The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, May 16, 1893, THIRD EDITION, Image 1

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    T" V '
I have a few large and handsome Sideboards at $35 each, reduced from $45, with large French plate
glass and highly polished elegant goods offered low. Large oil painting at $7.50, reduced from $10.
HAVE been good to us, neighbors. You have
helped us to build up our splendid business.
Once in a while we like to especially emphasize
our appreciation of your kindness. This week
will be one of the
Onces I
And our Flour Department will be the
Field of operations.
Best Family Flour
Per Barrel.
Objection Raised to the Transfer
of a First Ward Liconso.
Somo Suits Whioh Havo
Boon Fixed For Trial.
31199 Stein Continues ltecolrln; the Sliijor
Portion ol the Voten nml .Still Holds
n IllR T.rml ;ror First l'liice,
The Urnud ICxcurslon,
absurdity of hoping tlmt tho Shenandoah
i I Ucof Company will udrauco ami by bo doing
I drive tlio butchers to using hoino-droased
I stock. Tho Idea of using home-dressing
OASES THAT DOME UP BEFORE Bt0Ck Is a quarter of a century behind tho
Eirery Barrel
'Watch for Other Prices Next "Week.
All goods promptly delivered free of charge. Mail oirdera
will receive careful and prompt attention.
114 South. Main Street.
Received Daily.
Strictly Fresh Esatra Quality.
tM Dairy and Creamery Butter.
Pure Country Zitnh
Pure Country Lurd.
One Car Fancy Minnesota Moxir.
One Car Choice MUlullnas.
One Car Haled Straw.
Two Cars Choice Timothy Hay,
Special Herald correspondence.
1'ottsvii.I.K, May loth.
lei ami tvcuiman occu
pied tho bench this
morning at tho opening
of tho first week's
session of May Civil
Court. Judge Pershing
who, for a coitplo weeks,
has been suffering from
a cold, seems not much
tho worso for his indisposition, for after tho
announcement of somo opinions by himself
and Judges Bechtcl and Wcidmau, ho heard
motions and 'arguments in No. 3 courtroom
with his old-timo energy and suavity.
Judge Wcldman is hearing thocaso of M.
P. FowJor, of Shenandoah, against Joseph
Molloy, of Mahanoy City. This suit was
brought to recover some $90 on a book ac-
oount-of 1883. Attorney Hollopetcr is con
ducting Mr. Fowler's so and John Dolphin,
Esq., represents Molloy.
John I!. Coyle, Esq, issued an cuscntior. on
a judgment agiinst Joseph Kochonowsky,
with instructions to levy on certain Shenan
doah realty. Tliis threatens to complicate
matters, as Jatues Grant recently purchased
'ibis property.
Shenandoah ccrtiiuly has its troubles in
liconso court. Toay M. M. Burke, Esq.,
presented tbe application of Mrs. Ilcnsavagc,
of tho First ward, "for a transfer of her do
ceased husband's Cicenso, bet Attornoy Hoi
iopeter ami liis client, l&o owner of the
property, remonstrated on the -ground that
tho applicant is mot a fit person to conduct a
saloon. The metier went ovor 'for negotli
tlon between tho applicant and itfco property
Fergus Farqtiliar, Esq, (presented a petition
and affidavit asking for uu rnunction to
restrain tho School Directors of Ryan town
ship from havjng a proposed school house
The following cases were 'fixed for trial:
Henry Hciserirs. Daniel Cailoy, Ann Healey
vs. Tie Borough of Shocandoah, and Fa-trick
Igo and wife us. Tho Sanger 'Manufacturing
Agnos Stein o::.-.i).-
Mamo II. Wasley -waia
Nelllo Baird 30703
Mary A. Conuelly 30.43
Mahala Falrchild 1 -IH 1 0
Frank H. Williams 031(5
Carrie Faust 4i0S
Mary A. Latferty S80O
Anna M.Dongler 2815
Carrlo M. Smith 2fl)9
Hrldget A. Hums ,. Z'dS
uattio uess , sxn
Mary A. Stack... tsgfl
LUllo B. 1'hllllps U03
Jaraos It. Lewis , uoi
Ella Clauser. . 075
Irene Shane pJ3
Clara Ollno j,03
Moggie Cavanaugh....,, 770
Hannah ltceso cm
Annie Mansell , ow
Sadie Danlell , 531
Jeanlo Itamage.... 2K3
LlEZleLeho cs
Mlnnlo Dipper itso
Lizzie O'ConneR 120
Votes polled yesterday 1141
Grand total aai080
Tho Shenandoah Sunday Kews paid tho
following complimentary tribute to the
Herald and its contest In its last issue
"Tho World's Fair contest in the Herald is
progressing wonderfully, and wo would not
bo surprised to see 500,000 votes cast before
uio coui-jsi closes, moso leaeiicrs who aro
holding!back at present will coiro to tho
front with a rush before many days. Tho
Hkraixd now intends to favor six teachers
which-shows a very liberal -spirit on tho part
of our contemporary. Tho A'ews wishes the
successful ones a pleasant trip, lut their
friends want to keep voting for them to make
6uro of it."
Within a few days tbe Heraxd -will bo
prepsred to make its announcements con
cerning tho special palaoe car trip to Chicago
and return in July next. All who wish to bo
vita this party should -send 'their names to
ths Herald office at ox-co.
A Polo Loat Hla Watch and Monoy
at a Sunday Qamo and Oausoa
tho Arrost of tho Winner.
Other Local Itcma.
"A stich in timo" often saves consump
tion. Downs' .Elixir used in timo saves life.
Superintendent Tuoiaas .Brad and wife
spent to day at 1'ottsville.
Elmer Don tier, of Dslauo, spont a ploaeant
ovening in towu with .friends.
William Grauger and John 'Watkius spent
Sunday visiting Malianoy City.
Mrs. l'hilip Wesuer and son, of JIt.
CarmeL visited town yesterday.
Mr. and Mrs. T. T. Williams tpent to-4ay
visiting friendsat St. CUir and Bettsvilie.
Jlrs. Etta Spanglur, of I'cnu's Creek,
Snyder county, is tho euest of Mrs. John
Iiohland in town.
Miss Delia JlcIIalo has returned from
Philadelphia to sjiend a few week with her
parents on West Lloyd street.
John U. Jonos lelt town this morning to
attend the Oraud Council of l'eriniylvanlo,
Improved Order of 1!1 Men, at Suitbury, in
tho Interest of tho local Trite.
John Iwis, of South Woet street, has
returned from Scraaton wbero he attended
the Gram! Lodge of tho Welch Ivoritos. Mr.
Lewis says it was the best meeting the order
has ever had in this country and the ejorts
wore very encouraging.
D. W. Price and M. T. Schreiller, of
Ashland; Edward Itceee, of Oeutralia; .lames
Goldsworthy, of Park Place, ami Itees Iiuaser
and W.J. Miles, of Malianoy City, worn in
town last night attending a meeting of tho
Lakesido festival committee.
Klllocl at bcrauton.
Sirs. Jane Hart, of West Line street, to-day
received a telegraphic dispatch conveying the
distressing intelligence that her son, ISenja-
min, was killed on tho railroad at Scranton
last night. Tbe deceased was 23 years of
age. He left here about five weeks ago to
scok work in the upper coal region. Tho
remains will arrive in town to-night.
In Henry & Johnson's Arnioa and Oil
Liniment is combined tho curative properties
of tho different oils, with tho healing quail-
tios of Arnica, (iood for man and animal.
Every hottlo guaranteed. lm
C. E. Severn, of Chicago, 111,, and brothor
of B, R. Sovem, of town, has been awarded a
prize of $60 in gold for tho best review of a
stamp album published by a St. Louis com
pany. Mr. Severn has a natural talont for
this kind of writing and has had under his
oharge the reviow department of several
philatelic papers.
Buy Keysitme flour. Be sore that the
name LmeiQ & IUbr, Ashland, Pa, is printed
on every sack. 3-3-3taw
Ills Personal Kxperlrnce.
Hon. James W. Hustcd, while serving his
sitth term as Speaker of tho Asscmby -of tho
&tto of New York, writes:
"State or N. Y., Assembly CuAifacn,
Aliianst, Jan. 10, 1690.
I desiro onoe more to bear my tcstimouy to
t&o value of Alloock's Porous Plasters.
jiavo used tuem for twenty-flvo years past,
and can conscientiously commend them
tho best external remody that I havo known,
Wears ago, when tlirown frein a carriago and
seriously injured, I gavo tljcm a thorough
trial. In a very short timo tho pain that
wis suffering disappoaied, and within a week
J was entirely rolievod. 'On another occa
slon, when suflering from a sevens cough,
which threatened pulmouary difficulties,
which I was recommended to go to Florida to
reliove, I determined to tost tho plasters
again. I applied them to my chost and bo
tweon tho shoulder blades, and in less thin a
fortnight was entirely cured. On still an
ether occasion when suffering from an attack
of rheumatism in tho shoulder to such an ox
tout that I could scarcely raiao my arm,
again resorted to tho plasters, and within a
voiy fow days the rheumatism entirely dis
.upueurcu. 1 nave inem constantly by nic,
wiieiuur ai uomo or auroau. aty Jamlly ns
woll as myself have found them to bo t
sovereign remody. both lor external and in
terual troubles. I nover had but one kidney
difficulty in my life, and the application of
the plasters cured me in a week. I deBire, as
I said before, to bear my testimony in a
public way to their elfieaey, and I know of
no better way of doing It Uiau by giving you
ray jtersoual experienco."
Another I'nrm Sold.
Daniel Wannemacher, of Alleutown, ex-
treasurer of Lehigh county, was a visiter to
town yesterday and executed a deed before
Justice Shoomakor lor the sale of his farm of
1 13 aeres in Union and North Union town
ships to Bichard and Harry Growcott. Mr.
Wanuemachor is over 60 years of age, but
looks younger and Is moro active than most
men of siJrty. He exhibits with pride a
photograph ef himself and twin sister and
says tho lady is quito as youug looking and
active as himself.
HE criers, attendants
and spectators at tho
First ward tcmplo of
justico heard lengthy
arguments Inst night In
a law suit before Justico
Jlonaghan In which
Anthony Klonoski was
tho accused and Mathias
Donashofski was tho complainant. Tho caso
nroso from losses by tho complainant while
gambling. On Sunday night a number of
Polish follows indulged In a gamo of cards provo
for cash stakes and Donashcfskl took a hand
in It. Ho lost repeatedly and finally dropped
tho last bill of his fund of 0110 hundred
After losing all his money Donashefski
took a silver watch from his pocket and was
allowed to continue in tho gamo until tho
sum at which tho watch wag appraised
slipped through his fingers.
Ychterday Donashcfskl mado complaint
under tho gambling act and Klonoski was
arrested as tho winner and holder of tho
niouey and tlme-pieco. Tho complainant
also alleged that ho was intoxicated when ho
played tho gamo.
Tho accused was unablo to furnish bail and
this morning Constablo Toomcy took him to
tho county jail.
Circus Coining,
Wm. H. Bullen, In advanco of Walter L.
Main's circus, was In town yesterday making
arrangements for the appearance of the show
here next mouth.
Costlveuess is tho primary cause of much
disease, Dr. Henry Baxter's Mandrake Bit
ters will permanently euro costlveuess.
Every bottle warranted. lm
To complete) flics, two copies each 0 the
Evening Hkbald of January 1st, 2d and
4th, and February 6th, 1502. A liberal prto
frill be paid for the same.
Fresh Morris River Cove Oysters received
daily at Ceslett's. 9-ag-tf
Malinger Mayberry (itven Ills Hide or the
Editoii Herald : Your articlo in Satur
day's editiou of tho Herald in regard to
high prices of beef and also stating that tho
Shenandoah Beef Company is In no respect a
benefit to tho meat industry of this town
should not pass unnoticed. Allow mo to say
that tho meeting he'd at tho salesroom of tho
Shenandoah Beef Company did not, as tho
writer expresses it, "break up in a quarrel."
On tho contrary, is was a meeting of business
men who aro gentlemen and aro not disposed
to quarrel, and I must say was as orderly a
meeting as was over held by a body of men.
Thero was no "lively time," a? (ho writer
had been informed, and no ouu lelt the room
until tho meeting was dismissed. Further
more tho Hkrald stated that tho desiro was
to advanco stealts from 10 and 12J cents to
18 cents. Allow mo to say that tho highest
prico demanded by tho dealers at said meet
ing was 14 cents. A number of dealers
expressing themselves on tho subject slid
that tho meeting did not interest or benefit
them, for thoy wcro already getting prices
far in advanco of tho prices mentioned. By
this you will sco that thero was no desire ou
tho part of the dealers to demand prices
which tho peoplo with limited means could
not afford to pay. Tho writer has had as
much experience in tho retail business as the
large majority of dealers in Shenandoah and
knows what he is talking about when tho
subject is meat. In view of this fact let mo
givo tho candid-minded pooplo of Shenandoah
who lioiieve 111 a fair day's wages for a day's
work a fow figures for consideration. Tho
Shenandoah Beef Company is now supplying
top grades of beef for 8 cents which tho
home-dressed meat dealer will admit he
oauuot dress for less than 8 cents. How do
we do this? Swift & Company buy from
3,000 to fi.OOO cattle every dKy in the year
and must necessarily buy mueli olios per than
the local drovers who buy ouly 80 cattle
a week. Then the freight is much less on
dressed beef than on live stock. When beef
is worth 6 cents per hundred a hind quarter
sells for 9 cents and a fore for 7 cents. Those
who buy beef know that a number of dealer
are now selling certain cuts for less than cost
ou this basis. When a hind quarter which
costs a cents is cut into steaks the waste
through fat and bone on a ISO-pound quarter
is at least 80 pounds, which leaves 130 pounds
beef. The flank weighs 10 pounds and th
shank meat 10 pounds, which never brings
cost, and deducted from 130 leaves 110 pounds
of steak, anil allowing 1.60 for flank and
shank meat will leave tho dealers 110 pounds
ot steak at $12, or 11 cents a pound. I do
not believe any business man in town can
realize a profit by selling for credit or cash
goods which cost 11 cents and ovor for 18J
cents. Nor do I believe that a candid
niiuded citizen of Shenandoah is not willing
to pay 14 cents for beef steak which sells for
35 to SS cents In all parts of tho country to
day. Furthermore tho retail prices of meats
has nothing whatever to do with the Shen
andoah Beef Company. We are soiling fully
two cents a pound higher than we were three
months ago and the retail dealer has not
advanced any; nor havo the dealers
of Shenandoah expressed anv doalrn
to return to the oM sietbods of
killing because they know that the Wf
market is high ainl ear prices such lower
tlumtliay eould dress bef Air. Haeee tita
present age, and tho people of Shenandoah
have long ago como to tho conclusion which
tho wholo country has reached, namely : that
beef should bo droseed whero it is raised and
not Irolghted for several days without food or
water, which results in injury, brings on
fovor, disease, etc If tho Shonaiidoah Beef
Company havo brought tho prices of beof to
a lower standard it has not been an injury,
but rather beuefit to tho community. Bo
causo In 60 doing tho railroad transportation
companies and middle men who buy in very
Bmall quantities aro tho men who suffer.
Henco tho falsity of tho nrgumcut used by
tho gentleman with whor.i the Herald man
held conversation. Allow mo also to add
that wc aro In 110 way Interested in tho retail
prices ; our business is carried on on a cash
basis and a customer who cannot pay doos
not buy. Tho fact that wo opened our
salesroom to dcalors for a meeting and that
tho secretaryship was forced upon tho
manager of the beef company doos not
that tho manager was interested.
Wo havo established a business which is Willi
you to stay, and wo havo tho support of tho
dealers becauso it is fo' their benefit to deal
with us. Our refrigeratoH. como from tho
west in loss than three days, and all tho phy
sicians in tho country agrco that meats aro
not fit to cat until thoy havo been killed
fully that length of timo. Your articlo states
that the Shenandoah Beef Company is au
injury to tho town becauso through it parties.
havo started into business who know nothing
whatover about beef. This Is impossible and
wcro it so It only helped break up a monopoly.
Thero aro no dealers in Shenandoah to-day.
building brick blocks and tenement rows,,
because tho monopoly in tho beof buslctsa
has been brokon up and that because tho
western dressed beef has brought prices to a
lower standard and tho consumers whoso
protest you printed havo received tho benefit.
Tho gentleman who says tho parties who put
down tho prices are looking to him for sup
port to raise prices Is altogether too self
assuming becauso tho dealers in Chicago
dressed beef aro fully I cents a pound lower
to-day than thoso who claim to sell nothing
but home-dressed stock; and somo of tho
learned people of Shenandoah aro near
sighted enough to believe that such beef is
worth more money. Tho dealers of Shenan
doah aro not raising prices that they may ac
cumulate wealth, but that thoy may bo recom
pensed for their labor.and this they havo a per
fect right to do. The meat industry of this town
should not be altogether a charitablo institu
tion because times are hard. In couclusion
let mo say that tho articlo In Saturday's
edition is entirely void of logic and tho most
nonsensical articlo I have ever read. Tho
Western dressed beef butchers arc "masters
of the situation," whether prices aro high or
low, for the maTket is always much higher
for tho dealer who thinks that this will
revive tho old method of killing should tho
Shenandoah Beef Company demand higher
prices. Wo are and claim to bo tho poor
man's friond and ho who thinks ho can meet
our prices by dresoing beof at home is only,
as ho expresses it, "being led around by the
Siie.vandoah Bekp Co.
The .Mutual Gunriintte Isulldlng nud Loan
In order to meet tho large demand for
loans a new series of 300 free shares of the
Shenandoah Branch of the Slutual Guarantee
Building and Loan Association will be issued
to those who desire stock as a permanent in
vestment, or for the purpose of securing
The first payment on each share of $1.00 to
1)0 made ou Monday afternoon, May 88nd, at
which time the series will open and continue
until all the shares are taken.
Applications for shares in the meantime
will 1 taken by the Treasurer, Charles W.
Deugler, Justice of the Peace, 187 North
Main Street, Shenandoah. The rate of aaht
cf this fnud to the present time is nearly 161
per cent, per annum.
Stock will mature in less than seven yeaie.
Remember the time and place. ftlS-6t
Now Tor Oxford Ties.
At the People's store will be found a trie;
selection of ladles' Oxford ties, WMMmtecl
solid and in the latest styles, at 78 cents and
upwards. Pbopls's Stohb,
5-11-tf 181 North Main Street.
Musjoul Xotloe.
The undorslgned will start a class in string
instruments, and those desiring to join should
apply at tho Ferguson; House ou Saturday
afternoon, May 80th, between the hours of 1
and 3, when full information will he riven.
5-18 St MlSN-rLlN-xi TlBntrvia
Bost work done at Brennan's Steam Laua
dry. Everything white !and spotless. Tjk
curtains a specialty. All work guaranteed.
Best photographs and crayons atJDaWs.
AlllKlntls, nt;
Fncke's Carpet Store, S. Jardm Si