The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, April 26, 1893, THIRD EDITION, Image 2

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The Herald.
M.A. H tVBlt
' HJitor and MKMr
sr. WAT KINS Tl0ml
. nnoott than any otter; paper pub-
-i iin awnopgii 0 MI,
... US8CHIpTioN ratsb:
r""'1'1" iww. ,.B 00
7 Lri per 3r'i....MW.M,M,.
A4nrttoa Units.
Transient, 10 oenu por Una, first Insertion i a
MM per line each subnequeat insertion. Rat
fcr regular Mrertlsuut nubaktln appllea-
am iraguw or or mall.
attend at the Postoflloa, at Shenandoah, Pa
"p tranmission through tbe malls
as aeoond-claas mall matter.
Tha Philadelphia North Jmerioan
England does many things belter
than other people, and among those
th" quarantine. While this
country was In ? sweat about cholera
summer there woe not a ripple of
baoi inent in iSugland, And there
WM no excitement In England because
uit government has fixed and
uiorougu regnlatlous of defence
against epidemics from without
There is no boggling over the right of
any .British port. The government
stannaries one lnw of santltatlon for
United Kingdom and enforces It.
The enforcing part Is very necessary
fact In law not fully oomprehended
in the United States.
The English delegates to the Dresden
Sanitary Conference declined to sub
orlbe to the agreement which has
been formulated. England gives no
tice that on the arrival of ships from
any Infected port the passengers and
crews will be detained under observa
tion for seven days. There is no stric
ter quarantine then that. While
oholerawas raging at Marseilles and
f JSWhere In France and Italy in 188-1
there Was not a particle of excitement
In England. The people had perfect
confidence in the government, and
their faith was jus tided.
It Is true that we disdain to learn
anything from England, which has
no Tammany Htll patent regumior,
and therefore cannot do anything
property. We shall have as many
and different quarantine regulations
as there are political bosses In the sea
board states. Borne of theso regula
tions will be effective, and more will
be mere traps set by a pack of Ignoram.
uses for the unweary. The only
rav of hoDe that lights Up the situation
In tfnw York is the possibility that if'
ix . Bihnrn it mav sun i
hunt the fools New York sends to Con.
Thr belief is gaining strength that
h model farm of the future will be
an electric one. The necessary cur
rent oan be obtained by utilizing the
wfltd foroes of nature the water
falls being; sutlloient in many places,;
.. . .i .viiij Im
while In others wind mils can be
useil in eonneitlou with storage
batteries Inventionsare undoubtedly
oanable of adapting eleatrio maohlnea
eapauie ui " , , s , . . .,
to every kind of farm work., Withjwell
made rouls, electrically lighted houses j
and a well planned equipment of olec-1
trie uiaohlnery-
-lnoluding, possibly, '
electrle oarte and carriages the lot of
the tiller of the soil will be Riatly
Thk experiments being made with
storage buttery cars in New York have
been so far sucoesnul that tuey leave
little or uo room for doubt in regard
to tUeir ultimate triumph, whloh will
men the total abolition of the
trolley. The facts already ascertained
In New York as to the practicability
of this motor have no doubt set pas
senger railway managers to thinking,
and ean scarcely fail to lead to tbe
long desired result of a motor that will
dispense with traction, trolley, horse
and steam power on the streets.
A great deal has been said about
the reinstatement of crinoline, but up
to date nobody haa seen a woman
with courage equal to the maklug of
the experiment of appearing on the
streets with one of the much dreaded
articles. But suoh a woman will be
found one of these tlaye. Da not hug
to your bosoms the fond delusion thnt
ridicule aud protest have killed crino
line. If you do you will one of those
days wake up to tbe stern fact that
you have ealculated without your
host. r
At last the principle of turning the
wasted powor of railway-car axlee Into
a means of providing light for the car's
interior has been practically applied.
The axles have been made to run
dynamos, which supply steady lights
while the cars are in motion, and
whltth feed the storage batteries to
keep the lights going when the train
stops. This is n marked advance iu
thi matter of railway lighting, as each
oar can sow have ite own Independent
system. It would seem that tbe great
railway )lnee should be prompt to take
up the new plan.
Those Mexioan outlaws have a
wbole&ouled way of helping them
selves to an entire village or two.
An Offer of Gold From the New
York Bankers.
To Asatstant Treasurer .Ionian Settle flic
QaefttlmiTtie Resignation or the llelo
Rate to the International aiimutary
Crniferfniee 2nt to ho Accepted Otliw
Waehlngtsm Kbw.
Wabiruotoh, April M. TVe appoint,
merits yesterday were among tbe choice
one 1b the gift of the administration, and
tbe men who will All tbe Fertral posltioni
arc popular in American politic and lmi
ii ess affairs. v
Luther F. McKlnaey, of New Hampshire,
nominated to ba minister to Columbia, is n
native of Ohio, from which state at the age
of 18 lie enlisted and served at sergeant ol
Company D, in the First Ohio cavalry, until
1868. Aftr the war Mr. McKinnsy stivlied
for the ministry, graduating in New York
In 1870. He removed to New Hampshire
in 1873, was defeated for congress at a
democrat in 1884, elected in 1886, defoatsd
again in 1888, bat was agaia successful In
isw ana sarved through the Flity-wcond
congress. Mr. McKimisy was a candidate
on th democratic ticket fotf governor of
his ttate but was defeevtcd. He was also
prominently mentioned for commissioner
of pensions. j
lhoinas L. Tbomnson. nomteaW to be-i
mlniitter to, was hern at Charles
ton. West Virginia, May 01, 1888, went to
California in 1860, and started tbe Petal
uma Journal, the first paper irabllshed in '
Sonoma county. In 1890 a purchased the ,
Sonoma Democrat at 8anb Bom, now the I
centre of a great fruit and wins producing 1
section, and has been identified with it as
editor and publisher over thirty years. In
lOUii Mr. J torn peon was electuu secretary
of state on the ticket with Governor George
Htoneinan, and befora the exp) ration of his
U rm of four years had to enrtify to his own.
election as a member of the Fiftieth con
cress, being the third in line of Ms - family
to serve in that capacity Us grandfather -,
in the Seventh. lSighth ana Hinta and his
.-father in the Thirtieth.
Mr. Thompson was defeated for re-elec
tion to conaress on the ticket with Mr.
'Cleveland in 1888, and lias since taken an.
Active part in the campaign of education.
by which bis district and state were con
verted to tariff reform. Hie was a delegate
to the Chicago convention and a member
of the lamixis Whitney committee.
John M. W iter, of New York, nominates:
to be consul to Bordeau, is a native of Ire
land, but came to America when, but 4
years at age. He is a wealthy citizen eC
East Aurora, N. Y., but has recently pur
chased a fine residence in Buffalo. In
1871-2 he served as a member of the state
legislature. Mr. Wiley has rfpraseuledhis
district in the state committee for years
and in the Ffftiath congress was its repre
sentative. Mr. Oliver P. Johnsoa, is amative of Dor
chester county, Md., but tho pest ten years
have been spent In Georgetown with the
exception of two passed in Florida with a
sick wife. From 1873 to 1875 he was a
member of the Maryland house of dele
gates, being chosen to represent the county
of bis birth. Though the now justice never
graduated in law in 1879 he was admitted
to practice before the cirouit court and
";" " jsmumu
20 Mr. Johnson handed ids application to
the president. The newly appointed justice
succeeds Mr. ik. V. Uudtey, who died i'e
oently. The l'roposltton Rejected.
"Washington, April 26. At the cabinet
meeting yesterday afternoon Secretary Car
lisle brought up tbe proposition of the New
ork bankers to supply, under certain con
ditions, the treasury deiiartmeiitwith gold.
it was very tnorougmy oiscussm ami
finally rejeotel. Ahat this proposition
unot known here, as SecritarVCar-
isie declined to make ito terms public. It
was not, however, considered advautago-
ous to the government. TUU was the eul-
mluation of several propositions submitted,
OM of wblch wag 6eMti9d llMjt snturday.
counter proposition was then made by
the bankers to the secretary of the treasury
.iT,. T tiT-D i
niitted a proposition to them wnicn they
also refused to accept. All negotiations
therefore between the treasury department,
nnd tbe New York bankers arc off, at least
far the present, and Secretary Carlisle will
look m other directions tq continue to ro-
; plete the treasury gold,
Tho administra
tion does not desire to issue bonds and will
not do so except as a last resort. That
time, in their opinion, has not yet arrived,
and if their efforts to obtain cold arc suc
cessful will not soon bo reached.
Bepresentative Wise called on the presi
dent yesterday and presented a petition
siitned by bankers and business men of
Richmond, asking the president to iwue
bonds to relieve the financial , situation,
The president received the petition but
gave no indication of what his intention
will be in the direction of following tbe
suggestions made therein.
"Sot to Aeeapt tho HMlg-nntIon.
Washington, April 86. The president
has decided not to accept the resignations
of tbe delegates to the international mone
tary conference. The commissions will
therefore remain unchanged unless some
of the members decline to servo. The con
ference will meet on May 80 and tbe ques
tion of a further postponement will rest
entirely with its members.
Kext Monday a Holiday.
Spbinofiei.0, 111., April 26. Governor
Altirled issued a proclamation yesterday
declaring next Stonday a holiday in honor
of the opening of the World's Fair at Chi
cago. Mi sal inn
HaanHiBaaaa w . iaaaaa.w--
It Corel CaMs, Oonghs, Sore Threat, Cress, IaSa
WhAontna. OeuvS. !
A etttaia V Coniumatloa in Srst atagu,
ais Mrs tsUaia a4aoed U(ei. Um st osm.
jig uouga, jfronenius anu abvoosm
YS wBl UM axeanaaic easel aiiir uauf
Srit do. Sell
..bsttltl 50 cents acl tl.00.
Highest of all in Leavening Pow'cr. Latest U. S. Gov't Report.
wm awflMiftsi
Calling Jlaek tlio Bold.
XoirmxAi., April 88. More thaw 1,000.
000 lent by the Bank of British North
America and the Canadian Bank of Com
merce in the United States hat been called
back since Saturday . Very little of this
will be ;ised for sail loans, as most of it is
to be loaned to corporations. Banks also
want to make a good shewing in their
half-yearly statements, which will be made
up at the end of the present month.
Sir. Humt !!.
rirrswrao, April 26. Dr. 0. G. Ilnsssy.
possibly the wealthiest cltiaen of Western
Pennsylvania, died yesterday morniag-. I)r.
Iiussey was a pioneer In the copper busi
ness in the United States, having large in
terests in. the L4ike Suiwrior regions. He
was tbe prlncrpal stockholder in the
Chronicle-Telegraph Publishing Company.
He was over 90 years old.
Kedurcd the Trlo of Coal.
NKW York, April 2I. The western and
eastern coal agents held a protracted meet
ing yesterday afternoon at which tbe west
ern agents reduced tbe price per ton ftfty
eents on tbe four si.cs, broken, egg, store
and nut coal, than in a measure following
the example of tbe eastern agents who
came down in tbetr price two months ago.
The Hark Mentor Wrecked.
Vineyard Haven, Mass., April 26. The
Norwegian bark Mentor, Captain Omund
sen, from Clenfupgns to Nash, Spaulding
&Co., Boston, went ashore on Boss and
Crown shoal, off Nantucket. The captain
and crew rmobed Great Round Shoul light
ship. No trace of the bark can be seen. It
is thought that she went to pieces.
They Will Mak Faster Tim.
Nkw Haven, Conn., April 26. It has
been officially announced that the Now
York, New Haven and Hartford railroad
Is soon to reduce the time between New
York and tnis city to one hour aud forty !
minutes- The proposed five hour throUKU
train between fiew York and Boston will
not be put on until late iu July.
Tlie Water Again Very lllaek.
Ebaoi i , April 26. The Schuylkill river
water is am very black, swing to the re
cent heavy rains and the drainage from the
mines and culm banks. Tbe black water
backing into tbe Maiden Creek pumping
station, one ot Heading s sources oi supply,
has colored the water used for drinking
purposes in this city.
No llBcevs Will fee B.-rrel at llnfTnln.
Buffalo, N. Y., April 20. An attempt
is being mnde by the Buffalo Park associa
tion to get up a &ISO.OO0 race for the Grand
Circuit meetiua. Secretary Hawley is in
correspondence with the owners of all the
speedy trottess aud tbe race will be free for
all, uotumg Dftrrea, not evenX4aucyllnnii
Mrs, A- At Williams
Lynn, Mass.
For the Good of Others
lfei. Mi-.' Williams Ilcarlllu En
dorses Hood's Sarsaparllla
streei v.nnsuan v.uuii.11,
I see no reason why a clergyman, moro than
n layman, vho knows whereol ho speaKS:
should hesitate to approve an
Articlo of Merit
nrovtii from lebleli lie or ltla famllv have
been signally benefited, aud whose commenua-
11011 may serve iu
extend those lieiwflts to
others by Increasing; their confidence. Mywue
has lor many years oee
ien a sufferer from severe
Nervous Headache
,.,i,i.i, uha fniuiil little helri. Sh has tried
many things that promised well hut per-
lonnod little. Last inn irienu gave nc-r b uuv
tie of Hood's Sarsnparilla. It seems surpris
ing what simply one bottle could and did do
lor her. The attacks of headache dat-reased In
number and were less violent In their inten
sity, while her general health li-.i been m-
uroved. Her appetite has also been better.
Prom our experience with
Hood's Sarsaparllla
I have no hesitation In endorsing it merits."
A. A. niUUMUi
HOOD'8 PILL8 are tbe bast family salhartlc,
gentle and effective. Try a uox. nice 300
Everything modeled after
Green's Cafe, Philadelphia,
33 S. main St., SUiNU(Ioab.
The leading place in town.
Has lately been entirely reno
vated Everything new, olean
and fresh. The finest Hue of
Winds and Liquors I
Olfsrs, Ito.. roreign and do
mestlo. Free lunch served
each evening. Big schooners
of f resh.Beer.Porter, Ale, Ac
get )Baat Centre Street
ThS beat beer, los, porter, whtsktee, brandies
wines ana 1
I finest olgsrs always on hand.
Tim Appointment Cllvrn Ratlafactloiu
HARRissitna, April 20. President Cleve
land hat appointed First Lieutenant Fred
erick Von Schrader, of tbe Twelfth
infantry, to be captain in the quartermas
ter's department. This appointment is re
ceived with gratification in military oircles,
it is neia to indicate tnst Jfrcslclent
Cleveland intends to fill the staff appoint
ments by promotion from the army and
not to select civilians.
In Eating
has been brought about by the
introduction of Cottolene, the
new vegetable shortening. The
discovery of this product, and the
demonstration of its remarkable
qualities, has attracted the widest
interest. Hitherto the common
shortening has been lard, or
ndifferent butter. Every one has
probably suffered occasional dis
comfort from lard-cooked food ;
while it is well known that thous
ands are obliged to abstain entire
ly from everything of that kind.
To such people, Cottolene is of
peculiar value, widening as it
does, the range of what may be
eaten and enjoyed. Cottolene
is a cooking marvel. It combines
with the food imparts to it a
tempting color, a delicate flavor,
and an appetizing crispness.
No trace of greasiness remains
to offend the taste, or disturb the
Cottolene is worthy of the
careful notice of all those who
value good food, of itself or for
its hygienic properties.
Sold by Leading Grocers.
Made only by
CHICAGO and 139 V. Delaware Ave., Falls.
Arnxis emexifs.
That smart, little hit of a man,
Id the Irish Oneratio Comedy,
Q Y Bawd's Neighbors !
"If the brick stays up, she's mine."
Singers, Dancers, Vocalists
Comedians and Burlesquers.
Prices, 25, 50 ami is Ccntn.
Reserved scats on sale at Kirlln's drug store.
r. 3, FEiiausori, uabaucu.
The greatest of wonder-workers,
In ncrand. original entertainment. Modern
mnuie uiimd with orient il occulilsm TI10
masterful Mahatman i .rvel. A man while
hold by a committee from the a 'dlence. In full
iignt, vaniuea iu u uiubv Bur'nug u. mjj bioh
mii m nnnnr. CaasiAdaffa Pronasanda. a new
ppirltusiutlo enigma in wnion mo unost ot
Cagl o-tro plays prominent part. Astarte,
tbe maid of the mo n, and Kellar's Iat at aud
greatest achievement, Klyto, or tbo
aPsriaaLOOsass ISlsai-xx.o
The greatest and most inoomurehenslve mys
tery 01 mouern times. The ne plus ultra of the
maglo art.
Xrlces, s So 75 Cent
Reserved seats at Kirlln's druc store.
To Builders !
The season for buildiug1
is almost at hand, and
we have just replen
ished our stock of all
kinds of Hardware,
Nails and Builders'
We also carry an Immense line of
Stoves, Ranges, Cutlery and Tin
ware. Hoofing and Spouting ;our
Peter Griffiths,
Chris. Bossier's
(Mann's oW stand)
104 floutli MmIu etrcct.
Finest wines, whillinva and clears always in
stOva. r rean m'ur, aib uuu rorter on tap.
unoice Temperance uiw&a.
Anthracite cost used nxc sively, issurtni?
cloanlincss and comfort
TIME TABU) IN tmOT JAN. ,' 1893
Trains leave Shenandoah as follows:
For New York via Phlladnlnhln. wnofc c.vs.
.08,8.IM,7.1S,10.i)Ha.m.,18.S..iS,S.Mp.m. y
.ub, i.o u. in. r or new rorK via maun i . a.,
week days, 7.18 a. m., IS.M, 3. p. m.
For Heading and Philadelphia, week flt N
2.08,6.JiT.18,,CM,S.Mp i h,n
day, 2.08, 7. a. m., 4.SM p. m
j'-or iiarrismuv. week davs. 2.08. 7.W a. in..
6.53 p. m
For AUentown. toaaIt iIkva. 7 is a.
p. m.
ForPottsvlIla. week rt a ft 7 IRn. m .
D. m,
S.48, fi.M p. m. Sunday, t.W, 7.M a. m., iM
For Tauiaqna and Hehmoy City, i
2.08, 5.W, 7.18,10.08 a. Jn.,l,38,V4, t.t& p. m. Son
day, 2.S, 7.48 a. m., 4.S8 p. m. AddlUoeal for
mananoy uny, weex days, B.B8 p. m.
For Lancaster and CoinnMa. weak dnvs. T.ll
a. m., 2.48 p. m.
For Williams port, Sunbnry and Iewlsburg,
week days,, 7.18, 11.28 a. m., 1.S3, S.Mpm.
Sunday, i.n a. m., 3.01 n. m.
l or Mananoy Plane, weolc day, 2.08. S.W, 6.SS.
18, 10,88, 11.28 a. m., 12.88, 1.S8, 2.48, 5.M; 8.5, 0.88
. in. Sunday, 2.08, 9.28, 7.48 a. m., 8.08, 4,28 p, m.
For Olrardrille. ( RaDcabnannok Station!.
For Mahanor Plane, week Af. 2.08. r.S. S.O.
week days, 2.08, 8.28, 5.28, 7.18, 10.08, 11.28 a. m.
12.38,1.88, 2.48, 6.S8, 6.K8, 9.33 p. m. Susday, 2.08,
8.28, 7.48 a. m., 8.08, 4.28 p. m.
For Ashland and Shamokln. week days, 28.
5.28, 7.18, 11.28 a. m., 1.89, 6.58, 9.88 p. m. Sun
day, 8.28, 7.40 a. m.. 8.08 p. m.
Leave New York via Philadelphia, week daje
7.45 a. m 1.80, 4.00, 7.80 ji. m., lClB night. San'
day, 8.00 p. m., 12.15 nlglit.
Lsare New York via Maueh flhunk. week davs.
.w, s. a. m.,, p, m.
Leave Phlladelnhta, wee
Sundav. 7.15 a. m.
wnatt iln. 4.10. 83R.
10.C0 a m. nnd 4.00, 0.00, 11.30 p. ra., from
Market and 12th streets. Sunday 9.05 a. mi,
11.30 p. ni.
Leave Reading, week days, 1 .5, 7.10, 10.05, 1 1.50
a. m 5.56. 7.57 p. m Sunday, 1.85, 10.48 a. ra.
Leave Pottsvllle, week days, 2.40, 7.10 a. in.
12.80, 6,11 p. ia Sunday, 2 40,7.00 a. m., 2.05 p. n.
Leave Tamaqua, week days, aao, 8.48, 11.28 a.
rn., 1.21,7.15, 0.28 p. m. Sunday, 8.80, 7.48 a. no.,
2.50 p. m.
Leave Mahanoy City, week days, 3.46, 0.18)
11.47 a. m., 1.51, 7.42, 0.54 p. m. Sunday, 3.4, 8.11
a. m., 3.20 p. m.
Leave Xalianoy Plane, week dtys, 2.40, 4.00.
6.30,9.35.10. 40.ll.6t a.m., 1.05,oe,5.20,.28,7.57,10.1''
p. ra. Sunday, 2.40, 4.00, 8.27 a. ra., 8.87, 5.01 p. m.
Leave Olrardvllle, (Rappahonnook Station),
Weeks days, 2.47, 4.07, 0.36. 0.41 19.4(1 a. ra., 12.05,
2.12, t.ll, 5.28, 0.32, 8.03, 10.18 p. m. Sunday, 2.47,
4.07, 8.38, a. m., 3.41, 5.07 p. m.
Loave Wllllamsport, week days, 8.00, 0.50, 12.00
a.m., 3.36, 11.15 p. m. Sunday, ll.W p. a.
For Baltimore, Washington and the West via
11. & O. R. R., through trains leave Glrard
Avenuo station, Philadelphia, (P. As R. R R.) at
3 K, 8.01, 11.S7 a. m., 3.56, .42. 7.16 p. m. Sunday,
8 50,8.02, 11.27 a. m 3.56, 5.4S, 7.16 p. m.
Leave Philadelphia, Chestnut street wharf
and Houth street wharf, for Atlantic City.
Weekdays Express, 900 am. 200, 3 00, 4 00,
5 CO p. m. .Accommodation, 8 00 a m, 6 45 p ra.
wunaays express, vim, iu.uu a m. Aooom
modatton. 8 00 a m and 4 30 p m.
Returning leave Atlantio City depot, Atlantic
and Arkaoxas avenues. Weekdays Kxpress,
7 00, 7 45,9 00a m and 8 30 and 6 J6pm
Accommodation, 815am and 4 SO p m.
Sundays Kxpress. 4 00, 8 00 p m.
Accommodation. 715am and 4 80 p in,
?cliljii Valley JiTislon.
I'assenger trains leave Shenandoah for
Penn Haven Junction, Mancb Chunk, Le
hlghton, Slatingtun, White Hall, Catasauaua,
Allentown, Betnlohcm, Baston, Philadelphia,
llazleton. Weatherly, Quakake Junction, Del
ano and Mahanoy City at 6.01, 7. 10, 9.08 a in., b.ST p. m.
For Now York, 0.04, 0.08 a. m., 12.53, 3.10,
5.27 p. m.
For llazleton, WIlkes-Darre, White Haven,
Plttstou, Laceyvllle. Towanda, Sayre, Waverly,
Elmira, Rochester, Niagara Falls and the West,
10.41 a. in., (3.10 p. m., no connection for Roches
ter, Duflalo or Niagara Falls), 8 08 p. m.
For llolvldere, Delaware Water Gap and.
Stroudsburg, 6.04 a. m., 6.27 p. m.
For Larabertville and Trenton, 9.03 a. ra.
Fnr Tpnkhannook, 10.41 a. m 3.10, 8 08 p. m.
For Auburn, Ithaca, Geneva and Lvons, 10.41
a. m.. 8.08 a. m.
For Jeanesvllle. Leviston andBeaTer Meadow,
7.40, B.os a. m., 5.27. 8.18 p. m.
For Audenried, llazleton. Stockton and Lum
ber Yard, 6.01, 7.40, 9.08, 10.41 a. m., 12,52, 3.10,
5.27 n. m.
For Scranton. 6.01, 0.08, 10.11 o. m., 8.10, 5.27
tuts p.m.
For Hftilebrook, Jeddo, Drllton and Freeland,
0.04, 7.40, 9.09, 10.41 n. m., 12.58, 3.105.27 p. m.
x' ui vnuitsuu, uiratuvuiu ami juvok uoa, i.tii ,
7.46, 8.62, 10.15 a. m., 1.00, 1.40, 4.10, 6.86, 8.10, 9.15
p. m.
For Raven Run, Control la, Mount Camel and
Shamokln, 8.52, 10.15 n. m., 1.40, 4.40, 8.07 p. m.
For Yatesville. Park Plaoe. Mahanov Cits and
Delano, 6.04, 7.40, 9.08, 10.41 a m., 12.52, 3.10, b.XT,
K.US, U.Si, 1U.KS p. in.
a'rains will leave snamokin, a. m.
10. 4.30. c. in. nnd arrive at Shenandoah at
0.06 a. m.. 12.52. 3.10. 5.27 t). m.
iveavo snonanuoan lor tiit.sviuo, o.ou, t.iu,, iu.41 a. m., iz.k:, 3. in, 4.10, a.a, s.uo p. in.
T 1).. ,11.. . Qk..HMl. t lm v
9.05, 10.15, 11.48 a. m., 12.32, 3.00, 5.20, 7.00, 7.15, 9.30
p. m.
leave aucnanuoan lor ixa&ieiua, o.ui, i.wt u.uo,
10.41 a. m., 12.52, 3.10, 5.27,8.08 p. m.
Leave llazleton for Shenandoah, 7.39, 9.15
11.00 a. m 12.45, 3.10, 5.30, 7.10, 7.58 p. m.
Trains leave for Ashland. Olrardvllle and Lost
Creole, 7.2, 9.4 1 a. m., is.30, 2. is p. m.
For Yate-vllle. Park Place. Mahanov Cltv.
Delano, llazleton, Illaok Creek Junction, Ponn
Haven Junction, Mancb Chunk, Allentown,
llethlehem, Haston and New York, 8.40 a. m.,
s.k p. m,
For Philadelphia 12.30. 2.55 p m.
For Yatesville, Fart l'laco, Mahanoy 1
City and
Delano, 8.40, 11.35 a. m., 12.30, 2.56, 4.40 6.01 p. za.
1. za.
Leave llazleton for Shenandoah, 8.30,
a. m., i.uu, 4.37 p. m.
Leave Shenandoah for Pottsvllle, 5.50, 6.40,
0.30 a. m.. 2.45 n. m.
Leave Fottsvillo for Shenandoah, 8.80, 10.10
a.m., 1. aD, ti. id p. m.
u. u. UA.uuuii., uon. i-aBs. igi.
Philadelphia. Pa.
A. W. NONNEMACHER. Asst. G. P. A. Lehigh
vaney uivision, aoutn uetnienem i-b.
scnnvLKii.Xi mvisiow.
DbCEMUHR 8, 1892.
Trains will leavo Shenandoah after the above
date for Wlggan's, Gllberton, FraokTille, New
Castle, St. Clair, Pottsvllle., Hamburg, Reading,
Pottstown, Phcenlxvlllo, Norrtstown and Phil
adelphia (llraad street station) at 0:60 aad 11:45
a. m. ana 4:10 p. m. on weexaays. rori'ottg.
vlllo and Intermediate stations 9:19 a. m.
For Wlaean's. Gllberton. FraokTille. New
Oastle, St. Clair, Pottsvllle at fl:00, 9:40a.m.
and 3:10 p.m. For Hamburg, Reading, Potts
town. Fhoenlxvllle, Norrlstown. rhiladelnhla
at 6:00, 9:40 a. nu, 3: 10 p. m.
Trains leave Fraokvllle tor Hhenandoah at
10:40.1 m. and 12:14, 6:04, 7:42 and 10:STp. m.
Sundays, 11:18 a. m. and 6:40 p. m.
Loave rottsviiie ior seenanaoan at iu:ib,
11:48 a. m and 4:40,7:15 and 10:00 p. m. Sundays
at 10:40 a. m. and 6:15 p. aa.
Loave Pbiiadelnhla (Hroaa street station) for
Pottsvllle and Shenandoah at 5 57 and 8 88 a m,
4 10 and 7 11 P m week days. On Sundays leave
at 8 60 a m. For Pottsvllle. 9 S3 a m. For New
York at 3 20, 4 05, 440, 616, 860, 710, 820, 880,
9 50, 1100, 11 14. am, 12 00 noon (limited ex
press 1 uo ana i ou p ra) 12 41, 1 so, 1 u, i au, 3 isu,
i 00, 1 02, 6 00. 0 00, 20, 0 50, 7 18, 8 12 and 10 00 p
m, 12 01 night. Sundays at 3 20, 4 05, 4 40, 5 15,
8 12. 8 30, 9 50. 11 08 a m and 12 44, 1 40, 2 80, 4 02
(.limited 4 ou o w, ij 0 00, 7 10 ana mipn ana
1201 night. For Sea Girt, Long Branoh and In
termediate stations 8 20 and 11 14 am, and 4 00
p m weekdays. For llaltlmore and Washing-
wu u w, , m a u,. v iu, iw u, i, to u iu, (i u ilUX'
ited express,) 1 30,3 48. 4 SO, 6 17, 7 00, 7 40 p m
12 08 night For Freehold only 5 00 n m week
days. For Baltimore only at 2 02, 4 01, 5 08 and
11 so r. ra. Sundays at3 w. 7 20. u 10. 11 18 a m.
12 10, 4 80, 7 00. 7 40 p m, 12 OS night. Baltimore
only 5 08, 11 30 p m. For Richmond 7 80 a m,
iup m ana is i nigni.
Trains will leave Harrlsburg for Plttsburf
nnd the West every day at 12 25, 1 20 and 3 1(
am and (limited 500) 2 25, 3 25, and 515p m
Way for Aitoona at a 15 am ana 5 IB p m every
day. Foi Pittsburg and Aitoona at 11 30 a m
everv nav,
umi.. utiu.n c m.1.1,.. tA. nrniUm....,
ai.i.d nmioaiu umuuij .u. i, luiaiujuui I,
lilmlra, Canandalgua, Roohoster, UuOalo and
Niagara Falls at 201. 5 10 a m.and i 35 p m week
oays. r-or cimira am ai p m ween days, For
urio ana mtermeaiate points at d iu am
and 6 34 p in week days For Renovo at 6 10 a
na, 1 85 and 6 84 p m week days, and 5 10 a m on
Sundays only. For Kane at 5 iO a m, 1 35 p m
week days.
0. 11. POOH,
Gen'l Manager
Qen'l Pass's' Agt.
. argett and olass't reliable purely casti
panles represented by
120 S. JaroinSt., Shenandoah, Pc.
'irst National Bank
iglacimiadoHli, runn
A. W. LKI8ENRINU, President.
P. J. FKR0U80N, Vies Presldesi
J. .R. LKI8BNRING, Oashler.
S. W. TOST, Assistant Caehln-
Open Daily From 9 to H
Interest Paid on Savings Deposit
Lumbago, Soiatlca,
Kidney Complaints;
Lame Back. &C.
With Eleotro-Mngnetlc SUSPENSORY.
Latent' lntentll 1 Ltc.t Tmrrovcmcnts
vTln euro without, mprtiHu.. fill Trnln,., rcau Hint- from
overtaxation of brain wtvc fo-cr: w--ea or India,
oietlon, as nervous debllltr. tlevtitow-nos, lanfnior,
rbpumatltm, kitlncv, Hrtr end blMWr voniplaints,
lame onek, Inmbngo, Pfiiatli, nil f mrclo rotnrtlalnts,
tteueral III health, et This tlertilo Belt rontalns
Waoderhl ImnroreoivntH over all ofirra. Current Is
Inatantly felthy -wearer or we lorteit $5,ouo.uo, and
vlll cure all of the omve ll-'n'B or no pay. Thou
sands hare been cureo; by thii niorvelous Invention
after all other remcdi.a foiled, end ie trlvo hundreds
Of tofltltnoiilalsln thl&aiid every other ptnte.
Our HowerTal Imprmrd J ,t t TI1IU Sl tlFl JBOllV, th
greatest boon ovtr otf,irl vik nen, MnKirllhell
Sells. Iltsllh snil 1 Ijoron. Htn-nrtli Ot IU! 1 EK II In CO la
tcj(Uj. Bend forllluiyd ramptilet, mall l.ei.aled,fxeo
nerneai ontef. m r. s .1 : s... ', Vs.
Are rbo ol'l'.t In Aru-rli 1 c - ihf i,, - .-i.trf
Speeiu.l miNCwae dc Ki-nthltil K'noirs.
Vurt'-oi'.Me, lly iri.i-fle, l.niunre, l,. V 1 !nd
Treatment by Mail r. pr. i,. ' ro
mu.tleatloiig r.-cT-tily ci'nM-i u lal. - 1 1 Ccmp rg
Uook. (isii-r lionn: 0 . ms r. .'. . , 1.1 DP
JH AU day 8tur iuy. Di lu.ys, ti tn 1.: A il.
KQQSci'sh Fourth tiU
IWiwO ImiIuu Grcea, rhilaaelphiv
AFlim tbe ruiilly iilijuictan, the ho.
Iiui nutl advtrthslair iloct'-TN biwe railed
a m quLk vlio iimilif to curt
jou after mil timri l-il u 1 to yiw? jnv
a KTittcn cat rati lev fie !(., free
treatniout J ats 1 iiHirihv f.flt ninJl'iri,
tlii) i)IU miUL' i (urori. tth their t
OuliCtl uita, r lonni(r ti.bli'W. or
Eorlero, Haul jt . r t ".'rot joJtrum 1 auv
uc cononnjn, fhi In nil- etiu- mlciDei,
.ef , eia , hnVL tiis u-l and rtibwii toil
THXH so i muni lis (i.Y THTEL.
hn hfti had 6 jenrs' Eiropan Hospital unit f vrurt pratttl
cul uiiwrltwoe. Be ext.mind by bliu. JlcniU.i.i. i Us tell jc
whether jourctuia liCkirtvblo op not. Jlodwuurtg .jraiitce, not
4 be claim to b" Ool eqnn, liui Ik- Attttcvn tm most da
Jerats ca-.o f EfphlUJ, Ulwr, trfcturns, Ooi.oiThosil
oftoa, BD'l Iflticllstjrjei. fcuil-rtr- fini Melancholia ana
si'iwnlieBrwyto-M, ntii jll thottdlneHM 1 (r nifrtet o tf yOfttbiai
IndltciroUos, nf iio.ii e.xK, am itin r t euro
PR. THEEL doe cure what all ti'iu r mil? chtni to do,
TyT- Usfi coninioii s?ma fcrratax i t H- ornittirn-s tlin Alio
imliito, HorooeopHtlito, ami Velectto s itemn nf n- rilolim h-r.
ver tttyr tint isdieated. Hturi: nu.lj, it to .1 v li-tK ; everii
lnyu, 6 ta S, Wed, aud Bat smiilttfi front ft tr. 10 . no. k Hun
dnva, 9 to It. Reud 10 , of 2 ot. umps Tor boulr
"7Vtk," the oolv trifu i t k adtfrn-pu a fi l-rnl tooldv
Touns, ad mlcIdlo-iHT of both -t-jwea. Mritporcsll. aVOID
dootori warning uu uguloftt medical bonkt: Ihi j arv Afraid joa
will Otsd I heir innnrati-e rxroix'd Kf'AD Dr. fietii n XenlL
moniaLl la U ediiesdi jr'a and SJlurday' Pliiladiplila Tune.
At lost a medical work that tells tbo c&ukos,
ilescrll).- thvfiTects, points the rviiuitv. This
I hclentiflcnlly the inot-t valuablf, trtUtlcttily
the intrtt beautiful, medical booktUat bus ap
peareit for curs; 96 punm, every pugo beating
a halftone lllmtrutlou tu tint, of the
subjects tivated are Nervous Debility, lmpo
tenoy, Ste.-Hltr, Development, Varlcoc-elo, Iho
HuBband, Those Inter nil n-r Marrluirc, etc.
JSvery Mttn teho ttmuMknnwthe Uiutt'i Tiutha,
the Ptalik,FYtrtat the Old Setvret an l Xtn Vis
eoverteaof Med lent Stmci n applied IV Mar
ried Lifb ivho vwiil atone for pant fOlHes
and arnifi future pitfhjfa. fhmiltl write for this
woxdkkPcl LITTLE )iOOK.
It will be pent frve. under pal, while the edi
tion If conTenlent enclose ten rents to
pay potuuge alone. Ail dross tho publishers.
We guarantee It to rid the home of Mats, Roaches.
and Water Dues, ta
U tne beet in the market iat
RcoDuas, Amt, Uon.
For Sale by all Df BgItlj lie sure and get the gcuumo.
SoU only in bottle, our TRADE Mark a t-ucn
329 N. 8th St.. Philadclpma.
Are i-ometimesa bor(. but when thepoo
ple are told twice tbat ut Uallagber's
Chap Ca?h Htore they can buy Fl ur and
T. a at lower rates lbn jii wlie e in this
town tuey ate gl .d to test the truth of
tbe aft repented story. Full Hue of (ro
oerlos, Ilutt'T n id lijtis, l'outoej., ureea
xruak, Huy and Straw.
Gallagher's Cheap Cash Store 1
Watt's Popular Saloon,
(Formerly Joe Wyatt's)
and 21 West Oak Street,
Btt stosksd with tho boat beer, porter, ales,
rblaklss, brandies, wlnos, etc. Finest cigars
Uttse barattasbsd. Cordial Invitation to all
Has removed io Bill Jones oia s tana
Wuerebe will oe pleased to -t, c wann
or bis frlanaa sua t
e .iat)1 f ia
Bt??thiug in the Dnnbiag Uaa.
GTiWj'aalswsil mm fVR .
tOloluUoofre. KbdorasMDeataof PhTaiclau.IaaandBrainL
1 awttuUMU, eo4Iartlralar, 0ibari,t4ttirJ4