The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, May 19, 1893, THIRD EDITION, Image 2

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    The Herald.
IX. A.. ltOYHH Proprietor
a. 0. 110 Visit Editor nnd l'ublUher
W.J. WA1KINH r,ontl Editor
X JIOKKK ...... IimImcm 3Tnnqer
DAILY, per year 13 W
WnKLY, per year,..... 1 CO
'Aileerltiitnn Jtittm.
Transient, 10 cents por lino, 11 rat Insertion i 6
tents per line each subsequent Insertion, Hatos
for regular advertising oan bo bad on applica
tion at tho offloe or by mall.
The Evening Hbiiamj has a larger circula
tion In 'Shenandoah than any otber paper pub
itaaed, Uooks open to nil,
Enterod at the I'oitomoe. at Hhonandoah, I'a.
for transmission through tho malls
as seoond-olass mall matter.
Tho New York Stm' Wualiintnn
correspoudunt la responsible for the
statement that President Cleveland
favora the practical wiping out of the
present spoils ayatem of appointments)
and substituting tho English Bystem.
This means tint upon a change of
National administration the only new
appointments that would ho made ox
cept for adequate cauuo would bo those
of the Cabinet Ministers and their
chief assistants and tho piiucipal for
elgn Milliliters. Congressional legion
tlon would be necessary to achievo this
result and it la said that Mr. Cleveland
has hopes of securing it. This report
following so close upon Postmaster
General Dlssell'a reputed declaration
that the terms 'of fourth class post
masters never expire is calculated to
strike a chill along the Democratic
Hpiue from Passamaquoddy to Pensa
cola aud from Hoboken to Sitka.
Unfortunately for those who would
feel inclined to welcome the proposed
change they, are confronted by the
evident fact that the other winga of
the administration fall to flap lu ac
cord with an such millennial ideas.
Tlie clean sweep for political reasons
only is In full Hwin ' In the Treasury
Department, and even In Mr. Bissell's
only bailwlck tho sound of the fix
ceaseth not day or night. Until Mr.
Cleveland Uvea up to the reforms that
are now within his power the publlo
will be ju.-ililled iu refusing to take
much stock in greater ones, said to be
contemplated by him.
A cheat many people are stinting
themselves in the matter of ilretb,
table furnishing, etc., in order that
they may be able to lay enough by to
pay the expenses of a trip to tho
Culcago Exposition some time during
the summer or tall. Home will be
able to accomplish it, others will not,
and there is an apprehension on the
part of small tradesmen that they will
be called upon to wait a month or two
or three longer for their dues than
they would have been but for the fair.
The desire to go to Chicago is a natural
one. In point of fact, not to be
possessed of such a desire would be
unnatural, but iu order to gratify it, it
does not follow that honest debts
fulling due now, or between this and
say the first of October, should not be
first liquidated.
It is to ba hoped the present state
of allairB in this region will not con
tinue long. If it does, look out lor
breakers. It is true that there are
some who have well something for a
rainy day, but the majority, having
lived from hand-to-mouth for the
past twelve mouths, have little or
nothing to live on, and from these
trouble will come.
A MAN who ha? held a Federal for
many years and never went home to
vote has been "fired" by Secretary
Carlisle. It served him right. An
American citizen, whether a Republi
can or Democrat, who falls to exercise
the light of suffrage, has no right to
hold office in this country.
The escape of two murderers from
Sing Sing prison proves after all to bo
a publio bleaslng. They killed each
other In a dispute, no matter what
about, and the world la well rid of
them and that state has been saved ex
pense. The State Legislature will soon
adjourn and some of our would-be
statesmen will take a back seat, never
to be heard from again. It is not
always the fellow who makes the
most noise that accomplishes much.
It Is said President Cleveland will
extend the civil service rules so as to
take in all the ofllces except Ambas
sadors and fourth claw postmasters.
It will now be In order for applicants
fr ofMoe to say that the President's
liver Is getting out of order.
By the time everything Is sereue
among the World's Fair oflloials and
workmen quit striking for better
wagee, It will be time to adjourn sine
Amemicans In China won't be given
a chance even to register now that the
Exclusion act Is affirmed by the
United Slates Supreme Court.
The Work Done by Our Busy
Tim Kmiat. hy a Vnle ir I If to 11 Klllr
the 3Ir(.'iirri'll Hill to Increiix- Mm Hal'
urles (if !iuljrei A I.nliir I.Ut tif Appro.
Iirlutlon Illll llriinrtril The Ulterl'iire
Water Jllll Duleuti'il In the llnute.
IlAnniHiiuiid, May 11). Tliero wai re
ported from committeo hi the senate yester
day the longest string of house appropria
tion bills that have been brought before
that body In uuy ono duy during this m
Nenriy all emerged ns they iind been
committed, except tho following, which
were negatived: Klfty-flve thousand dol
lars for furnishing, Insuring und equipping
the Chronic Insane hospital; $.1,000 for the
Allegheny county prison society. The bill
appropriating $23,000 to thu Miners' hos
pital at C'onnellsvillewns Increased to $20,
00(1, and that for the Uloomsburg normal
Mshool was reduced from $75,175 to $05,
175. The Item of $!12,012 for paying off a
mortgaged debt was stricken out.
Senator lagan olfered a resolution to dis
charge thu committee on education from
tho further consideration of the bill chang
ing the basis of distribution of tho state ap
propriation to common schools from tho
number ot tnxnblc citizens to the number
of schools and Unit the bill again lie placed
upon tho calendar. The resolution was
generally discussed and then agreed to 11)
to 10.
The McCarrell bill to incrcaso the salaries
of judges $1,000 in counties having but one
law judge and a population in excess of
(i!),000 was laid low, the votubeiug 15 toll.
Tho report of the committee ot confer
ence on the house bill to authorize the
election of a chief burgess for three years
in the several boroughs of tills common
wealth, who shall not bo eligible to tho
ollice for the next succeeding term, and
providing that such oilieer shall not be a
member of the town council giving him
the power to elo ordinances providing for
thu election of a presiding olllcer of coun
cils, and abolishing the ollice of assistant
burgess was adopted.
Thu Semite concurred in the house
amendments to the bill making nn appro
priation for the purchase of copies of "An
Index to Lacal Legislation iu Pennsylvania
from A. I). 1700 to A. D. 1K92," compiled
by tiiles I). Price
Among tho bills which passed finally
weie the following:
ItoiiM) bill to prohibit the employment
of any minor under tho ago of thirteen
jears in or about elevators.
To designate a special day for thu pur
pose ot more particularly interesting the
people in the subject ot sanitary science.
llousu bill relating to thu private bale of
real estute in assignments for the benllt of
ci editors.
House bill providing for monthly re
turns and payments, by county and city
officers, of moneys received by them for the of the commonwealth.
Two bills were voted down as follows:
House bill amending an act entitled, "An
uct relating to tliesuppoit aud employment
of the poor," approved Junu 18, ltjfttl, also
house bill relating to corporations organized
for religious, educational, literary, scien
tific or charitable purposes.
The senate then adjourned until to day.
I in this liousu.
In tho house yesterday the McCarrell bill
to provide for the pay of jurors by the
state was reported negatively.
Senate bill for the government and regu
lation of county jails was also negatived.
The following appropriation bills were
repolted: Children's hospital, Pittsburg,
$1,000; Pittsburg Home for Friendless,
$1,000; experimental tobacco culture, $ I, -(100;
Veterinary Hospital University of
Pennsylvania, $5,000; State College, $08,
000. Senate bills on final passage took up tho
balance of the session, the foilowingamong
others being considered:
Amending tho act authorizing corpora
tions to become surety for the faithful per
formance of amy, so as to permit foreign
trust companies to do business in this
state in the matter of becoming surety.
Air. Cessna mode u vigorous protest against
the bill, calling it dangerous, and insisting
thnt it repealed all laws in uxistance re
guiding biiietius. That settled the bill and
it was killed.
Tho amendment to the act to settle titles
to real estate, designating thu names in
which notices may be served passed finally
after Fow made an attack on it.
The act defining evidence of stock own
ership and the right to vote thereon passed
finally with no opposition.
Mr. Seanor wanted to amend the act
designating general election days as legal
halt holidays, but the house thought the
bill was all right aud passed it.
The act regulating the fee to be charged
for filing petitions for the adoption of
minors passed, and now goes to the gov
ernor. I The act authorizing cities of tho Com
monwealth of Pennsylvania to purchase
bridges already erected, or to erect and
maintain bridges over streams and rivers
which may separate portions of such cities,
end providing for the condemnation of
such laud as may be necessary lor piers,
abutments, fills, slopes and approaches
thereto, was amended so as to apply to
boroughs and laid over lor final passage.
The act relating to leases of lands and
tenements, establishing the length of no
tice to surrender the possession ot the
leased property, which shall be required
when the parties havo not agreed upon the
same, and providing a remedy lor recov
ery of the possession thereof in such cases,
and also In cases in which the parties have
agreed upon the length of notice, did not
get enough votes and died.
The act to enable city, county, township
and borough tax collectors to collect taxes
for the payment of whioh they have be
come personally liable without having col
lected the same, but by expiration of the
authority of their respective warrants, and
to extend the time for collection of the
same for a period of one year from the pas
cage of the act, pawed finally.
The Riter bill to prevent the pollution of
Inland waters and sources of domestic
water supply came up on third reading.
Mr. Hittr, of Williamsport, opposed the
bill in iu present shape, on the ground
that if it passed the entire sewerage system
of his city would be destroyed aud it
would cost n large sum of money to re
place them. The same is also true of Lock
JIaveu. The sewage of Williamsport
empties into the West Branch twenty
eight miles above '.iilum, which got iu
water supply from the West Branch. This
bill says that sewage cannot be emptied
Into a stream unless thirty miles above a
source of supply. Harrlsburg, he says, Is
in the same position-as Williamsport.
Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report
Mr. Kunkel moved to go into the com
mlttee of the wnole for general amend
ment, which Mr. Rltter opposed. Mr
Kunkel thought this was the proper place
to amcild the bill, and there Is no need to
send such a erudo measuru lo the senate.
Mr. Kow again attacked tho bill and said
it legalizes what tho supreme court de
clares a nuisance the drainage of lioxloiif
substance into the streams from which the
public takes water.
Mr. Stewart, of Philadelphia, nlso op
posed tin' bill, and said it would sweep out
tho entire sewngu system ot Philadelphia.
Mr. Ititer denied that it would do any
thing of the kind. It merely gave IkmiiIs of
henlth tho power to supervise the streams
with a view to prevent them from licing
Mr. Thomas, of Cambria, said that If the
bill is passed the city of Johnstown will
havo to close up its sewers, und it will
again lie a valley of death.
Mr. Nllcs denied that the bill legalizes
any nuisance, and industries under it will
lie liable under the common law if they
commit the nuisance of polluting waters.
Mr. Kunkel said the bill is not a sincere
measure. There are two substances which
the bill recognizes ns dangerous to public
health putrid animal mutter and uupuri
lied sewage. So far as tho first is con
cerned every local board of health has suf
ficient ability to suppress, and it can do it
much sooner than tho statu board, which
cannot, by the naturo of things, control the
Mr. Iiitcr begged for the passage of the
bill before the hour of adjournment, plead
big that if the bill was not considered now
it could not bo considered lu time to get
it through the senate.
The houso then rejected Mr. KunkelV
motion to go into committee ot the whole,
and the bill being voted on finally, It wn
overwhelmingly defeated by a vote of 51
yeas to 11 nays.
The Penrose bill nbolishlng the Philadel
phia public buildings commission wa!
passed finally in tho houso last night by a
vote of 120 to 07, after one of the most
stubborn and protracted fights in the an
nals of stato legislation. The fight against
the bill was led by Crawford, of Philadel
phia, who was warmly congratulated after
the result wits announced by both sides' for
thu good showing ho had made and the
manner in which he conducted his cam
paign. A bill was Introduced by Bliss, of Dela
ware, appropriating 150,000 to enable the
governor to acquire and equip a state quar
antine station lor the port of rhiladelphia
Nhuh 2aHierMl from All Seetluns of the
Kenttiiio State.
Chentku, May 19. Reulwn Mouseley, a
plasterer ot Coliingdale, was badly injured
at Dai by in a peculiar manner. It. appears
that liu was dilving along tho Chester pike
in a two-wheel cart when one of the wheels
broke. Mr. Mouseley unharnessed the
horse, which was a mustang, and, leaving
the cart drawn up alongside of thu road, got
on tho mustang's back to ride home. The
inborn "cussed ness" of the animal prompt
ed it to back, und, despite the rider's exrr
lions, the mustang backed up against the
wing wnll which runs from Bunting's grist
mill and has a sheer depth of about twentj
feet to a run which flows under the pike
Mr. Mouseley was pitched over the wall am
fell into the run, where lie was found in ai
iineou.suoii-, condition. He was picked U)
nnd carried to tln Bnttomvood hotel, wher.
a physician was summoned. An cxaminu
tion rcve.ilcd that .Mouseley was badly in
jured. ami he was sent to the University
Doubting Suffering Women I
Allvo to the Interests of
our lady readers, wo pub
lish Mrs. Simpson's letter
to Dr. Kennedy.
Dear Sir : I was fin In
valid for years, Buffering
from kidney trouble and
female weakness. Phy
sicians prescribed for mo
Band I took various rem
edles, but ..o benefit resulted. Our doilv
paper noticed the success of Dr. David
Kennedy's Favorite Ifcmedy, of Hon
dout, N. Y., In cases similar to my own.
I purchased it. The first bottle taken In
small doses, hut very regular, Improved
me wonderfully. My complexion
cleared, nppcliio improved, sloop wits
sound nndrcfrcslilng.andalittlofurther
use entirely cured me. There never was
amedlclno for woman-kind, like Favorite
Remedy. "With all my heart, let mo urgo
them to use It. Relief will bo tho result.'
Mns. S. P. Bimi'bon, Turner, 111.
ducu a iranic, candid
statement leaves the im
print of truth upon its
Tho best proof of the
value of Dr. Kennedy's
Favorito Remedy, is the
good It has done. What
reason then for one suffer
ing, or half sick, to
remain so.
Horses and Carnages to Hire.
Hauling ot all kinds promptly attended to.
Horses lauea lo ooaru, ui xme.8
that are liberal.
PEAR ALLEY, Rear Beddall's Hardware Sfore
Piatt's Popular Saloon,
(Formerly Joe WyaH's)
8 and 21 West Oak Street,
air s tooted with the best beer, porter, alee,
talmas, brandies, wines, etc. Finest oigsrs
(Hint bir attached. Cordial Invitation to ill
Celebrated Porter, k and Beer
Manager Shenandoah Branob
Hmlilell Dentil of nn Unknown Man.
Iti:Ai)ic. May 19.--An unknown man
who was found lying on the pavement on
Walnut street above Eleventh, died In
about live minutes after having been re
moved to ft. Joseph's hospital. Before he
died ho told the attendants in rennsyl
viinin (ieriiuin, afler a great elfort, that
he was a member of tho Iteformed denomi
nation, but lulled to give his name or resi
dence. Ho had gray hair, a full beard,
was about six feet tall, weighed about 15(1
pounds, and appeared to lie 70 years of age,
Morn llai'liignt Philadelphia.
Pmi.A!Ki.ruiA, May 19. The weather
was cloudy and cool again yesterday for the
trotting meeting of thu I'hlladelpliia iJriv
ing Park a-sooiation and tlieru was only a
small crowd present when the horses went
to the wile to trot off the unfinished races
of Wednesday in the 2:!tf) class. NellloS.,
tuo fovorite. won after trotting two heats
but two other events were on the enrd
and both w.-re finished. In the 2:33 class
Montague, an outsider, captured tho nurse
and in the 2:44 class Judgo Fisher, the
favorite, laded first.
Mr. Geo. IV. Goole
Of St. Johnsbtiry, Vt.
Like a Waterfall
Great Suffering
After the Crip
Tremendous Jfoai'Iny in tho Head
l'aln in the Stomach.
"To C. 1. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass.:
" Two years ago I had a severe attack of the
Grip, which left me In a terribly weak and de
bilitated condition. Last winter I had another
attack and was again very batlly off, my health
nearly wieeked. My appetite was all gone, I
hail no strenutli. felt lin il all tin- time, had
disagreeable 1 oaring noises In my head, like a
waienau. i aiso imu sevcru ncuuuciies uuu
Sovcro Sinking Pains
in my stomach. I took medicines without ben-
uui, uuiii, tuiving ileum su iiiueii iiuum jiuuu a
Siirsniiarllla. I concluded to trv It. and the re
sult Is very gratifying. All (ho dlsagreable
effects of the Grip are gone, I am free from
pains and aches, and bclievo
Hood's Sarsaparilla
Issmely curing my catarrh. I recommend it
to all." Gko. W. Cook, St. .lohnsbury, Vt.
HOOD'S PILLS cure Nauiea, Sick Headache,
Indigestion, lltllouaneai. Sold by all druggists.
Politicsi Cards.
or pottsvilTjE,
Subject to Republican rules.
Bubject to Republican rules.
Bubject to Republican rules.
Subject to Republican rules.
Subject to decision ot the Republican County
J. P. Williams & Son.
S. Main St, Shenandoah.
QPHING OF '93 Intending buyers
are Invited to inspect what may be
termed the largest variety of Furniture
ever seen In Shenandoah. Prices the
lowest. Pianos, Organs and Sewing
Machines lu various stylos and prices.
J- P-
Williams & Son
13 South Main St.
'.arcealand oldest reliable purely oaita cob
120 S. JaramSL, Shenanaoah,P:
Anthracite coal used exc sivcty, Insuring
cleanliness ana comir.rt
Trains loavo Shenandoah as follows!
For New York vln rhiladelphia, woou dais,
08,,10.08 a.m.,,S.48,5.B3 p.m. Sunday
08.7 46 a. m. For Now York via Xauch Chunk.
week days, 7.18 a. m., 18.21, 8.48 p. m.
r or Heading nnu x'niiaaeipnia, ween aays,
08.6.23. 7.18. 10.08 a. m.. 18.84. 8.43.653 p. m, Sun
day, 8.08, 7.40 a. m., 4.88 p. m
For Harrlsburg, week days, 8.W, 7.18 a. m.,
2.48, 6.53 p. m.
t or Aiicntown, wees uavs, 7.11 m., ii..i,
48 p. m.
For l'ottsvillo, week days, 2.08, 718 a. m., 18.54,
48, 5.53 p. m. Sunday, 2.08, 7.40 a. m., 4.28 p. m.
For Tamaqua and Mahanoy City week days,
m. s .23. 7.1B.1D ns a. m..i2.2l. 2.48. 6.S3 D. m. Sun
day, 2.08, 7.48 a. m., 4.28 p. m. Aiditlonal for
Mahanoy City, week days, 6.58 p. m
i' or Lancaster ana uoiumoia, wei ujp v. is
ra.,2.48 p. m.
ru uijuuispuri, ouuuiiijr mum lowutg,
week days. 3.23, 7.18, 11.28 a. tn., 133, 6.58 pm.
Sunday, 3.23 a. m., 3.03 p. m.
For wananoy l'lane, weei: anys, o. 1,
.IB. 10.08. 11.28 n. m.. 12.2t. 1.33. 2.48. 153. 6.58. 9.83
p. m. Sunday, 2.08, 3.23, 7.46 a. m., 3J3, 4.28 p. m.
For Glrardvillo, ( Rappahannod Station),
week days, 2.08, 3.23, 5.23. 7.18, 10.08 11.28 a. m.
12.2M.33, 8.48, 5.53, 6.58, 9.33 p. m. Sunday, 2.08,
3.23, 7.46 a. m 3.03, 4.28 p. m.
For Ashland and Shamokln, weet days, 3.23,
23. 7.18. 11.28 a. m.. 1.33. 6.58. 9.33 p. m. Sun
day, 3.23, 7.46 a. m., 3.03 p. m.
Leavo Now York via Phlladolphlaweekdays
00 a. m 1.30. 4.00. 7.30 p. m.. 12.15 light. Sun'
day, 6.00 p. m., 13.15 night.
Leave wow v orn via .Miiucn ununnnran uays,
.00, 8.45 a. m.. 1.00, 4.30 p. m. Sund&r. 7.15 a. in.
Leave PhUadolDhla.Markot Stret Station.
week days. 4.12. 8.35. 10,00 a m. and 4.1X),
6 O), 11.30 p. m. bunday 4.00, 9.03 i. m., 11.30
p. in.
ueavo ucaaing, weeif aays,,Y.u, iu.uo, ii.ou
, m., 6.55. 7.57 p. m Sunday, 1.35, 1M8 a. m.
tan Pottsvlllo. week davs. 2.4Q 7.40 a. m.
12.30,6,11 p. m Sunday, 2.40, 7.00 a. ., 2.05 p.m.
Leave Tamaqua, week days, 3.zu, iw, u.&J a.
m., 1.21, 7.15, 9.28 p. m, Sunday, 3.2C 7.43 a. m.,
8.50 p. m.
Leave Mahanoy City, week aayi s.ib, v.m,
11.47 a. m.. 1.61. 7.42. 9.51 p. m. Sunder, 3.46, 8.12
a. m., 3.20 p. m.
Leave Mahanoy Plane, week d8yi, 2.40, 4.00,
6.80,, 12 65,2. 06,6.20,W6,7.67,10.10
p. m. Sunday, z.40, 4.UU, v.27 a. in., 3 f . o.ui p. m.
Leave Ulrardvllle, (Rappahannod Station),
weeks days, 2.47, 4.07, 6.36, 0.41 10.461. m., 12.05,
2.12, 1.01, 5.26, 6.32, 8.03. 10.16 p. m. S'.nday, 2.47,
4.07. 8.33. a. m., 3.41, 5.07 p. m.
Leave Williamsport, week days, 8.0, 9.50, 12.00
a. m. ,3.3.i, 11.15 p. m. Sunday, 11.15pm.
For uaitimore, wasmngion ana tni west via
11. & O, R. It., through trains leao Glrard
Avenue station, Philadelphia, (P. 1 R. R.) at
3 60, 8.01, 11.27 a. m., 3.56, 6.48. 7.10 p. n Sunday,
8 60,8.02, 11.27 a. m 3.56, 5.42, 7.16 p. a
Leave Philadelphia, Chestnut stret wharf
and rtouth street wharf, for Atlantic :ity.
Weekdays Express, 9 00 a m, 2 00,3 00, 4 00,
5 00 p. m. Accommodation, 8 00 a m,5 45 p m,
Sundays Express, 9 00, 10.00 a m. Accom
modation, 8 (10 a m and 4 30 p m.
Returning leave Atlantic City depot Atlantic
and Arkansas avenues. Weekdays-Express,
7 no, 7 4.1, a im a m ana a auanaa su pn
Accommodation, B is a ra una p m.
Sundays Express, 4 00, 8 00 p m.
Accommodation, 715am and 4 30 in.
LeltljjH Valley XMviHon.
Passencer trains leave Shenanoah for
Penn Haven Junction. Mauch Clink, Lo-
niehton, Slatlngton, White Hall, Ctasauqua,
Alientown, llethlcbem, Easton, rtifldelphla,
Hazlcton. Wcatherlv. Ouakako Juntlon. Del
ano and Mahanoy City at 6.01, 7.20, 108 a m.,
lu.iu, l.rc p. m.
For Now York, 0.04, 9.08 a. m., J 43, 2 57,
4.22 p. m.
ror uazieion, winces-narre, wme Haven,
Plttston, Lacoyville, Towanda, SaynWaverly,
Elmira, Rochester. Niagara Falls anithe West.
0 08 u. m., (2.67 p. m., no connection It Roches
ter, liunaio or Niagara Fails). s.l'B p. a
For Ilelvldcro. Delaware Water Ban and
Stroudsburi;, 6.04 a. m., 4.22 j. m.
i-'or Lamucrtviue ana Trenton, H.uu. m.
For Tunkbannock, 9.08 a. in.. 2.57, Sj8 p. m.
For Auburn. Ithaca. Geneva and Irons. 0C8
a. m., 8.C8 p. m.
ForJeancsvllle. LevlstonandBoaviMeadow.
7.41, 9.08 a. m.. 4.22, 8.08 p. m.
i'or Auaenrieu, uazieion, stocKtoiina Lum
ber Yard, 6.01, 7.26, 9.08, a. m., 1 15, 2 51,
5.27 p. m.
For Scranton, 6.01, 9.08, a. n. 2 67, 1.22 p.m.
For llazlebrook. Jcddo. Drlfton antfVeeland.
6.04, 7.26, 9.08, a. m., 12.43, 2.57, 6.87 p. 1
For Ashland, Glrardvillo aud Lost (reek, 4.27,
7.28, 8.62, 10.20 a. m 1.00, 1.40, 4.10, 6.1 8.22, 9.15
p. m.
i' or itaven nun, uenirana, mount urmel ana
Shamokln, 8.42, 10.21 a. m., 1.40, 4.40, Sa p. m.
Bir Yatcsvllie. Park Place. Mahar,i CAtv nrd
Delano, 0.04, 7.8U, 9.08, 11.05 a m 18.4! 2.57, 1.22,
6.27. 8.08, 9.33, 10.28 p. m.
Trains win leave snamoicin at 7.00,1. 4a a. m.,
1.55. 3.20 c. ra. and arrive at Shoradnah at
9.05 a. m., 12.43, 2.57, 4.22 p. m.
Leave Shenandoah for PottsvUle,5.60, 7.20,
9.08, a. m 12 ii, 2.57, 4.10, 5.27, 8.08 p. 1
Leavo Pottsvlllo for Hhenandoah.5.00, 7.33,
9.05, 10.16, 11.18 a. m., 12.32, 3.00, 6.20, Ti, 7.15, 9.30
y. ui.
Leave Shenandoah, for Hazloton, 6.4 7.26, 9.03,
11.1.5 a. m., 12.13, 2.57, 4.22, 5.27, 8.08 p. 1
Leave Hazlcton for ShenandoaUr.SO, 9.15
11.00 a. m., 12.45, 3.10, 5.30, 7.10, 7.5S p. i
Trains leave for Ashland. Girardvlliana Lnst
ureen, 7.-.21, a. in., n.3u, 2.40 p. ra.
For Yate:vllle, Park Place, MahEoy City,
Delano, Hazloton, lllack Creek Juncon, Ponn
Haven Junction, Mauch Chunk; iilentown,
Hethlehem, Easton and New York.UO a. m..
2.55 p. m.
i' or muaaeiniiia 12.30. .55 n. m.
For Yates vllle. Park Place, Mahata city and
Delano, 8.40, 11. 3o a. m., 12.30, 2.55, 4.411.0') p. tn.
Leave Hazloton for Shenandoah.Uo. 11.30
U. UJ. l.UO, t.O y. Hi I
Leave Shenandoah for Pottsvllle,s.60, 8.40,
9.30 a. in., 2.45 p. m.
Leave Pottsvllle for ShenandoaHaO, 10.40
a.m., 1.85, 5.15 p. m. ;
u. u. 11ANOUUK, uon. I'auAet.
Philadele Pa.
A. W, NONNEMACHER, Asst. G.'Pi. LcUlKli
Valley Division, South Uothlehej
DHCEMUBR 8, 1892.,
Trains will leavo Shenandoah atteiia above
date for WlgBan's, Gtlberton, Fracixjie New
Castle, St. Clair, Pottsvllle, HamburiKeaalne,
Pottstown, Phcenlxvlllo, Norrtstowtind Phil
adelphia (Droad street station) at 6:Qmd 11:15
n. m. and 4:15 p. m. on weekdays, for Potts
vlllo and Intermediate stations 9:10 an
For Wlggan's, Gtlberton, Frnokne. Now
Castle, St. Clair, Pottsvllle at 0;00,-40a m
and 3:10 p, m. For Hamburg, ReatiV potts
town, Phccnlxville, Norrlstown, Pfidelnhls
at 6:00, 9:40 a.m., 3:10 p.m. ueipn
Trains leavo Frackvllle for Bhericdoah at
10:10a.m. and 12:14, 5:01, 7:42 andTDm
Sundays, 11:13 a. m. and 5:40 p. m. v" '
Leave Pottsvllle for 10-15
11:48 a. m. and 4:40,7:15 and 10:00 p. isundavs
at 10:40 a. m. and 6:15 p. m. 'aunuays
Leavo Philadelphia (liroad street tuion) for
Pottsvllle and Shenandoah at 5 57 anil 3s am
4 10 and 711pm week days. On Sum-rimra
at 8 60 a m. Tor Pottsvllle, 9 23 a m.
Vnairnt o oa a tiz aa( c it acn njortir?
8 12, 8 30, 9 50, 11 03 a m and 18 44, 1 1 Vi ?$ 4 &
(limited 4 50) 5 20, 6 20, 0 50, 7 13 and 8tn m and
12 01 night. For Sea Girt, Long uramVnd in
termediate stations 8 20 and 11 14 .a nd 4 00
pmweekdayB. For Uaitimore an4tpahimr.
ton 3 60, 7 20, 8 31. 9 10, 10 20, 11 18 a rr, ib lim.
lted express,) 1 30,3 40, 4 30, 617, Wtvita i m
12 03 night. For Freehold only 5 00 p 4 week
days. For Uaitimore onlyat202,- snsnnd
1130 p.m. Sundays at 3 60. 7 20, 9 0 11 ig n m
18 10, 4 30, 7 00, 7 40 p m, 12 03 night. Baltimore
only 508, 11 Ml p m. For Rlchmoiifr 20 a m
12 too m and 12 08 nicht. ' ' M a m
Trains will leave Harrlsburg ftr ftttRhiirff
and the West every day at 12 asfud ind ? 10
am nnd fllmllml K 009 25 H ai. nw .".'i" i"
Way for Altoona at 8 15 am and SI , ,
day. For PltUburg and AltoonalS Iilnl S
oven' day. i
Trains will leave Sunbury for WliUm mn,
Niagara Falls at 201, 510 a m,anai iti
days, ForEImlraat&31 pmweekZ?w;
Erie and Intermediate points at 5'
' n dally.
avs onlv,
wcck uays.
Qen'l Manager
. jr
135 pro.
luiaut u h.u, 1 iw, 111, u ijf v uu. I irJ, I till R IU
9 50, 1100, 11 14, am, 12 00 noon (Suedex.'
prosa 1 00 and 4 50 p m) 12 41, 1 35. 1 4ffso 20
4 00, 4 02, 5 00, 6 00. 6 20, 6 60, 7 13, 8 12 ii,'n mo
m. 12 01 nfsht. Sundavs at 3 20. 4 if?,!, rif
First National Bank
81ictiitndonli PcnrtR
A. W. LEISENHINO, President.
P. J. FERGUSON. Vice President
J. R. LEISENRING, Cashier.
8, W. YOST, Assistant Cashier
Open Daily From 9 to 8
Interest Paid on Savings Deposit
Be 'dltal Ofacef, 206 N. SECOND St., Pilad', Pi.
iouipuHipstni Americn lor tne treatment of
Special UlNcnnca Yontliful Erroro.
VarlciH-Ho, Hydrocele, Ituphire, I.opt Manhnod.
Treatiiicnl 1t JInll Specially. Com.
miinlratlon'Kirri 'lIycinndrnUal. Komi BLimp f
llooli. Oflli'O lioursi 0 A. M. lo 2 I. M., 6 to 9 1'
1 All day bitunlay. Sundays, 10 to 12 A 51.
Hubfoes? Crement !
For Slate.'Tlle, Tin or Iron Roofs.
Sold In all.slze packages from 10 pounds np.
Pointing up and repairing all craoked Joint
on all kinds of roofs, and around chimneys,
coping stones, skylights, dormer windows,
gutters, wood or stono work, breaks and nail
holes, or any place to be made water-tls ht; un
equalled for laying and bedding HLATE AND
TILE ROOFS, also copings. Thoy will never
leakor become loosened- It is very adhesive,
sticks firmly to anything, forming a tough,
leather-like skin over tho top, will not run or
loosen from joints or cracks, summer or win
tor. This cement needs no reference. It has
stood tho test for thirty-two years, ana never
falls to give perfect satisfaction. It is the
most useful article a roofer can have In his
shop. The cement Is prepared ready for use,
anu is to bo applied with a trowel, and Is kept
moist by keeping covered with water or oil,
and will notget stiff or dry. Colors, brown and
black. (Established I860 ) Address,
J. G. IIETZEL, 69 Maine St., Newark, N, J.
KQQAorili Fourth SU
J'tPO bt'iow Green, Philadelphia,
APTK the fanillT Khviiclnn. thu ht,
pit At and iiilvertlsiog doctors have fallei
at well ai quae It i who rromle lo curl
you after ail otbtrt fll, and to gtr yov
fuurauiee, iree aance, ire
uui afur the belt i windier
maaufurturer. with their
rtsloratirci, tableti. iat
otbur aecret uostrum bam
S. tho liomo care mtdtclrioi
eto., rto., have inlmlleii and robbed tod,
THZH eo and ccnuutt Dlf. n. P. THKVt.
a ho ha bad 6 jeara European Jloapltal aod 20 yeara practl
Lai experience. lie examined by hint. Ho will candidly tell to
whether your cat 1 curable or not. He doea not guarantee, oot
Ones he claim to be God n cqunl, but ho dt a euro the most de
perata cace nf fiyphllla, TJIgpti. Btrlctorfs. GonorrnceaJ
folaon, and Diicharges, hnnertTB tnru llelacchclia, antf
ilua n hearted Qfita, uud nil those iHcHiM-d front etlt-'cuof youthltU
Indiscretion, of both nexei, are ure of a cure. Remember
Till HiZFIt dots euro nbat all cthura ouly claim to do. DB.
THE EL naei corutnan aeno treatment. He cnmblnei the Alio
pathlo, HomoenpHthio, and F.'-1 ctlo ayatcma of medicine htr
ever they are Indicated. Hours: Dully, V to 8 o'clock; even
lugs, 6 to 8 , Wed. and Sat. eeuinpi from 6 to 10 o'clock Bun
day i, 9 to 12. Head 10 cti. worth of 2 ct. stamps for loo
" Truth," the only true medical booi advprtii-d, a friend to old
young, and middle-aged of bvtb aexes. rite or call, AVOII
doctors warning ) ou agslnit medical bonks ; tbry ars afraid yoe
Will find their ignorauce exposed. KKAI) Dr, Thecl'a teitt
tuooials in Wednesday's and Saturday's Philadelphia Two
Lumbago, Sciatica,
ICidnoy Complaints,)
Lamo Back, &c
With Electro Mngnetlc SUSPENSORY
Lttteat 1'ntcntRl IIct Improvements !
vnil cure without met lei no nilMeaUcis resulting from
over-tajiatlon of bi-aln nmarorcesi excoMesor Indis
cretion, ns nervous debility, Plwplenness, languor,
rheumatism, kidney, liver and bladder complaints,
lame back, lumbago, Bcintlca, nit ft male complaints,
peneral ill health, etc. Tills electric Belt contains
Voniicrnil im iiroicme nts over all other. Current is
Instantly felt hy wearer or wo forfeit S5.0OO.0O. ana
vlll euro allot the nbovo dlHeases or no pay, Tbon.
Bands havo been ctireil hy this marvelous Invention
after all other remedies failed, and ve Rive liundxed
of testimonials in this and every other Ptoto.
Our Towerrul Improved EUlTltlC SlbPEVORT, th
Keuteat boon ever offered weak men. HIKE with all
lis. Health and Igorous Slrenttli CDAItlM Lhli In CO to
ItOdnyi, Send for lllus'd I'amphlet, mailed, uealed.frca
Manufacturers of
jociefcij joodf I
Of Every Description.
Flags, Baoges, Caps, Regalias, &:
Write for catalogues. Correspondence solicited
Chris. Bossier's
(Mann's old stand)
X04 South Main Street.
Finest wines, wnlskeys and cigars always In
stock. Fresh Beer, Ale nnd Porter on tap.
Choice Temperance Drinks.
Are fometlmoa a bore, but when the peo
ple are told twice tbat at Gallagher's
.Cheap Cash Store they can buy Flour and
Tea at lower rates than any where In this
town, they are gliilto tent tho truth of
the oft repeated story. Full line of uro
corles, llutter and Eggs, Potatoes, Uroon
'iruok, Hay and Straw.
Gallagher's Cheap Cash Store 1 CKNTBK AND JARDIN STRKETi
Has removed to BilJones'odstano
Wnsrehe will be pleased to meet the wdi
of hi, friends and the publlo in
Everything in the Drinking Line.