular advertising can bo bad on applica
tion at the office or by malt.
The Evkmino Heiiald has a larger circula
tion In 'Shenandoah than any other paper pub
lished. Hooks open to all.
Kntered at the 1'ostomce, at Bhennndoah, I'a,
(or transmission through tlio malls
as second-class mall matter.
MEA.Nvyna:, Uiauka to INIr. Cleve
land, tbo Chinese don't need to go If
they don't want to.
Willie Woo, a full-blooded China
man, is a candidate for postmaster at
West Harrlovllle, Mich. He la nat
uralized and a Democrat, but there are
some folki who think Willie Woon't
get the oillco.
The United Reserve Fund Asso
ciation of Boston, a "get rich quick"
concern with 3,000 members, has gone
under. A few weeks ago it had $85,-
000 in the treasury.
Ciiakle3 Lindek, a millionaire
butcher of New York, has just cast off
his romantic daughter, Lizzie, because
she eloped actor
and a ham at that. Lizzie did this in
spite of her father's promise to give
her $200,01)0 if she married some one
of whom he npprnvpil.
Heueafteb if the foreign born
residents of this state want to become
citizens of these great United States
they will bo requireJ to pay for their
ovn naturalization papers. There will
be no more purchasing of such pa
pera by candidates for ofllco or com
mitteemen, unless they are willing to
stand a Hue and go to prison. This is
an excellent law and it is hoped it will
be enforced to the full extant.
It Is to be regretted that the bill
protecting from pillution the streams
of the state that supply drinking
water has been defeated in the Legl
lature. Simeofthe lawmakers sent
to HavrUburg hardly know enough to
come iu out of the wot during a rain
storm. Rome of the country members
probably believe the bill was merely
in the interest of the people of Phila
delphia, and witli their unusual nar
rowness never realized tint there are
streams other than the Schuylkill
A fascinating picture of the pos
sibilities of future development on the
earth is portrayed in "The Story of
the Millennium," which is mule a
special feature of the June number of
Demorest's Family Magazine. It
depicts the condition of mankind on
the earth in the 10,000th century,
when interplanetary communication
has been established aud the "dream
of the ages" has become a vivid and
magniflceut reality. Novel views
concerping the progressive evolution
of mankind in the Intervening epochs
are included, and tho narrative Is re
lated in an easy, conversational man
ner, the events being supposed 'to
transpire through the publication of
the proceedings of the Optimists'
Club, an institution established for
tho purpose of fortelling the future of
the world. The Btory is illustrated by
Beard, and is from the pan of Arthur
Fluid. This is tho 11 rat attempt at
any tiling like a complete pictorial re
presentation of the future appearance
of the earth and its Inhabitants.
Cbutainly the tide seems to be at
present witli the advocate of woman
aullrage. Their latest victory was the
turning down of the Resolutions Com
mittee of the Republican National
League and the adoption by the latter
of a recommendation to the clubs to
study the subject carefully. This is a
long way from committing the party
to the idea, but It shows that it is not
the tabooed subject politically which
it has until lately been. It is stated
as a singular fact that one of the
earliest experiments with woman suf
frage was made on tho Isle of Mm. It
is not generally known that for a long
period the women of New Jersey had
the right to vote, but suoh was the
ease, though the privilege has long
been abolished. While this was a
retrograde, yet the movement gener
ally has beeu progressing, and it
never was to strong as it is at present
Whether it will reach the mark aimed
at speedily or whether a reoeealon will
take place, such m baa. happeued to
prohibition, etlll remains to be seen.
Suoli a setback might be given by the
limitation of the sullrage to men by
requiring an educational qualification
and Increasing the dlflleulty of
foreigners acquiring citizenship, ust
as the general adoption of high license
bills put a sprag, at least for a while,
on prohibition progress.
Programme for the Infanta's
Stay in Washington.
Tli" I'rlncpii Is DiillRliteri nt tlio Cimr-
tpitim of AVhlch She Is tlio Hccliilont
Slit) lions Nut Wish to lie Treated In
Any Oilier AVny Than Tliut Arranged
by tile (Joverillnent.
Washington, AIny 22. The Infanta
Enlallu and her suite ntteiuled mass
nt 11 u. in. at St. Mntthows Church. A
spccln' musical programme had been pro
pared for the occasion, mid tho church was
crowded, many people of note being
In the afternoon tho royal party took a
drive through tho city and the suburbs.
The progrnmnie of tho l'rlncoss Kulnlios
ntny In Wiishiiigton has been nrrnnged by
Commander Davis, representing the
United States Government and Scnor
Murungun, the Spanish Minister, repre
senting tho Princess, with the concurrence
of course, of the Infanta herself.
Holiday and Wcdnesiluy of this week
will be ilevotcd to sit?ht-seelng. Tho In
fanta and suite will visit nil the Govern
ment buildings and other places of interest
iu Washington under the guidance of
Commander Davis,
Tuesdny morning the members of tho
diplomatic corps will accompany the royal
party on a steamer chnrtered for that pur
pose and iu command of Commander
Ilavis. It was originally intended that a
reception to tho diplomatic corps should
be given by tho Infanta nt the Arlington
oil Holiday night, but this has been
ehnnged and tlio members of the corps
will be received by her on board the
steumer at its wharf on Tuowlay boforo
tho start is made for Jit, Vernon.
On ThuiTiday evening at 8 o'clock tho
President nnd Mrs. Cleveland will glvo u
dinner to her Royal Highness nnd the roy
al party at the Executivo Mansion, at
which the Cabinet olllccra and their ladies
will be prehont. As this dinner will be of
an official character oil those entitled to do
(.o will lx) requested to appear in full uni
form. Wednesday evening the Princess will
attend a ball to be idven in honor of the
birthday of Queen Victoria by Hir Julian
I'auucefoto, the Ilritish Ambassador at tho
British embassy.
The Infanta and suite will leave Wash
ington for New York on yesterday.
The Invitation to attend the grand hall
to be given her in New York City has been
accepted by the Princess.
The Iutnntii hasjdecided that so long as
tihe remains tlio olliclal guest of tho nation,
she will accept no invitations to entertain
ments to be given is her honor except such
us are contained in the progrnmnie ar
ranged for her by tho United Htntes olll-
clals in charge ot her visit, falio expects,
however, to throw oil her official character
in n short time, probably after the func
tions in her honor given in Chicago have
been concluded, and she will then go fur
ther west in character of a private person
age. Her tour is likely to extend to tho vol
lowstouo Park.
The duration of tho stay ot the Infanta
in the United States has not been definitely
determined, but it will bo from one to two
'Ihis morning tho Princess expressed
herself as doliglited with her enthusiastic
lcception in Washington and said sho was
very grateful for the courtosies extended
However much people may lielievo hhe
desire to bs honored, the Infanta wishes
to be understood that she has no desiro to
be treated in any other manner than that
nrranged by tho government unti is per
feclly MitWfied and willing to abide by all
arrangements that may bo made wnetuei
they conform or not to tho puuctillio of
fojmnish court "tiquetto.
,ler own wish is to bo treated in nn
American way find not to cause any em
barrasbuient to her entertainers by a de-
birr1 on their part to net in conformity with
ei-ry detail of etiquette that uer nigu
rank might seem to deninnu
The fact that Mr. Cleveland did not re
turn her call Saturday is subject to com'
nient. In this connection tho precedent
he set during his former administration is
remembered, when Queen Knplolanl was
here and visited the President ho did just
as he did Saturday.
ft' W The Chief AVitnust Has I'leil.
Portland, Me., Muy 22.-.Ex-City Clerk
John S. Russell has lett the city and his
whereabouts is unknown, llusseli is tho
Democratic official who divulged tho elec
tion fraud in the late municipal election
aud is the chief witness against Warden
Horner at the First Ward, who was in
dieted on Russell's testimony. Harper's
trial has in consequence been set over
to the September term.
HUhop Hub Unjoined.
Portland, Oro., May 22. Tho latest
movo iu the Evangelical Church fight in
this nlace is the granting ot an Injunction
by Circuit Judge Stearns enjoining Bishop
Hudolnli Duns, ol uuioago. irom ueuicav
ing churches, using the name of the Evan
gelical association or its discipline, collect
ing any monies and using any ol the
churches within the Oregon conference,
The Wife Will 1U lVom Ilor Injuries,
West Chester, Pa., May 23. Samuel
Worth, a wealthy member of the Society
of Friends of this nluce. who suddenly ue
came insane and tried to kill his wife with
a mirror, has been taken to the Friends
Asvlum at Frankford. Philadelphia. His
wife will die. His brother mysteriously
disappeared several weeks ago aud has not
since been heard of.
No New of the aliasing Glrll.
Newark, N. J., May 22. Nothing has
been heard of the two pretty girls from
Kearney, who disappeared from their
borne last Sunday afternoon. One of the
girls is the daughter ot a business man in
Kearney aud th other is Mnggie Hagau,
who boarded with the former.
McAullrTe Amlmn to Most AbbuH.
Niw York, May 22. Captain Mike
Flaherty, who has just returned from the
West, savs he spent several Mays with
Jack McAuliffe 111 Denver, Col. The
captain says that Jack is more than anx
ious to meet Stuntua Abbott, the champ
ion ot England.
Slaubattan Athletic Club Home Not Sold.
Nkw Yobk, May 38. The report that
the Manhattan Atbletio olub boute has
been sold by prlvaw contract for $74O,OU0
is denied by Andrew Freedman, receiver
of the club.
Ilooth's Condition Unchanged.
Nsw York, May 22. It is Bald at
Players' Club that the condition
Edwin Booth is unchanged.
Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report.
Grosham Doos Not Think That
China Will Tako Action.
In Conference Willi tlio Clilnmn Minister
Him Set at Itest tin' fears of Trimble
That Unit Iteeli r.lilortlltlll'il.
WAKiiljitiTox, .May 22. Tho Chinese law
still a lie subject of consideration nnd
llscusston in tho diplomatic branch of the
government, lho conference, oaturduy,
between the Chinese Minister nnd Sec
retary Urexhnm, nnd tho secretary's
subsequent statement, have done much to
dlny tho apprehensions that had been felt.
When Secretary Gresham was asked for
information ho said that, of courbo, he
;ould not repeat what passed between the
Chinese Minister and himself, but that he
lid feel that ho could safely declare that
there was now no reason to fear any
trouble or outbreaks either in the United
States or in China growing out of the
Chinese law.
From this statement by Secretary Gres-
mm It may bo inferred that the Minister
has set nt rest nny doubts ho may have en
tertained ns to formal retaliation by China
tho danger of lawless outbreaks nnd
10b violence directed against tlio Ameri
can missionaries and other residents m
It begins to lookas if tho Geary law were
to bo enforced without much delay. Sec
retary Cnrlislo says that he will cer
tainly enforcu it ns to deporting Chinese
ns far as the means ut his disposal will
Murderer Fltzlillin Case.
Buffalo, N. Y., Muy 22. Attorney
Kissellburgh has secured another opening
uf the ease of murderer Fitzhum, The
order was granted by Justice Green upon
affidavits by John It. Hnzel and William
Kisselburgli, who certify that on ilay a,
1S03, they met Justina Roshrl on Franklin
street and sho told them that she hud pcr-
ured herself ou the trial, 'lhe District
Attorney will bo allied upon to show cau.-o
why n new trial should not lie granted.
Ilostonene Jli.liguant Over the lleport.
Bostox, May 22. Tho members of the
Fruit nnd Produce Exchange are very
indignant over what they cdl the "white
washing" report of tho railroad committee
of the Legislature on tho New Haven road,
and they will determine at a meeting to
je held during the week whether tney
hall nppenl to the general court nt the
State House, or place their case before the
Intcr-Stnto Commerce (J immission.
Will Visit lMlllllllellilllll.
Philadelphia, May 22. Tho
Nbw from
wan Aunuial Kozanioll, now at
York, has accepted an invitation
i..iyor Stuart, tendered ,on behair ot the
itlz.e s mid in the name of tho city, to
visit fiis city, and expects to come up the
Delaware with his flagship and another
vessel of his squadron on Tuesday next.
Will I roteet (ietl.vuhurg rield.
Washington, May 22. Secretury La-
mont's attention has been called to the
threatened injury to tho historic battle
field nt Gettysburg, Pa., by the construct
ion of a trolley road over tho principal)
parts of tho park, aud ho has decided to
protect the interest of the Government in
Thr Tender Qrmndchlld and a Well-to-do Old
Gentleman of 72, Acknowledge Obligation!,
Tho preparation that can be taken with
safety and benefit by tho tender infant,
nnd that nourishes, strengthens, and cures
the aged and inflrm, isonethat can truly be
called scientific. Such a preparation was
discovered by Dr. David Kennedy and
named Favorite Remedy. It is prescribed
and recommendnd the world ovor, by tho
medical profession, as tho best medicine
produced for the cure of all diseases
aiising from an impure condition of U10
This beautiful child whose picture is
Bnown here, is the
grandchild of Jlr. J.
B. Palinateor of
Athen8,N. Y. ,who had
been cured of gravel
in tho kidneys and
insomoula, (sleepless
tics) finishes his letter
by saying :
"Hut this Is not all Dr.
Kennedy's Favorite Hem-
edv linn flnne fnr nn. torn.
Ilv. Mv little rranil dannhn-r lu.l
worst way ; she was a mass ot runulng sores
from her ears around the entire neck to her
checks. My wife pare her Favorite Itemedy Iu
t mall doses, and what was the result 1 Tcwlay
the sores have all disappeared, the skin It
smooth and clear, and sl-e 13 fat and rugged and
as bilgnt as a silver dollar.
Mr. Solomon Davis of North Kortrlght,
N. Y finds himself at 73 years, suffering
from neu
ralgia, felt
tired all tho
time, weak,
1 n n g u 1 d,
poor appe
tite, and no
Thought at
his age
could do
him any
food, but
ike hun
dreds of
other people
iu his condi
tion tried Dr. Kennedy's Favorite Itemedy
and began to get better ut once, and now
fii-ls us hale and hearty as he ever did.
It Is particularly pleasing when sick
ness is as common as now, to know that
there is a remedy that cures disease, builds
up the weak and debilitated, strengthens
the nerves, and has restored to health and
streuglli, men and women who have been
confined to their homes for months on
beds of sickness.
Tin: m;ws in (ii;m:iiai
Kansas' strike of miners Is stetdlly grow
ing in magnitude.
Hallway telogrnpTs, in convention nt
Totuulo, re-elected itamsay grand rh'ef.
Henry Rosenberg, wnodled at Uitliestou,
Tex., last week, gave ."il)J,(J0i) to r i.uity.
Twenty live gratrs In Omaha (Neb.)
cemeteries have been lobbed by ghouls for
medical colleges.
Burglars dead I'cnjMiiin McCul
lough, teller of th6 Ht. Louis State bank,
in the doorway of his house.
It coit Yung Lee in n police court $150
to roait a live vat iu bis oven at New York
city, as n peace offering to Joss. A'-sktnnt a. val Engineer Ira N.
Ilollls will become p.ofessor of mechanical
h'.'i"pi',- m it Unrvind at .s i i'i u year.
Children or Mr. nnd Mrs. M. SI. Soller
Altoona, Pa.
Both Had Eczema
In Its Worst Form
After Physicians Failed, Hood's
Sarsuparlllu 1'crfectly O.urcd.
Great mental agony is endured by
parents who see their children suffering
from diseases caused by impure blood, and
for which there seems no cure. This is
turned to joy when Hood's Sarsaparilla is
resorted to, for it expels the foul humors
from the blood, and restores the dis
eased skin to fiesh, healthy brightness.
Read the following from grateful parents :
"To C. I. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass.:
"We think Hood's Sarsaparilla Is the most
valuable medicine on the market for blood nnd
skin diseases. Our two children suffered terri
bly with the
Worst Form of Eczema
for two years. AVe had three physicians In
that time, but neither of them succeeded tn
curing them or even In giving them a little
relief. At last we' tried Hood's Sarsaparilla
ana in a monm uout cnuuien weie per
ffctly cured. We recommend
Mood's Sarsaparilla
ns n standard family medicine, and would not
he without It." Mlt. and Mlts. M. M. Sollkh,
1412 and Avenue. Altoona, Pa.
HOOD'S PlLLS cure liver till, conitlpatlon,
bUlousueBS, jaundice, Blck headache. Indigestion.
J. P. Williams & San.
nr nit ix re
5. Wain St, Shenandoah.
QPRING OF '93 Intending buyers
nrednvited to inspect what may be
termed the largest variety of Furniture
ever seen In Shenandoah. Prices the
lowest. Piauos, Organs and Sewing
Machines in various styles aud prices.
J- P-
Williams & Son,
13 South Main St.
To Builders !
The season for building1
is almost at hand, and
we have just replen
ished our stock of all
kinds of Hardware,
Nails and Builders'
We also carry an Immense line ot
Stoves, Ranges, Cutlery and Tin
ware. Kooflcg and Spouting our
Peter Griffiths,
Chris. Bossier's
(Mann's old stand)
104 South Alain Street.
Finest wines, whiskeys and cigars always In
look. Fresh Beer, Ale and Porter on tap.
unoico Temperance xirinits.
Celebrated Poiter, Me and Beei
Manager Shenandoah Brand
(Christ, Bossier's old stand.,
Mnlu ana Coal 81a,, Bueiiuuaoab.
Best beer, ale and porter on tap. The finest
brandsot whiskeys and cigars. Pool room at
Anthracite coal used oxo sively, insuring
cleanliness and romfnrt
IIHI TAnLE IN Kttzat MAY II, 1893
Trains leave Shenandoah as follows:
For New York via Philadelphia, week dnys,
2.08,,10.08 a.m., 12.21,2.48,5.53 p.m. Sunday
2.08, 7.48 a. m. For Now York via Maucb Cbunlr,
week days, 7.18 a. m., 12.21, 2.48 p. m.
For Heading and Philadelphia, week days,
2.08, 6.23, 7.18. 10.08 a. m., 12.21. 2.48,6.53 p. m. Sun
dav. 2.08. 7.48 n. m.. 4.2S n. m
For Ifarrlsburg, week days, 2.08, 7.18 a. m.,
2.48, 5.63 p. m.
i- or Aiiontown, weeic aays, 7.18 a. m
2.48 p. rn. 1
For l'ottsvllle, week days, 2.08, 7.18s. m., 12.21,
2.48, 6.53 p. m. Sunday, 2.08, 7.46 a. m., 4.28 p. m.
For Tamaqua and Mahanoy City, week days,
2.08, 5.23, 7.18,10.08 a. m., 12,21, 2.48, 6.53 p. m. Sun-
aay, Z.U8, 7.40 a. m., p. m. Additional lor
Mahanoy City, week days, 0.68 p. m.
r or Lancaster ana woiumoia, woes uayo,
a. m., 2.48 p. m.
For Wltllamsport, Sunbury and Lewlsburg,
week days, 3.23, 7.18, 11.28 a. m., 1.33, 6.68 pm.
Sunday, 3.23 a. m., 3.03 p. m.
For Mahanoy Piano, week days, 2.08, 8.23, B.23,
.18, 10,08, 11.S3 a. m., 12.21, 1.33, 2.48, 5.63, 6.58, 8.33
p. m. Sunday, 2.08, 8.23, 7.46 a. m., 3.03, 4.28 p. a.
1'or uiraraviuo, t uappanannocs stauoaj,
week davs. 2.08. 3.23. 6.23. 7.18. 10.08, 11.28 a. m.
12.24,1.33, 2.48, 6.63. 6.58, 9.33 p. tn. Sunday, 2.08,
3.23, 7.46 a. m., 8.03, 4.28 p. m.
For Ashland and Sbamokln. week days, 8.23,
6.23, 7.18, 11.28 a, m., 1.33, 6.68, 9.33 p. m. Sun
day, 3.23, 7.46 a. m 3.03 p. m.
Leave Now York via Philadelphia, weekdays-
8 00 a. m 1.30, 4.00, 7.30 p. m., 12.15 night. Sun
day, 6.00 p. m., 12.15 night.
iave JNew xorKvia.uaucatjnunK,wecituaytj,
4.00. 8.45 a. m 1.00, 4.30 p. m. Sunday, 7.15 a. m.
Leave Phlladelphta.Markot Street Stitlon,
week days, 4.12, 8.K5, 10.00 a. m.. and 4.00,
0 00, 11.80 p. m. Sunday 4.00, B.05 n. tn,, 11.30
p, m.
Licavo iteaaing, wcck uays, i.dd.y.iv,, ti.ou
a. m., 6.65. 7.67 p. m Sunday, 1.35, 10.48 a. m.
Leave Pottsvuio, week days, 2.40, 7,40 a. m.
12.30, 6,11 p. m Sunday, 2.40, 7.00 a. m., 2.05 p. m.
l.xi, 7.15, p. m. sunaay, b.ui, 7.4a a. m.,
2.50 D. m.
Licave Mananoy uuy,
week days, 3.45, CI 8,
11.47 a. tn., 1.51, 7.12, B.
p. m. Sunday, 3.46, 8.12
a. m., p. m.
Leave Mahanoy Plane, wook d: ys, 2.40, 4.00,
6.30,9.35,10.4O,11.69a.m., 12 65,2.08,5.20,0.26,7.67,10.10
p. m. sunuay, 4.uu, a. m., 3.37, o.ui p. m.
Leave Girardvillo, (Rappahannock Station),
, it f 1 m a 1 nil in. an , o nt.
2.12, 1.01, 6.26, 6.32, 8.03, 10.16 p. m. Sunday, 2.47,
4.U7, e.i, a. m., a.11, a.ui p. m.
Leave 'Wllllamsport, weok days, 8.00, 9.50, 12.00
a. m., 8.35, 11.15 p. m. Sunday, 11.15 p. m.
For Haltimore, Washington and the West via
II. & O. It. It., through trains leave Qlrard
Avenue station, Philadelphia, (P. & It. It. It.) at
3 60, 8.01, 11.27 a. m., 3.56, 6.42. 7.16 p. m. Sunday,
8 60, 8.02, 11.27 a. m 3.66, 6.42, 7.16 p. m.
Leave Philadelphia, Chestnut street wharf
and South street wharf, for Atlantic City.
Weekdays Express, 9 00 a m, 2 00, 3 00, 4 00,
5 00 p. in. Accommodation, 8 00 a m, 6 45 p m,
Sundays Express, 9 00, 10.00 a m. Accom
modation, 8 1)0 a m nnd 4 30 p m.
Returning leave Atlantlo Ulty depot, Atlantic
and Arkansas avenues. Wcokdnys Express,
7 00, 7 45, B W a m and 330and530pm
Accommodation, 8 15 a m and 4 30 p m.
Sundays Express, 4 00, 8 00 p m.
Accommodation, 7 15 a m and 4 SO p m.
Lcliigli Valley Division.
Passenger trains leave Shenandoah for
Penn Haven Junction, Mauch Chunk, Le
hlghton, Slatlngton, White Hall, Catasauqua,
Allentown, llcthlehcm, Boston, Philadelphia,
Hazlcton, Wcathcrly, Quakake Junction, Del
ano nnd Mahanoy City at 6.01, 7.26, 9.08 a m.,
12.43, 2.57, 1.22 p. m.
For Now York, 6.04, 7.26 a. m., 12.43, 267,
4.22 p. m.
For Hazleton, Wilkcc-Barre, White Haven,
Pittston, Lacoyvlllo, Towanda, Sayre, Waverly,
und Elmira, 6 nt. 9.08 a. m., 2.-7, 8.08 p. m.
For Rochester, lluffalo, Niagara Falls and
the West, 0.O1, 9.08 a. ra 12 43 and 8.08 p. m.
For Helviderc, Delaware Water Uap and
Stroudsburg, 6.04 a. ra., 4.22 p. m.
For Lamhertvlllo and Trenton, 9.08 a. m.
For Tunkhannock. 6.01. 9.08 n. m.,2.67, 8 08 p. n.
For Ithaca and Geneva 0.0 1, 9 18 &. m. 8 8
p. m.
For Auburn 9.08 a m. 8.08 p. m.
For Jeanesville, Lovlston and Beaver Meadoir,
7.20. a. m.. 5.27. 8.08 n. m.
For Audcnned. Huzlcton. Stockton and Lnm.
Der xara. d.ih, y..t,, a. m., 14.4 J,
4.22, 5.27. 8.08 n. m.
For bcranton, 6.01, 9.08, a. m., 12 43,217
o.uo o.m.
For lluzlebrook, Jeddo, Drif ton and Freela&J,
6.01. 7.26. 9.03. a. m.. 12.43. 2.57. 5.27 D. m.
For Ashland, Girardvillo and Lost Creek, 4.(2,
7.51, 8.62, 10.20 a. m., 1.00, 1.40, 4.10, 6.35, 8.22, 9.15
p. in.
For Raven Run, Contrails, Mount Carmel at&
Shamokln, 8.42, 10.M) a. in., 1.40, 4.40, 8.22 p. m.
For Yatesvllle. Park Place. Mahanov Cltv aol
Delano, 6.01,7.26, 9.08, 11.05 a m 12.43, 2.57, 4.2S,
5.87. 8.08, 9.33, 10.28 p. m.
Trains will leave Shamokln at 7.55, 11.45 a. m,
1.55, 3.20 p. m. and arrive at Shenandoah .
9.05 a. m., 12.43, 2.57, 1.22 p, in.
LeaveShenandoah for Pottsville, 5.60, 7.2(,
V.VO, Al.UJ a. IU., 16.11, A.OI, u.l, O.U3 p. UI.
Leave Pottsville for Shenandoah, 6.00, 7.1L
9.05, 10.15, 11.48 a. m., 12.32, 3.00, 5.20, 7.00, 7.11,
Lea vo Shenandoah for Hazleton, 6.04 , 7.20, 9.0!,
a. E ., 12.13, 2.57, 4.22, 5.27,8.08 p. m.
Le.ive Hazleton for Shenandoah, 7.2, 9.23,
lt.UO a. m., fi.Cd, D.0U, l.-l p. m.
Trains leave for Ashland, Girardvillo and Lost
ureeK, i.uv, v.j a. in.,, 2.43 p. m.
For Ynteavllle. Park Place. Mahanov Cltv.
Delano, Hazleton, Ulack Creek Junction, Pent
Haven Junction, Mauch Chunk, Allentown,
uetmencm. caston ana new xoru. e.iu a. xn.
12 30, 2.55 p. m.
For Philade nhla 12.30. 2.55 n m.
Ha. Vnlnontlla Dn.l. llln.A . , .. 1. 1
Delano, 8.40, 11,35 a. m., 12.30, 2.55, 4.40 B.0T p. m.
lbuvu xiuziuton tor onenanaoan,
m., 1.05, B.Bup. m.
Leave Shenandoah for Pattntrllln. 6 Hn. S 4(1
Leave Pottsville for Shenandoah. 8.30. 10.40
u.iu.,l.w, u.i y, m.
U. U. HANCOCK. Ben. Pass. Act.
PhtlmlBlnhln Pa.
A. W. NONN13MACHER. Asst. Q. P. A. Lehigh
vaney Division, South Uethlehem Pa.
DtCEMUBR 8, im.
Trains will leave Shenandoah nftnr tho hn
date for Wlggan'g, GUberton, Frackvllle, New
Castle, bt. Clair, l'ottsvllle, Hamburg, Keadlns,
Pottstown, I'hoBnlxvllle, Norrlatown and 1'hil
adelpnla (13 road street station) at 6:00 and 11: It
u.u.uuui.wi. ui, uu wwk uays. r orx'Olia
vllle and Intermediate stations 9 : 10 a, m.
For Wlecan's. Gllborton. Frtipltrtiio Wr,-m
Castle. St. Clair, l'ottsvllle at 8:00, 8:10 a. tx
anaiiiup. m. i'or Hambure, Iloadlne, PotU".
town, I'noanlxvlUe, Norrlstown, PnlladelnWaV
aio:eu, unoa. m., a:iup. m.
. Trains leave Frackvllle tor Bhenandoali
10:10a.m. and 12:11, 5:01, 7;12 and 10:27 p. m
Bundays, II :13 a. m. and 5:10 p. m. .
U:18a. m. and 4:10.7:15 and in:(ii n. n u'm
ucuvd jruLLSviiiH inr ?,npnflnnn.ii a. inns
at 10:10 a. m. and 6:15 p. m. '
keave Philadelphia (Hroad street station) for
uiwyujo uuu ouunanuoau at u or ana a 35 a m,
.12aJ?a7U1,m.eek(la5rs- OnSundays leave
at B 50 am. For Pottsvlllo, 0 23 a m. For New
15 ,. B, 8 30,
' v ? " w w liuoa iiimiiea ei
Pfoss l w ana 4 Wpm) 12 44. 1 35. 1 40, S 30, 3 20,
".'uSl ?iS,hh iufdars " ?20, 4 05, 4 10, 5 l
w. v. u uu, u uu. o ai. n ra . i ix h i and in nn n
jiimiiuu ouj a ai, o m, o oo, 7 la and 8 12 p m and
12 01 niellt. For Sen Olrt .1, nnSiT-Vi
termedlate stations 8 BO and 1114 am, and 400
Put WeekdnYS. For Mllllmnro nnd V..I.I...
ten 3 60, 7 20, 8 31, 9 10, 10 20, 11 18 a m, (12 85 Urn- J
."PiW48-617,7 00. 7 10 p md
ruriTeenoiQoniysuu p jn week
days. For Haltimore only at 2 02. 1 Si. 6 0S nnd
i X mi .Sundays at3 60. 7 20, 9 10. 11 18 a m.
ii i JE' ..3 7 P 12 03 night. IJaltiraoro
pnly 60S, Wpm. For Klcnmond 7 30am,l
12 lOp m and 12 np night.
Trains will leave Harrlsburg for Pittsburg
and the West every day at 12 26, 1 30 1 inS 3 10
an, anddrmltea 600125, 8 25. aid 6 15 p ra.f
Way for AHoona nt 8 15 a in and s 18 n m everv
evy PiUsburB aua Alwuua at 11 (0 a m
Trali.a willleave Sunnuiy for Wllllamspo
Klmlra, CaiiuuuulKutt. Rochester, Buffalo an
Niagara FalU at 201. 5 10 a m.and 1 35 p m week
days. For Elmira ut 5 31 p m week diivs For
i.rle and mn nneiilaio polr.ts at 5 lu a m dally
For Lock Hmeu m n 10 and IKm dally, 1 36
and 6 81 p m v. ,-ek diiya For Konovo at 6 10 a
m. 1 so and S In m u t ,n , .
wL,T- - Vio am. 1 36 p,l
O II 1'm.h. j H TOnnn I1
Gen'IMawPr 'enMP-Art
! First National Bank
rJhcuHiidctfili, Pcuntti
A. W. LEISENHINO, President,
P. J, PK15OO80N, Vlee Presldem
J. R. LEISENHINO, Cashier.
S. W. YOST, Asslsunt Ctshlsr
Open Daily From 9 to 8.
Interest Paid on Savings Deposit
Bralcal Offlcef. 200 N.RfrOND 8t, rHh4'a.P.
KicJ.-i'ieil'l!,t ,n AmeHcn for thf treatment of
Special IMnenncs Yonllifnl E?roira.
Varicocele, ltyilr wle, Huimr I.onfManhoixl,
Trentment by Slnll n Speclnll.T. Cons
munlcatlons sacrlly cnnfldentlat. Hentl stamp fn
llooU. Olttcohonrs! 0 . M. toll". M.. OtnSP
JU AU day baturuay B'jmlavj. lOtolZA M.
OT. G. 33C3SI,!1?2S32Xji'S
Kubbcr Cement !
For Slato.'Tilo, Tin or Iron Roofs.
Sold In nlljslze packages from 10 pounds np
Polntlne unnnd renairln? nil onir.frprt tnim.
on all kinds of roofs, and nround chimneys,
coping stonos, skylights, dormer windows
putters, wood or stone work, breaks and nail
holes, or any place to be mado water-tlpht; un-
enuaneaior laying ana Deaaing BLATK AND
TILE ROOFS, also copings. They will never
lenkor become loosened- It Is vory adhesive,
Sticks flrmlv to nnvthtiur. fnrmlnir n tmttrh.
leather-like skin over the top, will not run or
loosen from joints or cracks, summer or win.
ter. This cement needs no reference. It his
stood the teat for thirty-two years, ana never
Luna iu give peneci saiisiacnon. it is the
most useful article a roofer can havo In hln
shop. The cement Is prepared ready for uso,
nnc Is to be applied with a trowel, and Is kept
moist by keeping covered with water or oil,
and will not get stiff or dry. Colors, brown and
black. (Established 18(50 ) Address,
u u. ubiLii, ov Aiaing i., ftewarir, xv. J.
KQQ Xortli I'ourlFa Nt.
UOO below Green, rtlimelptl
AFTA tbo famllr pbjilclan, tho fcw
pital and tdvertidfLg doclcn btT fkllod
a well m quack who promlte to curt
yoa nfter ail otlien foil, aud to give ro
a wrltttu gunruntee, free advice, frw
treatmeut) and artr the bell awlodlera
the Dill nianufactareri. with their w
called tonisi, KHturattrci, tableU, aup
nortcri, aud ether tecret uoilrum hum
bug concern, thr home cure mtdiclnea
ftc.f etc., hare swindled aud robbed you
THEM co and comult DB. O. F. TIIEEX.
rhofcas bad 6 yeari' European Hospital and EC jear' r-racU
cal expcrleaoe. Be examtned by blm. He mill candidly tell jc
vbether rourcaie Iiourable or noL lie
does be claim to bo flort'a equal, but be dva cure the most dea
cerate casa of BphllU, mcera, Ctrlctorei, Gor.oiTb.oiaj
Fclion, aod Discharges. KuRcrrrs from Melancholia, aod
donhoartdaeaa, nod all thoae illMeaiL-d from etfeoti of youthla?
Indiscretion, of both luxes, are nuro of a cure, remember
DIl T1IEEL does cure what all othi-ra only olalm to do, DA
THEEL uaea common mdko tre&tmcat. He eouiMnoa the Alio
pathie, Homoeopathic, aud Kelcctlo ijitem of medicine vher
ever they am Indicated. Houni Daily, V to 8 o'clock t ctcd
logi, 6 to 8 , Wed. and Sat. evenings from 6 to 10 o'clock Bud
days, 9 to 12. Send 10 cU, worth of set. atawri for boot
" Truth," the only true medical book advrrtlsea, a friend to old
Soung, and mlddle-ag&d of both sexes. Write or call. AVOID
octors warning you against medical books t they are afraid yoi
will find their Igoeranoe exposed, RKAD I)r, Theel'a tetUt
moolals tn WednMday'f and Saturday's Philadelphia fttac
Lumbago, Sciatica,
Kidney Complaints,;
Lame Back, etc
With Electro Magnetic SUSPEtiSORV.
suiesi I'nieniai iex, jmprovcmemi i
Will cure without medicine all MeaLoeM resultlnp from
OTcr-taxatiouot brain ncrvo fences i eice sea or India,
crctlon, aa nervous debility, fleeplessness, laniruor
rheumatism, kidney, Jlver and bladder compiaintit
lame back, lumbago, sciatica, all fcmals com plain ta!
peneral 111 health, etc. This dec trio Uclt contain
Moaderfal ImnroTfments over all other. Current is
iiiftaiitly felt y wearer or we forfeit 85, Ooo.oo. and
will cure alt of tho above diseases or Ho jiay. Thoa
pands have been cured by this marflous Invention
after all otlierrrraedlefifajled.and v-fi1vo hundreds
of testimonials in this and every otht jrtnto.
Our rowrrraj loiproved tUXTKIU orJ ROItY, th
! pmnttBt Loon ever ottered weoU ieii. run-: ulthill
' Jtfltt. HrallUanai1rorouibmiifthG4mNTLtllneOta
iiuunb fieiiaroriuuu-a rampiiiciI"",ii,iied, tree
tfo, 8S0 UUOAUWAV. 7f TOltK C1TT,
jjjacturerg of
$ociif tjoodK l
ojrery Description,
Flags, BaogejjaPs- Regalias, &l.
Write for eatnlifi- Coosondehce solicited
Horses Carnages to Hire.
Slndfl nrnmnflv nA..
PEAR kWm 0ardffar(1 Slow
lafi Popular Saloon,
Formerly Joe Wyatfs)
Jl West Oak Street.
zed with the hAat hu. .
brandies, fc Offl
vu w mli
fjjash store they oan buy b'loa, ?and
Iffower rates than anywhwo in thu
Wjiey are gUdto tent tho trJtho?
Vs Cheap Cash Store