The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, April 28, 1893, THIRD EDITION, Image 4

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Among merchant is
tlio one who caters to
the wants of Ills cus
tomers, bo they rich or poor. Both havo an
win&l right to ho treated fairly. Justtco toall
is a good motto, and our customers will rind
Hours. Wohnvoa complete lino of Groceries
m well as Canned Goods, otc. Como and see
on r stock of goods, and remember tho best
goods aro always tho cheapest in tho long run.
Corner Grocery,
Centre and White Sts.
Tho Odd Follows went to Hauch Chunk on
Wednesday accompnnied by tho Amorion
.Band. Upon their return thoy said thoy had
a very pleasant time and enjoyed n rido over
tho Switchback. Thoy havo resolved to
attend tho celebration at Schuylkill Haven
.next year.
Work has been stoppod on 1). D. Dyko's
largo stablo pending a decision on somo points
of law by Jnstico Black.
William Benson has given up carrying tho
Evening Telegram of Ashland and has
Accepted a position in tho Mammoth store.
William Bullock nnd Mrs. Elizabeth Wills
vcro married at tho groom's residenco on
Mrs. Qahlo and granddaughter, Miss
Annto Stowart, of Quakako, havo been
visiting Ccntralla friends tho past few days.
Tho Chief Burgess is going about tho town
with a number of men making necessary
LAFFERTY. At Shenandoah, Pa., on
Wednesday, April 2Gth. Hugh Lafferty, aged
6-1 years. Funeral will take placo on Satur
flay, April 29th, with Bcquem High mass in
Annunciation church at 9:30 a. m. Inter
ment will bo made in Annunciation comotcry,
Friends and relatives invited. -l-27-2t
"O'Dowd's Neighbor.'
Mark Murphy in "O'Dowd's Neighbors"
played to a largo houso last night at Fergu
son's theatre. As an Irish comedian Mr.
Murphy ranks among tho stars who havo
made Irish comedy so popular. Unlike
most stars Mr. Murphy does not fear that by
having stars support him his own lustre will
ho dimmed, for every member of his com
pany is a star, and havo all headed companies
of their own. For good singing this com
lany has nover been surpassed by any show
that has played hero. Shenandoah people
who failed to see them hero will bo pleased
to hear that they appear at Glrardville, in the
Faloco theatre, on Saturday ovoniug.
l'Uea or Hemorrhoids
Permanently cured without knlfo orligaturo.
Ho danger or tuflerlng. No delay from bus
iness whilo under treatment. Patients who
are responsible need not pay until well. A
parfoct euro guaranteed. Send for circular.
B. BEED, M. D.,
129 Sonth 13th St., Philadelphia.
Before, by pormls-ion, to the editor of the
JStxotinq Herald. tf
Best work done at Brennan's Steam Laun
dry. Everything white and spotless. Lace
curtains a specialty. All work guaranteed,
AKr For a Home-in a tic. Car
tfcUO. pet tliat wa8i,, at
yrlclcc' Carpet Store, No. io
Soutlt Jnrdlu Street, lteu
undo till.
Base Balls..... o up.
Bats......... ....10o up.
Catcher's Masks 50c up.
Padded Catcher's Gloves23cup.
Full line of Qum Balls.
Try our one dollar "Melot" Ball.
For price and quality It cannot
be beat.
. 10 . .'
Clothing for all Ages.
You want to know whoro to buy
tho best CLOTHING for tho least
money. Shoppers "looking around"
ray competitors nlntinlt with this
Houso. Men's nnd Boys' Clothing of
all sizes and styles, at all prices.
Napoleon Mel His Waterloo In 1515,
Our clothing prlcoa met their defeat
in 1893. For clothing go to tbo
Reliable Clothing Hall
Nos. 10 and 12 South Mam Street.
It Is u Ureat Success, Despite the Efforts
uT Kicker.
When somo of our townsmen predicted fonr
years ago that an eloctrio railroad would in
time bo in operation in this valloy nnd provo
a paying investment they woro laughed at
and called "boomers." Tho road was built,
notwithstanding, under tho most trying
circumstancos, nnd against tho protests of
that class of people who aro always standing
In tho road of progress and seem unable to
shako olT mossbacked theories.
And what is tho result of tho persistent
efforts of tho enterprising people.
Tho Schuylkill Traction Company now
havo electric railways extending through
both valleys from Locust Dale to ShenaU'
doah and Mahanoy City nnd Giranlvlllo, tho
once sleeping town of tho valloy is rapidly
coming to tho front as Scranton No. 2 with its
not work of electric railway branches. Tho
average monthly receipts from tho lines aro
increasing and last month 38,000 passengers
woro carried.
Tho road cost a considerable sum of money,
but tho levol-hcadcd men of means who
havo It in hand intend to spend much more
until clectrio railway lines shall stretch to
every point where thoro is any tralHc.
Thcro is not anothor electric road in tho
country that has such a small amount of
stock on tho market not ono-tenth is held
by outside parties and has such an excellent
field for operation.
Somo pcdplo who evidently havo an intcn
tion of frightening those who do hold stock
aro industriously circulating reports that tho
road Is in tho hands of a receiver. This is
absolutely false. Tho Tcturns from tho
investment far exceed tho most sangnlno
expectations of tho promoters. It will not
bo long boforo tho stock will run up above par
and becomo gili-edged. No ouo can gain
anything by circulating reports to tho con
trary with a view to reducing tho valuo of
tho stock, for all hut ono-tenth of it is held
by those at tho helm of tho ontorpriso and
they know better than outsiders what their
holdings aro worth.
The Phonograph.
On tho evening of May 22nd Prof. Ly
man II. Howe, of Wilkcs-Barro, will give an
entertainment in Ferguson's theatre with tho
wonderful phonograph. No ear tubes will
be required and tho productions of tho
phonograph will bo distinctly heard in all
parts of tho theatre Tho Grant Band will
bo present and play several selections which
will bo reproduced by tho instrument. Tho
chart for tho saloof reserved scats is now
open at Kirlin's drug store
License Tninsfered.
The saloon license that was held by tho
late Malachi Cleary has been transfercd to
his widow.
Best photographs and crayons at Dabb's.
Queen Victoria LeaTe Rome.
Fixjmmjce, April 28. Quoen Victoria
started for EnRlnnd accompanied by Prince
and Princess Henry of Battenburg and all
tho royal attendants.
Grant's memory Honored.
Philadelphia, April 28. The sevonty
second anniversary of the birth of General
Grant was observed here last evening by
tho Union league, with the annual dinner
that the club gives In honor of the natal
day of the great captain of the Union,
Tha club had as its guests two of the
most distinguished officers of the Confeder
ate army, General O. O. Howard, whose
corps held Cemetery fudge at Uettysburg,
and Uenenil James Lonitstreet, who com
mandod the right wing of Leo's army at
the some battle.
AVas llent on Murder.
Warsaw, Ind., April 28. On Tuesday
at Wolf Lake, a small town near this city
Theopbolls Pendleton, a miller, returned
home drunk and started to quarrel with
his wife, which terminated by Pendleton
striking his wife on the left temple, killing
her instantly. He then seized their
G-month-old babe from its cradle and
pounded its head Into a jelly. He then set
lire to the dwelling and cut Ids own throat
with a razor.
Wilmington lladly Scorched.
Wiocinqtqn. N. C April 28. A stub
born lira brake, out yesterday afternoon in
a building on Water street, formerly occu
riled bv Hall & Pearsall, as a storage ware
house. The Are extended to the large
wholesale grocery house of Stevenson &
Taylor. Tho building was considerably
damaged and thr stock almost ruined by
lire, smoke and water.
Hurlbutt trill Hang Almy.
Leuamo.v, N. II., April 28. All donbU
as to who will hang Almy, the murderer of
Christie Warden, havo been settled. Ex
Sheriff Jlrlgtiam rorwardea tne ueatn wat
rant to Sheriff Hurlbutt at tho suggestion
of Chief Justice Doe. The ex-sheriff claim
od that ho was entitled to hang Almy and
collect fees therefor because Almy had been
sentenced during his term of office.
taMiit?;n o 33gss?tugo rcgrguignno ?.nxMnzeso :
Worlds Fair Holiday Trip !
i o Days at the World's Fair
With accommodations at a first-class Chicago hotel, and transporta
tion to and from Chicago, Including sleeping berths, all f reo of cost,
To the 2 Most Popular Teachers.
CONTEST CLOSES JULY 1st, 1893, at 6 P. M.
Tho two teachers who receive the largest number of votes will be taken
to tho World's Fair nnd royally entertained by the Hkhald. Cut out this
eonpon, and on the blank lines write the name of the Public School Teacher,
north of tho llroad Mountain, In Schuylkill county, whom you consldermost
popular, and send It to the "Contkbt Editor, Evinino IIuiald, SinraAN
DOAH, PA." Every coupon properly filled out counts as one vote for one
teacher. Every person, young or old, can vote, and vote as often as they
please. Coupon must be In the hands of the editor within ten (10) days after
the date it bears.
Name of Teacher
Residence ...
Name of Voter-
AntlL 28, U93.
Nobby S pring Stock
tVreckel u Ilulldlng Association.
India Apoua, Ind., April 28. It de
veloped yesterday that Charles It. Uazoly,
Btoretary of tho South Side Building As
eoeiatiofl, is short J 19, 022 and is a fugitive
In South America. The auociation as
signed yesterday afternoon. Hazel y has
been active in building association matters
for several years. He is about 80 years old
and has family,.
It Has Surprised Others
And will Surprise You.
WD have opened the season with a
stock of goods that beats the
record for beauty and low prices. We
will close it with a big- stock disposed
of and the best pleased lot of customers
you ever saw. It's waiting for you
that big line of choice quality, new styles.
Men's, boys' and children's clothing,
hats and furnishing goods. "We want to
sell you reliable goods cheap, and we'll
do it if you give us a chance.
ii North Mam St., Shenandoah.
For the Next 30 Days.
Display Window
Where you'll see offered
Most Extraordinary Bargains.
Staple Articles in Euery Day Use.
We'll tide you over tho dull times with moro
money In your pockets than you over dreamed of.
3 SSoixtla Tttxxx jg-troot.
We have mounted another rung on Iho ladder
of popularity. It is the 3lanu.i d Grand this time,
a drop-head, half-cabinet at a reasonable price.
The head rises automatically to Its place when the
leaf Is laid back. With a single movement the
head disappears, tho cabinet oloses, and you have
an elegant ornamental piece of furniture. Drop In
and look at It, And while we are talking of cabinet
work we might mention tho different kinds of wood
the Standard is made up in Antlquo Oak, XVI
Contury Oak, Walnut, Hungarian Oak, Mahogany
and Sycamore.
Cor. Jardln and Lloyd Sta., Bhenandoah
The Exhuming of a llody Itereals a Hor
rible Blsht.
St. Pjstersbuaq, April 28. A peasant
was buried alive lately In the village of
llaruten, Government of Kalooga.
The faot was discovered through peas
ants, who, hearing sounds coming from the
grave, notified the authorities.
When the body was exhumed the shroud
was found torn to pieces, the face of the
corpse was badly lacerated, one eye was
torn out and some fingers were btton off.
John F. Ploppert,
Bread, Cake and Pie Bakery !
I have also purchased the (tore 21 West Coal
street, and am prepared to furnish Milk, Cream,
Butter and Eggs at the lowest market prices.
We will also keep at this store Ice Cream and
Boda Water. All orders will receive prompt
attention. Wholesale and retail.
n East Centre St. SHEHAKDDAH 21 West Coal SL
Thoro has been considerable cleaning up
about town this week.
Business Opportunity
Is now doing good business, and established
two years. Will be sold ooaolutelyoronly half
Interest, or leased to a ood party, To a person
acquainted with the German and Polish lan
guages this Is a tlrst-class opportunity. For
further particulars address,
A. B., Herald Office,
Shenandoah, Fa,
(Cleary's Old Stand)
XG W. Ooatro Stroot
Stock replenished. Full line of
Shoemakers' Bupplles.
Grand. Display of
jvREJSS GOODS is such a bewildering topic
that we will not attempt a lull descrip
tion, but give a partial outline, which you
can fill in by a personal inspection. There are
the plain and changable diagonals; plain, plaid,
striped and invisible plaid serges; fancy mix
tures in all sorts of odd weaves, dots, threads,
cross-threads, hair-lines, lines here and there,
many at a glance appearing alike, but upon ex
amination are found entirely different. Our
assortment of silks is complete china silks,
china surah, plain surah, bengaline, plain, fig
ured and changeable silks, in all the new shot
effects. Full line of fancy braids to match any
color of dress goods.
.....In Wraps
Wo find tho most stylish nnd
tho prevailing modo to ho tho
Cape, in somo of its variations,
slnglo, doublo or trlplo capes. Some aro plain, others very
' highly decorated, with fancy indescent braid, buttorfly
colors, or somo full arrangement at tho neck, so much ap
proved this season by tho fominino fancy. To somo, coats
only aro tho correct garment. To thoso wo would say coats
aro equally fashionable and stylish, many of these having
capes also attached somothnes ono, two or three, as tho
taste or inclination of tho wearor may doairo.
We have this season, for the first time,
added a Millinery Department, and have spared
neither trouble nor expense to make it a suc
cess. The result exceeds our most sanguine
expectations. This department will be under
the same management and conducted on the
same principles that have always characterized
our entire business. We shall keep everything
in trimmed and untrimmed hats, novelties of
every description. Having secured a trimmer
noted for her artistic and skillful work, we are
enabled to suit all tastes. We invite a careful
inspection of our entire store. All welcome.
M, Fy and Stewj
Special Bargains In
HaSLdics? Spring sJsMlsete
Bold at less than actual cost to manufacture. This
lot we have just purchasi-d at a manufacturer's clos
ing sale for this season. Therefore, they cannot be
duplicated. Call early and socure bargains while
they last.
QUEEN & .CO. Of PhiladelpMa,
Sand their Kjre Specialist
To Slicnanduitli, Thursday, May xx
He will be found at the
Ferguson House From 8:30 a. m. to 6:30 p. m
Persons who have headacht or whose eyes are causing dis
comfort should call upon their specialist, and they will re
ceive Intelligent and skillful attention. NO CHARGE to ex
amine your eyes. Every pair of glasses orderedls guaranteed
to be satlsfactorv.
121 N. Mam Street, Shenandoah. 3
E5oois? Shoes, events'1 Furnishings ! .
At greatly reduced rates.
3WC- Jh.. DF'jLJi.-l.DEfSr, Proprietor. i
I have concluded to give the
people a chance to take advant
age of the great Reduction Sale
of our excellent stock of boots
and shoes, which must be closed
out within the next 4 weeks to
make room for new goods at
our new store. Sale is now on.
QO 3NT. 2Vr.rn.lxx. Stroot
OIXj cloth
That sells on sight. Others for 85o. iSe and up
wards. All grades of protty Carpets. Call for
. o. 15. ihioh:b's
Carpet Store, 10 South Jardm St
(Christ, Bossier's old Btand.)
Main and Coal (its,, rJueunuclonJU.
Best beer, ale and porter on tap. The finest,
brands of whiskeys and cigars. Pool room at
tached. ,
ICyou want carpets woven by ex
perienced hands talto your rags to
31ion.nii.clOiili, 3Fo,.
Horses and Carnages to Hire.
Hauling of all kinds promptly attended to.i
Horses taken to Doara, at rates
that are liberal.
FEAR ALLEY, Heir BedWs Hudwau Store ?
W -
1 6