The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, May 06, 1893, THIRD EDITION, Image 1

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VOL. VIIt-Nr(). 56.
Bed IEoom Su.its, $16,r$22, $25
And tipwards. Two Beautiful French Glass, large plates, highly polished, at A BARGAIN Just
arrived. Call and see the entire stock and ask prices. If the goods and prices don't suit, you don't
need to buy. The price will sell them.
HAVE been good to us, neighbors. You have
helped us to build up our -splendid business.
once in a while we like to especially' emphasize
(our appreciation of your kindness. This week
will be one of the
Aud.our Flour (Department will lie 'the
Field of operations.
iBest Family Flour
irery Barrel Ficlass.
-Watch for- Other
All .goods promptly delivered free of charge. Mailorders
. will receive careful and prompt
114 South Main Street.
I i : n
Jteceiyed .Drjbily. :
Strictly ITresh Extra Quality.
Dairy and Creamery Butter.
Fure Country Iwtf.
Pure Country Zvrd.
, One Car Fancy Minnesota Hour.
QneCar Choice Mt'thUlntjs.
1-One Car Baled Straw.
Xivo Car a Choice Timothy Hay,
Per Barrel.
Prices Next Week.
rhey Soouro Legal Adylco and
Present Their Objection In
Wrltlnff fof the Superin
tendent of Schools.
tlio enforcement of tllo
protest mado, agalust
tho election, of M, I
Whitaker, as supcrln
tciulcnt of tlio public
schools of town, lmvo
been taken by tlio six
members of tlio Scbool
Board who voted
against Mr. Whitaker. Tho protesting mem-
beis aro Messrs. Ogd;n, Bcddall, Trczlsej
Bachman, Qabloand Davcnpprt. Tho papers
setting fortli tho grounds of protest havo
been drawn up under legal advico and aro'
as follows :
To the Itonornbie D. J. Waller. Jr., Smif.rin
tendeitt of Public Instruction, IlarrUhurg,
Sin: Wo, tho undersigned members of
tho School Board, and citizens of tho school
district of tho borough of Shenandoah in tho
comity of Schuylkill and stato of Pcnnsyl
vania, feeling a just prido in tho excellence
of our Echools and believing that their prosed
vatlon is a matter of great importance to tho
community, respectfully set fortli tho fol.
lowing objections to tho issuing! of a com
mission, to M. P. Whitaker as borough super
intendent of schools, to which position ho
was elected by tho School Board of tho dis
trict on Tuesday, Hay 2d, 1893, viz:
First. Wo bciievo tho said M. 1'. Whitaker
is not duly qualified to discharge tho duties of
borough superintendent of schools to which
ollico ho was elected.
Second, Tho certificate held by tho said M,
P. Whitaker qualifies him with one exception
to teadi tho common branches only.
Third, In .addition to tho branches
enumerated iu'the certificate of tho said M.
P. Whitaker tho directors of tho said district
require that the following studies be pursued,
viz: geometry, trigonometry, algebra,
chemistry, general history, civil government,
latin, rhetoric, English literature, botany,
vocal music and drawing.
Fourth, We boliovo that tho said M. P,
Whitaker is not qualified to teach or has ex
perience' to teach any of tho additional
branches and is therefore not qualified or
competent to superintend instruction In tho
same. '
Fifth. Tho cxrerienco of tho said M. P.
Whitaker has bcon derived solely from lahor
ill schools of low grado and in subordinate
positions; ho lacks administrative ability and
is weak as a disciplinarian; nor do wo believo
that consideriug'thc additional fact that 43 of
tho -18 teachers constituting our present
corps hold normal diplomas, thus outranking
him in tho matter of certified qualifications,
bo could command that; degree of respect
requisite for efllcieney in tho position of
borough superintendent of the schools.
o, tucrcioro, respcctiully urge you, on
behalf of ourselves and tho said district to
mako investigation in tho manner p'rovided
by law into the fitness and qualifications
possessed by tho said M. P. Whitaker to
discharge tho.dutiea, of borough superintend
ent of schools in said district and withhold
tho granting of a commission if tho above
objections bo sustained.
"the Kind that cukes."
Bartholomay's Rochester Boer at Schoonor's,
North Main street. 4-22-tf
A Wonderful Woman.
Tliero aro few actresses who possess tho
great versatile talent that seems so natural to
Agues Hcrudon, and who adapt themselves
so completely to whatever roles they under
take to portray. "La Bcllo Mario" is par.
ticularly suited to this great artiste, being
written expressly for her, and Miss llermlon
is afforded, a, splendid opportunity for some
strong and intpusp w,ork in the play. Wo
predict for her on her appearance at Girard
ville Monday evening, May 8th, an audience
limited only by the capacity of tho house.
Chart now open at Portz's stationery store. '
buiiikb mo "Admiral."
Tvlncf Solomon In nil 1,1. alr ,11,1 f
,v.A.i.iroi t, ma.i,!.i ..
the new cigarette, is not made by the trust. I
. .. . . .
1-or lurtner particulars call on or address B.
Labows & Co., Mahanoy City, Pa. 1
Save Your Money.
Tako advantage of tho dull times by pur
chasing your clothing where you can save the
most money, and also secure tho host material
and latest stylos. Big bargains in boots and
shoes. Philip Coffee,
5-5 2t Post Ofllce Bldg., Shenandoah.
Where tho relatlvo merits of Dr. Coxo's
Wild Cherry and Seuoka are known, as com
pared with other cough remcdios, ten bottles
of the former aro sold to ouo of tho latter.
Buy heyslont flour. Bo sure that tho !
namo Lbssiq & Babr, Ashland. Pa., is nrlntcd
on evory sack. 3-3-3taw J
Votes ingreasing agai n .
Ml Hteln rolled the Most und-Hlm Win
ley Received tlie.Nrxt Highest Num.
her MUses llnlril mid Connolly
..Moving Slow.
Arnos Stein r.85 3 7
Mamo II. Wasley - 3n:i(7
Nellio Ilalrd a '
Mary A. Connelly sostia
MataalaFalrchlld J38)
"ifrankB. Williams S8i5
Carrie Faust 4MS)
Mary A. Laffcrty WW)
Anna M.Dcnglcr 5728
Carrie M. Smith - sr
Bridget A. Hums 8103
Hattte Hess 2150
Lilllo II. Phillips 1821
Mary A. Stack 1795
James It. Lowls 1113
Ella Clnuser 833
Irene Shane 777
Clara ("lino Vol
Maggie Cnvanaugh 714
Hannah, Heeso 6o7
Annie Mansoll ... 697
Sadie J)an(ell
Jennlo Haraagc 293
Lizzie Leho 153
Mtnnlo Dipper 139
Llzzlo O'Conuell 13o
Votes polled yesterday 1110
Grand total M13U18
Tho school tcachors who arc interested in
tho IlKttALU's contest are delighted with tlio
proposed excursion to Chicago in July noxt.
They seem pleased with tho prospect of hav
ing tho company of somo of their town
people in a special palaco car to and from tho
Exjiositjon. Names for this special trip may
bo left at tho IIkhai.d ollico. As only a
iimiteu nuniucr ot jicopie win liavo an
opportunity to tako advantage of the offer
application should bo made at onco,
"A such in tlmo" often saves consump
tion. Downs' Elixir used in tlmo 6avcs life,
Superintendent Freeman (lives the I' or.
-centners ofSctlool Attendances.
Superintendent Freeman lias completed his
official report of tho public school attendances
for tho month ending May 3rd. 1803,
Number of pupils enrolled during tho term
to date, 2705 j enrolment during the mouth,
2303; average daily attendance, 10C0; per
centage of attendance, !)1 ; number of pupils
present every session, G88. Number of
visits by Directors, 10. Number of visits by
citizens, 253.
Illgn School DO
Second Grade.
Miss Lizzie M. O'Conuell M 9o
.Miss Bridget A. Hums 90
MUs Anna Ueugler 07
first Grade.
Miss Magglo K. Cavanaugh . 91
Mr. James H. Lewl v
Miss Amelia C. Hclioener w
Miss Maliala Falrculld , bS
Fourth Grade.
Miss Ella M. Clauser 92
Miss Carrie W. Faust 92
Mr M. P. Conry 90
Miss Anna K. .Manscll 93
Miss Jano T.Lambert 91
Miss Sallle K, Conry ui
Third Grade.
Miss Mary A. Stack 90
Miss ilaitten. IIg 83
Miss KHz J. Flnnerty txj
Mr. Frank Williams y
Miss Mary A. LatJbrly 811
Miss Lizzie Lehe US
Miss Minnie U. Harnett M
Second Grade.
Miss Mary A, Connelly M
Miss Mary II. Wasley $
Miss MRry A. Lynch 92
Miss Maggie O. ilreauau 9.1
Miss Salllo Faddeu 90
Miss Annie M. Klmniel , M
Mr. It II. McHale S 92
Mr. Michael 11, llrltt w
First Grade.
Ml'ssCarXllS g
MISS Marr K. Fox 01 ,
Miss Corlnne Tempest 63 '
Miss Ldlle H. PuUlipi tii
Miss tlanuan MorrUou
MUs Nellie Ualrd 88
Mr"!r:tlv'1 Borke""'.""."."'.".' M
Mls Kll74ibetn Jl.'carrVdi'.r.'."'." 81
MlsaKat runnlngliam to
Miss Mary Meaulnnefcs tn
Miss Aniils L. hehy 92
Mixed Schools.
Mr. joim 11. wcheuhing..v::.;:;:.;:..:.:::::;:::; w
air. ai. r. wimiKer - wi
Lane's Family Medicine Moves the llowela
Each day. In order to bo healthy this it
Celebration of the Fourth.
I -ine committees appoimeu oy lamps ua,
'iRa.n.l 9n PUR nf A fr,L,,,Lf
,,,....... .i, u ,., ', ti w
evening and decided to issueinvita'tious to all .
. . . . 1
the camps and commanderies of this county,
a,ud all societies of town. , The celebration
I promise to bo a grand one and it Is hoped
.the citizens will assist the P, O. S. of A. in
making this the greatest Fourth of July
celebration ovor witnessed in this town.
G. Meado Peters, tho popular bartender,
hasuotgouoto Lakeside. He can now bo
found at Schoenor's restaurant,
Twelve l'hotog for 00c.
By sending us your cabinet, togethor with
60 cents, we will finish you one doeu photos.
1-2-tf W. A. Kkaqbv.
Boat work done at Bronuan's Steam Laun-
dry. Everything white and spotless. Lace
curtains a specialty. All work guaranteed,
An Old Misunderstanding Botwoon
tho Pottsvlllo and Shenandoah
Posts Has Boon Satisfac
torily Explained.
MEETING of Watkin
Waters' Post, No. 1-lG,
G. A. II., last evening
was made a very on
joyablo reunion of tho
"boys" who woro tho
bluoin tho GO's. Tho
reunion was occasioned
by a visit of Assistant
Inspecting Ofllcer Goo.
F. Abbott, of Port Car
bon, and delegations
from Posts, 23, Pottsvlllo ; 43, Ashland, and
121. Oirnrdville. Amoncr tho visitois wore
Past Commander, Isaac B. Rich; Senior Vico
Commander, .T, M. Madison; Commissioner E.
E. Itccd, of Post 23, tho veteran Joel Metz,
W. G. Groff, Levi Knspp and Evor T. Jouee,
of Post -13, and Alexander Bcnnic. of Post
121. The members of tho homo Post turnod
out strong and tho hall was comfortably
Upon making tho inspection Assistant
Abbott reported that ho found everything hi
first class order and complimented tho oltlcers
and membors of tho Post on its ofllciency and
general appearance.
Under the head of "Good of tho Army"
Commander Boyer called upon tho visitors
for remarks and thoy responded very graco
fully. Before closing his address Mr. Abbott
said there should always bo tho best feeling
between tho comrades of all Posts.
This brought Commander Boyer to his feet,
who, 111 calling upon Past Commander Rich
of Gowcn Post, Pottsvillc, for an address,
stated that over since tho celebration of
Grand Army Day in this town much coldness
seemed to exist in tho relations between Mr.
Klch's Post and tho town organization; that
thcro must havo been some misunderstand
ing somewhere nud "for tho good of tho
Araiy" and tlio peaco of all in tho future, he
hoped Past Commander Kich would try and
throw oil upon the troubled waters and havo
peace and harmony reign onco more ovor tho
relations of tho two Posts.
Mr. Rich is a happy and intensely interest
ing speaker. Ho fully explained tho troublo
and said it aroso through a misunderstanding
occasioned by falsehoods of somo malicious
parties. He wanted tho hatchet buried,
handle and all ; tho members of tho Grand
Army of tho Republic aro 0110 body, they
fought for ono cause, and they should live
and dio as comrades of tho greatest order in
the country. Mr. Rich's remarks wore so
effective that tho bloody chasm was bridged
and tho instrument of torture was buried
under a great depth of applause and cries of
Comrades Morgan, Daddow, Mangam and
others Bpoke, after which a sumptuous lunch
was served In tho hall, having been, prepared
in tho aqto-room. Hot cotl'ee, sandwiches,
etc., werq served uuder tho direction of Mrs.
Joseph Daddow, Mrs. David Morgan and
Comrades Daddow and Loho, who wore
voted excellent caterers and received the
hearty acknowledgements of both tho home
and visiting members.
After tho repast a camp flro was formed
with Past Cqmmauder Rich as master of
ceremonies. Comrade Kuapp, of Yatesville,
was first called upon and ho responded with
a song entitled, "A Fine Old Dutch Gentle
man." for which ho was linflrtllv nnnlnndwV
Comrade Keagey made a patriptic speech;
nimrailA nlUm nmn n ctviil nl,l triali emu.
. , 7, . . , , , ,
justice; Comrade Grpfr, of Ashland, known as
("the Virginian,: wado a witty spoech and
a"iS Going Homo to Dixie," in Negro
dlaIcct' Joel Metz contributed a love song;
Comrade Abbott was again called upon and
responded with a happy address; Comrade
Ledden spoke with fervor and oloquence;
Chairman Rich gave a number of humorous
1.-.: ..1,
recital of an Irish
man's exporiouce at a camp fire and "Bar-
bum Fntohie;" Comrado Watson sang tho
song of tho Moultor'g encounter with tho
IMerriniac nu" Comrade uibson gave another
song. Adjutant Hopkins was next oalled
' .. J .11 .. . : ,
ujjuu nuu tuui mi luiujveuug owiy 01 nis
. , ,,, j.v v ....
lerm 1,1 a rebul Pr'son-and the boys dubbed
him the original Dr. Tanner on account of
l0D h t01" tho I,riu'
Mrs. Daddow and Mrs. Morirnn wprn n
Mrs. Daddow and Mrs. Morgan were also
called uiwn and thev tnld of thu wnrt I,a!,.
, 1 v w t, r r. 1 1
done by the Women's Relief Corps and
Ladies' Aid Society in behalf of tho G. A. II
After a short address by the Comiuander of
the l'ojt the camp fire was extinguished and
the "vots" adjourned saying the evening
they had spent was one of the most enjoyable
tbey had experienced for somo time.
Special Sale.
There will he a speoial sale of oloUilng for
nwn, youths and boys on Saturday, May 8th,
at the Great Amtriwn Otetlilng stere, 11
rvorth Jlwn streot. ThU is a stoll lmrtwla
sale for May 9th only, and don't m(ss it. t-At
Timid l'cnple uf the First Ward Jlxcltetl
A eh In,
Many residents of tlio First ward became
very much alarmed again last night; over tho
condition of the Wator " Company's dam.
Thoy feared the heavy ralu would oause a
disastrous prossuro upon tlio breastwork of
tho dam and many of them sought accom
modations for tho night with friends In other
parts. Their alarm was not caused,, by shots
or other falso warnings.
Unfortunately thcro are somo residents of
tho ward who are so timid that no amount of
reasoning can assure them of their safety and
their continual nervousness works with bad
effect upon tho less timid with tho result that
If a boy shouts on tho street there is a gen
eral stampede.
Thcro is no danger of tho brook nt tho dam
becoming worso thau it Is. Tho wator com
pany has twenty-flvo men employed night
and day digging ditchos and making other
arrangements To' draining tho affected dam
and tbo one nbOvo it, so that workmen can
work at tho damaged breastwork in safety
and repair it.
Tho water company officials give positive
assurance that thcro is no danger of a flood.
Frank Schmidt spent to-day at the couuty
Lew Grant, tho ijOntractor oC Potfevlllc,
was in town yesterday.
Mark Burke, wlfo and daughter went to
Pottsvillo this morning.
Mrs. W. J. Morgan and child returned from
Philadelphia; last evening.
Our former towhbuian, BaiiIcI Hughes, uort
of Philadelphia, is in town visiting i"'"nd3'
Rev. Charles Roads, of Philadelphia, son of
Ex-Chiof of Police Roads, is visiting his
William JofTerson, of South Jardiu street,
is nursing a foot injured by u fall of rock, in
tho Kohinoor colliery.
S. A. Beddall is preparing to pay a visit to
Credo, Colorado, in tho interest of town pco
plo holding stock of ono of the miuos there.
Rev J. W. Price, of Pike's Creek, huzerno
county, Gomer Price, of Philadelphia, Joseph
R. Price, of Wilkos-Barre, Rufus Price, of
Norristown, N. J., who were in town attend,
lug tho funeral of their father, - tho lato
Thomas J. Price, left for their homos yester
Do you want to borrow money? See ad
vertisement. Tlio Trinity Reformed Sunday school Will
hold thoir annual festival May 30th.
C. E. Titman has purchased a haudsomo
Shetland pony and outfit for his children.
Ono of the Arabian peddlors of notions and
fancy articles in town draw $1,(1S0 out of ouo
of the national banks tho other day and left
for hisuativo land.
Rev. II. G. Russell, of Youngstown, O., h
visiting friends in town anil will occupy his
old pulpit in tho Primitive Methodist church
to-morrow evening.
Aguos Herudou is an American actress of
tho first rank and deserves tho recognition
she receives. At Palace theatre, Girordville,
on Monday evening. Chart open at Poitz's
stationery store.
The Methodist choir of town will assist in
the production of "Esther," a cantata In Ave
acts. The event will take place in Ferguson's
theatre on tho 11th iust.
Tho changes of facial expression of Miss
Herudou are wonderful and her costumes aro
oxqulsite. At Palaco theatre, Girardvllle, on
Monday evening. Chart open at Portz's
stationery store.
The funeral of tho lato Mrs. Mary E.
Nichols will take place from tho family resi
dence on East Line street on Monday aftor
noon, at 2 o'clock. Tho remains will be in
terred in tho Odd Fellows' cemetery. .
Clmnire or Subject.
During tho first part of this week Rev.
Robert O'Boylo announced that the subject
for his sermon in the Trinity Reformed
church for to-morrow night would be "Why
Men Don't Go to Church," but sinoe then the
members of Washington Camp, No. 112, P. O.
S. of A., havci made arrangements to attend
the church in a body to-morrow evenUig, in
commemoration of the 101th annlvttiwry ot
Washington's inauguration, aud Rev. O'Boyh
will preach a different sermon more appro
priate to the occasion.
'Honest llube" To-night.
"The Plucking of a Rose" was excellently
presented at Ferguson's theatre last night by
the J. L, Tempest company and gave entire
satisfaction to a good-sized audlenoe. To-
Yllcitt tlin will oW. V, 1
" b tuoOTuiDUI,
Dy presenting that over popular romantlo and
thrilHn ,,. i. . . -
thrilling drama, "Honest Rube."aA view of
tho immense amount, of beautiful scenery
used In this play more thau repays one for
the prlco of admission,
Costiveness is the" primary oause of muefa
disease, Dr. Haury Baxter's Mandwke BiU
ters will permanently. ;oure eottivvsess.
Every bottle warranted. lm
Best phoUxmuhs and nianvna nt'PaWbV
All KiudB.Int
Fmke's Carpet Store, S. Jardin St