The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, April 10, 1893, THIRD EDITION, Image 1

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VOL. V1IT.--NO. 33.
A Big Drive
if. jr.
28 South Main St.
Clearing Sale of
Winter Goods !
Gents' red underwear that
formerly sold for $1 will now
go at 80c.
Special sale of Blankets.
Only a few more of those de
sirable Coats left over which
will be sold regardless of cost.
Carpets and oil cloths at the
lowest prices consistent with
first-class goods.
Dress goods, notions, etc.
Bouse Painters and Decorators
Hate adopted tho following prices for paper
hanging and decorating for 1893,
Commencing: Blurcli x.
VT piece for Brown and Whlto Blanks 12tfc
" ' OUt Papers -l&o
" Embossed Papers 18c
' " Decorating Ceilings 18c
" ' Joining or Duttlng 18c
Your Cornices to bo charged as 1 piece 18c
Sluoslzlng, per room 12x14 feet 50c
Larger and smaller rooms according to size.
Removing old paper and preparing walls, 25c
sir hour. All work guaranteed.
No Paper Hung by the Day,
EC D. R. HAaENUUCH, Fhanois Deegan,
GiorqeM. Boyeh, Geo. W. Hassleb,
J. ILMeul, Via. J. Link,
Edwahd Everett,
Headquarters for
all kinds of
Wholesale and retail.
Toothpicks 5c a Box.
Offices Room 3, P. O. Building, 8hencdoi
and Satorly Building, Pottavlllo.
Jarpets and Oil
JSrew Styles
houne cleaning,
retzels or Pretzels
Agency or
Uio hind
$4.50 JPer
J. PL. Williams & Son.
S. Main Si., Shenandoah.
PR1HG OF '93 Intending buyers
are Invited to Inspect what may be
termed the largest variety of Furniture
ever seen in Shenandoah. Prices the
lowest, i Pianos, Organs nnd Sewing
Machines in various styles and prices.
J- p-
Williams & Son,
13 Bouth Main St.
Beer and Porter
T AM AGENT for the
-1- Chas. Rettlg's Cele
IratedSIlecr and Porter in
thte vicinity, also Uergner
&Kngcl's celebrated India
Wq Ales and Old Slock.
Orders will receive prompt
attention. Finest brands
of Liquors and Cigars.
niSouih Main Street.
To Builders !
The season for building
is almost at hand, and
We have just replen
ished our stock of all
ji'mds of Hardware,
Kails and Builders'
Wo also carry an Immense line of
Htovcs, Rages, Cutlery nnd! Tin
ware. Itoofxg and Spouting our
specialty. J
f?eter Griffiths,
DanoiDgJ School
SchoppeOrchestrn, 15 Pieces.
oiXj cloth:
That sells on sleM Others for 85c. 45c and un
wards. All grate of pretty CarpciB. Callfoi
o. id. imxcsiaii'fia
Carpet Store, 10 South Jardin Si
and HandftLiMPaUerns-Iii
almost daily, lit you wan
ttum tawed, readv o moving o
the Original JIOBA TIAft
BltBTZBLS. lhe flmtt article oj
Rov. Robert O'Boylo Speaks to
tho Junior Order of American
Moohanlcs on tho Publics
Soliool System.
est lias hinged of Into
upon the compulsory
educational bill, and
Unit Interest lias been
increased by tho fact
that tho Jr. O. U. A.
SI. has invited tho
clergymen to express
their views upon it
from tho pulpit. Last evening Rev. Robert
O'Boylo was Riven an opportunity to speak
upon the nicasuro in tho Trinity Reformed
church, and over a bundled members of
Major Jennings Council, No. 307, Jr. O. U
A. SI., lUtened to the sermon.
Rev. O'Boylo took his text from Proverbs
lit; 13,11, 15-"llappy is tho man that
flndcth wisdom, and tho man that gcttcth
understanding ." Also Proverbs IV
"Wisdom is tho principal thing; therefore,
get wisdom ; aud with all thy getting, get
Rev. O'Boylo read tlto material sections ol
tho proposed compulsory bill and then pro
ceeded to briefly roview tho history of tin
publlo school system in Pennsylvania. After
til 8 roview Rov. O'Boylo settled down to some
common sense reasoning aud kept expound
ing upon American citizenship, maintaining
that such citizenship is dependent upon tli
inllucnco of tho public school system, and
therefore that is tho rock upon which the
United States government stands and do
ponds upon.
"Popular education is tho bulwark of free
institutions," said Rov. O'Boylo, "and to edu
cato tho pcoplo means to lift up tho masses.'
Tho compulsory educational bill, tho pastoi
said, was recognized as ono of tho patriotic
undertakings of tho Junior Older of Ameri
can Mechanics, and tho movement is such as
any American citizen will rccognizo as an
elfort to pcrretuato tho principals of tin.
greatest Republic in tho wordl.
Continuing the pastor said ignorance re-
turds tho interests of the people; it restrains
tho growth and development of tho stato and
nation. Fifty years ago Pennsylvania was in
tho background in comparison to her sister
states, but, thanks to tho public school
system, sho has forged to tho front and now
stands second to none, with an annual ap
propriation of $5,000,000 and tho stato's sup
port roady to continue tho glorious work.
The proposed bill should not be considered n
compulsion, because its measures only provide
necessities. Popular education leads to in
telligent citizenship, and the placing of that
mighty power the bnllot in tho hands of
people who will know how to handle it in
telligently, and the intelligent handling of
the ballot in a Republic Ijko tho United
States means a government, as Lincoln said,
"of tho people, by the people and for tho
people." Havo tho children educated. Let
tho parents realize tho rich blessings of tho
public school system, which has been granted
by God through man as free as tho air we
Said a noted man of GO years, "my mother
gavo mo Downs' Elixir for coughs and colds
when I was a boy." lm
Newspaper Xewi.
The Plain Speaker, of Hazleton, is now a
ono-cent paper. Wo note a number of im
provements in its make-up lately.
Our enterprising friend, "Jack" McCarthy,
ot tho Hazleton Sentinel, is full of grit. Ho
has purchased five Mergenthaler typo setting
machines, costing $3,000 each. A flno $5,000
printing press priuts his 30,000-issuo of tho
Weekly Sentinel. All these things would bo
suillciout to make an ordinary newspaperman
happy, but his cup of joy has been overflowed
by the resignation of President McLcod, who
has been his special target for months past.
Groat Is "Jack."
Tho Contralla Weekly Xev8 is a subject for
an obituary. It has ceased its appearance.
Wis Are Vindicated.
Tho Sunday News has made a hobbj- of
ridiculing tho claims of thu HiniAl.i) as an
advertising medium. On Saturday tho iVeios
placed un advertisement in the Hr,it.w,l
calling for n number of boys to sell papers.
Saturday night about ono hundrod and fifty
boys crowded about our contemporary's
building and tho circulation editor wns
almost driven wild. Now let other doubters
convince themselves.
Best work done at Brounau's Steam Lauu
dry. Everything white and spotless. Lace
curtains a specialty. All work guaranteed.
Stock For Sale
Ton (10) shares Traction Electric Railway
stock for salo.. Apyly at Herald office, tf
Tis a consummation devoutly to ho wished
for, that everyone in the land knew tho real
nieiits of Dr. Coxe's Wild Cherry and Seneka
for hoarseness and croup.
Fresh Morris River Cove .Oystere received
dally at Coslctt'g. 0-22-tf
Coughing Leads to Consumption.
Kemp's Balsam will stop the cough at
Scores of Miiny of the Competitor In tho
"Herald's" Popular School Toucher'
Contest Show 11 Decided Increase.
Nearly !J,Coo Saturday.
ARnes Stein -tsain
Nolllo Balrd :m;i(i3
Mamoll. Wasloy 34(1111
MahaUFftlrchlld 10610
Mary A. Connolly 10117
Prank 11, Williams 7731
Carrie Faust 3517
Anna M.Denglcr 3171
Bridget A. Burns 22S0
Mary A. Lafferty M
Cnrrlo M. Smith 1SW1
Lllllo B. Phillips 1707
Mary A. Stack... 1579
Ilnttlo Hess 15
James R. Lewis I. 87S
1511a Clauser 780
Hannah Rcoso tin
Magglo Oavanaugh IVW
Annlo Mansell Hti
Clara lino 829
IrenoShano it!
Sadie Danloll 383
Junnle Itamagc 1!74
UzzloLeko H9
Lizzie O'Connell 10G
Votes polled yoetcrday 213.)
Grand total 108401
Hero wo aro beforo tho Illinois building,
tho largest stato building of them all. It is
a splendid structmc, with a ground area ol
over thrco acres and a height of 231 feet.
After a good look at Illinois' great building,
wo find our way back into tho lagoon, hug
ging tho north and west shores. To tin
west, lronting tho lagoon, Is tho women s
building, an affair which covers over 77,001)
square feet. Tho ladles ought to feel proud
of this building, particularly as it was do
signed by u woman, Miss Ilayden, of Boston
Tho woinou's building is at tho east end ol
Midway Plaisance, which you will seo later
Hero arc two or three uniquo small buildings,
notably tho offices of 1'ack mid tho Whit
Stur steamship line, and at tho north end of
tho island aro the Japauise buildings aud
Now wo como to tho vast building dovotetl
to horticulture, tho oastoru trontageof which
Is toward tho lagoon. Horticulture is wel
provided for in tlio matter of quarters.
building is 1,000 feet in length nnd covers
nearly six acres. Just beyond is choral hall
which lies between tho horticultural and the
transportation buildings, half of which
ltt(r has ft water frontage. Tho transport;!
tiou building covers about tho saino arenas
the horticultural.
Hero wo aro at tho south end of the lagoon
alongside that funny little island with the
hunter's camp on it, and in front of the
mines and electricity buildings. Anothtr
trip down north canal and into tho basin and
our first trip is completed to Tar as a super'
flcial Inspection of tho buildings is eon
cornod. Now wo will walk over to tho no, get some luncheon, anil then inspect
that splendid peristyle I havo talked so nuicl
You've seen enough for ono day ! Well,
let's go back to the city and como back again
to-night. That is tho time, of all timos, to
teo tho fair building), and get full apprecia
tlon of what is, beyond doubt, tho grandest
sceuo tho world evci saw.
II. Itrfures to Sneuk 111 Ohio on Decora
tiou Day.
Private Dalzell wrote to tho New York
Pret recently:
I was recently invited to make an addross
at Cincinnati on noxt Decoration day, and
replied as follows:
Dear ComradeiJI have made somo sort or
to be plain and;candid, tho sumo sort or, to
bo still more ingcnoiH and uuoqulvooal, th
very same sort of a Deooratiou address over
siuco Logau Issued tho first order tor ooserv
lugthoday. But that will not do now. It is
imnn nut of fashion. I do not know If I can
get up one exactly adjusted to the new con
ditious. I am afraid I am too old to learn
new tunes. It is hard to meet tho requlro.
ments of the New Empire. This now Pharaoh
doesn't know the Joseph I trained uuder.
I cannot sing the old songs in a strange
laud. Beside, they won't lot me. Instead
of "Marching through Georgia," it is Georgia
marching through us 1 For "Down with th
traitors, up with the stars," they want me to
sing "Up with the traitors, down with th
stars." Tho glad fold relraln, "We are com
miug, Father Abraham," must now be Bung
"We are going, Father Abraliam."
It's all a new shibboleth iny lips refuses to
utter. I don't wonder Linoolu's monument
is tottering to ruin while we are building
monument to rebels and ahauting their
praisog, It is an awful huddling and pig.
ging of saints and sinners in the same bod
and I am afraid If I tried it my tongue
would bo raralyzed ani tho truth to tell
I hope it may be if I do.
Collar ltono llrokeu.
Andrew Smeilauz, a'Uungariau miliar, had
his collar hone broken Saturday afternoon
by being caught between tho top of a wagon
and top rook at the Knickerbocker oolliery,
Dr. Hamilton attended him.
He Pleaded Guilty.
'Squire Shoemaker has committed John
Barnhardt in default of $".00 bail. Edward
Watters charged Barnhardt with unlawfully
cohabiting with Mrs, Watters. Tho accused
pleaded guilty.
Beet photographs and crayons at Dabb's.
Tho Oroam of What tho Reporters
Hoar and Soo In all Sections
of tho Town Nicoly Grouped
T a lato hour Saturday
night reports wore cir
culated about town
that a young man had
been killed in a light
on North Main street.
An inquiry proved that
tho rcorts woro some
what oxaggorated, al
though it transpired
that in a row at tho corner of Main nnd Coal
streets W. S. Ilrennan and Thomas
Mnllahoy assaulted two young strangors from
Win. Penn, whoso names could not bo
One of tho strangers ran away, but tho
tlicr was terribly beaten and was so badly
used up that ho had to bo assisted to an
electric car. Those who wero near tho sceuo
say tho victim was jumped upon and kicked
so that It was feared he would bo killed and
that caused tho oxaggerated report.
Davio Schlier, of Delano, spent to day in
Will McCarthy, of St. Clair, spent tho day
in town.
Michael O'Hara spent last evening at
Elmer Wasloy was a county seat visitor
Saturday evening.
Charles Neico, of Pottavlllo, was a visitor
to town on Sunday.
Michael Begley, of l'ottsville, was n visitor
to town yesterday.
William Slattery visited friends at Maha
noy City yesterday.
John Harbinc, ol Ccntrali.t, was ft
to town on Saturday.
Edward Maley, of Philadelphia,
Sunday visitor to town.
W. W. Lewis, of Mahanoy City,
visitor to town yesterday.
Rev. J. Proudo preached In tho Glrardville
M. church last ovening.
M. H. Kehler, wife aud daughter aro visit
ing friends at Camden, N. J.
Mrs. E. B. Hunter left town this morning
to visit friends at Pottsvillo.
John A. Reilly and wifo spent yesterday
with frieuds at Mahanoy City.
Misses Kato and Mamo Maloy, of Maha
noy City, wero visitors to town yesterday.
P. J. Mulholland, Christ Schmidt and C.
Quinu went to tho county seat this morning.
J. R. Coylo nnd M. M. Ilurko, Esqs., looked
after legal business at tho County seat to-day
Mrs. Jennie Waters, iee Williams, of St
Clair, visited her mother in town on Satur
Mrs. Mary Schmidt, of North Jardlu
street, spout Sunday In Maliauoy City with
Mrs. Rev. II. J. Gllck and daughter,
Martha, of Hazleton, spent Sunday iu town
with friends.
Miss Laura Iiolick attended tho funeral of
Rov. H. D. Shultz's daughter at Bothlohem
on Saturday.
Miss Laura Hower, of Numidia, Columbia
countv. has joined her parents, who re
ceutly moved to town.
Miss Nellie Finney went to Pottsvillo this
afternoon, to attend tho spring meeting
Prof. Holt's dancing class.
Dr. C. M. Boidner, ono of Shenandoah's
handsome and most popular society young
men, was a town visitor yeseeruay aim at
tended tho Clover Club dauco last evening.
Shamohin Diipatch.
Elwood Sponsler, formerly connected with
tho Shenandoah Bakery Company, is lying
very ill at Hazleton. Ho is sufiering from
typhoid-pneumonia and his condition causes
his friends much anxioty.
A Ilrutal lluithand.
Michael Harritz, a Hungarian, beat his
wife terribly at their residence in Schmidt's
row yesterday. The beating the woman re
ceived was so severe that it caused a report of
murder to be circulated. The wife had two
black and swollen eyes and her face was like
a piece of jelly when she appared before
Justice Mouaglian. The husband ia uuder
bail for trial.
Attention, Camp 113 1
Washington Camp 118, P. O. S. of A., baa
removed to Schmidt's Hall, North Main
street. The first meeting in the new hall
will bo hold next Tuesday ovening, 11th
inet.lBy order of
J. II. Kehler, Pres.
Attest : F. C. Rkkk, Sec y. 4-8-3t
Received Call.
Rev. O. A. Bridgeman, of Millbank,
Ontario, preached iu All Saints' Protestant
Episcopal church, on East Oak, street yester
day and received a unanimous call from the
congregation to take charge of the parish.
Rev. Bridgomau will assume charge next
The only first-class brand of cigarettes in
the market to-day is the "Admiral." This
cigarette is not made by the trust. For full
particulars call on oi address B. Labows &
Co., Mahauoy City, Pa.
Watch t
Kofcp your eye on the northwest corner of
tho first page of the Hebald.
Holderm&n's Jewelry store leads, as ever.
Something liiipormiit In (lonncctlonjWIth
Our I'uhlto School.
Editor Hkbam: It 1 now generally
known that Prof. L. A. Freeman, our prosent
efficient Superintendent of public school,
will not be a candidate for re-election for the
ensuing term. This determination on the
part of Prof. Freeman has given rise to many
regrets and no llttlo concern as to the selec
tion of his sucreftsor.
Uuder the present management our schools
have sustained an excellent reputation. It
lias long bcon a matter of pride, that what-
over else might bo said to the disadvantage of
our town, our schools have boon equal to tho
best in tho county.
It is admitted on all sides that this high
standard can bo maintained only by tho most
Igilanl and energetic supervision on the part
of a superintendent thoroughly equipped for
tho work.
Will our Board succeed lnfimling a man to
meet nil tho requirements of this important
position 1 It is no moro than reasonable that
tho citizens of the largest town in tho county
should expect their School Board to give
them a superintendent who shall prove equal
to tho emergency. Ho should havo sufficient
acquirements to enable him to take liH
proper rank with the best educators in the
county, with the prestige of success in hU
rofession sufficient to compel the respect anil
confidence of our numerous corps of teachers.
The success or failure of our Board In
making this eloction is sure to have an
important bearing on their standing and
reputation with the community. Any back
ward step is sure to meet witli severe con
demnation. It is generally believed that our Board is
fully alivo to tho importance of this matter,
and they will Justify tho confidence reposed
iu them.
Shenandoah, Pa , April 8, 1803.
Political Point.
Tho Tamaqua CoMrfer is authority for the
statement that Senator Mouaghan is not a
candidate for County Treasurer. Senator
Monaghan may havo said tlii-i, but his friends
say he is. No doubt Senator Jfonaghan
would like to succeed himself in the Senate,
where he has made quito a record for himself.
Harry Muldoon has changed his tactics.
Ho 's now a candidate for County Treasurer.
HasJerrj McKernan.Xprmcd a combination
with him?
If Postmaster General Blssoll adheres to
his determination not to removo any moro
fourth class postmasters until they have
served four years, except for good cause,
Postmaster Eberlo, of Glrardville, will have
an opportuulry for serving his community
for awhilo yet, and "every Tom, Dick auil
Harry" will not haudlo tho mails in that
town like thev did somo years ago.
The Republicans of this county want as
early a convention as the rules will permit so
that all that want can go to tho World's Fair
beforo politics get rod hot.
It is conceded that a Shenandoah man will
be placed on the Republican ticket for County
Commissioner. Thero are throe candidates
from town Sovorn, Bellis and Noiswender.
There are plenty politicians in town who
are willing to bet that the next postmaster
will be selected from tho First ward.
With part of Schuylkill county lopped off
to make up Hazle, the Democrats wont feel so
sanguiuo of victory noxt fall.
Iu tho next apportionment, if we ever have
another one, Mahanoy City and Shenandoah
ought to lw made ono representative
"P. .?." Prnnklsh Agnlli.
P. J. Ferguson has long siuco attained a
wido reputation as a practical Joker aud
some of his pranks havo been good enough to
go the rounds of the press for months. On
Saturday he udded another to the list.
While a woman and her little boy were
waiting for a train at tho Lehigh Valley
depot P. J. coaxed tho youngster into hia
private office and poured a glass of water into
tho boy's pants pocket while a conversation
was kept -up. P. J. then gave the boy a
penny aud told him to go back to hU mother.
The youngster did as directed and while he
was walking up and dowu the platform turn
ing the penny over and over in hia hand, the
woman exclaimed, as she saw the water
dripping from the bottom of the youngster's
pants, "There, now, you little rascal, Z
kuew you would do it." The next moment
the boy wag stretched across the maternal lap
and tho air was filled with cries of pain
mingled with the resounding whacks that
fell upon the seat of the pants. P. J. got
away before the little fellow could give au
When you are troubled with dixsines
your appetite all gone, aud you feel had gen
erally, take a few eloseg of Dr. Henry Bax
ter's Mandrake Bitten, and you will be sur
prised at the improvement in your ftwliaga,
Every bottle warranted to give satis&otiou.
Attention, Caiup 200.
A special meeting of W. Camp, No. 906, P.
O. S. of A., will be held on Monday evening,
April 10th, at 7:30 o'clock, in the eainp room,
corner Oak and Main streets. Every mem
ber is requested to bo present, as bwineesof tba
utmost importance is to be transacted.
Qro. W. Hokx, Pres.
Attest : C, T. Strauqhn, See'y. 4-8-8t
Ijine's Family Metltolue Moves the Dowels
Each day. In order to be healthy this is
All Kinds, nt
Fricke's Carpet Store, S. Jardin St