The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, May 11, 1893, THIRD EDITION, Image 4

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    X 7 T " T ""A Among merchants Is '
IX I I hl T" tho ono who caters to
JL VJL JL 1 VJl tho vranU of his cus
tomers, bo tlioy rich or poor. Both havo an
equal right to bo treated fairly. Justice to all
U a good motto, and our customers will find
It ours. Wo havo a completo lino of Groceries
u well aa Oannod Qoods. etc. Como and sco
our stock of goods, and remember tho best
goods aro always tho cheapest In tho long run
Corner Grocery,
Centre and White Sts.
Paint your houses.
Tho Legislature will adjourn Juno 1st.
Now for a Board of Health.
Tho stono crusher Is undergoing repairs.
Summer and dull days como togother.
Francy's largo signs attract attention.
Max Schmidt's new store li nearly ready
for occupancy.
The lady managers of tho World's Fair
cried and mado up.
Flies aro getting numerous just as tho baeo
ball season is opening.
New York waitors aro bound to bavo
whiskers through which tho wind may blow.
Members of tho graduating class aro get'
tine ready to set off thoir momontuous
Many pcoplo thought tho flood of Juno,
1889, was going to ropeat itself a littlo beforo
tho anniversary.
Tho gold resorvo is still $3,000,000 short,
iut that amount is insignificant to somo bank
cashlcr's shortages.
Tho row in tho music department of the
World's Fair very much resembles ono in a
country church choir.
Queen Lilioukalaul rofuses toboaponsloner
of Unclo Sam. Sho must bo playing for
tremendously big stakes.
A gentleman who has just returned from
Chicago says tho World's Fair is "baldly ripo
yet." Would a visitor who should go there
now bo a green sightseer?
Tho question of changing tho grado of tho
electric railway will bo decided to-night at
tiro Borough Council meeting.
Schoider served two cases of boiled hard
sholl crabs to tho patrons of his newly fitted
np restaurant at the corner of Whito and
Centre streets last night. Mr. Bcheideris
enterprising despite tho dull times.
Comlnir Events.
May 11. "Esther," a cantata; in Ferguson's
tlu-iitm! benefit of M. E. church liarsonaoo.
May 15 May ball, Schoppo Bros. orchestra
Tfrihhlna nncm house.
Mnv 30. Ico cream and strawberry festi
val; Bobbins' opera house; under auspices of
Trinity Reformed Sunday school.
Juno 14. Ico cream and strawberry fes
tival, Robblns' opera house, bcnellt r resny
tcnan church.
To complcto files, two copies each o th
Evening Herald of January 1st, 2d anf
4th, and February 5th, 1892. A liberal prio
will be paid for tho same.
Bartholomay's Rochester BeeratSchoenor'i
North Main street. 4-22-tf
A Kn Vor a Uoiuc-mudc Car.
3zuj. pet tiiat will wuwli, at
Frlcke'M Carpet iitore, No. xr
South .JarcHri Street, Slieu
ando li.
The Beautiful Queen.
Way Evening, Jlaj Utim
The fant&ta will bo produced by ibe M. E.
Cuurch cbolr of Mahanoy City at-lsted by
popular soloists and cboruses, under the
auspices of the
Shenandoah M. E. Church Choi
For tho bneflt of tho I ow parsonage. 100 po
ple In Eastern oostumon, which are special for
ini production uou t iuu iu urui u.
Chart for reserved seats open Monday, May
Stn, at Kinin s arug si re.
Beterved Kent 50. Circle 35. Gallery 25c
atBUenandoa,luthe state of Pennsylvania,
at the oloso or business, may i, iwi
ixmus and Dlseounts ..02,577 00
Overdraftiiseouidund unneoured.. 362 Bo
U.S. Bouts to secure circulation lOO.Ouu 0'
HUh'Iik, securities etc 11 208 00
Due from approved reeervo agents 28.J78 00
Oue from other national baukH 8,51 05
Ihiefrom State banKs anu manners i.iii ui
ItanklnK-ioue, furniture, and flxt... M W
Current 0K,pa)fl nud taxes paid 2 900 38
Checks arid other cash Items 1,011 57
Dills of other Banks 12 167 00
Fractional paper currency, nickels,
and cents 1 H8
Hpecle...... ... HON) po
jegui-tenaer iwiw................ ,w .
i?iwiamni(iin hi tid ivtth IT.H. Treasurer
(W of circulation) 4.500 00
Tina frnm tt. s. Tre-tsuier. other than
fi per cent. redempMon fund 1,000 00
Clothing for all Ages.
You want to know where to buy
the best CLOTHINO for tho least
monoy, Shoppers "looking around"
fay competitors alnt in It with this
llouso. Men's and Boys' Clothing of
all sizes and styles, at all prices.
Napoleon Met His Waterloo In 1615,
Our clothing prices mot thoir defeat
In 1893. For clothing go to tho
Reliable Clothing Hall
Nos. 10 and 12 South Mam Street
World's Fair Holiday Trip !
v - &r
i o Days at the World's Fair
With accommodations at first-class Chicago hotel, and transporta
tion to and from Chicago, including sleeping berths, all free of cost,
To the 2 Most Popular Teachers,
..60J,683 W
Capital stock paid In .. S100.000 00
HurplusFund .0U) 00
Undivided profits 21.805 13
National Bank notes outstanding 00,01)0 f0
individual deposits subject to check. llM.aM 81
Demand certMo-tes of deposit 180,851 81
Due to other National Bunks.......... lO.W 10
Due to Stale Banks und Bankers 1,086 IT
Total tm.m 09
BtAteof lunylvaulu,County of BoliuyHtlll,ss:
I, Jno. It. Ilnrliig, cashier of the above
named bank, do nolemulr swear the
abov statemeut Is true to the best of my
knowldfand belief.
J no. R. Lkiskxhiks, Caabler.
niiatbd and sworn to before me tills 1 0th
day of Aas. iim. J. B. OoTtm.
.Votary Puliltu.
gerriWtMtO j w
M. 1'. POWJ.W, VDlreetors.
An Kxamlniitlnu to be (liven Citnilldates
for Tost Olllce l'oslllons.
In pureuanco of tho presidential ordor of
January Gth, 1893, extending tho civil sor-
vico law to all freo dclivory post oUlces, tho
civil son-ice commission nt Washington has
ordered that an examination ho hold in this
town on Saturday, Juno 21, 1893, commenc.
Ing at 9 o'clock a. m., for tho grades of car-
rior and clerk In tho town prat otllco. Only
citizens of tho United States can ho ox-
nmlncd. Tho ago limitations ato as follows :
For clerk, not under eighteen years; for
carrier, not under twenty-ono nor over forty;
for messenger, stamper, etc., not under six'
teen, nor over forty five. No application
will bo accepted for this examination unless
filled with tho undersigned, on tho proper
blank, before 12 o'clock, noon, on Tuesday,
Juno 20th, 1893.
Tho civil scrvlco commission takes this
opportunity of Btatlng that tho examinations
aro open to all reputahlo citizens who may
desire to enter tho postal service, without
regard to political affiliations. All such citi
zens, whether Democrats or Republicans, or
u eilhr, aro invited to apply. Thoy shall bo
oxainlncd, graded and certified with entire
impartiality, and wholly without regard to
their political views, or to any consideration,
savo their efficiency, as shown by the grades
they obtain in tho examination.
Tho ago limitation Is entirely removed
from honorably discharged soldiers and
For application blanks, full instructions
and information relative to tho duties and
salaries of tho different positions, apply at
tho post oQlcc, to
II. E. Dknoleu,
Secretary Board of Examiners.
Tho Board of Examiners consists of II. I
Dongler, Secretary, John W. Bartch and Miss
Mame B. Boycr.
Imitators mid ImposterH.
Tho unequalled success of Allcock's Porous
Blasters us an external remedy has Induced
unscrupulous parties to oiler imitations,
which thoy endeavor to sell on tho reputa
tion of Allcock's, It is an absurdity to speak
of them in tho same category as tho genuine
porous plaster. Their pretentions are un
founded, their vaunted morit unsupported by
facts, their alleged superiority to or equality
with Allcock's a false pretenso. Tho ablest
medical pmcticioucrs and chemists and
thousands of grateful patients unlto in de
claring Allcock's Porous Plasters tho best
oxtcrnal remedy over produced. Bewaro of
imitations, and do not be deceived by mis
representation. Ask for Allcock's, and let no
solicitation or explanation Induce you to ac
cept a substitute.
The Contest.
It is getting ready for another big boom.
Don't bo surprised if tho voto rcachgs tho
300,000-mark within the next ton days.
If you are going along with tho teachers'
excursion scud in your name.
Whew I Over 00,000 votes for Miss Stein.
Will it bo beaten?
There ought to be a scramble for fifth and
sixth place.
Ono of the successful teachers will have at
least 100,000 votes. Do you doubt it ?
The fun will commence in earnest next
Peoplo ordering extra copies in larger
quantities than COO should scud their orders
iu tho inuniing if thoy want them tho samo
A bet was made yesterday, $50 even, that
Miss Connelly would be first on tho list with
in two weeks.
A gentleman writes us that he has 200 votes
which ho will give to tho contestant who
first sends her request to the Hkiiai.u otlica
by mail.
Iu Henry & Johnson's Arnica and Oil
Liniment is combined the curative properties
of tho different oils, with tho healing quail
tlos of Arnica. Good for man and animal.
Every bottlo guaranteed. lm
Lecture on lnlest!ne.
Last evening Rev. John Gruhler, pastor of
the German Lutheran church, gave a lecture
on "Palestine" In tho church. Tho dis-
course continued for about au hour and proved
vory interesting and at times amusing to the
audience. It was directed to a recital of the
family customs in tho Holy Land, as ob
served by Rev.JGruhler during his service as
a missionary in that country for nearly half
a generation. It covered a minute descrip
tlon of tho household, tho methods of re
ceiving and entertaining guests, and tho
festivities attending the birth of children,
marriages and funerals. There is a request
that Rev. Gruhler should continuo his In
foresting talk on this subject in the near
A Fine Kutertalutnent.
This evening there will be n grand
production of the cantata, "Esther, the
Beautiful Queen," in Ferguson's theatre by
the choirs of the Methodist Episcopal
churches of this town and Mahanoy City,
embrnolng over ono hundred voices. The
recent production of the oantuta by tho
seme partite In Mahanoy City was pro-
I nouueed a grand sueeets. The tickets for
i the coming production have met with very
I large advance sales. People who have not
secured seats should do so at once.
CONTEST CLOSES JULY 1st, 1893, at 6 P. M.
The two teachers who receive the largest number of votes will be taken
to the World's Fair and royally entertained by the IIeiiald. Cut out this
coupon, and on tho blank lines write the name of tho Public School Tcachc,
north of the Uroad Mountain, In Schuylkill county, whom you consider most
popular, and send It to the "Cobtxst Editoii, Evenino IIsnAM), Shiran
DOAH, PA." Every coupon properly filled out counts as one vote for one
teacher. Every person, young or old, can vote, and vote as often as they
please. Coupon must be In the hands of the editor within ten (10) days after
the date It bears.
Name of Teacher..
Nam of Voter.
MAY 11, 1893.
Nobby S p ring Stock
It Has Surprised Others
And will Surprise You.
WE have opened the season with a
stock of goods that beats the
record for beauty and low prices. We
will close it with a big stock disposed
of and the best pleased lot of customers
you ever saw. It's waiting for you
that big line of choice quality, new styles.
Men's, boys' and children's clothing,
hats and furnishing goods. We want to
sell you reliable goods cheap, and we'll
do it if you give us a chance.
ii North Main St., Shenandoah.
m 1 TUL'U
House Cleaning .
Benson is again at hand, nnd your labor will be In vain unless
you lit st visit our ftore far the necessary articles to begin witu
Buckets, Window Brushes, Floor Mops, Scrub Brushes,
Whisk Brooms, Stove " Floor Brooms, Wall "
Dust Brushes, Flesh " Carpet Beaters, Carret Sweepers,
Ammonia, Cloth " Sand Soap, Laundry Soap,
Toilet Soap, Hair " Clothes Baskets, Flue Stoppers,
Feather Dusters, Shoo " Laco Shelf Taper Shelf Oil Cloth,
Tidies, Bureau Scarfs, Tablo Covers, Etc., etc.
Replenish the stock of kitchen utonslls. and substitute the old cracked
Wash bowl and Pitcher with a bright New Decorated 'J ollet Sot.
We have thorn at all prices.
0 !3oxxtl3. RXciixx Stroot.
People's Drug Store,
Main and Centre Sts.
Pure Drugs and Chemicals.
Having purchased the abovo pharmacy wo rospoctfully solicit a share of tho patronage
of our friends and tho genoral public. Wo shall endeavor to give prompt and careful atten'
tlon to tho wants of our customers. A full line of Soaps, Toilet Articles, Perfumery and
Druggists' Sundries. Prescriptions carefully compounded at all hours, day or night.
Toilet Articles, Perfumery.
Gruhler Brothers
Wo have mounted another rung on tho ladder
of popularity. It Is tho Standard Grand thlstlme,
a drop-head, half-cabinet at a reasonable price.
The head rises automatically to Its place when the
lent Is laid back. With Uklngle movement tho
head disappears, the cabinet closes, nnd you have
an elegant ornamental piece of furniture. Drop in
and look at it, And while we are talking of cabinet
work we might mention the different kluis of wood
the Standard Is made up in Antique Oak, XVI
Century Oak, Walnut, Hungarian Oak, Mahogany
and Sycamore.
Cor. Jardln and Lloyd Sts., Shenandoah
rtiirsr ball.
Robbins' Opera House,
Monday Eve., May 15th
By tno Ce ebrated
Schoppe Orchestra, 15 Pieces,
Base Balls...... . 5o up.
Bats 10o up.
Catcher's Masks 60o up.
Padded Catchor's Gloves..23oup.
Full lino of Gum Balls.
Try our one dollar" "Melot" Ball.
Forprlco and quality it cannot
bo boat.
GfcandL Display of
IpVRESS GOODS is such a bewildering-topic
II) that we will not attempt a full descrip-
tion, but give a partial outline, which you
can fill in by a personal inspection. There are
the plain and changable diagonals; plain, plaid,
striped and invisible plaid serges; fancy mix
tures in all sorts of odd weaves, dots, threads,
cross-threads, hair-lines, lines here and there,
many at a glance appearing alike, but upon ex
amination are found entirely different. Our
assortment of silks is complete china silks,
china surah, plain surah, bengaline, plain, fig
ured and changeable silks, in all the new shot
effects. Full line of fancy braids to match any
color of dress goods.
.In Wraps
Wo find ;tho most stylish and
tho prevailing modo to bo tho
Capo, In some of Its variations,
single, doublo or triple capes. Somo are plain, others very
highly decorated, with fancy indescent braid, butterfly
colors, or somo full arrangemont at tho neck, so much ap
proved this season by tho fominlno fancy. To somo, coats
only aro tho correct garment. To thoso we would say coats
aro equally fashionablo and stylish, many of these having
capes also attached sometimes one, two or three, as tho
tasto or inclination of tho wcarergmay desire.
We have this season, for the first time,
added a Millinery Department, and have spared
neither trouble nor expense to make it a suc
cess. The result exceeds our most sanguine
expectations. This department will be under
the same management and conducted on the
same principles that have always characterized
our entire business. We shall keep everything
in trimmed and untrimmed hats, novelties of
every description. Having secured a trimmer
noted for her artistic and skillful work, we are
enabled to suit all tastes. We invite a careful
inspection of our entire store. All welcome.
Dives, Pomeroy and Stewart
Prices lowest, when quality is considered.
One prico to al!.
Now in Order-
Hotise Cleaning
All thoso in need of Carpets, Window Shades,
Laco or Chenillo Curtains, Rugs, Mats, etc., call at
U. U. I JAIvjJLj O, north main street.
QUEEN & CO. Of fhiladelphia
Send them Eye Specialist
To Sttenniidonli, Thursday, May i
He will be found at the
Ferguson House From 8:30 a. m to 5:30 p. t
Persons who have headache or whoso eyes are causing d
comfort should call upon their specialist, and they will i
celve Intelligent and skillful attention. NO CHARGE to (
amine your eyes. Kverypalr ot glasses ordered Is guarante
to be satisfactory.
121 N. Mam Street, Shenandoah.
Boots ? Shoes. Cents' Furnishings
At groatly reduced rates.
TSL. -3L. 3FJLsJJHLH."S", Propriotor.
I have concluded to give the
people a chance to take advant
age of the great Reduction Sale
of our excellent stock of boots
and shoes, which must be closed
out within the next 4 weeks to
make room for new goods at
our new store. Sale is now on.
DO IU". 3VT.ixx Stroot
OIEXj cloth
That sells on sight. Others for SSc, iio and up
wards. All grades of pretty Carpets. Call for
Carpet Store, 10 South Jardm St.
John F.Ploppert
Bread, Cake and Pie
I have also purchased the store 21 West O
street, and am prepared to.f urnlsh Milk, Crea
nutter and Egcsat the lowest market prlc
We will also keep at this store Ice Cream a
Soda Water. All orders will receive prorr
attention. Wholesale and retail.
ti East Centre SI, SHEHAMDOAH !1 West Coal
(Oleart's Old Stund)
lO Ooutro Streo