The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, May 13, 1893, THIRD EDITION, Image 2

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    The Herald.
WKHKLTi Kvmir hatouiiav.
K.AillOYMH I'ninrlrinr
110. n ovnit ttjitor nnd 1'nbltahnr I
ir.UKiNH fMiHil Jiditnr
"UKK WiMlitcM ITanager
UiLr,pr your , K
Wmkly, Htr year, .". 1
AilvtrlUlttfi H'IIck.
Transient, 10 cents per line, first Insertion :
leu ta par line eaoh subewiuent insertion, Hales
for regular advertising ohb be had on applleo.
hub ai me oniee or by mall
Tie Kvbnino Hbhu,i Ium lareer olroulu
Han la 'Mhenandoali tbnn any oilier paper pub.
nmnn open to all,
aawrea w the Poitonioe, at Hhonnndoah, I'a
iur transmission through the malls
as seoond-elass mall matter.
w'i. . ....
-.... itiiii mien services Will be 0in
ilnctt'il To-morrow.
innity jcerormed church, Itev Robert
0'lloyle, pastor. Services tomorrow at 10
. m ana o:m p. m. Sunday school at 1 :30 p. m
v wrjtKMtj welcome.
"I'm turner n church, M. H. Havlce,
vtoiv. acrvioes at ju:u a. in. and 0:30 p. m,
nuBtiay school at 1:30 p. in Prayer meeting
W ewii Ilnptlet church. Preaching services at
wa. m. Bnau p.m. by the pastor, Kev. 1), r,
.vns. sunaay school at 2 p. m.
All Saints' Kplscopal church, Oak street, near
.nn. evening service by lay reader. Sunday
sooool at 2 p. m. All seats free nnd every body
made heartily welcome.
Roman Catholio church or the Annunciation,
Cherry street, above West street, Itev. II. P.
O'lteilly, pastor. Masses at 8:00 and 10:00 a.m.
Vespers lit 8:00 p. m.
Koheloa Israel Congregation, West Oak
street, lie.. 8. Raliluowflz. Ilabbl; services
every Friday evening; Saturday and Sunday
afternoon and oveuing.
St. decree's Lithuanian Catholic church,
earner Jarum ami Cherry streets. Itev. I,.
AbromaltiB, pastor. Mass and preaching nt 10
a. m. Vespers at 3 p. pi,
Welsh Congr cWcli HttvUMm
dr. und 0 p. m. Preaching In
WojAl In the morning and English In tho even
ing by Itev. n. Todd Jones, ot Arvonlu, Kan.
Utinday school at 2 p. m.
Ebeneier Evangelical church, Itev. It. M. I-ich-tenwlner,
pastor. Sen-Ices to-morrow at 10 a.
iH. in merman, and 6:80 D. m. In English. Sunday
BChoolatl:30p. m. All are heartily invltod to
SaPratlon Arms, corner MMn and Oak streets,
Captain Eather and I,loulcnant Shlndcl in
oommand. Services all day, commencing at 7
and II a. m.and 3and8p. in. Meotings will
!te held every night during tho week oxceptlng
Honday night.
Fresbyterian church, r orvicos conuuoitu uy
itao Christian Endeavor society to-morrow
avimtne at 6:3').
Sunday scnooi m - i.
r.i linlienr KnnlntV will !
Pm" t 7:30. Praver
meeting on Thursday evening at 7:30. All
arg. ooxdlally Invited.
RtrstMothodlst Enlsoopal church, Itev. Wm.
Powlok, pastor. Dlvino worship at 10:30
a. m. and 6:30 p. m. .Morning, Holy Com
munion. Evening, Anniversary sermon to the
Epworth Leaguo. Sunday school at I p. m.
Epworth Leaguo at 5:15 p. m. Prayer meeting
at 7:30 on Thursday evening. Stranzers nnd
athora are always welcome.
Tho streets aro in bad condition. 1110
Supervisor should attend to them. j
Joseph Lomas has mado an improvement
to his Main street property by laying a drain
yipo to tlio main sewer on tho street.
Ambrose Boner has started a barber shop
In tho store building.
Tho Continental Hose company aro mak
fiia great preparations for their picnic which
will bo held ou tho 27th lnst. Tho boys will
have a good time.
Draper colliery was idlo tho forepart ol tho
week owing to an increase of water.
Council is laying a drain pipe on Boll
street to connect with tho Main street pipe.
Charles Wynu is clerking at tho Buck
Mountain store.
Girds aro out announcing tho marriage of
ihomas Brown, of Contralia, and Miss Mary
Sllen Luck, of Mahanoy City, on tho 18th
'Siurire Fogarty is suffering from a very
sore hand, tho result of blood poisoning.
Washington Camp, P. O. S. of A., went to
Mahanoy City on Wednesday evening.
A delegation of Qilberton Lodge, No. 420,
1. 0. O. F., visited Locust Mountain Lodgo
on Tuosdav evening last.
Mrs. Nathan Boner, who was called to
Philadelphia by tho serious illness of her
sitter, who has since died, returned homo on
Saturday lost. Mr. and Mrs. Boner left on
Jfriday morning last to attend the funeral.
A Grlut ot Interesting I.ocnt News From
the Mountain Top.
9a Monday the Bight lieverend N. L.
jtulfson, Assistant Bishop of Central Penn
sylvania, visited Christ's church for the pur
jxjse of administering the rite of confirma
tion. After confirmation the Eight Reverend
Father very eloquently portrayed the beauties,
of the several rites of the church, and the
aoeessity of observing them. The Bishop
tfeen addressed the children present, dwelling
at length upon the necessity of thoroughly
instructing the little ones In tho catechism.
The Eeverend Father then catechized Uie
hildren, and seemed pleased by the prompt
aem and correctness with which the little
aea answered every question.
Ambrose Boner, who hits been assistant to
Barry SehaeiTer, the tonsorlal artist, has re.
signed and will start in business for himself
In OilUarton.
Contractor O'Neill, of Port Carbon, bos
0imnoad work excavating, preparatory to
the erect lou of the new school house. Ar-
i HU1 thinks the new building, when
, will be a more haudaotue structure
than the High school building.
A number of young men of town are con
sidering the advisability of organiziog a
bicycle club. With proper management, a
momborllilp of twenty could bo liiul, anil
many pioKMiit trips to otlicr ctulm cnioveil
hut Saturday The Slar tireecntoil Iteolf to
" "umero,ls reoilore In a spdnkliiK suit of
w clothes anil greatly improved In appear
,!l"C8 nnil size. Wo congratulate Killtor
I J'engol anil Solicitor Wertz, nnil wish them
over3r pomllilo succosg In tholr enlarged
l'ro ol usefulness.
Local llMppenliign Written up In
iililo Form.
a Until.
Ono of tlio most ludicrous of tho many
amusing Incident that cliaractorlzo tho
ovcry day oxporleuco of Conductor
Dougherty's crow occurrod at Mohnnoy
l lano ou Wodnosday morning last. Among
tho many jitseengcrs was a Polish woman for
Shenandoah who, n? usual, was so freighted
down with bundles, baby and shawls, as to
arouso tho sympathies of tho chivalrous
Leahy, who wont to tho rescue, and soon had
tlio lady, baby and bundle safely landed on
tho platform. The oxcitcd ejaculations of
tho woman soon made it evident that some.
thing Important had been lea bohlnd. She
petitioned Leahy to "hold baby" while she
wont back for the missing valuable, but poor
Leahy's Inoxpcrionce lu tho handling of
such precious merchandise lod hlin todei-llno.
However, tho gallant Dougherty, over on tho
alert to oblige hU passengers, with tbe bow of
a Chesterfield, offered his cervices with an
I'll bring It, Mam." Ho wont back into the
car nnd, great Scott, just ns ho reached for
the bund I o it showed unmistnknblo evidence
f containing something decidedly animate,
and tho gentleness with which tho kind-
oarted conductor took up tho supposed
.'ollsh luby would have dono credit to tlio
gentle touch of a nunc at tho Miners'
Hospital. Ho had proceeded but half way
down tho car when a serios of yolps
and tho frantic ollorts of the conductor,
to oxtricuto li is indox fingers from between.
the molars of healthy Polish pup dtxr. The
aliant Leahy, however, did not desert his
chief in tho hour of peril and with a few
bou mis was beside him and had i dogshlp a
tall. The lady in waiting, not seeing the
ishup and misinterpreting tbe kindly
illces of tho men, evidently tliooght they
ere going for her nightly protector, with
malico aforethought and with blood in her
oyes, dropped tho baby from her arms on tho
bundles on tbe- platform and sallied forth to
wago battlo for her possessions. Fortunatoly
for tho liandHomo visages of tho men, a
couutrj-maa of tho woman's took in tlio
situation ajul yelled nut something like,
" Yar-iB-kl-ho-di-hl " at which tho pg with
a satisfactory yelp let go tho conductor's
lingers. Leahy dropped its caudle npfoiuUgo
and with dlscretlonery haste made- for tho
baggage oar.
Mrs. James Murphy, of Water street, died
ou Thursday evening after a lingering illness.
Mrs. Mnrphy was ono of tho oldest residents
in luvrn and highly respected by all who
know her. She loft tho following children,
all grown up, to mourn her loss : Mrs. Beck,
of Sheuaudoah; Mrs. Ilalcntine, of l'hlladel
phia; Thomas, ongincer on Shenandoah
freight; James A., Mrs. Hobin, Mrs.Tobiuan
Mary A. Her husband died about fivo ycais
ago. Funeral will take place Monday next
at!) a. m. Interment will tako place at
Frackvlllo. Thomas Collhan is fuuoral
Druggist J. M. lllllan was m town this
week advertising his wonderful Dlexir and
paid us a friendly visit.
Tlio boys of town are determined to mako
tho coming 'Itn ot July ono oi xno greatest
in tho history of tho borough. For sovoral
years past this borough has gained an
enviable reputation for their parados and
celebrations. Let us outdo ourselves this
year. There will ho a mooting of citizens
on Monday evening, next, in Murphy's hall,
and every ono is invited to attend.
Council will hold a special moeting Monday
MI53 Magglo Roynolds gavo a party on
Friday In honor of her 10th birthday. Those
present wcro Mamie nnd Magglo Miller,
Magglo and Lizzio Farrell, Katio and Annlo
Coouan. Terosa Noaroy, Laura and Lulu
Whalen, Annie, Lou and Mary O'lioyle,
Annie Wright, Mamlo Sheehen, Maggio and
I Mav Loahy. Charles Iliordan, Minnie
Heckman, Mary McAually, Hattlo Wolsh,
Josio and John Eeynolds, Nellie, Mame,
Annlo and Tom Reynolds, Lou,isa. Shoppio,
Katio and Allco O'Boylo,
Acnts of the Trust to be Prosecuted.
Tomcka, Kan., May 13. Malcolm II.
refers, secretary of the Salina Paper Com
pany, has reported to Attorney General
Little that the baper trust had threatened
to destroy its business by cutting the price
of straw because the Salina Company had
refused to enter the trust. The attorney
ceneral, after consultlua the governor, in
structed the Salina county attorney to
prosecute tho agenU of the trust under the
anti-trust law.
i In Tavorof the Plaintiffs.
1 Cincinnati, May 13. Judge Sage has
decided in favor af the plaintiff the suit of
J. Hairston Seawell and others against
Nancy Crawford and others. This is the
case where suit was filed for ejectment of
property holders in Fayette county and in
Washimrton countv. where they laid out
over COO acres of land on which residencca
have been erected.
1 Two Slurderers Kzecuted.
SnuRMAN, Tex., May 13. John Z. Car
lisle and Charles Luttrell were hanged in
the jail yard here yesterday for the murder
of W. T. Sherman, In April 1802. Both
died instantly, thfir necks being broken.
Tho widow of the murdered man witnessed
the execution.
They Denounced Giiniporf.
St. Louis, May 13. At a muss meeting
of the tailors and cutters here resolutions
were adopted tlenouuciiig President Oomp
ers of the American Federation of Labor
us a traitor to organized labor.
The Cui'tttili'li Will Attvmt.
Rt I'LTK.i i ivii, May 18. The oznre
vltth will iiiU-nd tlu uiuuiuu mani(uvres
ot tlii" A nvr 1 " 111 :rir,."'i army. Uv "ill
HMHt !.i i" "' :llt'.!'. '-ml Kiupe:o. Kaun
.Ijbt-iili i.i '
To complete) flies, two copies each 0 tb
Btbmins Hbkalu of January lit 3d arxi
ith, and February 5th, 1893.
A liberal prlo
will bo paid for the same.
Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report
R!w Powder
TIIH l'lttmiNUNT ii:ai.
Oonrae ITi'llTcr. sr.. (i't years old, n well-
known citizen, illt'd lu Cittmlen, N. J.
John llngnn, 07 years old, n well-known
busine iniiii. died at Atlantic City, N. J.
Joet)li Pnrlter, a republican politician
nnd ex-sheriff of Ocean county, N. J., died
suddenly nt his liunic in Forked lilvcr.
Henry Milliliter, 02 years cl, of Cope
May. N. .1.. h conductor on the West Jer
sey mllioiul since 1803, died in Mint city.
Ex-Judgi Dewey, of Detroit, Mich., who
had been In Colombia lor some time with
u mining putty, died in Gorgona of apo-
Clifford Jilaclcman
A Boston Boy's Eyesight
Savocl-Perhaps His Life
By Hood's Siirsnpiirilla BIooil Poi
soned by Cnnltcr.
Head the following from a grateful mother:
" My little boy had Scarlet I'ever wlion 4 years
old, nnd It left him very weak and with blood
pninoucil with rnnkrr. Ills eyes became
so inllamcd Ills sufferings were Intense, and
for seven v.- m Us ho
Could Not Opon His Eyes.
I took him tttiee during that time to the Eyo
and Ear Infirmary on Charles street, but their
remedies failed to do hlra the faintest shallow
ol good. I commenced giving Mm Hood's
Sarsaparllla and it soon cured Mm. I have
never doubted lli.a it tnvnl Iito Might, even
if not him very lift You may use this tes
timonial in nnv way jou cliooso.. Lam always,
ready to hound tliu pialso ot
Hood's Sarsapaiilla
becausoof the wonderful good it did my son."
Amur. F. rsiU'KMAN. 2888. Washington St,
Boston, Mass. Get HOOD'S.
HOOD'S PlLLS ore haul inado, and are, por
t ect in compoaUlan, proportkm and appearance.
Engagement ot tho natioaM Irish comedian
ana ciiarmtng singer,
With a suoerb company In support, illustrat
ing James a. uernc s now domestic
Irish play.
Iltpleto with nualnt, yet natural comedy, in
terspersed wltli catchy songs, abounding with
urumuuo situations,
Hear Farrell's New Songs.
Bee Cunning'.Baby Honor.
Watch IhrtUlng Spau ot Ufa,
Priced, 25, 50 and 95 Cents.
Iteservedi Beit? on sale at Ktrlln's.
. ,. guarantee a euro or rotund money.
Onr 200 pngo book "TIIIIEE CIiABBESOP MEN," should bo road by every young.
mlildle-ageil und old mnn, sort sealed, free. Ilr. Suuilcu's Klrctrlo Holt Is no experiment,
as we have restored thousands to robust health and vlcor, after all other treatments failed, as can bo
shown by hundreds of cases throughout this and other Btates.who would gladly testify, aud Iroia many
of whom we have strong letters bearing testimony to their recovery after using our licit.
Kett York Citt. OetoUr Stth, 1892.
1m. A.T. DiiJDEW. Dt-ar 8fr: A.Kuttiireoyoarsftffo
I purchased one of tout eloctrlo bolts f r thaenroof
toerroui debility, which I hailn.t4 woit form and
which was undermliiinf? rny health. Fur yearalhad
tmfferod from thlBUrribtodeblUatinff drain on my vital
XorcM&nd I did not know what ttw&a to have a good
jiipht'B tueep, hat in oue month's time aft ruatnt the
tmt I felt a much stronger man both luei.tally tmdphy
Yours truly, II. ShELIU, SS7 BowrT.
fc . - llftOosxTff.N. Y.,Ortobop5thllfle.
TR, A, T. BiKDKK, Ltiur Strr Four yuur a,?u I suf
fen! auoh rUi from rUeumiUlii'ii ttiitattmicetlt w.ifl
cane for support. I used ymr U'lt andf ltareliuf In
cdwltour, 1 ffalneiiliiMelhtfruiiitiwtduvandltwas
cwly a snort luue until tho tains loft tnc and to-dnrl
impoMiuio i or ine u tfoc axouuds nnd I alwo d uanit'd a.
un a well man I nlwaysl-e p my b lt n ur bv f ir f ar
1? ears sine- you curt-d nwan safdv e ,y it i-tirmni-
lavrviniKUK ucuniuru, uui iu it jus I
' bet'n four
a. i ww, aubmmu wecbor. 9W t) i iui K'o iiaoe
i a oompldto nalvanlo battery, insde Into a bolt so at to b easllr worn daring work ar atrast, and It'
JVM ootblny, pr louiied curn un vrbicli ara instantlr tclt tUrnuithout all weak parts, or w forfait
ia,VOv. Itbasan Impruvi'U Klectrlo Himpuiiaory. the eroaiost boon ever glvoiiwoasnnan.aiKl
re warrant .it to oure any of the aboro weaknosuM, and toeiilnriie ahrunaen Ilnibt, or part, or Money
leiunileil. They are urudo J In plreuirth to meet alt stages i f weaknnw in nilddls-aaadoroia
ta,an4 wllloura thevom catlu twuurttirMiaoutbs. Addrasa for full lufunuulion.
SAWDEfJ ELECTRIC CO., 82G Broadway, ftew York.
The UiillnwK llciiily for Jtiiccleri.
HnAtHNo, May 13. Tho gallows on
which BuccliTl, the murderer, will lie
lmiiged was delivered at the county prison
yesterdry. It came from 1'ottsvillo mid is
a ponderous uffair. Eight men have ill
luudy been hanged on this scaffold.
(Jluj polo's Hotly Korovflretl.
Hazlkton, May 111. The body ot An
thony Clayiiole, who was carried into Lnt
timer mini's on Wetltiemlay by a cave-in,
whs ii'coverod yewcidity. The body wits
rovered by about twenty tons of debris,
i'hI wns horriblv inuidatvd.
Lamp-chimneys cost so little,
that we let them go on break
ing. We go 011 buying" and
What should vve do ?
Get Macbeth's " Pearl-top "
and "Pearl-glass;" they are
made of tough glass, tough
against heat ; they do not break
in use ; they do from accident.
They are fine, well made,
exact; they fit the lamps they
are made for; stand upright;
the shade is right; they make
a right draught for light ; they
are uniform. Both bear a label
for your protection. Look for it.
Be willing to pay a nickel
more and stop this constant
expense and annoyance.
nttsbunrh. I'a. Oeo. A. Macbeth Co.
Political Cards.
Subject to. Republican rulon.
Hubje to Republican rules.
Subject to Republican rules
Subject to Republican rule3.
Subiect to7declslon ot the Itenubllcan Countv
Celebrated Poiter, Ale and Bee;
Manager Shenandoah Branci
Watt's Popular Saloon,
(Formerly Joe Wyatt's)
j rind 21 West Oak Street,
"5w atojlted with the best beer, porter, ales,
aid"l3, brandies, wlnoi, etc Flueit cigars
rllur ntrattsohod Oomui
invitation t .
with I'.lcctro magnetic Snsprjg
Bury win euro without meuiciue
nil nf thn Bbnvntrnuhlna.
Tboso who
culler Irom Nervous
tho eUocts of abuses, excesses, worry
or eiposuro, will And relief and prompt
cure lo our marvelous invention,
which requires but a trial to convince
the most skeptical. Iulsnorancoof of.
fects you may have unduly drained
yolirsysteni of nerve force and vitality
wlifcli Is electricity and thus
caused yourweaknossor lack of force.
If you replaco Into your system the
elements thus drained, which are re
quired for vlgorousBtrcniith, you will
removetho cuusennd health, strength
and viL'or will follow at once. This
Is our plan and treatment, and wo
Losses, Drains, J.ost nianuooill
Norvauinoat, Hlecplessness;
Poor niemory, till FenmleComj
Dlaints. and ucncral 111 lienlth?
. Nevt Youk Cm, Oct. SO, W .
us. A T. BAHDKir.Dearblr lean report to you that
the belt has entirety cured me ot rheumatism front
which I eutferud for fourteen years almost continually
J am a lettercarrler.andthelontf daily tramps neces
sary in my rounds up to the time of eettinff tbe belt,
were painfully Roue through with, but thanks to your
wonderful Invention. 1 Can now walk as well as I ever
aid. and will recommend your treatment to all afflicted
The current has alto brought bark: my vlgorlnothcr
waysosjou said H would. Yours very truly.
JAUE3 H&AD, Si ferry BU
Owe a oi BAnaKT & BOS.
PR. Ji.T.tiAHUh-H, Dear 8ir:I am Hlad to add mT
tsstIlncl1ytlle many you have of tho ftreat value ol
.Iha nf
your U'lt. My health
slim fiivt-1 ontiurfullr. and I
tavoputut'd tnihi) imjuu 1j of flLfh, aud no sleep well
and ha o an exoellent npntlto. Your rnleudlu elect rw
Yuur vnliMidld f
U itwiiuyoor ruitsoc itialih" imibcun
' lint bLitn n. virv mill
It.'tLa 1 1
yourUtit. youjvrespoeuullr,
a so. sahqeot.
The Committee Reports Lots
of Them in the House.
The Amount Allotted to tlio Vnrlous In
stitutions lu the State Tim Klectlona
Committee Ak for 88,000 for Payment
or i:iiciioh In l'uur of tli. Contostnil
Klectlon Cnes.
HAitittstiuno, May 13. Appropriations
Reemcd to bo tho order ot exercises In the
liouso yestcrilny, nnd before the committee
pot through It had reported n pproprintions
amounting; iu the aggregate to $1,000,000,
tliitrlbuU-d as follows;
German Protectant home, Fair Oaks,
$3,000; ground for Western penitentiary,
130,000; new Home for Feeblo Minded
Children, Western Pennsylvania, $230,000;
HarrUburg hospital, $20,000; expenses of
committee ou centennial affairs, $4S0;
Training Home for Deaf Children, Phila
delphia, $30,000; Oral school, Scrnuton,
$82,300; Wills Eyo hospital, Philadelphia,
$20,000; Home for Friendless, Heading,
$2,000; Altooua hospital, $10,000; Reselia
Foundling asylum and maternity hospital,
Pittsburg, $20,000; German hospital, Phil
adelphia, $10,000; Cottage Stato hospital,
Philllpsbtirg, $12,000; Southern Home for
Destitute Children, Philadelphia, $7,000;
Hahnemann hospital, Philadelphia, $33,
540; emergency fund for stato board of
health, $50,000; Huntingdon reformatory,
$177,500; Valley Forgo memorial associa
tion, $5,000; expenses senate appropriation
committee, 1803, $2,512; Polyclinic hos
pital, Philadelphia, $70,000; Medico-Chi-ruigical
hospital, Philadelphia, $100,000;
Jefferson medical hospital, Philadelphia,
$110,000; UniversityofPcnusylvaula, $120,
000; oorranl schools of state, $2-10,000;
Shippensburg normal school, $50,000.
The senate hills permitting street rail
way companies to change their routes and
validating any such changes heretofore
made; protecting union labels, and to pre
vent the adulteration of hooey were report
ed favorably.
Mr. Talbot from tho elections committee
Introduced a bill appropriating $8,000 for
counsel fees and personal expense in the
contested election cases in the counties of
Crawford, Lackawanna, Lancaster nnd
Montgomery. Mess's. Andrews, HIghby,
Baker, Taggart, Franklin, Forrest, O'Kell
and Quiuan are each allowed $1,000.
Tho calendar of senate bills on second
reading was then taken up.
Mr. ICunkel called up senate bill No. 20,
known as tho McCarrell bridge bill, and it
passed second reading with amendments
as prepared by Mr. Kunkel. The princi
pal amendment is ns follows: "That in
case any bridgo company shall permit the
laying or construction of any street pas
senger railway tracks upon such bridgo the
same shall bo so laid and constructed with,
ono track only anil ns close as possible to,
one side of said bridge, so as to interfere
with other public travel to the least pos
wble extent."
Other amendments provide that the
bridge shall bo free to children attending
privatu and public schools; the privileges
granted by the act shall not be exercised
unless authorized by the judge of each
county in whicli the bridge is. locnted.
1 he Philadelphia wharf bul passed, sec
ond leading nfter considerable debate be
tween Stewart, Riter aud Whorry, with
out amendment.
There was no opposition to the senate
hill repealing local option in Verona, Alle
gheny county, in fact tho house was so un
concerned regarding it that only a few
voices said "eyo" m agreeing to tha bill on
becond reading.
1 he senate bill to provide for the quiet
ing of titles to land was regarded with sus
picion by Mr. Crawford, and he wanted ta
know what it meant.
Mr. Fow explained that when railroads
were first built engineers regarded curves
as. necessary, and a great deal more land
was covered than necessary. The object
of this bill is to permit the straightening
of roads which will necessitate the aban
doning of laud, and give the land back to
the original owner.
Mr. Crawford thought the curves ought
to lie taken out of the bill, but it passed
anil tho nouse aujourneu until Monday.
When Chairman Talbot gets 105 repub
licans iu the house at one time, he is going
to report ou the Franklin-Forrest contested
election case.
Friday and Monday afternoon sessions of
nouse will bo held after this week. Ap
piopriatiou and apportionment bills will be.
given tue rigutol way.
A sub-committee of the house appropria
tion committee, consisting ol Messrs.
Wherry, Lytle and Fow, went to, Kutz-
town Normal school vesterday.
Oonghlne X,eait. to Cousmuptlon,
Kemp's Balsam will stop tho cough at
Bonrrn.KiLi, division.
DhCEMUim 8, 1602.
Trains -will leave Shenandoah after the above
date for WiSBan's, Gllberton, Frackvllle, New
Castle, Bt. Clair, Pottavllle, Hamburg, Reading,
PottBtown, Phoenlxvlllo, Norrlatown and Phil,
adelphla (llroad street station) at 0:00 and 11:45
a. m, and 4:15 p. m. on weekdays. For Potts-
vine ana intermediate stations :iu a. m.
For Wlggan's, Gllberton, Frackvllle, New
Castle, St. Clair, Pottavllle nt 0:00, 9:10 a.m.
and 3:10 p.m. For Hamburg, Reading, Potts
town, Phocnlxvllle, Norrlatown, Philadelphia
at 0:00, 0:40 a. m., 3:10 p. m.
Trains leave Frackvllle for Shenandoah at
10:10a.m. and 12:14, 5:04, 7:43 and 10:37 p.m.
Sundays, 11:13 a. m. and 5:40 p. m.
Leave Pottavllle tor Shenandoah at 10:15,
11:48 a. m. and 4:40,7:15 and 10:00 p, m. Sundays
at 10:40 a. m. and 5:15 p. m.
Leave Philadelphia (llroad street station) for
Pottavllle and Hhenandoah at 5 57 and 8 35 a m,
4 10 and 7 11 pm week days. On Sundays leave
at 8 50 a m. For Pottavllle, 9 23 a m. For New
Yorkat3 20, 4 05, 4 40, 5 15, 8 60, 7 30, 8 20, 8 30,
B60, 1100, 11 14, am, 12 00 noon limited ex.
press 1 06 and 4 50 p m) 12 44, 1 35. 1 40, 2 30, 3 20,
4 00, 4 02, 5 00, 8 00, 8 20, 8 60, 7 13, 8 12 and 10 00 p
m, 12 01 night, Sundays at 3 20, 4 05, 4 40, 5 15.
8 12. 8 SO, 9 60, 11 03 a m and 12 44. 1 40, 2 SO, 4 02
(llmltod 4 50) 6 20, 6 20, 8 60, 7 13 and 8 12 p m and
12 01 nlsrht. For Sea Girt. Lone Uranch and In
termediate stations 8 20 and 1114 am, and 4 00
p m weekdays. For Ualtlmore ana washing'
ton 3 50. 7 20. 8 31. 9 10. 10 20. 11 18 a m, (12 25 lim
ited express,) 1 30. 3 48. 4 30, 8 17. 7 00. 7 40 p m
12 08 nleht. For Freehold onlv 500 D m week
days. For Baltimore only at 2 02, 4 01, 5 08 and
1130 r. m. Sundaysat3 60. 7 20, 9 10, 11 18am,
12 10. 1 :w, J 00, 7 40 p m, 12 03 night. Ualtlmore
only 6 08, 11 30 p m. For Richmond 7 20 am,
12 lOn m and 12 IS nleht.
Trains will leave Ilarrlsburg for Pittsburg
aud tbe West every day at 1235, 120 and 310
am and (limited 5 00) 2 25, 3 25, and Slop ra.
Way tor Altoona at 8 16 am and 5 18pm every
day. j or jiiuiDurg una Altoona at ii w a m
evry dav.
Trains will leave Sunbury for WUUamsport,
E.liuiru, I it.IU.HUtt IK Ula, MIIUIn(i U1W.IU uuu
Nlacarn Falls at 101. 5 10 a m.and lJipm wcwk
I auya. r or mmira at a at p m wnaa oaya. i- or
Krle and Intermediate points at a 10 am daily,
Fur Look Haven .it 1 10 and 9 M a m dally. 1 A
and b Hi p m week dayi For Kenovo at 610 a
m, 136 aud 5 34 p m week days, and 6 10 a moo
Sunday only. For Kane ut 5 10 a ra, 1 M p m
1 weeu days.
C. H Pvon. J. R. Wood,
t Otn'i Manager 0 en'l Han'g Agt
Slicnatulonli, Pcnnii,
A.. W. LKISENUING, 1'reBident.
P. J. FERntTHDN. Vln !.... I.-.
J. H. LEI&ENUING, Cashier.
S. W. YOST, Assistant Cehlr
Open Dally From 9 to 8
Interest Paid on Sayncs. Deposit
Mica! OElcej 20(V . SECOND StTpMlid5. P
Ara theoMnt In America for thi irtment ol
Varlcortle, HyilrnrnTe. Kiipm,-, I .t Mauliontt
migrations saonvllycrcfldi'titui Keraitamn tU.
"'ll hours: 0 A. M. to2 1'. M , 6tn P
il All d7 Satunlay. Sundays, 10 to 12 A M.
lina'b'be? Cement I
For Slate.'TIIo. T;n or Iron Koofs.
Sold In all.slze packagpevfrom 10 pounds tip
Pointing ur and renairinff &H ompirfiii inint
on all kinds of roofs, nnd azound chlmnoja.
coplujy stones Rkyliglits, dormer -wlndowa
puttera, wood or stone work, breaks and nail
holes, or anyplace to bomaue-water-tlpht; un
equaltodfor laying nnd boddlnpHLATE AND
T1LK ROOFS, also copings. They wlil never
leak or become loosoaed- It is very adhesive,
sticks- firmly to anting, forming a tough,
leather-like skin over the top, will not -run o
iuuotu iiuiu jtiium uraoiis, summer or win'
ter. This cement neods- no reference, it haa .
stoodithe teat for thirty-tffo years, and never
falls- to give perfect satisfaction. It Is the
most useful article a rocfer can bavn in hia
sboyi. The cement Is prepared ready for uso,
am. i 10 uo upmiea wiiq a trowei, ana is Kept
moist by keeping covoxd with water oroli
nnd will not tret stifl or dry. Colors, brown antf
bleak. (Kstab3hed l!?cC-) Address.
5 OQ North rourlfi HU
JO Uiow Urt-jn, PhiUCslphw
AIXS2. tbe family vhygiciaa, Cio hoc
t ilftl. aud advert - &g doctor bavaffttle
a veil ai tjuacki lx. prunilec to cur
jtx alter all ollt Jtt juil, uai t jjve yt
a vriticu guarttje, free adrloe, fru
trvutuvcut; aud aftir tbe belt ewlndlera
lull luauufwurtr, ultk their tn
ttiil tonics, rottomtlree, tahJeU, o(
fymri, and ut)Mr secret uctiruin horn
wig eoucertj, Ut bonis cur medicine
etc , etc., barb iiidl((d and robbed ton
THEN co aDd-3oa.uft GiF. THEEX.
who tin bad Oyearrf 3urcpeaa HojpltaJ and 26 rears' pracU
Chluxperieaae. Be emiaed bj hlou IK'MllcandldljUllToa
whether Tour, case tuarablQ or Dot lIcdoeiDotguaraalee, doi
doos ba tlalm tobaticd equal, biifcc Joe curs tha mart du
Fer&te caiei of Uphills, TJlcen, S trie tint OocorrhaaJ
Olson, aod, DljcJvarfei. bull .re pi from Maiancholli ao4
(low nb wrtedoMf, aud all those dljcued from edocUof youthfo)
Xndlsrrettoa, of both BCtet, an anre of a care. jMnember
DR 'KEEL doe oare what a.t olheri only claim U do. IJ&
THEL uses coaiiuon ieone trtmrntn, He rtnbloea the Alia
tath'jeIIomaBtpatibIc, and fciwilo ijrtemicf uedleine wber
tver tbej aro iDdUntcd. Hnur: DaUr, tf to 8 o'clock; even
iiifrsi ft to 8, Wid. and St. eriDlnni from (to 10 o'clock; Sue
days, 9 to 13. Send 10 cu. worth of 2-cu itamtn for boir
"Truth" tha oalr true medknl book adTortiaed.e. friend too VI
ycang, and mUdle-aged of bath exet. Wrlu or call. AVCttX
d Mtori warn lug you again Medical booka : they are afraid joi
nlll Sod thir Ignoranct) xoned. HEAD Lr. Theel'e Ua;
aionlali l&'A'ednesdaj's aid tuturdtj'f yhlladtlphla Twm,
J. P. Williams & Son.
& Mam St., Shenandoah.
OPRING. OF '93 Intending buyers
are invited to inspect what may be
termed the largest variety of Furniture
ever eeen in Shenandoah. Prices the
lowest. Pianos, Organs anil Sewing
Maobines In various styles and prices.
J. P.
Williams & Son,
13 South Main St.
Manufacturers ot
pocie Efood !
Ot Every Description,
Flags, Baoges, Caps, Regalias, 5c.
Write for catalogues. Correspondehce solicited.
Chris. Bossier's
(Mann's old stand)
104 South Main Street.
Finndt wines, whlskevs and cigars always In
stock. Fresh Beer, Ale and .Porter on tap.
Choice Temperance Drinks.
Are pometlmes a bore, but when the peo
ple are told twice that at Gallagher's
Cheap Cash Store they can buy Flour and
Tea at lower rates than ony where In this
town, they aro gUdto test the truth ot
the oft ropeatcd story. Full line of Gro
ceries, llutter and Eggs, PoUtoes, Green
'iruek, Hay and Straw.
Gallagher's Cheap Cash Store I
Has removed to Bill Jones' old stano
Whara be will ba pleased to reet the warns
of 111 friends ana tbe public In
EveryHiinQ In the Drinking Wae.