ANOTHER oar load of our ADVERTISING FOB CAPITAL. i .... t.l.. WA XfTT.V Tfr.mtTll MSB llfla UliUll rUUUlVCll UUU lb YYno your order. It 1h superior In ovury re aped anil low In price. Don't buy an Mulberry Sellers Outilono la l'lillflilrlplilw. for Years llio theatrical patrons of this peel an., lowm ' nn ii i t (lis country roared with laughter over the late lnfetlor mtlelev-henyoueun got . John , impersonation of Cohnel btst for the mce money. Dun't forgot MM Selfrt iu..Tll0 alMcd Agc,.. ln beet ub If vou want Cam od Oooilf.. When It comee to HaniH we can discount all our neighbor, fn tiualily and prlco. Corntr Grocery, Centre and White Sts. THIRD EDITION OHTJROH ANNOUNCEMENTS. Whero nnit WIibii Service Will lio Con. dieted To-morrow. Trinity Ilctormcd church, Itev. Robert nilovle. castor. Service tomorrow at 10 a. m. and 0:30 p. m, Sunda y school at 1 :30 p. m. Kverybodr welcome. English Lutheran church, M. II. Havlcc, pastor. Service lit 10:30 a. in. and 0:30 p. m. Sunday school at 1:30 p. m Prayer meeting Thursday evening at 7. VVelshllaptlstchurch. Preaching services at 10 a. m. and 8 p. m. by the pastor, ltev. I). I. Evans. Sunday school at " p. m. Everybody welcome. AH Saints' Episcopal church, Oak street, near Main. Evening service by lay render. Sunday school at 2 p. in. All seats tree and every 6dr mado heartily welcome. Itoman Catbolio church of the Annunolntion, Chorry street, above West street, Rev. II. V O'Reilly, pastor, Mosses at 8:00 and 10:00 a. m Vespers at 3:00 p in. Kcholos Israol Congregation, West Oak street, llev. S. Itubliiowltz. Rabbi! servlco every Friday evening; Saturday and Sunday afternoon nnd evening. Bt. George's Lithuanian Catholic church. ornor Jardln aud Cherry streots. Rev. L. Abromaltls, pastor. Mass and preaching nt 10 a.m. Vespers at 3 p. m. Ebonoser I'vangollcnl church, Rev. R. M. Llch tenwalner, pastor. Services to-morrow at 10 a. m.ln German, and 0:30 p. m. ln English. Sundaj school at 1:30 p. m. All are heartily Invited to attend. Salvation Army, corner Main and Oak streets. Captain Kather nnd Lieutenant Shlndel In command. Servloes all day, couiroonolng av 7 and 11 a. m. and 3 and 8 p. m. Meetings will bo held overy night during the week excepting Monday night. Prosbytorian church. Prei.chlng to-morrow at 10:30a. m. and 6:30 p. m by Rev. It. V. Johnson, of Philadelphia. Sunday school at 2 p.m. The Christian Enleavor Society will meetotiTues day evening it 7:30. Prayer meeting onThurs day evening it 7:30. All are cordially luvltod English Baptist church, South Jardln street Rev. H. G.James, pastor. Preaching at 10:30a m, and 0:30 p. m. Sundav school at 2 p. m.. Deacon Ilunn, Superintendent. Monday evening at 7 o'clock tho II. Y. P. U. will meet. General prayer meeting on Wednosday evening at 7 o'clock. Everybody welcome. First Methodist Episcopal church, Rev. Wm. Powlck, pastor. Divlno worship at 10:31) a. m. nnd 6:30 p. m. Morning subject: '-Providing Things Honorable." Evening subject : 'Etiquette of the Sanctuary." Sunday school at 2 p. m, Epworth League at 5:15 p. m. Prayet meeting at 7:30 on Thursiay evening. Stran gers aud ethers are always welcome. Primitive Methodist church. Rev. J. Proude, pastor. Services to-morrow at 10:30 a. m. and 6:30 p.m. Sabbath school at 2 p. m. Christian Endeavor at 5:15 p. m. every Sabbath. Clasi, meetings Tuesday and Thursday evenings at 7 o'clock, and Sunday at 9:30 a. m. Prayer' meeting Thursday at 7 p. m. All Beats free. Any one not having a church home is cor dially Invited to come here. Mulberry which tho Colonel mado famous tho cry "There's Millions in It." Tho play binned on the efforts of an Inventor to eecuro capital for placing nn article upon tho market with wwuntnees of fahulous returns. Itnyinond Is doad and "The Glided Ago" Is on tho shelf, hut Colm'l Setien still lives and may he met any day ln Philadelphia. His address may lo secured any time by answering one of tho many advertisements that appear In tho "limitless Onnorliinltles" columiiB of tho Quaker City papers, Two nromlnent men of this town nro amusing their friends by telling ol what fol lowed an adoption of this plan seeking tho Co'onel. Tlio pair left here a short time ngo to transact business In Philadelphia. Arriving in tho city they found tho weather extremely cold and decided to postpone their business aud remain witlilu tho friendly shelter of a hotel until tho noxt day. Whilo In their room trying to dovlso somo ploasnnt method fo' passing timo one of tho gentlemen sug gested that answers ho sent to somo of tho business opportunities" ads. in tho morning .. , ...i , pspors. Tho suggestion was nuopivti ami within a few mluutos a score br more postal cards wore dropped inlo a letler box hearing rneesigoe to this effect: "Dear Sir: Meet me ftt tho hotel to day between tho hours of i and 8 p. ni. In llio nftomoou our two townsmen were ready for tho calls. It was agreed that ono should act us door-tender, whilo tho other would assumo tho dignified bearing of a capitalist loaded down with wealth for investment. Promptly at 1 o'clock there was n rap at tho door, which opened and the caller was Introduced to tho "capitalist. Tho new comer was a tall gentleman oi illsnilied bearing. Tho advertisement he had inserted road : iUtl'N'ER WANTED. A good business World's Fair. Addross, "O," 123, olllco, The advertiser proceeded to divulgo his scheme, which was to secure n partner who would assist hlui in inducing people who intended visiting tho World's Fair to sub scribe to a plan by which each would soenre round trip railroad ticket, board and lodging nnd admission to tho fair ground everyday during n limited visit iur Tho scokcr explained that ho had a partner to go into tho scheme, hut, unfortunately, a few davs beforo tho partner stepped in front of a train and lost both legs, henco it became necessary to seek new blood. All tho now partner would ho required to invest, $G00, would cover tho cost of his interist. lint what am I to mako out of it?" asked, the capitalist. "Oh, you! yes ahem you sco, you conio in this way: Say you sell 1,000 tickets, tho profit on each ticket will he $2.50 that will make a total profit of $2,500 and that wo divide, see? Big scheme, and I'm the tirst to get on to it." It was agreed that tho "capitalist" lmvo until tho next day to consider tho matter and there being another knock at tho door tho World'B Fair manlpti lator was ushered out. Visitor No. 2 represented tho authorship of New business. Gentleman with USE DANA'S SAltSAPARILLA, its " THE KIND THAT CURES". Letter I.IU. The following letters roraaln uncalled for li. the Shenandoah, Schuylkill county, Pa., post aoe, March 2 , 1808: Clark Hilda Dennison Elmer Parties calling for advertised letters should please say "u-ivertlsed." One cent will be charged on all a vertlsed letters. II. C. UOYKIt. P. M. It has been proven by living witnesses thai Pan- L'l na It a reniaraubie specific for t q ulct euro of the rilfflcuU aud daugtrow, throat ant .uag troubles Us equal can't be round, ''osi. .Z cents. Pan-Tina btMila nt P. P. D. Klrlln'f drug store. Superior goods at 25 per cent, lower that lsewhoro at Holdormsn's iowelry store. tl a Hoc. Representatives Logon and Kennedy each received a letter in the samo mail, from the same constituent, requesting a pass to Phila dclphia and return, and to be sure to send a "Bird Book " They however learned just as they were about making applications for the passes, that Representative Cooper had Just forwarded a pass and Bird BiMik to the very same individual. Is it any wonder that our Repiesentatlves complain, at times, about being annoyed and importuned by un .reasonable and hoggien uemaiuis and re quests like the above. Ahhlaud Local. Judge Henry II. Ooldsbo rough. Baltimore "it snves m-3 measure u recom- from MU., says: - It gives mi pleasure to reiora meed HMlvu'ioii Oil to any ooe suffering rheumatic or other paius WlWlttMl, To complete files, two oojwe eaoh o th .Evbninb IIebai.d of January 1st, 3d an 4th, and February Bth, 1802. A liberal pric will be paid for the same. Coughtusr Lends to Gonaamptloii, Kemp's Ilnlsam will stop the cough once at Vote for your favorite teaoiier. C?Or AAfV New business. Gentleman with $&0,UUtJ with some capital wanted. A He was nn easy going, pleasant, rather good looking nnd apparently intelligent fel low. He produced a type-written prospectus covering ft number of pages, setting fortl: thi virtues of a now process for manufactur ing mortar for building purposes. $100,000 was required for tho plant, but $25,000 would irive it a good start. Tho dotails were set forth iu full and everything was "cut and dried" for tho management. Tho president of the company could draw a salary of $0 per day, tho superintendent $5, secretary 5, eDeineer $1, and laborers $2 per day. If tho "capitalist" invested the presidency and supcrintendoncy could be consolidated and that would mako the otlico worth $11 per day. Tho investment would pay about l(i per cent. Of course, until such time as more capital could be secured nnd the plant commenced to mako productions the salaries would bo mid out of $25,000 sought. Tho "capitalist" didn't take kindly to this and the visitor suggested that if tho mortar husi ness did not meet with favor the money could be invested in the manufacture of new flrn truck. Cuts produced showed truck with combination ladders, witu a man sitting on top driving a team of horses as going to a fire. Another cut showed the ladders 6hooting up into the air to a level with the several stories of n building anc walk-ways stretching from the ladders to the windows Tho visitor left a copy os th plans and wa9 bowed out. Caller Xo. 3 had waited several minutes i the hallway and had lo3t none of his patience, but he explained that he had plenty to spare and would have put up with await of sn additional hour to have an opportunity of ventilatiug tho merits of his odorless excavator. He was summarily disposed o and he went out muttering something about some d n fools not being able to tell a good thing when thoy saw it. No. 4 wonted money with which to inanti facture luttr pins warranted to hold on to tho hair like grappling irons, but his under taking was not oontidered big enough. A gentleman who seemed to be a lawyer Worlds Fair Holiday Trip ! i o Days at the World's Fair With accommodations Bt a flist-class Chicago hotel, and transporta tion to and from Chicago, Including sleeping berths, all free of cost, To the 2 Most Popular Teachers. CONTEST CLOSES JULY 1st, 1893, at 6 P. M. Tho two teachers who recolvc tho lnrgest number of votes will bo token to tho World's Pair and royally entertained by tho Hkiiai.d. Cut out this coupon, nnd on the blank lines write the namoof the Public School Teacher, north of the llroad Mountain, in Schuylkill county, whom you consldcrmost popular, and send It to tho "CosTnrr Kimoit, Evmmno IIhiiald, Shenan doah, Pa." Every coupon properly tilled out counts as one vote for one teacher. Every person, young or old, can vote, and vote as often aft they pleaBo. Coupon must bo in tho bands of the editor wtlhln ten (10) dajs after the da to It boars. Name of Teacher... Residence... Name of Voter.. Residence. MAltCII 25, 1893. Gold Necklace. tlxo 3LsVi.oIs.-y Onos. A Gold-Headed Cane. W. H. Mortimer, tho Pottsvlllo Jewelcr.will Holdcrman, tho Jeweler, will give the lady loachcr receiving tho hlghoH number of volc3 a Handsomo.Gold Necklace. A Set of Furs. R. J. Mills, tho Pottsvlllo Hatter and Fnr rlor, will give tho lady teacher recotvlng seoond highest number of votes a hand some fctet of Pure. A Plush Toilet Set. Mr. Reoso will glvo tne lady teacher re ceiving tho second highest number of votes a handtome Plush Toilet ct. ADHUTIONAL OFFER. The two teachers having tho third and fourth highest number of volej at theelosoof the I contcsi will via t NIAGARA FALLS, mid remain tluro the expense of the HmiALD. glvo the gentleman teacher lecclvlng tho I hlgheBt number of votes a Gold.heaueo Cano. Gold-Headed Silk Umbrellas. The Home Friendly Society, of Ualtlmore, Md., will present tho two lucky competi tors ln tho contest with handsome Goia- headed Silk Umbrellas. w rE HAVE the exclusive agency, ln this vicinity, for the pale of the I Now "COLUMDCS" MACHINE, which Is now tho most desirable machlno ln use. Written guarnntco goes with everyone, Insuring them, under ordinary care, for Ave years. Our price only Call and inspect them. New styles of Dinner nnd Tea Hets. I on Hollowware of every description. The spring-time approaching Hnds our sioro crowded with bright nev goods nnd appreciative buyers. antra dtocan & waidlets. And So ft Goes! Wbcu Ucwlnr Machines are mentioned the name of the STANDARD rises Instinctively to the lips. Why y Bccauso It will sow as much ln four hours. 1 as others do In live, Ilccauso It 1b a lobor-snver, and makes less noise than nny machine on the market. Pay no attention to tho disparaging talk of our I competitors, as that only proves that It Is their most dangerous rival. Call and see It for yourself, T B. SHAFFER, Cor. Jardln ainlfLloyd Sts., Shemuulouh. in front of the hotel and washeurd saying, "Golly, hut dat molts do ico quick." A fellow with a radiant nasal organ that looked like tho large end of a cirrot wanted monoy with which to start a Keely euro establishment. He guaranteed patients in blocks of twenty every third day; exp ossed a willingness to superintend tho institution, and o lie red to share the profits with the in vestor. He asked $10 down for a refusal. Ho got tho refusal. So tiie callers kept coming and going all afternoon and at one time thoy camo so fast that they threatened to force the door. After 7 o'clock the hall was packed and becoming tired of tho game our townsmen slipped out a sido door and took in tho winter clrcas, with one thing learned, and that In the "busi ness opportunities" columns of the city papers contaiti fow jewels and peoplo who handle them must ho extremely cautious to avoid being nipped. STATH.-MilVh IN (iENKUAI Tntereithig HvoiiIh in t)lfl'viit Sections t trio Keystone State. Pottoviixe, March SC. The excitement caused by the explosion of gns in the Oak Hill colliery, near Jliuernvillo, yebterdny, In which two miners were killed, has not yet entirely died away. The debris strewn about the mine br the force of the explo sion has not been entirely cleared up, but work In this direction is progrwfciug us fast as can be exported when the wrecked con dition of the mine i tiikon into considera tioji. It will bo bevornl days before things are nut Iu nrooer shape ngnin. Lho Iu- Alter tlieDulliHiuents. Deputy Tax Collector Higgins and Con- stablo Boland were at the Lehigh Valley depot bright and early this morning watching for two Hungarians thoy henrd were about to leavo town without paying their taxes. Oue of the Hnngarians was caught by Boland, but tho other got wind of the situation and started eastward along the Lehigh Valley railroad. Deputy Higgins gave chase, but had to travel to Park Place before ho got tho man. The delinquents were put in the lockup, but later in tho daylhcy settled up. fffcn Baby was slot, we gave her CaUorfa. When she was a Child, she cried for CastorU. When she became Miss, she clung to Costorla. trbea she had Children, she gave them Castoiia. wanted some ono to purchase a half or con-1 trolling interest iu a well (?) paying printing ! neml services over tho remains of the two establishment with largo contracts for special miners who lost thoir lives will bo held in work of medicine men. The brother-in-law MluewvIllB to-morrow afternoon. . , ., . . i , iiforann, who had his skull fractured, of the caller was the owner of the plant and j2t eVeninir. was oougeu lo meui n luungugu oi ?ixju. That atnouut would have to be paid down I aud the balance could be paid on insallments. I lie capitalist, niougni inere , u lt to th liavn t.i hn imld ,Wn I lie contnici A wurueii. w I New Castle, March -o. rue contract The "capitalist" thought there . u.rks b.. ',.en ,et to the was too much "well" business about this. J Smythe eoinpnny, of Pittsburg, and work Another callor had a coal saver. His will be commenced soon. The new system A.nlaatln,i if It nutinnt Iia orlvAn unnf. but it will Increase the ore-sent capacity of the l r, , u,l ui,,t,bv,nanf nUIIU) I . If ... I I, II 1 . ...... , V V.I((.u .HUUV to tibout 70 or 100 additional uanils II you liuve carpei rugM unci rvrlsli Ui em made Into Home ixitade CHrpct, send t!nm to was a "dandy." W0 would he required to ' put it in shape and within six months half , the coal mines would he thrown idle by it Coming J!ents. ' and the operators would he obliged to buy up , April 3. Easter hall; Bobbins opwa house, i el, a natjki.e ni luuwiniM book nanvfuaers. A Amil 10. Fair and feitival, Q A. It, FrIcJce'8 Cat-pet Store, xo S. ., r the saver was left for trial. The Wisows' and Orphans' fund; Itohhlne' open J'nriliii street. ; iMigv ;r (.wv-v - - t4tf I HtI jiwtor sprlnkleel It on the oy imvemenf, house. Spring and Swm Mlnery ; Our first Opening of Spring1 and Summer Millinery will take place on Thursday, Friday and Saturday, March 30 and 31 and April 1. Our Millinery Department will be on second floor, reached by a broad, easy stairway is a spacious, well-lighted room, 70x22 feet, and suitable in every respect 'for the purpose, hav ing large mirrors between every window and furnishings of the latest and most approved style. This department will be in charge of an ex perienced and courteous forelady. We have secured the services of a noted trimmer, from abroad, whose skillful, stylish and artistic work has never failed to please the most fas tidious. We shall keep everything in trimmed and untrimmed Hats and Bonnets; everything in Flowers, Laces, Feathers, Aigrettes, Rib bons and jets of all kinds. Novelties will be added as the' appear dur ing the season. We shall make a specialty of Trimmed Hats and Bonnets; shall keep a select assortment from which any lady can, at a mo ment's notice, make a satisfactory choice. As this is our first season for millinery, we have spared neither trouble nor expense to make it a model department, and the result is even more than we anticipated. THIS will also be our GENE HAT. SPIUNG OPENING for tho entire store. Each department will lmvo something new choice and seasonable. Dress Goods will represent all domestic goods, as well as the finest Importations or wool, silk and wool and all silk. All the new weaves, fancies and mixtures, with odd, unfamiliar names, but very beautiful In design and tlnlsh, will be found here. A neat little book will be given awuy to all purchasers of millinery goods. Everybody cordially Invited to be present nt our First Opening of Spring and Summer Millinery, Ihursday, Friday nndSaturday. March J and 31 and April 1. Proa, Ponflniy and Stewart 1 0, GEORGE MILLER, Manager. -OF- WINTER .GOODS, Few white and colored blankets, ladies' and child ren's coats, which will be sold regardless of cost. Come earl)r and secure bargains at J. J. PRICE'S, OLD RELIABLE, NORTH MAIN STREET. QUEEN & CO, Of Plii!!puia, Send their 3Se Specialist XoSSiciiunaonli,1.Vedii;Hduy,I1Iarcli2 He will be found at the Ferjfiison XIounc From 8:80 a. m. to 5:30 p.m. Persons who have headacht or whose eyes are causing dis comfort should call upon their specialist, nnd they will re ceive Intelligent and skillful attention. NO CHARGE to ex amine youreyes. Evcrypalr of glasses ordered Is guaranteed to be satisfactory. Found Out. Tne best lino easiest war lo ctt ria of a Cough or oold that mny develop lnlo con- Buiiipiiiiu ib in luvesi o e-euiH in a oolite 01 I'HU-iiub, me gnmremeny iiriougns.unim. La Grippe, Tlirontaud Lung Disorders, Trial Domes irte all'. 1'. 1J. Klruu'sorug store, Piles or Hemorrhoids Permanently cured without knlfo orllgatnro. danger or safierlng. No delay from bus- new whilo under treatment. Patients who to responsible need not pay until woll. A ittfoct cure guaranteed. Send for circular. It. REED, M. D, 129 South 13th St., Philadelphia. Bcfon, by pennls-lon, to tho editor of the tvnuiNd IIbeals. tf PEOPLE'SMSTOREI 121 N. Main Street, Shenandoah. Boois, Shoes, (vents' Furnishings I At greatly reduced rates. jGL. 37:e33EL:Ea."X", Pi'oprletor. Best photographs and crayons at Dabb's. HOOKS & BROWN, EASTER BASKETS, EASTER NOVELTIES. Full line Paper-cover Novels. IT PAYS to buy your Boots and Shoes and Rubber Goods at the emporium of Joseph Ball. Finest line of goods carried in town. JOSEPH BALLS, No. HO 3NT. 3VEo,xx Stroot lo 50 A WE Wanted, an honest, earnest man or woman In every county to take the solo agency for an article that Is needed lu every home, sells at sight. In town or country. You can make SlWd In threo months introducing lt, after which it will bring you a steady Income. One agent ( student canvassed ln California during sum mer vncatlon and returned to Iloston. Mass., wllh &00 ln cash as the rosult of his sales. A splendid opening for the right person. Don't lose a moment ; write nt onco to PccrlcRH Irlatjufuc'j; Co., Iluffalo, N. Y or Chlcnio, 111. Chris. Bossler'o No. 4 NORTH MAIN STREET, SALOON AND RESTAURANT, fyT M. HURKK, A TTORNET'J. T-IaA Vf SniSANDOAU, PA. Omc-ss-Koom 8, P. O. Building, (JhoctBfls W tly Uulldlngi roitsviue. (Mnnn's old stand) 104 Sou tit flluin Street. Finest wines, whiskeys nnd olgnr always ln stock. Fresh Ileor. Ale nnd Porter on tap. 1 Choice Temperance Drinks. JOE WYATT'S SALOON AND RESTAURANT, (Christ, llossler's old stand.) Miilu anil Coal Hh Host beer, ale and porter on tap. Tho flnost brands of whiskeys and elgars. Pool room at-Uohed. TU. JAMBB Hl'KIN. PHYSIQIA t? AND aORailON. OffUo and nsstfdance, .Mo, .31 Ncrth Tard'n Street, Shinandoah