THE EVENING HERALD VOL. VIIL-NO. 59. SHENANDOAH. PA.. WEDNESDAY. MAY 3 0. 1893. ONE CENT. 40.00 ZETor IBijLg4 S"dlt. I am offering splendid Wilton Rug Suits for $40, $55, $05 and upwards. These are all first-class made goods. Fine Brocatelle Suits, $55 to $75. Call and see them. No trouble to show them. T PRUNE! TJAVE been good -LJ- helped us to build up our splendid business. Once in a while we like to especially emphasize our appreciation of your kindness. This week will be one of the T And our Flour Department will be the Field of operations. Best Family Flour Eirery Barrel Watch for Other All goods promptly delivered free of charge, '.will receive .careful and prompt attention. SHENANDOAH 114 South FRESH Received Strictly Fresh Dairy and Creamery Butter. Pure Country Lird. PURE COUNTRY LMD Pure Country JOard, FOB One Car Fancy Minnesota Hour, One Car Choice Middlings. One Car Baled Straiv. Two to us, neighbors. You havej Per Barrel. Guaranteed First-Class. Prices Next Week. Mail orders Main Streeii BUTTER Daily. Extra Quality. SALE. Cars Choice Timotty Hay, a i I T I THE CHARGE OF INFANTICIDE DECLARED NOT PROVED. DEFENSE NSANITY WAS THE The Verdict Created no Surprise as no Convlotlon Has Boon Se cured in Such Cases in Our County Court. jl SUSAN HINK8, tlio oung unmnrrloil woman of town who . -- was hrA wKli I... 6 I fanticido, was acquitted at tho Pottsvillo couit yesterday. Tho jury rendered tho verdict at 7 o'clock last evening after a brief deliberation. Tho result of tho casowasnota surprise, independent of tho claim that tho Commonwealth had a poor case, for although this prosecution was the fourth sent from this town to tho county court during tho past two years, thero has not been one conviction, and it is not likely that thereover wilt bo. Tho lino of defensa in this caso was sub stantially tho same as that'isalntaiued in tho others insanity. It was'clalmod that three years ago Miss Uinks sustained a fracture of tho skull and since that 'timo sho has acted queer at times. Wallie Emcrtiart, vfho lives with Oho Hints family, tcscificd'that ho considered tho woman's mind slightlyunbalanccd. The father of tlio woman was also witness and testified that Susan suffored a miscarriage, tout tho first knowledge he had th,t tho child was born alivo ho got from tho coroner's honest. Tue jury was out-only half an hour. USE DANA'S SARSAPARILLA, its "THE KIND THAT CURES." WRECK: OI-I THE READING. It llleprlvod l'otlicvllle of ltd Large Circus larntle. ffiOTTSVJE.1.1:, JSay 10. Two cool trains collided on tho Milladelphla and Reading railroad just bolow Auburn at an early hour this morning and wrecked a number of cars. Traffic on thollneivras delayed -so dong that the HarnumuS: Bailey circus Called to reach here in time to give a parade thiEinornlng. This town is 'orowjled by people who havo coins from all parts of tho county to witness the circus iporforuinnecs. The 'courts ad journed at noon until to-morrow. fKKHONAL. Mr. and Kirs. iF. Jl. Clemens, -of Mt. CarmU, wero rititora-to town this rooming. Mr. and Mrs. A. T.. Jones spent te-day at Pottstille seeing the circa and -visiting friends. Miss Ida Kehlor went to Loeost Dalo to day to aervo as maid of lionor at tlio marriage of Ml&etLlzzio KeUler, 2icr cousin, -raid Rev. ISlcgle, Tho woddiug will tabs .p' to' morrow. Edward Slllimiu, Jc, of atahanoy City, was in town last -evening. "Ed." has an icounced himself a candklato for olestion as I delegate from this district to the next I JUipublicanfitito convtmtbn. A Fine I'hitertaJiiinent, To-morrovrevenlngUexe will bo a nraud I production of tho cantata, ''Esther, tho Beautiful Quean," in Feqrison's theatro by I the choirs of tho Methodist Episcopal ehurches of thin town and Mahanoy 'City, embracing over ono hundred voices. The recent production of the cantata by the same parties In Mahanoy City was pro nounced a grand success. The tickets for I tho coming production have rust with very I large advance sales. Peoplo who havo ust I secured scats should da so at once. The l'tayera Tho following will be tho players in the I Shenandoah baso ball club: M. S. Heffrou, catcher; W. J. Scanlau, pitcher; M. Ward, 1st base; P. J. Coylc, 2d base; H. Huctzlugor, J 1 3d base; l Toole, abort stop; P. MeNeiUis, left field; W. J. Glbfion, centre field; I.4rple- gate, right field. Obituary. Mrs. Sarah Ann Bock, wife of Jamos Back, died on Monday at her residence, 310 West Coal street. Tho ago of the deceiccd was 10 years, 5 months and 2 days. Tho funeral will tako place to-morrow, at 10 a. 111., and interment will bo made at St. Clair. USE DANA'S SARSAPARILLA, its "THE KIND THAT CURES." Ailmlral I'arrasut for valor became famous years ago. MAd. , ti ,uu rnr mprlt. i,n, wm fmu at this time. B. Labows & Co, Mahanoy City, Pa., sells them. Best photographs and crayons atDabb's. T.I L .(OfW THE MINERS' HOSPITAL. Some Iiitorratliie Knots IteRiirdlng tlio Great limtltutloii. It is only when thoy are attacked anil direct attention la brought to bear uponjho public institutions that tho pooplo roallzo tholr midur Onrn Ina what they have iu ';vl.lloocrankor sor0ho.,d will vent his Imau tint on nr snitn bv attacking somo attacking. I . j0 figure as a model relormcr, ills step Cronos a stir and then somo people, to satisfy them selves, will luako n personal Investigation, only to And that there Is no ground for tlio assault. This is tho case with tho Minors' Hospital at Fountain Springs, one of the . ' greatest and ono of tho best in tho Common-, wraith. At mmn norinil ilnrlnff a nAiimn nf At somo period during a course of' four or ilvo years somo report attacking tho I .... .... .. management will go sweeping tlirougli tno , . . ... , . state, nicy burst out sunucnly ana spread i with dazzling rapidity, as If precipitated by somo power which aims to condemn tho I parties before they can havo a chance to bo heard. lint, fortunately, thus iar all such nltjii-l-a Imvn Iwnn linrrnr. nnil Mm Wnilnl I and its management has outlived them all. Last week ono of these fruitless attacks was , made at Harrisburg. Hut notwithstanding It I was effectually squelched by tho moro sensl bio members of tho Legislature, tho Herald decided to send a representative to tho hospital and sco If there really was any cause forcotnplaint. Tho reporter was pleasantly received at oncof tho hospitvl entrances by ono of tka curses and, tho call licing made during visitors' hours, was told to roam about at will. Wo sometimes hear the praises of the good old Now England -peoplo because of their neatness and cloatilincss. Go to the Miners' Hospital on tho hill near Fountain Springs and ask yourself If the poets and composers have not missed something. Tho floors of tho corridors aud wards are us whito and clean as labor can mako them and when the sun shines throagh tho window panes it makes them as clear as crystel and not a speck of any kind can bo foua-d on them And then the kitchen 3 Tho roportir entered it an hoar or two after the cloaiilug up following dinner had takoa place. The large metal utensils really looked like beuitifu! plaques on their hooks. Clean as if never used and. glittering frem tho effectaof the pelishing thoy hid received in tie deanUg up, and whkli tiiey receive after every meal. Tho reprter -was satisfied there was 1x9 ground for fault there. Upon insjecting the wards everything was fount iu the same statu of methodical amuageruont and cleanliness that cliarsetor. ized tho other sections of tho buildings. Each coi had its saow-vAito covering and plllsw, each patient worchis clean, neat shirt, and not a spot marrod tho snow-like 11 p peurauco ot tlio llojr 111 inuo passage ways or about tlio bods. Now ,vhat does this 'institution and Its 'management aooe-tnpliah beside discipline aad cle&nlincss. It is supposed to take care of thodnjurcd, seme wlllaay. Yea, verily, it lis supposed to do so and does. The hospital .at Fountain Springs is supposed and is only intoridfd to tako care of.EG patients at a time, but the average for tho jiast six mouths has beeniOO. On May ltt, dast, there wero 110 Jiatients there ; on May 2d thero were 114 and. on May 3d, 109. Theso figures aro based inspection of the olUcial records of tho Jioapitat by the IIehald reporter when ' ho niado tho visit. Think of a hospital intended to accomniodateouly 56 patients and really caring for lid -being charged with extravagance because ite superintendent and surgeon-lu-chlef recelvos.a salary of $2,fi00. But what do tho patients say? Terhaps manydo not care becauee they are mostly Huu 6, Italians and Poles .who had no business to coino to the mines of this region and suffer the penalty. But, mark you, there is a great change in this connection. Three, or four years ago tho poor foreigners wero in tho majority in tho wards, but by actual count madeon tho visit spoken of there were in one row of nineteen cota ono Italian, four Hungarians aud Poles and the fourteon other cots contained Irish, German. English and American patients. In other words but about seventy .five per cent, of tho patients aro of the nationalities last named. The reporter noted the names and resi dences of some of tho patients to give tho public an idea of the immense territory that depends upon this institution. Ono is Will- j lam Zimmorman, all year old boy of Mt, Carmel, Injured at tho Merriam colliery. Dr. Biddlo operated upon him. Tho case was a wcry bad rupture. Tho surgeon put a tuba In at tho front of the body and ran clean tlrough uutll it protruded at the hack, ju.t below the kidneys. This tube served as a passageway for the urine for two weeks. It has been removed and tho boy Is rapidly re covering. Among other patients are John Southall, Elleugowan; William McElvaln, Mt. Carmel; J. Coouan, Palo Alto; Wilhelm Shotz, Tremont; Charles S. Hassenplug, of Lewisburg, but iujured at Maliauoy Plane; Robert Welsh, Willianistown; and many from Shenandoah. The patients hail from all parts of this mid sjMjoining counties. Ono of the most remarkable of recent cases at the hospital was that of a German named Robert Nuchtun. Ho is now convales- cent' N"ohten's leg was frightfully raashed about th knee joint and amputation seemed ltut Ba absolute uscoitlty. Dr. Riddle made numerous inoUlong and sunimgnajl all tlierasoHieesof his skill to save the limb, aud sueeeeded, A gentleman having knowledge of tho ease said to the repgrtqt, did in that case, and if ho wero paid 1 prlvato practlco In proportion to tho services ho rendered In that mid many other critical cases ho could retire wealthy In a year." , Just as tlio reporter was about to leave mo hospital ho met in ono of tho corridors a man - J saiu no resmcu nn-uuiboia. no wub iiijunu m uigio iiiii coiutiy ami busuuucu aoU ranttiro. After receiving unsuccessful treat-. mcnt from private physicians and when in a condition that threatened to end his days ho I went to tho Miners' Hospital. Ho wont thcro J on tho 2Sth of last March and when seen by the reporter looked quite healthy and btrong and .walked about tlio carridor with a steady and almost olastlc Step. ll0w uo you liko this hospitals do tncy ntl OH ..1 1 ,. . . 'JU"' asacu uiu reporter, IT...1 .1. !M rtll.l I uu i umj uu, Dir. uuru n-ma mn.. . hii eyes and as they streamed down his checks ho added, "No one but myself knows what I have suffered, and nono but myself knows what Dr. lllddlo has dono for mo." Dovllll Was allUOSt CrvillC aloud at this Polllt. but checked himself and said, "God knows, j young man, I am poor and haven't a cent, aml 11 '3 1,0 uso saying it, but if I had u . tlmns.rul .li.llnva T ,..,.,,1,1 -ft, 11 ,,t,., it In Dr. RI,l,1t ,1 ,W. .,,l,l-t ,v l,l, fnr what ho has dono for mo. Ho hived my llfo 1 and I shall nover forget him. Never I Never I" And yet there aro some peoplo who think I tno stato is extravagant when it pays Dr. Biddlo $2,500 a year 1 In Henry & Johnson's Arnica ami Oil Liniment is combined tho uiratlvo properties of tho different oils, with tho hoaliug quail ties of Arnica. Good for man and animal. Every bottlo guaranteed. lm JUNE JURORS. Xortli of the Mountain Citizens Drawn Tor .lury Unty, The following freemen, north of tho mountain, havo been drawn for jury service for tlio month f June: Graeiil. George Greener, Maliauoy town' ship; A. B. Lamb, Shenandoah; William Rudpe, Maluwioy City; Thomas Thornton, Sr., Girardvilte. Petit for Juno 19th. Thomas McLaughlin, John Mort, L. C. Lcib, Ashland; R. A Gluver, Cornelius Davenport, Shenandoah; Charles Barnhardt, Girardville; John E. Mell, Fraiak Blickley, Mahanoy City; Michael Wellon, Butler; Edward Ernst, Gordon; Evan Davis, Andrew Barnhardt, Gilborton; Charles Hilderbrandt, Frackvillo, Juno 20Ui.-John "It. Reiser, William A Jiaak, Mahanoy City; Anthony Slack, Maha -noy township; Charles Wagner, Anthony Haley, Jr Ashland; Nicholas Kline, Thomas Boiaud, Moses Rogers, J. J. Reilly, William Kinimel, Shenandoah; William G. Parker, Adam Sal, Patrick Foy, Girardville; Thomas JlcCauley, -Gordon. Crab lunch at Schcidor's to night, 10-lt WHERE IS ADAM DANNER ? An Old Sinn's Lour- Search Tor Ilia Sou. This morning a poorly dressed man with whito hair and beard walked into the Her ald oltioo and asked that the paper give publicity to a request for information con cerning his son. The visitor's story was this: "My name is Adam Danner. I am 61 years of ago. I live at Indiana, Indiana county, this stato. On tho 10th of May, 1691, my son, whose naino is also Adam, left my, home in Indiana, saying he would seek employ ment iu the coal region. I waited a year and hearing nothing of him commenced to make inquiries, but up to now I havo not secured the slightest trace. I have spent what little money I had in postal cards and letters and havo been tramping about tho country until my health was broken and I fear my mind is giving way. I havo tramped through all tho coal fields of Virginia, Maryland and Penn sylvania, but at no placo have I learned any thing of my son. If I knew his fate I would bo satisfied. Adam is SO years of age, 5 feet 6 inches in height, has blue eyes, and when ho left home wore dark whiskers. He stam mers occasionally and Is a little weak minded." Mr. Danner said ho would soon glvo up the search and return to Indiana. He aikod that uuy one having information notify Frank Douahoe, of Indiana. A request was also made that the Herald axehaugos give publicity to tho case. "A stieh In time" often saves consump tion. Downs' Elixir used iu timo saves life. lm Important to Ilullderg. In another column of this paper will be found an advertisement calling for bids for tho construction of tho proposed new six- room school building on West Centre streoL Tho plans and specifications may be seen upon application to Superintendent Freeman or 11, J. Muluoon, in town, or Frank X. Reilly, at Pottsville. Coughing Lead to tionanmptlon. Kemp's Balsam will stop tho cough ince. at The human mind has aohioved wonders in many thinps, but none moro wondorful than the ourative virtues of Dr. Coxa's Wild Ohsjrry and Soneka, for Cloup and Hoars utss. Cwh luneli at Schldar eernar of Centre and White street, to-night. 8.10-lt "if Dr. Biddlo over saved a life and limb lio f-.Iff IS THE TIE TO ACT PREPARE FOR A LOCAL BOARD ut atlB.UTti. mL pmED m uovornor Pattison's Signature Alone Requirod to Autborizo Boroughs to Prooood and Ho Will Sign tho BilL T is now timo for tho Borongh Council to bo giu making plans for tho organization of u local Hoard of Health. Tho State Senate yea. tcrday passed tho bill authorizing boroughs to establish such bodlea and thcro is not tho slightest doubt that tho Governor will Blgn tho bill. Tllcro j3 no rcasou why the Borough It had tinioly Council Should not BCt notice that tho measure was pending and as tho summer season Is rapidly drawing nigh no time should bo lost to preparo for a com pliance with its provisions. Soveral weeks ngo Councilman Finuey called attcutionMo tho bill in the Borough Council and stated that he bad no doubt that it would pass. At tho samo timo ho askod that tho chairman of Council mako ready to comply with tho law and furnished a copy of tho bill for publication In the dally papers. At tho next meeting of Council it was an nounced by the chairman that no steps hail been taken on Mr. Finney's suggestion bo cause tho passage of tho bill had not been an nounced, and since that time the matter lia remained on tho tablo. Now tho proper timo to net has arrived and it is hoped tho matter will bo thoroughly ventilated and discussed at tho next Council meeting, which will bo held to-morrow night, so that the chairman will bo able to announce his appointments at tho regular meeting to bo held on tho 19th inst., should tho bill bo signed In tho meantime, aud by tho 1st of Juuo tho local Board of Health will bo well under way. Let Council act promptly in this matter. Another bill that asscd the Senato yester day and which oxcitod much local interest was that extending the terms of Chief Bur gess to three years. This mattor has been a theme of discussion in Shenandoah for years. A necessity for such an extension was felt hero because tho pooplo saw that electing a Burgess for 0110 year was a farce, because It takes tho official about six mouths to loartt what his duties aro and the balance of tho yoar is consumod by his feuco building for a re-election. Under a one-year term tho Bur gess is useless, but under tho new law ho will be obliged to attend to his duties or step down. Another popular moasuro that passed the Senato yesterday was a bill to require school directors to furnish school books and school supplies free of cost. Many residents of this town urged the passage of this bill by peti tions and personal overtures to tho Repre sentatives and Senators. Tho measure is known as the Farr Free School Text bill. It received a surprisingly largo vote, only two Senators voting against it. They wero Ross, of Bucks, and Mitchell, of Bradford. Tho bill provides that the books now In the bauds of the pupils shall not bo dlscardod for new books. This will prevent extravagance. The measure will be followed with an appropriation of $600,000 which will bo in addition to the $5,000,000 appropriation to the public schools for tlio ' next two years. USE DANA'S SARSAPARILLA ,iw "THE KIND THAT CURES." A Fine Hualness Opportunity, As I havo a chance to go into another business I have decided to sell my gents furnishing store, corner Main aud Centre streets. No reasonable ofler refused. Wm. H. Faiiby, Cor. Main and Centre Sts., Shenandoah. 5-9-tf Crab lunch at Beholder's restaurant this (Wednesday) evening. Free and plentiful. 5-10-lt Best work done at Breunan's Steam Lann iry. Everything white and spotlets. Laeo sartalnsa specialty. All work guaranteed. QARPET BEATERS, All Kinds, at Fricke's Carpet Store, S, Jardin St 1 3