THE EVENING HERALD. VOL. VIII. -NO. 68. SHENANDOAH. PA.. SATURDAY. MAY 20. 1893. ONE CENT. Handsome and Cheap Dining Chairs 2 I have one of the finest lines of Dining- Chairs at awfully cut prices ever offered in the anthracite region. Call and see them. Also the $13.50 Sideboards now in stock, formerly $17. Just walk in and look around, it costs nothing, and ask prices. HAVE been good to us, neighbors. You have helped us to build up our splendid business. Once in a while we like to especially emphasize our appreciation of your kindness. This week will be one of the "Onces I And our Flour Department will be the Field of operations. Best Family Flour Per Barrel. Every Barrel "fSSSL. Watch for Other Prices Next Week. All goods promptly delivered free of charge. Mailorders will receive careful and prompt attention. SHENANDOAH 114 South Main Street. st' h FRESH BUTTER. Received Daily. Strictly Eresh Extra Quality. r i Dairv and Crearaerv Butter, lb li ft I Pure Country JDnrd. URE COUNTRY LARD Pure Country Ihrd. I FOE SaIKe. One Car Fancy Minnesota Jhloun One Car Choice Mlddl One Car Bale Two Car, iff. Strata. Choice Timothy Hay, AH BLBG TRICCAR A-FI1. REMARKABLE ACCIDENT ON THE ELECTRIC RAILWAY. THE GAR ALONE IS DESTROYED A "Half-Circuit Sots Fire to tho Woodwork of tho Car and Re sults In Its Destruction No Delay to Trafflc. STRANOE spcotaolo presented itself on tho Schuylkill Traction Company's electric rail way line down the val ley this morning. It was one of tho com pany's now cars stand in); upon tho track in a inasB of flames. Car No. 2IJ left tho power houso at Girardvillo shortly nftcr 8 o'clock this morning for Shenandoah in chargo of Motorraan Stack and Conductor Toland. It had seven passengers, among them Col. D. I' Brown, of Lost Crook. When tho car reached a point between tho trestlo and tho turnout near Packer No. 5 colliery flames suddenly burst out under ono of tho seats and a great cloud of smoko coursed through and about tho car. Tho car was stopped and a hasty examination by the men in chargo showed that tho flro was caused by something in tho motor box under tho car. The passengers had hastily alighted and wcro nervously watching tho burning car from a distance. Tho conductor hurried off with a buckot to get some water, but beforo ho returned tho whole car was in flames and doomed. . There was no water at hand and the flames had full sway until all tho woodwork of the car was consumed. After clearing away the debris tho employes cooled off tho truck and motor machinery, which wcro then hauled back to tho power houso by another car. Traffic on tho lino was only delayed about au-hour. Tho car destroyed was valued at about $3,500. It was ono of tho flrst of tho new closed cars put on tho lino aftor tho Schuyl kill Traction Comjiauy took control and tho motor power was of tho old stylo Westing house system. Neither tho trolley or feed wiro of tho lino was damaged by the flro and traflic on tho lino was in no way Interfered with oa that account. The Traction company will loso nothing by tho fire, as tho company has an arrange mcui by which it Is indemnified against all losses by flrcpr other accidents. It is explained that tho flro was caused by a "short circuit," a circuit under tho car being incomplete and tho generating apparatus coming in contact with the wood work of tho car. NEARLY 2,000 VOTES I RENEWED INTEREST IN THE TEACHERS' CONTEST. A Marked Increase In the ICeoonls of Misse Stein, Wimlcr mid Connelly. The lluttlo AVIlt Scion he Lively Again, l'KKSOJJALS. Charles Kirlin spent to-day at Mahanoy City. Miss Daisy Hess went to I'ottsvillo this morning. JIiss May Cather visited friends at tho county seat to-day. I'. M. Dunn, Esq., of Mincrsvillo, was a visitor to town yesterday. Mrs. D. E. Whitcuight, of Tamaqua, is visiting her daughter, Mrs. V. N. Ehrhart, on East Oak street. Henry Wicderbold, wife and son, returned from Berwick yesterday and on Monday will leave for Wilkes-Barro to visit friends. Misses Irene and Maude Lewis, of Win. I'cnn, spent a short timo in town this morn ing beforo going to I'ottsvillo to visit friends. Rev. John U. Kolb, who has been In Brazil in tho Interests of tho Presbyterian church, Is visiting his parents atAlburtls, Lehigh county. John It. Jones, of North JarAJn street, has returned from Suubury, where ho was in attendance at the Grand Council of the Im proved Order of Red Men, as ropresentativo of Shenandoah Tribo No. 155. Robert Hyde, of Newark, N, J., is visiting his parents in town. Mr. Hydo went to Brooklyn, N. Y,, tho fore part of this week to witness a baso ball game. Tho graud stand broke down and Mr. Hyde had his .right arm badly Injured. William E. Davis, tho operator in the Lehigh Valley depot, returned yesterday from Philadelphia. lie was in attendance at the grand lodgo of the J. T. of H. & T. and was elected Grand Governor of the body, succeeding F. II. Hopkins, Sr., of town, whose term expired. l'roperlty. The increased circulation and popularity of the Herald has caused tho advertising columns to be so crowded that tho paper now leads all Its county contemporaries in that line, and there Is not a "dead ad." in any of the columns. Unfortunately this great do maud for spaco by advertisers has curtailed the space for reading matter, but tho pub lishers will roliovo this strain in a few days by enlargement of the paper. Agnes Stein ...(! uoo Maine H. Waslcy l.'U 10 Nellio Daird - :i(!HB7 Mary A. Connelly ;)0!Mfi MahalaFalrchlW 1M.1H Frank II. Williams 1ISCI7 Carrio Faust WXS0 Mary A. Lallerty 3072 Carrio M. Smith 3100 Anna M.Denglcr 289-1 Urldgot A. Burns a17 Ilattle Hess 218.1 Mary A. Stack.... 11105 Lllllo II. Phillips 18! James It. Lowis 1201 IronoShano 989 Ella Ulsuser. .. 06(1 Clara Cllno M3 Maggie Cavanaugh...... 770 Hannah Ilecse CKi Annie Manscll 007 Sadie Dantoll 134 Jennie Itamago 285 Mlnnta Dipper ...... 170 Lizzie Leho 103 Lizzie O'Connell 128 Votes polled yostcrday 1802 Grand total liiiUKUS THE WORLD'S 1'AIIt. By all means go to tho World's Fair. If fortune has placed within your reach sulii cient means to mako a trip to Chicago, mako it. It's a foshlonablo thing to do. It's American. And no American can afford not to bo American. America was ouly dis- covered once. It was a lucky thing for you that it was discovered. And you aro lucky to bo living in America to-day, So tako a week off and sco what progress America and tho world havo mado In 400 years. No man or woman was over tho worso for a holiday well spent, and if anybody needs a holiday you do. Put a pin right there. A visit to the World's Fair will add to your education. It will let some sunshine Into your soul and sweep tho cobwebs from your eyee. It will givo you something new to talk about and sweeten your memory' through years of toil to come. It may put new kinks in your Sunday clothes, but it will smooth out tho furrows care has cut in your brow. Yourpurso may get lean, but your checks will bo fat with joy. You may como homo tired, but your laugh will have a heartier ring. Oh! no, you can't afford to miss tho World's Fair if you can afford to go, So go. If you go in July mako arrange ments to go in tho special car that will take tho two winners of tho Herald's popular public school teachers' contest. USE DANA'S SARSA PARILL A, its "THE KIND THAT CURES." ltunawny Accident. Henry P. Fuhrman, superintendent for C. D. Knier at Mahanoy City, and a gentle' man friend who refused to givo his name, drove to Girardvillo last night. Whilo in tho latter town they met with a serious ac cident. Tho horses ran away and throw both men from the carriage Mr. Furhman's faco was badly cut and bruised and ho seemed to suffer from injuries about tho body as ho walked with his friend at the Lehigh depot in town this morning. The friend escaped with a few bruises on tho face. They havo returned to Mahanoy City. USE DANA'S SARSAPARILLA, its "THE KIND THAT CURES." Fence Ilullders limy. A largo corps of carpenters are busy build ing fences which aro to bear tho advertising paper of Walter L. Main's Great Railroad Shows, which aro to appear hero on Juno 5th, next. A long and high tenco has been put up on a vacant lot at tif' lower end of Main street, another on the. railroad env bankmcnt running west from Centre street, and a third at tho east end of Centre street. All the fencos are very extensive and several thousand feet of lumber aro being used in their construction. Costiveness Is the primary cause of much disease, Dr. Henry Baxter's Mandrake Bit tors will permanently cure costiveness, Every bottle warranted. lm liquidation Notice. Notice Is hereby given that all bills of accounts against the School Board of Shen andoah, Pa., must bo in tho hands of the respective committees by Saturday, May 27th, 1803, and all parties Indebted to the said board are requested to mako payment to the treasurer, Thomas Bellls, on or before that dato. By order of the board, Frank Hanna, 5-17-10t Secretary, In Henry & Johnson's Arnioa and Oil Liniment is combined tho curative properties of the different oils, with the healing quali ties of Arnlea. Good for man and animal. Every bottle guaranteed, lm Now for Oxford Ties. At the People's Btore will bo found a big selection of ladies' Oxford ties, warranted solid and in tho latest styles, at 75 cents nud upwards. rwi'Lii'i Stork, 5-U-tf ' 181 North Main Street INTERESTING NOTES ON THE APPRO ACHING CAMPAIGN. SOMETHING ON THE JUDGESHIP It LookB as If Governor Pattlson's Appointment Will bo Repudi ated by tho Democrats. Who Will bo Nominated? Try tlie"Aduilml.n It's all right now. "Admiral,'' the new ejjyirettat i htre, "Admiral" is not made by the trust. For full particular addle B. Labowt & Qo, Mahansy City, Pa, Special correspondence to Heiiai.d. Pottsvi i.i.r:, May 20. UT it down to tho weather that tho pot in tho political cauldron doesn't boil. With a damp spring, such as It is, with all its rheuma tism and other dis tresses, It is no wonder that cvon politics takes tho mumps and bundles up its throat. Henco It is your correspon dent has not bored your readers with a much- ado about-nothlng letter recently. When I can find anything of interest you may de pend upon it I will dross it up and servo it up for you. With tho foregoing short apologetic pream bio lot mo deal a little with tho great problems which aro to bo solved this fall Tho flrst is who is going to bo cloctcd Judgo? Judgo Woidman is making an oxccllent impression on tho Bench. Ho is studious, hirdworking and painstaking, and the people arcbeglnning to find out that oven if tho Govomor was mean enough to spurn Republican claims to Judgo Green's scat, he gavo us a pretty good Democratic Judgo at any rato. Governor Pattison is to ho excused for not knowing much about men. no never associated much with them. His acquaint ance witli pcoplo was almost limited to tho journeymen soul savers who throng camp meetings aud such places beforo ho went into tho executive office, and since then ho I1.13 had to depend upon such wonders as Hcnscl and Harrity to toll him who tho peoplo aro. So when he was told that Mason Wcidman, Esq., would mako a good Judge, that he was a genial goo I soul witli a jolly-along countenance and withal a hard worker and conscientious, some ono got very closo to tho Governor's left car who know that the Governor didn't know but wanted to know iust who to appoint, If ho appointed a Demo crat, and that was the Governor's particular game just at tho time. AND IT MAY COME TO PASS. Jndgo Wcidman took his scat and took tho people's fancy at tho samo time. For his part tho now Judgo is playing well aud the Democratic convention will not ho forgetting its lines if it endorses him as its nominee. But and there is always a but interposing his right to get it will ho disputed by his old antagonist, Daniel Duffy, or AI. Shortall, Just as tho Republican convention chooses to decido as to tho rospectl vo strength of theso two when tho timo comes to select a man who is ablo to demonstrate a strong and earnest following, which will stick to him against all the wiles and manipulations of tho Demo-' cratlc nomiuco. Tho office of Clerk of tho Courts is ono in which tho Incumbont can cntronch himself and mako himself In vulnerable By showing many favors which tho oillco can offer, a shrowd holdor of it can piaco himsolf in a position to retain it against tho attacks and onslaughts made by very popular opponont. How strongly Clerk Toolo has entrenched himself will only dovelop when tho votes aro counted on tho night of election. I am not prepared to say who would bo tho stronger candldato to buck against Toolo, Duffy or Shortall. Tho latter has tho pretigo of victory about him, having been twico elected against iv Democrat, whilo Dufl'y was defeated by Toolo throo years ago. Shortall, who was originally a Democrat, would draw more Democrats from Toolo than Duffy, whilo tho latter would mako a mucli better light this timo than beforo. It is likely that thero will ho no contest in tho Republican convention for tho nomination but it will bo arranged beforehand so as to ongago in tho warfaro of attacking the doublo-turrcttcd cruiser of the court house squadron. NOTES. Patrick II. Phillips, of Pottsvillo, will be a candldato for Register on tho Democratic sido. Ho has about fifteen companions who want tho samo oillco, but not ono of them is Patrick's superior in point of fltuoss for tho position. Nothing Is heard of tho Prothonotaryship. It seems to bo conceded that Mr. Kirk is to ro-engaged. Schcurmann, for Recorder, is wondering who the Republicans will put up acainst him. Nover mind, Henry, you will find out in duo timo. An old-time politician is author of tho remark that "Nover iu tho history of tho country was thero a stronger court house ring than now." And this man knows a great deal about the former rings which wero broken. Ho predicts tho breaking of tho present one. N. Ills IVrsonul Kxperlence. non. James W. Hustcd, while serving his sixth term as Speaker of tho Asscmby of tho state of Now York, writes: "State or N. Y., Assembly Chamber, ) Albany, Jan. 10, 1890. J I desiro once moro to boar my testimony to the valuo of Allcock's Porous Plasters. I havo used them for twenty-fivo years past, and can conscientiously commend them as tho best external remedy that I havo known. Years ago, when thrown from a carriago and seriously" injured, I gavo them a thorough trial. In a very short timo tho pain that I was suffering disappeared, and within a week I was entirely relieved. On another occa sion, when sufferinc from a sovoro cough, itself what are tho whoop-'cr-up boys of the 1 which threatened pulmonary difficulties, unterrified going to do about it? Thoy aro , which I was recommended to go to Florida to quietly going to servo notice on tho Governor I relievo, I determined to test tho plasters and his advisers that thoy havo another again. I applied them to my chest aud bo candidate for tho Judgeship, besides tho ono to tweon tho shoulder blades, and in less than a who ho gavo prestlgo by naming him as his fortnight was entirely cured. On still an choico. They aro organizing an aggressive ( other occasion when suffering from an attack campaign and it may come to pass that tho of rheumatism iu the shoulder to such an ox local Democratic ticket in Schuylkill county ( tent that I could scarcely raiso my arm, I this fall will be headed by Gcorgo J. Wad- again resorted to tho plasters, and within a linger, Esq. Ho has tho organization at his ' very few days tho rheumatism entirely dis back and a host at his heels who will cry out appeared. I have them constantly by me, in a loud voice that tho Governor may pro-1 whether at home or abroad. My family as pose but the peoplo will dlsposo. I well as myself have found them to be a This is to be tho contest this year iu tho sovereign remedy, both for external and in Dcinocratlo fold. i ternal troubles. I never had but one kidney me. seltzer HAS the FIELD. difficulty in my life, and tho application of On the Republican sido William D. Soltzcr, the plasters cured me in a week. I desiro, as Esq., has the field all to himself. It is a I said before, to boar my testimony in a pretty large field and William fills it pretty public way to their efficacy, and I know of well. He has many friends in both parties no better way of doing it than by giving you and whilo it would pay him better to remain my personal exporlence." at the Bar and attend to his largo and grow ing practice, he and his friends feel that tho An Olllclal Visit. Mrs. Charlotte J. Cumuiiugs, ol Tidioute, honor of this nomination belongs to tho man departmont pre8idcllt 0f the Women's Relief who has done so much for his party in by- whlcU jg auxlUary to Uie Grand gone days. In campaigning Mr. Seltzer Anuy of tl)e Itepuuii0i was tbe guegt of always was the war horse who traveled at his Corps uf t0WD 1(wt evening. jrra, own expense for other people- Nocommlttee cummings made an address at a meeting of ever had to stake him to go out aud stump the oorp,i making ValHble suggestions and tho county. Ho is almost alone iu this par- giving tbe members encouragement in their ticular among tho orators of both parties. To noblo work. get most of them out you must first cross their palms with enough to -set-'em-up and a littlo more. But this is not the only gratu itous work Mr. Seltzer has done for his party. He has never received preferment in all his life, but has always been stowl aside USE DANA'S SARSAPARILLA ,it "THE KIND THAT CURES." I'ulille Library Notice. After this date no books will be israed hm ll, Pnhll. T ll.ranr until iha uuuuul for some one olse, Whenever ho Vid ambi- Thursday of June, lfc3, but the library will tlon for office some one else generally popped D0 open for the return of books at the usual up for tho same thing and Mr. Seltzer grace- k0Ur8 on Thursdays and Saturdays of eaeh fully withdrew from the field because he was week jj- orler of tne committee, asked to yield to tho other fellow, This time I he has come to stay and will yield to no one, and If ho Is nominated he will show tho peoplo of this county ono of tho strongest Republican candidates whoever headed a ticket. Slimmt fur dei Stitttr. AB TO SOME OTHER 1'I.ACKj. Tho present outlook for tho Commissioners' ticket is ou the Republican sido 0. D. Arters, ofTremont, and B. R. Severn, of) Shenandoah ; aud as to other opponents, I John S. Martin, of Piuegrore and Potteville, and P. J. Fwgutou, from above the Broad I mountain. The treasurenhip ii still centered ' ami ro4tflr, in uie majority party, wnu me win be iewiBta for hw preMut pct awt Fncke's Carpet Store, S, Jardin St Frank Hanna, Librarian, Shenandoah, May 18, 1S03. 5-185t Friends may flatter, but don't speak of any other Cough Syrup except Dr. Coxe's WIW Cherry and Seneka. Best work done at Brennan's Steam Laun dry. Everything white and spotless. Laee curtains a specialty. All work guaranteed. Best photographs and crayons atJDabb's. QARPET BEATERS, All Kind), at