The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, March 30, 1893, THIRD EDITION, Image 2

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    The Herald.
JT,i. MtrttH M,Jrw-rifur
H. O, HOT UK HMinr amt I'iiHIW
w.j. WA. I ki.yh Wi jwier
J, XT. HOTKH .. .iMijrrtiir(rr
I'll iivHHinu Hbhaijj na a. Uigur' uiroui
noo in 'SbanaDdotth ttran any other paper put.
Books open to all.
DmM.iwi vmr hm M UO
wtMgj.y, per rr . 1 M
jliUtrHiiii Jtitir.
Trmulent, 10 eenu tier line, Unit Insertion i b
MM per line oh nubsequentlnsiirtioti, Rate
Mr rocalar Advertising can be bad on applies
Ma at tne offiee or by mall.
Mawred'tt toalPoetofflee, at Bhenandoan, Pa.
tor transmission; through the mall
a soeond-olftiw mall matter.
Aftar iimiiy yenM of exiifirimmit
htjf with this store btUsry tus u resar
yolrof pwwer from which to run
ths street oar -ome sattiiiftotory r win Its
Imve recently Ikmiii obttituetl in gun
Fninolieo whloti justify greuter Jex
locutions in regard to the storage
Imttery, not only to supply the power
fnr street oar locomotion but also to
retain it for gatlafttotory periods, the
latter desideratum having been the
one in which the greuteit deficiency
hm heretofore uxisted.
There l, therefore; reasonable hopo
to expect thatthe trolley wire iiu-ntnst
which no many objections uavo been
made, gome of a renin aable and other
of a very uureasenable charanter, may
bit dispensed with. Each stor-ire
lattery car will carry its ow propell
3ni force which in ty cause the aboli
tion of the tralti of euu which has
uen touud ho objeotluuable In Pliilu
detiihia aud other cities under tlie
uaMe system, by entailing delays to
many who do not waut t stop, and
also rendering It neeeasary for a large
percentage of the patrons to wade
through mud away from the regular
wosslngs. The storage battery also
may do away with the frequent stopi
(tamed by fraotuw of the trolley wire
Valuable time will be saved by stop
iiiK and Hturtlnit these oars more
ijulokly Mian U imsilble with the
horse or cable ctr, just as we now sue
it with the trolley system here in
Shenandoah. A recent improvement
Siid to have been effected in insula
Hon will prevent such vehicles from
being retarded by snow or rain, while
extremes of temperature will make
Ule or no ditlerence in.thuir rate ot
Tlie trolley wire mnys'ill be employ
ed for many years on elevated lines
where the elements of danger or dis
turbance arc reduced to a minimum.
The trolley will long hold its own be
cause of relatively small loss of force
in transmission. But the storage bat
tery wlieu perfected will be the motive
power employed in the future, near or
distant, for surface Jcars in "all cities
and large towas. And it manifestly
poseettses vast advantages over other
modes of propulsion, so that its gene
Tftl adoption cannot be deferred much
longer although tho difficulties to be
veroome were much greater than
those which up to the present
time have seemed to bar the way to its
se iu the streets generally.
Tub demagogues in the Councils of
Chicago have agreed to make the
birthday of the Emperor William of
Germany a legal holiday in that city,
The excuse of th is remarkable act is that
a3 tlie Irish of that city have the
privilege of observing St. Patrick's
Day ag a legal Jholiday the same
privilege should be accorded to the
German population. The extent of
foreign influence in that city is shown
by tills enactment. Why the Ger-
ni'iBs living in a great " American city
should select the most conspicuous rep
resentative of imperialism and anti
democratic ideas in Europe next to
the Czar far this homage is not easy to
understand. William is a young
man of ability, who represents modern
kingcraft in its least attractive politi
cal phase. There is nothing in his
eharacter as a ruler with which any
good Amerloan can sympathise
But even if lie were a wiser man than
be has thus far shown himself to be or
afrleud of liberty.there would be no rea
son for exalting him to the rank of tho
few heroes In this country whom the
American people honor by legal de
eree. The Chlcagooouucllhaveslmply
given a wretched illustration of dema
gogy such as every American should
gethieikae against regardless of the
nationality of these In whose suppos
4 honor it is praoticed. The Ger
MHtns, m a rule, in this country have
ot allowed their national prejudices
and prepossessions to Interfere with
their loyalty to Amerloan institutions.
They have in fact generally shown
juow good geu in this respect than
any other oUee of foreigners who
eottW among m, and they should put
an end to the cheap tricks of the vote
catflber who are trying to play upon
their nativity. A Gjrunu who
enandi that the law in this oountry
ltMOKaize ths Bmperor William as a
hare Is oawtaluLy not on the pa th that
leads to good Amerloan oltlzenship.
Judge I fear II. Goldsboroagb. Da
MC, iky: "It gives me pUywure to
mead HulraUoa Oil to any one aulle rli
Dal tl more.
rlug from
Miesmatle or other pains."
Interesting Happenings from
all Sections.
The rir In Ciixt-'a Iron ItifHlmr Ht OnelilR,
Nnt N Ureal m at PI rut Krpnrted A Conn Aanlnat llif l'tillallrtplilK Pros
Tlii' linnlvnitt' Now OfflctM'H -Ollmr
Import ant tttate )lnpMinlnga.
Haiianmy City, March 80. Hon. Charles
'Cing in tnlkiug to a reporter last evening
Uitecl that the fnmmn.TcddotviMM'l, which
fill chain the coal bruin around Hiizieton
tito tlie Cmiyngham cnik In Butler VmIIpj,
ioh l'f?n extended 1 1.0(H) feet from Butler
. alley mid that there are only 13.000 feet
nore to drive. The two slopes, which are
o cnirjr the water Into the tunnel, have nl
endy been rut. This tunnel is being driven
y a comr any formed of coh! operatoni for
' he purpose of taking the water out of the.
mine working and carrying off the dirty
watier. which whe the coal In the breaker
in preparation for market. The valley thi
ilaok water will he emptied into Ir five
mlee long and in one of the mt beautiful
urinlng regloiia in the 5tate. The farm
m ners fought the tunnel and the casu is
now pendina In the supreme court.
Tlx) Will Aniotilil In SaOO.OOO.
Hazuton, March 110. Owing to the na
ure of th mnterial used in the construc
.( .n of tlie Oneida breaker, which wan no
ladly damngeil by fire, the loss was not so
oniplcte an nt first sup)Keil. Tho entire
limit) of the building is still intact. The
nterior, which was fitted with tlie most
improved machinery, however, was either
endured UBelesB or entliely destroyed.
. here was little or no wood used in the
iiiilding. The total loss to machinery and
.uilcliim will run up to 1200,000. The
tincture whs the only onu of its kind aver
milt, it wa supposed to lie entirely iire
jiitxif. Improvements which wore under
oiift ruction would have made a capacity
if 8,000 tons per day. The building was
completed only a yenr ago.
AiiilltnrR Complete Their TjRbor.
Reading, March DO. The county audi
tors have completed their labors after
icarly three months' hard work. Tlie
t-oimty debt Iirs been reduced to $55,828.44,
mil there is a balance In the treasury of
:'.'1,801.21. The whole amount of out--tanding
tax is $107,074.01. The total re-u-ipts
last year were $400,174.05. The
total expenditures were $428,872.84, of
which $1143.208.50 was on account of com
missioners' orders. Tho directors of the
rrr expended for the almshouse and in
nut-door relief" $03,832.88. The prison
inspectors sjient $20,388.05. Improvements
.U tho courthouse amounted to $213,447.04.
Seventh Mining District Report.
Shamokin, March 30. Following Is the
leport of the Seventh niiuini; district for
1H!)2 by Inspector Edward Brennan: Phila
delphia ami Reading (Joal and Iron Com
pany, 2,107,053 tons of coal mined; fatul
accidents, 18. Mineral Railroad and Min
ing Company, 558,544 tons; fatal accidents,
'). Summit branch, 847,804 tons; fatal ao
cidente, 5. Lykens Valley, 282,014; fatal
accidents, 4. L. A. Reilly & Co., 870,829;
iatal accidents, 2. Individual collieries,
1,183,795; fatal ace'dents, 7. Totul tous
ot coal mined, 5,484,675. Total fatal acci
dents, 45. There were 101 lion fatal acci
dents in the district.
The Court Appoints Ilerelverfl.
NonmsTow.v, March 80. Upon tho ap
plication of several stockholders the court
yesterday appointed Ellison M. Daniels and
(jeorge J. Humbert, of Norristown, and
Charles J. Newton, of Philadelphia, receiv
ers for the Norristown Steol Company.
Air. Daniels is secretary and Mr. Humbert
is general manager of the company, and
Mr. Newton is a creditor. The known in
debtedness of the company is about $05,
000. Th Dovlue aoclutlnn MoetK.
Pottsvillk, Mar'h 80. The Schuylkill
county Bovine ansof ation held its monthly
meeting here lost veuing. The most im
portant matter was the reading of a paper
by tho president, Dr. J. A. Sallade, on
"Milk and Its Relation to Disease in Hu
man Beings." This association is now very
strong in tills county and istheonly guaran
tee the people have for pure milk.
To be Sworn in Monday.
Reading, March 80. Mayor-elect Wil
liam F. Sbanaman, of this city, has decid
ed to bo sworn in next Monday on a Bible
which he received as a Sunday school
hid "for good attendance and interest and
progress in Sabbath school work." He will
follow the reading of his inaugural with
the announcement of all his appointments.
The I'enusylvanlu'a Ofllcers.
PmXADKLFlUA, March 30. The directors
of the Pennsylvania railroad organized yes
terday and elected the following onlcers
President, George B. Roberts; first vice
president, Frank Thornton; second vice
president, Joun 1. Ureen: tnira vice presi
dent, Charles E. Pugh; secretary, John C,
Sims; treasurer, Robert W. Smith.
"Will Vuy the Interest.
Philadelphia, March 80. The receivers
ot the Reading railroad yesterday notified
Treasurer Church to pay the interest fall
ing due on the bonds of the company on
April 1 and the Lehigh Valley dividend
due on April 15. The payments for inter
est and the dividend will amount to a little
over $1,000,000;
Tound Dead ou tlie Itallroail.
Hazlbton, Mwch 80. The dead body of
an unknown man was found near Mud run
on the Lehigh Valley railroad yesterday.
The point is In tho mountains and on a
heavy curve. It it believed that the man
was a passenger on the midnight train and
fell from the platform whan rounding the
Another lifTort In Krouier'n lldlialf.
Kittanninq, March 80. Attorneys Clark
and McCain have made another effort to
secure the release on bail of Jacob Cromer,
the Scottdale man charged with being im
plicated in the attempted Leechburg bank
robbery. Judge Bayburn held the matter
under adviaeinent.
Decided Agaliut th Preu,
Harbiububu, March SO, Judge Mo
Pheruon baa handed down an opinion in
the cane of the state against the Philadel
phia Prew, involving the rebate paid on
mercantile appraiser advertising, deciding
against the Press
To Ilanebnll TuU Hwhb,
Philadelphia, March 80. A dispatch
from Iteudiug says: It is now deAuitsly
settled that there will be no professional
baseball club in Reading this Miuan. The
grounds on North Tenth street will be con
verted into building lots.
Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report
It Goes Down t!iit Nrven Cent In seven
MlnntrK. '
('Tin 'Alio, March 30. Yesterday .ifter
iiooii May wheat broke seven ra nts in aliow
.s many minutes one of the most sensa
Kinal breaks on record. It was tin- resu!!
l the emergency storage decision and heavy
filing of the clique, which had been oper
ating h cuKi.-r in the May option. Tin'
clique lias been selling two or three days,
nd did particularly heavy work in th:i
i iip yistcrday, amounting, it is said, tv
.vei- 3,000.000 bushels.
'1 he drop whh so remarkable as to prac
licnll) parallKe business for the time being,
mil came so suddenly thatthe wide clamo:
usually nun king a wide fluctuation was al
mohi. entimly lacking. Tke market simp.,
louiid itself without suport. Rumors oi
nrii ate settlements by the clique on large
.imounts of May were curietit. One thiiu
was certain a lot of tailrre were saerilieeu
on stop orders. After touching 75 8-lc,
tlie bottom figures, tlie market quickly re
acted to 70 l-4c-, a recovery of 3 l-2u.
flr.'KKHlns Looking lor ti limit FIk'iI.
Bostoj!, March 30. Alex. Oresruains,
the puRilist, has deposited with Captain A.
W. Cook, of this city, $1,000 as a ioi teit to
make a match with Boll Fltzsiiumnns.
Qreggaius claims tho middle-woig'it
pioiwhip of America because no one in dint
class is willing to meet him, althougii in
bus hail a forfeit up for some weei.s The
CaliforuiHn is now determined to make a
try for world's championship honors.
Cholera has broken out at Brisbane and
many di-atbs from thu disease am reporteo
Eight deaths from grip were reported at
the ollice of tho board of health iu New
York City yesterday afternoon.
August Hmizer, his wife and two chil
dren, were di owned in the Thames river in
London, by thu capsizing of their pleasure
The diminse done by last week's blizzard
in the m uli west, says a Chicago dispatcn,
is now figured up to bo In the neighborhood
of $7,000,000.
On Oood Friday the regular holiday
schedule of collections and deliveries Will
be observed by tho pot office, tho day be
ing a legal holiday.
By a premature explosion of a blast in
tho "Found-bo-Qat" mine, near Leadville,
Colo., two miners were instantly killed and
tnree otueis latauy injured.
Eleanor Duse, tho Italian actress, who
lias been seriously ill in Chicago for several
days, was reported by her physicians thu
morning as being out of danger.
General E. Klrhy Smith, who died at
Sewauee, Tenn., on Tuesday afteruoon,
will bo laid to rest in the cemetery iu tho
city with military honors to-morrow
The body of the St. Catherines, (Out.,)
business man, who committed suicide at
Fiagarn Falls, was found yesterday after
noon iu tho river near Lewiston, N. H.
Richard Croker, the Tammany chief,
says tlicro is no truth iu the leport that ha
has made an offer of $1,000,000 for the
purchase of tlie Jerome park race truck.
There is a hill before tho Now York legis
lature at Albany asking for an inciease of
$1,000 per year iu the salaries of aldermen
in New York city. The salaries of the al
dermen are now $2,000.
In the trial of Dr. Buchanan in New York
city, for the murder of his wife, much
damaging testimony is being introduced.
Even the prisoner's friend has tenuied
aguinbt him and at the pietent time things
look just a trifle dark for thu doctor's uua
of the
Norris Nael, formerly of Dennison, Tx.,
where he left a wife and child, meeting
Mrs. Mary It. Davis, of Paris, "Mo., of whom
he was enamored, received a curt lel'uaiil
to listen to his advances. sIIo dicw a re
volver, fired twice at the woman and then
fatally shot himself. The woniuu was nut
John L. Woods, the banker and philan
thropist of Cleveland, died at Augusta,
Ga., where he hud gone for the benefit cj
his health. Mr. Woods was known to be a
man of large wealth, but during the fast
five years he practically gave awoy th
great bulk of his fortune.
In Atlanta, On., United States Judgi
Newman has filed an opinion oonilririiiijj
the uctiou of the United States court for
the Eastern district of Virginia allowing
Receivers Huidekoper aud Foster, of the
Richmond und Danville railroad, to Usue
receivers' certificates to the amount of
Philadelphia Stock Jlurkt t.
proiiub of Umt unlvemuUy oLserved holiday
uoou l'l liluy had the usual effect of limltiutf
siieoiUatiou till luoruiiiiir, aud iu oooaequouci
V1IO luwrnci IU iruvifti una uuii ttim iiniiw.
Would you, rather buy lamp.
chimneys, one a week the year
round, or one tnat lasts till some
accident breaks it r
Common glass may break or
not the minute you light your
lamp: it not, tne nrst dralt may
break it: if not, it may break
from a mere whim.
Tough glass chimneys, Mac
beth's " Pearl-top " or " Pearl
glass," almost never break from
heat, not one in a hundred.
Where can you get it? and
what does it cost?
Your dealer knows where and
how much. It costs more than
common glass: and may be, he
thinks tough glass isn't good for
his business.
PUtftbunih, l'a. Geo. A. Macuwu Co.
The nirllrmmil (fanned II In Death.
Acton Cenirb, Mass., March 80. Rev.
James Fletcher, a prominent citizen, drop
led dead from excitement during a fire
which destroyed some buildings near his
resilience. Ho was superintendent of the
Acton schools for many years; wrote a his
tory of the town; was at one time princi
pal of Lawrence academy at Croton and
the academy at Manchester, Vermont.
To Cull an ISxtra Session,
Washington, March 80. To n few con
gressmen, who have talked with him on
the subject, Mr. Clovelaud has intimated
that he will call an extra session of con
gress to dispose of the tnriff question. No
definite timo lias been set, but the session
will begin either in September or October.
l.'nd of the Mltchell-Vf urd Trajedj.
Mempi.-s Tenn., March 30. Tlie cele
brated Mitchell-Ward tragedy was cleared
from the courts yesterday when the case
against Lillie Johnson, charged with being
Alice Mitchell's accomplice in the killing
of Freda Ward, wus dismissed by order ot
Judge Scruggs,
IU7..urd'n Phi (ton Ilacoinmended.
Haiuuhburo, March 80. The board of
piudons has recommended for the favorable
consideration ot tho governor, the pardon
of Abraham Buzzard, the famous old Lan
caster county outlaw, which has five times
been heard by the board, and four times
Fifteen l'emons Cremated.
Berlin, March 30. The mining town of
Kaernten, near Illeiberg, is burning. Two
churches and sixty-five houses have been
destroyed and fire btill spreads. Fifteen
persons are known to have died in the
flames and several others arc missing.
There Will l no Steel l'ipo Combine.
Cincinnati, March 80. There is n prob
ability that the big iron and steel pipe com
hino will not be a go. A strong rumor to
that effect was out yestcrduy af tenioon
and inquiries developed that theru was cause
for the rumor.
Mr. Harvey Heed
Laccyville, 0.
Catarrh, Heart Failure, Pa
ralysis ot tno Tnroat
"I Titanic Cod and Hood's Sarsa-
pat'llla for Vcrfect Health."
' Gentlemen: For tho benefit of sufferlnc hu
manity 1 wish to state a few facts: For several
years I have suffered from catarrh and heart
failure, getting so bad I could not work aud
Could Scarcely Walk
I had a very bad spell of paralysis of the throat
some timo ago. My throat seemed closed and
I could not Hviiitlovr. Tho doctors said it
was caused liy heart failure, and gave medicine,
viiii;ii i iook accoruing to directions, nut it iiiu
not seem to do me nnv pnod. Mv wlln nrireil
mo to try Hood's Sarsapanlla, telling me of Mr.
Joseph C. Smith, who had been
At Doath's Door
but was entirely cured by Hood's Sarsaparllla.
Alter taiKing with Mr. Smith, I concluded to
try Hood's Sarsaparllla. When I had taken
two UOttlea I fftlt vnrv tiinnli hptfpr. T linvft
continued taking it, ami am now feeling excel-
jutv. A UltlllU uuu, uuu
Hood's Sarsapanlla
and my wlfo for my restoration to perfect
lit'iilth." Harvey Hliiui. Lacevvllle. O.
HOOD'S 1'ILLS do not muge, nalu or gripe.
tut act promptly, easily and eulcleutljr. 35c.
Now ready for you at
Hardware Stare.
We are headquarters for
Paint Brush's, Window Brushes,
Scrub Brushes, Spades,
Forks, Rak s, House Furnishings.
Everything modelod aftor
Green's Cute, Philadelphia.
32 8. Main St., Sliciiaiiclonli.
The leading plaoe In town.
Has lately been entirely reno
vated Everything new. olean
and fresh. The finest line of
WiriBS and Liquors I
Cigar. &o foreign and do
untie. Free luneb wrvad
each evening. Big lohoonars
ot f resh,Bser,Portr, Ale. &e.
J. J, DQUGtUaRTV. Prop.
p T. UAVIOa,
Office Northeast Cor. Main and Centre Sts,
Shenandoah, over Stain's drug store.
Anthracite ooa! i-m xo ivpiv, Insuring
cleanliness und coin'ori
Trains leavo Shenandoah as follows:
For Now York via Philadelphia, week days,
J.0fi,5.2S.7.18,10.08 a.m., U.W.8.48,5.58 p.m. Sunday
A08. 7.46 a, m. For New York via Mauch Chunk,
week days, 7.18 a. m., IS.M, 2.48 p. m.
For Beading and l'Mladelptals, week days,
i 08, 5.1SI. 7.18. 10.08 a. m.,lS.M, .48, 6.58 p. m. Sun
' ra.,4.iJBp. m
For Harrisburg, week days, 2.08, 7.18 o. m.,
4fi. 5.58 xi. m.
For Allentown. week davs, 7.18 a. m., 1.!M,
2.48 p. m.
For l'ottoTillo. week days, 2.08, 7.18 b. m., .!,
J it, 5.58 p. m. Sunday. 2.08, 7 4fl ft. m 4.28 p. m.
For Tftmaqua and Mshanoy City, week days,
!.0fl. B.2S, a. m.,t2,8S, 2.48, 5.58 p. m. Sun
day, 2.08, 7.48 a. m., 4.28 p. m. Additional for
Msliatioy City, week days, 6.58 p. m.
For Lancaster and Columbia, week days, 7.18
a. in., 2.48 p. m.
For Willlamsport, Sunbury and Lewlsburg,
week days, 3.W, 7.18, 11.28 a. m 1.33, 6.58 pm.
Sunday, 3.28 a. m., 3.08 p. m.
For Mahunoy Plane, week days, 2.08, 3.28. 5.38,
r.I8, 10,08, 11.28 a. m 12.38, 1.38, 148, 5.M, 6.58, 9.88
p. m. Sutiday, 2.08, 3.23, 7.46 a. m., 3.08, 4.28 p. m.
For Olrardvllle. ( Itanoahannoek Station),
weekdays, 2.08, 3.33, 5.23. 7.18, 10.08, 11.28 a. m. 2.48. B.58. 6.58. 0.38 n. m. Sundov. 2.06.
3.S3. 7.40 a. m., 3.08, 4.28 p. m.
For Ashland and Shamokin. week days, 8.28.
5.28, 7.18, 11.28 a. m., 1.38, 6.58, 9.38 p. in. Sun
day, 3.28. 7.46 a. m., 3.03 p. in.
Leave New York via PhlladelDhta. week davs-
7.45 a. m., 1.30, 4.00. 7.80 p. m., 12.15 nlgbt. Sun'
lay, d.uu p. m., iz.i! nigni.
Lsave New York via Mauch Chunk, week days
00, 8.45 a! m., 1.00, 4.30 p. m. Sunday, 7.15 a. in
Leave Philadelphia, week days, 4.10, 10.00 a. m
4.00, 0.00 p. m., from Market and 13th Sts and
".35 a. m., II. SO p. m. from vth and Green streets.
Hunday, 9.06 a, m., 11,30 o. m , from 9th anc
r J - -- , it i, in inne I , tr-
ui.utu ituauiuij, nucK u,Q i.w, ,iu tv.w. ii.v,'
-t. m., 5.55. 7.57 p. m Sunday, 1.35, 10.48 a. m.
irave I'ottsvuie, wcok oays, :s.4u, 7.i a. m.
2.30, 6.11 p. m Sunday, 2.40, 7.00 a. m., 2.06 p. m
Leavo Tntriaaua, week davs. 3.20. 8.48. 11.23 a
in., 1.21, 7.15, 0.28 p. m. Sunday, 3.20, 7.43 a. m.
iu p. m.
Loavo Mahanoy City, wcok days, 3.45, 0.18
1.47 a.m., 1.61, 7,B, 0.54 p.m. Sunday, 3.48, 8.1S
.. m 3.20 p. m.
Leavo Mabanoy Piano, wcok ds ys, 2.40, 4.00 a.m..
0. in. Sunday, 2.40, 4.00, 8.27 a, in., 3.37, 5.01 p. in
Leavo Glrardvllie. fltannahannock Station!
weeks days. 2.47. 4.07, 6.36, 9.41 10.16 a. m., 12.05, i.u, t.a,, s.iu, p. m. sunaay, zai
1.07. 8.S8, a. m., 3.41, 6.07 p. m.
L,eave wiuiamsport, week aays, s.uu, v.w, iz.ui'
. m 3.35, 11.15 p. m. Sunday, 11.15 p. m.
For llalttraoro, Washington and the West vis
I. & O. It. II.. throneb trains leave Glrard
venue station, Philadelphia, (P. & It. It. K.) a'
i 6(1, 8.01, 11.27 a. m 3.56, 6.42. 7.16 p. m. Sunday
50,8.02, 11.27 a. m 3.56, 5.42, 7.16 p. ra.
Leavo Philadelphia, Chestnut street wharl
.nd Houth street wharf, for Atlantio City.
Weekdays Express, 9 00 a m, 2 00, 3 00, 4 00
1 00 p m. Accommodation, 8 00 a m, 5 45 p m
Hundavs Kinross. 9 00. 10.00 a m. Accom
nndation, 8 00 a m and 4 30 p m.
iteturning leave Atlantic Ulty nepot, Atiantu
nd Arkansas avenues. WcekdayH Express,
to, 7 45, 9 00 a m and 3 SU and 5 SO p m
Accommodation, 8 15 a m and 4 80 p m.
Hundays Express, 4 00, 8 00 p m.
Accommodation, 7 15 a m and 4 30 p m.
LclitRU Vrtllcy Division,
Passenger trains leavo Shenandoah for
Ponn Haven Junction. Mauch Chunk. Le-
itghton, Slatlngton, White Hall, Catasauqua
neniown, iicmienem, uasion, r miaaoipnia
Kazleton, Wealherly, Quakako Junction, Del
tno and Mahanoy City at C.OI, 7.40, 9.08 a m.
12.52. 3.10. 6.27 p. m.
For New York, 6.W, 9.08 a. m., 12.52, 8.10
-.27 p. m.
For Hazleton, Wilkos-Borre, White Haven
Pittston, Laccyville, Towanda, Sayro, Waverly
Blmira, Rochester, Niagara Falls and the West
10.41 a. m., (3.10 p. m no connection for Itochos
icr, Buffalo or Niagara Falls), 8.03 p. m.
For Ilelvldero, Delawaro Water Gap anC
Stroudaburg, 6.04 a. m., 6.27 p. in.
For Lambertvllle and Trenton, 9.08 a. m.
For Tunkhannock, 10.41 a. m 8.10, 8 03 p. m.
For Auburn. Ithaca. Geueva and Lvons. 10.41
,i. m., 8.03 p. m.
r or jsanesvuie, i.e vision nnu ucaverxaeaaow,
r.40, 9.08 a. m.,5.27, 8.03 p. m.
For Audenrlcd. Hazleton. Stockton and Lum
ber Yard, 6.01, 7.40, 9.08, 10.41 a. m 12.62, 3.10,
i.27 p, m.
For Scranton. 0.01. 9.08. 10.41 a. m.. 8.10. 5.27
8.03 p.m.
For Hailebrook, Jeddo, Drlfton and Frecland.
rt.04, 7.40, 9.08, 10.41 a. m., 12.62, 3.10, 6.27 p. m.
For Ashland, G lrardville and Lost Creek, 4.27,
7.40, 8.52, 10.15 a. m., 1.00, 1.40, 4.10, 6.35, 8.10, 9.15
p. m.
Shamokin, 8.52, 10.15 a. m., 1.40, 4.40, 8.07 p. m.
For Yatesvlllo, Park Place, Mahanoy City and
Delano. 6.04. 7.40, 9.03, 10.41 a m., 12.62, 3.10, 6.27,
8.03, 9.33, 10.28 p. m.
Trains will leavo Shamokin at 7.55. 11.55 a. m..
2.10, 4.30, p. m. and arrive at Shenandoah at
u.uo a. in., 12.02, s.iu, o:n p. m.
Leave Shenandoah for Pottsville, 5.50, 7.40,
0.08, 10.41 a. m 12.62, 3.10, 4.10, 6.27, 8.03 p. m.
UnilC A U.lOtll.U IU, dliCU.UUU.U, V.W, I.IU,
0.05, 10.15, 11.48 a. m., 12.32, 3.00, 6.20, 7.00, 7.15, 9.30
p. m.
Leave aaenanaoaa ior uazieion, u.m, v.iu,,
10.41 a. m., 12.52, 3.10, 5.27, 8.03 p. m.
Leave Hazleton for Shenandoah, 7.30, 9.15
11.03 a. m., 12.45, 3.10, 6.80, 7.10, 7.58 p. m.
Trains leave for Ashland. Glrardvllie and Lost
Creok, 7.29, 9.41 a. m., 12.30, 2.45 p. m.
r or Yatedviue, 1'arK i-iace, -tiaaanoy uiiy,
Dolano, Hazleton, Mack Creek Junction, Penn
Haven Junction, Mauch Chunk, Allentown,
Bethlehem, Eaaton and New York, 8.40 a. m., p. m.
For Ihilndelnhla 12.30. 2.55 n m.
For Yutesville, Park Place, Mahanoy City and
Delano, 8.40, 11.35 a. m., 12.30, 2.55, 4.40 6.01 p. m.
Leave Hazleton for Shenandoah, 8.30, 11.30
a. m.,, 4.37 p. m.
Leave Shenandoah for Pottsville, 5.50, 8.40,
Leavo Pottsville' for Shenandoah. 8.30. 10.40
a.m. ,1.30, p. m.
u. u. uaxmuuijiy, uen. i-aas. Agi.
Phlladelnhla. Pa.
A. W. NONNEMACHKR, Asst. G. P. A. Lehigh
vaney uiviaiuu, auuiu ueiaieaem 1 a.
DfcCEMUUR 8, 1802.
Trains will leavo Shenandoah after the above
date for Wiggan's, OUberton, Frackville, New
Uiistie, wt. uiair, i'ottsvuie, namnurg, ltcaaing,
Pottatown. PhoenlxvlHe. Norristown and Phil
adelphia (Uroad street station) at 0:00 and 11:45
a. m. ana -j ; 10 p. m. on wee uaye. i?-or oiis
vllle and Intermediate stations 9:10 a, m.
For Wlggan'8, Gllberton, Frackville New
uustie. st. uiair. rousvnio at u;w, w;ja. m,
and 3:10 n. m. For Hamburir. Readinir. PottH.
town, Phainlxvllle, Norristown, Philadelphia
at 6:00, 9:40 a. m., 3:10 p. m.
Trains leave Frackville for Rhenan-toah at
10:40a.m. ana &:ih, 7: ana 10:27 p. m
Hundavs. 11:13 a. ra. and 5:40 p. m.
Leave Pottsville for Shenandoah at 10: 16.
11 :48 a. m. and 4:40, 7:15 and 10:00 p. m. Sundays
at 10:40 a. m. and 5:15 p. m.
Leave lhiladelphia Uroad street station) for
Pottsvlllo and Shenandoah at 5 57 and 8 35 a m,
4 10 and 7 11 Pm week days, On Sunday leave
at 8 50 a m. For PottaviUe. 9 23 a m. For New
York at 3 20, 4 05, 4 40, 5 15, 6 50, 7 30, 8 20, 8 30,
950, 11 00, 11 14. am, 1200 noon (limited ei.
press 1 00 and 4 50 n m) 12 44, 1 35, 1 40, 2 30, 3 80,
1 00, 4 0, 5 00, 6 00, 5 30, 6 50, 7 13, 8 12 and 10 00 p
m. 12 01 nkrhL Sundays at 3 30. 4 05. 4 40. 5 15.
8 12. 8 30, D 60, 11 03 a m and 12 44. 1 40, 2 30, 4 OS
ui mn a ov) o;-y,uw,uw, t ia una o 11 p m ana
12 01 nlizht. For Sea Girt. Loner Branch and in
termediate stations 8 20 and U14 am, and 4 00
pmweeKaays. ior uammore ana wasmng
iuu o w, i au a nt v tv, iw w, to 114 114 u iiiu-
lted einrens,) 1 30,3 48, 4 99, 0 17, 7 (10, 7 40 p m
U 08 night. For Freehold only 5 00 p m week
davs. For llaltlmore onlyatflOS, 4 01, 5 08 and
11 30 p, m. Sundays atS 60. 7 20, 9 10, 11 ID a in,
VI 10, 4 80, 7 00, 7 40 p m, 13 03 night. Iialtlmore
only 5 08, 1130 p m. For Klchmond 7 20 am,
1310p mand ism night.
Tralofl will leave Harrlaburi for PltUburc
and the Went every day nt 12 36, 1 20 and 3 10
a m anu iiumiau o wt so, a so, una o io p m.
Way for Altoona at 8 15 am and 6 18 p m every
every av.
.1, J .. ., l&awA CnKi, nv TIM It I a
.1 i 111 1 . uwwihuniw,, iwwre. w, , wuuitw nuu
Nlugan Falls at 304. H0 a m.and llpia week
1 I .... ...,.... n HaaIuuI.. D..IVn,A
days. For Elmliu at & 31 p m week days. For
Erie ana miermeaiate points i o iu am aauy.
For Look Haven at b 10 and t M a m dally, 1 A
X' VI UW. 1. 1 . W UIU V wv C. Ml IMI1J, 1 B
and 5 3lpm week days For Renovo at 510 a
I, i n anu s p m west uayg, ana o iu a m on
undays only. For Kane at 5 10 am, 1 3ft p m
O. H. Prfon,
J. It. Wood.
Oen'l Manager
Oen'l PmhV' Ant,
illornj-il-Liw til Rii! Eitili ieit,
Office Ueddall's DuUdtnt, Shenandbot. Pt
fjlicuandoali, Pcuna
1. W. LKISBNUING, President.
P. J. FEUQU80N, Vlcu President!
J. R. LEISENRING, Oashlor.
S. W. YOST, Assistant Caahler.
Open Daily From 9 to 8,
Interest Paid on Savings Deposit
North Fourth Nt-
fJftJij below Uraen, I'Ml4elphla.
AFISR th family phytrdan, ths bo
1UI and advertlifag doctri butt failed
swell ai quaohn -tio jiromlM to onrf
jvit afir ail othvra fall, aod to glre jo
a writtea eoamutee, free adrlce, fr
trratntpot; aud af-erttie belt aaSndlert
the pllt oiDDufiutureri, with their no
flailed tonka. reHtMailvM. thW. ann.
' porters, aud other leoret uottrum bum-
vuf i-oucerm, ids noma oar medicine,
nte , oio., bote ivlndled and robhod yen,
THSNmo aud enniult DTI. a. v. Tlirrr.
lio hu had 6 Ttrs' European IIopltl and 86 joara' practi
il t'xiwrlence. Ba ex mined bj" bim. lleHloaadidljtcllTo
lifther TouroaMlscurabIa or cot. lledoenuotfuarantee, not
R' be claim to bofl'rf'i catiat. but be dncaeur th tnnut dri
wrato eaiea nf SrtAlMs. Uloera. Etrletarea. Gonorrhnal
foUon, and DltchargeJ. SutTcrvra rmm Melancholia and
unnhcartoducHa.audall tboaa dlaeaed irom ptftw of youthf oj
ndtaoratlon. of both wipk. are nore tt & -nri. PmmhF
TUEEL doen cure what all others out; claim to do. DR.
atnlo, liomcnoi'Bthio, acd hoectio ijitem cf Dicdielot wher
ver tber rr Indicatail. llmiri: IHj,h to 8 o'clock erea
ins. 6 to 8 . Wed. and Sat. evnln-tx from A to 10 n'elaek-i Run
lri, S to 12. H-nd 10 ot. wnrtli of B-ct. tainna for boo
iruifii ina onij true mraicnj uook aareriMea.a mena to old
onu, and middle-aged of both sexea. Write or call. A VOlO
noton waruiog you mtnlatt medical booka i the j are afraid yot
ill And thi'lr ianorance extwi. ItKAD Vr. Thnel'a ttl
Loulala In edtetdaj'a and Haturday'a rblladelphla TYctiw.
Rublier Cement 1
For Slate, Tile, Tin or Iron Roofs.
Sold in all size packages from 10 pounds up.
Polntlnir unnnd rermlrinir all cracked intnta
on all kinds of roofs, and around chimneys,
Mplug stones, skylights, dormer windows.
utters, wooa or stone wont, Dreans and nail
lolos. orany place to bemadowater-tlfiht: un-
fliiaiiea ior laying ano DeuuiriK tjUATli AND
tiLE HOOFS, also eoplngs. They will never
eak or become loosened- It Is verv adhenlvn.
-nicks firmly to anything, forming a tough.
leaiuei-'iiKu sHin over mo lop, wiu not run or
loosen from joints or cracks, summer or win
ter. This cement needs no reference. It ha?
stood the tost for thirty-two years, and never
fails to givo perfect satisfaction. It Is the
most, useiui article a roofer can have In his
ihop. Tho cement Is prepared ready for use.
an i Is to bo applitd with a trowel, and Is kept
tnoisi oy Keeping coverea wnn water or oil,
ind will not get stiff or dry. Colors, brown and
olack. .(Established 1860 ) Address,
j. u. uuriui., d.i Maine sc., iMewarK, n.j.
Are sometimes a bore, but
when the people are told
twice that at Gallagher's
Cheap Cash Store they can
buy Flour and Tea at lower
rates than anywhere in town
they are glad to test the
truth of the oft repeated
story. He also keeps on
hand full line of Groseries,
Fresh Butter and Eggs, Po
tatoes, Green Truck, Hay
and Straw.
Gallagher's Cheap Cash Store I
0ffl;e, 206 N. SECOND St., rHlid'a, P.
Are the oldwt In Aitertoi for the treatment of
Rpeelnl IllKeaitea v Yoiithrul Errant.
Varicocele, Ilyilrurckv, Itnpturo, I,nst tilanhond.
Trentmrnt lirSfnll n hpcrhilty. Com.
munlcatluiiBNicnillycinflilpntial. Mend stamp fo
I'ouU. omco hours: 0 A. M. to2 l". if., stoSl'.
'.U All day Balunlay. Sundays, 10 to 12 A M.
Lumbago, Sciatica,
Kldnoy Complaints,'
Lame oncK, aw
With Electro-Magnetic SUSPENSORY.
. .i i nitmi i jicvi. linpmvcincmi i
111 euro without inodlclne all W.a reaultlng from
OTr-wfttion or bnun nerTO forcnaj eicetaeeorlmlU
cretlon, m dchmus debllltr, rIdeiileHinow, languor,
rheumatUm, kidney, llTer and bladder complaliiU,
umt baolt, lamlugo, sciatica, all rcinal oamiilalnU,
poueral 111 health, tc. Thla flectilo Belt contalna
ti. ltn"ti over all othera. Current l
InMantlyfoitW wearer or we forfeit ,OOO.oo, and
l.1."!-""?' tna Bliovo dlneaws or no pay. Thou,
eanda have Uen cured bv thli marvtlotw inve-uloa
'" U other reined leu failed, and wo (Tiro cundrcda
cfteMlinonlataln tbla and every other Mate,
our iwrrui urnnic BlirrjtsonT. th
proateu .boon ever ottered wvak men, IUIK vdlhall
,., i" ulll litrut Slrr Mlb Ol'llllVTEt tl la OO ta
"oajt. Bend for Iilua'd ruoiiinlet.inalliid.awaed.'reo
Has removed to Bill Janes' odstano
Wbrhj will b als&Bsd to uet tne 7.nti
of hu rrloadii aud th (inbUo la
BterrthinB in the DriuJdnrj Iiae.
36 ICast Centre Street.
Tho best beer, ales, porter, whlalctej, brandlt 1,
vilnea and finest cigars always on band.