The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, March 25, 1893, THIRD EDITION, Image 2

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    The Herald.
-,(. ItOYHlt .l'ri;rMr
Jfc. fr, II OF Hit i- ..rf JiMiaAor
WA1KIXH Ijnenl Kdibor
V Mm K(VHH...:., ....., HnlHtwiJlaiattir
tk Itwiio Hibami bM a larger ctroula-
l In "Shenandoah than any otber, paper pub'
Hooka opan to all.
BUBSCrtlFTION hates:
ui,T,per year, . 11 00
Vun(, par -at 1 so
A'leertitlHg llntm.
TraBirteat, 10 oanta per line, Brit insertion ; 5
MM par line each subsequent insertion, Rate
aw roralar advertising can be bad on applioa-
BM at the office or by mull
utored at the I'natofflce. t Shenandoah, Pa
tor transmission through the mall
aa seoond class matl matter.
Mu. Lincoln onoB decided between
ttio ululniH of two rlvat canilidute for
jHwlmaeter iu a Woateru lown by
yluuiiiK the petition presented by the
Mien on pair of 82h1h hiiiI nwardis
, Mie office to the candidate with the
weightier claim. Perhaps Mr. Luv
Jvr, who wants the Chicago putolllje
badly, believes that Ills will be
Pett'ed In a similar way. Atnll evsntH
2ko has taken to Washington a i t ion
so bulky that It required a ' burly
colored man" to oiirry it. The docu
flieut is said to contHlu 70,000 names.
It has boeii placed ou file. There is a
ival candidate, but he has not yet
Jlioduced liis petitlou at the poitofflce
, departnieHt, so that the weighing pro
ttttMi mint be postponed.
Tub hill of mortality for the 4th of
March, due to exposure during the
inaugural ceremonies, lias reaohed
lialf a hundred already, and tits does
not include any that have lint jrot in
the gublie pHuti, It is safe to add
a many more dtatbs of obscure per
Wis whoie taking ott was due to ex
insure ou that inclement day, but
whose living or dying would only
appear of record in neighborhood
muaeut. ThU mntUiiy is brou rht
fcrwa'rtT as a c.igni reason for amend
ing the Constitution and llxlus; the
kMuguration about the first of May.
. The law merely prescribe that the
Presidentelect shall be sworn In at
soon ou the fourth of March, at
lutest. It is a simple matter. It has
, been made an occasion for display for
he glory of political managers
People rush to Washington iu great
crowds to see the ceremony, and only
a very few ever get near enough tu see
or hear anything. If the day is inclo
merit the exposure is dangerous a
act that every person kuovva without
olllcial notice. Wo do not suppose the
Constitution will be amended to save
arelejs persons from the consequence
of exposure.
There Is hope for the .uegio from
a southern point of view. He is now
able to muster in force big enough to
vercome the Sheriff, take a priioner
Jrom the custody of that ofllcer, hang
bim and riddle the dead body with
feullets. Let none agalu say the ni-gro
h) hopeless case. lie is learning tlit
ways of the higher civilization of the
master class, and already he has
reached a stage of development in
which he can act as Sheriff, Judge,
jury and executioner. This happened
ia Mississippi, a highly differentiated
civilized state. A negro desperado,
kiviug killed a prominent negro
planter, was arrested by the Sheriff
and taken towards the jail. Aposo
of 600 negroes assembled, took the
prisoner from the Sheriff, hauled him
hack to the scene of his crime, hung
him, and filled the corpse with bullets
Of course, we do not think this was
right. It was wrong. It was flagrant
wroug. The culprit beiug black
should have been arraigned, tried, con
victed aud hung accordlug to law.
The negroes had uo reasonable excuse
for their oonduct. They were mur
d Brers, and only not less murderers
than the miscreant they murdered
because they were carried away by
the neceas of momentary paslou
33ut the negro, though capable of close
imitations, seems not to be able to orlg
Inate anything. We suggest that
JflM frdman hereafter allow the law
to take its course. That would be
suoh a rarity in that quarter that the
negro oould claim the concession as
wholly eriglual with the colored race.
Try It. x
James B. Kuans, whom Mr. Cleve
land has just appoiuted Minister to
Vmaw, said In 1885: "You can say
for me, and you cannot Bay it too
strong, that In my judgment Mr,
Cleveland thus far, from a Democratic
terid point, has been a conipiouous and
humiliating failure." Mr. Cleveland
aetwua auxlous to live up to his repu
tation for punishing kit friends and
onferringibenefita on the men wne
have denounced bim.
Tha AoiMlemy Bantaunuit.
Vke Pottsville headqaarten for flbenan
ato people and others living North of toe
Xeaatala, for hot toddies, hot punohea, bef
tea aad all khada of wines aad liquors of the
beat bHuid, 1 tee Aeadewy Baataaraat, John
T. Cooney, preprieor, M. A. Cooney, assist
ant to
A Slim Attendance in the Housi
at Harrisburg.
A lllll Hfprtrlfil from Committee for til
Uniform Payment of i,i.-ii,..,i Ollicers
Tlm Qmnrtxl Froee-pillnga Not of n I'm
tlonlarly HUtrtlinsr Nattiro Tim Hons
Artjnurna Until Mommy.
IIajuuhburo. March 26. The attendant;
at yrarterdfty'B session of the house was (
remarkably slim one, nearly a third of th
seats being vacant. This fact necejwaril'
made the transaction of business a trtfl
Blow and the general proceeding)! to a cer
tain extent uninteresting. When tliosopres
ent finally got squared around to business
the work of the day was pushed forwait
Willi considerable rapidity.
The following were among tlio hills re
portal from committees:
Reiiealhig the act relative to the npolnt
ment of police for flfh propagating com
For the uniform payment of election ofll
Senate Providing for the Incorporatiot
of Lloyd's iiisurmico companies.
Requiring railroad companion to plac
safety gates at crossings in boroughs.
Providing for the quieting ottitles tolnnc
abandoned by railroad comimuies. (Noga
live recommendation.)
Gloating a hoard of parliamentary com
mlssioners. (Negative recommendation.)
Repairing railroads to fence their line
at all public crossings. (Negative recom
mendation.) A number of bills were introduced, anc
among them worethofollowing:
Hockley To lepeal an act relating U
the election of an ofllcer to bo called "con
stable and collector."
Qnlnnim Amending the act providing
for the incorporation and government ol
cities of the third claas. It provides that
the mayor shall appoint all hiibordinatt
city ollicials except the officers of the lire
department, who shall 1 elected by tb
qunlifled mem Iters of such department.
A large numlwr of bills were read tht
first time, Including the bill to abolish the
Pennsylvania public building commission.
The house adjourned until Monday even
ing. More on (lie Local Option JJII1.
HAJimsiiuita, March 25. The local op
tion bill, drawn by Chief Justice Ewiug, of
the supreme court, and introduced in the
house by Mr. Slansfleld, of Tioga county,
has passed the crucial test of a light on
second reading, but it is going to have a
hard time when it comes up for final pas
sage, as there were only eighry-flve votes in
its favor, or eighteen less than the consti
tutional majority required. This bill boa
been carefully prepared and has received
much consideration throughout the state.
It provides that at the Bpring election suc
ceeding its passage aud every three years
thereafter the question of whether the sale
of liquor shall or shall not be permitted
must be Buuiimteil to the voters of every
county. Special bnllote marked "license"
and "no license" respectively must bo pre
pared by the county commissioners and
placed at the disposal of voters. Should a
county decide that it will try three years of
total abstinence it then becomes the duty
of the proper officials to causo all places
where liquor is sold to ba closeil up. Il
legal sale of intoxicants is made a misde
meanor with especially heavy penalties.
In connection with the liquor question it
may 1 mentioned that Senator llacken
ljerghas prepared a substitute f or his liquor
license commission bill which provides for
a court composed of ten persons learned m
the law to be appointed by the governor to
be equally divided between tno two pnnci
pal political parties. They are to bo called
license judges and serve ten years with
salaries of $13,000 a year each, and they can
not succeed themselves. The btate is di
vided into twenty-four districts. Applica
tions must be filed January 1 of each year
end licenses will take effect on the 1st of
April. No judge shall sit In n district
where his residence Is located, nor be as-
sinned two years successively to the same
Ho may summons to his assistance a
judge of the opposite political faith, the
bearing shall be as at present. Assign
ments of judges to districts shall be mado
by one of the judges who shall bo selected
by his associates as president. Some legis
lation of this soi t is demanded by tue com
mon pleas judges of the various counties
who aie becoming heartily tiled of having
before them year alter year a gathering of
saloon keepers and their witnesses audthey
would welcome tno relief that would be af
forded by Senator Hackcnberg'sproposition.
The citizens of Edinboro, Pa., aud the
contributors to tho funds ot the btate Nor
mal school located there have sent an ap
peal to tlio legislature to investigate the
management of the school.
The state has appropriated a quarter of a
million of dollars tor tbe permanent equip
ment of this school and the aid of its stu
dents and the legislature is also asked to
inquire how tins money has been used. In
connection with this appeal it is rumored
that all of the State normal schools are
going to have a hard time to get their ap
propriation bills this session. The feeling
against granting them state aid so liber
ally, which has been gaining strength every
session, is about to reach n crisis and it
would not be surprising if some of them
were left to shift for themselves.
To Cut Ilown tlio Appropriation,
HAKRisiirRG, March 25. The result of
Mr. Walton's attack on tho proposition In
corporated in the Nesbit road bill to ap
propriate $8,000,000 a year for road pur
poses, without any provision for a share of
the money for Philadelphiamud roads, was
thereferenoa of the bill to a speoial com
mittee oomtUtUng of Measrs. Cesna, Nesbit,
Martin, Walton and Wherry. This com
mittee has amended the bill In such a man
nr that Philadelphia will be benefitted by
it. The appropriation will be reduced to
$1, 500,000 a year, and the belief is general
that the bill will pass in this form.
Jloslier Wants to Settle.
Lincoln. Neb., March 25. It ia learned
that O. W. Mosher, the indicted president
of the Capitol national bank, who has been
In Illinois aiace the collapse of tie bank,
baa made a proposition to the authority
providing tor the relieving of tha fortunes
of tha bank on a compromise basis, name
ly, that he be fined Instead ef imprisoned.
Mosher baa. It is sold, secured assistance
from his relatives whsreby the depositors
of the failed Institution will not lose a cent
It his proposition is agreed to.
Iiev. A. K. Main BlaeUiit Pnwldent.
Alfbud Ommwt, ; Y March 85. Itev.
Arthur B. Malm D. U., of Atovmy, It. I.,
h s been tjleetad president of the Alfred
Highest of all in Leavening Power.
1 Powder
A Verdict AirtilnM n Knllronit.
NormisTnwN, March 25. A jury has ;
awarded Margaret Thomas and David
Thomas $10.-"00 agninst the Philadelphia,1
Gernmntown aud lestnut Hill Railroad
Company. The pluintifTs are the owners 1
of the valuable farm, consisting of about
sixty acres, situated near Camp.Hill, iu the
township of Whlteniarah. The railroad
company ran a lino diagonally through the
centre of tho projierty, cutting It Into two
almost eqiui! portions, and occupying three
and one-fill h ncits with Its track. Tho
plaintiffs claimed $28,000, which amount
the jury thought too large by slightly more
than half.
The Detective Canned it Sensation.
II kading, March 35. Detective William
Y. Lyon caused a sensation here yesterday
afternoon by appearing before tho county
auditors and filing a protest against, the
payment of bills amounting to over $100,
000 spent for courthouse impiovementsand
maintaining the county jail and poorhouse.
He claims that this money was Bpeut il
legally and that tho county commissioners
be 8ur-clmrged. or in other words bo made
responsible for its payment. Tlio matter
Avill now go into court. It has created a
general public demand for investigation.
3'inli Did Not Die nt Atlanta.
Reading, March 2o. The chief of police
of Atlanta, (iu., was telegraphed with ref
erence to the alleged accident to Lewis J.
fish, of this city, at that place, and re
ceived a prompt answer that no such man
Inul been killed there, jlrs. Mary J. insh,
No. 008 Franklin street, a widow in good
circumstances, had leceived a telegram
signed "Murphy," requesting $80 to for
ward the remains to this city, and it is
supposed that it was only a ruse to secure
the money.
Clifford lllacleman
A Boston Boy's Eyesight
Savod-Pcrhaps His Life i
By Hood's Sarsuparilla Blood Vol-
snned by Canker. j
Read the following from a grateful mother: j
"My llttlo boy had Scarlet rover when 4 years
old, and It lelthim very wea't and with blood ,
poit-oncd Triib canker. Ills eyes heoarao '
so Inflamed that lite sufferings were intense, and
for seven weeks ha
Could Not Open Mis Eyes.
I took him twico during that time to the Uyo
and Ear Infirmary on Charles street, but their
remedies foiled to do him tho faintest shadow
of good. I commenced giving him Hood's
Sarsnparllln anil It poon cured him. 1 hnvo
never doubted that It wivrd hln . even
If not liiM ery lift-. Y'm miiy iva tins tc
timomal iu any way you choose, lam always
ready to sound the praise of
Hood's SarsapariS!a
becau- e of the wonderful pood it did my son."
AnniE V. IUackman, 12S88 Washington St,
Boston. "Iais.
HOOD'S PlLLS aio lianil made, ami ore pep
foot in coinpoi.iliou, proportion .ind aivarauco.
Our COO pngo bonlt "THREE CLASSES OF MEN," nhouM b S J"""e.'
iilildle-HKeil and old mnn, soot scaled, free. Ilr. Saudrn's Electrio licit Is 110 oxpenmeut,
as wo bavo restored thousands to robust health nnd vleor. otter nil other treatments failed, us can bo
shown by hundreda of cases tbrciirlmut this and otbor etates.wbo would gladly testify, andJrora many
of whom we bavo strong letters beuring tositmony to tbvir recovery alter utuig our flelt.
JiKW York Cll r Ootobcp SUh, 18M.
!)B. A.T. HiDDKM. iK ar Sir ',it turoe vcara ago
J tvurobauod one of your taiwtrtoUl' fur tr-ciipoof
81 err out debility, which I ha I in its v-.rt u a and
vliich vai uademiiuinnr my hea'Mi, J-tr ytuialb'ut
mSeredfromUiistuiTibtodcblHaiiiigrdritiaoai, y iut
lorceiand I did not know v,h ititxvas toinvrtiagood
tiltfbt's gleep, but in one month's tiiujiuu rtuliiaf the
I jell I felt mne)i rtronjrpr mu both mtm - I'y nadphy-
Voura tmijr. U. &JkiOio, Bowery,
imoonrt, N, Y . October ZA im.
Pn. JL T. BkXVrn, Utar Bin Four ycr 70 I Buf
fttrod (iif'h Min from rb"uau.l3'n Xh 'tettmuaib Wua
foiDORHibia for intttp get uxouod. nnd I twnya etir-u d a
OMUi for supports I usd jmir lull aud f.taitiiier lu
only a pfaoartuiaa until the salna 1 'ft mo ftnd to-doy I
Cn a woH man. 1 p!wajJ-o p my bvlfc unt hr for Um
lomwitrh beaivturn, Imt au it htm now been tour
la. nr ionad ourKinLB vllicll nr lnatuntlv tt tr
t biian IwBroved Klastrio tiadonaar. n..
uyot tnatioTewoiinotues.ijtiat.n ,, ,
imendsd In BtusmAtli tn mnAt.Mll i.nn. . . .
ts. and will
oure tb. worstoaswla twoorthreoBioitths. Au
Latest U. S. Gov't Report
J'urnnre WorKers Strike.
MinDLKBonouon, Ky., March 25. The
workmen at the Watts furuace have struck
for an increnso of wages. The manage
ment infuses their demands and the fur
nace will probably close.
Phelps lteturiM to llerlln,
Pkhlin, March 25. Hon. William Wal
ter Phelps, American minister to Germany,
has returned to Berlin from his tour in
Italy and Egypt and elsewhere, undertaken
for the benellt of his health.
The AVlii'Rl Crop Ilijurcd.
Omaha, Neb., March 25. Much alarm is
manllested by local grain men on account
ot the terrible bliaaaid in Iowa, Nebraska
and Kansas with wheat fields entirely un
protected, Lamp-chimneys cost so little
that we let them go on break
ing. We go on buying and
What should we do ?
Get Macbeth'rf " Pearl-top "
and " Pearl-irlass :" theyaaare
mnr1f rtf tmio-Vi rrlncc 1
against heat : they do not break
m use ; they do trom accident.
They are fine, well made,
exact; they fit the lamps they
are made for; stand upright;
the shade is right; they make
a right draught for light ; they
are uniform. Both bear a label
fof your protection. Look for it.
Be willing to pav a nickel
more and stop this constant
expeme and annoyance.
Pittsbuma. Pa. Oko. A. JIacbcth Co,
Political Cards.
Subject to Uepu ' lloan rules.
Subject to Republican rules.
Subject to Republican rules.
Subject to decision of the Republican Counij-
Everything modeled after
Q reen's Cite, Philadelphia.
32 S. Main St.t Stienamloali.
The loading plaoa In town,
Has lately been entirely reno
vated Kvorytlilng new, clean
andfrosh. The Hnest lino ot
Wines and Liquors I
Cigars, &e., foreign and do
mestic. Free luueb served
eaota evening. Dig schooners
ot f rush, Ueer, Porter, Ale, &o.
J. J, HOURHKRTY, l'rop.
HANnr.N's EiiP-cTurc beth
with Klcctro Magnetic Simper
Miry will euro without medicine
all of the above troubles. Thoso wild
fUDer from Nervous Debility.
T.nHGca. llrnltiM. I.nHt nl nil It fin. 1 1
r- N or vo 11 s npss. hlcepleusncssj
r.l'onr Memory, nil ircmniei;ntiiji
pliiintM, and urnernl 111 lienltli?
uiu uuuuia ox uuuttua, uxcbbbwh, worry
or exposure, will find relief and prompt
cure In our marvelous luvt-ntlon,
whicb requires but atrial to convlnco
tho most In Ignorance of ef
fects you mar have unuuly drained
your syM eni of nerve forcoand vitality
wlilrli la ilfrllli!ilv and thlifi
onusud yourweukiiessorjackof forco.
IF you replace Into your system tlio
elements thus dmlned, wliloh aro ro.
qulrod lor vigorous strenstb. you will
remove tlio cause and beau b, strcnci b
and vliior wbl follow at onoe. Tbla
Is our plan nnd treatment, and wo
r-nnrnntAa II CMTQ tiT rOIUlld QlOner.
Nkw Tons Crrr, Oct. 99, 1893.
tin. A. T. SumOff.DaarSIrr loan report to vou thai
thu belt has entirely cured mo of rheumatism from
whion I suilcred for fourteen years almost continually,
I am a letter carrier, and tho louu dally traaipit neoes
eru-y la my rounda.uptothet.iae of totting the belt,
were pAh.fnliy troiie throuijh with.boubanEitoyouc
vnndbi-ful lavetuioat can now wait a well anlerer
did, ami wi it recomtnend yonr treat ment to al 1 afflicted
Themmuirthaeulso brought back my vJg'orinothet
Isr n
Dn. a. "
tertimo ly i
Jourl"li. '
ivei.i , i
n'H.jIv- i..
orucs of mnoBarr bos,
M, wo.. Ci.i-.uia. JCaiio Feb. V, MM.
-un..' !Wnr Hlr i I am trlail tn HM m
"h you hare ot the rreat Talae of
hutiulilift!im povtdwtmdortully.aiidl
' i . .. n,w j r.t fltih n n.l nnui attium wilt
KWjMentam'-ii:''. Your pnigadidelwtriti
p'ruUieoi H 'ltnM im i iKon a very vain
PicandltHK-o yt tixeliiruoomiWllae
tie in a a
orn duriajr work or attstt.anl I
uiint.L s i woak parts, or wafonalt
meil noon ever ffiveu warns n
hriinketihiibo.or r.
Irnes In -.linn.', mid
(fur full infuroiutloa.
826 B
!osdwrys New York.
Antlirnclte ooa' mml mte Insuring
oleanliuusi) aud comfort
Trains leave Shenondoah as tollowg:
For New York vln I'hlladelnbla, week days,
.08,5.8,,10.'W rt.m , 18.88 S.4M.IB p.m. Sunday
2.08, IM a. m. For Now York via Mauoh Chunk,
week days, 7.14 n. m., U.38, 2.48 p. in.
For Rcadlnc and Pniladclpbla, week (Ltys,
2.08, 5.88. 7.18, 10.0B ft. m., 12.88, 2.,B.B8 p. m. Sun
dav. 2.08. 7.4A a. m.. 4.28 o. m
For Harrisburg, week daya,, 7.1B a. m.,
48, 5.58 p. m.
For Allentown, week days, 7.18 a. m., 12.M,
48 p. m.
For Pottsville. week days, 2.08, 7.18b. m 12.S8,
2 48. 5.83 p. m. Sunday, 2.08, 7.48 a. m., 4.28 p. in.
For Tamaqua ana Mannnoy uiiy, ween aayn,
2.08, 5.28. 7.18,10.08 a. tn.,12.18, 2.48, 5.53 p. m. Sun
day, 2.08, 7.411 n. m., 4.28 p. m. Additional for
Mnnunoy uiiy, weeK onyB. o.oe p. ni.
For Tanraster and Columbia, week davs. 7.18
a. in., 2.48 p. m.
For Willlamsport, Sunbury and Lewisburg,
week davn. 3.23, 7.18, 11.28 a. re., 1.88, 0.58 pm.
Sunday, a. m., p. m.
For Muhanoy Plane, week days, 2.08, 3.23, 5.28,
7.18, 10,08, 11. a m., 12.88, 1.83, 2.48, 5 83, 8.S8, 9.88
t. m. Sunday, 2.08, 8.38. 7.46 a. tn., 8.03, 4.28 p. m.
For Olrordvillo, ( Ranpahannoek Station),
weekdays, 2 08. 8.28. 5.23. 7.18, 10.08, 11.28 a. m., o.m. n.m, v.m p. in. sunaay, i.ue,
S.28. 7.4 a. m., 3.08, 4.28 p. ru.
I'or Ashland and Sbumokln. week days, 3.28,
5.2s", 7.18, 11.28 a. m., 1.38, 6.58, 9.3.1 p. m, Sun
day, 3.23. 7.4(1 a. mu 8.08 p. tn.
Leave New York via Philadelphia, weekdays-
7.46 a. m., 1.30, 4.00, 7.30 p. m., 12.15 night. Sun'
tay, o.ou p. m.. ta.iD nigni.
Lsave New York vln Mnuch Chunk, week days,
1.00, 8.45 a. m., 1.00, 4.30 p. ro. Sunday, 7.15 a. m.
Leave Philtdolphla, weelt days, 4.10, 10.00 a.m.
1.00, 0.00 p. m., Irora Market and 12th Sts., nnd
H.35 a. m., 11.30 p, m. from Utli and Green streets.
Sunday, 9.05 a ni., 11.30 o. m , from Uth and
Louvo Reading, week days, 1.S5.7.10, 10.03, 11.50
i. in., 5.55. 7.57 p. m Sunday, 1.38, 10.48 a. m.
Leave Pottsville. week davs. 2.40, 7.40 u. m.
12.30, 6,11 p. na Sunday, 2.40, 7.00 a. m.,2.06 p. m.
L.envo 'l nmiuiua, weeu aays, a.xu,, ii.m a.
IU., l.l, IJ.OT yi lilt UUUUUJ) 0., l.m u, u.,,
I. 50 p. m.
Loavo Mahanoy City, week days, 3.15, 9.18,
II. 47 a.m., 1.51,7.43, 9.54 1). m. Sunday,3.46, 8.12
m., a.'ji p, in.
uuuvv mauttiHiv iinuui mcviv utjn, w.i, f.w,
1 30,9.35,10.40,11.59 a.m., 1.05,2.06, 6.20,6.28,7.67,10.10
m. Sunday, z.4U, 4.uu, b.s a. m o.ui p. ra.
Leave Olrardvlllo. (Ranpahannoclt Station),
weeks days, 2.47, 4.07, 6.3, 9.41 10.10a.m-, 12.05,
iz, i.ji, o.zu, p. m. ounuay,
17. H.x. a. m., 3.41, h.w p. ra.
Loave Wllliomsport, week days. 8.00, 0.50, 12.00
a. m., 3.35, 11.15 p. ro. Sunday, 11.15 p. m.
For Baltimore, wasningion ana tne west via
11. & O. It. It., through trains leave Glrard
Avenue station. Philadelphia. (P. II. R. It.) at
3 50, 8.01, 11.27 a. m., 3.56, 5.42. 7.16 p. m. Sunday
3 ou, 8.U2, 11.27 a. m., j.oo, a.ix, p. m.
Leave Philadelphia, Chestnut street wharl
md -iouth street w barf, for Atlantic CI ty.
Weekdays Express. 9 00 am, 2 00, 3 00, 100,
S ou p tn. Accommodation. 8 no a m, 5 45 p m.
Munuays express, uuo. iu.uu a m. iicoom
inflation, 8 00 a m and 1 30 p ru.
Returning leave Atlantic City depot, Atlantlt
ind Arkansas avenues. Weekdays Express.
"00, 7 45,9 00 a m and 3 30 and 5 30 pm
Accommodation, 8 15 a id and aipm.
Sunduyfc Uxprebe, 4 W, 8 00 p m.
Accommodation 715am and 4 30 p m.
I,ehJjJi VUley niviwlou.
Passcugor trains leave Shenandoah for
Penn Haven Junction. Mauoh Chunk, Le-
fiighton. Slatlngton, White Hall, Cntasnuqua,
Allentown, Bethlehem, 13aston, Philadelphia,
Haxleton, Wcalberly, Quakake Junetion, Del
,ino and JIahanoy City at 6.01, 7.10, 9.08 a m.,
'2.52, p. ra.
For New York, 0.04 , 9.08 a. m., 12.52, 3.10,
i.2T p. m.
For Hazleton, Wilkes-Barro, White Haven,
f'lttston, Laceyville, Towanda, Sayre, Waverly.
Klmira. Rochester. Niagara Falls and the West.
10.41 a. m., (3.10 p. m., no connection for Roches-
For Ilelvldere, Delaware Water Gap and
StroUdsburg, 0.04 a, m., 5.27 p. m.
For Lambertvllle and Trenton, 9.03 a. m.
For Tunkhannock, 10.41 a. m 3.10, 8 03 p. m.
For Auburn, Ithaca, Geneva and Lvons, 10.41
a. m.. 8.03 n. m.
7.4U, a.oa a. ra., o.-.T, p. in.
For Audenrlcd, Hazloton, Stockton and Lum
ber Ynrd, 0.01, 7.40, 9.03, 10.41 a. rn., 12.62, 3.10,
.3.-. n. m.
For Scranton. 6.04. 9.08, 10.41 a. m., 3.10. 5.27
H.U3 p.m.
For Hazlebrook, Jeddo, Drlf ton nnd Freelnnd,
o.iH, Y.4U, v.uo, a. m., i.o, .tu, a.- p. m.
I'ui iduiuuu, vji ii u i u v iiio uuu U4jaii iiucn,
7.46, 8.52, 10.15 a. m., 1.00, 1.40, 4.10, 6.35, 8.10, 9.15
p. m.
For Raven Run, Centralla, Mount Carmel nnd
Shamokln, 8.62, 10.16 a m., 1.40, 4.40, 8.07 p. m.
For Yatesvllle, Park Place, MahanoyCIty hnd
Liciano, o.ot, i.vj, u.oa. iu.ii a m.. a.iu. s:i.
a.03. 9.33. 10.28 p. m.
Trains win leave snamoitin at 7.M, n.a.j a. m.,
2.10, 4.30, p. ra. and arrive at Shenandoah at
9.05 a. m.. 12.52. 3.10. 5.27 p. m.
Leave Shenandoah for Pottsville, 5.50, 7.40,, a. ra., I2.s:, is.iu, 4.iu, d.zi, o.ias p. in.
T b., ..a Tln.tntlln fA CUnnn.l. Ami 1 OT
9.05, 10.15, 11.48 a. m 12,32, 3.00, 5.20, 7.00, 7.15, 9.30
p. m.
i.eave oncnanaoitn lor nazieion, u.oi, tAU, v.ub,
10.41 a. m., 12.52, 3.10, 5.27, 8.03 p. m.
Leave Hazleton for Shenandoah, 7.30, 9.15
11.06 a. m., 12.45, 3.10, 5.30, 7.10, 7.56 p. m.
Trains leave for Ashland, G lrardville and Los t
ureeK,, v.i i a. m.,, z.4o p. m.
For YateEvllle. Park Place. Mahanov Citv.
Delano, Hazleton, Black Creek Junetion, Penn
Hnvon Juuctlop, Mnuch Chunk, Allentown,
llothlehem, Easton and New York, 8.40 a. m.,
a.on p. m.
For Phtladelnhla 12.30 2.55 p m.
For Yatesvllle, Park Place, Mahanoy City and
Delano. 8.40. 11,33 a. m 12.30. 2.55. 4.10 6.P1 p. m.
Leave Hazleton for Shenandoah, 8.3U, 11.30
a. in.,, 4.97p. m.
Leave Shenandoah for Pottsville, 5.50, 8.40,
9.30 a. m.. 2.45 n. m.
Leave Pottsville for Shenandoah, 8.30, 10.40
a.m., i.&, n.iDp. m.
C. G. HANCOCK, Gen. Pass. Agt.
Phtladelnhla. Pa.
A. W. NONNEMACHER. Asst. G. P. A. Lehigh
vauey ui vision, aoutn uotnienem ra
DHCEMBER 8. 1892.
Trains will leavo Shenandoah after the above
date for Wiggan'a, Gllberton. Frackville, New
Castle, Bt. Clair, Pottsville, Hamburg, Reading,
Pottstown, Phcoulxvillo, Norrlstown and Phil
adelphia (Broad street station) at 5:00 and 11:46
a. m. auu:ia p. m. on weeicaays. tcor potts
vuio ana intermediate stations :iu a. tn.
For Wlggan's, Gllberton, Frackville, New
uasuc, uiair, rousvuie at o:uu, u:tu a. m.
and 3:10 p.m. For Hambure. Rcadlnc. Pottn.
town, Phoenixvllle, Norrlstown, Philadelphia
at 6:00,9:40 a. m 3:10 p. m.
Trains leavo Frackville for Rhenandoah. at
iu:iua ra. ana r.:n, s:ui, 7:42 ana 10:27 p.m.
ouuutiya, iiiiotii. m. uuuaiwiJ. III.
Leave Pottsville for Shenandoah at 10:15.
11:48 a. ra. and 4:10,7:15 and 10:00 p. m. Sundays
at 10:10 a. m. and 5:15 p, m.
Leave Philadelphia (llroad street station) for
Pottsvlllo and Shenandoah at 5 57 and 8 35 a m,
4 10 and 711pm week days, On Sundays leave
at 6 60 a m. For Pottsville. 9 23 n m. Fnr Vm
Yorkatseo, 4 05, 4 40, 5 15, 6 50, 7 30, 8 20, 8 30,
rw, . w, . it, uiu, jiui noun iiimiieu ex
press 1 06 and 4 50 p m) 12 44, 1 85, 1 40, 2 30, 3 30.
4 00,4 02,5 00,6 00,5 20,6 50,7 13,8 12 and 10 00 p
m, 12 01 night. Sundays at 3 20. 4 06, 4 40, 5 15,
8 12, 8 30, 9 50, 11 03 a m and 12 44, 1 40, 2 30, 4 02
(limited 4 50) 6 20. 6 20. 0 50, 7 13 and 8 12 p m and
12 01 night. For Sea Girt, Long Branch and In.
termediate stations 8 20 and 11 14 a m, and 4 00
p m weekdays. For Baltimore and Washing,
ton 3 50. 7 20. 831, 9 10, 10 30. 11 18 a in, (12 25 lim
ited express,) 1 30,3 46, 4 30, 6 17, 7 00, 7 40 p ra
12 08 night. For Freehold only 5 00 p m week
days. For Baltimore only at 2 02, 4 01, 5 08 nnd
11 SO r ra. Sundays at3 50. 7 20, 9 10, 11 18 a m.
12 10, 4 30, 7 00, 7 40 p m, 12 03 night. Baltimore
onlv 5 08, 1130 p m. For Richmond 720 am.
12 10pm and 12 ( night. '
Trains will loave Harrtsbure for Pittsburg
and the Westevorv day at 12 S5, 1 20 and 3 10
a ni and (limited 5 00) 2 25, 3 25, and 6 15 p m.
Way for Altoona at 8 15 am and 5 18 p m every
day. For Pittsburg and Altoona at 11 30 a m
everv day.
Trains will leave Sunbury for Willlamsport,
Elmira Canandalgua, Rochester, Buffalo and
Niagara Falls at 201, 5 10 a m.and i 86 p m week
days. For Elmira at 5 84 p m woek daya. For
Erie and intermediate points at 5 10 am daily.
For Look Haven at 6 10 and 9 58 a m dally, 1 A
and 6 34 p m week days For Renovo at 8 10 a
m, 1 85 and 5 34 p m week days, and 6 10a m on
Sunday only. For Kane at 5 10 am, 1 at p m
week daya.
C. H. Pwgr, J. K. Wood,
Gen'l Manager Gen'l Pass'e'' Agt,
-4ttoraf-at-Lw asd Rttl Etiilt Apnl,
Ofilcfe BeddiU' Bulldlnr, Stenandhoa, Pt
, &liciiaidonli, I'enna.
A. W. LKI8BNKING, President.
P. J. FKRGUHON, Vice President,
J. K. LR1HENRING, (ashler.
8. Y, YOST, Assistant Cashier
Open Daily From 9 to 8.
Interest Paid on Savings Deposit.
5-: Arui IVinrHi St
?0 below Green, Fhlladelphla
AITCR tho family tbjaictao, the to
j-Ital aal Bdertlr-ln(t iluotors have failed.
it well as qiificlti wlm ronilio to euir
joa afnr all tllnrs full, and to glre yo
a rltien guuruutie, fno ad c Ice, fret
treatui'ut; tiiid ahtr the belt awiudlera
tho (nil niauurut-turiT, wlih their to
oalld totiki, rifltorutUr, tnbleta, itip
porter, and other t.nt iioatrum hum
bag conctrus, thr liornft core mcdlolnea
etc , pic , bate anlodlH and roUied joa
THEN aa unil commit. TIP O. T. Tllfirt
irhn bat hll 6 yrari' Enropoan llflipltal nn.l 26 vnr' rnoti
cul exiH'rienoo. Be examined by btiu, Ih-fllll citxlMly tell jo
whfllier vourcttic iicrablo or Dot. lledtx-sniitaiiarantee. not
d'Hn he claim to 1m Owl's equal , but lie di cure the taoit dea
irate oenei of BypMlu, Ulceri, Btrlcturoj, UotorrhoeaJ
-iion, and DlKhargea. suBreri from Melancholia and
wn hearted nnps. nud nil thnae ninfniiwi frnm ftleria nf rntithfnl
Indltcratlon, o' both nexfn, nrr- miro of a euro. Fftaember
JJR THEEL doe cuni whuf all other only claim to do. DR
IKBEL utca comuion sen tn-ntment. lie ooniUncs the Alio
pRlhlo. llomoeoDuthlo. and fclTtlc nmtemn at mt illclna htr
ever thny ara Itidlcntwl. lli'iir: Uily, v to 3 o clock even
u (S o to o i v, ea. aun nat. t tet) in en irotii fi to too ciock t duu
ivn, v io iz. jsciiu in rn. ncnui ti act, ntniiiM ror boot
Tntth," theonlr truemedlcnl liook tdvertUed. a friend tooM
rounc. and tnlddle-imed of lth necs. It rite or call. AVOIR
iloctor warning j-on aRal out nirdtcal boot the 7 or- afrnldyot
will find thoir IgtiorflncB exntmed 1!K VD lr, Thcvl'i tett
tnoDlali in Wednoida 'a and Katurday'it I'lilladtlphia Tiine
Rubber Cement t
For Slate, Tile, Tin or Iron Itoofs
Sold In all slzo packages trom 10 pounds up.
Polntlne un and renalrlnsr all oracltnd (nintu
on all kinds of roofs, and around chlmncvs,
coping stones, skylights, dormer windows,
gutters, wood or stone work, bmaks .md nail
holes, or any place to be made wat' r-ti ht, un
equalled for laying and beddms -LATI. AND
hije, uuura, aiso copings, tui y n ill nover
leak or become loosened- It Is vcrvadh -.tve,
sticks flrmly to anything, formln a toush,
leather-like skin over the top, will uot run or
loosen irorn joinis or oracKS, summer or win
stood the tfst for thirty-two years, and n ver
fails to give perfect satisfaction. It Is the
most useful article a roofer can haves In his
shop. Tho cement is prepared re.uly for use,
au. is lobeapplKd with a trowel and 1s kepi
tnoht by keeping covered with wnt r or oil,
and will not not stiff or dry, Colors, brown and
uiacK, itsuioiisnca isou ) Aciaress,
j. u. luuxiiiau, d flinine at., fewark, N. J
Are sometimes a bore, but
when the people aro told
twice that at Gallagher's
Cheap Cash Store they can
buy Flour and Tea at lower
rates than any vdiere in town
they are glad to test the
truth of the oft repeated
story. He also keeps on
hand full line of Groceries,
Fresh Butter and Eggs, Po
tatoes, Green Truck, Hay
and Straw.
Gallagher's Cheap Cash Store I
Hedftal Offlccs, 200 N. SECOND St., Fallid'a, r.
Are the i oldest In America for the treatment ot
Special Diseases fc Youthful Jlri-or.
Varicocele, Hyiliwi'le, Rupture. I.nst Manhood
Irenlmcnt liy Ulnll it ftiiecinlty. Com
muDlcatlons sacredly i-mtldratlaS. Smul stamp ro
Itiiiilt. offl, o hours: 0 A. M. to2 P. M (i tn 0L'.
iM All day ijaiunlar. Buuaays, 10 to U A M.
Solo agent for Schuylkill County.
A.. 13:. SW.X.lVE,
Hardware, Iron, Oil, Paints, Robes
Horse Blankets, Skates, Sporting Goods.
Has removed to Bit Jones 'old stana
Whr ht wiilba pleaiad to i.oki uie wants
of bli trleads and th ubllo la
Bvwrfhiaa in tb Drinking Line.
: Ice : Creeper o
36 Must Centre Street.
Tha best beer, alc, porter, whiskies, brandler,
wines and finest clgars2lways on hand.