The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, May 12, 1893, THIRD EDITION, Image 4

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Among merchants Is
tho one who caters to
tho wants of hi cus
tomers, be tlioy rich or poor. Both have an
equal right to bo treated fairly. Justice to fill
la A good motto, and our customers will find
It ours. Wo hnvo a complete llnoof Groceries
M well as Canned Goods, etc Como and ftco
oar stock of goods, and remember tho best
goods aro always tho cheapest In tho long run.
Corner Grocery,
Clothing- for all Ages.
Centre and White Sts.
Ail KUctrlo HuggMtlon.
Editor, IlKiiAi.n : I wish to call tho at'
tontlon of tho Schuylkill Traction Company
to tho fact that under its present schedulo
for running cars it is causing tho publlo
much Inconvcnlenco and embarrassment and
is lolng money. Without any publlo notice
tho company has changed its schedulo so that
tho last car leaves tho east end of Olranl
vilie at 10:30 p. m. During tho past few
nights lurgo numbers of patrons of tho road
visiting that town wero sorely vexed to find
that they wero left behind. Through tho
kindness of some of tho motor men ostra
trips wero mado and these people wero re
lieved from tho very unpleasant alternative
of remaining in Girardvlllo all night or
walking to Shenandoah. Last Monday oven
ing over thirty pcoplo of tho latter town wero
left behind and on nnother evening a largo
number of hulles who attended a surprise
party at Girardvlllo met witli tho same fate,
If tho company doos not abandon Its pesent
system it will mako a big mistako and lose
considerable money. Why, last summer,
when tho electric road was in a primitivo
condition, much of Its earnings was derived
from tho people who took rides down tho
valloy and ba k again at lato hours in tho
evening. Tho pleasuro parties left this town
at eight an 1 nlno o'clock at night and the
cars wero crowded on tho return trips oven
until ono and two a. m. It may not seem
proper that people should seek pleasuro at
such hours, but that makes no difference to
tho railway company. It is looking for pat
rouago and money. I hope the Traction
people will look into this matter carefully.
They will find that 11 p. m. is early enough
Jor tho last car to lcavo Girardvlllo.
Shenandoah, Slay 10, 1683.
In Hcnrv & Johnson's Arnica and Oil
Liniment is combined tho curative properties
of the dltTerent oils, with tho healing quail'
tics of Arnica. Good for man and animal
Every bottlo guarautced. lm
Arrested for lVililllnir.
T. G. Drcyfoos was before 'Squire Slona
eban vestcrday afternoon charged with
peddling cigars, watches, clocks and silver
ware In the town without a license. Drcyfoos
claims to represent a Now York firm and
says that he only sells cigars and gives tho
watches, etc., as premiums. Ho exhibited a
revenuo license to sell cigars in all parts of
tho United States and has retained J. R.
Coyle, Ksq.. to represent htm in tho ease
T. H. Hutchison furnished $300 bail for the
accused's appearance at court.
OonKlilner Lends to Consumption,
Kemp's Balsam will stop tho cough at
'Great CIiuub; In ltoiitllne ltiillroud'H
Tritln Service.
Tho Reading railroad's summer time tables
go into effect on Sunday, 11th lust. The
trains aro changed to a greater extent than
usual, and tho careful travclor will mako
inquiry before starting on a journey, or con
sult tho new time tables which will be ready
for distribution at the stations on Saturday.
Hereafter all trains of the Reading system,
.nt.rW or lraivlnir the citv of Philadelphia.
will uso the grand now station at Market and
Twelfth streets, the old depots at Broad and
Callowhill and Ninth and Green being nbau
Best photographs and crayons at Dabb's.
Comluir Kveuts.
May 15 May ball, Schoppe Bros, orchestra;
"Bobbins' onera house.
Mav 30. Ico cream and strawberry fostl
val; Bobbins' opera house; under auspices of
Trinity Reformed Sunday school.
Juno 14. Ice cream and strawberry fes
tival, Bobbins' opera house, benefit Presby
tcrian church.
Wanted u Seat.
Pennsylvania railroad people complain
bitterly of tho action of a Fhenandoab man
on one of the trains that left Pottsvlllo on
Wednesday. W'hon the car was so crowded
that eve-n women wero obliged to stand th
party jeferred to refused to give tho conduc'
tor his fare until furnished with a seat
After using persuasions and threats tho con
luctor miBtr&ened a Coal & Iron oUloer, whi
secured payment of the fare and ended the
Fjike of Ouabob. Before buying write
to Messrs F. Ad. Richter & Co., 17 Warren
St., New York City, for the valuable book,
"Guide to Health," and read the indorse
menta that the "Anchor Pain Expcller'' re
ceiveattho hands of prominent physicians.
29 prize medals awarded to the manutac
turers of this valuable preparation. 3t
To complete' files, two copies each o th
EvitwiNQ Heeaid of January 1st, 2d and
ith, and Fobruary 5th, 1893. A liberal prio
will be paid for the same.
Bartholomay's Rochester Beer at Schooner's
North Main street. 4-38-tf
a pf For a Home-made Car
j:uj. p,.t t,nt wm xvnsli, at
Jprlelte'8 Carpet Store, No. in
South Jardin Street, eiicn
You want to know whero to buy
tho best CLOTlltNO for tho least
money, Shoppers "looking around"
lay competitors alnt in It with this
Houso. Men's and Boss' Clothing of
all sizes and stylos, at all prices.
Napoleon Met His Waterloo In 1115,
Our clothing prices met their dofeal
In 1893. For clothing go to the
Reliable Clothing Hall
Nos. 10 and 12 South Main Street
Two Tiilto Flight lit tho Lawrence Col.
At about two o'clock this morning two
boileis cxnlodcd at tho Lawrcnco colliery,
Mahanoy Plane, oporatcd by Biirchill it
Moore, but fortunately no one was
I n In red and tho damago dono was not ex
tensive. No catiso is assigned for tho ox
Tho boilers went throuuh tho cast end of
tho west boiler houso and plunged Into tho
ground immediately outsldo tho building.
Fivn other boilers wero displaced and the
stables nearby wero feet on fire, but tho
flames wore extinguished before much
damage was dono.
Tho numrs of tho colliery were started
again tills afternoon and all tho boilers will
bo in place and ready by Thursday,
next, when it is expected tho colliery will
rcsumo operations. It has been idlo several
days on account of tho water gaining on tho
School Directors William Trczise and A. J.
Gallagher tpent to-day at Pottsvillo,
William Graf, of Philadelphia, is tho guest
of his mother on North Jardin street.
Henry Wcidcrhold and wife have gono to
Berwick to spend a week with Mrs. Welder
hold's relatives.
M. L. Scheider, Eugeno Magargle, John
Graf and M. E. Doylo returned yesterday
from a fishing trip to Messer Run (Toibert's
dam), witli a nice catch
Richard Amour, who was temporarily
changed to tho advertising department of tho
electric railway, is again doing police duty on
tho road. He resumed his old position on
The only real livo and active thing in town
at present is tho teachers' contest.
A batch of twelve Polish immigrants
arrived in town Wednesday morning.
The Philadelphia & Reading Railroad em
ployes havo donned neat looking summer
Contractors who wish to bid on tho new
school building should read carefully the
advertisement appearing in another column
of this paper.
Tho costs In tho assault and battery caso of
Jones vs. Head was divided differently to
tho manner first reported. Mrs. Jones was
only ordered to pay one-third and Mrs.
Head two-thirds.
Some of tho book dealers of town condemn
tho free text bill. They say there Is no
money In their busiuess outsldo the school
supplies and now those who aro favorites of
tho school directors will havo all the trade.
An important communication relating to
tho superintendency of the public schools
was sent to tho IIintAI.l) for publication, but
was crowded out to-day and will appear
World's Fair Holiday Trip ! J Grand Display of
TTTPTiTTTiTfl UTBATTI nnTmPOm t. il I, .
vr. jjvjjiniinw nriamju uuiNiioi rs-
g ty
i o Days at the World's Fair
With accommodations at a first-class Chicago hotel, and transporta
tion to and from Chicago, Including sleeping berths, all frco ot cost,
To the 2 Most Popular Teachers.
CONTEST CLOSES JULY 1st, 1893, at 6 P. M.
The two teachers who receive the largest number of votes will be taken
to the World's Fair and royally entertained by the Cut out this
coupon, and on tho blank lines write the name of the Public School Teacho,
north ot the LI road Mountain, In Schuylkill county, whom you consider most
popular, and send It to the "Cohtest Enrron, Kvknino Herald, Shenan
doah, Px." Every coupon properly Ulled out counts as ono vote tor one
teacher. Every person, young or old, can vote, and vote as often as thoy
please. Coupon must bo In the hands of tho editor within ten (10) dajs after
the dt It bears.
Nuae ot Teacher..
Name ot Voter,
MAT 12, 1803.
BRESS GOODS issuch a bewildering topic
) that we will not attempt a full descrip-
tion, but give a partial outline, which you
can fill in by a personal inspection. There are
the plain and changable diagonals; plain, plaid,
striped and invisible plaid serges; fancy mix
tures in all sorts of odd weaves, dots, threads,
cross-threads, hair-lines, lines here and there,
many at a glance appearing alike, but upon ex
amination are found entirely different. Our
assortment of silks is complete china silks,
china surah, plain surah, bengaline, plain, fig
ured and changeable silks, in all the new shot
effects. Full line of fancy braids to match any
color of dress goods.
.In Wraps
Nobby Spring Stock
Costlveness is the primary cause of much
disease, Dr. Henry Raxter's Mandrake Bit
ters will permanently euro costlveness.
Every bottle warranted. lm
Will Mret In Haston Next.
Lancaster, May 12. The reading of re
ports took up nearly the entire session of
tue Grand Castle, Knights of the Golden
EagU yesterday. Easton was selected aa
the next place of meeting on tho second
Tuesduy In May, 1894. It was decided to
erect a home in some central city for Indi
gent members of the order.
llave Bern Married Sixty-four Years.
West Chester, May 12. John Ewlng
and his wife, who resido In Warwick town
ship, have been married sixty-four years
The aged husband is 02 and the wife 89
years old. Mrs. Ewing was born and has
always resided In tliu house where she now
lives. The husband has always lived in
that neighborhood.
Safe ltobbers Captured.
nuNTisaDON. May 12. Thomns E.
Chard. John Davis and Leon Jefferies, who
were implicated in the blowing open and
robbing of the safe at the Carliii btone
auarrios. were captured nt baxtoji yester
day and taken to the Blair county jail. The
prisoners had some of the stolen pioperty
on thtlr persons.
The City aiust ruy.
IlARmsiftina, Muy 12. Judge McPher-
son yesterday overruled tho exceptions to
his opinion in lm suit ot mo common
wealth against the city of Philadelphia to
recover personal property tax, niul direct
i. .,,.. ,,i tnr e.i.vt (UP 18
In trying to board a train at Alleutown,
George McLaughlin had both legs cut off.
After a long light It has been decided to
build Chester's hospital with stone Instead
of brick.
Rev. James Cockburn was arrested for
breaking into a church at Hlllsgrove, bul
livun coimtv.
The Philadelphia and Reading, It is said,
will discontinue trains on tue juwysione
Marcus Hook road after Saturday.
Somebody is old enough to remember
that ninety years ngo 'luewlay people of
iJUt snoveieu snow iroui mer muonauui,
A m milnn nml numnflrtt. at which AX-
Coiciuoi- Uurtiu was present, called sur-
. ., no., i l limit
V1V018 ox tne rum reguuem iu tvuuuuia
It Has Surprised Others
And will Surprise You.
WE have opened the season with a
stock of goods that beats the
record for beauty and low prices. We
will close it with a big stock disposed
of and the best pleased lot of customers
you ever saw. It's waiting for you
that big line of choice quality, new styles.
Men's, boys' and children's clothing,
hats and furnishing goods. We want to
sell you reliable goods cheap, and we'll
do it if you give us a chance.
Wo find the most stylish and
tho prevailing mode to bo tho
Capo, in somo of its variations,
single, doublo or triple capes. Somo aro plain, others very
highly decorated, with fancy indescent braid, butterfly
colors, or somo full arrangement at the neck, so much up
proved this season by tho fominliio fancy. To somo, coats
only aro tho correct garment. To those wo would say coats
aro equally fashlonablo and stylish, many of theso having
capes also attached somotimcs one, two or three, as tho
tasto or Inclination of tho wearer may desire.
We have this season, for the first time,
added a Millinery Department, and have spared
neither trouble nor expense to make it a suc
cess. The result exceeds our most sanguine
expectations. This department will be under
the same management and conducted on the
same principles that have always characterized
our entire business. We shall keep everything
in trimmed and untrimmed hats, novelties of
every description. Having secured a trimmer
noted for her artistic and skillful work, we are
enabled to suit all tastes. We invite a careful
inspection of our entire store. All welcome.
Dives, Pomeroy and Stewart,
North Mam Si, Shenandoah.
Prices loweat, when quality is considered.
Ono price to all.
Season is again at hand, and your labor will be in vain unless
you lust viBit our store lar tue necessary articles to uegin witu,
Whisk Brooms,
Dust Brushes,
Toilet Soap,
Feather Dusters,
Window Brushes,
Stove "
Flesh "
Cloth "
Hair "
Shoo "
Bureau Scarfs,
Floor Mops,
Floor Brooms,
Carpet Beaters,
Sand Soap,
Clothes Baskets,
Laco Shelf Paper
Table Covers,
Scrub Brushes,
Wall "
Carpet Sweepers,
Laundry Soap,
Fluo Stoppers,
Shelf Oil Cloth,
Etc., etc.
TT tT1 i
Now in Order AUOUSe LyieailJLlli'cf
Replenish tho stock ot kitchen utensils, and substitute tho old cracked
Wash bowl and Pitcher with a bright New Decorated 1 ollet Sot.
We havo them at all prices.
0 iSJoxxtlsL 3MLct1 n Stroot.
All liran in nooil nf rinrnofa "Witiflnw Klinrl(H
Lace or Chenillo Curtains, Rugs, Mats, etc., call at
in PIT T 13TTT T A m TTf6i
J.J. fKltt
People's Drug Store,
Main and Centre Sts.
Pure Drugs and Chemicals.
Having purchased tho above pharmacy wo respectfully solicit a share of tho patronage
of our friends and tho general public. We shall endeavor to give prompt and careful atten
tion to tho wants of our customers. A full line of Soaps, Toilet Articles, Perfumery and
Druggists' Sundries. Prescriptions carofully compounded at all hours, day or night.
QUEEN & CO. Of Philadelphia,
UCJfU IffCU Jt JiJf lJ 1 M, U. m A W- .
To Slienaudoali, Tliursday, May asl
Ho will be found at the
Ferjjusoo Hoiihc From 8:30 a. m to 550 p. m ,
Persons who have heaaacht or whose eyes aro causing dlsf
comrorl should can upon men- specialist, uuu im nm '"Q-n
celve intelligent ana skihiui aueniion. sty mo ""r-J
ana thoy
amino your eves. Kverypalr of glasses ordered is guaranteerjB
to be satisfactory.
Toilet Articles, Perfumery.
Gruhler Brothers.
We have mounted another rung on tho ladder
ot popularity. It Is the Standard Grand this time,
a drop-head, half-cabinet at a reasonable price.
The head rises automatically to its place when the
leaf Is laid back. With a tingle movement the
bead disappears, the cabinet closes, and you have
an elegant ornamental piece of furniture. Drop In
and look at It, And while we are talking of cabinet
work we might mention the different klnfsof wood
the Standard Is made up in Antique Oak, XVI
Century Oak, Walnut, Hungarian Oak, Mabogany
and Sycamore
Cor. Jardin and Lloyd Sts., Shenandoah
121 N. Mam Street, Shenandoah.
Boots, Shoes, dents7 Furnishings'
At greatly reduced rates.
I India-J
Tvr . .xv -iti-iuitci-cttb". Trotjriotor.!iffij
Robbins' Opera House,
Monday Eve., SViay 15th
By the Celebrated
Schoppe Orchestra, Pieces.
Admission ,l35;ceut8.
Dase Balls..... - .50 up.
Bats...... , lOoup.
Catcher's Masks bOo up,
Padded Catcher's Gloves .asoup.
Full line of Uum Balis,
Try our one dollar "Melot" Ball.
For price and quality It cannot
bo beat.
I have concluded to give the
people a chance to take advant
age of the great Reduction Sale
of our excellent stock of boots
and shoes, which must be closed
out within the next 4 weeks to
make room for new goods at
our new store. Sale is now on.
Q8 3NT. ILVXcilxx Stroot
That sells on slcht. Others for 36c. iSa and up
wards. All crades of pretty Carpets. Call for
I bargains.
No. 4 NORTH MAIN STREET, Carpet Store, 10 South Jardin St.
John F.PloppereS
Bread, Cake and Pie Bakeff
I have also purchased the store 2! West Cip in tnt
street, aud am prepared to.f urnlsU Milk, Cretrutb c
We vf 111 also keep at tbls store Ice Cream aV '
i, Oreo I
Boda Water. All orders will receive pro
attention. Wholesale aud retail.
...... (turn i linn I II nl Uf..i P. . "
U ml centre M. iiitmiiuuAti l mn
(Cleary's Old Stand)
lO Oontro Stroci
Btoclt replenished. Full lino of
Shoemakers' Supplies.